The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 24, 1926, Image 2

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i*Ar.B TWO THE DANNEB-nERALD. ATHENS. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1926. TULANE COACH ONE WHO HAD l._ TRAINING BEFORE COLLEGE NEW ORLEANS. —1/1’)— Clark St^ughnessy, hc-vd football coach at Tulano University. which went through the 1925 season without Is one of the small group of athletes Who ha<I no athletic training before entering college. Shauxhnetsjr went from, his birth' place In St.. Cloud, MiOn., to tli«* university of 'Minnesota. At Minnesota. "Doc” Wllllums did noi. overlook men who weighed 190 popnds and could run. Shaugh- WORLD or GOIHN& STARS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT V1TH OOLFERS MAGAZINE) # JIM BARNES—PLAYING THE MID-IRON In a general way the swing for a mid-iron is the same as with a dr'ver, except in the following details: In the first place, the swing is, or ought to be, shorter. Also the shaft of the club is shorter, and the player must, according^, stand closer' to the ball- This tends, or should lend, to make the swing more up right—also the stance is possibly a little more open. There Is no reason to feel that the right hand predominates in the swing more than it dees with the driver. As the name suggests, the mid-iron is a club for shots ranging from 185 to 170 yards, depending on the player. For longer distances a more powerful club should be chosen. Thus the swing ought to be shortened to little if anything more than a half suing, no more than a three-quarter. Naturally, with a shorter swing the player has better control. Hence he can be a little more certain in applying the force in fitting the ball. This gives the .impression that the mid-iron stroke is more of a hit. As a matter of fact, there may be just ns much hitting with a full swing. New Health in Tanlac/ **/ suffered after rating, troubled with torpid liver, I constip ation, had no energy, loti 39 Pounds. After tab- ing Tanlac I made 100 per centime ' Prevemtntandfour; bottles rid me of my troubles,"J H. « Owen, 10 Claret. Uu I Ave., Co In ml ns. O. j This statement merely backs uo what over one hundred thousand grateful users have said about Tanlac. Our files are packed with yuch testimony. If your system is run down, if you can’t seem to eat or " sleer, 1 have lost weight or suffer from hying pain, why not let Tanlac start you back to vigorous strength and health. | No long, wretched wait to get results! Tanlac stnrts right ! n Vt build you up. It clenn.n the blood, revitalizes digestive organs, fixi *. up the liver and makes you fed' like a new person. For constinf- ticn take Tar.lac Vegetable Pills. I Advertisement i gave him his plan of reforming policies as well Italy. the organ I rath ““ Haring definitely formed bl« party MnuoUni promptly began hie campaign. The Faaclitl were not long In rlelng to power under leadership, the Italian hie able leaderehtp. the Italian maaeee belpg fn enppert of hie Instant Relief J?Jm* imfiun Girl Gains 7 Pounds Loosen Up That Cold With Musterole the majority of In the country. Having once ; blned a foothold Mussolini took nts life l n his hands aqd. began a.amrch on Rome. He met with little I opposition and by using such **st: tong-arm” methods of securing po* wr as destroying 1 fcalldt boxes And Jeuppresslng news. papers, he gopn gained entire con- trrl of the Italian government. Intereuting Speaker. Dr Devine's audience found him a most interesting snwiker. He Is a man with aicbarm.'ng personality is widely traveled, and speaks with authority gdued from p«*r sonal r^nerlenco sH general Informa tion. His talk was well received by those who heard him. Dr. Devlqe holds a Ph. D. from the University! of Pennsylvania, end from the, University of Halle. Germany. I n ^addition to having been edltod of The Survey and Processor of social economy at Co lumbia. ho ba t been President of the "National -Conference of Chari- ties and Corrections; chief of the Burecu of Refugees and Home Relief; and isi'a member of pVactl- callv-all the raH-'nal social organ izations. He Is the Author of many books. APPEALS TO GOVERN. WENT FOR AID OF STARVING ARTISTS LONDON. —UP)-— Artistic geni uses ar<-, starving in the garrets cf Chelsea because they canont sell their paintings, many of which In a-few years may l>e worth thou sands of pounds. On behalf of these artists Sir TO AS DEPORTATION OF Acid Stomach; “Phillips Milk of Magnesia" ' Better than Soda nereaitei, instead of soda take | a little "Phillips Milk of Mas- socialist, W-g* kTRSt authorities, askinir for * deportatisi Von Hoc J CoSnt t Satm. 1 " who arrived eolution of\bic«rbonate of «oda. Washington Tuesday with his '“-toft the stomach sweet and | mother is -likely to become a free from all gases. It neutralises public charge" and is “not con- «■? fermentation, in the bowels tributing to the support of his ‘' nd (wntly urges the souring nnd child,” LaGuardia said, ™«*» f r°"> .system without adding thnt he had wired Palm purging. Besides, it Is more pleas- Beach to find out if the Count or »»t to take than soda. Insist upon Ec-meone else had paid his bills ‘ Phillips.” Twenty-five cent hot- there. j ties, any drugstore. The New York congressman! —Advertisement. said he could not see that the -*■ count .had any visible means of, support. His tennis is amateur,’ not professional, he pointed out. • file a formal complaint with im- M llk of migration authorities, asking for . y Magnesia has been pre deportation of Count Ludwig Salm u, !L...a Hoogatraatcn, ;nt Rogers, nt Salm, wht Real) Banner-Herald Want Ads. With forty teams entered In a mskotball tournament thero arc ure to be some feature games, fhe Northeast Gorgia Cago Tour- ley is no exception, but the ^ few '^ndJiatiSn NEW YORK.— (UP) —James A. Stillman has made a handsome settlement upon J. Ward Leeds, h : s son by Florence Leeds. This step, taken prior to the wealthy attraction of Wednesday s i, an ker and his wife, disposes of ‘rnmes will be the game at eight- »j lc “other woman” in the sensa- .hlrty between Athens High and I^ional marital drama the skeins . • , „ of which have been entangled un- Both Athens High and Cornelia tl , al j p^ies rest content. wo strong teams and the battle Announcement of the settlement is expected to be of a Tcch-Ga. L vhich establishes a trust fund /ariety. I of $20,000 a yeibr for the boy, the Athens has had a successful j principle (from $100,000 to $100,- season. having lost cnly one game.' 0C0 ) to revcrt to the boy when ’olbort defeated Coach Brown’s he becomes of age, was announ- boys on her own court Victories ce(! by William M. Sullivan, per-, An idealistic girl, on the threshold of life-thrilled by the golden glow of Jove’s young dream «, —hurled suddenly into the depths of despair by her I ; evil angel — long dreary years —and then anew resur rection of love—and hap piness complete! “The Golden Cocoon, 1 * .WamerBros/new Screen Classic with Huntly Gordon and Helene Chadwick is an intense and pow« erful emotional drama' * ‘that sets new high standards of screen -entertainment. See “The Golden Cocoon”— You'll . enjoy I afe held over some of the strong- j ost teams in Northeast Georgia. But Cornelia, too, has a wonder- I ful team. The other night Cor nelia ran rough-shod over River- I side, aside from winning other ;ame B of equal Importance. Remember the ttmo of the game | eight-thirty. NEW YORK. — UP)— increased popularity of professional hockey, due In some measure to the in clusion of New York nnd Pitts, burgh in the National Hockey League, has been accompanied by a corresponding rise ln the sal aries of the players. Promoters estimate that the av- • ornge professional "puck-chaser" WASHINGTON _p,. r : Ihl* wmuoii ha» been drawing *3.. ■’yAwSggWyTffy* “„Lj »°° to 14.000 for the thtrty-alx M”™ ot . «•* -chedulo. 1 Coolidge Feels Better Over Tax Slashes sonal attorney for Stillman. R^O HOCKEY PLAYER'S WAGE AVERAGE8 $S,500 IN 36 GAMES Have Mdsterole handy when at* «r » i. ■»cold starts. It has all of the nd- Nine Years an Inv?hi w pf>Vr < ^ # . That ^.,J“5 t what H&oy* Co l ter . Apply it with the fingers. Liver Oil Compound Tablets d’d;You feel a wnrm tingle as the, v „ ... _ „ for the Babcock girl—and In Join? ‘ healing ointment penetrates the /d. e nh Dnveen has appealed to as much for ten3 of thousands of. pores, then a soothing, cooling ------ thin, underweight, weak and d!«- Le«antion and quick relief, rouraged people all over America, i Made of pure oil of mustard These sugar coated, pleasant t u an d other simple ingredients, take tablets should be given to,Musterole is recommended by children instead of the vile stomne i many nurses and doctors. Try upsetting oil Itself—they surely do 1 Musterole for bronchitis, sore help frail, delicate little ones mid j throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu- lains and _ pi. aches of the back or joints, sore muscles, sprains, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest. It may prevent pneumonia and "flu.” 60 tablets cost but 60 cents at H. matism, lumbago, croup, R. Palmer Sons nnd W. J. Smith neuralgia, congestion, p & Bro. or any druggist's. .... Read this letter if you have a child that needs to gain health nnd strength: ‘'My little girl was stricken with infantile paralysis when she was 5 months old and was an invalid for 9 years—when I saw an ad in the paper that McCoy Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets would build up wasted tissues. I bought- a box and she gained very slowly at first. and after taking eight boxes, she I ained seven pounds. Thanks to Me- < toy’s Cod Liver-Oil Compound Tab- * lets, after trying almost every* ‘ thing else on the market. She is oh the road to recovery and goes to school every day." Mrs. L. Bab cock, Appleton, Wis- Imitations of McCoy's may be offered but be sure nnd ask for McCoy’s, the orliginal and genuine and if after thirty days’ treatment you are not delighted with results ■why, get your money back. —Advertisement Premier Baldwin for goverrrrant < support in a movement to gain mere interest for British art. Sir Joseph says British art has j nqver been finer than It is today I He urges buyers to search out the • unknown painte's iA Chelsea and 1 buy palntiifgs which are worthy of the home cf art lovers, and, may be j had for a few pounds that-would j enable a young .artigt to UVe In i greater comfort. j A bachelor is a man who was | reeling for being too sensible to ( marry. {Safest place for a woma n to hide her money from the children is in the family Bible, A college ^education keeps you from kissing and spitting. It teach, os one to osculate and expecto- mte. , j PILES Must Go When PAZO OINTMENT is Apprllod, because It Is Positive in Action, It begins immediately to take out the Inflammation and reduce all Swelling. The first application brings Great Relief. Stops Itching In stantly and Quickly Believes Irritation. Severe teste in cases of long standing have proved that PAZO OINTMENT can be depended upon with absolute certainty to Sl3p any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles, and in the shortest time possible. Recommended by Physicians and Druggists in United States and Foreign Countries. „ PAZO OINTMENT in tubes with Pile Pipe Attachment, 75c. and in tin boxes, 60c. The circular enclosed with each tube and box contains facts about Piles which everybody should know. PARIS MEDICINE CO., Bwonoat asd Fhm Stmts, St.Loulj.Mo. spent in competition tbifti the av erage major league ball player re ceives. Grady School of Journalism Speaking before a largo audi ence of Commerce students at tho University of Georgia here today Dr. Edward T. Devine; former Editor of The Survey nnd profes- cf flpeial Economy ot Columbia Mtw gave an interesting and it! 1 STRAND 1 ; Thursday, February 25 “THE GOLDEN! COCOON’ Warner Bros. Special ■WBKSgSSSSSSfiS ;\. v Use Banner-Herald Classified Cards. They Pay. Phone 75. Velvet ^ pencils At all Dealers Supreme in their class. AsSmooth asVelveL Writ* for trial eampla American Lead Pencil Co^Ncw York WCTC5 pprr.priations will be kept to [ 1'nimum and he is therefore snt- iftcd that a new tax bill with | 389,000,000 cuts will work no uhstnntial hardships. ... He-was understood to feel that pressed by Senator v4moot and I 1905-1911 he senate mode gietaer reduc? 'the r leaders were said nt thel Instructive talk on ‘MuaioUni* lh? tons than were advisable nt thi> White House to be sha.ed by the} present Dictator of Italy. W but the hopeful view ex- president. { Dr . ^vine’s Ulk centered around the alms and accomplish, ments of Mussolini and the Faft- clsti party since their riso power at the end of the World War. He took up tho subject in an impersonal manner, basing I?!*? remarks on an fntlmiate know ledge of Italy and conditions there which he has gained from study ’and from travel through out tho country. "Mussolini's great service to Italy has boon in tho way of re forms." said Dr. Devine. "At the conclusion of the World War Italy’s morals were at a very low i ebb; her resources suffered from lack of proper attention; economic conditions were the worst la years credit was scarcely to be had. But with the rise to power of tho Fss- cistl radical changes took place. A- Renaissance entered Itply. Re forms of every kind were Insti tuted, credit established and omk: conditions put * on a basis” Not Too Firm; Dr. Devine believes howevt r. as do a great number of the leading thinkers of the world, that Musso lini's regime is established o n a not too solid foundation. "Musso- llu* has literally been riding a whirlwind," said the speaker, "aprt his greatest work so far has been to held his party together; If Italy is to regain her former pres tige and become nationally great aha must retrace somewhat from her course under Mussolini.” Dr. Devine sketched briefly the career of the lead of the Fascist!, from the time of bis advent Into the werid aa the «on cf a black- smith, to his rise to international prominence. Mussolini was first a follower of Karl 'Marx but at the outbreak of the World War changed his beliefs on account of the fact that the Marxians were rpposed the July* entrance Into the war. Having bioken with ht* party Mussolini Joined the Italian army, as a common soldier. wqS woflnded. and was decorated for bravery. t as while recuperating from and in a hospital that Mas- came Into contact with a whose influence was to his entire life and who AVEF* Aspirin SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSISTi Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART [ Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. JtMilr -Jlgyer” bow, ol It tablttl aim l-'ltlc. «( 24 and lou—0rn„lnU. I’j'.f. n it, mat wit it lyit MuWMnfc a itamiaMaw v UkjikMM