Newspaper Page Text
•.idling 3S1-2.
Previous Close . 351'Ca,
. Probably Thursday Night.
Little Changs in Tsmpsrsturs.
11,000 Ao.1d.nt Po»V Fw
Ts hsgular Oubssrlbsrs
Invsstigats Tsdayl.
Established 1832.
Dally and Sunday—IS Cents a yr*k
Associated Press Settles.
| Causing Stir in i
| Church Circles I
More Mexican Revolution Pictures
to save the lives on theitramp air cruiser.
With the Issuing of a.commun- ~ . „ T j
Ique giving tho names of the men lTTrRfl[lT
aboard the ship by the ministry fll I |IU|| I
marine, what little hope httd been il I I ■»■ ■ ■■ ■ I
held out for the survivor* has prac
tically' been abandoned as the ftRI I I TP HI
communique is tantamount to an I MU I IrP IN
admission that the ministry con- |J|b LI I L Ul
alders all chances for the rescue
of ..the men gone. Whether the nrnr||T fll
crew and officers died of starva- ULI LIU I |||
Jji ■+* ntOLli I Ul
Captain Watson, Com
mander of Squadron, Re
duced 150 Files. Donald
Hunter Loses 100 Num
ErancU Kluxen 3rd (shove), the
Madison. (N. J.) boy acquitted
nbo-t a yarn ngo of the murder ot-
Wile Janet Ijiwronco and subae-
qucntly takon Into the home of
Mo n ell Sayre, wealthy church
member. Is causing a atlr In the-
little ' town. ,Somo members of
Grace Episcopal church have, told
Sayre never to hrlnR to hoy Into
church. Sayre will protect tho boy,
he sold, anti pinna' to ado R t him
legally. ■ U-i. ■ h. I;
Youth Who Attempted to I
a i u ; « a U 5 f rt
Assassinate Hirohito
Thursday Morning Be
lieved t6 Be Insane.
It was stmtsd that thsrs' were nine
‘passengers on hoard. f
While tho chance Is indeed a slim
one. there In a alight. possibility
th.It the :*h11» 1 • si ill .•»!••:*' thmuli
that - Idea .Is . weakened by ths be
lief that were It a fact, the <Sdm-
.T.ahdcr orthtrchlp-would succeed,
WASHINGTON—Cnptaln Kdward
If. Watson, commander of the de-
ftroyev squadron wrecked on the
t'allfornla const, neur Point Honda.
Inst Heptember, will lose 150 num
bers and Lieutenant Commander
Masons, Will
Hold Meeting
Thursday Night
V .TOglOs—«
a laborer,'was arrested by po
lice Thursday after he had
fired at the Prince Regent
Hirohito, In sta attempted as
The youth It twenty year#
old and police stated that they
believe he ,!■ Insane. He has no
past police record, to Ur as
ha* been yet established and
it is thought that ths Attempt
ed killing was simply the act
of a deranged mind.
The shooting has aroused
Intense feeling and excitment
throughout the entire city.
Another young men who wss
with the assailant of the Prince
Regent was later arrested.
Following the attack, It was
learned that the Prince Regent
has been under a heavy guard
recdntly owing to rumors
which have been In circulation
here that the Koreans were
* conspiring to assassinate him.
No connection between the
. reednt rumors and ths Thurs
day attempted assassination
has been given cut by police
working In the case.
Delphy, one of tho squad
ron, will lone 100 numbers as a re-
suit of nnvnl cuort martlul sen
tences approved late Wednesday
by Secretary Denby.
In approving the findings In the
cane of Captain Watson, secretary]
Denbzy said that-officer would be:
placed nt the foot of the captains'!
list of the present date and thero j
remain until he shall have lost
150 numbers In hi* grade.
Captain TfidSmS Ih now number-
60 In the list of captains nnd has | M. G. Michael, past master of
but six years to serVe before he ML Vemoo Lodge Masons nnd Dr.
will retire on account of nge. Com-.W’. 8. Robinson, presiding elder of
mander Huntre, who was In chnrgejthe Athena district of MetsbodW
of the flagship of the destroyer will deliver addresses at tho meet-
rqundron, now occupies place num- ink In the Masonic Temple Tluirs-
by sbme trisaar. In getting Intouch
with ths searcher# below.
It is also feared that even should
the ship make a forded landing
safely, should this happen In the
Interior, the ersw would b# forced
Ao battle for their Uvea against
tAs natives. Th« natives have al
ways been hostile to airships, be*
iieving thtm to bS some kind of «vll
god and would probably attack the
whlt« men If thiy descended.
The Dixmude carried rations suf
ficient‘for fourteen extra days,. It
was stated that the ship is some
thing of a floating derelict sailing
the skies somewhere between the
African Atlas mountains and ihe
northern coasts of the Medtterrmn
Ian or elie lying a huddled heap
somewhere in the darker Interior
of darkest Africa.
The Dixmude set soil from
France a week ago ,la»X Tuesday
for what was to be a seventy-two
hour Investigation flight over Af
rica to look Into a proposed rail
way route across the 8ahsra.
The last communlcajlon from tho
“death ship" was received last
Friday at two o'clock In the morn
ing stating that she wan out of
gasoline and that “many' men were
ill aboard the ship," “
General Fannin Tnnai* (left). G?ncrs! FhmIks Serrans (center) and Pres, dint Cbirgoi. (tight),
from the rear of their private car inspect federal troops near the battle line. General Topete joined his
commander-in-chief after routing the-rebels on th« Esperanza fiynt.
Mexican federal troops under personal leadership are rallying to the colors to do battle against a
number of rebel chiefs cauaing disturbances in various parts or inc disrupted republic. Here is a de
tachment’ of artillery with guns and armament load ed on flat cars waiting transportation to the firing
line. Obregtm’s soldiers are provided with latest type field pieces capable of long "distance range.
Body Found in New York
Apartment With Throat
Cut and Rope Tied
Around Neck.
(Bv Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. — Helen
Chun, the twenty year
old pretty white wife of
Harry Chun, a Chinese
restauranteur, was found
brutally- murdered late
Wednesday night in their
Washington Heights
■ apartment.
When the door was
broken down and police
walked into the apart
ment, they found the body
the list of lieutenant
Rotary Enjoys
Musical Fest
, At Luncheon
Fifteen Insane Patients
Perish In Blaze Sweeping
Chicago State Hospital
“The proceedings are approved,"
Secretary Denby said, “subject to
the remarks of the Judge advocate
general and the chief of the bureau
of navigation."
Last Meeting of Year
! Marked By Special Musi
cal and Vaudeville Pro
duction and Singing.
U. S'. People Were
Very Talkative
All Last Year
Wofk wiU'begli
_ soon on a resi
dence that is to be ejected by
James White at the corner of
Prince avenue and Nacoochee ave
nue. Plans for the structure were
drawn by Hentz, Held and Adler of
Atlanta and the home will be one
of the handsomest nnd most mod
ern In the city.
The complete plans of the house
have not been given out but from
the archlte/tK* draWing on the
first floor of the two stories of the I
building, th«*re will be a formal
circular entrance*paved in Belgian i
block and white marble in an elab-J
orate desikn. The drawing room,
library panneled. sun parlor, din*
ing room, Ntairita^l, circular stairs,
service, bed rooms and bath and '
porch, will he finished In equally
New Deacons Are
Ordained By Dr.
J. J. Bennett
fire which i^ept over
the Chicago State Hos
pital for the insane at
Dunning, at least fif
teen of the milder in
sane patients are known i,
to have perished in the j
flames and it is thought
that the death list may
reach even' higher. The
fire destroyed the frame
dormitory used by the
tubercular patients
Wednesday night.
Among the-botlies al
ready removed from the
ruins is that a a woman,
believed to be an at
tendant, since no wo
men were lodged in the
dormitory. It was stated
that there were about
six hundred patients in
the building when the
The last meeting of the year of
the Rotary club Wednesday was
made ths moat enjoyable of all
through- the'g6od offices-of J. -B.
Joel and Mfs. Entth Bernstein,
wife of Mr. Lou Bernstein, of the
firm of Lapro-Bernsteln Co„ the
largest music, publishers In- the
United flutes' and owntr*of tho
nation wide and popular eong, “Yes
I We Have no"Ban*nas.“ ’
Mrs. Berstein, who possesses a
wonderfully cultured, rich, *swctt
... 4 _.. The me*
sage was cut short and It ir
thought that the 1 wireless went bad
or wss broken.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON. — Telephone
messages or talks numbered 24.-
738,753,739 last year. ft was esti
mated by tho census bureau, which
announced Tuesday its report oo
telephones of 1932. There was an
Increase of lJMjEfM04 mersages
or talks, amounting to 13.8 per cent
over 1917.
Operations of telephone com
panies showed $684,994,736 in reve
nue. including assessments of mu
tual companies. This was an In-
< r«*ane of 75.8 per cent over 1917.
Value of plants and equipment was
placed at $2,205,121,610 an In
crease of 18.8 per cent, and wages
and salaries paid aggregated $353,-
263,801, an .Increase of 101.1 per
There were 57,248 systems or
Hues, an increase of 7-5 per cent;
27,265.628 miles of wires, an ».n-
crease of 29.3 per cent; 14,346,701
telephones, an Increase of 22.4 per
remt, and 19,254 public exchanges,
a decrease of 9.1 per cent.
of the American girl lying
pool of blood, her
in a pool of blood, her
throat cut almost from
ear to ear and a bathrobe
cord, as though the mur
derer wished to make sure
of his deed, drawn tightly
about the neck.
It was stated that police
authorities are looking!
for her .husband for ques-
Four additional deacons * were
ordained nt the Prince Avenue
Baptist church Wednesday night.
The new deacons are Charlie Kin
ney, B. L. Adams, R. E. Carter,and
L. C. Smith.
Assisting Dr J * J
Bennett, pastor, In the ordination
service were, RevB.F. EUiott and
Deacon Ab.'t Nix, the latter of the
Fim Baptist and ^the. former pas-
h.t b«n m»<l. popular by h.r cosily dMi*
husband throughout the natlnr, there will b
“Yes. We Have no BaHana>“ She hatha and <1
wss, given Art o.vatlon at the <»o »- To tho re
rtosion arid every member nt the a specially
qgqfary club rose in.her honor r.r.d rare arrhft*
^Joined in *he phorus. • . Work, which
A rplendld vaudeville '.entertain* signs.
mVnl jglth a half dozen Or .more The rerva
artists ^enlivened the meeting and In the rear.
tol^IrirtTTh/s Botarlans in «.{ • — 1 -
happy fashion. Qa| V nf
flinging, jess dancing, Scotch
dancing, hula-hula dancing, violin
and piano numbers held sway for V^opii
the time allotted to the entertain- a .
ment which pleased the members f\ (
in the fullest. ,
Th performers Asking part In the
various acts were: Mis# Marvin, Captain Li
violin, flhe Is a great favorite in vatlon Arms
Athena having played here on a people of tl
number of occasions at the Palace erous conti
theatre. Miss Baucknfgbt. piano; through bt
Miss Mildred Baker; Miss Dorothy Christmas.
Keelan, dancing. The finale. In The Salvai
which the entire company appeared send basket]
introduced ringing and dacing. her©' and * tl
closing wltji .*he ever, appropriate made these
song, /‘V’cs, We'Have no Bananas." contributions
For the crle-talnment and splen- This was
Aid urogram nie. the members are Christmas h<
indebted to Rotnrfah J. B. Joel. ful to the p
Baptist* church.
•j (By Associated Press.)
.Hancock. Md. — Bootiqgger*
&np' moonshlpers Tfccrsdny wore
declared by autborltlea to hare
rompo-ed the band * of Un. non'
Which stormqd the Methodist
,church at Black Road, about six
imles from here .Chrlftmss night,
damaging the edifice and ^eating
TO« Inrartcr. entered the church
•Iter breaking ln.ny window,, ac-
cording to the authorities end once
Inside began' to break up the
church fixtures
tioning. The killing bids
fair to-be one of the many
mysteries that have
grown out of the mar
riage of white, girls to
wealthy Chinamen, which
have been broUgljj|,i W
light recently. ' “ ' r
The police are algo look
ing for Roy Namko, a
Chiriese boarder, who was
missing. The woman’s
jewelry and $90 had been
COPENHAGEN - Sing Christian
Thursday consented to make pub:
(By Associated Press)
formerly a high official in the
councils of the Ku KIux Klan wrote
President Coolidge Thursday of
fering to co-operate with the chief
y cents • , (By Associated Press)
id Kan- NEW YORK.—In a poorly fur-
d here nlshed room, Mrs. Anna 8chuyler,
t Texas laundry worker who died of alco-
o'lism Chriatmas Day. police
Thursday fonn'd a wardrobe ot e£'
pensive clothing,’ 4 relics of better
i) days, and a sheaf of newspaper
Owens, j clippings referring to movements
> of the of the Scfniyler family Jn Albany.
I State.! Several Ux bills dated. yeir*H
Owens ago showed that the woman whq
dropped was Joamed flra41^ beron* *hW
ft unday marriage owned, property m BtQti
WA8HINO7ON. — Ovi tnldlnR ThuW
the protest of Harry F. Sinclair, comp*
oil operator and holder of a lease
on the Naval Oi! Reserves fn Wy
oming, the senate public, land com
mittee Thursday voted to require tqi.
him to give the details or all trans- ono
actions In the - stock .companies 1
formed Jn connection with that an( ) (
Jeasd and of op^'rat'ons of the J |>ottIe
dlcates organize.? to market snchfdead I
stock. jmnrnit
flame* broke out There
were other*, in addition
to thote already known dead, believed to
.have lost their lives in
ike fire.
The woman who per
ished U believed to
(Turn to Page Two)
lie the«*inent ,of the ep- of his young kHisnmn
iTJnco \*jggo pml} Mlss f Eleanor
Margaret Groan, daughterof) Dr.
J O. Green, of New York City.