The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 25, 1926, Image 1

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if osnts a mem MIDDLING ...:.. ... M HttYlOUd CLOSE .. .. JS THE WEATHE& Fair and warmer Thursday n Established 1832. ATHENS, CA, TliURSPAY, rElHlUAtlT Jp. 1926 section of-to lerate! is an e*- =*- ’ Georgia, sipk« 4rprd» that Are <C*. highly applicable to Clarke - .. county. He regrets the; con* I *JV tinned maintenance of the cite . LI . room, on* teacher* school* in • ■* tlwi isnntrlw* unit la #n«r «nn* ' ft PETREL FOOTBALL fW FOB PLAYERS ARRIVE OF il IN CITY FRIDAY il Of it * the twenty - million schtfcL) .'---children in 7 America twelve: fir. million are in rural and rU*. jt^lage schools • stated Mr.- Ev- I ans. Of thia twelve millionV about five million are in one*, teacher, one room' schools.^ This is a situation that should^ It remedied. " -■» > ■? *:Qne statement jh' Mr, £v*' speech, however, is w- ^ tonceable. «e .ftates: /flfct when it cornea tp the farmers' ( -Here’s List Of. Tourney Games For Thursday j Two hundred high school basketball players sni gled more comfortabiy under the cover Wednesd night, tired hut happy, and abandoned themselves roseate dreams of the fulfillment of three men hard work, the basketball championship of Nor east Georgia for 1926. “ ' 1 ” * ‘ f ‘ cbmforted themselm' with • philosophy that its fc Umg i that has no turning sad tMt children the cltv has . beirt singularly aloof.**** This Jmir, mad* the- firmer dissatisfied. They want gbod schools and they have moved ,to town to '■tret.than) V. H h fChSH Workers In the Y. W. C„ l i ' r.UULU A campaign Thursday vine gw 1 > nu Bflinmnninni reported $983.50 subscrib- ( Rl lullhhlhillr r I ed to the $8,000 mainten- *■'* jV ' T* 1 ‘.aneg fund since. \ the ant'-evolution measure, known' '..The half way point war reached as the Evnns-Hickdy passed ^Wednesday In the drive of the Y. , b y both ho»», measure Thureday.; tty - pinning reported nbtertbed wttker,. their hupes on the possibility of la tho campaign Were .highly op-! Governor Whitfield , vetoing- the tttrtftlc and feel essured that AUv The governor had jiot' .made-st Wednesday were really,t»'e| statement revealing hi» ;.-^rt^ ^ ^novrins actual, caavq* •Thursday. .' ‘ ,. ! j . wdrk' «[' L'«a* The bill pasted latCWfdhetida, been carried bn In Athena Jlnrlng: . in the upper housv l..v a vote of th. ptst eeferalnittltha IhtfOly .by] 29 to lib, provide# that the ory, yofwitietn e» account, qf the jest-' that man,ascended from a lower pooemeat of.CttnMJfUs.'dlle j faj animal ahull not be tuught in tag ideal r -mclal cundttlotts.'..’ Despite suppirtcd schoolt of the state, • *?1 (Tar* 1* page eight, i | Tills mav be true in many instances but in others far- : jnws have insisted on the conllnuanrei of the small .-schools because they' are cen- - thiVVln the' eoiodianlt^^Hts' cause they are eloee and eon- yenlest and for various otir 1 -eip reasons. 'Take this Ctran- •ty, for instance, it hea a num- Vnaif'nn'isll schools in It, fhr . 'faSfmany. but when you talk of'eon solid sti on opposition of Vflinei.whb HVe close to the ■* /acHfPI Jinnsen Is met Jmmrd- fhtolc. They are too selfish. ' Th.f'WonW sacrifice a better . education for their children rather than have them go a B - to a better school. nnsolidatlen In this irhieh should have s finest systems in blit hasn’t, could brought about were by those most af- rrered. A one room sohool wlth'ono tearher. or even a school of double that capacity. 5.'* Member* cL, Lhc ited ahl ♦ Bln< k h.'iNkti^hall team, players ii.drl roaches, haim bought tick ets to thp GAorgla-ORlethorpo fotball gdmo here Friday, do- spite - the fact that they will/ not be able to attend the game on account of the tournament In Atlanta. The game 1* being played n s a benefit for Tony •Pry«e. termer freshman court star on the Gccrgir.; team* of Un year. •' _,« -• - 'The player* ' who bought tickets before leaving'for At lanta were. Captain Richardson Florence, Turner, Forbes, Keen Harris. Smith, Johnson. Fraln Fowler. Manager Dicker* taff and Coach Stegemap. Many o^ber'athlete* of the football and baseball , teams, alf the coaches and other officials of the Athletic Association have bought. Dan Joseph., old Geor* gta boy from Columbus, sent 15 for the pumo back by Oeorgo Woodruff Wednesday. A blr crowd Is expected nut; for th» game with everybody paying the admission price of $1. • w 9|8i>—Oanlelsvillc-L e x i n g. v > / *• Friday Morning. . 11:30—Wlpner of Tate-WIn- dar and Comer-Eastanolle Owmaa. 11;36-fcWi^ner of lla-Dacula' games versus winner of 4:30 Tho first named twi are the twenty teams ’ vived a day of graalfof. the like of which has l equalled in this saotio . The measure', in its final form, was accepted by a vt'e of 61 to IK Those voting in the r^gatlvo Included five republicans. Frazier LaKo!let!p. How*lL Norbeck. Nye and four demochits, Rlease, Tram mell, Walsh and NVheeler and one fanner-labof^^Sblpstcad. . . • j FiwMihU Vote* j • A ruling road# '.by Vice; President Daw^r that no ; jotion was In cnlac to-chnllengu any one (Turn to page eight) i ATLANTA. Ga.—(UP) I—Bills calling for the is- ni K h scho< !nuance of bonds for high-'w‘dnc,dly l ,'way construction, bonds “bungtaiis,-; j for educational expansion “vRF, 'i and for payment of Con- waiting for federate pensions were in- S'^, v “ r W b lroduccd in the house first two t •Thursday. . ST • New bill, were referred to the | young Mr. ! several committees after roll call other whirl: the ruiel folk* er*—wake up Me school!, too. I man In town** n College ave- afternoon. A i the Y. W. C. r selling those If the “Y. W." fly In question ■One—and they Ale. Can you [I s lightwsdt hanthre’e namo lily boast that d. in the paper tt-thnt satis* rkansas late Wad-|; after demolishing i ga in tha vicinity - Pension ufint Two bills providing fm several bn of Lake VI homes In i Gfeenvi'le, ed havoc v rieui. ine game <vm ai «» > — : j. *. , * . vkxk With Hitchcock and Kellar playing the stellar, c'rewie^" rent“ dru the ^GwgiaHs scoring roles, the sirong .Colbert High School team through a scrimmage Wednesday, defeated the fighting Washington High School - % "apply «»“ f r. y presume, 1 fluintet Thureda^ mftrninr by a score of 27 to II and tuiMrhM Thursday afternoon. | advanced one/step nearer the tournament champion* net-way for^thc Bulldogs since the \ ship. Colbert aCprtltfU seons atmobrlnvipcibk andj first of February and the squad w iu gi ve afty team in thejtourney a hard fight p ys? esc aLj«-a3BEar tovy?°snd is vlith Ed ” rt * no litU. interest. ^,7Washington Luneeford ms! Besides giwng the the outstanding star with seven opportunity of seemg jutt_ whab p, i nll .f, r i[ S()n lAoped In st aue, rrorn to Pap* Biui strength in each of her two frames| - *" Uo- far and ha« viaions of cham-t ry Session fflk ature imooth Starts : , <Edwards <*> ■l'. J 4 ..iUrtl •) Left .Good • -J | planted address of a reference toj ^tnCkUnd » criticism of the phraseology of grAttp His call and his reference to the. CLOSE UAME highway board. This difre**te»i The faat Cameavttia team It lock »otne members by sorprifte.'Gveensboro into eaA^ Tnurw although there was no official morning by a accra of 10-19. comment other than a bu« of Time'-and apiin tM iH ’ arious interpretation* following.tied. At the end of the fjrkt h ike'das'* lessiim. the «M». wag l«-» dn. fevor Durnip hit addreat, which wa* Greensboro. In the ‘ last h of some Imtgth and , which took-CarBemrilU came ba*k, and t op more than an hour and a half,the acore. to win <»C\n the h about twenty five esid^ntial suburb of [sshsippi, and play- t barns and tennant •ernj plantation* in players Irnught te light Wmlpep. day wore: ' J. Nonimor of Winder; HiUhepek of Colbert; Perr* of Winder; Sartre of Kaitanolne; Puaiarnyf Fostsnolire; Wages o( Brsttltoa; McCrarcy ofRoyiton:, MarersDot Lcsi-pt-n: Cloud of Lexingtott (Turn to Paaa r jntdant. to rely ■ eo i Jliem bKJaug. nine anlf-wotW court, can .West, balp ,paused I ''”>7Sui : ’d«nttraU. tend to- rreceod- Yl n-il r.l'I cros, tbs “ whsnt'lkjr/®™* “ 1 it jSftween tilt. . Georgia logAv and Otfethorpc’* rU.'.cA refUlgr fhur per- fanHfewfll be pbured and (Tufta to page wte.) X. C.—UP)—Sotl »ni South-Carollna, g#renture» Ala- M have amused wit the south* L. Ilthland Hospital iam for nervous unlearned Thurs- ASHEVILL Cobb of Andt whose mariti bama and G interest thro A patient in t here for trei disorders, it SZZZBy MARCUS mYANT£Z* ATTHETOURNAMEN What You WiD Hear On The Radio j Atfens High ! | iB& Pliiy* 'j | fAt Tourney ratsnls hi Vex- deported under ban against In religlpaa or Tills may or mar not had unythlng to do Witt result, but anyway— -The hand that rack* cradlo rules the world.” which might be.added— 1 helps, many ^. athlete c t last ■- vear’s teunument, ek Athens High School [ed by "Fea’^^ypottcn’e k os -duty down at Wood- ill, urging the beM on to eito^Mskn. Bond s,fFor Federal Warrant idbu. walker Herndon, known during hi* stay at the University «* "8pok*.-; was among'the visit ore here Wed* ntadf v - •‘Spok*--’ accoupaulei (ho Hartwell team here, iM; lbvUmtally. his ' boy* loot. -Spoke" rreotwl members of hi. -hom« tows-at the touri ; uumeot. and a rartal obvir.M assembly cot off to a smooth •tart, with virtually every mam bar in attendance. The first day's meeting^ was without inch- dent, being- for tfce most part merely routine; vj£b m* hols If there was nay outstanding