The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 27, 1924, Image 8

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t. — TEB! BAWNER-nBRALP, ATHENS, CBORGIA SUNDAY. JULY 27. 192l_ SOCIETY MRS. ALICE ADAMS Office Phone 1201 Residence Phene 832 Z the way of a boy f TlUs Is the way a boy comes home! * And the way it rha'U ever'be: * A scamper of feet through the leaf * and loam * And the chase of a vagrant bee. W A coat cast off and quite forgot, * A whistle and ringing cheer, J And a romp near every well-known 9 spot * On the way from Ther- to Here, 2 This is the way a boy make* haste, 2 And the wdy it has ever been: £ A squirrel seen is a squirrel chased * And a top is made to spin, ” A tree’s to climb uni a brook’s to trade. lie •* And the shade is a place 2 After the Zt£t of the gam e that’s •» played * When the sun Is hot and high. This is 4he path a boy calls ~ straight, * By every winding way L WTiere berries are or w * wait *, Or squirrels dart at play, * By bank* that bid ^ cool « Two dusty feet" and brown * In th© pebbly shallows of the pool 2 That’s on the way from. town. birds sit and 1 This Is the errand swiftly done, A# doing shall ever be. An ounce of care to th© pound ol ** fun, And an hour that grows to three, A fence .to climb and a rail to stride With berries to hunt and share. And n breathless quarter hour be. side A timid woodchuck’s lair. And this Is the thing th/t a bo| calls Care, And th© thing It ahull eve r be An old s raw hat that's lost some where In old shade of some far-off tree, shirt that’s damp or trouser* rent, ,, A bruise or n hornet's sting. And lagging footsetps chorswart So’these are the ways that boys all know ' And so may they ever be. Fancies nre fickle n* windy that blow. And dreams as wide as th© sea 1 H<nven above where the blue skj smiles, • With no day overlong. And & whistle of myrry tunes that biles HENRY’S 426 Broad Street July Clearance Sale ■ $6.00 Tuxedo Fiber Silk Sweaters .. $2.95 $4.00 White Felt Hate $2.95 --$.6.00 Voile Dresses . $3.95 $5.00 Tab Sylk Dresses • $3.45 $1.50 Princess Slips ... .V*....... *. $1.00 $3.50 White Felts, large head vize .. $1.50 |i: $5.00 and $6.00 Bathing Suite .. $3.95 „J12.50 Silk Dresses to Close Out.... $6.95 $20.00 Silk Dresses to Close Qut.... $9.95 ! > 200 Straw Hate to Close Out ... . $1.00 A whole world Into «on*.- AN OVERFLOW REGISTRATION FOR Y. W. C. A. CAMP At lut the Y. W. C. A. camp at Jenning’a Mill la nearlrg com pletion. This will bg good 1 now* to the many girl# and young wo men who will have only a abort lion and wiah to spend iV hear, by. within reach of the city'* Thla camp la offered for the retnark- ably low figure of 12.00 for ten daya, which will barely cover, ex pense*. Think of having nuch n holiday for auch a price! Not ev en railroad fare la needed, a* the site is so near the city. The board members plan to ma«t the groups down town and taka them out In their autos. The first tim© the camp will-bs open to the young women of the city will be for the week end ol Aug. 2nd and 3rd. Those wish. lag to take advantage of this op portunity to enjoy the new' camr should communicate wjth Mis* Coon, the general secretary. The tlm© from Aug. 4th to 8th will be given to Mrs. Annie May Bryant and her* Clarke count> girls, for the Y. W. C. A. meant to serve not only Athena but the entire community. Then comes the ^ week end ol Aug. 9th and lOlfii" which Is open for registration. The first ten day section of th< camp begins on the 11th of Aug list and extends through the 21st. This is for-jtlris in the grades and the high school. This camp li already filled. The shacks looking the awimmlng pool have been given to those who register, ed first. A few others who wish to come in this section will be given places In the cottage. A second camp Is planned to lx conducted after the 21st of Augus and those wishing places reserved fo r this time should register now. - Arrangements have not beer j definitely completed oonoernlng I the UniQ for tti« underweight child ren. They may come at the end | of th© summer. I Hers In th© heart of nature, the I Y. W. C. A. offers rest, rscrea tlon, and we hope, a clearer vision of apiiitual realities. There wll’ be lots of iun too for Ood meant ! fo r us to be happy. That new 'swimming pool I*Oust below the I shacks. Think of running down ‘every morning for a plunge!! With .Mis* Shirley and Miss Johnston in ‘charg© of the recreation all sort* of delightful things will be plannee such as hiking, wading, marsh mallow and welnsr roast4, singing plcnlcing down the creek, and on rainy days, volley ball, basket ball or Indoor baseball in the big re creation hall. Sbme :.iember of the Y. W. C. A. board and net (husband will stay at the camp and chaperons each group. Dr. K. J. Morgan will hav© charge of the morning devotlonals, and th© pres cient, Mrs. A. S. Parser, will give her wise supervision over all the activities of the camp. It Is too late to get in th# firs* ten day section. Those who wish to come to camp after th© 22nd of August would do well to Sign up Immtdlately in the offices cl the Y. W. C. A. on Colleg© ave- nue. —M. 8. C. Keeps Bobbed Hair Dry ^Artistic Bobbing ^ in Different Styles ' 1 We study the lines of the head and cut the hair accordingly.^ There is no hustle and bustle in our estab lishment. Each cut is carefully done and given all the time necessary to a successful and becoming bob. •-'*%. ' HILLEY & JONES, INC Southern Mutual Building J Mrs. Walter 8- Robison, of Ath ens, and Miss Lillian Traynham, I of Atlanta, wjere guests of Mrs. H. C. Cox several days this week— Walton News. - \ I —W?— I Miss Aldene Hunter of Greens- j boro is | Gordon. guests of frienhs bene*. MUs Bernice Spencer entertain ed at a lovely party Tuesday even ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hpenctr. .Mlsa El.zabeth Echols of Com merce In the guest of Miss Leila the guest % of Mrs. E. C j Ms,? Henry. Master Jack Whitehead is in At* ' — SB— 'lanta, the guest of h>s bister, Mrs. ' _ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Huntpr and j Fountain. J Mian Miry Cobb Hunter ar« 1 Mr. and Mr*. Ernest Spencer and apendln" the week-end In Winter- family are visiting rrUndsiu At- ville with Mrs* E. T. Hale. lanta. —I#— i Miss Sara Lee Rewtien. is the Mr. and Mrs. Grady Harrell ol guest of her aunt In Winder. Macon ure guests of^the latter’i j The friends of Miss Ora Ken- sister, Mrs. P. L>. Mathews. ‘drink are sorry to learn of her con- —ffi— * .jtinued Illness. Miss Jeanette Efnst left Thurs- j Misty s Winifred Fowler and day for Greensboro to visit Mrs. J j W. Hunter. —W— ! Airs. E. M. Howell and Mrs. E. C. , Gordon visited relatives In Greens- | boro last msek. —i®—. Mr. and Mrs T. b. Anderson and family, Misses Grace and Sue Bul lard are spending the week end at • Tallulah. Mary Fant are entertaining it a cam pin, part, at »{l“ , country placo os ihe,Tpl)H-8 roan, t Mlsae. Olivia Lyle , wM Mar, Helen Henry havje returned from Camp Wilkins. <*' : - Miss Lollle Holmes of Washing ton, an attractive summer, school girl,was a recent gu4*t, of Miss Blanche Callaway. Mrs. Joneph Alexander if the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John W ood In Commerce. ' . - Mrs. T. A. Henry is spending s taw days in MaysvUle* Mr* Clifford Thurmond of Cor- dele and Miss Willie'Map Thur mond of Athens were dinner.. nests of Mrs. Duwey Thurmohd Thurs day evening. Beauty, Money, Marriage—Alimony, Trouble, Court Bathing wigs are the latest invention for bobbed hair. How to keep, the wave from the waves: Wear a coquettish little rubberised cotton wig—the latest creation of Viallard, Paris. went to Chicago to handle th© per. formance. They were Mrs. D. M Boykin, Mrs. T. T 1 . Stevens, Mrs Willard Patterson and Mrs. Z. I Fitzpatrick. Among the out-of-town guest* at the theatre party were Df and Mrs. 8. V. Sanford, of Ath ene. Mrs. W. S. Shepherd, Madison, Mrs. I. W. Purdon ol Waycross, Mrs. E. M. Watt Columbus, Mts. 'Homer Merrill of Thomasvllle, Mrs. T. S. Mason Hartwell, Mrs. Fltxpatrlck of Mad. loon and'' Min. Atkinson.—CJeor gian. LEROY CULVER ENTERTAIN* DELIGHTFULLY Leroy Culver very delightfully entertained about fifteen of his little friends at a birthday party at lame of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Culver, on .Wednea day afternoon from three until lire. Alter the little folks had played games., refreshments lemonade, ice cream and cake were served. Leroy received quite a number of presents and th© par ty was enjoyed by uli. Mrs. 'Cul. /vns assisted In entertaining by Mrs. W. O. Bolling. TALLULAH PALLS SCHOOL TRUSTEES ENTERTAIN FRIENOS AND SPONSORS At LYRIC THEATRE Friend, und sponsor, of ih. T*L lulah Falls Industrial School, the mountain school for girls owned and operated by tbs Georgia Fed eration of Women's Clubs, «Vr# entertained at a theatre party at the Lyric Thursday night by trustees of the school. The central figure at th# party wag Mr®. Ulric Atkinson, of Chi cago, chairman of the permanent Tallulah Falla Asaoclatisn estab lished ther© and one of tho lead, era. In making th© benefit per. formancts of "Sun-Up’’ in that city a success. Mayor Sims, between gets, spoke • In behalf of the trustees and the I school, thanking all who aided In I the benefit and pleading for con tlnued support for th© mountain school. Ho aald the children th© mountains wars endowed with Splendid brains as well as splen did bogles and chat they were de serving of th© help that la be ms given .them toward gaining an edu cation. Especially happy was the establishment of friendship tween Chicago and Atlanta U» the performance, Mayor Sims said, Govsronr and Mrs. Walker wore among these preie nt. srwaeeln among thos© present, as wart th« four Georgia clubwomen who S Vacationists!! Dont borrotD a pen io iDriteuour summer letters. Carr if uour oiDrt — YOW-ADAM8 WEPOING FLANS OF WIDE SOCIAL INTEREST Th© marriage-of Miss Mary Faith Yow and Adam Gillespie Adams, Jr., will be an outstanding social event of,August and 1s of widespread interest throughout h© south. The wedding will take ptace /rlday evening. August 15 at the home of the bride-elect'* puren: Dr. and Mrs. 8amuel Benjamin Yow. In Lavonla. and the < mony will be perfprnud at nine o'clock. Miss Sarah Yow, sister of the brlde.elect, will be maid of honor an Mr. Adams will have us hlc oest man his brother. Elliott Ad ams, of Nashville, Tenn. The bride-elect will be given In marriage by her father. an.J orlUlant reception will follow the ceremony, assembling several hur*< dred guests Including the !mme. dlate families and out-of-I guests. Mr. Adams and his brld* wll' eniof un extended wedding ? ney an upon their return uiil l*e at >erne !«• Atlanta. Miss Shirley and Miss Johnston of the Y. W. C. A. aye spsnding<'to- day Hi Atlanta. —3R— Mrs. Ben Thorntcn and Mrs. Frank Thornton have returned wYIisa Flossie Jackson of Dahlone- ) from a visit to Atlanta. OR. FURRY TO ADDRESS WOMEN PRINCE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Furry, dean of Shorter Col lege and an Instructor of Sutnmei School will address the women, ol the Prince avenue Baptist churcl Monday afternon at 5 o'clock. All women are invited. JOEL WIER, JR. CELEBRATES ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY Joel Wi©r, Jr., celebrated Ids eleventh birthday anniversary Fri day afternoon with a very enjoy, able swimming party at the Clov. erhurst country club followed by a delicious watermelon cutting. About twenty five guests of tht young sshool set were present vac 1 and all declaring It waa on# of th L Jollleat one very loveliest parlies of the season. The day was Intensely Use entertaining features were all th© more enjoyablfc and refreshing at the sunset houe. JACK SON-ALMON Mr. B. F. Jackson of Athens an nounces the engagement of hi* daughter Martha to William Bryan Almcn, tits marriage to ha solemn tied at an early date. No cards. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wllups Phinizy left Saturday for Atlantic City to specd several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hodgson and young son Bobble, have re turned from Highlands, N. C. where they spent several weeks. Morton Jr-, and Hutching Hodgson return Monday night from camp. The frieods of Prof. George H. Flror will be interestrd to learn be is doing nicely at the General hos pital following an appendicitis op eration. Mrs. Firor who was visit ing in Atlanta was called home by his illness. Mrs. J. P. Proctor and children hav» returned from Virginia and leave this w^dc for the Y camp near Tallulah. - ■*!— / Dr* 8. V. Sanford and Messrs. 8he!toa and Homer 8anford joined Mrs. Sanford fin Atlanta Friday go- over foe this funeral Saturday rooon of Mr. Edward Howard - Mrtda. They will return home Sunday night ga and Mlsa Annette Pool of Macon al"e the weuk-end gurstg of Mrs. George M. Potter. —a— Mrs. Frazier Dyer and children of Columbia, S. c., are the gur*ts of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Baxter. Mrs. Deloney Hull of Dublin is the guest of his mother Mrs. Rnsa D. Hull. Mrs. George Potter and Httlp daughter, Virginia, leave this week for Dahlonega to visit her parents Mr. and, Mrs. T. S. Jackson. Mrs. Ora Hart Avery Is ^expected in a few days from Richmond, Vu.. Her friends will be, glad to hear ahe Is improving from an illness of several weeks. Mias Bluford ^ims of Atlanta spent several days the past w^ek with Mrs. F. H. Williams. , Mrs. Howard Benscn and chil dren returned Saturday from visit to Atlanta and MarFtta. ■ B) Mrs. Abe Jo©l and Miss Hannah Joel leaVfl Thursday for Atlantic City, Ix»iu? Beach, New York and other i>o!nts of interest to be away several WFfcks. Mr. and Mrs. iMyer St:rn spending some time In Atlantic City, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs Howard Waff in Norfolk who ac companied them on a motor trip through Maryland. Miss Ella 'Mimders Is snendinf her vacation in Glllesville. * —98- Misses Leon Brooks and Delree Stephens nro Hfpnding the week end nt the Cliff Mouse at Tallulah Kails. -ffi- Mrs. Arthur Flatau and children and Mr. 8. Bernstein will go to White Sulphur next Sunday to sptfnd somo time. ;> —BB— Mr. .Tont Jackson and Miss Ethel Jackson are spending th© week «n$l with their sister Mrs Arthur Bartley in Griffin, Ga. -■fir-- Mr. and Mrs. Bolling Sasnett of Atlanta came over yeMerUay i© v.slt her father, Congressman C 11. Brand. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Burkhart and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper have returned from the North Carolina mountains. Tho Athens party at Chhtauqua New York repor t a wonderfully lovely time and delightfully ' cool there and the cultural life and sur. roundings charming. Those en joying these nrivnntaifH* nre Mrs. Alexander, Mrj. Bussey, Miss Sprout, MIhh Holmes;' Mrs. John E. Talmndge. Jr., Mis#’ Annl© Crawford and Miss Annis Linton. Mrs. Boyce Fickleti of iVashr Ington, Ga., president of the Georgia division of th« American Legion Auxiliary and Mrs. Hornet Holden were guests Thursday o Miss Moona Michael at file Win nle Davis hall. -a— r. and Mrs. .Sidney Richards of Atlanta are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hancock. • - MrMs. Cnrl^ipps and Mrs. Ncl- sdn Arthur have returned from a two weeks’ visit to the mountains. [*)— OCONEE HEIGHTS NEWS Miss Blanche Callaway is th© guest of Mrs. Deadwylsr in De catur. Messrs. Grady Dcas and Leroy Ortjen of Augusta were lucent Mrs. Cortlandt Young holds tight her baby, “Rosebud,” whom her hiutband tried to taka from her, according to har chadgee in a New York court. She once was Dorothy Campbell, Follies beauty. She married Young, a magazine publisher, in 1920. They separated in 1923 and she received a large alimony allowance from her wealthy tpousc. It later was stopped. Now she says Young caips to her tmall apartment and attempted to take their little daughter Th# zffair reached court when neighbors called the police. Tho many friends of Mrs. C. 11. 1’hinUy will be dehghted to Bura she is liu pro vine fiom an attack or neuritis. 8he was ill during her thre* weeks vis.t la Augusta. Miss Gusvie Itcj’se of l*exlngton and Mrs. McCracke* of Baxley were visitors here Friday. —•Jl — Mr. and Mrs. a. 8. Parker, lit- tl: Betty Parker, Miss Coon, Mina Hutchison and &t'.*s Peaaw are spending the we©k end at the Y. IV. c. A. camp, known a* Jennings Mill- ^ ! Mrs. A. B. Desdwyler, Mlsa Rene Dei-dwyl t, Mrs. Cliff Barber ol Commerco and Mlsa Will Gunter of Augusta were guests of Mrs. Olin Dozier Friday for th* day. - ■ Mrs. R. C. Neely of Waynesboro arr,ves today to mUIt Mr. soft Mrs C- A. Scudd/T. •—Iff ■ Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Hudson with a i*arty 1*11 Friday fof^i trip to the mountaina. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Langston and Miss Frances Langston ofiMonro? were recent visitors to Mr. and Mrs. C- a Taylor. Billups Johnson^will return Mon day night from the Y. Camp where haa been spendmgg several weeks. Mr. and' Mr^ Hugh Oordon and son Louis are spending the week end at the Y ca m p. Mrs. Frank Lipscomb and moth er 'Mrs. E. It. Hodgson who have been at Hraufersanrille, N. C stopping at Duncraggan are spend> Ing the w«ek-end at Grove Park Inn, Asheville. —S— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodgson and Walter Hodgson. Jr., have re turned from Pablo Beach, Fla., ac companied by her mother and sis ter, Mrs. L. A. Scarborough and Mlsa Martha Scarborough of Co lumbus who will be the;r guests for several days. Mfos©s I Hen*and Lucile Coopsf are vlsitlnr' their parents In Greensboro. • — S * HI,, Edna Hal, of WintorriUe la Hy> gueat of Mr. R. W. An- Uony nt the homo of Mra. If. C . Hooter. I Waist Reduced, in 'Double-Quick Time With New Girdle Makes you look inches fhlnnrr the moment you put it on- ami gently out surely mau i iages away your fat while you walk, play, or work. rf-wE moment you put on the Madame X. 1 Girdle, the bulky fatonwalit and hips icons to vanlah and your body become, erect, grace ful. youthfully slender! Built upon adentific massage principle, which have aimed reduc- tions of 5,10.15, even 25 pounds Made of the most reailient Para rubber especially de signed for reducing purpenea. Worn over the undergarment—fit, as mugly a, a kid glove and has garter, attached. * It Is to constructed that from 1 to 3 Inches from % sages the entire surface of abdomen, waist, hip*end thighs as you walk, climb stairs, bend, reach or dance. Every movement you make, even your natu- i ral breathing, is met by this live rubber girdle, which gently massages sway the fst-without any extra exertion on your pert. Womet) often lose waist and hips the very first week. Special cuf* sway front Insures perfect ^ comfort while you sit, work or play. And the special back ledng makes It easy to adjust as you becoma more slender. You must sec this re markable girdle to sppre- date It. Come in today and try it on. You won’t want to take it off! IN FLESH $11.85 IN GREY $9.85 BRASSIERES $5.00 -QHIcldameYReducingGiidle MakrtMxi Look Thin-/* While Getting Thin, W. T. COLLINS INC