The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 31, 1923, Image 5
T- TCT BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS, GEORGIA MONDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1923. Busness Continued While Big Building Was Moved 85. Ft Your Wants All of Them Supplied Here CHICAGO—A seven-story, \ ton brick building wan movel feet here with its elevator, 1 and telephone service intact during which its offices were < to tenants who found it r.ecerf to enter. The Illinois Central railroad its terminal improvements now VIENNA—Arthur Dreamer. poet, ting made, was prewntd with dismantling or moving It. The at erected about 30 y •FOR SALE—Almost BOILER REPAIRING EVOLUTION IS new baby carriage, cost $55. will sell real cheap to buyer. Address “Baby Carriage,” care Banner- Herald. PLAYS DEAD TO HEAR COMMENTS aM’ AD RATES 2 Cents a.Word home, must have alt modem conveniences serf good iocitiOn. Write “Location,” care Bannet- Herald: or Phone 76. <13 la NT YET DEAD BOILER REPAIRING Flues for Every Type of Boiler Are Carried in Stock By Us Heavy Welding Done Anywhere WELDING AND BRAZING AND CYLINDER GRINDING ARE OUR 8PECIATLIES . Call on us if Your Boiler Needs Repairing -« MiftjiiiSjfii * Charge of 40 cents II.oI/lfof'Mhree Insertions .Seven tlmtffjgft jthe price of five in sertions. ..Alt discontinuances MUST be be ma^e In person at the Banncr- Hci;a|d Office or bj letter. Tele phone , discontinuances are not valid. ft-ii'i WANT AD 7C . phone • BANNER.HERALD WANT „ApS GET RESULTS CINCINNATI. — Evolution, “the fundamental doctrine of modern scientific philosophy." Is not dead and cannot' be 'killed by fegisln* tive enactment. Dr. James Playfair McMurrich, head of the graduate department of the University of Toronto, and retiring president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science* declared at the opening session of {He or ganisation convention here Thurs day night. Thfl theory firs' brought to general attention by .Darwin but now advanced far ( be yond his conception -through the work'of scientists has l>een the stimulus and dominating idea in all modern study of soology and has resulted In inestimable benefit to mankind. Dr McMurrich de clared, and the evidence in Its fa vor Is so much stfronfcer than In Darwin's time that "it seems In credible that man as a reasoning animal'should presums‘to doubt its veracity.” took unusual mean* to find out, alternative of what posterity would think of Ills lbuilding, work, A notice of the death of the j ture was 45 year old writer appeared In the ago but it was in such excellent local papers together with sketches! condition the latter course was of his life and criticisms of h(«! taken. The actual moving was ae- work. A few days later it was compllshed In 24 hours but it rs- learned that .Qresmpf was alive quired three months’ preparation, and well npd mqch .Interested ln,the What is beliavel to he an outstand- comments which had Ing engineering feat was described made about his literary effort*. j by Hugo Filipp!, who superimegd- . . ed the work., CHHISTMAS WEATHER \ ,. TwentJ . Jhr „ tracks. ron.lrtlnB' MOST PLEA8ING of four or more rails each and pv " . . ■ „ Itendlnc compirtrlv under Ihe bulllk ATLANTA Ga.-Aroordln* to th. )n g nml „ ver lh0 foundation at Ha reports of local hunters, golfers, 1 ncw Bit0i tv, re used," he said. "The-' motorists, etc. Christmas weather lrac |„ n- cr0 placed five to cltrht was a source of much gratification' (Mt apart „ n d 2,000 steel rollers It) them this year. Coming,as It did lv , „, 12 Inches. HI* sandwiched In between two spells | hIlndrei] thourand hoard feet of of rainy weather. It cave out pros, ^timber was used for cribbing pur- peets of bring ''wet" with witer poses preliminary to jacking up the anyway only to turn Into n beau- i, u |id| nB and placing It on the roll- tlful-day. ■ tAceordlnr to the re*j . rg porta of the various ' newspapers! spotm capstan’s ett'eh operated by over the state Christmas was dry two horses, were employed ns mn- ln another rense of the word due tive power. From each capstan a to tho activities of thd federal Pro«i ]M( ] n n . 0 f ^tree-fourths Inch stee'i hlhlllon agents who successfully w lre cable was carried down to and blocked the sources of Christmas through a eerie, of 25 blocks. 12 of liquor In many of the counties. w hteh were, movable and attached Dry every way you tah-o It was said to the building and 13 of which by local people, who though re- wera fixed and anchored to So dding here went hack to the old foot steel rails driven about 1» home town to wait for the comlns feet Into tho ground and hared i»f Bantu and to get their slice ol hgalnst the new concrete founds' the Turkey to ho preferable to wet t'on. The average speed of mov* in every way ond pleasing com- ing was four feet per hour. MISCELLANEOUS BARBERING PAYS—Easily ftk- on tip. Jobs waiting. Open to you, Write Molcr Berber Col lege, 23 N. Forsyth, Atlanta. warn Athens, Georgia Phono 351 West Washington St RADIO PROGRAM WTAM Cleveland* Secure-Wiiliard A and B Batteries from us. CLARKE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Phone 677 Athens, Ga. Two Men Arrested In Raid At RWoak inequality of service and prodacts is our constant aim. Anything short of the very best suits us not; at all. Particular folks, who want quality In every thing, rely on us for coal because they know we will give them a square deal.j Good coal j costs less In the long run than the ordinary 1 hind—that’s why it pays to 'buy your coal a |>A| of us! ' FAIRBURN, Ga.—One white man and a negro were arrested at Red Oak, between Fairburn and Atlan ta, Friday morning at It o’clock In a raid conducted by officers in rearch' of liquor. Twenty-four pints of moonshlnq whiskey con- “THE SMILING PAINTER” Fine Painting and Interior Decorating Phone i297, Athens Ga. coaled in, a storehouse In a refrig erator were seised by the officers George Atkinson was ’ arrested *When he rar from a store with four gallons 0* whir key concealed in a rack, r-*ha negro as carting three gallons ot whiskey when he emerg ed from another store. Both men were brought here and placed In jail. No arrests were made In connec tion with the seizure of the twenty four pints, hut officers stated that arrests probably would be made In the next day or two, as sus pects are under surveillance. County officers, L. C. Clsy, J L Williams and W. Z Durrett con ducted ihe raid. FLORENCE COAL COMPANY- 1 ATHENS. GA.—— I STEALS YELLOW CAB AtfLANTA, Oa.*-After Yolnly attempting to start an automobile here the other night, a man un known climbed into a yellow cab and drove off while the driver of the cab was ip a restaurant eating supper.. The man who atole the cab had just .left v the restaurant and the theft was immediately die- covered. The cab was soon recover AUTO TOP REPAIRING XMAS SEAL SALfc GOOL> ROME, Ga.—With tho sale of Christmas seals already well over the $1800 mark and enough more expected to bring the count up to $2000 the sale this year has sur- pasred by $300 the amount spent for public health work last year. Enough has been received in the form of donations to carry on tho work for next year even If no mor* contributions are redelved, said Dr. John H. Woods, who conduct ed tho sale. HAVE YOU TRIED NOO-NAME COFFEE? “A Delicious High Grade Coffee" NEW SOUTH COFFEE CO. Athens, Georgia. We have just receiv ed a shipment of Cel luloid, and can now fix all auto curtains for any car. MACON BUSINESS SHOWS GAIN ■ MACON, Oa—The rertptts ot Macon Bankers leaded recently show that tho year 192$ witnessed a huge gain in the city’s business. Altogether $$$.000,000 more busi ness wan done In 192$ than in 1923 and .the year was one of the best Macon has ever seen. The years total business nmounted to temperate and $251,881,620.60, and held up steadily .the feminine In throughout the entire year. j—Amrclean Lc, THE VETERINARY DIVISION Georgia State College of Agriculture will Respond to Calls for VETERINARY SERVICE A moderate charge will be made. Phone 225-R, Athens, Ga. (Juban Beauty Marries Photographer MARTIN BROTHERS HAVANA—Senorita Carmen Fer nandes Ramos, who recently .wa* acclaimed tho moat beautiful girl In Cuba after a nation-wide con- tesL left Friday with Lula Bies. Photographer, for Key Watt, whsre they are to bo married. They were accompanied by a party of friends Ami If wna rvnlnfrwxl Mist 1 »h*« OVER-STOCKED We have oyer one himdred bushels of loose Oranges and Grape Fruit. We must sell them. $1.40 a Bushel. 40c a Peck 25c and 20c a Dozen PETEPETROPOL Corner College Avenue and Broad Studebaker and It was explained that ‘ they went to Key West for the ceremony to avoid delay and red tape of the Cuban law. Senor Ble* met the Cuban queen of beauty when he made photographs for her to sub mit In the contest. ~* —. — She wac telephone operator in Havana. LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY Guide Posts of Business We Have Several Good Used Car Bargains. Phone 1711 I ATLANTA, Oa.—H G. Hester of 24 Greenwood avenue, of. this city offered 'proof that* the "sank* story” he brought In was no ordi' nary "snake story," in the form 6f two snakes in a bottle. Mr. Hes* -ter said thnt he had killed six snakes in his yard In ona aft«» noon nnd bottled up two more, chasing numerous others out of hts yard. The snakes were all of the kind commonly known aa thf spreading adder and all were email, ranging from eight to eighteen Inches. The spreading udder rarely grows over twenty Inches in length. Mr. Hester attributed the| unusual appearance t{ the snakes! at tfita time of year and their 1 numbers to a heap cf ashes and 4 rubbish near his home which he. claims furnishes a breeding plactf] for them and shelters them In the! winter. ... • ; J COAL COAL C—O—A—L Beit Grade—Prompt Delivery CITY COAL CO. OCONEE STREET Phone Phone flfXltriOAO 8CHEOULE iCNBOARD AIR LINE RV. Banner-Herald’s Sunday; Want Ad Page Riding along an unfamiliar road, you de pend upon sign posts to guide you. Whether you’re hitting the thank-you-mams in a flivver or soaring along in a costly car, they do their work equally well. Today, as you spend you? money, to fill your needs, advertisements are waiting to direct you. They are the guide posts of business. They point the short, straight road to satisfaction in buying.. They will serve you'well, whether you spend much or little. BUGGIES, WAGONB AND FARM IMPLEMENTS GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY WE MANUFACTURE ALL OUR HARNESS. HARNESS REPAIRING AND STRAP WORK A SPECIALTY. Stmt . Athena, Georgia 7:55 p'MjttdMbmrtN. local 2:JO a 11:19 p*..j .AtL-IlIrmlngham 6:20 a Util » iv,V.-\!t:h,-Null 5:2* a QEORQIA RAILROAD ' At litre . Depart 7l«» p m »:»? » at 12:10 p-m--- 1:*5 P tn CENTRAL OF QEORQIA RY. W. O. BOLTON. Agent, Phone >561 FAMOUS PARADE GROUND COVERED WITH HANGARS] Ii one of the moit Interest- r sad certainly west pre- DR. W. M. BURSON iitable — COAL— Quality—Price—Service Armstrong & Dobbs Phono 621 nda of people turn their nt- first to the Want Ad Ptgc. the pared, ground where former Reiser William reviewed the Ber lin Oaerde on hie birthday, and . where troops used to much In honor of visiting monsrehs, baa | been converted Into * flying rinln'. t At -the formal dedication of the fled to its new nee Major * von Tscbodl, senior German flying of fload, welcomed tfe municipal end Prueslmn officials sod two pesson. ger airplanes started on their reg ular trine, one currying passenger, to Ifnnlob end the other to Mos- VETERINARIAN 314 Holman Bnlldlng Office Phone 331 Residence Phone C70-W. The Banner-Herald’s Sunday MOVING, PACKING Hitch your $ to the biggest load they ever pulled, THOMAS BROS. Phone 1«« 457 null St. THE STYLE SHOP Wo wiU move to our new location , 186 Clayton St, Jan. 1st aw4' Am m T.UtVa n«4n (CRN RAILWAY ‘Athena 4:15 p. m., ar* i * Lula 6:55 p. m., ar- ’fleu^ii T9:10 a. m., ar* 1:45 a. m. eh. 6. a.. Phone V. .Athena 7:45 a. m.. ar* Do you stop to'read .the advertisements? They are published to tell you exactly where to go for what you want. They lead you to values of which you would never know were they not there to guide you. I COUPLE with small baby wants furnished bungalow or upstairs or down stairs apartmmt, must be- in .good location. - Address “Couple," cars Banner-Herald. BY ALLMAN Booting An Opportunity DOINGS OF THE DUFFS And remember that-advertising always points out goods of unquestioned value. When & store or manufacturing concern puts its name on goods and tells you about them, you may be sure that they are worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise unworthy merchandise. f'you ARE not A ONLY DUMB BUT SC Blind as well- \ YOU NEVER noticed THE NEW CHANDELIER 1*. WE HAVE*, y /MISS OLIVIA WHAT, /..DO YOU REALLY J t THINK OF ME AS / V A FELLOW ? X- / GOOD EVENING, > , MISS OLIVIA -1 BROUGHT, VOU A LITTLE BOX ^OF CANDY- A—-t-cwe S'SH OLIVIA, MR. ■CLAYTON 15 ,-HERETO SEE / SJ you S' J THANKS-I’LL ' f BE DOWN IN A FEW MINUTES, * WELL,DO YOU REALLY WANT v^To KNOwTy Be Guided By the Advertisements LOST AND FOUND LOSTi—Black bill folder contain ing railroad passes of Nathan djpoio-v jifi.QO reward if returned to 3*tmer-Herald. d31c L .— Between Athens and Stephens* 1 Ford casing and rim. Reward, O. H. Adkins, Steph* eni tt G$r. d31c s T ti :A Y E D—Female pointer, to name of “Sadie.*” Reward for return to John B. Gamble, jlc 1 FOR 8ALB FOR .SALE — Nice four room house, close to Lumpkin. Fresh ly painted inside and out. Large lot. Address “Nice Home/’ care Banner-Herald. jlc FOIL SALE—Any one on Prince Avenue desiring sweet milk, Telephone 281-J, Mrs. W*. P. Brooks. jlc THANKS We wieb to thank the people of Athena and vicinity f."):' their patronage, through the Christmas- hosidays. Wo have sold S car loads .,of our fruit, at the Von Canon-Wall building, a record- breaker, We wili continue these lofPpricos at the Von Canon-Wall building if $bur patronage will justify—it’s left to you. Very truly, HARRIS FRUIT CO. B. F, Von Canon, Agent. d31c FOR SALE—COAL! COAL! The 'quality to any sold in Athens, best that is mined. Equal in Price that is right, for good coal, and no higher than it was in August or September. Han cock Coal Co., Phone 707. jl8c FOR SALE-GROCERIES 1^ lb. Can Guaranteed’Cocoa . .15c l lbs. Guaranteed Coffee .... 98c Cfcbuhd while you wait. Walnuts’ and Brazil Nuts . 25c lb. R; T\ -Christian, Grocer '! Broad Street. jl5c BANK STOCKS In All Banks of Athens MirtPor Sale. LIPSCOMB & CO. . Phone 109 ,1.1 v: j28c TAXI SERVICE ' wrrk RELIABLE privERS YOU-PIUVE-IT CO. 140 Washington SL Phone 641 - ■ js7c FOR SALE—Few JI.OO gold pieces $5.00 each; Je H. Griffcth. Phone 25. d31c FOR RENT FOR RENT — Partly furnished „, apartment. Three rooms and pri- vate bath. Good* neoghborhood, near carline. Write Box 87 or call at 588 Meigs Street, jlc 1 FOR RENT—Small* furnished out side room, in -exchange for milking. A1sd v very fine garden spot. Mrs. Peacock, East Ath ens, Phone 462. jlc FOR RENT—Desirable rooms for light housekeeping; furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. P. H. Dur den. jlp FOR RENT—One large nicely furnished front room, with or without board, one block from tho University campus. Tabic boarders can get the best coun* try cooking here. 297 S. Hull Street. Telcphonu 1582-J. jlc FOR RENT—Duplex house, partly furnished; 2*A miles from cam pus. Ideal for two small fami* lies, 2 garages, chicken yard and ! storage rooms. Phcns 3704. jlp FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms close in. Business men cr col lege boys preferred. Phone 1479. jlc FOR RENT—Six room furnished house to couple without children. Good location .Phone 364. j2c FOR RENT—Nice looma, furnlsh- * ed, hot and cold water, with pri vate family. 225% North Lump kin St. Mrs. R. W. Bailey, jlc FQR RENT—January 1st. six- room house, bathroom, par£ry, sleeping porch, fully screened, garage. Fortv-five dollars, 880 Hill Stroet. Writo E. J. O’Kel ley, Hull, Ga., or phone Neese. d31e FOR RENTVTwo furnished apart ments, consisting of two rooms and .kitchenette, very convenient to town. Also two largo fur nished front rooms. Cali 360-J. d31c FOR RENT—Two nice unfurnish- 1 cd rooms, good location, availa- .ble January 1. Telephone 921-ji. FOR RENT—Apartment on Dcar- ing Street. Phone 1676 or 1645. J3C FOR RENT—Si* room cottage on car line, with all conveniencco, close to schools. Address House, care Banner-Herald or Phone 04B-M. d31c MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Several boys to deliver papers. Ap ply at once Banner- Herald Office. SELL MADISON “Better Made” Sliirts direct from our factory to woarer. No capital or experi ence required. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for free samples. - Madison Mills, 503 Broadway, New York. d30c HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAXTED-Ujood reliable helper, middle aged woman preferred. Address 1064 S. Lumpkin Street, Phone 1786. jlc WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Position as drug clerk and soda dispenser, by young perience. Best references. Reply “Urgent,” care Banner-HeraW. ( WANTED—You to keep warm, no use to suffer in a cold room or cold office, WO have plenty of coal and can deliver your orders ■ on short notice. .Our coal Is of the best grades. It gives • the most heat per dollar." Phono 707. Hancock Coal Co. jl8c e !*:*'' 1