The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 03, 1925, Image 1

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9 Heat Wave Death Toll Rises To Thirty Nine 13 CENTS A WEEK DAILY AND SUNDAY. PAY THE CARRIER. THE BANNER- OaDj and Sunday—IS Canto a Weak. BitobUakad 1832. VOL. 9.1. NO. ltd Associated Pitas Barrie a. United Praia Dispatches. ATHENS, GA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1925. Dally and Sunday—13 Cent a a Week. ATHENS COTTON- MIDDI.ING 23 I-2a PREVIOUS CI.OSE .. .. 23 1-4* THE WEATHER: Fair Wednesday night and Tkurs- . day. Continued warm. A. B. C. Paper. Single Coplea 2 Centa Dally* * Cento Sunday. Southern Mutual Is Real Asset To Athens; Dr. Soule To Speak; Martin J’s Fish Bigger The 8outhefn Mutual Insur ance Company la a concern all Athens should feel proud of. It dUU nelly an Athena con- retn in the main and Its success Is due largely to Athena bust- ness men. This company has just declared a 25 percent divi dend and the policy holders of . the company get the benefit of thin. The Southern Mutual Is ?' years old and is stronger to ddy f than ever before, pipbpbly the most economically operated big concern In Ameri ca, thanks to Its sensible execu tives. This company la a real f t to Athens, an asset that y a city aouUl like to have Athens should not forget thkt the following Athens men are now making this company W$at. la Its, Billups Phlnizy, president; Arthur Griffith, sec retary; John White Morton. Charles M* 8nelllng, Andrew .-ST. Erwin, Robert P. White, Edward R. Hodgson, Jr.. Dn- vid ,©. Barrow, Howell C. Er win and Blanton Fortson, *••- DR* 80ULE TO SPEAK IN MACON FRIDAY Dr. Andrew M. Soule, presi dent of the State College of Agriculture, will address the meeting of the Qeorgiu Associ ation in Macon Friday. This meeting will be somewhat simi lar to the dusting barbecue held here last summer. 'A badhecuo trill be given, n plane dusting demonstration will he held, n meeting of (he secretaries of, '"'Ss Vnrhv* * » Various Chambers or Com- imree or the state will be held *rCJ the Association will hold a .session. Dr. Soule i* one of the. principal speakers on the program. HAS HUMILIATED MARTIN ABNEY i Gun Dosier say.i the perpe- r trator of this column has for^ i ever humiliated Martin Abney ‘ and othera who were members of that fishing party to Houth Georgia who Jiave told about the famous catch M. J. made ind referring to the prise nn ■j A nine pounder. "Why/* re marks Gus. “it had all been agreed that was to he a th rty poynd fish back home and I y cannot see where you got the Idea that It weighed only nine pounds. You know they would have believed Jim on one thal small. Pm afraid the reputa tion of nil of qa la ruined.** Martin pnfyed safe, however, and hod a picture made of the fish gad la now exhibiting it na p^of positive, adding "Camerai dont lie do they?" BOB DAVIS IS HAND 8HAKIN0 Bob Davis, who hqs for all these years been a popular figure here, la finding put what : >«b It la to shake a lot of Boh knows nearly ev- !n Clarks county and sr yet missed an oppor- l»y to greet n friend hat a r days ago hlr friends dec id- wd lie would make a good suc cessor to Hugh W. White on the Board of County Comml*- stoners and put h m In the race P and since that time, he has been working hia right hand . overtime, and of course hr holds that smile right on nnd has tags 'of people pulling for PRIVATE PROPPRTY INVADKI) HV SWIMMERS One person narrowly escap ed dr unin $ in the lake at the now country club off the Jefferson road Tuesday after noon and this incident has . i ’ ■-.! i• . ■ i’i11.i-I.i : , dozens of swimmers daily in- L w*kade private lakes around t .\Hm :: - :m<l not only tfea- 'tuus on private property but have no protection against swimming damages. The lake 9w the new country club, on ’well .v West Lake, Is private . mspotpand .» it was stated Wednesday that reflations v ould l"‘ adopted at onee El govenrin* swimming there. of these is open to ated. public, it is stati ,YBE TIMf CLOCK XT INNOVATION TIM operator Of that Illicit iKJillciy captured Tuesday by •j. rui officials who had iiuipMd hU ..uvr I wftli n wlils- l. I tut *:i« pri/lmLIy 1 uin l< l in (Turn to Fags 6«x) RIOTING IN I IS ON INCREASE 4"—4- 4—+ Naval Graduates Hear Plea For World Peace ANNAPOLIS SPEECH (II, United Press.) NAVAL ACADEMY, ANNAPOLIS, Mel.—'The American Navy can only, fulfill its highest func tions if it exists as “an| instrument 6f righteous ness,” protecting the' proper security of this' country while serving to maintain world peace, President Coolidge de clared Wednesday in de livering the commence ment address to the grad uating class of the Naval Academy. “I do not ballsvo tho American I Navy can npccgiuL if It .tri»resen(s mar*'naked fore#.'* said the firesl- d-nt. “I want to see It represent much more than that. We must make it an Instniment of righteous- nesa. If we are to promote pence on earth, we must have n great (Turn to page eight.) Jefferson Davis, Only Confederate President, ' But It Solved the Mys- Honored At Exercises oi Just a Snapshot Of a Baby Service Crosses Delivered Descendants of Confed erate Veterans Who Served in World War. ; LITTLE IMMEDIATE BELIEF FROM HEAT ! IS PROMISED FOB Jefferson Davis" birthday observed here Wednesday special exercises at the Univer sity of Georgia chapel, featured by an address by Miss Mildred Rutherford, noted southern histor ian,’} and delivery of service croisen to descehdnats of Confed erate' veterans who served in the world war. ! Crosses, delivered by Miss Moina Michael, were awarded to: (By United Press) laputin r.verant dluck.sne-i* oi WASHINGTON — Thirty nine n “ w •‘•‘‘““J '? dM.h. and hundred, of pro.ira. »'< ^«rT’T.a«£» **hn5v Tltatan ' l0n " l, " Vr or ''" rr ''' during the tael rS.®? % IndlroM ri'.ult of iho relentles. antss Howell Burnett Cobb diod Inr reienueas Floronco Kano (left), beautiful Dronklyn (N. Yi) girl ieh;*e mutii-')„ ttnUe; Thomas Clyde Cortez, h , mt . w ” r * Wedneedny coll ated body was found In a vacant lot neor hef home. She was slain, I Charles B. Daniel, Alva Crawford ’ •'vnui-M- hovee over a l ime detectives have, dei (ilcil, by a. degenerate who attacked her as she Downs, Harry Jolmitan Krwln, or ,1 " ,lon AMERICAN MARINES ABE ASSISTING (By United Preee.) SHANGHAI, China.— Mad rioting by students and strikers here was on the increase 1 . Wednesday. Several new outbreaks in which lives were lost have occurred and the local authorities finding the situation rapidly get ting out of hand have not only issued orders to kill but have begged for eigners to assist in main taining order. With American Marines iruard- ing the reservoir, other Ameri cana and foreign residents were Wednesday pouring into head quarters to volunteer ssslstance r.gainst the rioters, who it is I claimed are urged on by the Bol- Ishgvik. Volunteers were given 'arms. - 4 arms. Terror reigns* The markets are CBMUf'* ANNUAL MEETING Dividend of .4 r > Per Cent Is Declared; Surplus MHMi HRPPPH9I „„ ....— HPRH .... y „ PORTLAND, Maine.—it was an 1 P | Ok _j r0 L lvJ _*r rnniu , rn wa, on her way home lata at night from a theatre party with other James'c. Hutchins, Edward Mor- d0 ^7" £.^Tv‘w IHH* " n *P ,hot P h °‘°' » blt - food iupply S .lnce the rioter. III., Frank Oliver Miller, Giles viwrnf Me*tH«i MtoWl* . fltsn t P^T^wjsejpa *he reported Wednesday afternoon Parson, killed in action; Murphy |,r< \ u ,* hl tempjrary relief to some j gjJ"Fgj IK with wvwal other. wW- ^ HHrtlnn}i served only m augment hjckgrouml was an arrangement TnT?) Iho casualty list m many rases, iof tree* that had no exact dupH- •« »n clashes between rioters and It Is rmemlly reported that there !«•}• in * iat f ure * An ‘* 1 ollce In- police. ‘‘Harids” Went To Work By Whistle On Still; 8,000 Gallons Of Beer, 300 Gallons Of Whiskey Is Captured By Federal And City Officers Federal officers, assisted by county policemen, con ducted two raids in Greene and Putnam counties Monday resulting in confiscation of a large quantity of whiskey, beer and mash and destruction of two large distilleries, one operated by a boiler engine. No arrests were made. datactlva *tor£ For In the reported Wednesday afternoon fgQH bilUil In anttoen Uneithtf J' ■'■Rin »»"i|iwimji ' Tliri let . mill)* I* “* *** -*• -t'-_ ti« « -• -■ . Pound. Dr. J. J. Bennett, pastor of the ,h J‘ here!^opened" 11 the“^torciscs^wUh "f ^ -K”Z ^8^ kjmw this, arjSFJH Sr J? 1 nv.-^ ^^r'ooo ^ .tonality of President Davis. At ;>'•• •>" ««*urwd, «*. the rcault ®fSL? £?*C: those Involved the close of Mbs Rutherford’s «*• heat. address ITof. Roosevelt P. Wal- Pour Killed I he sought kcr sang a solo accompanied by' l»«'raona were killed and ‘ Harrv A * Kirhv whuoe husband "Down with the Imperialists. Mrs. Hunter Barnett Hubbard. M « h “‘ i bh/lda’t A^Uf^ the mur- Down with the British and Jap- Official Hcldiay , - 00 - 00# »< Mad1 ! der of Miss Aida Hayward at «nese. H "Down With British** PEKIN, China.—More than 10,- UPPVMPmiEQRIIIMIMRIi^M students — sympathizers oi ho would then know tho neigh- those Involved in Shanghai riot- borbood In which lived a woman ing—paraded tho city Wednesday he sought. Thst woman was Mrs. carrying banners with the device: Miss Rutherford stated thst Jefferson Davis* birthday is now- observed as an official holiday n* Duller Pennsvlvanlu throughout the south. The Athens The hwit killed two In Pittsburg damage N,hra.ka. Uah'n'n, After ehoutintr protazt atreiut «1<.ith, at Mlnncapoti. and ono Mfl Kirby had separated from acUon of offktob In- firing on I Kirby and her whereabouts were striker* at Shamthai, they visited known. The little snapshot. Tuan Chi Jui, chief executive of BT CITY OFFICIALS Acording to T. L. Allen. U. S. Deputy Marchgl for this district distillery operated by a boiler en gine was the only one of its kind in the county. It was equipped Mounts to Over Million wi ‘ h * t f» ra *** nat ‘ ve# D.wlln w.. I told hinw blew regularly three UOliars. | t | raeg tach day, morning, noon and ^ —r* . . | night, operating evidently on shifts The Southern Mutual Insurance; like a saw mill or cotton manufact- Company held its 77th annual. ur jng plant ranting In the offices in its A t the place where the “stiH" i building here Tuesday. Tht com- w# , operated by a boiler engine pany. which I. one of the out.! th , g,ooo gallons of bear, standing lire insurance companies ojMO gallons of mash, one !«> (By Associated Prat,) of the eountnr. enjoyed a suecess-| g ,||on still and 70 gallons of AUGUSTA, Oa.-I. W. Mewvy. *?“ ,hown bsr the "'I whiskey. In addition 7 sacks of tu- » e'Jy employee to dead and Imae A dividenu of 36 nor tent was *f r ’ *,.***'“ m *n* **j * Thomas Is la cusiody, charged with deetored to the JSLTSTpSw £27 ">• •»'»"« wtold. look ptara her. wsL 1 *. tlTTf"! 1 Th * distillery waa equipped ^!t!i <eHy Wedneeday, while Nevhrwea JmiOT dStor. This is the ttort lLaznsr* 0f c driving one of ,h. ei.y eagha. la time the surplus has risen to ^ ’ fron * of ,he hous# of Thom:l *- this amount. I i* Thomas I# said to hnv* admit- Losr.cs sublained by fire during ted kllle.1 Newby, tolling officer- ddTffi *• • W « -- —« The assets were reported n. be- the house they found 4,000 gallons him after he had hen. Informed Ing $1^07^76.67* The increase in °* .* t * r » J!®®® f*U°«a of whiskey from tho same source that Newby insurance during the year “Jw a lWgaHon copper “still *n« payln* attentions to Ms wife. \ffssf t r»!TS:n?s»«tira;-»'■»«• conflagrations wera suffered by P"«n‘. Depnty Allen stating that « •» 'tel'ered to he ut unsouad the company during the year. [evidently they hod been "tipped" mind, but the aollclior’a offfc, an- Two new dlreetora came on tho to the approach of raldera nenneed that the prisoner would be board since Inst year. These were No one was arrested. trlid on n charge of morder. Blanton Ftrlson. Athens, who The raiding party comprised Dc- • succeeded C. H. Phlnisy. who puty Mnrchat T. L. Allen, Ath- D. n I* FrtmnwiM’AA nnd Henry, ens, Deputy Bheriff Krad Kam- '-Ommlttee ceisor to M.lhrough of Oconee county; Officers A. O. Byrne, Savannah. | (Tarn to pipe right) CAL.,— China tell of . 8h, „“H ‘ h * t ^ "I, net“"" overeom. "fu'r aM wh^'rioittaf ha . 'SeS'in paras’ most maligned by j VirglnUn Wn.hloamn wb.r. the <»•"'» .queeUonlng neighbor, the detec- since lut -Saturday an of the land- who misrepresented President four hour maximum ws. 1M ds- fcun 3 onu who ngaJM , in g of armed guards at Canton Duels and it renudned for ■ Has- «»e»*. ’woman' taking the eintun. -*■- *—■ sachusetta man to most truly Hurto Cotton i woman taking the pkturw. represent tho great southern lead er. referring to Sharp’s "Life ami The from foreign warship, as a precau- Thc tionary move after studrnto and ~" r * *■"■'!MshM. where “"Hr.;"'Kirby President And Federal Judges Exempted From . Income Tax . By Court Head In Capital For Conference «Tarw (• Dirt tirhi.l DuBose, Re-Elected President Of Dahlonega College, Tenders His Resignation To'Board Of Trustees . »»» pathy with Shanghai demonstra- iwith her father. tion. I Through her the officers gained The disorders at Shrnghai attri- ck ff ln ( t up „? , MriM huted by oflciols of the foreign Divergence on Policy of School in Military Work Given As Reason For. Resignation of > Athens' Man. of robberies credited to Kirby. settlement to Russian and Chinese t Comwtmists resulted from the pro- 11 Mention of strikers in Japanese IS, DAHLONEGA, Ga.— <8l#»claD— After having been unanimously re- eleeied as lYealdent of the North Georgia Agricultural College here Vueaday b)r (’it trus.ces of the col- else and notified of hia re-elect I .at, Marion D. Du Bore of Ath*n«. f-w* merly at the University cf Oeor- gla and. for the pan three years WITH KANE MURDER (By Associated Proas) NEW YOKK—Wll.’iatn Ornfafleld head of the college here, fend*red ncitro janitor, waa Identified Wed his rent nation an president, U nfMlay aa tht man seen lust Kri take effect ns aoon na hia surces-, day morning near the vacant lol ■or had keen mice ted. |ln Brooklyn where the batl^H The rerlgnatlon of President Du- body of Mle* Florence Kane waa (By United Press.) BOSTON. Mass.—'The eondlt or of Secretary of War John W. >Veekv la “not en favorable thle morning.’* a bulletin leaued nt nine ten o'clock Wrdneaday raid. "lie had a restltan night and has had Nome vomiting," the bul let’..* added. The Kecretnry’* temperature wai reported aa 100 and hia jnilae as ' (By United Press.) WASHINGTON.—President Coolidge has been exempted from paying income tax on his $75,000 a ?"- Apfi y > “*' l , — „ , year salary. . - - - Congress overstepped its rnn Inserting clause a in the 19IH-1P2I and 1224 revenue tows, specifyini: that Judges sf fedsral courts nnd the pn-shlcnt of Urn United State* u«t pav federal Income taxes. The. White Houte has been tifie.1 that.» decision by th* so- pp-me court Monday, ruling the pn.vibi.fn of the laws invalid In so far as they- affect federal Judges, also applies to the presi dent's salary. Mr. Coolidge |s entitled to n refund Vf taxes oS his salary In the latter half of 1221 and for 1924 if h* has already paid IL I The saving t„ (he rre.ldent Is i *7,600 and *8.000 n >««. Foilewina a meetiae (a Atlanta Mmtdr.y, i.f member j of Ihe local committed, Andrew C. Erwin, gen • ral chairman, went to Savannah nnd from there to Washington D. C.; for ii c«»nference with curreney «»fflc’nfa relative to a re-organiza tion of the Georgia National and the American State bonk Intcreata. two local hanks that c)on(m1 thrlr from Mr. Erwin that he waa pleated with the reaulta of the th- vnnnah conference with, the of ft- Hila of the Cltldkba and Southern Hank nnd that lie wwa learing for Wuhlnglw, . The committee that has the ve in hand is hopeful that definite and '%9 1 , J * tound half un hour later. Identification waa made Riwklyn Jiollco headquarlwta by Ml** Irene Coyne, who panted tl>« murdrr let In nn auto alMMit the time Mia.t Kane was killed. Immediately eftrr tha Ident.'fire tlcn G rose field was arralined In homlrlde court and held without hall for examination on charrea of ruaplclon cf morder. The auapect wwa jxlntor row of houaea in Brooklyn. Police aald he rerved nine yean* in pr een for burglary and for a criminal attack os the wife of a that ht* resignation be arcep ej. • t Manhattan school principal la 111?. Tha petlt'on rrpated a aensatlonl at the time, and the eenfor class |TWO ALARMS BUT waa threatened with having their* SMALL FIRES FOUND diplomas withheld, and all signers of the p Bose comet an tho davit cf frlc* .•tlon > wftliM Hhe cnllege and from antagon'iun of D/ihlcnegn clilzcnr to the pcllry of discipline followed at the college, whch came t.» n head cn May 2* In <t round robin petition signed by JU of the 109 student* of the college, ’n which a change in presidency and nn -in* vaetlgatlon Into the Institution was requested. Oicaentlen Point President PuBcse stairs In hin lelte** of resignation that he Is not In favor of a strict military cn|. lege as I* desired of him, and asks . reported as too and hia pulse as * i 104 against a normal temperature and pulse of 15 Tuesday nljrht pet-'tion faced expulsion. If the; petition war ho* withdrawn In an edict (saved by President Du- __ - Boa*. shaped up In a few*days' Howerer. the matter wh Irtf* lag the return of Mr. Er- iporarily adjuated In that the. ex^ (Tara to page eight.) The fire department* out Tuesday afternoon and Wed nesday morning to extinjptUh email firen were practically no dainagtwad dona. An exploded oil stove eauset I the alarm Toaaay af* t nere were no disorders at Can ton but the population was de clared to be nlarmcd nnd advices to tM State Department at Wash- (Turn to Page Six) Bobby Jones b m Nearly Out Of Golf Tourney (By Associated Press) WORCHESTER, Maei.—Dobbf Jone*«. national amateur champion, was all but out of the tannin? with tho first II boles of th.* Na- ricnal Open Golf Tournament com-, pleted Wednesday. Ida scot* wua *T. nIx above par, Walter Ifoiren. Brrtlsh Open and National Pro fession*! Champion went around In 72 which placed him among t’.c Important Evidence In Shepherd Murder Case Is Secured By Crowe ip (By U*itrd Prna.) Y" HR CHICAGO.—New and- important evidence con cerning the death of William McCIintock, has been uncovered by State’s Attorney Robert Crowe and his aides, it was learned Wednesday. Physicians who attend*] Ile-f CUntock before he typhoid fovtr funds had Crow* with tbs B*w evidence.') NoiOtar Crow* nor tho physicians would divulge tho nature of Um infonna- lion. It is important , evfal. Crown admitted, "but I sm nod cr< prepared to announce its chantc- He intlicatcd, however, that it reflected on William D. Shep herd, who is on trial charged / tiering M.- lmtock by- l him with typbsid wBm N