The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 20, 1923, Image 6

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Till USDAY, DECEMBER TUB BANNEB.IIKIMI.n, ATTlKNf., OBORflU PACE SIX Real Friendship SALESMAN ?AM which will be used in [ Kreut m old untarnished. The In vatUng boya team t» reported to h< • ne of the beat .quintet* In this |j;ect|ons. They would cherish o victory over the locate and will put out all in their rack to attain *ald victory. This battle should be a humdinger. V - «ml To date the two local* have* « ur^money, — the purchase of heavy provision*. The. "I-' Boys’* x fcrislina* Good Cheer Committee li in its eleventh year of. Christian service,* havbis >een organised some several year.’, piefious to that of any other re lief organisation in Athens. KAch team finds Us family, an* after ascertaining *be needs of mine goes to work to relieve them, '■q’bc tmrtirrt of the families which the “Y" boys help at Christmas are either given In to the Banner Commissary, or the Red Cross. This year's captains are as fol- 'ows: Frank Dudley, Bob Wing- VK5i«-K0rWfiD HtWtO \ /teflES Pi f P'MPi iJiWt'ie-ro.MT-etwto, POim IT UP yIWJT BlfaWi fctFORE. HP, J Pi OEPi« . TAKE ITT AWO l WANT I r^=r~' r- A one, - TO ttEIHRT we. URNTfj 7 fl ring tor cwmrnM I pno in gonnpi gu him L ONE. IP IT TPiRE^ N\H KT U¥?T PENNW Ira THE FACTS ; stration of hard fighting and also WHAT— BASKETBALL- real enge hall. The most impres-, WHO—ATHKN8 HIGH V8 COL- *lv* victory of the invader* record BBRT HIGH (Double Header) J nre overwhelming score* over.EI- WHEN’—FRIDAY NIGHT $£P. t»erton nnd Bogart. They |gavc M. ‘ long been wntlng for a crack at the WHERE—HIGH SCHOOL GYM local* and will try desperately to A last minute announcement by make good out nt the gym Frldqy. the authorities on athletic* nt the Just remember these two garnet high school gives to the city two and amble out to the high school fine battles for the week end. Fil- gym. You nre nssured of' seeing dny nlgnt in the gymnasium the two hnrd nnd cleanly fought game* two local fives will engage the In-• for the small price of GOc. The first vadlng Comer five at eight o’clock.)game starts promptly at eight The Invaders boast of two fives [bells nnd will be Immediately fol- thnt risk no odds from any one and (lowed by the other contest’ should push the locals the limit.| • — The boys five Is having one of the f AA/ | pL pr| . ll/ftfL’ best year* In the history of the,'JUUvl vncCr WUlK school nnd are set on copping XT HM A I big game with the Athens five. The UI I • 1VI* Vs* IS girls game also will he hard fought q- g. J p 1AQO M. C. A., is helping the boys in their plans and organization for this year's work. TO FILL DANUBE WITH BARGE.- HOU)- TWPtTb &E.TT VIENNA.—All the ramonce is being wrung from the historic old, Blue Danube made famous in song, music and story almost every where. Prosaic Danube boatmen who care hut little about waltzing are looking forward to next sum mer which promises to be tha busiest. In a transportation way. In the river’s •history. Dredges have been at work on the river, and this natural trad* route thrflugh central Europe to the Black Sea. Constantinople and Odessa has been greatly improved and developed. New .boats with larger carrying capacity are being built for the sprtflg trade, and transshipment' facilities are bein? developed. Completion of the Dan- tibe-Rhine and the Danube-Elbe GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK of Athens, Ga. The Christmas Good Cheer Com mittee of the Boys’ Department, of the Athens Young Men’s Christian Adsorption, have been organized and nre at wc-rk finding the famil ies to whom they are to bring good cheer this Christmas tide. Eight captains have been ap pointed, *■--* *•—- I'rAfog and they have selected the members of their teams from the Boys’ Department of the "Y”. and from the senior and Junior Hi-Y dubs. Every boy |» on one of theso teanis. and is expected to gather up clothes, give provMons, toys, canals also will add to the river importance as a shipping route. RECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Believers ADAM AND EVA His Present JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES CHAPTER 16 Story hr Hal Cochran. Drawl*** hr Lae Wright r OH ADAM I WANTON TO btr rOp SOMC Thing isice fa* Christmas y WELL ^"WHAT ?■ ONE OF' THOit HORRtD SOUttKV THINGS! I WOULDN'T HAW CL One OF Them /JA in The house. I WOULDN'T' Mind hAupnG A GOOD (?«DiO SET ... | ,-T-f M Number 10 then canie In, he looked at the ladder leaning up againat the clock and said, “I'll tell you what I’m to do, If aomeone will help me up on tho dock's face where I belong." “Sure, I’ll help you,' said Jack. And Number 10 said his job was to tell mother and dad to rest and read. OH ADAM , I THINK ILL-BET it'lCV BE" SOMETH PNG] •.pretty nice,/ f ADAM, WOULDN'T Vc! JUST COVE A NIC^-, CHINESE fiUC TOEV. THE FRONT '\ KN6wr4oMC-miNO VOU'D LIKE BETTEiej THAN ANY OF y l .THOSE THINGSr* ! Jack had, helped him up the ladder. Number 71 cams In. ’Tih dock to tell everybody wh«n to turn hi and get n good night’s c shouted.' “And I’m going to got right up where I belong so ron't keep anybody up.’’ And up tho ladder h« scrambled fast a™- means OUT OUR WAY THE OLD HOME TOWN WHUTS' "VVBLt _ r.’PS CLOPn t [OoMlSEl] Wo BR/«4l T A CATE j ill F«vme .MEAT LOA1 'lb LIKE Y \ SEE warfe'D OO IF ITWUI ONE OF THEM 1 VTftOM BONES V wenitu IOEE ) of th' bay S WIN0ER6? OOH\ VEh-NEM ISEE-I FIDDLE-ELBOW Room -1 entHA- VHEW-HEH-HAHA You say tils') | GUESS LAST YEAR WAS/ L Pooe?^/ IM TAKIAI | NO CHANCES S BCYSI-'J NO-NO- I SAY] HES MISSED IT TWICE SINCE 1894:] ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS BY OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON "SHUCKS- I DONT] HAVE NO FAITH y IN THESE NEW C&SL FANGLED) W*j\ NOTIONSWc^'iS feVTFER) 1 HOME / jBRUNOM. Tm* wbrn by both bsognr and knight*' This Was tns next* nddic that j' Thuugii my body's as black as tbr. Riddle Lady made up in Uld- coal die Land: You must know that 1 boast of •Tin worn by both beggar and »olr, ~ knight; But the thing that I fear. Sometime* I am loose, some timer With old age drawing nsar, tight, I* that it wears Into a hole, Quite often I fell I A bit down at the heel, ”1 walk further far than I ride, And then without doubt I’m a For I have a remarkable stride. since rrs too cold *io have the windows open, *tvie old crossing* watchman has made other, arrangements so he can plan his violin . Rill th. thing thnt la droll. When I go for n .troll. "Fliow!" yelled Qoody “I raid, Bho get. the l>‘ it I .V itu y run >" But .he hadn’t time to flnlMi for girt. ".Here" « the Itlddl, E»nd people caUed a pnlr of nice I t, Rhe’* ■ gueraed the riddle, won’t hnvc to ‘'Sometime, I nm toll. ' eomelimet Why. I entry my tootile, tn«ldt! flnt , A* often I’m thin n* I'm fnt, I button up light, or I lace, The older T grow. And I whbper that’, hot a dl.grnci The more wrinkle. I Hu.*. [And I’ve ten perfect toe,. But rm KUI liiuet about lh»L | Though f haven't a no»e, rvC-4!?6fn brother. ’■bor* mended.” J ••Hry','* What'g that?” Woman wanted to know. mBL a special^ Savings ig Fuiitf i"« Jl NOW If our Christinas burden 'will lightened NEXT YEAR