The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 15, 1927, Image 14

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Because of Frigid*ire direct cooling, the food com partment is held at constant low temperatures that keep even the most perishable foods fresh and wholesome. And because of positive, automatic temperature control, Frigidairc requires no attention. You may leave your home for days at-a time and all foods left in Frigidaire will be found sjvecr and pure. w.hen you return. And we make it easy for you to enjoy the delights of care free electric refrigeration at once.' , Why pt«>:pjne the placing of this "new. day" servant In yourhome? docs it. Choose from the many models, the Frigidaire that will best serve your family. Take advan tage of our special offer noar—to day! ' . .i-. r • '• Remember that Frigidaire Is fully guaranteed by both the maker and this Company. youll own a Frigidaire—> why not have it NOW$ - Nsm* _ Address COMPANY < THE BANNER-BBRAtP, 'ATHENS, CEOROIX.;! Psychologists On Ga. Campus Study Asylum Paticntsfe.f 1 *^ dv'luitions. Several women of this f> Af type were shown to the student* L/cDtllcS /Tkl \Jcto The last clinic was by Dr., Yarbrough on the manic depres sive. He told the students tHat due to an «*ro«- Soon To Begin radii.! The Claws Under Direction of i v : Brl Edwards Returns |„ : as '’a FrOm Interesting Trip toj t j™ t J” < ! yiilledgeville. * By (i. D. Crawley, ir. (Student in Henry W. Grady i School of Journalism) Approximately hO students of j y«r thy general D»yeht»'.ogy class ami I)f.„A. S. Edwaros, bead of the ru j.. ’ department, at th? University of ( Georgia have returned from Mil*| wert . „ Icdgtville, where clinics on men tal, tUsorders were held at the stafe -asylum. Tha first clinic was by Dr. Ran kin (ft senile ps>’t hoses. He ex plained the cause and smptoms »>f this mental di«order. Th. cause of thfe mental disease is the lack of fetood circulation to the brain, which is caused by the hardening of the blood vessels, He «tatcd that the symptom* of th.s disor- uially appear at GO. He that this is how the old . **oi>c? m man and twice a j I originateti. The p'ison ha* ; memory, poor judgment, j , ow* little of what is gotnf j i now. of recent occurences The patients remembers thing* which 1 happened in their early childhood andTwants things to go on at the | presept time a* thing* did in his earlier days. Several women of. this type were shown the stu-1 Thursday Juate. Thi’ insight into his ca*e, while most patients have not. Both of his parents died of a mental disorder. This patient was of the rad, depressed tyi« Two patients were shown of the exciting type. They appeared jollyt easy to get along With. Dr. Yarbrough *intw» at times they ited and get n little un- Sophomore, Junior, and Champion Contests ■ Announced. Fraternity For Tall Students Is I firmed. It Is planned to establish f^Jujyffljty COGCl By C. T. Sutherland (Student in Henry W. Grady School of Journalism) Debates and declamations will Kin be the order of the day at the Diversity of Georgia Tile Hop). th? feeble-t dren. This trip to Milledgexille is made- annually |. v ihe gem ral psy chology das.*. There are about 4.P00 patients at the asylum at Milledgeville. chapter** at various Southern , colleges. The fraternity is pJan- » l.lng a dance, whlcfc will be ht!d fat - si a a* some time before the Jutie ex. Newest Ga. Club Announcement* of uewlv elected Sigma Iota Chi to Admit ,n<i mil* 'Canadian Cdrtfss; fa the'type o. ! plane that was used for the train- jiwf of pitots just after the war. m* * . /v a*. The Curtiss motor Is used In both Flight OVCIT CltV t «ne*. The use about ten To Describe Her gallons of gas per hour and have *peed of obortt 100 miles an hour- Four gallons of oil will HKma iota t-ni to Aamu vetiu r«i »r.d Black. ^ oemg* vis^ p fl i mpr Journalism , i r \u r °n»* 0,1 Only Men Who Arc At wniumton. Ahr.ham un.«m, fl ™ 8 . |B “ ‘J* " n " t f bout 15 llo .“ r *. Least SbTFeetta Height J '" , “ Student, Will Writ., of PfS JSLTE. ADD UTS TO TODB YBABR By Guy Hamilton (Student in Henry W. Grady 8chool of Journalism) A unique fraternity at the Uni. verrltv recently has been organ, ized. and has been giveu the name of Sigma Iota Chi. Only tioso rrrr. who have a bright of six feet pi more are iiligihle for member- sJ Ip. and all meiRfera mnif roea«. nrt np to the required heigh* in their sock feet. Toe fraternity has been formed j train been elected »«. honorary member, j ship, and Judg^ Gober has beeu j i::iir.e<l as legal advisor, rharlea I Morris was elected presj lent at the recent banquet, and Jimmie Burn a was c tosen for the of tire of secretary and treasurer. I Her First Air Trip Over S.™, Athens. afraid of planes than women or declared Mr. Epps, good SURE OF IT TRAVELER fas train stops) Will I have time to get a drink here ? CONDUCTOR: Yes. sir TRAVELER: Are you sure start without raa? Th Prank M< Million, j , John Candler, and Ernest Palinour , for the affirmative; and R. IV Jen- j ' ning.*. J. R. Cummlng. and R. JC. I Kalligiint for the negative side *f i the question. The Junior orators ! aro Hoke Wofford. Arthur Clgnii- ■ liat. und Joe Ileyniun. from the • Demosthenian Literary Society; {jfj Davhl Greenfield. RoiNTt patter. for social purposes, and the mem-,i CONDUCTOR: Yes. /sir. bership will be extended gradn. |(take one with you.—‘Passing Show Thomas J Hamilton from Phi Knppn Society. Ten rain- | utes will Ih* the limit allowed for each of the dehatora and orators. . um m . . ATLANTA -f/P)- The State , Those who have won the right Several women of|H**f hw *V Board wns engaged herd *•> compete in the Duals for tho ' * opening and ci^isid- dentt. ThJ next clinic was by Dr. BrMHord, on general paresis. He toWRtha students that this dis order was due to a physical die- v People of this type have t of wealth, and ideas that > some one else. He said rare three stages of ir. The patint is reclc- i his ways, and shows a lit* ft both mentally and phv. In the second stage the show* a more marked and physical degeneration. In this state ho has ideas of wen 1th, grandiose Ideas, and a noticeable defect of speech. In the last stage the patient Is help- l—agahls responses are few, and his-raind it .practically lost The patient does not live long In the last stage. The cure for thia dis- raw >s tmfatorabls stated Dr. Bradford. Abput 12 men patients <»f this disease were shown the Thi* lost clinic Monday after- noon”was nemsthcnla, a rare case. b v I>r. Yarbrough, Tho tauso of this disorder was due to emotion al conflicts and worry, Tho pa tient shown the students was a middle aged man. He will proba bly got well, stated Th*. Yar- ■ i Denioimla Praecox The fit t cl into Tuesday morn ing was by Dr. Walker on demen tia prnccox. IIo explained the different types, and the cause of this disorder. Thcso patients shun reality, have curious ideas, Some patients of this type have ering contractors’ bids for strurtion that will give Georgia some 180 miles more of Dflved or graded roads- The twenty-seven projects, involving an expmditure of nearly $2,000,000 will be award, ed to the lowest bidders Friday, John N. Holder, chairman, said. All the projects are for con structing tne remaining links in twenty-four counties on main trans-state trunk lines, Including those from Augusta to the Flori da lines, Atlanta to the Tenessee line, Macon .to the Florida line, Atlanta to tho North Carolina line, Atlanta to the South Caro lina line- and Savannah to the Florida line. The counties and the estimated mileage of construction being considered in the present contract letting were Cook, six miles; Ma con,, fifteen and a half miles; Toombs, eighteen miles; Catoosa, five miles; Whitfield, seventeen miles; Richmond, ten miles; Hab- e«ham, nine miles: Gordon, thir teen miles; Effingham, nine miles; Jones, three and a half miles; Morgan, seven mile*; Pe- Kiub, nine rail as; Camden, eigh teen miles; Heard, five miles; Cobb, twe.ity and one^tenth miles; Bartow, five miles; Cherokee, five: miles; Lumpkin, icu-tecn miles. NO TRICK AT ALL OERTRUDB:' Rid It r^qnl.w much effort for you to get a fur cost out of your husband? ERNESTINE: Oh. no—I got It- without half crying.—Judge. loving cup awarded esc year to the winner of thp sopho. more declamation sre: J. It. Gumming. John randier. R. K Fhlligant. Frank Mc.MulIan. Em est Palmour. W. D- Little, C. Sutherland, T. K. Ritchie, Steve Upson- There ore at preset)! six charter members-. Charles Mor- rf». Fred Nixon. Uus Witcher, George White. Jimmie Burns, and' Prof. Scott Hollnnd. A banquet wns held by tho fra- ♦'■niity at the Holman hot 1 on fitesday. and Alpha chapter of! wltfu you'd learned to play the Sicma lotu Chi was officially j flute, what?—Passing Show. OR A HARMONICA EMINENT PIANIST: Of course 1 take my own piano with me wherever 1 go. PHILISTINE: Haw. Makes you, 'Resolved. That Man Will D1 More for the Love of Money Than tar the Love of 'Humanity” ta tho subject of the freshman debate. The Demosthenian Literary so. cioty Is represented by I. 8. Nath, an, Kankakee Anderson, and K Javcti; while the Phi Kappa Lit orary Society is represented by J. Hamilton Napier, Sandora Walker, and Oarr Harris. Ill the charaploD debate the af- firms five side of the question. “Resolved. That the Experience of the United States with iProtilM< tion Warrants Its Continuance of that Principle of Law.” R, Smith and Joe Hoy man ' are the Demosthenian speakers; and Alin* Post and Robert Patterson are the Phi Kappa speakers. •ALLEN'S F00LEASE for TIRED. ACHING FEET WHAT EVER CAR YOU NOW FAVOR, C0MRARE IT WITH 0LDSM0BILE Check die feature* of whatever car you now favor againit the known factor, of motor car merit la OIda- mobile, and you will aik youradf one or the other of them question,! ."Why deny myself «o much, to save ao little 7" "Why pay more,’when Oldsmobllc not only fill, my need* but gratifies my ta*tn! M And then, In fairness to your own good judgment you .will come to our' showroom and look over OldsmobHe. Submit to your own tastes its striking appearance, its hue- urious appointments, its pro visions for your comfort and convenience. Drive it yourself —performance is the proof. STANDARDI TWO-DOOR SEDAN F.O.a. LA NIINS SMITH & PARKER GARAGE 148 West Clayton Street Athms, Ga. By Mary Bond Palmer (Student in Henry W. Grady School of Journalism) continuing; “I take up many young men and a many children- .We strap in the plane only fot* precadtion. We arc not afraid any one will jump out. It is merely to bdp Athenians at an early Gate will I steady the pos.'fnger when be able to read of the thrill of an (descend in case of a folt or a aeroplane ride ami also of a de- U-and bed.** rcription of the city of Athens j According to Pilot Epps the from the air when the writer re- |foo*’ of an asroplaue in in the an- i*iet iicr j.'igni m tne plane of . tttipatipn of going up in the air; Mr. Ben T. Epps, mechanic and j the thrill tomes when the passen- owner of the Epps planes of thi* j Kr** first gets In the plane and city. j Jw*t before he ascend*. Mr. Epps • An aeroplnne with a good pilot. *tated that he usually goes at a i* as safe a* an automobile,” aaid; spera of between 80 and 00 miles Mr. Epp*, continuing: “Aly son,; a [> hour. “After you are in the Ben E Junior, age 11, goes «' r the Kneed doss not worry you. up with me nearly every Sunday. on hardly realise you are mov- He thinks it’s great.” »»*. raid the pilot. Thr Epps Flying 1 ield is three j ——— j / mile* east of Athens ju»t off the The ex-kaiser ha* the best of Lexington road Mr. Eon* ha* iintentions for his former subjects. two passenger planes. The Waco He announce* he is not intending plane carries two passengers and to rrturn to Germany. And »o add sest to When John R. f*—*— 111, found himss^ w .„, . _ at night and burdened With a back- achjT jj, tQ ^ Folty Pills, a won derful diuretic stimulant for the kidneys. 'After a fe* doMs I felt twttrr. could work with more .case, became etronger and could sleep better” ](en and worn -i everywhere are.uslnc'and recom- mendine Foley PUh, diuretic, fjf faulty kidney action. la constant use over 25 ycars., Satisfaction auaranteed. Palmer Pons Stores. 1 — (Adv.Ttissm.nt.) PELLMH Can Be Cured ■MU Sfmpt K~i.~ ewrapp..* OR. W. J. atcCRARV. I are Even though you’re away for Frigidaire keeps, your food Enjoy i Amazing opportunity! a FRIGIDAIRE in your home ■ - - - - - and NO MONEY DOWN! Special Offer - - - - - ' We- are able to make this most un usual and liberal offer, but, you must act quickly for this offer holds good /or a limited time onlyl Think of it! You can now have all the delights and wonders of care free refrigeration—you can have > Frigidaire in your home and not pay a single cent in cash! We will take your present ice-box as first pay ment on a nfew Frigidaire—and then give you 24 months to pay! Call at our display rooms now. Sec what Frigidaire does-—how it / PRODUCT OP .OINISAL MOTORS,