The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 28, 1923, Image 1

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|1,000 AMldint Policy Pro#
To Regular Subscriber*
Invaatigato TodayL
Ddly and Sunday—1J Cent* a .Wart
EaUbliahcd 1832.
Dally and Snnday—13 Casta a .Week.
MldJIina 38 1-2e
Previous Close 351-4o
Clear ' Friday and Colder Friday
VOL. 91, NO. 270
Associated Press Service.
*• B * c * p *p* r< Sint la Copies 3 Cants Daily. 3 Cants Saaday,
CHICAGO.—Overcrowded condi
tions In the stato Institutions for
tho' Insane nnd the flimsy con
struction of tho hugo frame struc
ture called tho "death Ihouso,"
which was destroyed by fire Wed
nesday night with a known loss of
17 lives, wore blamed Friday by
authorities for tile fatal blaic at
tho Chicago state hosp'tal for tho
Insane at Dunning.
Judge C. H. Jenkins, of Sprtiis-1
field, state director, of the denart- It l a reported that Lieutenant
mont of nubile welfare said It was Osborne Cutler Wood, son of Gen
known, of course, that the bunted eral Leonard Wood, governor
hu'Jdltlg was tiot fireproof, but that general of tho Philippines, nl
It was tbet “best we had.' ’
Do side Judge Jenklna. who will
Made Money?
I-,quire Into the fatal fire on be-
ntilf of the state of Illinois. Fire
Attorney te I. Whltty, Coroner
Oncer Wolff and County 'Judge t E.
K. Jnreckl will make Investigations.
The coroner's Inquest, was .post
poned until Friday.
At noon Friday with 17 bodies,
only five of them Identified, in
the hospital hiorgue, 23 patient*
• unaccounted lor and at 1
sign ltir commission soon. He
reported to have made nearly «
million dollars in Wall Street spec-1 p WAgHIN0T ^rr Hcnry c Hall
ulatlons, and is about to enter tnc' WASHINGTON — Henry c. Hall
diplomatic service^ , 2 TSMSSS&TSE
Another Simmons SSTT ***** ,or ,h0 ' cn -
* i 7 Tho announcement by the com*
Loses W lie and /" mimion Friday stated that in- tho
w - ! method of selecting the chairman
I e ft 1 1* Daughter ** rotation, Commissioner Hall
himself ns though freeing himself
from the mental haze, dashed out
Of.tho building. He ran into fire-
fighters from engine oempany No.
98 and, po'-ced ttem. and all night
long old Joe was In the van tak
ing perfect Tprt In the fight against
the (lames jukt as be did years ago
when a member of engine com-
Vn m '
papy No. 81. ■
Another curious change a pa-,
tlent was noted In the case of
Hugo Arnold, one of the most
violent of'the patients, who, In hia
rages, has broken Iron bars and fcas
amuck. As fright mounted | man and girl In Jwkaon county.
atnoung the unfortunates, come of
Hi hi b' gan shouling f*ir Hugo a-
though to seek a'leeder. And then,
Hugo the terrible, feared by guards
and Inmates alike, was found wan
dering around, quivering with
terror, the angry madness gone
from bis eyes and in Us place a
look of terrified understanding.
f, IS SI
(By Associated Press)
TOKIO.*-!n view of develop
ments growing out of the attempt-;
ed assassinat'ori of Prince Regent
llirohito, the latter'tas requested
the inembelrB of tho cabinet to <®n*
ilnuo In office for tho present and
they are expected to rotlro before
tho meeting of the Diet op.Jan
uary Zb.
The cabinet was In session all
day Thursday considering tho slt-
uaicn precipitated by tho attack
upon the Prince Regent which has
Home Minister Goto is as Ad to
Im? insistent upon the acceptance of
bin resignation presented Thurs
day, inasmuch as ho la comnclled
by custom to Bold himself official
ly responsible for such an untoward
incident as an attempt to slay the
heir to the throne.
t"mobile a pleasure vehicle or a
deadly weapon? This question
will come up 1 nthe,trial of Ivan
Hutchinson and A. William Ben
son. Of Crystal 1 Lake.
The young men were charged
with assault with a deadly weapon
on the iM-rnon of Leo T. Addison, Joyed to .the fullest Dr. W. S
the “deadly weapon” being an au* Robinson spoke following Mr.
tumobile. mpnppmHIHW
An automobile driven by Addi-
•on was struck l>v a ear in whic h
the two r*ry«tal Lake men were
riding. Addison** machine turning
Meawhile nothing, definite has
been learned by authorities work
ing on the,case In Jackson county,
at least nothing Important enough
to warrant'an arrest.
Another Victim
Of Jackson ’Fray
Dies From Wounds
Another nkgro who 'win ,hot In
the ehootlng affray in Jackion
county C’hrtBtmsH p»y has died
from- ballet wound.. It wa. learned
her Friday. Geonte Lay, the negro
who died inhtantly was .hot sev
enteen times, at leaat hie clothes
bold seventeen bollet boles. Five'
ncgrdcs were shot In the affray.
Athens Masons
Enjoy Program
Thursday Night
Interesting and Inspiring
Meeting Held in Temple
Collections of County Of
ficers Unusually Good
This Year, Report
£ 2 $8SZ£5&RJBfc North Carolina Man ini
other eleven are believed tdJ|avB game Plight As John | ^ 1 its O 1 AAtJ)
fled Rom th,. institution daring gj mmons 0 f Jackson Co.,
ll 'ameoKo 5 °tJnnsforn»ationa were Writes Police Here.
wrought • under the red glare ns ,
the'hugo frame building blazed 1 An interesting .‘■idellght c
and foil in ruins. % disappearance of Mrs. John Sim*
Joe V<‘«ey, once (0 city fireman, j monH an «j her seven-year-old
who was sent as insane to tliq In- I daughter. Hoealeu from their horde
i , several years ago, heard ln j a ^k, on county d fe\V .weeks
the clanging fire apparatus ardv- | n0(f an d subsequent discovery of
lpg as the flames began to pnint' itwo bodies thought theirs ln o _. .. .
JfkyT-Old Joe. as IS a dapV burned farm mm,,' wdlri’ ‘ leariwd *2*
through wbfrfv the each famlUot |>rtd«r when Deuetlr. c K: Sre- ^ ‘ *,^!i
sounds of battle with the flames graves produced a letter from W.
began to penetrate, stialghtened H . s| mm0 ns, of Thomaavllle, N. C..
“ w, *“ f# declaring- he also had lost a wife
nnd little daughter V
The letter describes In detail
tlie clothing worn by the missing
woman and little child, also reven
years old and aso deacrlbes a man
who evidently left with her, al
though the letter doea hot ao state,
The woman’s name la Julia Sim
mons. and the little «|rl Luclle
Simmons. The letter does
state when the woman and child
left but requests the police
more Information regarding
finding of the bodies of the wo*
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON.—An attack by Mexican revolu
tionary forces on Tampico within a week was fore
cast in an official communique of the De la Huerta
group received here from Vera Cruz.
Ttee communique, dated Decem
ber 26, follows:
“General Figueroa, reporting ou
the capture of Puente Ixtla, in the
stato of Morelos, about fifty miles
south of Mexico fifty on the twenty
second Instant, states that the en
emy gariu:on at that place, com
posed Of 400 men, was defeated
with miny casualties. Tftrty pris- -
anew wc-ro taken and much war }
njatcrial; also two trains. |
■“The.armed transport Coahuila
wa* recently pursued by the .fed
eral gunboat Progreso in the Pa
cific. and the Jatter having a su
perior armament. Oho Coahuila
soufht refuge In the harbor of Ac
apulco. Fort San Dleto, which pro
jects the entrtnee, having long
range artillery, prevented further
“Sincp,yesterday Juarez and La
redo have been cut off from rail
way commutation with the in
terior. The olljreglon in northern
Vera Cru* is ^fowly coming under j
the domination ofthcreta oisfcrtaa
the domhiaUoh of the revolu
tionists, .while troops ln tho Isth
mus of Tehuantepec region are In
dally contact with those of the Im
position government under the
command of Bravo lzqulerdo.
* “(Jenerttf iMnycotte has executed
a predetermined plan reeultliig in
the effective defeat of a flying
column of Obregonlst troops, whldh
he keeps moving from one front to
mfatrrapmv mwm psftw foe
have reached "his office thus far.
give Indications of unusually goodtJJJ 11 ^ * hia fjjwee whirhShlS
collections this year, according to ®“‘ er * 0Dly of *°" on whlch tlley
The' . U t P .t, a ^.'ury V'^ , L :! , raa h :oeK" Prt “ bly atWck '
but It will all be needed, the stato I f _
treasurer saye.
, The county tax collectore are sup
posed to close 'their books on De
cember- 20. and to have their final
reports In the hands of the comp
troller general by December 31.
The law brings *bopt a rush vf
taxpayers to escape the penalty
that goe B on after the final day for
collections, and consequently the
largest volume of tax money reach
es the state’s cofffrrs at the close of
the last quarter of the year. It has
been the custom for the Legisla
ture to grant extensions of time
for the tax collectors to gather In
dellnguent taxes, without Impos
ing any penalty upon the collec
tors themselves, although the tax
payers must, stand*a penalty of
$1.60 and Interest.
The state will c!o*e the calendar
year with approximately a million
dotars on hand, according to
Treasurer William J. Speer.
PARIS.—Official announcement was made here
Friday that the dirigible Dixmude has been lost at
sea. This announcement was based on the fact that
the body of the commander was found in Sicilian
! PARIS.—While all France has mourned the fifty
■ men and officers aboard the dirigible Dixmude as
.•n’i wo re P° rts > stating that the ship was seen,
still afloat, Wednesday morning and again on Thurst-
On Christmas morning citizens of Whitfield, Maine, dug up tho-Tjody
of John Snow, shown here with wife, and burned it. Snow, killed his
wife, his Wife's mother, her aunt arid the latter’s son: Then he killed
Police Capture Man
‘Thought Responsible
For Death Of Girls
SYRACUSE.*—Eugene Dent
Langston, a jeweled of Hamlet,
N. C., was arretted here by an
agent of the department of jue-
tiee charged with violation of
the Msr.n act-in efopmg with
Mrs. Gertrude Harr.*il, wife of
Rev. Benjamin Harrill, Baptist
clergyman, and bringing her to
city. Mrs. Harrell was not
Singer Carries
Act Over Though
Grief Stricken
ATLANTA— Representatives of
leading •Georgia universities num
bering more than 100 left Atlanta
Thursday afternoon for Indianap
olis, where they go .to attend the
ninth annual convention of the
a-., . 'Student Volunteer movement that
UDSerVing Ot. (jonn tne convenes there December 28 and
lasts through January 1.
The delegation will he headed by
E. L. Becrest of the University of
One ot the • most enthusiastic
and Inspiring meetings over held
iiicreaaiTr greatly the difficulties |>y sit. Vernon Lodge o{ Masons , .
confronting the mWsters. 'took place In the Masonic Temple , n , , . n I
Thursday night at which Um« the xlCIlty Of lC48 i
And I" ^ Jowl At:
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO/.*— Fernand Ansaeau,
singer with the Chicago Civic
Opera company, obeyed the great
unwritten law of tho stage Thurs*
d»y night when lie sang “Monna
Vaifoa" just after he was notified
tjiat his father, Alexander Ans-
seal, had died In Bruasojs, Belgium.
He scored a decided triumph, ac
cording to the opera critics, stop
ping the performance with ap-
plauce at a point where It never
bad been halted before.
Mrs. J. H. Seabolt
Buried .Friday
(By Associated Press.)
r NEW’ YORK.—Captured on the tip of a keen
eyed employment agent, Frank Benner, alias Collins
and Cafleton, claiming to be a war veteran, Friday
was alleged by the police to have confessed that he j arrest, 1 *
assaulted, and murdered Miss Estelle Phillips in this!
city last October and that three weeks ago he.attack-] giving dstails of their elope*
ed Mrs. May Mitchell, a nurse in a hospital in the m,n * •" ,l m » kl "3 !»
Chestnut Hills section of Philadelphia, torturing her
so that she is still an invalid.
Detectives were trying to con-^ 1 . '
A telegram from In-Saluh to
the marine ministry gave life to
the hope that the men are still
and though th e report may
be correct the ministry cannot de
termine the reason why the car
rier pigeons aboard the ship have
not been released, granting that
the wireless on the giant air
cruiser is out of order.
Officials state that the report
must be received with reserve, but
the search for the craft has -been
whipped to new vigor and Arab
riders again sweep over the deserts
nect their prisoner with iho mur
der and mutilation of pretty Ream
Haxie, 17, ln New York in Feb
ruary, 1920, and with similar
crimes reported 1 In a 'half dozen
cities by a man answering the
prisoner's general description.
“Maybe It was the war pat such
Ideas Into my head,” Benner was
alleged to have declared at tLo
end of a fiank. unemotional con
fession. ”1 get wfjf^like a maniac.
Give mo soinethlng'to eat.”
He U a stocky, powerful man, a
chef, who. slnco the war has work
ed in many hospitals and on oce^n
passenger ships. •
Funeral services for Mrs. J. H.
Seabolt, wife of Prof. T. Seabolt
of Madison county, were conducted
Friday morning In the family ceme*
tery. Mrs. 8enb6!t died last Sun
The 'd{ffeased was a native of
Union county but had lived near
Athens for over two years.
She Is aurvtved by her husband,
two daughters, Sirs. Bonnie Hor-
klns, and Miss Bessie Seabolt. he was employed at'n recorstn*r-
ihree sons. Clay, Gayes and Teddy, itlon hofpltal hero. About mldrlglit
Home}on October 11, according to the
His father, he said, was ,a church
worker In Montreal who alter hnd
a plumbing »d*ej> in Brooklyn. In
bli pockets were letters received
Thursday, signed "Mother/*
ent? dated from Wood haven, Long
Island, 4nd another from “Sister,”
who * Benner said was the wKo of
a Newrrk. N. J.. bank employe. He
•aid be had anothqy Bitter In Ohio,
Miss PhUiine. a department store
clerk, roomed In a house* on West
97th street next to Benner when
Bernstein Bros. Funeral
was in charge of the arrangement!
celebration of SL John tho Erange
list was observed.
Special program was arranged
for the occasion including address- Paymopt Mavlrof
es by several prominent Masons,! * <*1 UlCr® iTldrKCl
music by the litasonlc quartet and 1 ; -.
installation ceremonies performed * Athenians will find plenty at the
Among those who delivered ’ad-1farmers market Saturday to start
dresses were Rev. J. V. M. Morris, .the year right Insofar as edibles
one of the oldest Masons In the can help them. Mrs. Beesie Trout
city at well known Iletbodlft min
A feature of the meeting . was
presentation of the past masters
jewel to E, O. Klnnebrew by Past-
Master E. C. Paine. M. Q. Michael,
a paqj master, delivered a very in
teresting address which was en-
Roblnson spoke following
Michael and gave a most {merest
fng and enjoyable address.
meeting was opened* 1.3
Chaplain Oor*e K. Sto n *\ WH! L. jlng of Alon
Erwin, recently elected worohtpf’-’ each septet
Mr. •€?. C. McPhall, well known lo
cal cot Urn man, dlsd unexpectedly at
s local hospital Friday tfumoon at
12:JS. Ho had been in III health for
nome months but his friends did not
* _ expect the end tn cume no suddenly.
.i?. a8 », ter ’ * ann0U ? ce * He had been confined to the hoapiul
the farmery will have pees of all >for several weeka but last week wan
kinds and hog jowl as well as'out and down town,
spinach and other winter Vegeta- 1 H* came here about twelve yean
bles. The market has been closed **° from Hawklnsviiie and since then
since last Saturday but a plenU- ,ha ! ^* n f **>okk"p*r for Hardman
•» ?^d p . h ':!r,hre U ,r* n or, h ^iT I ; (
master, preHl«ie<f
NESV YORK.—Ernest and Marie
Vetter who were convicted of first
iegree manslaughter for the klll-
- Strrey last May wsro>
I to serve from eight
to ten ye
in prison Friday.
He was about S» year* old and
sunrivfng him are two sons, Rhodes
McPhall of Miami, Fla., and A. C.
McPhall of Chicago. # Neither was
here at the time of Mr. MePhairs
death and arrangement* of the fun
eral will await word from them.
Hemutein Uro*., Funeral Home is In
. hnrge of the remain*.
Ratio in Clarke Co.
For 1923 Is 7 to 1
Dsn Cupid was about ssvsn
end a half time's as busy as
Old Discontent in .Clarke coun
ty during 1921.
.Or In other words for evsry
. seven and a half marriages
there was one divorce.
Thero was a total of 57 di
vorce Cases filed during .he
year, or up through the 28th,
and for the seme period thore
were 431 marriage licenses is
sued by Ahe ordinary. Not all
the divorco cases filed reached
coui*t as* rome of them were
settled and the parties r<Kinitsd.
The figures are for both
whites and entered.
The divorce figures are not
ivind'*** to white dnd colored
but irt'th* marriages there were
199 licenses issued to colored
couples and 232 issued to whites.
The docket shows that
divorce cases were disposed of
as follows:
Cond-oned. 3; first verdict 1tj‘
second verdict, 3? defaulted, 22;
dismissed, -1; answer filed, 4;
disability removed, 1; pending,
1b. These pending have been
filed since a court sitting.
sary to t%ke Mrs. Harrill into
custody as a material witness.
According to the * statement
Langston and Mrs. Harrill, af
ter an acquaintance of several
months, met at Petersburg,
Va., from where they went to
New York city ami later to
Montreal. They remained there
but a short time and came to
Syracuse, where on November
14, tho statement stated, they
registered at a hotel, the next
day moving to the rooming
houee where they remaned, ac
cording ta the proprietor, oc
cupying separate rooms under
their own names until the ar
rest. Langston had been work
ing in a Jewelry store here
and Mrs. Harrill had found
employment in an automobile
Mrs. and Mrs. Tatum
Lose Infant
to seek further word of the craft.
She wa, seen at 8 a. m. Wed
nesday, according to private dto-
patches. Late Thursday night tV
ministry of marine issued a tetX
gram received from In-SaUS,
twai ms out the earlier report?
The telegram read:
“Dixmude observed 125 miles
south of In*Salah, supposed to be
going toward Tamnrasset. A pa-
jtrol commanded by a French offl-
er left for El-Olga immediately,
t second patrol left for Ha.Rgll%
na, and a courier left for AtaMi
• II seeking to confirm the Dlx»
nude’s presence. They carry, lif-
tructions (of procedure^ in U19
event th»* ship attempts to land.’*
All the places named are miiL
tary posts in the Northern Sahara.
The report that the airship was
still afloat Wednesday has, if
(anything, deepened the mystery
.surrounding the fate of the cra|t.
I The ministry of marine annooM*
■ ed Thursday that the Dixidine
was supplied with a orate of caN
rier pigeons, which were to have
been used to communicate With
I the land in case the ship’s radio
iwa3 put out of commission.
Making thi s announcement^ of-
[ficiuls declared that the fact that
no pigeons had come back from
| the -ship practically proved that
the Dixmude had crashed or ex-
iploded. The majority of opinions
o An i was that a crash had terminated
^ on the flight. -
Friend* of Mr. and, Mrs. W. O.
Tatum are sympathizing with them
In the death of their Vjfaat son,
who died Wednesday and was
burled Thursday at 2 m* at tho
Whitehall cemetery, funeral ser
vice* being conducted at the grave.
, Btddti tho bereaved parents tho
tbs j bright little boy Is survived hr
two sisters and three brothers. The
funeral was In charge of Bern
stein Brothers, funeral home.
Explosion, of Dynamite
Cap Causes Death of
Little Boy.
prisoner'* confession, he forced end
trance to the girl's room; attacked
and strangled her. denuded and
mutilated .the body, knd fed with
his belongings after having left In
the bathroom a handkerchief with
a tell-tole laundry mark. The body
was found nexj.dey.
Ben nr r told of seeking refuge
Philadelphia where he lived at the
Edward hotel And later worked In |
a girls* school In Brvn Mav. r. a j
suburb. Later he became acquaint- J
ed With Mrs. Mitchell, employed !
‘liMtnm n Hl!i ,0r roB ““ ,, “ v ‘■ , ln i c™* Welch, the .even year.
On. nliht i .ccomnanl«l hr-“ f Mr - *" d »'"•
a dahee and o n $heir return at-. We, f h * °f «ear Athens, died Wed-
tacked her with a broken bottle. • J****lay right at 9:S0 o’clock, as
according tn his alleged confe-- \ f eau,t frightful Injuries
slon. He left her half dead to rrawl :* Wc *» received when he
Into fete Institution later and tetl ,'?* u * €d * dynamite cap to explode
the *tory. She fs still under caro of i by • trik,nr wltb * hammer,
doctors. * Th® *»dy was prepared for
i^i — ■ ; burial at Jierastefq Brothers'
NEGRO KILLED ,funeral home and later conveyed
, to Carter’s cemetery, near Winter-
Harvey Collins/ a well known ville, where funeral service* were
Athens negro, who has been a | conducted by Rev. Phil Davis, fol-
wafter at the Geonrte hotel .for > lowed bv Interment
snv veers, was killed when the Thi> deceased fo survived bv his
itomobile In which he was riding {parents',’6ie sister and two brotb-
ilHded with another enroute to jers. all <»f ** ‘
raw ford. [thy of nun
(By Associated Press)
• WASHINGTON. — Reversing It’i
previous policy, the house ways
# and m»'an> committee Krid;.y i.cxir
Little Gradv Welch' pubUc - lho nc ' v rcve;iuo 1,111 ln ,r,e
he is still aloft, howeveA
thero seems no possible explana
tion as to why the pigeons havn
not been releasd.
Dioe r%( Inin.ia. 5»' socretary llollon. Thore 'had
aJa injuries been criticisms from the Demo'
1 sent to tho capitol
crat* egathst tho withholding of
the detailed content* of tho bill.
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA. — Polaon liq-
>r wa* held responsible for the
deaths of 875 person* In this city
during the present year in a state
“t published by Deputy Coroner
Frank Paul here Friday. "This,city
has been wide open,” he sa’d.
LANSING Mich.—Because of the
prevalence of goiter among Lan-
mng school Children, the board* of
health and education will confer tr
arrange fo rthe administration of
iodine to the pupils as a preventive
fhl* action was recommended | Pentecost chu
by Dr. R, 8. Hill, city health-off! {
Oglethorpe County Boy
Killed While Hunting.
Another From the Same
County Dies Here.
, Berner Stephen*. 14 year *»ld son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stephen* of
Ogtfthortoe, died Thu)*»»kiy after
noon a* a result of an accident of
a discharged ehot aim.
The youth had been out hunting
with home boy friends and after
returning home was playing with
the gun which went off. the en
tire load lodging in his chest. DeaUi
wa* almost instantaneous.
Grady Welch another Oglethorpe
county boy, died Wednesday night
In a local hospital, as a result of
a dynamite cap exploding in Ms
hand, making two death* from that
county as the result of exptoafVe
Surviving the Stephens youth
are his parents and several broth-
srs and sister*.
The fur,ora! ar.d Interment were
conduct«|>t Friday afternoon eg.
In OgiethocgM,
Hugh Bolilag lit
with Re
hlcb • charg
irn*. Funeral Horn*
in charge of the srraagtmeatlr