The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 31, 1925, Image 5

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TUESDAY, MARCH 31, IKS. MB BANNER-1 IDENTIFYING ANIMALS BY NUi 200 THE VETERINARY DIVISION Georgia State Collate of I Agriculture Will Reapond to Celle for VETERINARY SERVICE A moderate chare* will b* mad*. Phone 757-J Athena, Oa. i Final Showing Of Thomas Meighan And Lila Lee At The Palace Tonight Patsy Ruth Miller At The Strand; Booth Tarking- ' ton’s Novel, “The Turmoil,”, Wednesday; Jackie Coogan and Harold Lloyd Thursday and Friday Special Showing. , WAN* AD RATES 2 Cents a Word Minimum Chare* of 40 eonta $1.00 for three insertions. Sav on limes for the price of five in sertions. All discontinuance MUST b* mads In person at the Banner- Hors'd Office or by letter. Tele phone discontinuances are not valid. 7e WANT AD 7C „ PHONE banner-herald want ADS GET RESULTS LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE—Whole milk, quart; drinking buttermil) memberi than by awaits. Of < every b®y knows hie own cel where there are a large num calves on a farm, it la wise ic tlfy them while very young I numbering system shown ii gi'am. Any numeral may be a ly puttier the notches In the pin.-c eti.d add I tig them up. number of the animal gho 344. Indicated as follows: Hoi $ In right ear Hole In left ear Notch bottom right ear.... Notch top right ear Notch bottom left ear Notch top left ear Total “Number 1 calf would hai not* h In the top of left ear. N j Ceilf would have two notch and one notch bottom of le: eta ' t W# want photograph* n and glrla’ calf ntoatat yio t ELEANOR BOARDMAN PALACB WEDNESDAY Putting * famous novel on th* screen from the bock la a s’iff task. Hobart Henley. directing Th® Turmoil. Ilt*rally transcribed the pnges of the Booth Tarklngton novel. Edward T. Lowe, scenarist of Tho Hunchback of Notre Dame sat with him through every scene *>nch shot watt tna.'e from a careful ly constructed continuity. The re. nult la that tho-plcture to be seen Wednesday rft the Palace theatre Is n graphlo portrayal M thought of the author. Hackathornc. Eleanor ff.c Eileen Percy and an all i appear in the big picture, art Delivered in vicinlt; Hedge Circle. Phone 111 FOR SALE—Nine room house, modern conveniences, 2 baths, large (had; lot, good garden, garage and wood house. Good location. Easy term a B. F. Von Canon, Orange Grove, Lumpkin Street mile PURE COLLEGE NO. 1 COTTON SEED Won Flrat Prix* In Clark* County Last Year. $1.50 Per Ruehel. MRS. J. W. SCOGGINS Jefferson Road, Phono 735-W. alia RIGHT EAR By BBItT HALL (National Crop Improvement Bsnrlcs.3 lQ OYfl and glrla am easily In- O tcrested In ca:r-ralslng and • they usually- do a better Job ban their fathers, eaye D. A. Mer- .mnn.of the American Steel A Wire FOR SALE—A few places of odd furniture. Can be seen at 688 Meigs Street'*mSlc 0®orgr FOR SALE—Poland China and; Berkshire pigs, $ to 12 weeks 1 old. B. F. Tuck, Phone 58 or 217. m31e SHEET MUSIC Btrtag® and AU Siring InNtrumcnle. P. H. DURDEN Exduairo Music Dealer. OST —. Between Montleello and Analaehse, block leather trav eling bag, containing opera glaaaea, clothing, toilet articles, etc. Finder return to Banner- Herald, Reward.alp OR SALE—Pasturage for cat tle. from April 1st 60c to $1.00 per head. See E. K. Fowler, or 1 Phone 3202. m31pi <r.mitones WANTED— Boy Rround fifteen years old with bicycle to deliver pa pers. Route pays front fdtir to five dollars per week. Apply at Banner- Herald Office. ‘SWEET DADDY” DELICIOUS CAKE DR. H B. CHANDLBR Wlshot to Announce His Removal of Office to Dlnton Securities Building Over Western Union. • attc Thomas Meighan and Lila Tee in the paramount Picture 'Coming Through Palace Last Shewing Tonight N FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Let Ua -DUCO- Toar Car Heat nor Cold Does Not Affect It. No Rust—Will Not Scratch. MARTIN BROS. AUTO PAINTING Athena, Georgia, (altc FOR RENT—Two rooms, kitchen ette. private bath. Phone 1692-W.ale r»7 BERT BALL. National Cr*f 1—ytvwent Service.) l HERB art hundred* of thousands of dollars* worth of weed aeedt and trash in grain sent to market. Thera art million* of dollars' worth of damsg® dona by Insect* Both then* weed and pests ar* prop®, ted along tb® fence raw* In ttaa dans* weeds which often grow as high the fencss. At soma tlm® during tha y®ar. when tho weather is dry. weeds should b® fcurnsd. This U a tax which ®v«ry farmsr oaa uc* on bis own account. MOVING, PACKING AND STOR AGE. Williams Transfer A Stonge Co., Inc., 2C9 Hull St., Phone 148.i!2c a clerk who haa big Idaas and tha ability to carry them out. We first seo Tien, keeping hooka In Pittsburgh. A whirlwind court ship and e’opinent with tha prea- ident’a daughter followa. The father calls him n fortune-hunter. Tom doesn't taka tha trouble t< deny ft and tha girl turaa against him. Then the scene shirs to Colton, the wildest ct mining camps just outside of Birmingham. Here's the scene of Tom's fight to prove himself worthy of a better Job and the love of his estranged wife, FOR RENT—Two connecting fur nished rooms for light house- keeping. Phone 1470. m31c TIP O' TOP—That’s where our Moving and Storaga business stands, at the very peak of popular approval. We will serve > you- with commendable skill and can. Williams Transfer ft Storage Co- Inc.a!2c Does Tom “come through" in “Coming Through." He'll say he does—with a bang! I “Coming Through" is Thomas Mslghan's latest production mar at the Palace theatre. The story te a picture version of “Bed Bock" a mining novel by Jack FOR RENT—April 1st. apart ment, .three .rooms and privata bath. Apply 588 Meigs Street or Phone 1841.m31c FOR RENT—Nice eight room house; hall-and two kitchens; suitable for two families; gar den, chicken yard and garage; on Harris Stoeei. For rent, six room basement apartment, on Winburn Avenue, S 10.00; worth doublo. A. H. Davison. m31c HAULING AND MOVING—Any- thfng, anytime, anwhere. Phone 1487 Will fa ms Transfer A Stor- age Co., Inc. a!2c Buick Touring. Cadillac Touring. Ford Coupe. Ford Touring. Eaay Term*. CONOLLY MOTOR CO. Bnlrfc Cadillac Washington and (lull Sts. Athens, Go. Lila Lea. In her first screen role In more than a year, la featured at tha head of a strong supporting cast. Wallaoe Beery gives one of his greatest characterisations as a roughneck mine foreman. Others In the cast arc John Miltern as a multl-milllonalro steel magnate Insurance Wheat and Frank Cam- (1) Woman's weapon* IS) Movement which became ex tinct with advent of wishing ma chines. (3) Brush washing. (4) Anchorage for ornamental pendants. SEE MAGNOLIA GAR DENS at Charleston, S. C. Personally con ducted auto parties. Phone Ben T. Epps, 497., for rates. a2p NEW BATTERIES For Ford and Other Small Cars 114.90 and Up. Ah® Rebuilt Batteries At Low Prices. CLARKE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Phone 477 / Hancock and Dougherty. a26c best St£& hAMN^Ciaux “Coming Through" has to do with HELP WANTED—FEMALE Blue Bird Cab Company JESS BENNETT, Manager TAXI SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT MOVING AND UAU1. ING 37 (a!3c) Office linin' IBr BERT BALL, Rational Crop Impfnma, PRO ENCOUnAaS Ui. growing and planting ot b I Ihe Mala. mat. Farm Bureau ofTcr.d rrlr.t. ol tb. bent Moran, of which 274 war. eubmltttrl," , i UM&wfnpjEfeftrefo- cbo,„... t Hc*d Ms Ins's Crctd*—submitted by F. JP. Flawsllln • Illustration shows th® commltts®: Dudley C. Allei in® Farmer; A. L. T. Camming* secretary Stats Chsr V. W. Canham. Lewiston Dally Son. "Th® Importance of good seed cannot b® or®r SALESLADIES—Make $10 to $16 per day selling ladies' glove ailk underwenr; want one Indy . In fcVcry town. Write Southern Manager, Classic Maid Mills, PEKING—The Chinese are get ting *lno chewing gum halilt. im ports from the United States In creased more than,2ft per cent dur ing the Inst year. DIXIE ARMY STORE Now Open At 465 Broad Street (Next Door to Warren 'J. Smith A Bros. Drug Store. allc ■By Taylor What’s the Answer? A Few Used Bargains That Must Move Slud.bak.r Six, new tires, good buy S73.0C Buick 4, good ahapa $160.01 Ford Roadster, good tires and run, good $JS.<HI 1924 Ford Touring, In first class shape $285-Of 1926 Fold Roadster, balloon tries, and snubbers, like new. Star Touring, worth $400.00 $150.00 Star Coupe, cheep at $SC0J» $360.00 Star Sedan, runa end looks good $175.00 Durant Touring, A-l condition $260.00 CASH OR TERMS. SUIT YOURSELF. CITY GARAGE AND MOTOR COMPANY Rhone 1286 sic Athens. Ga. HIT THE ROAD! Sounds ) UKt • s euB&iARS Why ait by and' ntisa tb* pltu- urc and profit is OWNING A CAR! We can easily assure you of plenty of good riding nt a small outlay of cask. GET A GUARANTEED 8J8ED CAR FROM US ON YOUR OWN TERMS. BFFEKSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. P. O WALL. Special Agent Von Capoo-Wall Building JACKIE COOGAN «THE RAO MAN Paler. Thursday end Friday Railroad Schedule TAXI SERVICE Phone 1097 C. A. TRUSSELL MOTOR CO. Ford Dealer VfHMDTWe MATTE* CRICK’ •iWTMMte? — L CWr REMEMBER WMKT HE 5AI& BUT THgRC Y.A=, AW AVDVUL CRASH AMO LWOne UP LMIMG DOUJN There owTtsc Yt_ooe_«. 605*1 HAD A S VUHNH DREAM- L DREAMT TWIT 1 ASKED JEANETTES VAINER iF L CDULO s. MARRY HER.- I Phone In th® Laughing League, “Feels I in th® Dork today at the 8trond I thaatr® Is batting 1004, with an avtrng® of one laugh per foot of I film—which Is a high hilarity par- i j rentage in any company* A1 8an- ; tell, who directed Light® Out, aim- *ed the feature for F. B* O. and haa one® mor® hit th® com®dy nail on tb® head with hi® subtle ability i to catch th® spirt of comedy and moke of a thrilling, melodramatic plot a vehicle for tickling th® ribs of aim Cano* Th® story deal® with the cmpermm®ntUsl ®c«iario-writ ing ®on of a wealthy Inventor of a intent, garbage con and hi® en deavor® to win th® lady cf hi® heart. Matt Moore * and Patsy ACTIVE AUTO WAI.TS Courteous Drivers fill® 1:10 a. m. No. II lea vs* Athens for Omln®®4 vllJe 11:11 a. m. No. -« Have® Athens for Otlnoo- vills 1:00 p. m. No. arrives Athens from GalnoavWo 10:10 a. m. ■ No 11 airlro® Athens from QalnssvMo I0:ti a. m. No. .1 arrive® Athens from Oalnewtlte lilO p. m. ■—Dally neopt Sunday. Yellow Cab AutomobH* iletlen, automobile owu.ri end automobile buyer, find Banner-Herald Won' Ada tha moat afflciem maen. of cemmunlee- rise Banner-Herald Want Ada anew tha ictMtlca OFFICE GEORGIAN HOTEL world. Ado art of ritli in- taraat to all who com- tarn plat, making a WASHINGTON TUBBS EL /^qM.TRnt. wei^v V. ABOUT MEOFXN'UO TO MOOR HOUSE TONIGHT I < 'Bf ROfE V4IE CAN GO J V OYER W SCENARIO ) ^VTOCETHER.? J/ ‘A1I0 THEN THE hcRO PUTS WE ARM AROUND , HER AND THEY KtSS-^T W. O.'BOLTOV, Axaat Phona tell SOUTHERN RAILWAY Ma $ taevaa Athrna 41i p. m. arrta- Lata »•*» p. m. Vo T kaswa Lula <:M ,. m. ar- rlyaa Alb... I:M p. m No. - $ bam I.uta I. II u, m., Use Banner-Herald Classified Cards. Phone 75. £ RIDE DIXIE COACHES Save Wear and Tear on Your Car, Time and Money.