Newspaper Page Text
»•—A«i »mnnr "
Experts of League.
r ^ r . md Admitted
Issue Analysis of •!’ ; To,La>v,Prpc^cc
Finances of Enropdf, ;t Mn , 8III1
D „„, , the 'Bngiirt srhmil. was admitted to
' OENBVA-’n rUJ- h,r Mm ' Uy by ^ B,an,0n
pinna to hasten n settlement of the
reparations problem, with the co
operation, If pofAihle, of the United j^O CANARIE8
States, special interest nttnrhes to, TROLLEY WIRE
a review of the financiul position. HOLD UP TRAFFIC
uf 1-1 countries mostly European.! clWAdo-Canaiic, are all rlaht
together with certain remark, on , n , (h<|r ,. ce lmt thot p]nc< ,
the German reparation uqestlor fjn , ro|| wlrP , For verification
contained In n memorandum Issued )r(||| , |rly „ ne „ f sevora , llun ,|re,I
by the League of Nations. ’ stret car panseitgera-who were de*
The report .how, that In most, hyw| rer „, lv by „, e W|M nur nult
*"* ?» C , y, of two of the yellow wablcrs
d J»y Mrr. Blackwell,
n?ries escaped and. perched
of the public debt hhs in many
enne. .wallowed up what may have I w| t ^|'„ n "i~;; n tow"^*e, and Impro"
be«t saved by cutting down the ^ Th . „ ruEslM {or
administration The development nf, , hnn a of „„ hour
the public debt hSe been compared j „„ ot , cur , fl ,
with the changes in the price level,
.'insurance Experts "
ill Inform Public |
[ow to Live Longer
Regulation of Winds
By Tunnels Helps in
Aeronautics Courfee
countries a retrenchment
has been adopted and considerably
savings have been effected,
^I"i'lhr T tValley wire,. Si er chant* near
nbout rescuing them, armed
Bob succeeded In getting a cage
, the nominal amount of the debt
has been divided by the whole
sale price Index number, and in this
way reduced to pre-war pricy level
When this is one it is seen thnl
'the French debt has risen to three
times the amount of the pre-war
debt, the British debt to reven
times the amount, nnd the Ameri
can debt to nearly 13 times the
amount ot the pre-war debt.
/.* the same time, it U point'd
out that before the war France
had, per head of her population,
a much higher debt than Oreat
Britain or the. United States nnd
also that, in the.-e two last named
countries, deflation has consider
ably increased th*» public debt. It
is rather remarkable says the re
port that the two countries in
whjch the public debt shows the
greatest real increase nr.» the only
countries which have been able to < .umiiHr u rroa smu.
make any substantial repayments'hkd been received from Japan and
of their debts. . »South America.
th^m, Then Indiana avenue
cars, sfnlled for several blocks,
were allowed Jo proceed.
ties of, certain steel „
ures, mado in Germany and
ported for sale in this country
and other parts of the world, were
brought to light recently at a
meeting of the Bradford Chamber
of Commerce.
A buyer found that cloth deliv
ered to him as 31 inches wide
emasured a little more than 30
inches. Another case was of cloth
marked 36 inches whch actually
measured 37. Investigation show
ed that the German measures
were used.
Similar complaints, it was said.
(By Associated Prose) j (By Associated Press.)
NKW YORK—Subjects of hu-j ANN ARBOR, Mich.—Tunnels,
man interest held first place at the (through which wind will di‘‘ into
17th annual convention of the AS- Ja gentle -eephyr or roar into a
Kixiation of Life Insurance Presi- “double-barreled cyclone* with a
dents, held In this city recently !velocity of 000 miles an hour, wre
Thee were presented fact. 3SS
:.l*<ve».-l!lji tint, ill t>tf .
plain Coburn by PhlHpi
ge Hoi
conditions met
ATLANTA—Abandoning her at
titude of defiance of Qeorghk *Jiu-
thorltles, Mrs. Margaret Weav*h. Uwen Jn Atlanta on the nig
the "mystery woman" In ijt* ,pp»V SaV^-AfiCnplain Coburn,
publicity ^
j j ) chief and convicted slayer of Cap
tain W. S. Coburn. Sunday agreed
. The tunnels for the gentle; to return to Atlanta io face Afel
.entimental ap '*" *“,brteies and for higher velocity up In Fulton superior court on the
with his desire for I. m :i 0 « an hour are com- charge of being an accei
figures of current experience for the University
among the life insurance companl. t Icourse. in aeronautics etigjneerln*.
“.c-rr;, »tfsgr.g»l
be reduced. While this subject I test{"* *™
was discussed from business and .atmospheric
economic angles, It developed, In-jWJf!-
cidentally _ ^ ^ w
the Individual with his desire Ior Ito^lB^miles "an hour are com-!charge or being an accessory hfr
longer life. /pleted and in operation. The; fore the fact In the killing. Under
Edward D. Duffield president of j “double-barreled cyclone’,' equip- \ guard of Plennie Miner an attache
the Prudential Insurance Company I ^ g not ^ eeil installed. The of Solicitor John Hoykin’s office,
of America, Newark. N. J.. pro*M-i 44 ^. nd tunnels,” Prof. Pftwlowski „he j e ft Birmingham in the after-
ed at nil sessions of the convention arc moat valuable in the
Life insurance executives repre- }j ns truction of aeronautical princi-
sentin* 05 per cent of ..the 1 pics, but their ponstruction was
five hilllon dollars of old line »f«| not easy .
protection now outstanding in com-I Because of the force of a lo0-
pnnies domiciled In practically *v- m j| e w j n d, it was necessary to
ery state In the Union were In ' install a series of doors giving at
tendance. Canadian life InsuVancr • ^ tunnel chamber. In
.. . -i-. . t wa ii.i u:,.y> ku 2 feet
ling of Captain Coburn by PhlHp|
•- who Myas sentenced «*m\
| iiiiprisojihferit by Judge Jftoward In i
Fulton superior court last w-eck
Tho penalty on conviction Is from!
one Jo 'twenty years* imprisonment, i
She wag Indicted several days
before Fox was placed on trial, bu':
the true bill wa* not made public
until the day that Fox was placed •
on trial, Wednesday, December 12
When arrested In Birmingham Fri
day Mrs. Weaver admitted her
Identity, -but denied that she had
night of tl»
fei r T : -
B E R ONES companies also were” represented. . e , ch door, 70 feet high by 2 feet
: y”VPeetHtarJ 4 federal, state and provincial offl- w id e , is a small valve. To enter,
el )^rd roeas* pInIlB nnd cducatorr, economist*! *u e va i ve of the outside door Is
rials nnd .educatorr, economist* ! valve -—
nnd business men Joined In th,f {opened, and the person enters. The
two-day conference on various na- [door is then closed and the second
I door is opened when the air in the
two rooms Is stable. ThU*
tional problem*.
We wish to extend our thanks and appre
ciation for your patronage during 1923 and
to solicit its continuance next year.
PONTIAC, Mlch.-tfYonua poll,
lion of ufflurnc* with l,200.1*cr«
of nlch Canadian 1nn<l and fin,
family connection, behind them,
to precarlou, life In a tiny Pontiac
home,'la the atory of Mr. and Mrfl.
Thomas Tyack, both of 104 year,
old, who are fighting poverty le
,the cloning daya of their liven
With oUJy the help of tho Fontlai
Salvation Army and the meager
wage that can be earned by Hart,
nah, thdr JS year old daughter, to
; help thegi.
Mr. and Mra. Tyack were married
' an years ago and have lived In
I Pontine fo rflfteen year*. .Their
I only holding Is tho small houae fn
! which they vile. Track Is bed
ridden all the time and hla wife If
In feeble health.
I Mr. and Mrs. Tyack many yean
ago sold ft large tract of Kansas
lion la continue! through three
chambeH. . f .
Economic Conditions
Impress War Defeat
Upon German People
(Rv Associated
BERldN—Even tho bitterest
enemies of Germany, the enimief
who have been moot Insistent In
their declarations that Germany
does not realise ehe has lost tho wo:
would probably feel that German,
very generally reallie their defeat
if they could lee tho average Ger-
, man family struggling for suffl-
“ clent food An the mldet of unem
ployment, currency collnpee gad In
disposition of producers to ex-
change products of the lan'l for
paper mark* which may be nb-
tained hy the billion in exchange
Wc Arc Originators of
Christmas Savings Clubs
in Athens-
Our bank is this yea? pitying out to its Club
members thousands in savings, on:'. Is ready
, to open your account in ,
Our Christmas Savings Club For 1924
Start Now and Save Money for
Next Christmas.
for * *lngle dollar.
. When former Chancellor Cuno
land which had been overrun bj. |0 j d American newrpopera that
the jcrmuhopper*. for $700. The Geflnans realise they loat the war.
land i< now worth many thouaajjd* he voiced no untruth. There may
have been million* of .Germans who
had not come to that realisation be
fore the mark declined to 'ft point
where a dollar brought on< mllHon
marks, but when the mark-fell (be
low the value of .the Russian PAper
ruble, German pride had auch a fall
that even the most recalcitrant fol
lowers of the ex-ka!rer were hum
TULSA, Okla.—A new order* of
ntletics providing team competition
for every boy, and with lesa em
phasis on winning squads for inter-
scholastic games. Is the rule in
Central High chool here, one of the
Inrgeat high school In the world,
under Athletld Director E. W. Rau.
Rnu’s methods, and Ms system of
student classification, have at-
, traded wide attention. A formula
I for grouping boys according to
their physical prowess, regardless
j of class room standing, assures
j equalised competition with a chance
for every participant. The stu
dents ft re classified hy this math*
emntlcl equation—four times the
age, plus half the weight, plus the
height, expressed In Inches, which
gives the index number.
ATLANTA—Judging by the
j number of towns which have re
ported Christmas CnroHtags aa ex-
_ pected for the holidays, quite
I j number of local Scrooges will
shouting their deprecations at, the
[merry makers. The custom of
• edging carols at Christmas la con-
! slderably older than the memory of
] the oldeft inhabitant, lit this coun-
' try and according to, tlie reports
emmlnatlng from.the proas of the
state the ,cu*tom
MANILA—Thvr. ar« moio
I,upila In .the public school* ot the
Philippine* thl* fear than lau year,
accorlnx to th. bureau ot ehucatlon.
Thle year there are M7.6T7 chlldtm
enrolled ae compared wlih 870.312
laet year. The primary ewrree
lead, with nn enrollmept ot 7t7,»U
Intermediate courae* coma aedond
with 131,358 enrolled.
Cebu leads the province, with
80,514, while Manila lme. only C2,-
288. Mindanao and fiulu. Ilia Moro
provinces, have a total of 41,144.
Batanea haa the rmnlleet numli-r of
aludente, with only 54, of whom
only 14 are flrla
LOUISVILLE, Oa—Tho roada In
tills section of the ,tate nre becom.
Inx rapidly tmpaaaabla due to the
continued rains of Ihe paet, few
weeks. Tourists palates oyer the
roads claim to ba bavin* a hard
time of It and have expreased them’
Hithiiie than s«in» n' * elve * 11 »urprisaa that ths state
IsTr hi? Sled thil tS aumhlr I# d0e * n0t » w,OU,ly COn,W * r lhe H*** -
Is to be hoped that the dumber of t t0f of we t weather road%
Rcrocges' ia correspondingly
creasing but those that still extat
will have their worries this yeftr
according to the reports.
We Arc Sending
For a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
The proper amount of aand and clay
with good drainage will remtdj
this it has been pointed out. In the
nresent contfltlon of the roada neai
here It will require several daya ol
koinT wather togetehr with A groat
amount of work to put the roads in
good condition.
ATLANTA—8ult for I2S.OOO dam
ages has been entered In Fulton
ru perl or court by E. W. Redding,
who says be was hurt by a f illing
sign over the front of a building
on Peachtree street here recently.
Mr. Redding says that the sign
weighed several hundred pounds
and that he Intens to push
e lit. He haa engaged attorney* to
handle the case.
AMERICU8, Ga.—A Urge amount
of money, totalling approximately
$7,Hb his been brought into aum-
ter county and distributed among
the formers a« a result of the salt
of hogs last week. Seven cars of
hogs were shipped in ail from local
stock pens and are destined for Ha
Vfrt*na,'WH -having bees sold to Cu
ban butlhers. Practically nil th<
hog* were classed as number 1
Funeral Notice
We extend the season’s greeting .t§/our
friends and customers, and thank, you-.for
past patronage. : • . ;
, if* . < * >. Open P. G.j
January .. .. .. &I.92 34^0
March .35.22 35.05
May .... .. .. .W. 35.32 34.91
11 A. M. Bds: January 34.80;
March 35.21; May 35.30. n ^ .
noon and arriv-ed at 'police station
here at midnight.
Announcement was made Sunday
nlsht that a conference had been K _, rnTTnv
held on Mra. Weaver’s nllexed par. NEW ORLEANS COTTON
tldpatlon In the case, but that no VP,, i; It
decision ha dbeen reached aa J c iMArch . .'.V. 3!U8 sill
" May :)5.07 .'15.24
when she will be placed on trial. In
all probability no action will b*
taken In this connection until early
in January.
Jailed in Birmingham after a
search that had extended through
Tenessee, Ohio and many other
states she at once announced het
Intention fo fighting extradltio tc
Georgia. Her^ plans were quickly
changed, however, after < Plennie
Miner had arrived In the Alabama
city and after the prisoner had
held a conference with her lawyers
Mrs. Weaker accepted, her situ
ation nonchalantly, joking about*
her predicament.
She stated that ehe will make nc
attemtp, at least for the present, ti
secure bond. “I like this Jail lot*
better than the one in Birming
ham,’* she said.
She Is content to spend Christina*
In the matrons’ ward at police sta
tion and Intends to make the best
of the situation. “I have a num
ber of good books with me, so 1
wll not have any trouble passing
nway toy time.”
Willing to talk nbout other sub
jects’.she was reticent, however, on
the Fox case. “There’s been too
much nlk about it already,’ ' w;i*
the wny she put It on her arrival; -
Mrs. Weaver is to bo placed on
11 A. M. Bids: January 34.94;
March 35.12; May 34.95.
No markets Christmas day.
401 BROAD ST. PHONE 1671
Read Banner-Herald Want
"I suffered with Ijldney trouble
for five years or more. I could not
sleep' at night and I was always
tired after coming home from
work,'and ray back ached,’* write*
John R/ Gordon, Danville. Ill. '1
secured pome FOLEY KIDNEY
PILLS and alter i f4W iroatin4nt*’ H
I felt better and could work with .
more ease, beenme stropger And
could sleep better.” For quick re-
lief from Backache, Rheumatic
pains, and Kidney and Bladdei
trouble use FOLEY KIDNEY
PILLS. Sold everywhere.—Aft ver *
ilsement. > -
Chronic rou*h» »n« pere'fttebt •»<*■
lead in ftcrlou. lunx J
ran .top them now with Creo.nui
Sion, an emulalfletl weosote that I*
Dleasant *» take Crcomhlaton la a
S.TXflc.1 diwxjv.rywIthtwoMd
acUon; It eothee nnd heal* the .n
flamed merobrenee and *111* tje
"cf’ nll known drug*, enesntn 4*
recognized by the medical frater
nlty as the greatest healing agency
for the treatment of chronic
and colds and other forms off throu*
and lung trouble*. creomulslon
contains, in addition to
tr* healing elements which sootne
and heat the inflamed me^branez
and stop the* Irritation and inflam
mation. while the creosote goes on to
the stogutch, is absorbed Into the
plodd. attacks the seat °f the‘rouble
and deetroys tha germs that !ee0. to
Creorolsion le guaranteed satis
factory In the treatment,of chronic
coughs and ctdd*. bronchial asthama,
catarrhal bronchitis and other forms
of throat and lung diseases, and Ir
excellent for building up the eysten
after colds or the flue. Money re
funded If any cough or cold, no mat
ter of how long staging is not re
lieved after taking according to di
rections. Ask your drugist. Creo-
mulsion. Co.. Atlanta. Ga.—Adver
tisement. * j. -
STANLEY.—Died at his home 251
Franklin Street, Sunday morn-
inir. December 23rd, at 9:38* Mr..
John Thomas Stanley, in his 45th t
8 nr. He is survived by his wife,'
rs. Mary Stanley, one daughter,
one son, father and mother, six
brothers and one sister. Th«^ re
main* will be sent to Hampton.
Ga., Tuesday morning on the S.
A. L, at 7:30. The funeral will be
from the Christian church at
Hampton, Ga., at 2 p. m., with In-
Imb the*
A masterpiece of modera hotel
creation where convenience, r«N-
ful quiet and hoipitality art prims
Unique Congo Room—Medieval
Gnlf-and Blue Room Restaurant.
Alwtya * pt»—vn
Christmas Dinner
Order By Fhone
To top off that Christmas dinner—lucidus Ice Cream in britk or
Bulk form if desired. Its sube to taste right when it comes from
our factory. *. ju-4
Cranberry Ice—Frozen Custard—Also All the Other Flavors
Just Little Bit Better
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
And A Happy New Year
Homefurnishcrs Since 1884 rMH!
ieral Ho
of the Season
From '
_ The House of Kuppehheimer
* ^ in Athens
We wish to thank our friends and patrons for the splendid busi-
, ness given us during the past dnd to assure them of ever, better
nndfbigger service during the coming year. ,
li • ii ‘ i ‘"THE BAYI.IGIIT CORNER" f.
Broad aiu! Jackson Slrc-cls Athens, Georgia