The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 15, 1927, Image 1

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Fraught with prime economic importance to the commonwealth is the visit of two hundred or more Georgia Bankers to the State College of Agriculture here Wednesday, May 18th. ' Afltcr Hiking with official, of * till) .Georgia flankers Association IMiss Rutherford's yest^rdoyD.-.. Andrew M. Soule, d r V% • ' j if a jhit Colic*:© announced | L/1HH6I* & OStpGIlGCl Account Illness the atwgclatUm l*‘expectin* bo- ' ttvow» rwo himdred and two hundred i and fifty twin kern to come to, Athens • ’ on that, day and. Join-In. the in spection • four . of th© College. Ill experlmepr (ann-and 1 bear discus alone of irup* suitable lot the a*rl- culfurel' development pportsm In which Georgia business # men are The civic dinner .that was to Haro been given to Mite Mildred Rutherford on May 25th, bat been now Interesting themselvi _ r Tha program which ha* been nr. * fqjf tbcvtait of tbc bankers it piureani at i o'clock da- of tho educational research itension duties help* carried - - ftxteen division* of i.uthcrforu on 3Iay 2uth postponed inddiniteiv ... countof the Hinds ofMisj lluth- erfonl. Th= affair will very prob ably, bo hold some time In June. SII,a Rutherford is nt tho Gen eral Hospital and hur, friends will br pleased to know that she is doing nicely, bat will be confined BY THOMAS L. STOKES United Press Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON.- The Navy and coastguard have ceased their seprch for Nungesser and Coli, missing Paris to New York flyers, according to word late Saturday to the Navy Department from Rear Admiral Phillip An drews, Boston naval base commander. Fog and bad weather have ren- ■dered further bunting futile, An drew* held* - . _ Willie Boston reports subse quently quoted coastguard dtflci* a’s as having no orders .to end tho search and *• being unaware of .cessation, official* Imvo nc. «1 tbo Admlrars word ns .rep. Iitferii. , r . > tVt, :Mutp states that tho bankers Are lUfphh intercirfed In the visit. he , . h*s In c n* Informed. They will arrive here ^ V special P, A. L train ' Ot 2:30‘oVhkk and nil N* <nrtled • Dm r IIpkt In spacisiiy provided 2 r * nutoms&J^rThQ 6amb»r of Cum- j CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.-<#).- inorce, I-lonp Club, KIwnnfs and Ho-1 Oftlcere and enthusiasts of five , t iry ciulsi aro n*nfsttnff tho Cello** j Southern highways entering C&at. of the north Atlantic Ktill hold the. secretof ihe:alnncn*a fate, If they kudw ll. or that sopie time may lapse before word of tbelr fate ashore comes. Secretary of the Navy Wilbur indicated doubt of tho men’s anr. vlvlng If their craft, cam© to grief on the ocean, though hr- suwastc 1 he still looped they may have land- | ed in some corner of the norfbland -Labrador pwhapa — and that later they would be'found. in cn't-iininmi'p' as well ns the ltandogg will hold a joint meeting I hr. n Athens banka j here Monday and Tuesday, May Aft.«r tho P .grant. tho program J 16-17, to discuss the conditions of win be a- r-.n-.w:: ^ - J there thoroughfares and their "*m t * yi .«-i; p. me wtoit the, Taluo'to tnls section of,the South. (Turn to puce mtj Citizens Meet Monday Night To Plan Woodmen's Membership Move Ono hundred and fifty citizens will mi t at ho.CIty_Hall Monday Digit! :.» n o’clock f^r^ho purpose The .meeting, held tinder ,, the auspices of tho Chattanooga An. tomobllc dub, will have reprosen. tatives from the pixie highway, tho lx*© utghwsy. tbo Cincinnati. Lookout Mountain Airline high. ! way, t the Chatlanooga^ladsden • ‘ Birmingham - Lookout Mountain Seenlc highway,* and the Henry Grady highway. It was said- Monday’s meet In* will bo given , over to the Clncinnatl.Lookout. Mountain Alrilnh hgtbway Inthu morning.f^ftBd the_DIxlo highway. | ' ABANDONED WASHINGTON —.</P) — Tho prowxaJ to rend the airship Los Ar*:le# to Labrador In search of the nosing 'French aviators boa bte* abandoned by tbs Navy Ds- Irr announcing the decision, Secretary Wilbur disclosed , also that both the navy and the coast guard had suspended ihe search Mfpjf made ground Nos-. Scotia (Turn to oage sis) CHINESE SflLL FIRING ON VESSELS SHANGHAI -VP}— Firing on WBSpSIMB &, Lulled pm, SUff Correspondent. WASHINGTON CHURCHILL DOWNS, LOUISVILLE, Ky.-Bc-jwet and drv f louds cast a for.; a crowd of nearly 90,000, (he largest that ever political shower over 1UI*; U uunu ui iiturj/ au,vuv, me largcci nuti mi saw a horse race In America, Harry Payne Whitney’s Whiskery Saturday won the 53rd running of the Kentucky Derby. . "A deafening rear treat i p from ,!t|i» dense throne when the blue Whitney silks flashed homo In front to^K great poealnr victory. ; Osmond wi I third. end. Wayne B. Wheeler, general conujel (or tho Anti-Saloon Lea gue, conferred for an hour with President- Coolldge at the White , House Saturday and then gave tho was second and Jock took' ©xi-reeaton to tho following slgnif. ' leapt views: * H The. time for the mile’and a' t. Mr. Coolldf must appoint i quart*.r was 2:00. i Up/ A. llayuex. the League's cand. The usual delay occunua at the 11 barrier us the higniy strung I! thorough /reds plunged and tea?- |icu Tvm.a'.wCmg brought into line. 1 ilycomel plunged 'through tho ' burner unit caused further dc- i’h ; were off lo u good AT^ANTIC-Cm-. N. W , H landing ... Ida to. as pennanimt prohibition commlaalop^r If drys are to main- tain roiifidence In eff<»rts to en- forco prohibition (the statement’s >ailug ImlbHiioiiH of what might happui If the administration foils to do so).' 2. The “south will revolt" Just It did In 1860 before the was advanced to the ilrat vice presidency, and Arthur M. Dixon of North Carolina became second vice president- W. W. McLnurino of Cnar)ott^,*N. CV ^g» re-alcettd secretary. ‘ . Resolutions adopted at tho final session of the convention. Indodad one expressing “great pleasure in an unqualified approval of the splendid spirit ’ of co-operation manifested by the employees of the textile Industry of the south." Tho resolution recites , that this spirit “baa already brought to them tlie fruitage of a higher standard of living than they. have ever previously enjoyed. Tho good sense and sound judgment of our native Anglo-Saxon Jielp, have re* fponded admirably to thv eco- mmic demands for botter metbodO and-high class workmanship' thnt have persistently refused to yield to radical leadership or the whis perings of would-bc reformers/* . uKmonu was icsu__ , ueorgm , !lia rt©^, -with Jock ,:n sccopu ^\Vor.,4t the democrats uontluotu . — r ..._ ry: --jrdny from;jiace-and akoya Hos, evunmgj Cnvcnior At Hnthh of New Ybrh, the first vieb , presidency to The Ifrum the outside, running third. | n wet. us - presidential cundldate presidency ^ "3LSS! T & art , will wroHc only ton ManslKturOT. to| Bn j Sc.^ How third. i h.v. taw rnfo«c.m.nt pl.oV. writ, succewi James P. Gossett, Dan- , At the three quarters and the . tr) . , nlo both presidential plat- villc, S. C., whoso t.rm was com- mile limy were in the sumo posh j forni4 ncX t yi . ar H „j will not seek pHed. lh« 1 v «* ! endorsements of the 18th amend. H. It. FlUsentld, D.oriltc, Vu„ ^tfcS^JS^ S2* ,,,a r '“ ,orc, ‘ 01 pr0 ‘ ,, • burst of speed, Just cntchlng up In» 0,11 1 * a thrilling stretch run that had made the crowd crazy with excite ment, to teat the J. E. x Idener colt by n nose, Osinand was two lengths ahead of the tiring E. B. McLean colt, Jock. A’ length and a half back of i Jo.'.k came J, N. Camden’s Ily- ; drtmel, doing his best to unhold the honor of a Derby thnt was oil i cast. • * j McAtee and the victorious ! (Torn to page six.) LH1 IS FUST HIT Bf FLOODS ™l»« •* W*! A British doitroyer *nd . WgolMjfrtoo^it MtmnUIn p Alr : | Bria> .tumor alto were tnrmU lln, tllbsray 1° tho North nd (ot chloou firs whik »t «nr6or. to chsttsnooga. and to the ; p* V erol chips proceeding down Athens F1 o o d by e. w. lewis' Q „ . €9C*7 JO ‘United Preso Staff Corrtspondsnt. 1) O t A ddd f *45 ,/ I NEW OULEANH — Louisiana Is - £, « * fast bee:inlu* th© hardest’ hit of any Short Saturday ln th0 “ tata- " . ~ Thlrlaen of her parishes, all of By M.* J. Capps s them In th* inosi fertile farming Saturday's communications from lI ‘^ ar0 a!| or part " ONE MAN DEAD ty. bnt’fmm’eckna. and «pUnn. -AS STANDS k %r.l^r BO.,- nhirh um. COLLAPSE I iho «hlWRt nelit 1, Innmlateil, BY JACK FROST Working hfcrd for revenge from the set-back they received on Friday the 13th, the University of Geor gia Bulldogs came forward with a 10 to 8 victory Saturday over the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, de* feating them for the third time this year. ^ • . .in, A certain man by the nanw of Companion Is H©ld!^* ln ° n the mound for tn© boh- For Death Of Aged Woman ASHEVILLE. N. C.—(/P>—Mrn. Anna K. Montague, a practical nurse, was ■•’rested here Saturday on a warrant charging her with the murder of Mrs. 'Mary R. Coop, f-r, 61 year old widow, whoso body was found Id a vacant lot next door to her home Tuesday morn ing with tit throat slashed and skull* froftwred. • Office** did not make known the evidence on which they are holding Mrs- Montague, who lived with Mrs. Cooper lu the latter's home. A coroner’# Jury which Investi gated Mrs. Cooper's death, return, ed a verdict of suicide but absenc e of the weapon used to cot her throat and the finding of a piece of blood.stalned Iron pipe In a hog of onions that had hi dogs, was the outstanding player of the day. Kain wa* largely re sponsible for the Bulldog’s vfc- rfvea tory, however he was given the mates. He gave up thirteen scat tered hits, fanned five and walk ed none. It will be rementorvd that this is the second time this season thnt Kola has hurled against Tech with success. The Yellow Jackets used three men on the mound and could have used another if he had been avail able. Carney started the game , held down the mound until mvnBsxv" to Gaston in the eighth. The game wag. a Mil Tech* ., Georgia tattle. The Yellow Jack- *■ ets staged a strong rally la the last inninn, which i feature games. Georgia scored first ia the see*. ond. shiver, first up, walked. Nash sacrificed, and «. Y. tfi walked. Jacoheoa thsn I&£t ' ***l W ; porch of the liomc of tho jgled to left field, aeoring beside the lifeless body, led to further Investigation. Tbo body (Tarn U» pete fear.) HOLD REVIVAL AT WEST END BAPTIST CHURCH Johnson i and Johnson. Sheet c . gled, pushing Jacobson j plate. Tech scored first In t Parham was safe on a 1 Hit, and scored when doubled to right field, kets came back is the : a well-staged rally that gam a one point lead- over tbc dogs. Throe singles and pie scored AkOasa, Morgana a Parham. The Bulhlega scored _ th. and four in the i states of Alabama, Florida, Geor- the river mdsr convoy, wore fired > (Tom to Page Four) on near Nanking. Annual Senior Class Parade t ‘ " » Enlivens Final Georgia,Tech ' Baseball (jame Here Saturday nutn, a'property ion of more . —— than ten million ilollun, vlille ono BAKKB FIELD, PHILADELPHIA j liomlrcil and fifty tlioucand more -OJP>— On* man iraa kitted and ; protle liav, been mmb* Immelsot Mvcral Other, InJtMpd wtiro tbo Thl» was an unoapected catos- twice ae many more *y under water If levee© along the Mississippi. Old and A iiafaluy* Rivers i’ull to bold. Damase lo preperty can scarely by accurately, l»e cMtlmnted. Mtaio Department ef Agriculture approximates the present flood loss at botwocn |25,000,000 and J30,- 002,000. ' Great temporary migrations of* American people have taken plutc liegin ! In the sixth, H. F. _ ock at Ikied to left fieM aad Revival services Sunday night at eight o'clock at'.. the West End Baptist church and 1 »f"t on© to the i will rontinuu fer several days.! single. ArenowHch The services will be'held at tb« ing Johnson and JCaiL j'smp hour, eight o’clock, each came home on the throw to evening. «nd- An error, three beeea The* svrvicea will stimulate in- ! Leall* and two singles gave tersxt in the church, which ir J Bulldoge four rune la tbt. I rapidly growing. Tho pastor „ lt ... Rev. Sam B. Wingfield, will CO n- • The Yellow Jackets I duct the services. ! final rally in the alt . Tim nub’ic is cordialiv invit2d I fo °r men. MeCash sUrtwi l to attend tho servlres. \ >” Hy sending the bell * ’eft field for a home run. 'and was hit by a pitched I took first. Parham tripled, . ing a moment later en the T doubled i staged into ' GASOLINE OFF ONE CENT GAL. and Angley _ _ nt home by m siMle by lower right field stand* collapsed {trophe. ay ft was hoped the fury ofand so calm and quiet ij the ex- 1 i at the ©woe ©f the sixth Inning of J. tho food would have been spent'odu* that drama appears lacking. Athens oil dealers asitOUQoed r. , . i tf. tSr^* the Bt. Louis-Thiiadephl* baseball! before It reached litis section. All!Or-? 50JH)0 persons in tho Teniae ycsUrday u drop of one cent per- 1 rjj?!* J?® game here Saturday. ’ t Crurn t« Pagr Four) basin nod northern parishes have gallon in the price of ga*tolinc, weessn wnn a single . - 1-iflcd. Over 10U.00H ire r “ ‘ “ * ' (Turn to pave si*) BY dUY HAMILTON, Jr, . ‘.One of she most colorful games j.ef^r held op Sanford -field took 1 pliitq yesterday, when a crowd ^.oacked (be atonite ud RAINEY T. WELLS lit ulitiiia nH'mbera fur tile —i. -f the YVAeirt 'vlilrli |, Intereeietl In brii.Sng tb« national W- O- W. 'iMdquartcrj ‘a hH i it >'■ Secretary CV- C. Tkoma, o( lb. ■Imiub.'r of Commerce atsfed ye»- lunlay 'oiler, hare been «ent to llio 150 citizens reqnrlllllft them to nioi t al-lbo city Hatl to con duct the tb'ree dajV niembeWilp cumpalgn. ■ ■ - » * - . Sixty pew membfire wer« ! bieacUcre ^saw th© r'nlveraity of Georgia win over the Yellow Jack. tallied for 0» W. O. W. last week. Boverdfa Auditor Rainey T. S'. '.Veil,, kturray. Ky. will Tteit Alb. ' en, 1n <iw ; |or Ahe parpOM f l tending the Initiation of a Urge cla.a M Woodmen member,, Mr. 1 .Thomas stale*. -! i eta 10-y. The gume waa the laat enc tfevts beld ta Atbcss isrlss the pft-ent .aeaion, and waa niark. t* wlib a large number of aosul aetlYiUa*. Inltlatlo* to honorary roeietlea, and the famona Senior PafndA annually held by tin man abont to recetre tbelr dlnlomaa. The parade, composed of Marly -all' the Senior,, marched through th* downtown atraata before go ing to tie field. After erringg at the (hid they paraded around the tinder truck, clad In their fan. UaUc "Y*""— A bathtub mount, eat on a wagon and containing a ratk.r acantily clad atndent Inf the proetulon and depleted Sari Carroll', celebrated party in n very realietlc way. A group of met, Prudential Committee. Co-ed, and IjanpKked husband,, countrymen ond professors passed before the spectators. ’ One-wagon drawn by, a dllipl. dated male contained a minister engaged In the- act of. marrying a youaS Cu.r-o, ■.!!■ Urn bride', father gate her away with the as. rlstance of a abotgun. Another Une of atudenta typifying the TarVma setlrlUee on the ca followed the wedding raw. of the prominent members of military departaust waa n'pre. aeatad by a asnlor drained la ‘ a bizarre uniform and riding a don. kay- A pitiful dgare eorered with bloody bandagw aad bobhllng painfully along fin a' cratch brought np tho rear of tha proem. •Ion, and waa accompinled by a fn, liman carrying a placard, which warned fntnre editors of the ii jl (Tore In page ila.l Large Attendance Expected For State’s First Sunday School Enlargement Program nave igalli tbo (bringing it fits Icmts. Georgia', first Sunday School (rtnbanv will deliver nn insptra- enlargement^ program will Ypen at tional addraas.' aUng of the program. Rev. said- TipF<tt ' p ** tor ^ f tIlI! c,lur ? :il “Wc are fortunate lo.bring such plcndid group of Sunday'School the Prince Avenue Baptist church Sunday ami will lost through next T. Sunday night. Member? of the Southern tint Sunday School Board contact the program of ' which wiii be attended - large ©At tha uacluslon of the regu lar Sunday Sehol aervire, an ad dress win ha made' on -Tim Son- day School Rertra!." by Harold i E. Ingrabant, associate Zccretary ef the administration department of the Sunday School Board. . A luncheon will be served at noon for the census taken, at tha ooochurion of whieh a' religious censna of Atbena win h* taken In two hear, time. ThU la tha tint time that a rellglou, ceiuna ef the dty baa ever been taken. The B. Y. P.' U. meeting, will be addressed by Miss Alice Blby, of Nashville, Tennessee, at seven- thirty and at eight-thirty Ur. In- agperts Athens. These spec- laUata hire wc "wkior in " Sooth. These mretL.;-. are the opportonlly to hear thun. “Sunday School Rally Bay Is ■Ymnaay senooi Baiiy nay n set for Sunday week, and ear goal la 1,000 In attendance, and wo folly believe wo win reach IL" Tha following la the program for tha week: . Monday. Through Friday Ma~ttS 7:00 P. M.—Study Claw, aa follows: 1—For Cradle Roll and Begtn- CTara te pair few.) ‘Ouc Of The Best Examples Of IVhat Whiskey\ Lust And Sin Will Lead To”, Gray Seys < ata.) SOVIET HOUSE NKW YORK—(ff)—The death mm*rmtimrem tUktwfwe Ar. th© h**ri« of Mrs- Ruth Iirown Snyder and Henry Judd Gray have affected .them In opposite manner, It win revealed Saturday. * Gray see* himself “one of tbo Ugst. examples of what, whiskey, lost‘and lin* will ultimately lead one Into." He is described aa re- aimed to his doom. « Mrs. Snyder, the Queen's VII- lage housewife, sees herself a vie. tlm of Injustice and Is prepared to ftgbl against the death penalty. Gray', picture of himself as a jest example" waa sketched In n note be adreeced -to the police'’. Tlie note said: •I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the many kind Christ. i Ians from all over the country who took Lis* I?? rrer for me sad te ■end me letters of sympathy and literature of faith. Would that I had time to answer each one. But your efforts have not been In vain for I hare been saved’'. i "May the day come when people will clamor and fight to eater Into the churches to hear God’s word as they did to enter this building to hear such sordid words of shame and sic. Would that every man and woman' who la not ttv. Ing In keeping wlta. the command- ments take heed from this ce*« and turn to God tor forgiveness." *T am one of the best examples •f what whiskey, Inst and sin wilt nltimately. lead one Into." . £Ebb H tm tm-i ■ONDQN hrooah the night wtt matic drills and acetylene police a Saturday m ponce > nBiunny conpiff task of breaking open the the .Soviet house, contain something authorities, tb# fti has not been disclosed. Immediately the at' apparatus was a Large body ef ,. the offices and a waa retained fa n bar entrance to the It was generallv urday that the raid was discover whether a ument of impor whieh has been eral mogtin