The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 02, 1927, Image 6

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THE BANNEH.HEBALP. ATHENS'. GEORGIA. WFl).\i:-;i.\Y. NOVKMIiKIt 2. i„,. WASHINGTON TUBBS U A Dirty Trick —By Crane Funeral Notices Read The Banner-Herald Want Ads McKINNEY:—The friends and relatives of Miss Nancy Ann McKenney, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McKinney, Mr. and ‘Mrs. J. F. Sears, Mr. aftd Mrs. E. !>• Brod&on, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc Kinney, Mr* and Mrs. A* T. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. M. F- McKinney and Mr. and Mts* H. Z. McKinney are invited to at tend the funeral of Miss Nancy Ann McKinney tomorrow, November, 3rd, at 11 o’clock from Pleasant Hill Baptist churchin Hall county. Bernstein Bros. Funeral Home in charge. JOHNSON:—Trie friend* and rel atives of Mr. John Allen John son, Mrs. Eula Johnson. Miss Annie Lou Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Baker are invited to attend the funeral of Mr John Allen Baker Friday, November 4th, at 3 o’clock from -Bernstein Bros. Chapel—the following gentle men will please serve as pall bearers and meet at the chapel promptly at 2:45: Messrs Earn est Baker, Bunk Cariethers, Joe Peeler, Charlie Laird, Judge Freeman and Col. Claude Mahaffey—>Rev. Samuel J. Cartledge of the Central Pres byterian church assisted by Rev. Samuel B* Wingfield of the West End Baptist church will officiate with interment in Oconee cemetery, r $2 Per Cent of Ga. Students Belong To Some Church Baptists Have Most Mem bers at University. In creased Membership Is Shown Over 1926. By R. E. Hamilton (8tudent In H*nry W. Grady 8chool of Journalism) Over 82 per cent of students registered at the University of Georgia this year are church mem. bers. with 459. Other classes: of about 76 per cent In past years, Registrar T. W. Read states. To. tal registration figures passed the. 1,160 mark last week. Freshmen lead fn - class num bers, with 459. Other classs.*: graduate students. 57; seniors. 229; juniors. 247; sophomores. 381 first year law- students, 98; sec. ond year law. 59; third year law 10: Irregular 19; total.' 1,568. Classified according to religious belief. Baptists lead both In num. ber of members and In non-mem* bers. The figures: Mem Non*m Denomination bers bc$y Baptists ...485 84 Methodists 4»! , )« Presbyterians .... 138 IB Episcopalians 70 11 Christian Church ..23 2 Catholics ... 29 0 Jewish 59 -11 Lutherans .... 11 1 Universallsts 4 ' ; 2 Congregatlonalists . 7 1 Unitarians 1 o Primitive Baptists . 3 0 Swedenborglans ... 2 0 Christian ‘ Scientists . 1 0 No preference 0 97 ToUl 1298 270 Lowe Begins His University Work By Wylly Folk (Student, In Henry W. Grady School of .Journalism) Because of the recent inuugura. tlon of University of Georgia ra dlo broadcasting service from the Atlanta Journal Station \VSB, E. A.,Lowe, of Carr’s Statlou, Ga., executive secretary to the chan cellor and publicity director of University, has arrived in Atbous to begln.his work. This office, which was created at a recent meeting of the board of trustees, was to have started January 1. but the increase in publicity that the radio broadcast, ing will give the University neces. sltated his presence -here to ar range the dally programs, states the new secretary. Mr. Lowe Is a University os Georgia graduate of the class of 1923. While in college he was edi- tor of The Red and Black, and it was under his editorship that the paper first assufled its present form of five columns. He worked for a while with the War Me morial association, then became secretary 'of the Georgia Alums! association. He edited the Alumni Record until succeeded by Jehn D. Allen In 1926. NEW AMBASSADOR BERLIN, Germany — (UP) — The United Prsss learned reliably Wednesday that the cabinet had approved the appointment of Baron hreidrich Von Prittwitz Und Gaf* fron as ambassador to the United sutM. yiriiaa State and County Taxes Now Due. A. M. BURCH. T. C. PAINS of Bladder Weakness Relieved by Santa! Midy •irtV'UDr* PALACE-TONIGHT BIG PROGRAM - BEAUTIFUL—BUT NOT SO DUMB! IN U FIGURES DONT LIE” —WITH— Richard Arlen —- Ford Sterling —“Figures Don’t,' Lie”—especially when they belong to such, beauties as Esther Ralston and her pals! Here’s a film that’s go ing to make every tired business man sil up and take notice! And that goes for the wife and kiddies too! ‘THE COLLEGIANS” (EXTRA) - SNAPPY — CAMPUS — STORIES Thursday and Friday EXTRAORDINARY PRESENTATION —His ardor was overpowering! His wooing was irresistible! She had the charm of all sweethearts combined! They defied the world for lo’ve! Their idyllic romance will thrill your soul,.will make your heart boat faster! Incomparable John Barrymore! RavishingxDolor’es Ctetello! The Prince and Princess of Romance! Warner Bros, pmtnt Added Attraction OUR GANG RASCALS NEWEST METRO COMEDY OLD WOLLOP” ON THE STAGE—«NINE O’CLOCK SHOWS ONLY 13 The Y.W.C.A. Girl Reserves Toy Orchestra 25 LOCAL GIRLS IN A COMEDY NOVELTY MARVELOUS PROGRAM—THURSDAY AND FRIDAY