The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 10, 1925, Image 6

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PACE SIX THE BANNER-HERAI-P, ATHENS, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1*2S. Yancey Brothers / 550.55G Whitehall St. Contractors’ Equipment Road Building Machinery Rex Pavers and Mixers The Metzger Mattress Co. MAaittAotuxEin tot MATTRESSES, Pit LOWS, SPRING BEDS. COTS. ETC. EOlj"D?3TA'lfCK", HOEJI rniuTttM 143*141 lltoytifs St Atlanta. Os Why Go North? INVENTORS We Can Help Yoa Specialist to DIE MAKING Mstsi Stamping Spadil Icolpmsmt •s zsrs&VBsrsskf Steingruber Mstsl Products Works I1S-A West Mitchell SI. T. 0. SOX ms STLSSTA Hi ( pi Booty^^Hiyy^iritb as. SEWELL Manufacturing Co. Muut.etunr, ol tiCLOTHING:: 127-131 SO. FORSYTH ST. Atlanta, Ga. Itjroin B0SCH WINDSHIELD WIPER Electric— Automatic OFFICIAL Botch Sales and Service Station E1SEMAN RADIO Magneto Service Station 520 Peachtree Atlanta ffityrnMr ' Prod- 10 \V«*»t I taker Rtrwt, e high record for lima year. Dor- d< lUSi I he •.•miwiiy baa bundled n t>hune+f iHiaiiiP'*# far exceeding that ran>adti1 by I his branch in any pre- Hling year. Although ill barine-.* lore only three ,.„r* the Vitroliie Product* company „* been MiffP»«rul in serving the Mifh it has made «u enviable recnril , every line itnil the result* have fitr ttrcedftl tin* company's moat sanguine A. M. ROBINSON COMPANY importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions 2nd Furnishings Manufacturer! Shirts, Pants, Overalls Atlanta, Georgia president, W. W. Atlanta Getting Ready For Christmas Business Behind Merry-Making Humdrum Activity of Working Hands Goes on Amid Trees and Tinsel Trimming. Even fn (he midst of Atlanta** busy whirl, few atop to think of the tre mendous part Atlanta and Atlantans the Vitrolite I’mdiu irli broader lltmi PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS AND BONDS are favored Investments t>ersu*e of their aafe and adequate innone. Ilooklet “Public Ulllifle* * nr So,I,,d Inveftmeat” sent on request. CssaritiW D*?*rtir»at IIKSKV 1. I10IIEBTY * If- 318 Hurt Hide- Atlaot. am8,u,ih caii. Ml emm • “It It’to Brlch We H" F. Gr&ham William* Brick Co., Inc. '.ndl.r C«ot«» •rite*I by it*< title fin in Atlanta th<» Vitr tupaiiy inix hnmUol < interesting fir.trne tntl cabinets. I*i Preacher and company, architects; II. J. (.'nrr, contractor. county IiIkTi school on Wash ington street ; marble installation. I lent*. Reid it Adler, architect*; C. F. .Noncmakrr. cmtwu ior. The cnmiKiny has marie marble In- tmthern JleJ] Telephone and TcJc- faph eonijiaHY «t Asheville. X. C., and InntgtiRierv. A In. Mu rye.'‘After fc Al- jriaylng fn the Christ may festiri- I tlea of the south. j Christmas is a wonderful occasion : for the assertion *f unselfirii emotion*. • Throughout every Ynlerfdc holiday tlier»? seema more than the mom I warmth of human nature iu the blood j and the pulse beats faster with the , throb of merry-makfcig. ! Yet behind all this tinsel and glit- ter, back of the wreath* of red and it reel 1 ami the pyramid* of pine needles known :i* Christmas trec*~In the rear of uli this porgeous and dnxsling dis play (here is a very humdrum niacldn- cry at work. The band of man i* hammering 10-penny nail* into two- by-four* and tying ribbons tJiorny limbs. id t/fe* iiHW-rtu '■ Pent ioniht tiro Vitmliie Product.; • ha* handled a large number acts iki* year, many of then initial character. Its Miami s include tli" following: Hoard lluibling; marble, tile 11 hospita'. marble and tile. This off-stage busine** of preparing duce it fm Christmas for the south is now 1 on in Atlanta. Tbit activity, in fnct, has been in progress for some months past.. Preparations for Christmas in the capital of the southeast nr« preaching a climax. A glance at the house* advert iring on this **Buy-I t-Fmrn-Atlanta' will indicate the variety of *ervle«L products and stuff* radiating fiom Atlanta along the highways and the byways, into every city and hamlet of the eolith, NnreJ.v, here is center of the earth for buyers purchaser.'* in the less fortunately sit uated parts of the south. Have you stopped to ihinfc what you may need this Christmas—from Atlanta? Have you checked your needs on tim “Jtuy-lt-Frwn-Allanta" page? Write for any service or article to the rdvert'ner signing the announcement and teil your needs for Christmas and the Xcw Year. You will find every ilrcrtiser on this page giving the kind of service of which Atlanta is proud—the kind of service which It a* helped build Atlanta from a cross road itt flie bills to the great metrop olis of today, the gateway to the •nth. Ask for it—Atlanta will pro- NEW GATEWAY TO WEST! HUGE SUES SOLO r John Sevier terminal, located s cast of Knoxville, the Sotifkci ilway system has wtah'.hbcl S Three tremendous .• ipa-ity of luO ton* eu Ut.Hcd for tin* Klor J railroad by the II.iwe I headquarter* at !» Sfe a. This is one o i of this kiml ev ATI A NT A — MILLJNERY AI LAIN I A — headquarters FORTHESOUTH FALL and WINTER STYLES Send your orders direct. They will be filled and shipped day received. HIINTER ADAMS CO. M. Kl/TZ CO. J?^^ENSTEIN CO, ERNEST L. RHODES CO. ATLANTA WHOLESALE MILLINERY ASSOCIATION Gate City Cotton Mill* High-Grade Knitting Yam, Mill Site TJ East Point, Ca. rne; marble and contractor. 1st Co.; marble, •orge W. Iatng- tile. Venetian hotel; tile, marble and ter- r«sw>. Pringle & Smith, architects; Turner Construction Co., contractor. Watson hotel; tile, marble, terrazzo accessories and cabinet. U. Lloyd 'bitacts; Realty •her ft f Construction Co., contractors. McAllister Arcade; mnrhle nnd tile. George W. Lunsford, contractor. Out of its Tampa office the Vitro- llte Products company has handled piitc a number of jobs in thut city tud abto varlnuirInstallations In Sara- Rota, Lakeland ami other cities; han dling exclusively the marble, tUe, ter rnzao and vitrolite work of several «d he larger contractors o|>erating in ,l’u 111 pa and other cities in that sec- jtlon. Among its Tampa contractu i* 1 the Installation of marble in the Tan- I P» Terrace hotel, for which Ilcntz, J Held & Adler were architects and J Adair A Son. builders, j The Vitrolite Products company in* nnd southwest, and is greatly exnrdit- celieut »u*r1 , ing the movement of tnntitt fact tired The Hot product* and - merchandize from tbeiat ituilnml. V<u is-’7 The [ John .Sevier transfer ha* cajiarity established l*,v for hatidling 120 cars per day aiu« January 1. into, Mr. I»artb is now hntnlliiig an nverage of fit Nt |sott them mmiagr. Seven cars per week. Freight for the west ; now cover .North Caroli i* loaded to this transfer where solid • Carolina, Georgia, Florida ban In the labor <■ Atlanta are < of tbi VErienos. L/re»r«im, imiiun- i •••• liivoli*, Chicago, MinnenfMdis-St. Paul. lory, lliey can b- ca.trd mi when Kansas City, Springfield, Mo., and I nettled t<» • scales, v nrehouse Cheyenne, Wyo. 'tir.d;^ r' fe* a-yi r. inrra.tto-s. For Chicago proper car* are loaded t lot* Ibny hnle (-ompnny reports via four different while to insure the prompt movement J ness n of freight for points beyond, ears jdivlsia are loaded to three leading transfer [is con stations in the Chicago territory, j file it Similarly cars ore loaded for direct j delivery to three northbound line* j __ _ _ _ !Hamper Market in bus id tbe fufnro for the southern I with li’t'.id jiiurter,* nt Atlanta ifderod brighter than ever be the history of the company. OU-HCtolM HU. *»•* H. B. RALLS, Jr. th. >!■■> C,».I»W IWK CATTLE, BOOS u>4 8IIEEP AtUlti UIIM tola, THU »««. •- 33 POPLAR RUBBER STAMPS DIXIE SEAL & STAMP CO. | > which the Southern Ferro-Concert* • company was contractor. I j This company ia also the marble i contractor for the now Masonic tem- ; pie at JackHon, Mis*. N. W. Over- IJ street, architect. ts :! TU company made marble and tile f[installation* in the new Sigma Xu (IPaternity house at Anbum, Ala.; Warren, Knight and Maria, archi- • | feet» ami C, A. Fnlghum, contractor. : .Vitrolite. n material expertly in- ■ stalled by the Vitrolite Prvxlucts com- I I miny, is 30 years old, hot It ia only j t in recent years that it came into j 5general use in thin section. It is t rapidly increasing in popularity and nunrrunft installation* are being made. Its advantages for the pur- , poses for which it ia ordinarily in- j 5 stalled an* obvious. being i whicn nn i Southern'! loaded direct to John Sevier, formerly handled at the transfers at H)>eaeer, and Inman. Ga. lN. C.; Havnc, S. C., and Inman, Ga I As a result backbaulina and iiulifri movement have been eliminated nml FULTON MARKET REFORTS HOLIDAY TkADE BOOMING The Fulton Market company, i operating three stores in Atlanta. _ ports an nnosnally large demand for For the housewife who ia not fa- : mil(At with the fancy variety of meats and vegetables at any Fulton market i in Atlanta one visit will suffice to I thrill her with delight. Fish, oyster*, ;poultry, fresh vegetables and -fruits :and fancy western meats are home lot the tempting items listed ou the ~ -ket menu for shopper*. ^ many also offers to"retail houses hi tot southeast prompt ship ments of sea foods ordered from the Atlanta headquarters of the Fnlton market. Fish of the season can be BUY ROOFING THAT IS MADE IN ATLANTA W« nunuficture composition roofings for every purpose—HessgOn shingles. Slab Shingles (4-tn-i anJ 3-ln-l), Individual Shingles, Slate >nd Smooth-Surfaced Roll Roofing, Roof Cement and Paints. LOGAN LONG COMPANY N 125 SYLVAN ROAD PHONE WE. 3434 ATLANTA, CEORCIA Branchesr Chicago, Cincinnati, Frnhlin, O. Envelopes All tbtngs being equal most folks wjuld rather buy envelopes from a Georgia manofacturer than send thdr order out of the state. Don't you ted that way? Our Plant Capacity of Half Million Daily a*-urep lowest prices and evan quicker ddirery than you expect. Send ns your next envelops order. ATLANTA Envelop© Company S3-W Mewart Ave. Fidelity Fruit & Produce Co. Wboletde MerehanU 2 and 3 Produce Place Atlanta, Ca. , 9XLL vaoaii Mils MH Flint Motor Company of Atlanta Price* $100 to $1500 mw «£“*•' Sonthero Engraving Co. Commercial Engraving : uni w. 0**03. .... •.T’. j 381 St. % . ATLANTA, CA. ^ supplied promptly and on short no tice. Retail dealers throughout Geor gia and the southeast are invited to call on the Fnlton Market company fn Atlanta for shipments of fresh fish, oysters, other sea foods and western meats T oHaveReindeer Meat for Sail Everybody remembers the cfiifdhno stories of Niintn Claus and hi* woi derful reindeer, nnd this i* one hoi day in which the reindeer, sometime, regarded w» a myth, will actually make hi* nppearunee lo Atlanta, nml this is how if come* about. Thirty year* ago the Eskimos of northern Alaska wire facing starva tion because the white people had killed off the walrus, real and other animals upon which they had fed for .. »»._ -,, rrW tof this LYI 11«PLACES Max Wright, president Wright company, -125-427 Whitehall street, Atlanta, reports steady in crease of business in supplying equip ment for hotels, restaurants, cafe teria*. college* and similar institu tions throughout the south. Just now Mr. Wright’s company carrying dn a campaign to infro- re the Wright line of equipment -o southern institutions not fully familiar with the merit* of the Wright line. 'This special offer, which Is’ mited in time,'Will enable proprle- <r* who get iu touch with Mr. Wright > enjoy the advantages of the spe cial terms offered during the limited .icriod of this sale to introduce the Wright line to new friends nnd cus- Tiie policy of Mr. Wright's company proving particularly iiopnlur here i ihe south, where he ia following a NontI prese jietltlve Hues of other ... Mona destructively, but by construc tively erecting a factory with sales jnd distribution which will far sur- pa** any product* in articles of this kind obtained in this section of the country. Mr. Wright's policy h broad and frr-i-ighied. Ilis field, according to fii* plans, will not be confined simply to the south, but will embrace terrl- lorie* throughout the nation am! even tually throughout the world. WEYMAN AND CCNNQRS SHOWS GOOD RECORD SHIELD BRAND SHOES FIT BEST WEAR LONGEST M. C. KISER CO. Mahers Atlanta ! .Miij tn Atlvtia I toed*, Matlreue* and Spring* I Southern Spring Bed Co. ’lyiium nnd Connors, headquarters i the fifth floor of the Grant build- ig. Weyman nnd (Uinnors handles rect first mortgage bonds and real late bond-. They make sales rang- •* from i< 1,000 to S10.000. F«r Xi years Wevman and Con- >r.i has been lending money for pri de investor* without a single loss principal or interest. In bui... - continued growth of the •spending prosperity WEYMAN & CONNORS MORTGAGES INSURANCE—RENTS ctb Floor Grant Itulldlnf Pbona WAL 2103— Founded 1890 TWW JiV,’ Vitrolite Product* Co. 10-12 W. Baker St. Atlanta^ Ga. ViraOUK TlLt. MARBLE, BATB ACCEUOftlES AND OABINETi Wholesale ManuUcturers . rtUE COVERS AI I TTY ) SEAT COVEXS AU IU \ TOP BE-covEna ’ CARPETS E. M. Thomas Auto Top Mfg. Cd. 5S..S1 S.rtl, It., TRUCK BODIES Ail kinds, befit to order ItaiulrinR, Painting and Lettering Springs lor all trucks and cars. YANCEY BROS. 90 N. Jackson St. • WAInot 5074 Reeder Harness Co. JUkJIUI AOTUBEKV Of Quality Harness and Saddles avoina saddles and beedlem Flowers for All Occasions : ^| ATLANTA, GA. Steel Engraved Cbnstmas Cards . L. D. Specbt Engraving Co. f# FZACUTSEE arcade, xvr UM ATLANTA. 0*. “WlLLITE” Process Asphalt Pavemantt Insure utmost in durability— 1 economy. f owera ultimate coat to tax . payer. f arcer reterns to the motoring x p>nii!e. Increases the Ufa of Mtene- 1 bile*. 'T'raffle tests—and time —prove * siiperlnrity. |£liiiiinatr.v guess work and lie* eocs i ssoaivaa limit rauex loads Willite Southeast Co. I& Ha**-How.U Bldg. 4Hants, (Is. Complete ‘Banking Institution [ J. SAUL & COMPANY WH0U8U* Clothiag «nd Udln' Refill,-tn- W.v, Dry Good, and Notion. BU HOTIS TO NO. fie SOUTH PRYOR ST, On lm nil Lin, u *■• into. WHOLESALE ONLY SPECIAL EXTRA Making room for spring lines. monr sMitTnUon,. T.. rorwt <lii, I f C, ° Sin « , t)ut en !>« stock of condition the department of education; fall COatS Consisting of la- txss^ysam, tfffiawtrajts: present market prices. Elc- Kant assortment of styles, shades and fur trimmed on hand. House orders only JACOB SEGALOWITZ NEW YORK STOCK HOUSE 90 S. Pryor St. AtUnU, Ga. W. Af, Not Jobber, Auto Wheels and Rims _ V ratToav oiiTaiauTORa Firestone, Kelsey. Jaxon Hayes Wheels, Rhnt and Porta Capital City Tire & Sup- Co. 383 I’ruhlrt. SL AlUat, DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. COMPANY Ganuln. Open Hurtk ! Shrrl Metal. «nd Shert M.tal rrodurU, Tinplate, G.lnnbtod erriet a»o hml )« nutr.r «m ff AUtnta, Ge. R. S. Armstrong & Bro. Co. 675 Marietta SL Atlanta, Ga. Machine Tools Rtprssenting! Atm MasMaa Tost Os., Otsetaaatt Btattart Toe! Ca, cikIbmU MUUsg Uscklas 0a* CisctaaatS Fisas* Ol. U4go * Shipley Machtao Tod C#., Your inquiries solicited. 1 Pm c*n (*( II at Arfflitrcn*V* SANTAFE SYSTEM WILL RUN SPECIAL TRAIN TO PASADENA J. 8. Rote, general agent Santa Fe railway. AtJsnts, states that the Sants Fe ayatem, following its custom of soma years, will operate from Chi cago night of December 28 "Special California Limited train to Tourna ment of Roses, Pasadena,** which is held at Pasadena, Calif., each New Yeaj^da* . v*. to tench the Eskimo the —- raising reindeer. The climate and: food of Alaska ha* provisl so con ducive to this enterjirlse that the gov ernment now estirtntes ;hat there are 250,000 reindeer fn Afnskn. although many thousands have been slaughtered ‘ r domestic need* and for export. From these vast herds tbe Jynniper Grocery company market lia* cMnjned a shipment of meat nnd tbe skinH will be on display ami the meat on sale during the holiday aenaon. Game meat i* the healthiest meat In the world, and. while, tbe reindeer is a domestic animal, his venison is ns pure and palatable ns any wild deer In any nnrt of the world, with the additional ndvnntngc that during his whole life he lives upon the purest of food—reindeer mow—and is reared under climatic conditions that pro- due* tbe most delicious meat obtain able. All animals exited are young steers and are slaughtereil at a time when they are prime and fat. Ihe refrigeration they undergo »n ship ment only serves to make tl .m more tender. The people of Atlanta will appreciate the enterprise of the Knm- per Grocery company mai et which naa prompted it to obtain for the holiday season a quantify of this rare meat and will await with interest the display of reindeer skins which will serve as notice that reindeer steak is ARE YOU PLANNING , ' TO BUILD? Write for our fret catalogue on' how to buy a beating system that fits your home or building.' Warren Webster & Co, . Atlanta Trust Co. Building j ATLANTA, GA. CAPITAL £l,500.000 BROAD<md MARIETTA STREETS. ATLANTA I ffftt’MEMBER. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (Of]/ cVho Wright company & MANUFACTURERS- JOBBED.* HOTEL - RESTAURANT . CAFETERIA-COLLEGE AND INSTITUTION EQUIPMENT 4a5-4J77 WHITEHALL ST ATLANTA - - ' GA. CROSSWORDS ARE PUZZLES. BUT NAP-O-LIN Toilet Tissue U from *1) angles—th, whitmt, purest, .oltett, 700.1 .I > .dt3d far 4T. *Ad' idu.l 6a* fat clc.nlmu,— Bay NAP-O-UN ^di* *nd b. coo.Inc d. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR RADIO CORP. OF AMERICA 12-HOUR SERVICE Gilham-Schoen Electric Company 35 CONE ST. ATLANTA, GA. SAVE BUILDING COST Murphy CtMnct Ironing Bo*rds Murphy Steel Medicine Ceblnet* Morphy Door Beds Murphy Steel Kitchens MURPHY DOOR BED CO. 33 LUCKIEST. ATLANTA, CA P. L. GOMEZ & COMPANY PLASTERING CONTRACTORS ■W nod CIO Bon. ABn I HENRY GRADY HOTEL Jtswwt ut rtSMt sf AtUnU’t fettals. US vnbi. MO baths. ItUti U M. 11.00, M-M. 11-00. ti.oo. Jam. F. Do Jametfe, V. P. A Agr. Tbo*. J. Keller. Amo. Mar. Southern-Electric ^ Supply Co, A. F. Himmond, Pretldaat 81 Marietta Street Atlanta, Ca. Prank Hempstead & Co. Public Arrnuntants tniinsrllura In Taxation Candler Bldg. Atlanta. Go. ~Ta. KELLEY wholesale Poultry nnd Eggs 171*173 EAST HUNTER ST. Atlanta, Ga. PLUMBING COSTS Xt !Sifc ,r f ight >» Gtooirie *°d equalize It fa, Florida, Alabama and the carolmas in suclf a manner that we c*n give you an itemized list showing the cost of Plumbing Supplies at your raijrosd station. We sell only A-grade material and guarantee everything we sell. Write for our fixture catalog. PICKERT PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. : i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . 117-119 Central Ave . Lartut Ret,Her. ol Plumbin* Soppli., la the Sooth SCALES TRUCKS SAFES Refrigerator! The Howe S«de Co. Atlanta Star Provision Co. Sausage Manufacturers Fresh bleats and Previsions HMSsfaetarsn at faarlaaa W!oaart (Uiu Marietta Street I’hune* IVy SI37-UI28 STEEL W« are lobben of Standard Structural Steel ANGLES BEAMS CHANNELS WITHERS FOUNDRY A MACHINE WORKS •VBt&’a wi:jlesale FISM AND OYStERS Tbe belt-equipped marital in the south to handle your order*. FULTON MARKET 25.27 a Alabama Atlanta RiTTENBAUM BROS. Manufacturer! of Sanitary Wiping Cloth, 472-78 Decatur St IVy 6300 Atlanta, Ca. Harry L. Schlesinger Candy and Cracker* ’ 70-72-74-76 Madiion At*. 1» TO S3 NELSON $T. jri Attaata. Ga, "'*W\