Newspaper Page Text
Bind* Capita 2 Ctnta Dilip. ( Out* gandtj.
11000 Aceldtnt Poller Fnt
To Rtgulor 8ub«crlb»ra
Inviitlgito Todaylj
Dally md Saadi,-1* CtnU a .Weak
Hicvlouo Close 341, a
Probably rain Friday night; alight-
101. 91, NO. 265
1831, .Trr.v^,'
■M- *-+ "S* - * *—!• *fr—* *fr—fr •*-+ *--*> *—fr #-+ •:—* 4—-fr | ) > ■
Situation In Mexico Is Brighter Friday^*')' fa Sensational Case
Still Out When I Court Is
Opened Friday; Spectators
Crowd Courtroom To Limit
eeling of Coming Peace Prevails Over
Country As Federal Officials Enter
Conference With Rebel Leaders.
May Reach Agreement.
VERA CRUZ.—The impression that Jias been'
prevalent here for several days that the Huerta and'
Sanchez rebels would compose their differences with
i Obregon government gained ground here Friday
newspaper advices that General Sanchez and Sen
ior Rafael Zeuburan Capmany had gone to Esper-
inza to confer with rebel leaders in the states of
’uebla and Oaxaco, relative to peace.
The Esperanza conference, it is believed may have
»en called in connection with telegraphic negotia-
ions which have been in progress for several days
ictwcen the leaders of the two opposing factions.
A few days ago an r - ; ~ — ,
high in the Obregon Big Doings . lo
government circle made I B e Pulled Off At
the statement that the , _
federal government would E*IkS Club lonight]
■eject any proposal mhde
tand even that-it was
rot possible for the rebels
to make a proposition to
the federal government
for that would hint jthat
the Obregon regime took
recognition of the upris-
ing. , ■ « *
It is thought in some
quarters that the federal-
sts are slowly regaining
he strength, through the
'at tie Wednesday and
Thursday at Merido in
which more than two hun
dred rebels are said to
lave been killed, which it
lost in thfeearly stages of
the revolution. It was stat
ed that the sentiment of
the country seems now to
he on the backward swing
>nd that the pendulum
will bring added strength,
“ot only that which was
ost but new allegiances to
the present government.
Dr. Marks Makes His First Address
Other Officers Elected At
Thursday’s Meeting. Dr.
Carey Praises Health
Officer of Clarke.
‘The final meeting before Chrlet-
ma« nt which time the Chriatmaa
Charity Committee in charge Of
XmiiH basket* for the poor of Ath-
one will make It'e report, featuring
nn address by Pari Exalted Ituler
Rn«» Creekmore. n few mtnutea
tnlk by Poat Exalted Ruger At
thur Flatau, now District Deputy
for neorgla, will be held by Ath
ena Lodge No 790 B. P. O. Klka
at the elub rooma Friday night at
eight o’clhck.
The meeting !• expected to be
one of the largert of the year a*
there are many other featurea that
will be aprung a* aurprlaca on the
members, among them the famous
Elks Christmas Quartette, the sev
en members of which have been
holding secret practice and an*
nounce that they are prepared tr
render “Sweet Adeline" In any and
all keys. Several other crimes are
scheduled to be prepet rated vpctn
those who attend the meeting.
It waa stated that reveral of the
members will be called .upon for
Impromptu talks and the speakers
have announced that they are
ready, having practiced their
speeches for the past week.
It la the last meeting before
Chriatmaa and believe ua, it will
bo well worth attending.
A remarkably clear view of the inside of th© Reichstag, Berllrv showing the new*German chancel-
lor, Dr. Wilhelm Marx, making his first nddrcs a before the body of lawmakers. Arrow indicates Marx.
Not© the peculiar construction of the chamber.
Christmas Cheer in Athens This
Year Should Be General; Everyone
Has Opportunity to Help Spread It
(By Associated Press.)
PARI S.—Germany’s
application for authoriza
tion to pledge her resour
ces as a guarantee for a
loan from the United
States was referred by
the Reparation Commis
sion Friday morning to
the home governments of
the various delegates.
At the same time it was
decided that the commis
sion’s committee on guar
antees should make a
thorough investigation as
to the true status of the
present food situation in
It was also announced
that the Reparation Com
mission had decided to of
fer to Charles G. Dawes
of the United States, the
presidency of the commit
tee which is appointed to
new yohk.—Emest Vetter nn.i make an exhaustive exam-
iii. wife. M.r'o, were convicted j nat j on 0 f Germany’s fi-
. cua.. morning of fust degree
The woumled men Include both ; m nn>lnuibter for the killing of nances,
federal, end .rebel, who were A lo,bo J. Storey, a former .nltor
>tando„ed on the tatUefleldn by of Mrs. '' V . h ™
comrade, when .he ..bole ’
rue trial attracted much atten
tion as Storey was said to have
been a former BUitor of Mrs. Vet-
ter and the plea of the defense In
n. the trial of Vetter wee .elf defence.
V W -IM/WO alleging Hint Storey bad attacked
Mm luff Mm W the husband of the woman In his
Ml iUVr - 4 ^ owdl apartment and h f a wife seeing
her husband getting w®™ 1 °!
the fight ran to the Ice box and
red a knife, will, which Storey
(By Associated Preta,
3 *.N’ ANTONIO.—The flrat can
*f Bounded soldiers from the bat-
^ Heidi of San Marcoa and Puebla
reached kfexlco City and hara
* W| > placed In the military hoi
lilals for treatment, according to
Mvlcee received here.
rhbdrew afte, brisk fighting.
1 Aloabo J. storey, a i«ji iuc-» i ■
of Mm. Vetter. When the v * rd,c * 'FVxffi JnllfHOn Ijt
r«ii the woman screamed and TCffU tlOlin&UIl IS
Elected Mayor
Of Watkinsville
waa killed.
The couple then wrapped hli
body up In burlap and several day*
later U waa found floating In a
body of water near the city.
Rev. P. C. Morgan
To Preach Sunday
Rev. P. C. Morgan will preach
at the central Presbyterian church
Sunday morning »t 11 o’cI~' lr nr
Morgan always attract* i
~ wd to hear hli
Santa Claua will not be
misted by,the needy of Ath
ens this year though no big
futs la being made over the
Athens people are always
generous at Christmas and
scores of people here give
many gifts and baskets who
are never known to the public.
These people have knowledge
of families or Individuals they
want to remember or secure
the names from authoritative
Aa usual, the local lodge of
Elks will act aa Santa this
year and the baskets are being
gathered now by this organic*
The Confidential Exchange,
with headquarters at the Red
Cross rooms hi the court house
(s also ‘preparing for Christ*
mas and will send the things
most reeded to the less for*
Individuals of the city who
want to give something to
those who will be denied the
pleasure of a visit from 8anta
Claus but who are not In pos*
session of the names and ad* 1
dresses of these people can
receive them from either the
Confidential Exchange or the
Elka or .they can send their
baskets or packages to one of
these organizations and they
will be distributed.
The telephone number of the
Elks Is 790 and that the
Confidential Exchange is 871.
Athens people who are hap*
py In the luxury of their home
and see their kiddles gleeful
over the bounteous Christmas
trees of Christmas morn will
find the joy of the holiday
season doubly Increased by
remembering some of the ItM.
fortunate ones of the commu-
nlty. F
Saturday Is Last
Market Day Until
December 29th
Joel A. Wler, now chairman of
the board of governors, Thursday
was unanimously elected president
of the KlwanU club to succeed
Captain J. W.TJafciett. Mr. Wler’s
election waa by acclamation.
K E Lumpkin was re-elected
vice prealdent and W B. Hodgson
re-elected trustee. Kiwanlans
Lamkln and Hodgson were both
nominated for vice president and
Irust.w Harvey Stovall was re
jected treasurer.
Ih- board of directors for next
car will he composed of J. T.'
Plttard. C. .M. Snelllng . W. K
Meadow. J M Pound,’ T F. Green,
C W. Crook and E. B. Mali. The
board will elect a chairman at its
first meeting.
Klwunlan J W. Flror won the
nttrndance prize. The meeting was
held at the Agricultural College
‘Buck" Neville, fullback on the
Georgia football team In 1919 was
a guest of the club. Dr.
Carey.* director
Will Seek Work in Good
year Zeppelin Plant.
Officials of Com
pany Have All
Help Needed. ,
(By Auoclattd Pr,»«.)
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA.—Hundreds of persons crowded thij
courtroom and the corridors of the court building’
FViday awaiting the verdict of the jury in the trial
of Phil E. Fox for the murder of W. S. Coburn.
The jury took the case Thursday night but did not
begin its deliberations until Friday morning. Every
precaution has been taken against any possible dis
order and the heavy guard that has been maintained
since the trial began has been again increased.
Senator Lodge Announ
ces Investigation By the
Foreign Relations Com
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON.—The stato do-
art mint's charge of revolutionary
soviet propaganda In the United
States startling diplomatic circles
hero Thursday launched tho new
senate upon Its first debato over
foreign affairs, and resulted (it a
Health Clinic to be held here, was
a guest of tbs club and expressed
hi* appreciation of the co-opera
tion th# citizens are extending him.
Dr. Carey arrived a few day* ago.
In speaking of the health condi
tions In Athens Dr. Carey declared
that record* show that! Dr. J. D.
Applewhite, oounty health officer,
I* the moat efficient public health
officer In the south Frank A.
Holden *poke on the recent aea-
AKRON—Nearly two thoueand afon of ,the legislature pointing out
German families numbering ap- the beneficial mmsura passd by
proxlmatcly 9,000 pftraons are pro-»that body, which'In his opinion
paring to come here next spring to will Incrase the state's revenue
work In the Goodyear Zeppelin some 19,000,000 iiext y<ear. Mr.
plant, according to Information Holden stated that he hoped the
Robert L. Socrgel, publisher of a people will approve the constltu-
German newspaper, said he has tlonal amendment proposed In the
received from Germany. Holden-Stovall bill which exempt*
Officials of the Goodyear Tire cheeae•factories, creameries and
and Rubber Company declared
that It thJa la true the families** art
coming here on their own accord.
They said that with, the exception
of a few expert Zeppelin engineers
that they expect to recruit, all the
tho jury
prepaie for lunch. It was not
known at that timo how tho bal
loting stood. j
Fox was taken bark to tho tower
of Fulton county prison for lunchj
and It was stated that ho would re
main thero until a verdict wad
rendered. It is understood from a
rellnblo source that tho defense
attempted to waive tho right of th**
defendant to be In the courteruom
when the verdict was erad.
Judge Howard Is said to bava
ruled that he would not sign th*
order unless It waa agreeable wi.U
tho prosecution.
A person closely associated with
tho prosecution confirmed tlio re
port of Fox's activity but said* that
when tho verdict is announced.
Fox will be In the courtroom to
bear it.
ith his life oi
the hands of the twelv
are to say whether he walks to tho
gallows or is to be allowed t<»
leave the court building a free
man, is being kept under a close
guard in one of the
PWPPMpWIBB A steady hum <
B. W. I promise of .further disclosures that conversath
Child will bring tho wholo problem of times in t
L. F. Johnson was sleeted may
or of Watkinsville Jn the recent
municipal election. A. C. Camp,
E. P. Johnson, C. A. Thissell, Roy
Ward sntf Byron Williams were
elected aldermen.
Mayor-elect Johnson Is well
known In Athens os well as the
men who were elected to the coun
cil. Mr. Tmssell Is a brother of c.
Trussell of Athens ff"id Mr. John
son Is a brother of Albert Johnson
of Dorseys.
(By Associated Press)
RIVERSIDE! Cal.—Mr*. Millie
Hitching age 80. Jias ault In
_ the Superior Court here for a aep-
Siindav morning at h o’clock. Dr. I arate nmintalnenc* ngalm| her
Xfnmn always attracts a large J husband. AURUxt Ca.-«:.r Hitching.
,1 Imh 80 on th** ground*
^ if the lead- squandering hla money c
jiig minlatent iu the state. tr women.
Houaewives who are looking for
eatable* for Chriatmae week end
want to buy them at the farmeri
market ahould get them Saturday
Mr*. Beaale Troutman, market
meater announce*. In fact, Sat
urday will be the laat day the
market Is open until December 29
Mr*. Troutman states.
It begin* to look like the Christ
mas turkeys will be even cheeper
than the Thanksgiving fowl.-Tur
keys are being ahlpped from Tenn-
for twenty cents and price*
even lower ore quoted. It Is stated.
Announcement was made act
week* ago that there are 6,000,000
pounds on cold storage carried ov
er from laft year and the year be
fore. The turkey crop this year la
largest of recent years,'it is said.
The market Saturday will be well
Is I supplied with all kinds of eatables
I Including fresh country eggs, vege
tables, butter, etc.
Are you hapoy this ChrUt
mas? You mieht bo happier If
you had bought some Chrlitm..
•eels and helped fight tubercu-
losia in Clarice county. Perhaps
you have been n.kcd to buy
ChrUtmu Seal, and .hook your
head negatively. If you ere
Willy of such don’t let tomor
row go by without having
bought some seals. A few pen
nies worth will help in th.
fight. Thero are over 300 rases
in Clark, county. It U a ter
rible diseue nnd every effort
is being made to control it, to
help thoke afflicted to throw it
oft end at least protect other*
against it Chrutmu Seal*
ere being sold each day in Ath
ene. Thursday n committee of
women heeded by. Mre. Sem
Nickerson, representing the
Cpiecopel church, sold see Is.
Saturday a committee of women
from the First Bsptist church,
headed by Mrs. H. A. Pender-
graph, win have charge.
Hsvs you seen the map at
Palmer's showing the loeaion
of the 300 case, in Clarke? Go
look at It.
etton mill* from taxation for- a pe
riod of fiva year*.
Th* club voted Its appreciation
of the record of Captain Barnett
a* It* prealdent, endorsing Col. C
M. Hnellt.ig'a resolution that hi*
administration has been a moat re
markable one.
Sheriff Collier
Seeks New Clues
In Athens Friday
Sheriff ! Ben Collier of Jackson
the courthuose
Russia onco moro Into rovlow be
fore tho American public.
Senators who repentedly have
urged formal recognition of the
soviet regime In Russia started
th* senate debate by nssaillng
fferntary Hughes’ disclosure of
soclet “instructions" for a move
ment designed to raise tho red falg j Howard instructed them that
over the white house. Roth Sen- (dor the law they must return elth-
ator Borah, republican, Idhho, aml' cr a verdict of guilty, carrying
S)*?nator Norritt, Bepublicrin. No-*with it tho death penalty,
groups gather
and speculate on its outcome. It
is apparent that the case has at
tracted attention second to none in
the history of Fulton county with
the possible exception of the Leo
Frank case of several years ago.
Iu charging tho Jurors Judgo
braska, openly charged there
no proof of such activities, and.
although no general reply camo
from administration quarters. Sen
ator Lodge, of Massachusetts, tho
republican floor leader, announced
that a sweeping inquiry Into the
entire Russian question would be
undertaken by the foreign relations
At the same time it
closed that the* state department
had additional ammunition in re
serve for the expected battle ove-r
recognition. -1^ cooperation with
the department of justice. Secre
tary Hughes has been calling evU-
jfence that he believe, will e.tah- ion of lho 8nnU , u of a „ y
‘ Z , T defendant on trial, after gtVlng hi.
aponslbtlity of Moscow for a well- . .. h y. - An(1 ln ‘ wl . lgh , nK
defined Government to .inderm no , cit | „„ , 0 h| reas0 „ there .
the aorernment of the United , uch tMt , mony , hc jurora ar0 au _
1 fnT... • .. . . . thorized to consider the opportunl-
Whether the honae will take up t|eg of the wttnM , for knuwl „ a
liich they test!-
diet of guilty with a recommenda
tion for mercy, which wljl mean
life imprisonment, or a verdict ot
acquittal. The only other possibh
outcome would be a mistrial.
Judge Howard' showed that al
though a man is presumed to lw»
innocent until proven guilty and
the burden of proving guilt Is on
tho state, a man is also presumed,
to be sane until proven insano ami
the burden of proving insanity rests
on the defense. Ho instructed the
jury that it will act as judge as to
the credibility of witnesses and of
the evidenco.
"A witness, not an expert, in
permitted to testify as to hi* opin-
county waa In Athena again Fri-Uhe question through an Inquiry.. hA f - rfa nhnit ,
day gathering evidence on the j by Its foreign affairs committee jjj...
“ "** 4-4 * * W | fi Under guard of
sheriffs tho jurors
death of Mrs. Mag Simmons and I was net Indicated, although
her daughter Roealee who were j resolution was referred
found with their bodies burned be- J committee upon Its introduction
yond recognition In tho debris of'today by Representative Britten,
a farm house between her* and j republlcon. Illinois, calling upon
Jefferson last Sunday morning. • the secretary of state and tho at-
A total of I7M.90 has been of-1 torney general for data and tnfor-
fered ss rewards by the state andl ma tl 0 n ln their possession on sor-
county for th* apprehension of thejiet activities and propaganda In
guilty party or parties and Sheriff | this country.
Collier la making an effort etlll to The vehl^I
connect someone with the crime.
W.AYCROSS, Ga.—In the recent
aegjiion of court here none of the
arraigned before tho court er-
d iiotne jH-nalty. If brought be
ll on * criminal change.
However he reported no
Important developments Friday.
Rev. W. P. Brooks
Writes Booklet
"Ideals of the Commonplace,’* a
very Interesting little booklet writ
ten by Rev. W. P. Brooks son ol
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Brooks of Ath
ens Is Jmt oft the press. The boko
Is divided Into three parts, “The
Idea! of rharacter," “The Ideal or.
Service" and "The Ideal of Dispo
Rev. BrookR is pastor of the
(Vm-r Islington Baptist
since entering the
ministry has become one of the
leaders of the younger group.
ral depnty
it to theijr
quarters in the Ansley hotel and
•retired for the night. Judge How
ard having recessed court until 9
o’clock Friday morning.
Preceding the argument of So
licitor Boykin, which was a sting
ing denunciation of Fox, the doe-
i .trirnnn'nt for ri-.e defense was
mado by Attorney Hugh M. Dorsey,
former governor, who made a dra
matic appeal for an acquittal for
Fox. Ho followed Assistant Solic
itor E. A. Stephens, who demanded
on behalf of the state that Fox
pay for his crime with his life.
st. louisTjank
ST. LOUIS—The Chippewa Bank
In the southern part of th«» city
closed Friday and the report reach
ed prosecuting official* that tho
The vehicle of the senate for-
efrn relations committee investi
gation will be a resolution by Sen-
•♦n- norah urrl n g that Prealdent
floolldge extend recognition to the
Russian soviet government.
(By Associated Press.)
PIERRE, S. D,—The South Da
kota Ford for Prealdent movement
will go steadily on In the absence
of a direct refusal from Ford him
self to qualify If nominated. James [ shortage may reach $500,000.
F. Houlihan of Watertown, chair- Gottlieb Kyerrnann, prealdent ot
man o the South Dakota branch of | the bank Iraued e ■t.itemmt that
the national Ford for Pre«ld«*nt i said cashier Joseph Carr confe:
Club, declared in a statement to thcjtbat hr wan short !n his account©
Associated Pres* her e Friday. land returned 935,000,