The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 04, 1928, Image 1

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ATHENS COTTON: MIDDLING .. .. «, .. .. ,, 20c I 1’IiEVIOUS CLOSE .. ,, .. 20c I THE BANNER-HERALD DaDy and Sunday—13 Centa a Weak. KaUMIiiad 1831 Pally and Sunday—13 Centa a'Week. ■ *• BANNER-HERALD - tri lie Week M % Fay the Carrier. - - vat- •j. —.'..aL- VOL. 90, NO. Gtj a ‘Idll Associated Preas Service. United Press Dispatches. ATHENS. GA-, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1928. A. B. C. Paper- Single Copies 2 Centa. 5 Centa Snndj SEK WALSH RETIRES FROM RAC WOULD 10W HIS CLOSES SERIES OE SERVICES; HARRIS TO EDITOR'S NOTE.—The fol- lowing reports on revival ser- vic:a were written by, thee® students in the Henry W. (irady School of Journalism: C. A. Aspirtwall, Firat Baptist! C. K. Beale, Oconee Metho dist; Martha W. Rogers, Prince Avenue Baptist; Sam J. Slate, Jr., Firat Christian; and Miri am Battle, Firat Methodist. While some of the churches in the Simultan eous Revival Campaign here have ended their series of services and ethers will close Friday night, the campaign will not be closed until Sunday night at a majority of the churches. ) , Prchchinf: his last strmon at the first Baptist church Thursday night, Dr. tlcnry Allred I’ortcr took as his text, “thou arc, not far trom the kingdom of God,’’ "Christ well illustrated what lie considered eloseneas to God,” eccording to Dr.jPorter, "when on n journey the people blasphemed Him, and stopped llim en route to propound Him firat with legal questions and,then with theologi cal ones. Jesus parritd them with such answers-that they began to admire him. “A renowned lawyer who w»s in the group gathered about Christ asked Him what the great est commandment waa, and Jleaua replied by atnting the first and second. And the lawyer summaris ed the two commandments ami said loving.Ood With a) H)te heart and one’s fellow ai hlmieif.’ The Saviour noticing ths discreetness with which ilka lawyer answered, The above is a photo of Ben Sankey, regarded by experts as the heat shortstop in southern college baseball. Sankey has had any number of offers from big league clubs. He is playing his last year with'the.'Tigers/and fa s slugger, holding the home Tun record of his team. He is also a splendid golfer, winning the college championship. Sankey. plays hero Monday and Tuosday with "Slick" Moulton's Plainsmen'. ' many ns. forty of their soldiers have been killed in fighting there while Chinese dispatches to Shang hai give the' Chinese dead from - .... .— —. Japanese machine gun tiro at 100, all the heart and one a fellow as with a largo number of wounded, himself. A man who only talo-11 In tokio the situation is regard, the jiamc of God in blasptemey is | ed os most serious and four war- tar jfrom the kingdom and needs ships have been dispatched to lle M I Talng Tao, tho coast terminus of Jlie minister said that Mfanesa me railroad to Tsinan. Other to Sod may be brought about a nd warships have been sent to Yang- manifested In a four-fold way: tie ports and other China ports ■'■oral Integrity, intellectual rs- nationals live, to sponse, emotional response, andr fcroteet'tbem there in the event the [near the Kingdom of God, ono , icoublo las repereuisions “ presented with an Immediate c i, e where. The trouble at Tainan la said In ollfivlnr Anti-Foreign Outbreaks Are Assuming Serious Proportions In China i (By Associated Press.) Anti-foreign outbreaks at Tsinan-Fu, Shantung province, which may have surpassed in seriousness those at Nanking, more than a year ago, have re sulted in heavy casualties .among Chinese and Japah- ese troops, dispatches from China and Japan indi cated Friday. The United States submarine depot ship Beaver and six submarines arrived at Tsing Tab Friday. Tokio dispatches said that as ' BALDWIN COVNIY MILLEDOEVItLE. Oa—(UP)— Three men, one cf them a member of the county democratic commit, to*, were accused Friday of rug ging Jim Engles, <5, with leather thorn, through’ which tacks had been driven, , En'gies,. bis beak a mass of lac. critical condl. BY JACfl FROST Fresh from four games’in Atlanta, two with Ogle- thorpe and a like number with the Yellow Jackets of «ati°n«, was in a e Georgia Bulldogs on Sanford Field Friday afternoon He a »woro out*warrant?hJwov/i! players arrived here Friday morning arid will play '° r «*♦ 5 r ' * w. Habbard. the first'of a two game series with the University of Haro°y™nd l tTs'mUh! 1 Au“t n hree Georgia Bulldogs onSanford Field Friday afternoon, denied connection with 'the nog. j The two teams will meet for a second encounter Sat*- rfijfcn h „ be(1 EnglM described urday afternoon. 1 the Hogging. He sold he was While on their trip in the Caro- i . aroused' frodi sleep Wednesday Unas, the Bulldogs lost their first I • I night and Went to the door to find conference battle when the. Red : SCHOOL FOR DFAF lour men there, and Blnck team lost the final boat i JLIlWL aUA USMT ,) "They told . me they want d of a tw a .game affair.. The Hull- I ' PI ACCC, DITPIf 6 I aomo whisky. I tnid themJIdidn t finfru ifwiir n.« ricut .aniA f M ro f 1 vLl/uLus * Ul lLtJ ! have rione," Engles snide Tho men ARE CURED. BY ! told him he vras not far from the kingdom.” lilt Porter-slated that tho heart el religion was loving God with all t:ho hn."Pt nnii follnur tl« dogs ,took the first . gome from ' North Carolina by a largo margin l, hut file final game saw'the sllua-'h tton reversed. On their return, frojn North Caro, till a the Red and'Black players del to *-;rk .with the next conterynjto games In mind and since that Urn. tliey-Ijsve been herd ul work oi Sanford Field making props: rtlous for the two games to bo played with Toanessee. Coach White sent hla luys through a hard workout Thursday afternoon ns ,* final preparation tor the coming series and It la believed that the ‘But! dogs are rn fine shape for. the bat- tlea. “ ,, Tile Bulldogs wUI entpr the aam4 Friday afternottuUt on winning both games and in that way enrich their cinference record by two Victories. When Lefty Stewart, Georgia's senior southpaw hurler walks out on the mound and hurts the first bstt of the game tho Bulldogs wilt start in on a series that thay are more than de- termlnde to win. Pat Keating wilt be on the receiving end In both games while Bill Parka, la sched uled to do mound work In the final game Saturday afternoon. Both Stewart and Parka are good pitchers. Stewart, a senior EVANGELIST ROCHELLE, IU.—. CUP) -* - - —*— -.----- civs T-ho Rf Phollp -8bhw| for lJ.i> Field.making p-. rwretiorr. i,. ; ,r i,,,,, h„—I I.. <• ■ ' six of its seven pnplis snddcuiy Wero'endowed wtih powers of 'hearing at an evangelistic meeting, it was said hero Fri day. The six children were born deaf.' Miss Gertrude Blring, their teacher, said. Their sense of hearing was regenerated at a revival meeting conducted by the Rev. F. F. Uosworth, at Paul Rader’s Chicago Oospsl Tabernacle. WIFE KILLS MATE; CLAIMS HE HAD BEATEN HER BIRMINGHAM, Ala. —(UP)- A victim of a shot fired by his into th: yard .in , hla. nightclothes. One of th;m told him, “You need- I n’t bother about .dressing. The next t(rac you"! need clothes will whin the und rtnker dreafea you.". ", He was later fouhd unconsciou,. Engles said he knew of no reason why he should have been flogged. FAMILY TIES ENTER MURDER CASEIN PONTOTOC, Miss. -[UP)— A artltng array of family tics in the Stegaif-Blayloek-Wood sensa tion Friday throttled all otbw an gles of this city’s most colorful murder casts. Mrs. touise Stegall-BIaylock is charged with poisoning her first has a^goodrecSrdns a pitcher BE.Kvl**J. TennSli? mS , Spas AV si insurancc ’ ,n8d ° Mowing Tennessee rTiaay < (Shoemaker was shot Thifriday Bor* 1FOLLOWI .. , 'Shoemaker was shot Thursday afternoon. Bin ««■** LJaliiur hm night at his home near Crumly’a omora and la therefore PUriWU* chapel> a d iffi cu | t y in which first year under Rcd ind B a wa3 acrtons'.y injured. -- ■ ——- — — standards bat thatdossn t mean she f t ^ hospital and m>y not £ SohmonSt*gaU, Parents of that bo I* not food be- live “ dead man, Thur.vlay trkd to w Custody of h:r nino year old daughter, Lavada, is in tho hands of Judge C. P. Long. Mr. and Mrs. m A A A causo in the opening game j According" to a. statement bl COLLISION WITHS£3@S$%I CREEK STEAMER Posjcssinw tnornlj inttgrity, w-ieh includes honor, purity, and the other attribtttea, dots not nec essarily mean 'that ono ta in the kingdom but it is a Rreat’ factor "I His favor, Jho preacher said. If on.. iHWIiecfuaily gives his assent to the truth that is in • hriBt, than h? cannot be far bo ra use unless lie Is near he cannot Possess this attribute,’' stated Dr. I ortcr. "Emotional response is typified Hy a feeling of warmth one.ex periences: when ho ht-rs the word Jf Christ or recalls Ms mother’s iilb’c. “The will is the nian 2nd noth’- -;ig (an happen tmkss ytm anrren- dtr the will. A nerson should no* ' c content with ,'»ing near unhw n? wo"la forever r*m»t, on*«M«.” Dr. Porter concluded by saying, ' Life's supreme tragedtea ate to He within sight of the goal and miss it by fense after he had struck her with on iron pipe and a plank. Iiavo started following lesser nntl- Japanese troops attempted to dll-- arm the Chinese. The Tokio dispatches also state that there have been reports ot massacres or Japanese other foreigners outside ijio city Tslnut-Fu. Reports from Tien Tain «»ld -'that' Japanese armored trains laden with morn troops, have left Tsing-Tao for Tsinan-Fn. Marshal Chang Tsa Un, chief of the northern forces. Is reported to have expressed hfs regret nt the clash between the Japanese and the nationalists at Tsinan and to have offered to assist the Jap- anese with arms and ammunitions. Thia offer, the Jupanese declin ed with the explanation that they Intended to suppress tho puiragea without hplp from other purties. THOMSON MAN IS yniF.n BY FAST RAILWAY TRAIN THOMSON, Go. —(API— B. Demedlcis, 74, waa killed in- stanthr here Friday morning when irtruck by th* Pkayixne, • Georgia Rai’road train. The accident oe* curred n<ar the^epot- $225,000 DAMAGE . ATLANTA -(AP)- Approxi mately *225JW) damage was done by recent rainv and floods rd to havo ““ ■""*->> Georgia ■ bridges and on hfi peon’«rWe should R people as Moses iudged hU, tho staTO/high^deiiartmcnt, K If you jiulg in th Fc (Turn-to Page Sia) J.V^e only* wrra 1 K indnesS—ALLGOOD. We had better bo reueful -t iH.w we fudge others at we will be judged alio some day,” d«€larfd icv. J. I„ Allgood, at the Oconee nethpdirt church, Thursday even- “If we judge those who do ■vrong with a feeling of love and kindness it is th? wav that God "cold have us judge. When Moses (»me down from The mountain and, saw the great sin into which Ms wonle had fallen he recognized it “a Sin., und his righteous wrath “ad--him cait down the piece, of and ask the lord to havo LONDON — (AP)— Lloyd's dis- •unk by the British warship Bac chus‘at noun Friday. The ship, which was of 1,998 tons net r gister, had a crew of 22, which is reported to have £>eea picked up by th» Bacchus. The MUSTER VOTE TO -OVERRIDE VETO ttelhry _ pitched a good game againat Mer. cor aoTeral weeks ago. raWntror“«n to ~;HOUSE FAILS TO Atlanta tb« Yota had bard luck but thoy-proved .to the world that they are good players , In the final | game with Tech, when ; the- game j would have reaulfeaTn a 4 to 41 patches from Ct. Catherine’s Point, draw had It not been for Parham I .. Isle of Wight, state that ths Greek Playing a in tho ft* rolUf bUl sum steamer lonanii FaHaHos was <n jl. n ,f who wtli^huriTn’the game. failed <= uccuro tha t*Sl ro y {he Tirup“hm°rE h .n n y r raU d I I eriUbWnro nlavers wiU ! *n th. mevure. Tho. vote on pasiage ot the The gentleman pictured above Is “Jelly’.',Akin, stellar Icftfielder of.the Auburn Tigers, who play hero Monday and Tuesday. Akin waa tho outstanding etar on tho 1028 basketball team, being high point scoter. He was tho 1928 winner of the Porter Athle ic Award, which goes to tho man se lected as the best athlete m the school >?ach year. JURY SELECTED TD TRY BISHDP. ON .ft SMITH; JIM REED IS IN IE RACE TO STAY QUITS RACE WASHINGTON — (AP) - Senator Walsh of Montana. Friday formally withdrew hie candidacy for the democratic presidential nomination, writ ing to ono of his chief sup porters, W. W. McDowell, th.* senator said the r * ults of the printa 1 *** in CaTfomia, "quite clearly indicate that the demo-' erats desire Governor Sm ; th as their candidate." II asked that no fur*her effort b mad® to promote his nomination. BY PAUL IL MALLON United Press Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON.— Senator Walsh of Mon tana may soon retire from the democratic presiden tial race in favor of Gov ernor Alfred E. Smith. Senator James A. Reed of Missouri is in the fight to stay and will not re lease his Missouri dele gates. gm. Senator IMHn'n repeated solo attacku on Smith in the senate hav e gained the open support ot Senator Simmon* of North, Caras* litm, ami will continued. These are the news items Friday In the democrat fc camp as Smltji continues to amass delegates to the democratic national convex* tlop, obviously discouraging tho opposition and apparently getting ready for nomination of th© sec ond ballot. Walsh’s friends save counselled lilm to * remove himself frdm Smith’s path. He himself will make no public statement of hiM intentions, but says he will have a statement within a few dkik. Ills defeat by both Smith and Reed In tho California primaries, occtipl© witli the delicate democratic situ ation in his home state, may Jar duco him to make a public atatf- ment of his retirement, i From the first, Walsh's friends have felt his candidacy was mis understood. It had been said Ay his opponents that he was making himself a cat’s paw for WMlim G. McAdco, old foe of Smith. Brute Kremer, democratic political leader m Montana und national commit- teen patn number ol outttandlng player, will be fonad righting with the Bull- sinking occurred ubout 100 mile, | « founa rmnung w»a south and west of th* Isle of «?^ffaf l VS2 , i2S t^FcdlVd |w« Friday by Chair- nth, Six) lV man Holder of the highway board., reseh Wight. WARSHIP SINKING PLYSIOUTH, England —(AP) The British wanhtp .Bacchus which sank the Griek steamer Ionioanis Fnlfalios off the Iale of Wight, Js herself reported to be sinking in the channel. The Bacchus has been abandon ed by her crew and ths survivors picked up from the Greek ahip. WATCHES SINKING. LONDON — (AP)— A Lloyd’s wireless from Niton, Isis of Wight radio station said: “Following received from steam er ’Baron Mgchlay—’H- <M. S. Bac chus wonts assistance. Am near. Can see: him sinking by the head slowly.” * GOING TO AID LONDON —(AP)— The adml- rality announced Friday that two salvage tugs had gone from Portland to th. nid of the Bac- chus and that II. M- S. Tiger Is in the Yiccinity and .should soon the distressed warship, son. short Is good. with Tech be proved to be a good player and his work will be watch ed with Interest here this week. Harton. catcher is also *«». Baxter, who plays around first ta a bandy player and hts wrok ta alio expected to be outstanding. The games will be played at four o’clock and the regular admission price of seventy-rive cents will lie charged. NAVY DEPARTMENT TOLD OF DEATH 0FHILLK0USE Washington”—(AP)— ,Jh* Navy Department was notified Friday of the death by drowning Thursday of Lietttcnant Frank B. Hillhouse at Kahaia Beech, Hono lulu. He was attached to the Pearl Harbor naval district a, moral* officer. ' His next of kin la Rated as ha father, J. II. Hillhouse, of Sylvos- measure Tinrsday ’ night, 204 U In the’lames 1 J21 - Indicates very clearly that the ,n (no s-mis- i. lions, conld not pass the measure over a veto. Two-third? in each body Is required for passage over n vn*o. The senate farm bloc mar. sholled the two thirds when it ap proved the hill n few weeks ago. TWO ATTEMPTS TO SET ENDUANCE RECORDS FAIL Two daring war trained pilots, havo failed In their Individual at tempts to establish new sustained flight records in widely separated parts of the country Lieutenant Royal V. Thomas, formerly of the Canadian Flying Force, descended at 11:50 o’clock Thursday night. He had been In the air alone about 35 bourn, over Roscevett Field, Long Wand. Me. chanical tremble was given as the pause for tho landing. At Cbickaxba, Okie., Joe Hart, former pilot in the American army, remained In th. air only Georgia. Th body has not t from morning until noon, when do. bail, recovered. j f«ds Parts caused mat io •Jqscend. iplata nnmbtr of aevlu The pastor would like to have every member of the church nreaent for the morning hour. ’ Recognition will bo given to tho several offi cers-of the church. No celebration would mafca ua happier than to have fifty addi tions to the church. Wo hope there shall be many to decide to protrea Christ end unite with us. Wo hops there will be many other* who will more their letter with u* on that day. May we oak that every member work to this end that the begin ning of this eighth year S» made a day for victory for ths church and the Kingdom of God. Bring your friends and family to thia aervice. doubt baa arisen in the Kremer rainp whether Walsh should g%t Ilia home etato delegation. M • 'S ‘ - To (ini'll this statement Walsh - wrote a letter to Montana* luslal** KANSAS CITY, Mo.i—(UP)— 1"K that he was in the race for A jury of scvcnUcn churchmen liitnaelf lu response to requests,of was e'lccted hero Friday to try his friends who believed hts wort: I tho case of Bishop AAton Bast,' In tho Toapct Dome lnvesUgatiaa 1 Copenhagen, on charge? of “mis- merited reward, application of church funds und Reed’s situation is different. He lips MIssonrt's 30 delegates In hla pocket. His nationwide eampolkn tour In behalf of the party, prompt* *» *nthu«*astlo receptions every where. His supporters still are -*r“-z '~r him srd egaln*t 8»lth. so bo will not retire. R«ed made known his intention to stay in a 'oleeram Thursday to Josephus Daniels, former Secretary ol Navy. Heflin Is undismayed hr tW prospect of Smith’s nomination^or • b- f.tjnefj-n of what he hftnseif will do politically it Smith is nom. Inatod. After the result of tile California primary, he Thursday renewed his attack upon Smith nnd gained tho open support ol Senator Simmons. Simmons is understood to have been displeased at the swln* of some North Carolina precinct lead ers to Smith, following: smith’k recent vacation visit to that state. These were published reports that tho Smith group Intended to dbuK lcngo Simmons’ leadership in th« state.' ■ Heflin, for .a long time, has look ed to Simmons for counsel, in «t- talks upon the Smith candidacy and for tho future they are expect ed ta work together more okweiy. largest airship in japan CRASHES IN' TRIAL FLIGHTY TOKIO, Japan — (AP) r-.J*« pan's largest passenger airship* • Suilt by the Communication's De partment, crashed during a triA flight Friday and billed seVM| persons. Mo.-t of the dead i ca «;a the jhiy, ^ tho child from her mother through habeas corpus proceedings, charg ing she was "unfit to cars for her daughter.'* FIRST BAPTIST PASTORATE HAS 7TH BIRTHDAY improdmt 1 conduct.’ • II* umn**/ra* | Chairmen of stundtng commit —:—; . ’ . .'tees of th; Jlethodist Cpi-icopal Next Sunday is the birthday of General Conference mads the tfc the present pastorate. This is the [ cc tion at their morning session. -* 1 — -* *- " Presentation of arguments and videhce U expecttd lalo.Friday- CANDIDATES FOR THE PRESIDENCY ARE TO TESTIFY WASHINGTON —(AP)—Pres- idratial candidates who have been asked to appear before the senate campaign' Toads inVesiigating committ:o began filing, their ac- centances Friday. Senator Cuptis from Kansas and Cbff, of West Virginia, republi- cans: Representativo Hull, Ten nessee, democrat, and Senators Retd, of. Missouri, and George, of Georgia,, alto democrats, notified Chairman Steiwer that they would be glad to appear when called on to doso- Somo - cf tho other candidates have replied to the invitation, but Chairman Steiwer declined to make these replies public until he could present them to the com mittee at a meeting t> bo, hold later. Among others invited are,Gov ernors Smith of New York and Ritchi? of ^Maryland, former Pen* ator Gilbert M. Hichcovic of Ne braska, former Senator Afire Ponvtrene, of Ohio. Senator Walsh, of Montana, Senator Watson of In diana. former Governor Lowden, of Illinois; Senator Norris of Ne- raska and Secretary IJcovyr.