The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 05, 1925, Image 6

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PAGB Sty TUB DANNEIMlEliAt.D. ATHENS, CEORGIA. • Friday, june 5. 1525 Registration For Y. M. C. A. Camp Reaches Sixty-Five; Interest In Campers Stirred By Rally i Legal Advertisements The registration for the Hoy's Cutr.p of the Athens Yount; Men's Christ.'an Association continues to rHrnti. A total of sixty-five boys tire registered with a camp organi sation going after other boys to get them lined up now, before it is too late. Home thirty odd boy* nil full of enthus'nrm and vital interest, met a; the Y. M. O. A. Monday morn ing and undei the leadership of M<ssrs Merrlt Pound. Hoy Grayson ami James Harris, organised into aix teams and selected many names of boys to be seen and told shout the Joys of the Ahens Y Tamp. The Joys are there too! The lake, a moimtnlu crystal gem of sparkl'ng l»c*uty. owned by the ramp, built by the ramp, a safe darn' that will not break. pure water feeding the hike, rising on t^e Y*s own property with no dinnce of any one else ramping spiovr and polluting the waters. A nmgn'fieent diving tower that S ll accommodate one hundred ys easily at a time In fifteen £et of clear good diving water, with four afferent levels to dive itom, with a stretch of water over if. thousand feet, all under the eye. inr distance swimming and with an f ‘>sed pool forty hv one hun- nnd ten feet, and In depth 1 knee deep to four feet where beginners nre confned until awlm the distance three times Without stopping. Then to have fghteen canoes and motor boats on that lake, where canoeing to ones hearts des're can be enjoyed. CBOfi the canoes are there In the ifimp. It la not n promise it Is n ■pet, the motor boats nre n fact, •toy are there. A large athlet'e • -JQjeid where baseball and all the punt* that boys want to play can ! , an to the limit. The Athletic eld Is sowed In grass and the nss Is ccxn'ng up. Three games playground ball can be played 1 this fleM at one time. The two nnis courts nre real sure enough i 'tirts, and the basket ball court, fly by seventy Is also there, and te volley IniII and shuttle rock ■ourt In the lodge. Weil ths Y jin nip Is equipped with an equip- ip* nt that Is the equal of the nest private camps where tioys pay from |2r, per week to $40 per week, and the Athens hoy goes on this h!s own ramp for only $10 per week. This $10 per week which la n special twice for this year to help meet the present condition In Athens, not only Includes all of the nhtve nam'd privileges but many more, the supervision and leader ship wh ch is of the l*e*t that enn be secured, but the tshle served at the Athens Y camp has become famous. Thl* most vital and Im portant part of camp life is In charge of Mrs. W. T. Korbes whose fame ns an efficient and scientific director of food values and meals that hit the spot as well as sustsin life abundantly, has cone out abroad, so that It Is realised by those who have been on the Y camps that the hoys are fed as well If not better than In their own homes. They certainly eat more and many of them twice as much. The food served on the Y camp is not stinted nnd ha? no ample variety. Hut after nil this has been said, ! Ihe main and chief reason for the I Athens Y camp nnd should send the object to aid In the esfab- lishing of Christian character and demonstrate 'That Hod and a gotri time are Friends." And It has been done In scores of boys lives. THe boys of Athens know this to be a fart, many parents In Ath< know It, and scores of nnd boyn frtjm other cities are sending thelf mns on the Athene Y ramp, localise of this outstand ing fact. That Is the reason that the men and women of Athens have Invested over $30,000 already In this camp, and nre going to con tinue to Invest money until It Is made the most beautiful and the most perfect ramp for hoys no only In the south but In these United States of America. The parents of Athens should see to It that their are not thrust out Into the work world too soon, where they come In contact with much that Is vile nnd Immoral, Just because times are haul, nnd have the hoy miss th s rich uplifting life of joy In the Hills of God's l-eatltlful out-of-doors where the lad Is in spired nnd trained to live clean and nobly. GEORGIA—Clarke County: No. 4810 July Term. 1925. Clarke Superior Court. ESTELLE BISHOP JOHN M. BISHOP Tj John M. Bishop, Greeting: authority vested in me as Ordi nary of said County under said Act: i IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that an election be and the same is hereby called, to fill the unex-l pi red term of said Hugh W. j White, resigned. IT IS ORDERED that saidj election be held on Friday, 26th day of June, 1925, in J. BETS P! itj Jorin m. Biraop, urwting: l,,.ver»i “'miiui. dlrtrku or" mM Appointed General Agent h^hv 0rd ^m'l!^ L^i>7nrn.*i^ ! f", u .’!‘ y !' ., the u * 1 " 1 plo ' e ,or | For Fidelity and Casunl- hrroby required personally or by: holding elections. n ■" » VT„„, attorney to be and appear at the Said election .hall be held in' ty Company 01 Ne\\ ..Superior Court of Clarke County,t t hc time manner, governed by York to be held in amid County on the|the .ante rule, and regulation., first Monday rn July next, then ,„d with the «ame qualifications and there to answer the plain tiff's complaint, as, in default, Uereof, the Court will proceed as to justice -shall appertain. Witness, the Honorable Blanton Fortson, Judge of said Court, this 20th day of April, 1925. to voters as apply to election of Clerk of Superior Court in cases of vacancy, as provider! in Section 4881 of Civil Code of Georgia, of 1911; and the returns ot said election shall be trans mitted to the Governor.. FURTHER ORDERED The Fidelity A Casualty Com pany of New York announces the aprointmet.t of Mr. Martin J. Ab- i.ey as general agent for Athena and the surrounding territory, In- c'lid'ng alt the adjacent ccuntles Mr. Abney entered the service cj Lon Chanty Palace Saturday Into the water below, and the sen : itlonnl part that Rex. the wonder dog of the screen, takes tn ef lag the rescue of the pretty little herein**. pLi/sd by % BtbM Sham ion. Ed. Cobb western la on the same program making two shews at the Strand tonfsht. CAMPBELL SISTERS BIO HIT AT THE PALACE The big extra attraction nt Paacc tonight Is the Campbell Sla ters prerenlng their southern har mony act that made a big hit with ihfi paock'd house at the Palace last night- These clever girls come to the IVtlare direct from eith Circuit und offer a novelty nev* r before seen In Athens Their program is one Uat pleases .everyone nnd with the Norma boy on It. Is that ; Norma Shears feutue and Our rang Comedy the program nt the Palace la one of the best combina tions ever presented at the reg ular admlss'on prices. a rent* Last Showing Of Great Combination Program At Palace Theatre Tonight I.on Chancy in “The Monster,” With Campbell Sis ters, Keith Vaudeville Act, Regular Admission Prices Saturday; Two Big Shows At Strand Theatre Tonight FINAL SHOWING NORMA SHEARER PALACE TONIGHT • Many phases of humanity s struggles have been •itembl-'ri In "Lady of the Nigh*," the Mmts £ 11 picture produced, now show* ; at the Palace. • Thera Is tfce eternal struggle be- tween two women who loved the aamsjinan; the struggle of a boy to climb upward from a dubious position, and the struggle of a young girl to extract a living from a world that has robbed her of her father and mother and sent her Into streets with the doubtful credentials of a state reformatory It te an American story punctu ated with fervid American life and aid# by side, each with lit tle knowledge And less under standing of the other. The beautiful and talented Nor ma 8besre rennets the dual rot * ot Florence and Molly with fin- a>tin- try. In the cast are Macolm Me Gregor, George K. Arthur, Fn*d Es# molten, Dale Fulle, Lew llarvey and B*ttr Morrissey. “THE MONSTER" COMING WITH THRILLS GALORE PALACE SPECIAL 8ATURDAY Every clement cf suspense. • very thrilling incident, and every stuns that sends delirious chills of terror along an audience’s spine, is said to bff embodied in the Roland West production of “Tho Monxter,’) ut the Palace Saturday. There are glu/stly hands that stretch forth menacingly, th'rr nro sliding panels In which quoer faces appear, there nre hkelotonr In closets, nnd a demented surgeon who fascinates his victims with hypnotic power. There is an excit ing story of u mysterious disup- peurnme. there are two young men In love with th<* same heuti tlful girl and their desire to w!i| her by their boldness nnd courage •h* re' are breathtaking moments that nr oxuid to make spectators hold on to their chulrs In suspense L«.n Chaney nnd Johnny Arthuf are the featured players. CAMPBELL SISTERS PALACE SATURDAY Ihe final nppenrance of the Camnoell Slat r. will bo made at the Palace Saturday at which timf they w«!ll effer an all new program of southern song lilts extra to thr I-on Chaney feature picture at th< rtguln ndmhfon pries. If ji { would he thrilled nnd delighted see the Palace program Saturday. No Account Generally HOBO KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY Mrs. P. I». Nelson, of Lake Charles, Ia., writes: “It long lime before ,V(e found out what was the matter. I wanted to sleep all the time, suffered with my eyes, backaches nnd headaches. Halt no energy und was no ac count generally.'* Doctors examined me and subl I had Hrlghts Disense, but could do me no good, | took Hobo Kidney and IMudder Remedy nnd was healed. If y. LIGHTNING ROMANCE" MAKES YOUR HAIR CURL AT THE STRAND TONIGHT Bay, folks* Here's one that'll surely make your hair curl! “Lightning Romance." a new Kayart Picture with a new surf Reed Howea. with a newi plot that ■treatment of Hobo Kidney •4 Mra'an ud • iroit ncrlllc-. i viewed an advance .howto* S' auaront ee >> *fv!,m > nefebborho' !t The author is Adala Rogers St |"Llghtr.!r.g Romance" at the New druggist. John* I York projection rtvrnis of the Ray Mcnta Bell with the cunning of j nrt Company declare that ibis up a great director, has not allowed to the minute comedy-dramu ba the drab scenes to go without 'some of the most breath-taking thrip humor. He has dotted the Uhots In j*t that have ever been •tory with human Interest and I screened. Not abb- these arc kr*pt It alive git action. I the shots'-showing a thrill.n K dive The plot fallows the lives of which yonr.g llowvs makes on n two girls, born at amoat the samr motorcycle ever a sixty for* *!lff LIBEL FOR DIVORCE July Term. 1925, Clarke Superior Ccort. GEORGIA—CUrke County: MRS. C. A. FARMER J. S. C. FARMER To J. S. C. Farmer, Greeting: By order of the Court you are tequired personally or by attor ney, to be and appear at the Superior Court of Clarke County, to be held on the first Monday in July, next, then and there to ans wer plaintiffs complaint, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall apper-l tain. Witness the Honorable Blanton Fortson, Judge of said Court, this 29th day of April, 1925. A. B. COILE, Deputy Clerk. May 1-22, June 5-19. that this notice be published in I this company more than seventeen “The Banner-Herald’ on the 5th.l years ago as Icrnl agent, and aftei nnd 19th days of June, 1925. several years of successful repre- Also same notice to be posted in sentatlcn In that capacity he wos three public places in said ( fNWITNESS WHEREOF, hereunto affix my official signa ture, this 5th day of June, 1925. R. C. ORR, Ordinary, Clarke County, Georgia. GEORGIA—Clarke County: Notice to the Public: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned MARION G. PAR HAM has filed his petition to the July Term, of Clarke Superior Court, asking that his marital disabilities be removed. The orig inal petition for divorce having been filed by his wife, Mrs. Ida K. Parham, and a total divorce allowed her, but a divorce being refused to petitioner. Said appli cation to be heard on the First Monday in July next. This 6th day of May, 1925. MARION G. PARHAM. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE GEORGIA—Clarke County: July Term. 1923. ELIZABETH BORN TILTON WALTER H. TILTON To Walter H. Tilton: By order of the Court you are required to be and appear at said Court on the first Monday in July, 1025, next, to answer peti- ticncr'n Libel for Divorce, and in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Wllne.. the Honorable Blanton Fortson, Judge of said Court. ™" VVSitAWFSSb. 1 ^ Clerk, aS. C. C. C. June 5-19, July 1-3. (By Arsociated Preta) BROOKIIAVF.N. Mira. — Noland StuhbKfield. 14 year old youth wo? held in jail here Friday to await the aetten of author.tlea accused cf killing Professor A. K. Watkins his school principal because of having been disciplined. The bev confessed to the slny- »ng. tfficers said, following his capture In a dense wooda near the scene of the murder Thursday, tc which n hurriedly formed poss* was led by bloodhounds after the V.cvly of professor Wutk'na was found with a wound from a shot gun In the breast WATCH THE COLOR OF YOU! appointed district ag'nt In which capacity he has served until the pref er.! splendid promcotlcn to the uoaltlon of general agent for the et.Urs section, which comes as a result of the exceptionally good record ho has made with the com- r»ny. Since bln connection with thl- rompaay. Mr. Abney has built ur a most remnrkatd*: business con- stating largely of accident and health, automobile and other lines of casualty Innurancc. the volume of accident and health Insurance* h Ing larger than that of any oth er agent of the company In the routhern states. TWs premot'on gives Mr. Abney li.cieaA>d facilities, thus <nab]lng him to render even better service to his clienta In these lin^s of bus- ners. and every one In Athens Is familiar vlth Insurance matters know* his Interests arc always safe wh“n entrusted to Abney's Qfflce. for hla cue hobby through- cut all the years haa been the prompt payment of all claims with out red tape or other delays, and his friends are congratulating him upon this well deserved advance* me nt In the business. IK. E. GEORGIA BOY !E mm WITH MAKER OF KARNAK “It's Made Me Feel 39 Years Younger And I Am Gaining Weight Every Day,” SayB At lanta Man. With statement after statement pouring Into the K.-irnuk offices, each apparently more remarkable than the other as evidence of the tremendous health-building powers of this sensational medicine, Geor gia Is clamoring for more Karnnk. B. Prater who resides at 94 Garnett street, Atlanta, states that his heart Is so full of gratitude for whnt Karnnk has done for him that he would like to shake the hand of the maker of this amaxlng medicine. "ft’s the most wonderful thing in I Ihe world to me," says Mr. Prn- j "Hie very first bottle over- came a case of stomach misery that Lad defied all medicine and treatments for two years. It is absolutely amaxlng what this med icine will do. For two long yenrs I was In the clutches of this awful stomach trouble . Everything I ate would make n»e snuffer torture after wards, with sharp pains. I would bloat up with gas until I was so mlrersble I could n’t sleep. Kome- times It seemed like the pressure on my heart was so great It would stop heating. "I was always belching and con tinually suffering from headaches that seemed to settle right between my eyes. My kidney B. Prater > lame of order and my back got I could hardly get around. "Well, air, 1 sure got the sur prise of my life when 1 started taking this medicine." Why. I be gun to pick up und fdel better all over almost as soon as I had taken the first dose. | never In my Ilf# heard of such a thing as Karnak. my third bottle noW and my stomach troublwrilaa been entirely overcome and I look and feel $0 yenrs younger. I don't ever remember feeling better than I do now. Karnak 's sold In Athens by W. J- Hm'th and tiro., and by leading were all out [druggists In every town. * —(Advertisement). Standard Oil Men Gordon Callaway L FIELD EXERCISES •To Convene Here On September 7th About seventy Standard Oil '.nen, including officials, sale*. Dies Suddenly At Eatonton EATONTON, Oa.—Gordon Cal- agents, service staiton and l<*way, editor of the Eatonton tank wagon salesmen from the* Messenger and rqpnesentiltivW In Eighth Congressional District,] the legislature from l*utnam coun- "'ill meet in Athens on Septeni-I ity. died here Thursday after a LIBEL FOR DIVORCE GEORGIA—Clarke County: Superior Court. July Term, 1925. LOLLIE MAE GUNTER LOONEY DeWITT LOONEY To DeWitt Looney: By order of the Court you arc no hereby required to be and appear In at said Court on the first Mon-in day in July, 1925, next, to *n*W% tit Ytlow Means Ycu rietd Cslotsbs, ths DfNaoisatsH Calomel Tab let that Is Purified and Refined from Nausea and Danger. Foil mean, look yellow? Your liver ! i out of fix! The polaon- oua bile is being retained In your syr!c;.i. j'f.’.i need a good dose of -nlomel fo. it is the only thing that will do the work. Why not try Cn lot a he, the per fected calomel tablet that Is os de lightful to take a* It Is beneficial in cleansing the liver and purifying the system? Cine tablet nt bed time, with » swallow of water,— that's all- No taste, no griping, nausea, no salts,. You wake up the morning feeling fine, with clean liver and a hearty uppe- ilh for a big "Kct-tOBcthcr" nhort illn—- Ho wo. *7 y««r. jubilee. I old and a graduate of the Unlver- ' The nMetin* will be celled to of Georgia. He hod boon lit order at 9:30 m. in the banquet l>ul “ r «w d*y»- ■ hall of the Georgian Hotel and . Ho I. mnrlved by hi. Another, by - I A parade through the buslneoi adjourn nt 12:30 o’cloek. h'« wide n, formerly Ml., iMhrJorle reetlon of the elty opened the “Doc” Swilling of the Pnlm' Klmbrounb. and two children ennunl Field Day exercises of Gal den and Sam E. Woods, the Mod*o and Juliett Garner; also by the Boy Scout, of America, Standard Oil Company’s local! lw “ sisters, Miss Irl. Callaway, of Northeast Georgia Council, iiere agent, have planned the following ,h " State Normal school faculty Friday. The Scouts from Gaines-menu that will get underway, Athens, and Mrs. Joe Knox, of Lex- illo, Winder, Jefferson, hlbcrton, nftcr the adjournment: Commerce, Winterville, Washing- Cnntcloupe. ton nnd Imwrenccvllle as well as French Prune. those In this city, took part In Stuffed Cucumbers the parade which was led by the Mock Turtle Soup n In Crown Scout band. The streets of thc| R. o. Co. Smothered Spring city were decorated with tne Chicken United States flags in honor of New String Beans n la Pnlarine ingten, Gu. He wax nn active member of tha First (Baptist church cl Jftitoutop. WAS HERE FOR CONVENTION Mr. Calloway wos In Athens for tb« convention of thf County com :wion. } Green Corn on Cob g la Mobiloil mlsrlt'ners several days ago and The Scouts assembled in iront' German Potato Salad a la | was a prominent delegate here. Ho of the University on Broad street} Fire Proof I was attorney for tlm Putnam at 10:45 and after the parade Cream and Angel Cake beard and a member of the can assembled again at the city hall Coffee, Tea Milk. I ml*tee to rremote the Hartwell where the address of welcome was Officials from Atlanta attend- Macon paved road proposed some delivered by Abit Nix, a member | nJt this meeting are R. E. wecLa ago- of the' Northeast Georgia Coun-,Hodgson, district manager; J. I. rjl- At the morning session Cook, assistant district manager; day in auiy, iv*». n«*, ..... — Eagle banges were delivered to am ] jj, p, Murphey, assistant dis- petitioner’s libel fsr divorce, and|danger- 'the .Scouts attaining that high trict manager, and G. O. Noville, in default thereof the Court will rs,milne Calotnba nro sold only |, onor j n gcoutdom. Those award- c f the Vacuum Oil Company, proceed a* to justice shall appcr-jln trade-marked pnrknge*. I'rlce ed Eagle badges follow: Thomas —<Advertisement.) kin I fen ctntr and thirty-five cent*. Thornton. Troop No. 3, Fiber ton, Witness the Honorable Blanton; The finest medicine In the wirld Howard L. King, Livingston New-' Fortson, Judge of said Court, this for btlousnesv. indigestion and con- ton. Thomns Roberts, Troon No.J the 5th day of June, 1925. atiiutlon. So fine that your drug- 1, Gainesville, and Harlowe Jones, E. J- CRAWFORD, Clerk. S. C. C. C. CLAUDE MAHAFFEY. Petitioner’s Attorney. June 12-26, July 1-3- READ BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS. So fine that your < authorised to refund i n guarantee that you l,e th*-roughly *1* lighted with Calo- tabs. —(Adv* rt inriiK-nt) JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES TOY CAVE-C1IAI-1KR II SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—Clark. County: Will be .old before the court houne door in wild State and County between the le*al hour, of .ale at public outcry, to the hi*he.t bidder for each, on tho fir.t Tuesday in July, 1925, the follnwin* described property, to- wit: That lot or parcel of land, with the house thereon, situate, lying and being In Clarke County, Georgia, and in the City of Athens, fronting on Cleveland Avenue, in said City; this lot be- inr bounded on the South by t Cleveland Avenue, on the East by ■OU want t„ hs. put hack r„ property of J. H. T -VcItoerMn rce, tto-top shape, try a !J?perty«f M?VM«rS»P^3 Ut contoinin* one-hnH acre, mors: or lew, and being the property conveyed by M. B. Morton to Maltha Burton by deed recorded to deed book M. M., page 316, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Clarke County, READ BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS. t» a noon the Scouts assembled on I Snnford Field and the annual Field Day exercise a began- Scout; Executive R. K. Lester and Doug-; las Burnette, assistant Scout Ex- I rrutive of tne Northeast Georgia Council were in charge of the events. HOBO MEDICINE COMPANY B*«nment, Texas —< Adv*rtl»tment > NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS In the District Coart of United Slates for tho Northern Dialrlrt of Grorgla, Eaatrra Dish ion. An a Conn In Bank- rnptey. In re: Geo. Newton Rhode., Bank rupt. Athens, Ga. No. 2018 in Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Said* Bank rupt: You are hereby notified that there will be a meeting of credi tors of the above named bankrupt on June 27, 1925. at 613 and 614 Southern Mutual Building, Athens, j Ga., at 12:00 o'clock M.. for the Lpurnose ef examining bankrupt, following claims, selecting n trus tee ami other legal business. Athens, Ga.. June 4, 1925. HOWELL COBB, Rof«w4. - To rssth nil th« pm- pli .ffKtivcty — loan .our W.*lt Ad Tk, Bann.r-Hcrald Office, pbon. oa to and for it or phoaa It Wot Ad Dai PHONE 76 Dtpartmtnt Georgia. I Said property levied upon nnd' to be sold no the property of John T. Anderson for the parpoie of satisfying an execution Issued from the City Ceurt of Athena in favor of Mia. Elisabeth L. Bloom field, against the said John T. Andenon. Written notice given tenant in possession nnd deed for levy nnd .ale filed aad recorded befere levy. This June 1, 1925. W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia. June 12-19-26, July 3. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION GEORGIA—CUrke County: To tke Qualified Voter, of Clarko County: WHEREAS, the undersigned ha. been officially notified of n vacancy in tho Board of Commia- aicnera of Roada and Revenue of aafd County, caused by the reaig- nation of Hngh W. White, a. member rt aaid Beard. NOW, nn ;irosi»hd in an Act of - the Genetnl- Assembly, approved August Hills, 1913, and by the