The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 27, 1923, Image 6

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THURSDAY, PECEMBER gj. GEORGIA PACE 8IX FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS One Kind of Chicken Rv Ahern OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Condo EVERETT TRUE if Bosnia p S’TMJ'D'THEAT FOR OS £ w a ?ekimV. arcade; HE'D itOPE WE'D SET A ClUDER tklODR E^ESj* = why be "Trims uis = i hails \u His pockets* p \ veil,—USES -Itt'RUA JS OF A QUARTER AS Alp Tn WAvlICURE FltEW^ WA'.-PUToU VoUR “ HEADSETS WHILE 1 BROADCAST THIS SOLO •»" ' MV DEAR VJEPHEW,- AM A LITTLE LATE FOR CHRISTMAS, BUT ENCLOSED FlUD CHECK FOR® 15 I FROM VOUR UUCLE l HUSO"— VOOVdf 1 f hmm.thats from I r-tw* uijk who Has so MUCH TOHU HE ORDERS WATER FROM FRENCH LICKSPRlUffS FORTH’ GOLDFISH, EH BUS?' POP, OO YOU IUWTA HEAR ME - - spell our of «y ANIMAL'BOpK. ' THAT SANTy J , EB006Jfl-ME / WHY DOWTYA SO AY' SHOW POP HCW GOOD VA CAM SPELL FBOMMXJR. AMWAL BOOK? l*T voo WELL MOW, l SECOND TH’ McrTloU THAT Vol) , THROW A PARTV, AU’ |a WE AU TAKE lU J A SHOW !- f WHAT'S THe IDep4 In fttflSTUNG U KE ^ THAT ? How do you expect a Person to SL-ccsp 5 ■ IHIIIIIIIllifllilTli VES-I *' leapmeohow TSPELU S CHlCkEM J WELL, HOW DO YOU SPELL I , rr? J SCeep/! You LuGRe NOT SCSOPINtt i AJQlTHeR WAS ANYBODY ELSC «*y Yoo IvSRe SNORING ill a BELyreD gipttroh ms udCLE.riuso OUT OUR WAY JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES CHAPTER 29 Story hr H»l Cochran. Drawl-gs by Lee Wright. By Williams SALESMAN SAM Ninety-Five Still Due ~''l ( HEM SOit- V THAT WOO WATtHVB GWt- s. ME. FOH<CJ«WlW>T- WHP>T TH* HECK'Sr WROrtST WE CAMT&ET ANY' LONGER ©FP7AVY& MR OAKlN.Sur HERE’S SOMETMlWer WE MEEP FOR < SPECIAL. OCCASIONS., ~hON»\! You never could gneu what kind of n dream Jack had. You will remember that hla pot dog Flip waa allowed to enter the Tower of Ticka because Tkky figured he would make a good wateh dog. Jack, bccauae of hla great interest in the funny clocks, had forgotten Flip. tlL.II 1,'lin la iitkaf kn flrnnmnit eknitf v ’ * ' t Well, Flip la what he dreamed about) r iso***////■. -tHftfvWKU SOU, I PIDHT MOCH- As the little adventurer sle: t on, he could eee Flip sitting right in front of the door that led Into the Sleepy Catalo. Perhaps it made Jack’s sleep n bit sounder, for the little master knew that hit dog was <on guard and wouldn't let anybody harm him. Then Jack seemed te Some jf these, refreshment counters are SO WELL EQUIPPED NOWADAYS THAT EVEN ELF OAHiKi can't find anythinot to kick about. -By Cap HJggin* ADAM AND EVA The Traveling Vase THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley eLDAM THAT T VASE LC <S VERY FAMILIAR ,TO ME s— • that’s theTs'N ONE AUNT V. SPACE GAVE \ US FOR CHRISTMAS ISN’T IT, EVA P/ /Wen-navV [ Dip AUNT > h grace set k IT? > ITLS THE VERY ONE THAT AUNT LUCY / SENT ME p CHRISTMAS J9 BEFORE LAStJk' AIOhtW ’Aiuf, whlla thla thought waa atm In his dream mind, there enme a sudden loud ringing round. Jack Jumped up. And there, Just inside the doorway, stood 1 great alsrm clock. It was ringing like every thing. Then Ticky atuck his head around the door nnd shouted. It I Hme to get uii.’’ fContluued.) ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS BY OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON OH’. MAN DEM DAWS' AM HOTiU f /ADAM, tWeW&T THE.- WHO- f I’LL PACK IT UP ANR,f6NP •IT 16 ETHEL AND 1 JAEK. k FOR A WfeDDlNG PRESENT/ S' OH, I SENT IT to' AUNT GRACE LAST CHRISTMAS AND NOW SHE’S GIVEN IT TO ME AGAIN / - r WELLT V ' WHAT ARE VtXJ GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? fhy, we’re on top oof the church steeple!’ Twins on Daddy Wipes to Daddy f triad no much aa a mustard seed , white t was Sway and he’s broker hla promise. There will he chat) and flour duo! over everything Ir ’ the place end'Mother Goose »I1 r be terribly peeved.. She Just fin- - Ir'.ed sweeping ni> the whole plicr before she went away, and her Iasi : words were. ’Now. Daddy Gander •Pm flyrnt everythin? 1n youi charge. 1 want you to keep every ihlrg It rpldk and epsn e> yor kpow how. -And don’t let that fa miliar man run his mill, and dooi let the sandman spin any of hi- mossy rand.' ” VST * V&zwuoy * l ^ T rr. ^ THE' PCRTEft AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL ' SCORCHED THE SOLES OF BOTH HIS FEET LAST Nt^HT WHILE ON DUTY IN THE hJOTEL OFFICE- • fity netted. wHh Its fanny, lorel l ou-. -. and th? dear, queer street and ft« odd, dsIi^btfBl lanes, TU r was the house that Jic I ,:!It - d ’ll' •• < ■•! hr,e" of 111 Tra-o’Clork-Schotar. a <J every ■ hire. , _ - "UTgiitypr ir. tb»‘ world oro yo talking eli.. 1?" ask-d Nick. "II I anatvered DqddT Gandr; e!et" I^should » not! It’s th. Mines 81 i House is Daddy Gander happened -to look, to be geCt'og absent-minded, with 1 oter tho edne. “Mercy? Ihd otr^bs. *ottt you. Now take us oct of 1ii*k \Vhjr,.‘we’re On top of tho church and put us down In^froiti tif th ftecple!** cried. **A sinule st< i> thrUtma«-Treo Houm* tint I ux«' would fill 11-? Duller." scolded, up for the Twlr.s to live In. Yon home!" the dustpea r» down to ,„l ta-'in InL At that minute ■key arrived. Tin