The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 25, 1924, Image 2

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min.w. ji i.v -■». i;>2ii. Music Demonstration . ,Aftte'Sl5Ce~N6rmal' Monday, July 28th ;• STANDING OF CLUBS SOUTHERN LEAGUE * : clubs— w. u * Hempllls «6 '** •*!* * Kew Orleans 60 39 .606 1 Atlanta 63 39 |7» - Kxxhville JJ tJJJ - SlobiUf <8 33 ■$* Itir»fnsham « 93 - t'hattnnoogn ... .....41 60 410 * IJttlp Hock 30 69 .*03 * * AMERICAN LEAGUE * CLUBS— ' W. L. Pet » Detroit ....- 63 39; 470 a NVw York 53 40 .670 * Washington ... 6.3 40 .670 * fet. Louis .46 46 .5i». m Ch.caKO .. ...44 47 .484 7 Boston 41 60 .461; 2 f Lvcland 41 Bl ,4*H - Philadelphia 37 65 40* *‘*T4’ATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet 48 30 .669 62 3T .684 . .m. .41 42 433 ........46 4y 429 .......47 46 .40fc NAJIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn at Pittsburg. Only ona game scheduled. 8ALLY LEAGUE Greenville at Maocn. Augusta at Charlotte. Spartanburg at Asheville. Public school,mu tion at the Pound auditorium, Nor mal School on vSTonday, July 28th • Will be one of tbeisuareetinf events In .the Summer School session. it will bfe * practical demonstration of music work in the grammar grades end high school siren by the pupils themselves. There wilMie chorus singing by the entire bt5dy ot students of the public school music department and special demonstrations original melody writing for tight nlngrng exorcises. Practical demonstration of the work in music appreciation and conducting clast will be rep* resented on thr» program by four members who will direct the chorus and show the practical work of this class. The University Summer School orchestra will reprint the high school orchestra and will play o number on the program. Altogether this promises 4o be ono* of thp most attractive and practical demonstrations given in Summer School this year. The exercises will be under the direction of John Laing Gibb, thp drrector of public school music In <h? University Summer School, and his assistant, Mrs- Geo. T. Howe. hiladulphia 36 63 * Jiosfae^r. ...34, 66 .378 - : SALLY LEAGUE * ; CLUBS— I ! Aur-Wta . J fhnTlWto .. » Urrcnvfflo A Asheville .. 5 Spartanburg * Mxcoq.... . - ! ■ ’-rWURSDAY’S RESULTS ERflORS CAUSE MANY MS IT If THIS. BY ROY HODGSON In ona or the most comical game* erer playcg on tty Y field the Levi! team defeated the Link Attyiie Kiwanltn. met at the h'hm Thuradiy by the acore of Hi State College of Agriculture cafe- 37 5! .411' to 8. Oedgood, who waa umpiring t.r.u Thursday. Among the feature. Coak Model,” The Thrilling Sensation ' . At The Palace Theatre Tonight MOUNTAIN CITY. — We are having a fine time at Camp Flan* _______ . i « en - "Happy” Cate and “Dumpy” i Bush punched sixteen holes into a Big Double Show _ With WestemAt the Strand to hare a very intereating program J ip in fine ehape al- thoogn it is a little crowded, but everybody has gotftn faettled and la haring u] “Self-Made Failure” Special For Satuday; Rex Beach Story, “The Recoil,” Monday. w. L. Pet 65 27 .671 .11 36 .698 4] 42 .BOO 42 44 .494 20 45 .404 24 81 .282 SOUTHERN LEAGUE New Orleans 8; Atlanta 4 (first . gam. ended In lost of 3 * rlxth with Atlanta leading 5-4, but the game will hare to bo finished * Frtd»)“-i>jr nrtw rule, j . ohattnnooga I: Nnshrllle 9. « . Mobile 7-0; nirmlexbam 8-1 " ■ Memphis 13-4; Llttl .Rock 4-1. g ! AMERICAN LEAGUE 3 : Et Louis 0: Philadelphlt 5. S ! Cleveland 9; Boston 10. ' ; Detrot 5: New York 4. * ‘ Chicago G; Washington 7. “ j NATIONAL LEAGUE - ; Brooklyn l; Pittsburg 8. » • Only one game pfaynd. ” 5 SALLY LEAGUE - Charlotte 4; Augusta 0. V wAatorllls 11; Spartanburg 7. /.Jdacon 8; OmcnTlIle G. Kiwanis Meets I At Ag. College called a hnlt after the eighth in- I wm report of Dr. E. L. HiU who inning bad been played. It Was one of th» slowest games *yer seen here and tho crowd stayed only td see how many errors Link's t^om would make. There were a number of bone-head plays alao to keep the spectators in a good moot. Then:, wero no fielding features except the comical ones which gave, the crowd plenty to laugh about. Tho hitting honors of the aay go to Mnrbut, who secured four hits nut of four trips to thrs pinto, Hutchins, who secured throe hit» out ot five* times up. Smith and Levle who got two hits ruch for ♦he?r share of tho offensive work^ for tho Lcvle gang. For tho Link club Cuban!** and Link led tly* attack with four hit* each, one nf Cab'» being a homo run fluid nnother hnlng n double. All cf Link's wore singles. PUtard got throi hit* for his share of tht stick work and Moss contributed two bite to the cause. The game was balled up In the ninth Inning and nn accurate box scon? Could not bo obtalrfd. Tho league was supposed to have J to be held in August has succeed ended with tho game this after- ed In finding accommodations Cor noon but errty one wont* it to 112,000 visitors to Dublin each day rontino? so another round of play during the games. The 1,600 «v H continue with the teams as j competlotrs will be lodged In sev- Ih^v are after which now foams feral public buildings, including will be chosen and a npw league I Trinity College. Entries have ex- stsijgd. I cceded anticipation. accompanied, several boys Kiwanis sent to thp Y. M. C. A. summer camp at Talhiiah Falla .Dr. Hill de clared tho Y. M. C. A. summer camp is one of this most influential things In the loon* lift* of Athena. Dr. H. D. Ritchie, dean of the State Normal thanked the dub for Its part In entertaining thb legis lators help last week. Dean C. M. Knelling of the university stated that the university trustees had passed resolutions thanking all In Athens who had a part in the re ception given the visitors. Th* attondntce Prise Thureday waa given by Harvey Stovall. It waa awanled Van Noy Wler. Charle* B. Martin reported that two playgrounds have been opened here an a imilt of the movement sponsored by Kiwanis and other vie organizations here in the Past three yeors. VISITORS TO TAILTEANN GAMES DURING AUGUST DUBLIN.— The accommodation committee for the Tallteann games "NELLIE" 18 A BIG HIT AT THE PALACE; LAST SHOWING* TONIGHT - A melodramatic photoplay of first rate quality is Goldwyn’a pic- turiatjoo of Owen Davis, popular old melodrama, “Nellie, ths Itaau t*ful Cloak Model." which Is "how Ing at the Palace tonight for the Hat time. The action Is rapid and melodra rustically thrilling throughout. It rushes from onrs climax to another with the ipeed of an express train, tt cannot fall to hold the Interest of anyone who cares for really hu man characters in a series of big dramatic situations- The spirit of the Davis melodrama has been maintained throughout and the dory itgelf followed with a good leal of faithfulness. H. A. Van oan, one of the best of scenarist*- qiode the adaptation which war. nut Into continuity form by Carey Wjlson. The production was directed by Emnv2*t Flynn, whose previous hfeh achievements, “In the Place af the King," "Monte Cristo," pud ‘The Connecticut Yankee," placed him among tha greatest American directors. Palace Saturday has h-'en nounced by many of the film critics as tho beat farce comedy of tbf year. • ** The picture includes PverT in gredient which has madia motloil pictures a popular entertainment. The director. William B?audfne. as not missed a chance. -Most ot ths tears Jn it come from convul Hive laughter but ^ome will come from sorrow and deepest tragedy that havq been Intermixed with a plot that Is largely in the nature of a farce. The success ot "A Self Made Failure" theaters to even surpass McDonald’s former successes ‘‘Penrod and Sam” and "Boy of Min’.” Ben Alexander, who won fame in both of those attractions will aga.u be seen in McDonald’s latest. This time he is the boy com- V^nicn and tramp-pal $>t Lloyd Hamilton, one ot thji be^t fun mak- •* on the screen today. Tho cant also includes. Matt Moore, Patsy Ruth Miller. Mary Carr, Sjm De Grasse, "rhtick” RlesnT, Victor Potel, Dan Ma>9n Ifarry Todd. Alta Allen. P^lsclllc Athens,- Jefferson ijcct. from caiifomu, firing u« Road Is Now Being I to send them their baggage. Bill n . , . , , _ t b Mauldin has been elected president WnrlCra 111 .IaPkHAVI of the Rabun Hotel. Charles Mo- f f U4IVCU Ui lony seems to have an eagle eye, finding the treasure on Pinaele . Mountain Wednesday. Bull Heard ,took a notion he wanted .to hike some ao 7m hauled odt for un known parts arriving back in time to miss the treasure hunt. Hal Jackson of Winder seems to take the dog for being the smallest boy. He can’t touch an ordinary boy's head. Pruney Parker can’t Athei That the road between and Jefferson will soon be one of the best in the state and improved all the -Way is shown by the' fol lowing article In the Jockapn Her ald, Jefferson, this week: All necessary machinery foi crushing rock to surface the Jef- f*rsun_Athen* highway from Jet-. help* from laughing' when looked! ferson to Arcade has been inj'.abed ' at.. We don't se«m to know what’s jet a quart y on the farm of J. C. ‘ the trouble with him. John JBow Humor, just beyond th_ normum ers is still getting the grub as he j limits ot the city, and the notse of used to do. He surely can work!tho explosion as the rock is blxtt- the servers for his part of the I yj f:om its bed Is heard at i.11 bash. Habpy Cate and Dumpy j hours of th e duy. ^* U j*? t u W . !J| *l ee P and jThe work ot grading the Jeff ir- .tarted to LakemonL They «.ught wn-Athen. hlehway u completed r 40 - ,a r Cl.rke.bLro. and £21&, hob^Se, a^nt ^ cru,hrd next"^ 'cilia 11 th« d soi^ C nen!e| b0 pl,lced on the rtad ' “* fflr and speed. Greeny Green says, 1 Arcade. There will be severs You don’t know, do ye.” The ^y^ra of this stone diminishing in camp seems t& be quite popular. 8,ze until the top laynr Is nothing as we have had .the Elbdrton more th »n sand. The proper lo Camp Fire Girls last week, this cation, grading and top surfacing week the Elberton Girl Scouts are of u road are the lint steps to- DEMAND Th. ^ _ World-. BMtToolf.^ Over 180,000 peoide hay. ■ testified that TANLAC has relieved them ef- Stomach Troable, Rheumatism, Hxl-Nntritloo, Sleeplessness, Nervousness,. Loss of Appetite. Loss of Weight, Torpid Liver or -Ask Aaron* Who Rm ' • Mat hU» 400^4 Pnrt* Claire Windsor and Lew Cody At Palace Tonight Every KUPPENHEIMER Suit In The House -^-including both Woolen materials and also Summer garments, in Palm Beaches, Mohairs, Tropical Wors teds, Gabardines, Flannels, and light weight Serges, is being offered at One-Fourth (X) Off Former Prices The original prices on these garments were low, and now this reduction means a big saving to you. LORRAINE SEERSUCKER SUITS .At $8.95 Suit $750 Just a'few Cool Goth Suits^ remain, in values up to $15.00 at per suit.... . .... . Men’s and Boys’ Separate Trousers, Boys’ Suits, Men’s Felt Hats, Shirts and W. L. Douglas Shoes and Oxfords at the same reduction of * If j 2S%' or 1-4 Off Former Prices'* Shoes and Oxfords at $8.85 Pair Every Straw Hat, Including U Q lf 1 Dyjpo Panamas and Leighoms IltC _4 ! : ■ —■ —— Due to the Unusual Values Offered, the Terms of This ^ale Are STRICTLY CASH. i LEE MORRIS “The Daylight Corner’? Broad and Jackson Streets -•o*** *** efft The «cene in which Nellie l» bound to tty tracks of the eYtvuted railway In New York was photo- graicd on a spur of the New York elevated system and is mos* ."“al- latlc, a a wpll at abounding in thrills that make the ahlvers contlnnoualy up and down o jplnc. The fins acene in tho mod iste ahop la another thrilling apne- tocukfr aeqgence. ns is that of lho trlit between Waller Peek, the vll- lalo, and Jack Carroll, Nellie's sweetheart, “lit tht! 1 undent**^! rendezvous of New York’s crimlita!' The cost Is oryv of the *tost Ca- oaWe of tho season. Claire Wind sor has the part of the beautiful cloak model, and never waa $ho mor charming or a bptter act Tho gorgeoua gowns and io|ts. Which she Weare as the cli motW. OBtjjff er blond beauty m •trlklng fuehldn. Mao Buach make* a dtpply hu man character out of ellle’a chum. Polly Joy. Lew Cody ,ia again a perfect villain .while Hobart i’ns- worth, Raymond Orlfflth ant! Ed mund Low# do most satisfying work In oiler Important room. Other members of tho caat aro Lilyan Taahman, an ex-Foll|es beauty, Dorothy cununlnis. Will Whiling. Arthur Houaempnt and William Orlamond. Bonn ot the iota are exception ally striking an dih peholoplay la beaut.fut througbouL REX BEACH "THE RECOIL 1 PALACE MONDAY SPECIAL Mahlon Mamilton. who-has the Itadlhg male Ifolp In J. Parker Rear, Jr.’i plcturlaation of the R'1> Beach story, “Racoil," which la coming to tty Pataca theatre Mon day, has bo>n tty favorfd lover-on the scraen, of such well novtm tun ha Mary Ffckfotd. Blance dwaet, Anita Stewart. Kitty Let- don and many others. Mr. Hamilton's physique and personal charm make him in great demand for leading roles. He was bom In Baltimore, Maryland, waa educated at the Maryland Agricul tural College and had an extensive stage career before he deserted the stage (or the aetpm. He is six feet tall, baa light brown hair and blue eyas. WESTERN ANtf**THE TELEPHONE GIRL" AT STRAND TONIGHT Jack Perrin, who comes to the Strand theatre tonight co-featurod »Hth ityggy O'Day in Bta current Anctaor Western photoplay. .“Up end At 'Em,” as a buckskin shirt onus the property of Kit careen, the famous Western Scout- The tatter had never worn tty ahirt, made by an Indian maiden, and ft has been pieaerred-by the Canon heirs for years. Recently it was donated to Mr. Perria who la a collector of rfdlct of pioneer days. Perrin alao haj valuable retlca once owned by Buffalo Bill, Paw nee Bill and “Wild Bill’ 'Hfckok. "Telephone Gfr|" the b|g comedy story la the extra attraction at the Strand tonighL BIG 8PECIA- COMEDY PALACE SATURDAY. A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY •A Self Made Failure,” the pro duction which la to tax-shown at the Moran. Bill McCray and “Cameo" camping in tile eame^place, and the “Penrod and Sam" dog. ‘ h * ' C » m P Fires, Girl Scouts and other girls will also camp in the cottage which so many of our boys have gone to liking. This i s home ar ray of girl talent we are having , up here ’and one boy has met to (many girls that he don’t know who ha did meet. But just the same all these girls have certain ly showed us a good time. The camp sheik can be selected from these boys: Camp Monkey Waxel- baum, BUI Mapldin and ^Chiger Wilson. Pick your choice. But flankly we’ll have to admit that Pruney Parker is some ahiek him self hut can’t bo- compared with the above. Charles Molony could bo classed in this group but he hasn’t Been here long enough to have the rep yet. Dumpy -Bush seems to be the best dancer in the camp, J mean the most alluring, graceful and light on his feet George Hcidier could easily bo railed the best square dancer. He'g just wonderful, you knbw that it takes nervq to square dance and George has nil the known qualities. Diver Russell says he has enough salt to catch everybody k\ camp, including Bui>-who he intends to salt down. This ought to prove that we are having a fine time. CAMP SCRIBE. Yesterday about 75 boys /from Elberton and New Holland ar- r.ved in camp ready for two weeks stay of fan and enjoyment. Yes terday the camp was somewhat crowded owihg to not having ex pected such a crowd b«t today w« ai‘i about straight- Last night at campfire we bad a vary comical stunt Wo are having a fti? time at camp this year. Thi special course we gave In life saving and first aid was very successful. We also had a fine talk by Prof. Barrett on forestry which was very interest/ng and educa tional. Tonight at campfire we havj Invited the Girl Scouts from • Gainesville to be with us. We hop? j Ell GLEE TO' GIVE Tl MACON, On.-—Mercer Ufft\» r_ •ity> glee club during the coming School year will show ■ in thirty performances, according to a sch • dule being booked hero by Roy L Hearst, stu&nt director. Lead ing Georgia cities and those of Alabama, Tennessee npd South Carolina are -to hear the college songbirds. Hearst. a Mercer student and lo cally known as a writer of must, cal comedies, is composing the lire program. A comedy skit pre- dUntlng the Hawaian type of road shows will constitute the first act, while “I'arson" Chandler and minstrels are to afsume their usual roits as dispensers of run In the negro dialect. ' Mercer's 16.piece band Is to be with the club, which consists of 40 mk-n, 09 will the col lege Jaza orchestra. "Tb# Ten Kings of Rhythm.” Road trips will be made in No vember. January nnd April. Ai the schedule now stands, In'No. vember the Merc<rit#e will show in Bornsvllie, rtffln, Atlanta, Gaines ville, Toccoa. Hartwell. Elberton nnd Athena. In January Corilele, Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Statesboro. Mlilen, Augusta and Dublin, In April, Dawson,. Colum bus, Opelika Ala, West Point, ha. Orange, Newnan, Rome, - Dalton and Chattanooga Tenn. Other gageimnt* outside the state are 4o b e anoouncefWater. it was aaid. NEWSBOY BEEN MISSING ATLANTA, CIA.—Local police autho- tfes have for the patt several days been making an extensive search for the- whereabouts of H. K. Stowe. Is year old newsboy, who has been my steriously missing from firms for near a week. It Is feared that he ha a met jrlth foul play. The father ef the youth, T. J. Stowe cY.ultl give no reas- son to the police officials why the lad should wish to run away from his home. 1 NOTICE The public is Invited to at tend-the annual jubilee singing given by the Hill’s First Bap tist Church Choir . John A-Ector will’direct the music and he expects to pre sent his entire choir. The place it—Hill's First Baptist Church,, corner Reese qnd .Pope Streeta. The time* Is—July 27, 1924, at 4 o’clock p. m. *•** We ask you to bring your friends. wards paving, and w e hope at not too distant date u> se e this road covered with a hard surface all the way from Jefferson to Athens. On nccount of railroad crossings, there has been some trouble in se curing a right of way from Clarkes, boro to the Clarke county line, but this will be amicably adjusted, and th? grading and surfacing will be extended until It connects the roud at the Clarke county border. An especially Interesting incident connected with U}e operation of th« stone crusher, and one in which he taka great pride, was the placing of the first rock in the huge ma* chine by Chairman A. C. Apple by, of Jackson County Board ol Roads and Revenues. Chairman Appleby, us well as tho other mem bers of the board, is greatly Inter, ested In buildlug good roads in Jacfcscn county, and he Is anxious to se a two great highways .leading cast and west, and-north and south across the county. Beginning at Arcade. the road Will be surfaced with top soil, this being secured along the right-of- why of the road. The convicts at work on the project began the soil ing cn Tuesday, working from Clarkesboro towards* Jefferson. The highway has been .improved with a hardsurface and top loll road all the way from Athena to the Jackson county line. C ot s». llvsr, biliousness, indtgeat and gassy pains reaalt* • Easy to take, thoroughly deauhg CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Never disappoint or nauseate—25e That’s what many puts vim nad vi| stomachs; rich, re old veinac sound bones. I delicious Old Folk’s Best Friend I it, for it ' into old >looj into use sound flSsh ‘on old Drink a glkss of - this ■ digeitsnt with each cat. Shivar Ale Yonr grocer or druggist will rs. fund your money on first .dozen if you aro not delighted with results. If your regular dealer cannot supply yon, telephone Wholesale Distributors TALMADGE BROS. A CO* TALLULAH FALLS EVERY SUNDAY $1.50 Round Trip SOUTHERN RAILWAY MEN’S UND&ttrEAR cool and comfortable for Sum mer wear, and shirts to match . in lightness of - weight, but daintily designed in various patterns and coloring*. Our stock of high-gra<Je haberdash ery is' thoroughly up-to-date in character and variety, ss to shirts, collars, hosiery, gloves, * belts, neckwear and men’s fur nishings generally. TONY’S SHOP Cor- Collet, ■nd Ctxjion St*. , TO WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. August 2nd, 1924 VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY / FROM ATfcANTA, LAWRENCEVILLE, WINDER, ATHENS AND Intermediate Points $15.00 Roundtrip GOOD FOR 10 DAYS , , SLEEPERS AND COACHES _ August 2nd Leave Atlanta, S. A. L. 8:00 p. m. CT. August 2nd Leave Lawrenceville S. A. L. 10:10 p. m. ET. August 2nd Leave Winder, S. A. L. 10:38 p. m..ET. August 2nd Leave Athens, S. A. L. 11:19 p. m. ET. August 3rd Arrive Wilmington, S. A. L. 12:20 noon DINNER AT THE BEACH Special Rate at Oceanic Hotel, and no charge for Bathing Privilege. MAKE PULLMAN RESERVATIONS NOW! For Tickets, Information or Reservations, v Apply to Nearest Ticket Agent, or C. S. COMPTON, / C. G. LaHATTE, R. E. CAMP, Commercial Agent, Trav. Pass’r Agent, District Pass. Agent, Athens, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. FRED GEISSLER^- Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager, SEABOARI? AIR LINE RAILWAY, h Atlanta, Ga.