The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 17, 1927, Image 1

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MIDDLING,...'.... PREVIOUS CLOSE WHOM Can’t Go Near the Water Over two hundred ml ber» of the Georgia Bp ere Assoc iitton Iff here Wednesday m noon on a special train make,an inspection tt of th? State CMSe*e s , Agriculture’s plant | discuss methods of M ing the state’s fann enterprises more print ble. The banker. will leave ’ At) ta, where the state in session, am a ftel'jij about mid-dav and si^ffi lM about 2:45 o'clock. AuMNnI will be at the SeaMnfid itoti* meet them and taka hmb te-, college. ' ' a* A pafoant, arraatod JbVt hi BY ISRAEL KLEIN I. ME A Service Writer ALTWiODF, .Md. — “With- pecuniary mi vantage to hhn- Scientist Who Is Honored For Mankind salt. he has done more thun.uny olhir livinu American sciential td nnunotn mnnan- ■ ihjovmcnt' of ~A ciiglit -blush of.-' cislnr ease ment .color, the■ Inin ■ fac 1 . of the kindly vuDmau who steps, bp lo recti v* otic ml: the • greatest hon. ors'thosord-af. science has to be. stovc-fiis. Wellard Ciblw .Jledn! nvvgidcd Vy the .American Chemi cal Society in rjo/grotion of a reienth t’s vrohk ,ui a grant bcue,’ factor cf mankind-. . .., . A Cherished A nurd. . The grid med.t" urrics. v.Ith it V Prof. A John J. , Abel ft/ B. Cohen, of Athei • C H i CAP 0.-(UP) —Officials' for twenty- E seven states in the Missis- Lippi basin will meet here will be elected Grand Commander of the Geor gia Knights Templar at thei annual convention in Rome 'Wednesday and June 2, 3 and 4) to deVise a program of Good con trol in an effort to pre vent* a repetition .of this ycarfs disastrous Missis sippi overflow. Motor AVtl'ism Hole Thompson .Thursday of this week. Ajlargc nuniicr of Athens mem- lent* of *thc GrtfDd^ 'VB&unfRxfarp left * Tuesday to attend* the con vention. Those going from Atw- tns included Uttar Kihncbrtw.B. S.' DuBosc, W. A. Capps, Dr. if. L. nm Abit Nix, E. Ft Porier. Har ry Ptttetr Ernest ' P©tU r i Caspar Palrfiisano,. Dink Martin, Albert Harper, Judge W G. Cornett,’‘em inent commander of the Athens (.’a• muunfiery' and Mr* CohwL^*’ ► • Thv Romo Conimandery, No.. 8, has; pictured an elaborate pro- itiam or entertainment, for. the virting Knights and their ladies. On Wednesday there*, will be' a on ratio followed by religieus . ser vices at St. Peter’s Episcopal churt h. A rteeptlon will b# h<H In tjie aftenmr at,■; country chib. , That wvajutig -.the bcyni t»f the De’ Mofay from Marl- cUh. will exemplify the Do Molay doprucs, all Alasaae thriuc invited to atlvnd tResf cerembhiej. » Su.ior girls of porter Cotlego will vntertain the visiting. Knights Thursday at frrcgkfist- While the convention de lift tea are hold ing ; thelh* final Ddaineas session | Thursday morning, the visiting ludi v will be given an automobile I l ido ; to points of interest in the I a slight .finanris; . - ward in pariton w ft., the. vajOe: of, t"work,done ty;ita r?c!oicat. rate award Srscf Is yn honor isbed-- far • ntoro than money iucb as work‘ ms-dyes Dr. John. J. Abel, I ufrtlte. department of phar- ; pkiff of ll\b Johns Jlopkinj f2r»lty_at .ItaTtimorc. go dowTi te nnnals -Jence'av one of greatest In blstcrjv For li of 'Chicago* and Mayor Arthur J. O’Kerfej of New Orleans and Vic tor j; Milleh of St Louis, aro sending joint Invitations to men in public life to attend thd’ con ference. 1 Lous U?Emerson, secre tary of state for‘Illinois, U shad ing separate invitations to sbers- taries of slate throughout the Mississippi Yalley. Farm organi zation^ and manufacturing inter cuts ate joining in the meeting. • Seventeen united Slates s?n«f tors and four governors nlrcudy havo assured Mayor Thompson of their interest in the movement, and hare promised to,attend the conference if possible. ! ' Jtftfw •w6rlHnffe"out a plv.n fw f ood provi ntioo. iL-'j* (. .poctod- tlmt the confertnoa’ will e.Il upon Andrew M. Soule, prti College and his corps tants, will be stagod lege amphitheatre tot tainment of the ""fl Soule states this ie new mmt tiufanl may go> out to swtor- but can't go near the wa-l t«Tv -The Pittsburgh git] has five feet of r.nvy brown locks. to the Oeordhf ajifniy ins Plant ntenniltewfrt ation with % the Georgia RaflW«f;JR Company, tha ^6jtel-0i nany, and alHMr -mt thought and praiia— to, “At 4:80 ot&f.P. J over the Coilejrtjfcto W portunlty to HUMCt ttfl view amid study the dl) nlsts, examine tha wpi Veterinary, HertieliRvra! ry and Animal; HaateuMh meats of tha Inttttedteo. “Arriva at 5t49 E )L fet luncheon sarvad to gates at six o’eloek. . “At 6:45 o’clock, taka special train. Leave fu at seven, o'eleek *• 1L time-“ , urpoic. KANSAS. ClH7 cnator James A. Debates Begin j At University On Wednesday, Mo. —(UP)— - -rrr:'.. _ Itoed’s pccond NAPLES — (U°t —.Mount of conitros. to VhovIui**.. in oruptit.n ffurtduy . [in*nnto twin, ,*icnt. vbieanoc' i« » H.ion.r 1 )f tho national, olli 100 »td«,in the uic at „iu.- 171! relief meas- torvala of a riiinute. while oml-j rtnath daily, it nous rurabllns. were htard from * R«d\< the .-rater. . Hie intreaked activity of the - ... lies to t»l*- aneleat yolranoe it a m.uoDal oc-l «rani« sent .Saturday nl»bt had leurrenee, but ibeervera , werf, been rreeivr.1 Tuesday mornliuf. aiarmtsl left •- rupture be'torn in Renl sir.'] Presolent Cooiidw. the aouthwet bos? of tha crater, ' (Turn to 11sye -IQ j n which taay niuch daman l« **" "1 feared. Sash a rapture is likely, j COOLIDGK BETTER, vSK„ , {^ d Jtd. of lhe V,,n ' PHYSICIAN 'SAYS JO*. Internmtent atreama • of AFTER TUBS. CALL a brllliaat ’display. MASHINOTON—(L’P)-ITeal. > ' ■*' ■ v‘ ■dent Coolidse. forced to bed Mon. T e. at at a day n/.h a cold, Tuesday IxOmanCe I Urn! *a» permitted by his peraonal on * . _ _ rpyriclan to ntteud, tho cahlaot IO A 81) C S - Tile iveeldenl remained at Iba .' TwO Deaths temporary Whlth House until Dr. - T "-7 .Tames I’. Coupal hurt called to » ' ' jl ptjotar be.t known f - hi- i,o!ati,.n of auremjlin fron, .ho ductless ulantl ehove the kidneys. His was the flrat apecess In eatractlmr whit . a “pure principle” from any of the ductless plmid.s of tha human body where. It Is now, the most powerful and useful drugs arc .manufac- twWfef * ‘ * : * , Adrenalin Ir necessary to >iu> man life- Cruoe'extracts of it arc “hwn tu liavc curative value Isolated by Vt, Al*!, it vis found to * e * drag that- fortifies the j > , ; fTarn tajw 4«.) • Ag. Department I Gives Revised j Cotton Fact Si i .WASHINGTON, pepartment of A«__. ...» tevlaid estimatea fer-the 1S20 cot- B1R.MINGHA5L Ala. —(UP)— Convinced that Dr- Roy G. Her- Bchey, former pastor of the Wood- lawn PreibyterUn church, vm wandering about hia former home ip Kansas or OMo, relatives liv ing ,’thefe wars aeeitsing in the search for him. Friends , and relatives here were wove convinced that Dr. Herechey was the victim of a nervous breakdown, which left him tem porarily hrreenoneible. Thr minister, who «ce4mtly ac cepted the pastorate of the Peach tree Road Presbyterian church in Atlanta, haa been misaing since May 9th, when he was supposed to have !eft 'Atlontw for Dinning- liern. ! LITTLE! QUIET MOB’ NEW ORLEANS, La.-(UP)—Bowling aloij* at a clumsy gait, flood waters of the .Mississippi river ap parently have failed to swing back into v the main channel from thi inundated Tensas - basis • and are moving in full powir southward down the Atchafal- aya river through .the “sugar bowl” country./ j fur tlm negative: K B. .Jennlnee, I Dnweun: J. B. Cumming, CirdeTe: and I!.K. Kalligent. Thunderbcit. Those who have won the right to apeak at the Junior Oration exercises, Thursday-, Mey tilth, i.prc: Frum the Xlemoathenian lit. erury society: Iloke Wofford, IUP»— The .Atliinla' Arthur (ilgeilliol, Pint- - ’ lhe (ore: und Joseph K- Heyman, Jr., 1 Atl-ntu: .from the Phi Kuppa lit- iirary soeiity: David Greenfield, ‘’.lunta; Kohcrt I, Patterson. Atli. S «: und Tliomas J. Hamilton, Augusta. ■ •' A rilver loving cap Is tu bs awarded to one of the follr ing.i whrf have earned the right to par- 1 tielputc In the Sophomurc decl— j m.itlon on May S#th. the cup go. \ LITTLE BOCK, Ark. 1 With the Natleaal Gaa Ion guard at tha state ■ I mob feeling idwearW after the attaex Mail Mrs. V. N- Tbmapeea I dentified negro, - . Red Crosa headquarters in Uanaura stated Monday night that as far «a known not a tingle Ufa has been lost in tho present 1 inundated country Mow Big Band. The alow, moving waters apparently have been gentle with Ufa but feckless with property- One of the tear epics of the aiiaatar has been tbc dartng dash of Captain Cherry of tbs Alla- Flood Warning For Oregon Is Issued Mifer Tuesday agohut a of race troubles. •State soldiers art at 1 kansas penitentiary to Ixmnie Dixon, 16. htrro,. cd slayer of Ffoelbi lfcDw who body was found tk*a ago in the belfry .of thl l'resbyterian cKnrea. The negro boy waa "J Tuesday from Uw.TeannU LOS ANGELES, CaL — (l)P)- The romance of a wealthy insur- once broker and a 20 year old stenographer, culminated her* Tuesday In murder and suicide. With a revolver clutched in her right, band, tha body pf March 'Pile Was found in an aotoi slumped in the seat, dead. Be- WASHINGTON - CJ P) Members of Local i/.a(iun May No T.irm “Realtor," Since his eonfeaalgh jM from prison here, after, threatened to lynch trim gro has been moved ftepa jail. II. haa boon -Mar I Arkansas and Oklahoma . — _____ _ ter itagea not weak, : judges, makes the beet ad-1 were issued Tuesday by thj weath- J. R. Cumming. Cordele; I er. bureau for the WUI.*met‘o rir- S. Candler, III, Atlanta; IL ier at Portland, Oregon, and the •llirant, Thonderbolt;' Frank I Columbia river ut Vancouver, (Turn to page acre*.) I Washington. . The SJJOO terra part of thoae per sistent farmers who couldn’t un derstand hew ta much inter could ccarie tetd*their town. Tied. when '(b»r fullv realized their plight, Uwy and ant ’fran tic appeals for help, but Jb. only tlonal Aaaoctatioa of Real Estate BMrila has bean granted the Ath. eni Real Estate Board, according to advices received by D. a An- dercon. president of the locat or. How a Cyclone Kills ”' if Death Lists of Two Western Cities Show Vacuum’s Power Contrasted With “Line Squaff* Furniture Men ! Of ; State Will ci Be Invited Here ; CtaS«^r ? o£SraS V Tc 0 f f t for yuptoer-or. comnseTro.sleft for and there ware The brick,and buildings in N« oaaaaltlea wen Morn than It* members wars enrolled for tha Sunday School en. I Wrgrmrpt program In the first two sendees, which ta being. held el , the Prince Avenna Baptist church. | of which Bar T. W. Tippett la ! pastor. i The enlargement propram Is the i first to be Sold .la the state at Georgia under tha auspices of the * Southern. Baptlet Sunday School t Boom i The dassee begin each availing r at sewn o'clock sail laat lhroack t nine forty Ove. vtAri- half hoot fcrcnco between, a line aauall and ' a tiue entac, with which It la I r.ft.-n C'Uifuscd, la llluatrmtcd In a i double headed thunderstorm that < - - — ,thn ; falling vator is suddenly stopped, >wn in- sensetien a man gats ia « indication of what happens licked by'the hungry longue unfed cyclone. ■ t “. A The origin of csrsieoes it a Inst a terlous. C. F. Jmu. »; it the Smith, Ark., newspaper res: ', is to Haves that he haa fond tt inside, cret. . : V nomen- Like Vutse Cleaaey. ir axis According to Bitns, a 2 „ .he center, l« n fragment broken ft close to tho groand a large thunderstorm win. . nun. BtriMfngi, like the derstormo, If you da^h bra body, are constructed to know, are ‘upaosa* lo rek Dnnngwar Is nl Moron rapresehHng the local Peelers. , - im map e smas lire re-, r Mr- Thomas will Invito'tho law I Arkansas oil district on oottyuntlaB;ef.'tha.aaaoclntlon rp-apart, killing 21 parsons Athens on behalf of f:. niamheri«»V injuring 72. . ^lS!trmS!^jSv n ' 1 n » Strang, a llttl. farmlt •K’r °-W. wbur mans Thahrick • - In rolnmbne In July to ni»t h. ro district was afced. and every n«t y~r- Tw. rtuuusnrt.vWtOfg CSr In tJnenTwhriher -brick or attend ' these oonrentloas. ■ TOe {frame, was ahattarad.. * ‘ w** District comprises Oeorglu. Alt- 1 MorpH-t, oil town of S.*0«. Imme. Vlorida. South and North i where tint wind vabalty was Just d'arolimu '. Tha UtT.-convention las great, lost many hoard shocks,' gases era Mr.iaJI I but onlv one neeeew was ktP-d. •to um« - auu .mvam hiu could litre In the swirl at , .but Cherry did the Wet boats piled through after Cole* former ?tat« f\- -.xnm'nn^oh. service to hla’ cllentu. .. •* T] ■-.Menihers or tSo local hour ^ 'i^rlTwh to page sevtm)