The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 04, 1926, Image 1

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It CBNTS A IUII.T AND SUNDAY. I'AY THE CARRIER. -HERALD -a Dally and Sunday—11 Centa s Week. Established 1831 Dally and Sanday—11 Ceuta t Week. I ATHENS COTTON: MIDDLING 17 3-le H.tVlODS CLOSE .... #MH j THE WEATHER: . Lacol shower.; Wednesday and | .Thursday VOL. ®<. If O' W Associated Press Service. .United. Press Dlapatches. ATHBNS, GA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1926. A. B. C Paper. BIngle Copies S Cents DaOy. 6 Cents Sunday, t Others May Be Arrested In Hall-Mills Case ■Hi » -|t Jonothan Davis Leading In Kansas Democratic Primary *. P-* t-A • j, #>-♦ ♦—b +-+ ♦H 4—* «—• •—O *-4 »-f f-* Mexican Bank Withdrawals, As The Result Of Ban, Beginning To Become More Serious SHLUKID AT MUTE [; TEPID CONTEST IN MO. (REALLY INTERESTED. !new BRUNSKICK, N. J.— Intense Interest displayed by Governor Moore ip the opened Hall-Mills ' Investiga tion! was exemplified . We KANSAS CITY MO. — (I P)— Unofficial returns from 2,043 of Missouri’s I,Oil.') prc.'ints early Wed nesday gave Senator (icorge H. Williams a lead of more than 50,000 over David M. Proctor in the republican senatorial contest fa Tuesday’s pri mary. Williams vote for the long term was and Proctor’s was 47,- niniytt Priest, wet candi Reunited After 70 Years (Inti*, polldl 105,194, and Priest’s was .10,981 Itoprcscjtative Harry H. Hawes t, was t»dintr Irwin Cockrell - dry, ,£<5,981 to 58,044 in the democrat i< senatorial contest. Returns] from the Kansas pri mary indi itod Governor Ben S. Raiijrn aid United State* f\.*na- tor Charlf Curtis had been nomi-. rated by far%e majorities in the rrpublicni contest. T n 204 pre cinct* of fhfc 2,041 in Kansas, Cur tis bad tilled 12,840 votes to 1,- it neprro opponent Nick s sulen. In the trubema- \ lead Golden B. Davis, ,?11 in 2336 precincts, demdkratic side, former Jonathan M. Davis was bnakl .Muir 2,028 to 1,- M nrdclncts in th ccon- rovomor. Davis is at- a political comeback fol- ' \ acquittal on charges pardons in office. 9,09-1 to On thi Cnvemoi loading FINANCIAL CRISIS MAY . PAYE OPENING FOR END OF RELIGIOUS WARFARE FLAPPERS ARE HELD IN CAFE MAN’S MURDER TOUHISTS THROUGH lEl Tweky miles of highway bc- Athens and Comer will be i part of the state system if thtf Highway Board heeds the roquei; of citizens ijlong the Cal houn Highway at a meeting here Aljthe Georgia section of the (Vhun highway has been made a p irtbf the state highway except the Comcr-Athens link. Before and federal aid may be ob- tainH the highway must become a n«t of the state route. Tit state highway T*>ard com- r ‘ !i N»g Chairman John N. Holder, galley S. Bennett and John R. ''hirips, will be here to conduct , h° hearing on the petition of clti- n*i to have the state adopt the •trier-Athens branch of the high er- The meeting will be held at 11 “Vk-ck at the Athens Chamber of Li rmerce headquarters. ‘Terrible” Where Haven’t licen Scrapped; Detours Nigh Impassable » Separated for' 70 years, Mrs. Johanna Johnson, 76, of Tacoma, Vaah., haa met her “baby brother,” Albert Larson, 71, of Mcllott, ina. nnu a loriunc usv/u tt s.«. v j' . . to learn the address of his sister, from whom he had oven sepenlra by the death of their parents when ho was a year old. The fortune teller told him a letter hidden in his home would give the clew. He went home and found an old letter written by relatives which cnab.eJ him to get in touch with Mrs. Johnson whereabouts. MEXICO CITY, MEX. —(UP)— Pointing out that many bank with drawals were occurring as result of religious and economic situation and expressing their belief that the matter will be come serious if withdraw als continues until Sattt£ ' dayT a group of bankers have called on Secretary' of Finance" Alberto J., m _• „<-r - „ -.-.d:-*,, 1 Bankhead highway and increasing ■Tam offering to mediate.,|, 0 ( 0 „ r i N , travel over ft wen- put ill the reiifious issue. in motion at a meeting of citizens . ' living along the route held Tues- 'f^rS the pe U "s a Lnk 0 e» AtSof Commerce^ admitted heavy withdrawals and Commerce and M. J. Abney, (buying of New York drafts, but “ “** popularizing Royce -Garrett’s Nerve Fails Again And Eating Food Once More they did not rtatc the amount. However, it is known that efforts {were being made to prevent 'a financial crisis. ( There are three points in the meditation project which the _ Mexican Episcopate would be will- Pangs Of Hunger Drive Baron To Break Deter mination To Keep Sui cide Pact With Wife, Already Dead. MIAMI. Fla. — (UP) — Baron Royce-Garrett again Wednesday refused to keep his rendevous with death. . v Wednesday morning, he partook of a substantial breakfast in Jsck- son Memorial Hospital and broke his four day fast. Following the strange denth pact made with his beautiful wife and which she carried out in a leap from the tower of Miami s tallest building, the Baron stated that 4ie would fulfill bis agreement by starvation. Previously; he ad- mltted that hi. nerve f«lled hlm when he tried to hang himself after ho had definite information that the Haronen was dead. RE-OPEN probe. MIAMI. Fla. — Ro-investiga- tion into the suicide of the Baron es, Vera Royce-Garrett, was or- derod Wednesday by Forest E. Nelson, acting chief °f P» 1,c '' . Investigators declare that while poverty was assigned as therea- that the Baron had gambled Moisrlsta coming to Athens jod that through her "terrible” roads In rainy gagements last year, the young ■ * loss, following tho recent | Baroness earned $17,000 above ex -r ami contlnuoi* raina. M->sl emption on which “be paid income 'hs had roads are occasioned tax. This new hivesugat ha ■Mour, but In many of the been instituted. NeJ»n_“.£ with sntios the highways have not chairman of the Rood roads com routes of that organisation, at. tended the meeting at Royaton. Secretary Thomas stated that representatives from Hartwell and was exemplified _■ Inesday when the governor made public a note he had' written to Senator Alexander Simpaon, who expects to re cetvo his formal commi-s.™ as apeeial prosecutor Wednes day afternoon. , . “Do not pereeente anybody. Do not prejodge anybody. Do not fear pnybody. Do not fa vor anybody,” Moore adviced Simpaon.' ire being held In jail at 'Carllnvllle, of Charles Spotti, proprietor of a These two 18-year-old girls are bell III., os a result of the murder of Ch< . soft drink parlor whore they wen waitresses. Opal Phlnipa (left) admits firing the shot'that killed him police say, while Cota McNeal (right) 1s held as a material wi-.oais against her chum. ifllUTI-SALdl LEAGUE visitors at (the Hotel Rojfston • Tl „ ... £ caire Wednesday took “tops to ward stabilising the franc. The government Introduced Into the chamber of doputlca a project to permit operatloni preliminary to atabiUxation. ..... In presenting the project to the chamuer Poineaire confirmed tho belief that the government intends to stabilise tho franc only after ita value has risen from the pres ent level. scraped following the rilni. vtr„ 11,a- are giving trouble in tho Monroe road between ■’ and Monroe. In Oconee nty; beyond Lawrencevitle < U, view of checking information that the Baroness had gambled heavily with his wife's earnings. The first article of the govern ment’s project authorised the Bank, of France to purchase French gold at a rate higher than that for paper money. The second article authorizes the bank to purchase foreign se curities. ing to nccept. They are: 1. Suspension of the application of the present religious laws. 2. Re-entry to churches by the Episcopate. < 3. A national plebiscite on- the question at the end of the ycafv No agreement haa yet ' "ft 'was brought to tho notice of reached bnt conferences will con- (hc nlee „ n( . t |, a t the statji fit Tanl wiM take the offer before , South CaroHna and Georg!, hare Tulin. $»t thn fir*t od- consummated the ford’s and .Smith McCee Wldgfcs! Sam Bowei^, prominent Ray* man, presided. • - Mr. Bowefs was made chajrman of a committee which will act In an executlvo capacity in Jittihs the plans Into operation. J OE President Calles at tho first op portunity. MARKING TIME. MEXICO CITY, Mcx. —UP)— The sitqation arrowing out of the new reMfclous regulations seems to have reached the stage of marking time. There is less oDtimim daily of an immediate settlement of the controversy but the genera! con viction is that the danger of wide spread violence or armed rebellion bin* passed. Great speculation coupled with much uneasiness, exists, however, over the outcome of the economic boycott, called by the N-itiona! (Turn to page eight.) Fights Calles County Awards Scholarships To Lucy Cobb between the mountain i tftnne mountain and between > and Hartwell, tthcnlans who traversed the " Ndor read to Atlanta Tuejtsy *e-I that It waa rea'lr danger- 'to attempt to negotiate the ■ Hour t-e, nd Lawrencevtlle after s ralnfnlL ”Th(a detour D Just bout wide enough for two baby - srrfageu te nor- ,»nd la as slick a* oiled glass while the road on beyond, between Lawrencertlte 3 ad Decatur, la Juet aboht M fou-h as possible, not haring seen (Tarn to page ei$ht.) . Prisoner Makes Escape From Banks County Athens police were notified Toesdajr night to be on the alert for Howard Jones, a white man who escaped from the Banks coun tv chalngang. He waa sent up from Bib? county. Jen*« i' scribed as being abont six feet Ull and weighing ujumt pounds. He has a gold tooth In {he front of his mouth. ( Five scliolitr-hipa to Luc..- Cobb Tnstiv.i'te were awarded by the Clarke Countv Board of Eduta-xon at its monthly meeting Tuesday morning. The scholarships are given in compliance with an agree ment between the county commis sioners ad Lucy Cobb Institute, whereby the county appropriates *6,000 to Lucy Cobb and receives In tum fire scholarships. The scholarships awarded thfa year upon application go to Miss L Nellie Foster, Miss Edna M.te ' Flanagan, Mi>a -Martha Sue Dan is!!. -Miss Sara Alice tester. from A. N. Alford ill Hart county. Theeo bridges will lie operated for toll a short while longer and then made free of tolls. CHICAGO.—(UP)—Tha Illinois Antl.Salonn League was called on iiy Chairman Jim Reed of the senate primary probing committee Wednesday to explain Ita activi ties in the state’s $1,000,000 prl It was al3o urged at tho meet, ing that a movement bo started, mary. to have the two states build a new j A subpoenas. Immediately 'ro- bridge where Alford's bridge is turnable. waa Issued fdr Dr. O. F. now located. | Stafford. Monmouth. Illinois, state At present many tourists aro | superintendent of the league, being routed away from th- Rank. I ,\s the League endorsed both head highway and publicity to j prank l, smith, successful and counteract the diverting of tour- senator MnKintey, unsuccessful ists away from the highway will. candidates for the nomination and be placed in northern and westefn. ftremtan, democrat, who received newspapers and magazines, it was the democratic senatorial nomlna- decldcd. I tion. the committgo showed no A paved highway from the Sa. pxrctations that any unusual ac- vannah river to Lawrencevillo ,is ttvity might he disclosed, the objective of the Bankhead with that evidence and clear- , sss» of :• few'starv bnt important , angles of the primary. Reed in- [ tends to close his Inquiry Thuri- (Turn to page eight.) highway supporters. DIRIGIBLE LOS ! ANGELES OFF ON TRIP Graduation exercise* marking the clone of the 24th annual ses sion of the University of Georgl-i summer school will be held Aug ust 21. The program and list of those W<io will receive degrees will be anonunced later, accord ing to Dr. Joseph S. Stewart, di rector, who said that the program la being arranged. He predicted that * large (number will receive LAKEHUR8T, N. J.—(&)—'The dirigible I^os Angelo* left >Tavut air station Wednesday nor. nine for a three day experimental flight to Newport, Rhode Hand. This was the Brat extended fight of the ship since last sum mer. Power Head To Speak Thursday , At Camp Wilkins HHIVThS appropriation at $5,000 to Lucy Cobb wm made by the comity when It became known that Lucy Cobb faced closing of its door*. 11 Thai la the Moat Rev. Mora Y Del Rio, archbishop of hte Roman Catholk church in Mexico, who has ordered all church . aerriret suspended-'because of the dispute with the Calles nuvernmcnt. . degree*. Registration of the University zummer school continues Jo In crease. tha opening of tlK sev enth week! Monday pushing the total above 3.100 students, Dr. Stewart said. The enrollmefit this year Is one of the largeat in the tat summer sessions at the university, It II. M. Atkinson, chairman o^the Board of the Georgia Railway and Power fompany will dalirer an address at camp Wilkins hers Thursday morning at U o’clock. - sir. Atkinaon will apeak -on farm development by electricity; - Camp Wilkins haa awr . two hundred hoy* this week represent ing about fourteen counties, Hunt Bootleggers In Death Of Rev. Moss And Singer MORGANTOWN, KY (ff) Members of an alleged bootleg gang are taring rounded up for questioning In connection with the sensational double murder Monday night of the Reverend' Arch W. Moss, an evangelist, and Mrs. Je rune Cuminga Johnson, a choir alnger during revival services. Delbert Gary, 30, la sought by Butler county officials aa the man who fired the shoots which killed the evangelist, fatally wounded Mrs. Johnson and slight/ wounded J. B. Young. Sheriff Luther Tuck. In charge of the Investigation, .said that two rf the three youtha under arrest had told him the shooting was done by Gary. Gary is believed to have left the county and! city o:* fleers In various places have Iteen enlltsed In the search for the fugi tive. / The three men in Jail are Clifton Wilson II. his brother, Fred Wil son 17 and a brother In law Emmon Phelps, II, They probably will be held until circuit court conv&nea on August 18. r Desire for revenge on* the minis ter who. was active against moon, uhlners In. Butler county, fa be. lievod by offlceri to be the motive for the kif ing. ' No Rainfall Tuesday For First Time In Over Week; Crops Need Sunshine NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J.—(UP— Two, men have been put under sur veillance, subject (to flrrcst on suuspicision : and siv secret subpoertaes have been issued against per sons in Jersey City in con-, nection with ProescUtor Simpson’s investigation of tfac Hall-Mills murder. Tho subpoenaes have been eivett to Detective Chief Hayes and or dered held in rcadlneaa for instant service should tho persons named attempt to leave tho jurisdiction. ■Meanwhile Pror-cutor Simpson continued Wednesday to (father the. evidence for submission of tho caso to the qrand jury. Ho has indicated that he will make a point of tho failure of tho previous investigation to prntocS the sl»o of tho murder from distur bance by tho public, tho dropping of tho'fingerprint expert who is said to have-boon dismissed -with- out .securing, record's and tho re- (Tum to page eight.) Cochran Denies He Gave fTip To N. y. Reporter NEW., YORK.— UP) —Tho cAht ihran, partner of J. P.' Morin f-oVnpany, bound for, Buropo on tho Olympic, radioed to the Morirm firm Wednesday a repudiation o£ the alleged Interview In which w.iu quoted a, predicting an advance „fi 100 points In OynarjU Motor eock. “In response to laQUjreles mado of me by n ship radio haws report er upon my sailing from New York cn a holiday”, Mr.' Cochran said, "I spoko with enthusiasm of tha earnings, management and pros pects of-4he Oenyral Motors Corpo ration.” “I authorized no statement of any kind aa to the future price of lh« •took which obviously nobody can foretell.’, • Knitted- l’rcetlcmlly no train, only ’ a trace,' felt in this section Tuesday, being the. first day in more than a week that has not brought rain fall. Wednesday morning was likewise tho first morning in the past several days when the skies were clear nod 'hot fair weather waa Indicated. ! The rains of the put two weeks have bun “noakera", “llgbtwood knot movers," “gully washers.” “newgroond soakers'* and what ever • “names" real ralne are known by, especially In the snm. mertlme and the following dry •easone. However, several days fair warm weather wilt now bn welcomed by aU. . Crops need non- shine in order u> take, on fruit, in the cgso of the cotton crop, wh!!“ Other crops also have nif- lici£itt rail! fur he i ci id uajut,.. The knitted bathing soft is thg j latest rage in Southern California, j It'iz shown here wurh by UNI Margaret UuBJVilli.