The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 12, 1927, Image 1

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"I Ih. » air. ■'Wag. futfo. ®P»o. 't ’tb ■ cUrcl the WEATHER: night and Crntnllr f *ir jjlrtfon. gentle shifting'winds. OaDjr and Bandar—II Cante a Weak. Eatabliakad 1132. Dallj and Sundaj-Ij Cento a Week. ATHENS COTTON: PREVIOUS CLOSE .. .. 23 5-Se JIIUDL1NG .. ..21 3-tc I VOL. 95, NO. 308 Associated Press Sersicc. United Press Dispatches. ATHENS, GA„ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1927 A. a C. Paper. Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 8 Cents Sunday. ■ewe tense i mi rim mi rnwimr wnmim— ♦-* +-+ egro Man Held In Garrison Slaying Here BROCK ID SCHLEE ICNORE ATTEMPTS MLO BROCK, ALIAS JOHN BILL RAMEY, IS HELD IN JAIL ON CHARGE OF MURDER E Carlo Brock, fflas John Bill Ramey, colored, about 'years old, is in Clarke county jail charged with the Iraurder of F. W. Garrison, Southern railroad em ploye who was found fatally wounded on the No-'Monday''sTier'thm months7.™ [where road the night of July 16th. Mr. Garrison J*®"'" «"> Bl * lk »'»*» president lj!.j - r—. I. f*„_ U_ .-I, 1L. r> 1 CnoHdgc enconnlered n series <>f HOME TO FACE BIG ISSUES. INCLUDRI TAX CUT By Paul R- Mallsn WASHINGTON. -(UP)- Buck ot his Usks In the While Honso ■died a few hours after he was taken to the General ■Hospital, having made the statement that he was ■shot by a negro who robbed him. Tha arrest of Brock followed a Ion; investigation made of the murder by all the police and at' ruin; officers of the county and |uU leading to the arrest wars might out mainly by county of- Ifltrrs Scott Jackson, -Captain Es- V. Sheriff Jackson and city off!- rrr- Charlie Seagravea and Hugh Already in Gang Brock was arrested several mks ago for carrying concealed r jpons whin he wa< arrested by Officer Nelms of the police de- urtmet when he saw a .38 caliber idol drop from his pocket on a trect corner. When ho was taken I the county stockade Ofticer sknon accompanied,Captain Es- . — in charge of Brock _ _ remarked- to .him formal i pistol was liable to get' , [ruble. the negro had been on the r _ jveral days hr wrote Mr. (Jickjon that ho could give him [[formation who killed Mr. Garri es and could tell him where his nidi was anil where $800 worth If ’•■lien iewrlry was being hid In I safe. He requested Mr. Jack- « come and talk tb Mm, hoping r would pay Ilia fine, which he ■rationed. Tile jewelry story |proved a myth. ‘ I Brock told several conflicting litories about hia movements the ■sight of the mnrdcr, implcintijig lwrnl others in the crime, and : that the watch was pawned CITY SCHOOLS ID LUCY COBB OPEN IS WEEK ' pressing problem*—the propo ■pedal session or the senate. 1 aiV nointment of an ambassador in Mexico and a governor general of the Phllllpplnea. the new naval hnlldlng program and tax reduc tion. ' Moreover, he found hlmielf stid- denlr vast In a swirl of politics ovar Ilia statement that lie does not choose to be a randidato for the re-election In 1928. Potential < undldatcs and a rrnup of leadora are seeking to ascertain what ho meant by the word, ‘‘choose*. Without more classification, many hesitate to get the re.nomination j campalsn underway. REFUSE8 AID LONDON- — (,UP) The Westminster Goxette Monday announced it had discontinued Its financial support of the projected Trans-Atlantic flight- 1 Ing which Captain Prank T. Courtney wan to pilot tho Dornlor Whalo fj^lng boat. "The flight may therefore be couulderqd abandoned”. . tho newspaper says- Captain Courtney Monday- wasju Coruna. Spain, where o' was in Coruna. 8paln. whero he Ing from England to the Axoros on the first jump of the trans oceanic flight to New York. DR. [ALLECEO MATRICIDE [PUT THROUGH THIRD DEGREE AT SCENE Here Are Indiana’s Most Recently Indicted Officials STREATOR, III.—(UP) —Harry Hill was taken early Monday to the grave in thefe basement of his home where the body of his murdered mother was found and was forced to go though actions he in might have followed if ha n had committed the crime. 11 HUI arrived In Ottawa early Mouday morning after a barrow, v , trip across the continent by Following the resignation of|^ r •* ,l -nr ! ■utomoblle- Shortly be. Dr. Kufus W. Weaver as preal- for# daylight.-ho was taken from dent of Mcfcer University, who is the/Jail. It w« learned. Several thouaand Athena' school!. T* 1 * ,n,e " d ''' lo **® k children will begin the trek back j °" D ^ c d ,Tm to ochool Wedneaday. Life around lr * ®" W ®™ » the achool buildings breams active I ">" Mt » lth ? c °" lor , Cur ?; Monday morning when teachers publican floor leader to ascertain repotted and pupils reported who* definitely If Curtis agrees that a had to adjust their- classes, Thai sueelal donate aes-lon Is deslrablo ftormal opening of all the city | to get . the Vars-Smtth electrlons schools will take place Wctfnisdayr contents out Of the wkv heforo-thr and Prof. Bond, superintendent | reanlar December session, is expecting a record attendance. I f> n wants to discuss with party An unusually Urge number of. leaden the new appolnlmanla t" new teachers replace thoac who In. m .o n .„q t„ wanta to aee all resigned, mainly on account of ,, rt | nn . involved In (lie naval ta •& 1 - •« "!~ W^Lu^pen,! Tueaday, while members of the ™ , «"'* . ".bln-t meeting T “""‘ Frrehman class at. the Unlvrrslty! ' , " r - ,nr fim ’ r „ ln ,h * c,pl - of Georgia report Wednesday and «al over his •ehoo’b” alaleroenl. will spend a'Week in preliminary j ha In esrectod to keen hia own : worit prior to the formal opening nranael. Nollro had been reeelred hLBd * the Mucon Institution. . -.tteraey Hassell O. Hanaou chief Southern Baptist Convention, the of polftte Robb and other officers, trustees of Mercer will meet in They went to the Urge house on ^ , Hn^.^r S ' Pt ' mb ' r Z>rd to n * m * OBO ot lhe Principal residential a anceesaor. streets of Streator which had the First Baptist 1 churrlThero, a i'°T\ *!?!** » ln ee ihe body was graduate of JiercCr and oda of , monb v **"' o the outstanding alumni of ^hat j® w ** led down the dark cel. institution in the atete, U btina '*r stairs to the place In the cor. prominently mentioned to succeed , ° r *be basement where the Dr. Weaves. He. is a member of , " ,| W' m ""t hsil been removed, apd the educational committco named the -body of bla moiber burled, by the trustees and has always Ho looked at the shallow hols taken a great deal of interest-in In the earth allentty. Then’a dep ths affairs of hia Alma Mater, ik-fkt) coming to Athena he wae doctor of Kio First Baptist church df Milledgiviile and has been he-e about five year*. Abit Nix, prominent Athene attorney and Bautlet, la a member of the - Mercer trustee board and will me cot with that body in Macon op the 28rd to name the new ding . with J. Bush, local jeweler. Find Wslrh _ Upon lavagtigatlen officers Ifwmi the watch in question at the I Bosh store; bnt left there for re- ■ Pairs and not In pawn. Tho walch Isis taken to Pountain Inn, 8. C., I'here Garrison's family lived and Ins identified by Garrison's liiuehter. It was also Identified |t>y s record on file at the South- I'm depot, It h stated. An am- Irloye of the Bosh jewelry company |'> uid to have Identified Brock |u having left the watch to ha ra- Officers have cheeked ■. on Ijbwk's stories told and are con- I f'dent that they are truly only In |Mrt and that he either killed I berriaon nr knows something defl- Imle about the killing. A war I nut cbarging Wnt wiOl ftp mur* I'kr wae taken out Monday. | Baptist Student Union To Aid In Registration on September 21. The Georgia- State Teachers Col lege opened last weak and la al ready down to regular class work. The High School has two add! tlonal teachers this year, bringing the faculty number to 88: In Tiapld Cltr last weak that re- nnbllean Isadora would Ilka lo “smoke him out" on Ihe outn. lion of whether ho can ho drafted. Unless they are more successful III ,ii In \ oraviona . efforts to "smoke out" Mr. Conlidgo on any Mr. E. B. Moll, principal; Miss ° 0 U „ whlchhadM no, amis Turnbull, lad, nHiielnali Sl L. close to th. president ho. thews, and Mr». fiwlpht RvtherJ ll,r ® ll ® '* hl1 English department; Nia, Bonnie “*®» “ ™®l r *» » ot «■ Brock, Miasi Ellio .Bradbury. Mr.lP** »• S? 0 ”! •£ u rue iv, rubs / riiiit onmourj, sir,, ... . . _ _ . ,. , , . « W. K. Carswell, m— Mattie J. I P |lc U denial of hia Intention to be Kimbrough, and Miss Gertrude » candidate which might be need Stith, mathematics. Mias Annie May Conner, Miss Martha Comer, Miss Mary Pit- lard; Latin; Miss Mamie Turnball, Mias Natalie Bocdrk, Mrs. R. C. Robecn, •Hiatory; Mr. Baaaett Ms- Ruin', Miss Mary Elisabeth Till- .1 ut.. I niann and Miss Mininc Under- wood, Science. Mrs. H. E. Taylor, French; Miss Dolores Artau, Spanish; Miss 8tel- U SpOriu, Mrs. W. C. Darts and (Turn Page 8lx) The Baptist StmU-iii gajau at Ike University of Georgia bae an. '"lanced liluus l-i aid. In Ibi, re- rcpiion ,aud registration of ciu- dcau catering Iks butttullon this '•’I- All trains will bn mat by represantaUrag'ob ho organlaatlon *"b satomobltaa. add at the rag. ''tratlon ofTIces a group of mem- ken will he present to. glee to- lurmatfotj. and aamalanca. Rev. D. B. NUhelaon. Raptlst ’"riant accretary and pastor. hulna ..1.1..1 e_ ‘ _.t,t„~ eilatld kelng sided bTuuMag- pU»s__by 'ke following students: A- J- He- """•Id. PItegarsldf 'Harry •Cara. *•11, Athena, 1 and "O. C.. Joiner, ptljon. < ' An effort will he made *kc new students to affiliate *”H the churches of thalr preference •" anon as that reach Athena. Freedman will be expected to r e*eh Athena Wedneaday. 8«P- ternder 14. for raglelraUon that Ary. Dean 8. V. Sanford has an- """need, though ud^er eU» , °*® 1 ’* will not raglator until Saptrmbar 19-21- Td<- Irr-hmcn. •’> "" at ide university, have "> /* *rek earlier for orientation, u™ »ork marking the formal openln* ■Mfcc 1*7.1. annual i ; *iiv of n«*orRia " * oo September 21. GIBL” WILL FLY TO ■M TAMPA, Fla. — (UP) — The Stinsoa-Detrolter dlonoplan-, "The Ameriein Girl," with Miss Ruth Elder, fair Florida avistrlx about), was winging its way Monday to ward .Whesling, W. Va., on > non- stop flight. • ' ' The pilot, George Haldcman; bald i aa possible after arriving cling, the plane would hep r Roosevelt Field, N. Y„ la Wheel!] off for “and then for Paris." Mias Elder said before climbing into the cockpit that the hoped the actual trans-Atlantic flight would start before Saturday. She said she had no Intention of abandoning the attempt because ef recent dis- ;■> prevent him from being drafted It the partr deal red to draft him- Mr. Coolldge. motored lo the renovated Whltq, House Sunday arrived at 10 p. m. Mayor, Duvall Scheduled For Trial Monday INDIANA POLI8.—(DP)—May. or Jchn DuvaU of Indianapolis, one of (he principal targeta of the flossier political forces alleging widespread corruption in the xtat^, waa to rto on trial Monday for violation of the corrupt prac tices act DnvaU is charged with failure to report a campaign contribution of 914^00. Under the state law. all uty handed him a shovel. was pushed forward and, to "dig In there". Hill, turned a shovelful of earth reluctantly then put tho shovel down. r\ "Is that the way you did It", Stnto'H Attorney Hanson asked him, according to members of the partr. "I told you I wouldn’t s»* aov. thing until the time camo". Hill barked at his accuser. More "prodding" by the officer/ failed to bring the confession, tbty had hoped might result from the nocturnal visit. Finally tho youth was lakon twenty miles back to the county Jail at Ottawa. Utmost secrecy wae used by ;o. lire to guard H\U*S movement. When be was taken from the ‘all and when he entered, a man dressed simlVrly would proceed him and go in another direction. Authorities f- ;ir-d ni"'. ’• i-•»' or possible abduction by friendly kidnappers. TO DISSUADE THEM TOKIO.— (UP) —Wil liam S. Brock and Edward F. Schlec will leave Omura Flyinjf Field Tuesday, it was announced Monday, enroute to thjs city. The pair was forced .down at Omura in the monoplane Pride of Detroit, in which they were enroute to Past the half-way mark in thetr flight around the world, Brock n’kd Schleo have encountered fog and storms threatening failure to thfli® attempt at cifcum-navlgatlng t!i« globe in record time. After leaving Shanghai at a. m. Sunday, the aviators crossed the Yellow Sen on srhedu'e time. Then they encountered heavy *og and lost their direction- They re turned up at tlio Omura Field, five hundred twenty miles from Shang hai and six hundred, ten miles from Toklo nt 3:30 p. m. Sunday. When they arrive hero they will find Americans ready to give them a reception—and prayerful advice. Cablegrama have poured In upon the United States Fmbassy* all urging the filers to abandon the plan to cross tho Pacific In whleh tho piano which took them leafely across tho Atlantic and into the Orient. ^Thus far Crock and fichtoe bav* Indicated they will follow thell • original plans but friends am hoping that recent traus-ocsanlQ disasters and the bad weather the aviators have met In the past two days will encourage a change of mind. If they deride to go the rest of the way by Igilt they will bo un able to beat the existing record for globe circling of 2R 1-2 days. Brock and Bchlee left Hnrtwf Grace, N. F. IB days ago and aomn 10.600 miles remained to be tra versed. .i } JOHN L. DUVALL ED JACKSON Three of the hjen pictured above, including Governor Ed Jackaon, oT Indiana,_ have b?cn indicted on a charge of having tried to buy Iprhft Governor Warren T. McCray. Mayor John L. haa been indicted charging violation of the Robcit I. Marah, Indianapolis klan attorney patronage! fro Duvall of Ind innapoli corrupt practices act. and Georg* V. Coffin, Republican county ehairman, were named the Indictment charging Governor. Jackson. The Indictments were the outgrowth of revelation by D. C. Stephenson, former klan dragon, Lunacy Board Says Mrs. Snyder Is Not Insane new serving a sentence for murder. bight Immediately after bis train monies donated for political cam- (Turn to Page Thrss) FORMER ATHENIAN FI^DS AUTO TRAFFIC GOING TO FLORIDA VIA DIXIE ROUTE According to Dudley II. Taylor, former member of the v Banner. 1 am going to buy my -now clothes in Pari*—and that In a week.” she smiled. The Stlnxon-Detroiter monoplane was flown here last week from Detroit'4n a non-stop flight ever eleven hours. 4 left th® municipal flying field at ri a. m. Saturday, but a handful witnessed the de parture. inrmer uicmucr m mu imuuci- Herald staff and gradual, of tbs floury W. Grady School of Journ- altsm now editor of tho Hopkins. Title (KM New.Era. a north to south tourist routs Is being com. plated from the middle wait to Florida, through Kentucky, Ten. ih sad Georgia. ■Mr. Taylor Is in A then* on a visit and drove down tn bla car. He Hid he had fine going nntll he reached the Georgia line sooth of Chattanooga andthat It then took him about twice u long to make similar mileage as It did In Ken- tacky and Tennessee. Wbat Mr. Taylor lays about Ibis' north-sonth rente, known ae the Dixie highway, shows Ihe Im. portance of Improving the high, ways that come into Atom from the north and east, tha Bankhead and the Calhoun and the local branch of tbs Scenic If lonrlam travel le t> be maintained this war. His statement follows: Tha routs from Chattanooga via Romav Atlanta la now under construction for som* distance apd parts of the road, which le being advertised In toe north as toe great norlh-slde tourist travel, la being poshed to eompletlSn. ■ Acrese Country From toe Canadian border down through Michigan. Indiana. Ken- tucky and Tennessee runs a rout. that In the next five years Is el. pected to-he the one treked by a majority of toe tourtita to and from Florida: Thla Touto;' accord, ing to the automobile clubs of Ihe big cities' of bolt a dozen stain t-oiith of Michigan, la tho logical outlet forone of the mokt congest- ed - population j centers of United States to tho mecca of ha tourist. Florida. , At a recant meeting at Pine, hunt. North Carolina, thousands of good, roads enthusiast, members of various automobile clubs of the eastern half of the United 8tatea and government officials discuss ed the marking; of various trann- continental and north-soutb routes- After a bitter tight. It waa derided that U. ft- 4t should be designated as the all toe year round tourist rente from Canada through Michigan. Indiana and Kentucky. Tennessee to Atlanta and on snotfi to Florida. An organisation has bnu form ed To promote the construction of links In that Tourist routs through various southern states. Whan two or ton* projects la Kan r | -"A 'wo in Tennessee are u. Pie ted and Georgia finishes be. program In the northwestern part of the state, there will he opened the flood gates of a tourist h-. through the state of Georgia (Turn to Page dig) REVIEWING -COLLEGE.. VACATION ATLANTA, Ga.— (UP! —Two b«llooii3 were flying high over Georgia at ndd-moming. apoareht- I" leaders In the Gordpn-Bennett cun race. Efforts to Identify th- craft at that time were unsuccessful. A large white bag. seen parsin', over towns in central Georgia, appear to b- leading tho way. South of Atlanta, moving ttr-ard th- Gulf of Mexico, three hundred lira awav. wns mother balloon. The- number of entrien remain, ing In the air remained uncertain as tho second day since the shirt In Detroit went. on. Four are known down In the Carolines, and the mountains of Tennoscc and North Otorgin may have |„ea toe resting flare of > of them. SEEN PASSING OVER LAWRKXIEVILLE Frank Holder of JarttHn counlv ss In Athens Monday and stated that the balloofls wen eeen at Lawrcncevlllo also and created quite a stir. By Olive Roberta Berlin Now’s the time to snmmar- iav tha college boys vacation. An editorial writer nys, “In FIVE KILLED I 8UMMJ.T, Mo. *=dUP)- Five aemhers of one family ware killed ear hero when a Missouri Pacific trala crashed Into their motor cor. Another waa seriously Injured. The- train waa traveling at a. high rata of spaed when It struck toe car at a grade crossing. 1 through tha summer tn pay for thalr coUega tuition and thought nothing of it. That seems out, of fashion to- day.” I thought It wns the other way. I suppose most af us judge things by our own cxr perience. As tha editor Is evidently bulging by his, m may I perhaps t» permitted to judge by mitia. uni to psu my opinio nalong. The college.- boyg" I knew tw enty-odd, yean ago came home in the summer, wore peg-top 'trousers and bull-dog abase, smoked pines, hired rubber-w heeled runabouts from the liveries to take their glrb driving/ plunked mandolins, and occasionally collected in humhes and yelled to an ad miring world horrible war- ■' ics called college-yells. These war-cries are now kept on ico for the football season. Neither has tha avayaga eal- boy time for mandolins cr sporty poses. Ha has more to do than idle the summer away! Dances7 Carat Girls? With every concession to your side of the argument, that, if the college boy works, ha works for spending money, I shall add that whatavar tha Incen tive may be. ton revolt Is that he fa not only learning to ing vacation. And all of his money Is not going into park- (Turn to page sU-2 . U'itH tiie goal set n[ five hun dred members the Woodmen of ton World Membership committee will start another campaign Tues day In an effort to makn tho Atft. ens camp the largest camp in ex istence. . The Athens camp needs only flro hundred and eighty two mem- tn equal any camp and five hundred to mak? It the larreM. The announcement of Secretary C. C. Thomax of the Chamber of Commerce in regard to the mem bership drive is as foliowa: "CpI. M. (i Michael, chairman of tlio general committee of the Woodmen of the World drive. In pursuanco to resolution adopted at a mass meeting of cltfzuis oil last Monday night, SeptemDer 5, has arranged for a general mem beruhip drive, to bi?gin at two o’clock Tueiiday. Soptember 13. three-day Inncheon beginning at two o’clock Tueaday, September 13, has been arranged at the Y. M. C. A. building, where a gener al committee of 125 members havo been Invited to meet for tho pur- of starting tho drive. Tt Is pointed out that with the addition al 500 ntw member* th* local Woodmen of tho World camp will become*the largest camp, not only tn Georgia,' but In th* United States. the ambition of the committee to obUin this number before the arrival of Sovereign Commander F)ras*r and the Exec- i utlva Committee the latter part | of ctober It Is planned to In- | L {Turn io fit sU-i, OSSINING. N. Y. —fTTP)— Tb* State Lunacy Commission has e*.' amlned and pronounced sane, lira. Ruth Snyder and Henry Jedd Gray, nnder sentence to die *»r the murder of Mrs. Snyder'* has* band. Albert. Prison attaches reroaled fht£ . although Gray was mentally weHJl .aam—a kfa If9re wan saddened because his Ilf* long friend, Hadodn Gray, of Syrt, ruse, had failed to visit him In tb* death house. Hadijon Gray testified at the trial In which the corset salesman was convicted. The latter bad sought Haddon’s help in tbe fdr* mstlon of an alibi which wa* pierced by police. Madison County Boy Dies In Gastonia tiMiktti Vaughn Faulkner, age 18. died iddenly at the home of hW mother In Gastonia. N. C, Sunday; f-rnlnx nt five o’clock. Mr Faulkner was born In Mad- 1 Ison county and lived ther® until months ago when ke moved to {JaYtnnla- Funeral services will be con, I ducted from the Colbert fcaptlst rhf eh. of which the deceased was a 'member. Tdcsday after, noon at thre* o’clock with Rev.- Brown. rastor of the church offli r'otl" 0 ’. Interment will bo tn the Colbert cemetery- Bernstein Brothers funeral home In charge. Resides Ms mother. Mrs. Myrtl* Faulkner, the young man Is sur vived by threo sisters. Mlises Ma Winnie and Mearlenc Faulk ner of Gastonia: seven brothers, PVo Faulkner. Charlotte. N C.. Faulkner. Greenville. S. C- Oulllsn- Homer. Woodrow, LeRojr and Ruddle Faulkner, all of Ga*-. tonla: grand parents. 'Mr. s**«f W. M. Threat of DanlelsvGl# and Mrs. Nancy Faulkner of Col- Fnulkner’s minv friend* wl’l r*»Kr»t to learn of his suddedt. H'*ith. He was a good cbriatluf Jt..i .. I. \ ^