The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 27, 1924, Image 9

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THE BANNBR-HBRALP. ATHENS, GEORGIA. SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1924. A DELIGHTFUL LAWN PARTY On Thursday afternoon at ala o'clock, a most unique lawn parts •waa given tft tbe home of Mra. C. A. Vtr Noy, on Milledg e avenue. Aa the heat of the day was turn ing to the cool of the evening, the guest*-, arrived and were escorted to th* back lawn, tt lovely spot circled with flowers and shrubbery and cut off from the sights and sounds of the outside world. Here was gathered a group of promi nent ^womcn from all over Geor gia, *wh6 Wive been attending the course In ParenUTeacher Associ ation work, offered at the Uni versity. Delicious salads and Ices were served, and bonus of friendshii wer« strengthened in pleasant talk. ™ «» |.tUU|> LUU1U I1U( lung keep quiet on the subject nearest their hearts* and soon they were again discussing the child, hohte and the school.* Mr*.' Arthur C. Watkins, nat ional secretary and leader of the P. T. A. course was asked outline dace again her ideas the value of the preuwhool train ing. Sh« said in part: , “We ar« a nation ot sis graders - The large majority of children nev er go to school after the sixth grade. It Is'not fair to the teach ers to expect them to educate child in six yeara when the moth er haa done nothing to train that child- in the first six years of its life. - One often hears a mother _ say tb an unruly child, /Wait till you to school, the teacher will make you mind! * This la not fair to thg. teacher or the child, first years are the most impres. slonable and In them the habit* ol the alter, life should be formed All kinds of right habits, healthy and social, and £gliglous. The habits of proper eating, sleeping bathing and exercising should b< acquired. Hs should .earn how to ptay with N^he neighbor children 10 be one In a group, to play fats and hot always have his own way as an only child Is apt to de mand. He must learn to obey those in authority., as this is ona of the foundation stones of future good cltisensAip. He shou.d begin to appreciate the beautiful In nature pictures, -music. Of course, thl. I* the time for him to load fejtf lundamenui conception tf . Hut mOet important of all, the mother'should turn the child to the teacher, a healthy, normal llttie uaimui." Mrs. Watkins was asked, **Wlth such a background as this, what part would »h c kindergarten play in tbe development of the child?'* Mho answered, "It continues all of thiso beginnings, and serves os , tho formal link between ih^^botnc and the school." Dr. Bernard W. Carey wa* .thi only man present, bui bis opinion Is weighty enough to be quoted He said, *T consider tho kindergar ten period the most important in the school life of tbe child, from the health view point .at least at thft time physical defects shou,d be detected and removed as faults are much iqor* easily oorreetd now than later, ‘she people -ot this town should do more to uphold the hands v of'Mrs. Vcr Nooy, who hai been fh« one to show most whole, heartediy h«r interest in tnls sub Ject. However, I may say that Athens is now mors awake u health problems than any^othet city of Its sise in tbe Uhited btales, and that Is putting It con- aorvatively." Th* happy group A could have continued the talk indefinitely, but the deepening shadows summon** them to their own homes and lit- \ t.o ones. I -M. S. C. Mr A. II. Davison left last week for a business trip to Now York. Mrs. 8. B. Yow of Livonia spent Friday in Uia city. My. •Marion wffllams of Atlanta is Oke guest of reteUvss. Mr. Jams Lyncfand children of Florence, 8. C- who haa been the jVfiH ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ■IS. 1. Smith, left last w«k for Sa- luda, N. C.. and was accompanied by Mr. B. L Smith, Jr* who re turns today. Mrs. B. W. Carroll baa returned from a visit to rslaUvsa in Shady Mrs. C. M. SnelUng who cams down from Mountain City for Music Weft st Summer School re lumed Saturday accompanied by Mi and Mrs. Audlay Morton who will spend ggveral day*. MIsa Carter Jaudon of Elberton is tha guest of Miss Ella Gltnn. Messrs. Hampton JangO, Doug las and Frits Orr, Fkin Slaughter, Harold Hancock, Dave Campbell and others returned Saturday from Camp McClellan. Mine Martha,Campbell left Fri day for Richmond, ,Va., to Join her mother after/an extended visit to friends In the city. Mias -umo* H Usman leaves Wednesday for New York to spend several weeks. Mrs. Frank Kroner of Winter* vill* was among the visitors here Mr. and Mra K. C- Swans an nounce ihtblrth of a little girt, Thursday, Jhly 24, at their home, 171 Grady avenue* who Will be call'd Marion Frances. Mra Swann is nemsmbersd as MIsa Sadie Don Brooks. „, „ J July Clearance Sales Offer Substantial Savings In every instance merchandise at this store is reasonably priced to begin with and when we make reductions it always means a real saving opportunity to wise shoppers. In the July Clearance Sale many extraordinary values are offered. **-&*** 30 Pretty Frocks $18.50 In this lot of pretty frocks at $18.50 you have 30 to choose from, all good styles, nicely made from good quality materials, Georgettes, Roshanara Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Flat Crepes. Sport models, street and afternoon styles. Some plain tailored, others prettily trimmed with lace, beads, braids and embroidery. Whites and colors. Originally these dresses were priced $25.00 to .$67.60. You may choose from the 30. dresses at $18.50. Silk Blouses Half Price To clear away the Silk Blouses we offer the entire stock at'half the regular price- good assortment of styles to select from. Children’s and Misses’ Dresses Reduced 25 Percent - Made of Ginghams, Linens, Voiles and Silks, all the children’sjtnd misses’ dresses go in this sale at a reduction of 25 percent. \ Sweaters Reduced 33 1-3 Percent—Silks, Fibre and Woolen. Sport Skirts Reduced One-Fourth—Silks and Woolens. \\ . v Kimonas and Negligees Reduced One-Fourth Pretty Kimonas and Negligees made of Kimona Crepes, Crepe de Chine and Solid Color Crepes, trimmed with ribbons and laces. You may choose from the stock at a saving of 25 percent Linen Dresses for $5.00 t In this lot we offer all Linen Dresses that were originally priced $9.50 to $1450-for $5.00. Considerably less than you’d pay for the material alone. Voile Dresses for $4.50 , Good assortment of colors and styles to choose from, solid colors, combinations, figures and dots. They’re unusual values at $4.50. 60 Hats in a Sale At 98c Each In this assortment of 60 hats we offer a great lot of bargains. Originally the prices were $5.00 to $10.00. Trimmed Hats At $2.98 This assortment of trimmed hats includes hats that were originally priced at $10.00 to $17.50. You may choose from the lot at $2.98. White Straw Sport Unis Reduced 25 Pet A Sale of Rugs With a 20 Percent Saving - On Monday we will offer the entire stock of Rugs at a reduction of 20 percent Axminsters, Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons, Congoleum and Grass. All sizes and pat- terns. Sale this week only. 35 Dresses Specially Priced $10.0Q Attractive styles in Wash Silks, Printed 35 Dresses In This Lot At a Reduction of ;;l$'PerCent Crepes, Satin’ Faced Crepes, Roshanara These dresses are ghown in aftcrnoon) din _ Crepes, Dent Crepes. Sport and street ner and evening styleg> faghi(med of ^ styles. Solid colors, stripes, checks'and figures. These dresses were origihally priced $15.00 to $25.00. You may choose from them at $10.00. Suits and Coats at Half,. ... . . . . ‘class of real bargains. The Regular Price * In this sale we offer every suit v and coat in the house at half the regular price. AH good styles, made of fine materials. be3t quality Georgettes, Crepe Romain, combinations of Lace and Georgette and Crepe De Chine. Prettily trimmed with beads, embroidery, plaits, laces and rib bons. All good colors. With a reduction of 25 percent these frocks stand in the Printed Voiles 29c a Yard This assortment of Voiles offers a real sav ing opportunity, they are in good colors and pretty patterns. Extra good quality. Save 20% on Your Draperies During this week you may choose from the •Curtain Nets, Scrims, Cretonnes and Drap eries at a saving of 20 percent Children’s Parasols Half Price In the clearance sale goes all of the chil dren’s Parasols at half the regular price. Some with plain handles, others with doll head ornaments. Boys’ Wash Hats At Half Price All the Boys’ Wash Hats will go' in the clearance sale at half the regular price. Straws/cloth, straw and cloth combinations and straw and leather combinations. Most any size for boys j>f 3 to 10 years of age.^ One Lot Cretonnes At .. 25c a Yard Normandy Voiles At 49c Yard Normandy ptamped on a piece of Voile means the same thing as sterling on a piece of silver. No better Voiles can be had. One table of these fine Voiles offered at 49c a yard. Regular price 69c. A Special Table of Silks This table is filled with silks, good quality, desirable colors, solids apd patterns. The reduction ranges from 25 percent to 50 per cent. Every piece of silk on this table is a 1 real bat-gain at the price. Pongee Color Silk Stripe Shirt Madras 39c ■ Yard. f. Neckwear and Dress ■ Trimmings Reduced One-Half. ' Silk Parasols $4.75 Good quality Silk Parasols with pretty, handles, specially priced $4.75. Men’s Madras Summer Union Suits .. 69df Davison- ATHENS' BUSIEST STORE