The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 29, 1927, Image 3

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IEN3. GEORGIA. TUB BAWWBB-HBRALD.: PAGE fHK&B - ■ SPECIAL music at first ilETHUDIST CUUKCa SUNDAY EVENING. The members of the Profes sional and Business Woman’s Mis sionary Circle of the First Metn- odist church, will have charge .of the music at the church Sunday evening at eight o’clock. They will render special music under the direction of Miss Kate An derson. This circle is composed of over fifty young women. The public is invited to attend this service. LEND-A-HANDMCLUB HOLDS MEETING. The Lend-a^Hand club held their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon. April 20th at' the club house on Nantahala avenue, with a number of mothers in atten dance. Devotional services were led by the president, Mrs. R. S. Pond. The regular business meeting was taken up. The committee appoint ed to visit the sick renorted sev eral i'l. This was followed by ' lunch will be pr#tided. All m*mi- j Miss Nellie Sprout went to At- hers of this League 'are urged to> ) lama t ils morning tor Grand op. utiend and bring a friend. { era and will be the guest of Mra. • — ; Alexander during the week-end. COLBERT WOMAN'S CLUB — tfi— HOLDS MEETING ’ ] Mrs. A- C. Richards Is in An. • The Colbert Woman’s club .ic'd i pasta visiting her daughter Mrs. its April met ting in the school au. | Bassett Maguire. • dltorlum, with Mrs. H. H- Havu; — tfi— president, presiding Mi*. J. E. ! Air. and Mrs. E. B. Brazwe'i Kidd read the collect, and Mrs . ; went'to Atlanta this morning for lie He «. 81ms v read the minute }. I Grand opera and will be joinei wlitoh showed that the club w is I Saturday by Miss Mary Fred doing splendid work. ! Broughton for a week-bad visit The program featurlug music' —SB— and art. was in charge of Mrs. g. I Mla * Merle Rogers of Commerce L. Lodcn. and rendered us foi. i was among the visitors here Th*«u day- Mr. Charles Martin is in A*, lams for the week-end going over for the games. Alias Dean Edgeworth of At- hnita is spending sometime in t'u* city. The Inany friends of Mr. M. Costa wt.11 »e delighted to learn continue/ to improve following itlnc-*? of twelve weeks * ant! able to t-*- the unions, fiifjligtrd, with ido ' Union Congress and li d to toiudder th<* best of. ; Opposing .the’' ^oveni- take an occasional ridel Farmer Is Grovyi Weaker, As H: Friends Keep Up Battle NOTES -LONDON. —<XP)— Representa tives of 4.000,000 British workers, uicetiug here Friday, decided not to be stamTPued into report ins to a with thn ohD»*» nt draway oflhe govi union'bill- Thd meeting forenc» of the Was Jurt ’’Wasting Away" Whi Husband Got Her Sonny Car- dui. Which Saw* Her im ROANOKE, ; Va. Wal ter L. Boothe,, tpunir farmer pf HaymakertownJ Is growing weak er, said a renort Friday from the hr.«n*t«i where ioi, 152 hours h? has been, kept alike through the efforts of his neighbors who have been taking turns it pump ing air into his tollaosed lungs. Difficulty was encountered in giving artificial raeiHration and he complained frequently. MRS. ALICE ADAMS .Current Events—Miss Susie Sor rels. What - is Music?—Miss Ruuy Griffith. History of M"»!e—MJ-j Mary Frank Everett. Chorus-—Bale Moon. Rinding—‘•Why?". Many Gray ; Hampton. "lie Aim of Music-—Vlrs Mary Ella Holcomb. Music in the School- Mr*. C L Loden. Song—“Easter". Mary Isolds.' Office Phone 1201 NO BABY IN THE HOl'SE N«> baby in the house, 1 know, *Tis tar too nice and clean, No toys, by tareless fingers Updh the floors are seen. No tinger-marks are on the panes No scratches on the chairs; No wooden men set up in rows, Or marshaled off in pairs; No little stockings to be named, All ragged in ipe toes; No pile of mending to be done, Made up of baby clothes; No little troubles to fce soothed, No little nands to fold; No grimy fingers to be washed; No stories to be told; No tender kisses to be given; No nicknames. “Dove” and “Mouse.” No merry frolics after tea— No baby in the house! —Exchange. UNIVERSITY GROUP ATTENDS OPERA. A group of music lovers from the University of Georgiu, who j arc attending opera in Atlanta this week includes Miscs Mary , Ferguson, Elizabeth Head, Ath ens; Callie McWhorter, Athens; Anno Lane Cartledge and Mrs. S- J. Curtledge, Athens; Louise Car michael, branees Forbes, of Ath ens; Ida Lee Brown, Smyrna; Ad- die Munday, Atlanta; Ida Wall, Augusta; Rebecca 6mith, Jersey; Kdythe Hodgson, Athens; Gene Haft, 'Ftmnklin,' N. C.; Annette Maughaib, Monroe; Naomi Hen- soriw Cartersville; Sarah Heyman, Augusta; Iebecca Smith, Jersey; Professor John H. Mote, Profes sor Howard A. Carter, Douglas Little,-' .William Berry, Sparta; Miss Evelyn Sherman, Blakely; MRS. V. G- HAMPTON EX. TERTAINS AT LOVEhi ! BRIDGE PARTY. j Thursday evening, Mrs. V. G. j Hampton was the delightful hos tess at four tables of bridge, which was orte of the week's brightest social affairs. Gor geous roses and sweet peas were the i>eautiful flowers decorating the rooms artistically- Following the enjoyable games a delicious'salad course was serv ed. Mrs. C- V Ray" non the la dies top score prize and Mr. Tom Wood, the gentleman’s prize, pretty novelties. The usual gra cious hospitality was happily ex tended. j Arlington, {this town foi (H. Jackson', i n special cou- naive commit- biwihrr statement; , ”V.Tjc:i we first came to.Tixaz. s28 yeniM ago, I was taken ririou - ly ill. I was lying in bed siif/eA big dreadfully. My husband go . - ™ mu a bottle of Cardui and I began . MI^BBU^IE WELLS I to take it. c # .... . B . . 1 “I had suffered terribly with Specials for Friday and Saturday j nn nchln}? al | OV er my body. - At New ahipmeR of large and rn.all lime * shapfs, all colors. New materials i p ,uc h haXffifXtapd for* graduation- hats, sport huts, ,l *v .. »i . Mrs. Morgan Williams, ML Wlillams little Jane Williams an Mrs Elrod of Lavonia were vh tors here Thurrday. BEQUEATHS $1<M>00. ATLA NT A—(/pi—Charitable Up- quests amounting to moro thin '10 000 were made by Colonel Jo seph F. Burke, pioneer resident >f Atlanta who died Sunday. The Ucouest Included J1.00# to the Little Sisters of the Poor at 8u. vannah. ui iiusiness. All were reminded of the wig annual picnic which would take nlacc in July. A full attendance is urged for the next meetine which will take place next Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30. The State Normal girls under the di rection of Miss Caro’yn ' r Mrs. W. H- Kytle and Miss Kathleen Kytle wont to Atlanta today for Grand opera. They will be Joined by Mrs. W. H. Kytle and Mr. H. C. Kytle Saturday. 'leaning of Art—Miss Milui and it look'd like I wo* just wast ing nway. -*■ “1 took 9 bottles of Cardui and my^etrcngth begin to* slowly ra- Muslcal Reading—"When Moth- er Sang to Me”. Miss Peary Murry — Chorus. ■‘‘Easter Light". The young ladles of the club ■*were the hostesses, for this meet fug. ami the social hour follow, ing the program was spent 4erv Mrs- HlUyer King and lovely young daughter Martha are the guests of Mrs. J- N. King in Cor- dele. • Vance have graciously consented to have charge of the afternoon program MARY GRACE COSTA CELEBRATES 12TH BIRTH. DAY ANNIVERSARY A very happy and Informnl oe ension of Thursday afternoon was •he celebration of Miss Mary Trace Costa’s twelfth birthday an niversray Inviting twelve of her chool mates to play Rook and ei*. toy outdoor games. Following the delinditfu’ activities delicious re freshments were served. The at- tractive young hostess was the r^. Clpient of loviug good wishes an * many pretty remembrances, each and all wlshink her many hTlppy vau^ns of the day. ‘‘Since-that time I’ have used this mediditt a good many timer land it has always helped me. “At one time I took Cardui for several months regularly. I wuuM bo'afflicted with sudden spells <• 'dizziness when I could not.stand [on my feet. Everything would [turn black btfoi^ my «yc^ and i ( I would feel as if I were going to faint. At times I would be quite nauseated. I turned at once to Cmdui and took It till 1 w - 'safely thi-ough/’ , v. 1 ; . Cardui h n mild, medicinal tonic, 'made frr-k purely vegetable i i ’gredient It has been in use f"’ - over 60 ^.irs s^id in that time ha helped thousands of women had. LEND-A-HAND CLUB EN TERTAINS THIS EVENING. This evening at 7:30 the Lend- a-ilanu Club will sponsor a very interesting musical entertainment including many delightful num bers. At the same time there will be on sale ice cream, drinks, sandwiches and home-made tan- My. An evening full of fun i? promised all. The entertainment will be given at the club house or : Nantahala. Everyone is invited A small admision of 5 and 10 cents will be charged, thy pro ceeds to be used for charitubU- Mrs. J. M. Wilhite left today for Union city to 'visit her daughter Mrs. E- G. Burnett who Is ill. Visit Our Barghin Balcony New Shiprucnt of Hats 50c to $1.00 See these values. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Pussey were expected homo last night from chapel Hill, N. C. —HP— Mrs. DuPrco Hunnicutt and Du pree Jr.^ returned Thursday night from West Point where they vlaited Mrs. Lafayette Ponicr Friends of Mrs. Frances Vivian Schley will be delighted to learn •h ■ haw ieft St- M^rys Hospital andJs with her daughter Mrs C. A. Ashford, in Watkinsville. —ffl— Those on the program for the I meeting of the Prcsbyterial held in Jefferson Thursday and today w-'re Miss Annie Crawford, pres ident, presiding; Mrs. George D- Thomas. Mrs. Audley Morton, PHARMACY 186 Clayton Street Friends of Miss Agnes McGin- ley *111 regret to learn of her con tinued IPnCSi at tho Ccneral bos Pital. ; \ AIRPLANE RIDES in NEW WACO PLANE at EPPS AVIATION FIELD EVERY SUNDAY P. M. Flying Instructions in the Best type of Plane Ever Built. Cal! BEN T. EPPS at EPPS’ GARAGE Phone 497 for Prices and Particulars. Miss *Emma Chandler of Mndi- ~~ntY l " I’* Ooner hospital. Chandler Is the . ut M. a. Charles Rice of this city. EPWORTH LEAGUE WEINER R0A8T Unless the weather prevents, the Senior Epworth League of th- First Methodist church will havr a wrintr roast at Tuck’s Sprlna on the I^xingtop road thi» ere. i ing. All who wish to go are re queued* to meet at the 'hureh at six o'c’ock. Transportation and Miss Martha Earnest will go to Atlanta Saturday morning for Grand Opera end will be the guest of Miss Clare Harden for 'the week end. —ffi— Miss Louise Carmichael is the 1 guest of friends in Atlanta. PURELY ■•An iE TONIC, Mrs. James Sexton and mother Mrs. Branch are on. their aunual visit to Savannah their former home. -(Advertisement. Underline each word Miss Sue Reid Vasou or Mudi- oi. vLited here Thursday. Natural tobacco taste—, x each word means a lot to a Chesterfield smoker fmMpnms ZFl TO REDUCTIONS 1 CASH NOT NEEDED ■ ' • Are You Still A Tire-tester? * • - More and more car owners who“try before. ytbey buy" are nalnZ Flak Tina all arownida ' Shrewd tire buyen, who insiat upon'a! generous .measure of comfort and safety,; plus lonft wear, have proved by tefet that Fbk Balloon Cords (built of “Fillerless” Cord, by a patented process), offer the ideal combination, tire satisfaction with true economy. 1 After searching the market the critical buyer finds satisfaction in Fisk. v MOTOR TIRE A SUPPLY 4 COMPANY 343 East Broad Street bjftonal aroma, natural sweetness, natural good taste .but no "dolling-up” —not by any means! Natu ral tobacco tost* is all that it implies in natural good ness and character. Newest ( Women’s j DAINTY SILKS—PRETTY SHADES As Low As SALE OF MEN’S SUITS Sa’.? of Women’s Hats and yet, they’re MILD 195 East Clayton Street Athens, Ga. ‘FISK SAYS IT WITH MILEAGE 1 jjlpvME p .1 M PT- R