The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 27, 1924, Image 5

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I SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1021. THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS, GEORGIA. MARKETS ATHENS COTTON The local cotton murket clc at 30 1-4 cents Saturday- 1 previous close was 29 cents. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS The following were the ruling prices in the exchange: Open High Low Close WHEAT- 134 138% 134 136% 132 135% 132 13514 1.34 U 138% 134% 137ft 140 142% 130% 141ft 109 111% 109 10914 105 107% 104% 105ft 94% 96% 94% 95ft 95 97% 95 96ft FURNITURE USED F0RSALL TO RENT [APARTMENTS! FARMS FOR .RENT—One furnished bed* room one block of post office. Phnna MO corn- DEPENDABILITY HAVE IT Almost ANY BEARING OR OTHER REPLACEMENT PART FOR Almost ANY CAR. HUGGINS & SON RENT — Three connecting unfurnished rooms to coupie without children. 126 E. Strong St raaf on i in. - Our USED CAR DEPARTMENT is as definite and perma nent a factor in our success as our NEW CAR DEPART MENT. It is equally well organized. LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY . Street, Phone 334. FOR RENT—Furnished, -2 rooms, kitchenette and bath. 'Close in, desirable location. Reasonable Phone 788-W, 665 North Jack- son Street.. j27c NEW ORLEANS COTTON The following were the ruling prices in the exchange: Tone, steady; middling, 30c; steady. ' . Open High Low Close P. C- Oct 27-40 28.65 27.40 28.49 27.00 Dec. 27.21 28.42 27.18 8845 26.76 Mar. 27-60 28.43 27.56 28.30 26.76 May 28.30 26.82 OR RENT—House, 5 rooms, No. 190 Oakland Avenue, less than one block from Milledge Are* nue. Price $40.00. per month. Available August 1st. Phone Tool Wler, j27c AUTO PARTS DR. J. C. McKINNRY Moved to 128 Clayton Stmt practice Limited to tho Dixrates - Eye, Ear, Not* and Throat Testing Eyes and Making Olaucs Jy22e WANTED E. KAY •THH SMILING PAINTER" Pina Painting and Interior Decorating Phone 1297, Athena Ga. diamond in antlers. Reward if returned to Joseph H. Lumpkin, WANTED—To rent direct from owner 4 or 5-room cottage in good neighborhood. Phone 57. -j29p TAXI SERVICE Day and Night FOR RENT—Apartment, furnish ed, for month of August, second 'floor; corner Hancock and Har- LOST—One 8-quart and one 6- quart -ice cream freezer, with out cranks or dashes. Fell from wagon in paper mill bridge. No tify Ji L. Boyd, R. F. D. 1, Bo- FOR SALE FOR RENT—August 1st, furnish ed apartment, living room, bed room, dining mom, kitchen. Bleeping porch and bath; half block from car lino, on good street off Milledge; 140-00 per month. Write P, L. O., care ' Banner-Herald. FOR SALE—One bushel nice clean wheat. Ban- ner-Herald Office. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. RICHARD F. HARRIS, Agent Phone 228 521 Southern Mutual Building. a20c FEMALE HELP WANTED Phone .WANTED—A Cook, to stay* on lot. Phono 9124.J27c STOVE WOOD FOR SALE—Dry nine stove wood, $2.00 load de livered; $1.50 on ground. Albert Davison. j28c RANTED«- Experienced salesladies; only-experi enced need apply. Abe Joel Sons. j27c FOR RENT—Five room house, close in, 357 East Strong Street, modern conveniences.' Phone A. M. Powell, 1582-W. j27p POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Courteous Drivers NOTICE We have loat received a new * shipment of SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES At Reduced Prices. Let Us Equip Your Car. City Service Station Phone 1047 Washington and Jackson Sta. WAGON FOR SALE—Two-horse wagon for sale, $12.50. Albert Davison. j28c DRINK PEACHUM “Like Eating Georgia Peaches." DRINK BUDWINE -Makes Yon Glad Yon’ra Thirtay.” J»2*« FOR RENT—Three or fonr fur- nished or unfurnished down stairs rooms, with connecting bath- Phone 1525-J.j29c Yellow WANTED—An experienced pastry cook, also second cook. Apply ter Steward, Georgian Hotel. J25c I hereby announce as candidate for Solicitor General of the West ern Circuit subject to the action of tho Democratic Primary of September 10. When elected I promise to faithfully discharge tho duties of the office without fear or favor. Your vote and sup port will be-appreciated. HENRY H. WEST. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL To the Voters of the Western Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor General of the Western Circuit, subject to tho Democratic Primary. I will appreciate the support of the voters of the Circuit, and if elected I hereby pledge myself to n fair and impartial enforcement nf the FOR SALE—One '24 Ford tour ing car, new tires, starter, six months old, $250.00 cash. Call 1047. . j28c OFFICE GEORGIAN HOTEL FOR RENT—Six room house August 1st; can be seen at 480 Cloverhurst Avenue. Apply at 105 Baxter Street. J27c FOR SALE -- Mahogany living room suite, Bloch's baby Go- Cart, bed, kitchen table, Cole heater No. 12, Detroit Jewel Gas Range, practically new. Call 1130-J. j28c HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED —We know how to pack your household goods for a short or long journey so that they will arrive at their destination in tact. We move carefully even if hurriedly. Phone 148, .Wil liams; Transfer & Storage’ Co., Inc., m a8c APARTMENT AND. ROOMS FOR RENT—After Sept. 1st. Formerly Daniel's Studio quar ter*, Broad Street See Sidney Boley or Frank Lipscomb. FOR SALE—Good used self-play er piano; first $50 cash gets it See J. E. Whitehead at Hilley & Jones Barber Shop. j29c SALESMEN WANTED EARC1ARQUND money-making opportunity, for full and part time salesmen. Also several small town end rural agencies available. Easy to sell our $23.50 suits and overcoats direct to wearer. Write The Style-Center Tailoring Co., 211 McKcnxic Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE—Bedroom suite, piano, china cabinet and several odd pieces of furniture. Phone 1439 or call 1820 S. Lumpkin between 2 and 5 p.m. j29p GUARANTY TRUST CORPORATION 351 E. Clayton Street Phone 716 WANTED—To rei^b or lease desir able cottage or bungalow with all modem conveniences. Pos session September 1. Business, twyi with family of two. Write “House” care Banner-Herald- j29c ERA8TUS W. ROBERTS. OR SALE—Nearly new Lexing ton Lark automobile, $1,000.00. This car new is worth $3,000.00. W. I. & Geo. M. Abney. j29c Get one quick before they are all gone—and enjoy a good dip in the cool water. The McGregor Co. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL To tho People of the Western »Circuit: I especially desire to serve the newly-created Western Circuit one moro term as Solicitor General, and for this reason, and at the solicitation of a great many peo ple, 1 am again making the an nouncement of my candidacy. During my service I have at all times endeavored to stand “for the enforcement of the law and the advancement 'of the highest ideals of our state and country.” I have tried at all times to be “more than fair and to give every one all that tho hw would Rermlt.” I feel that the altitude of the law is to stoop to the unfortunate and help, and savjo them when possible; but to those who for gain, deliberately enter upon a career of crime and are primarily to blame for the criminal acts of others, the law with its mailed hand should do penal justice. Government promotes peace, se curity and happiness by restrain ing tvilf. ami the safety and hap piness of community life depends upon the honest, vigorous and efficient discharge, by public offi cials, of public duty. 1 feel 1 can give the public bet- FOR SALE—One Paige Roadster, Dodge Sedan, Ford Cut-Down. , Terms can be arranged. Pinson- Brunson Motor Co., Phone 461. • J29c WANTED—By August lat, young man stenographer, capable of assisting in book work. Chance for advancement to right party. Apply in own handwriting. Box 483, Athens, Ga.j29c There’s Something y< New On Lot 120x160. Located on a good •treat. Price 10350.00. Terms. EO seres of land, near Atheiti. Good house, Urn, pasture, and fins bottoms. 40 acres land near town. Two I houses, fine pasture, 15 acres saw timber. Good toms. Soma choice building Jots and a largo number of residences on FOB SALE—One’ 4-gaUcH cow. Coll 920*W. J27c IANTED — Stenographer-book keeper. State age, ability, exper ience and salary expected. P. O. 186. j27c apartment with private beth and separate entrance. Posses sion August 25th. Phono J494-W during business hours, 1812 after 4 p. m. * J29p Now On Displby. W n L & Geo. M. ABNEY i Our Insurance Department can furnish nor needs in LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE '• Call or Phone Us. ATHENS-AUGUSTA COACH LINE DAILY BENT A FORD Drive-It-Yourself EPPS GARAGE jC-iPhone 497. Coach leaves Georgian Hotel at 8 A. M. and 4 P. II, FOR AUGUSTA Arriving at Augusta at 12:35 P. M. and 8:35 P. M. Via Crawford, Lexington, Washington, Thomson and Harlem, Pie. W. O. DEAN. FOR CONGRESS To the Voters of the Eighth Con- H. O. EPTENG & CO. EPPS GARAGE See the New 1925 Model Now on Display ATLANTA Dude Coaches SAFE AND" CLEAN Leave Georgian Hotel for ATLANTA 7:30 A. M.—4:00 P. M. Fare: $2.5!L Round Trip $5.00. UNIVERSITY DRIVE LOTS MSS.** » Lot UftxlSS feet, comer Uni- varsity Drive end Agriculture Drive, 11,200.00. Lot 74x160 foot, corner Agricul ture Drive and/Morton Annus, 8750.00. Lot 74x150 foot, Morton Ave nue, 360000. Wo can sell you either of tho above lota alngiy at prices men- tlonad above, but if you want an extra large lot, almost a city block—145x315 feet—yon can ban tho four beautiful shaded lots for (they are all adjoining) fiOOO-OO. This is a pick-up. gresaional District: I am a candidate for selection ss tho Democratic Nominee in tho Democratic Primary to be held on September loth, 1924. from the Eighth Congressional District for Our Greatest Business Asset Is Our Good Reputation. Our For Fighting The Boll Weevil , FOR SPRAYING OR HOPPING Use FARMERS' JOY LIQUID ARSENIC Poison. 1 Bat tle makes 35 ga!lon ( of deadly poison. 31.50 per bottle, loss than 4c per gallon. FOR DUSTING PEERLESS 2-ROW HAND DUSTERS 117.50. Strong, easy to run, adjustable. Weighs 13 pounds. Visit our store and see one. f NORRIS HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. 378 Broad Street Athens, Go. service In the 69th Congress and respectfully solicit the support ofs- the voters of the District, both 4s ladles and gentlemen. Yonr sup- os port will bo sincerely appreciated oa and If nominated I promise to 41- give faithful service. is Very respectfully, “ FRANK A. HOLDEN. FRANK A. HOLDEN. FOR CONGRESS To tho Voters of tho Eighth Con- 16^-170 W. Washington Are Sold With That Thought Constantly in Mind. gressional District: I am a candidate xo succeed my self as representative from the , ' , " district In the 69th Congress. I““ «m profoundly grateful to ths""* people of the district for the kind- -0"- nexs and honor they have confer *»t rod upon me in the post and will bo elnccrcly appreciative if they will continue me as their repre sentative. If re-elected I promise a faithful discharge of the dutiei of the office. I earnestly-and re spectfully solicit tho support of voters of the district, both l.die/ lt . and gentlemen. / —_ Very respectfully, / 77 seres" of good land on Wat- klnsviUe and Bogart road, 7 miles of Athens. This place has one 5-room house, good condi tion; one 4-room tenant house; good barns and outbuildings and poultry equipped. 20 acres timber, good well, good spring, and plenty of permanent run ning water. A graded top-soiled road tuna through the center of this place. Price 32,75000. $200.00 cash, 320000 in six months; balance 1, t, 3, 4 and 5 years, Phaty of Meaey Always ea Hand to Loan on Athens Real NEW CROP v Turnip Seed ALL VARIETIES .. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN AND PEACH BLOW POTATOES - FOR FALL PLANTING. We Can Make Prompt Delivery on Building Material As Follows: BOARDS, FRAMING, FLOORING, SHINGLES, MOULDING, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, CRUSHED STONE Let Us Deliver Your Coal Now. v Morris Yow 127 Broad Street Phone 1487. C. H. BRAND/ SPECIAL NOTICE, • CITY TAXES / The second installment of/ taxes are due from July la August 1st, inclusive. Taxi' who foil to pay on or before 1st lat will have to pay $li on fl fa, which will be / against all delinquents. / G. E. O'FARRV City M July 31. (Adver/ h. 0. epting & co. - m nr fu. trtment Carolyn d Care* Phone 1340—1341 Wynburn Avenue Jj28c Phone 247 269 N. Lumpkin J. P. Ingram 198 Clayton Street Phono 1584. Invited Jure* It WANT AD RATES Cents a Word s5? |r three insertion# .Seven lor the one# of fnt la. ilaeoatlaoAnoM MUST be • Oifeifi* or by latter. Tele- fan* MlfMontlnoanoes art sot 75 ■AH WANT AD VC U. PHONB 13 HER.HERALD WAI.I ■ r pc ««T RESULTS