The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 17, 1928, Image 7

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SCNDAT, JUNE 17, 19& At Suva, Fiji, Where Flyers Landed Summer Frocks REDUCED! LOVELY MODELS OF PLAIN AND NEW PRINTED SILKS IN ALL COLORS. FOR EVERY DAY-TIME AND EVENING WEAR. Were $29.60 DRESSES ting, Martha Patat, Benjamin Harrison, Jack Poolnott, Roe Avery, Philip Durden. Tuesday, Jane 19—J. H. Allen. Florrie Etta Allen, Rachael Tai- lev, Annie Rath Dixon, Frances Doolittle, Jack Sword, Mildred Atdrey, Leonard Postero, Nolan Orr, Sarah Frances Braselton, Klizabeth Rest, Anna Rosa Roccj, Pauline Scrogga. Wednesday, Jane 20 — Grady Taylor, Doris Dixon, Grogan Tol bert, John Nixon. Sarah Eunice Mills, Bertha Mac James, Reese Daniel, Lamar Pittard, Mary Hodges, Heywood Thompson, Whelchel Seagraves. Thursday, June 21—Opal Ed wards, R. O. F. Holmes, Lonnie Holmes, Carrie Ann Cnrithers, William Youngblood, Ruth Tay lor, Ernestine Huff, Douglas Meyer, Margaret Sorrells, Doro thy Herring, Medicus Miller, Wil liam Guy Comer. Friday, June 22—Willie Fred Nelms, Henry Crow, Janclle Kin ney, Richard Allen, Henry Dottery, Mary Ann Hanks, Winfield Nis- bet, Tom Nisbet, Jones Drewry, Esther LoVern. $37.60 to $39.60 DRESSES Were $18.76 DRESSES $47.60 to $49.66 DRESSES ^Dexdale Spoilt What’s Wrong j With Your Wife? I SHEER LINEN—HAND EMBROIDERED A remarkable value! All white linen, embroidered in all four corners with color in dandy designs. c4 SALE! NEW YORK.—One hundred marriages, plsced under the microscope of 400 questions, have shown that 61 out of a total of 100 men In New York City can think of 233 causes of dissatisfaction. That, In brief, is the result of a survey published frf thdj Woman's Home compumuu which is one the newsstands ABANDON PEKIN AS! THE CAPITAL WITH THE GIRLS Whiting and Davis patented nroeess fina h8ga m »«ra» Hooimna and colorings. Conservative htid modernTstifc -a-*** not spot by , rain or water It A1 "I tAWir OF CHINA admissions gained from these meit, ytnfong them business snd professional men. one a publisher, a poet, an actor, a composer, editors and play wrights, wore the following: •Seven began to be seriously . dlsatldfled 'while they vrtfre still engaged to their prosper. | live wive*, "Eight said that they had been dissatisfied from the be. . ginning. "One man was troubled by 12 causes of dissatisfaction. Hero are the etaUetlcs, on the kinds of things thes« men found wrong with their mar. ried lives: Temperamental dlssatfsfac. tlon ........ 49 Physical dissatisfactions ..39 Lack of personal freedom ..10 III Health .,..10 Jealousy * Troubles over children ...-,8 Economic Troubles 8 Friction over relatives ...... 1 Social life spoiled by wife .. 6 Vocation Interfered with marriage ...... 8 Religious conflicts 1 “Everything wrong" 2 hemically treated. All Sizbs and Colors. Regularly $1.95 Pair. The camp has chosen teams and the leaders are Annie Laurie Hill and Until Norris. Points are given for being on time to meals, spoi ls! etc., for being: fuiet in /•eat period and at night, and for being Jn all the sports. The team that gets the most points wlU win an emblem. Y. Camp Notes, Shack No. 3. Well girls and boys the camp A lots of PEKIN. —(A*/— Tho National Mh/btry ori Communications at Nanking has ordered the Pekin Directorate of Posts to remove to Nanking, the aouthorh capital. It is understood that the For. elgn Office in Pekin also is being closed and tfcat tho Salt admin istration may be transferred to Nankiang or closed down. Ever since the nationalists and their alles captured Pekin there have even been rumors that the southerners might abandon Pekin as the capital of Chfna and again make Nanking the central city of tho nation. 42x36 Pillow Cases, 6 prs. $ 2' 75 Excellent quality pillow cases. Well made and hemmed; full bleached, and of desirably heavy weght. FR jESH—CRISP-SOFT—ABSORBENT , !Bath||Towels SOLID COLOR BATH TOWELS $ 5 -50 ! Doz. or 29c each i ALL WHITE BATH TOWELS $ 3'°° Doz. or ,29c each Is moving along fine, the girls have earned their priv ileges already and can go out In tho ennoes by themselves. We went on our first hike Wednesday. We hiked up to tho ridge and back and everybody had a fine time. The archery targets have just been put up and we start shoot ing Friday afternoon. 9x12 Axminster Rugs $ 36 Regular $42.60 to $47.60 heavy quality soft rugs that have a luxurious feel. Handsome new designs and colors for dining, living and bed rooms. England claims to bo the pio neer nation for women aviator*, two of whom hold commerrla 1 li- censes for flying; tut Franco lays tlai.m to the first woman engaged In airplane constructional engi ne: ring. She's Held In Smuggling Plot Summer Fabrics c/f SALE! 68e-rPRnNTED BROADCLOTH. 58c—PRINTED ORGANDIE. 45o—PRINTED DIMITY. 98c—CHIFFON VOILES. 49c—PRINTED VOILES. 45c—SOLID COLOR VOILES. 39o—PBUNTED VOILES. AIR DERBY WILL BE SPONSORED BY THID.A.V. SUNFAST-REGULAR $1.26 to $1.65 YARD StripeB and solid color jacquard designs in lovely quality soft silk drapery fabric. Colors and designs for bedrooms, library, dens, hallways, sun-rooms, living and dining rooms. 94c MAKES EVERY YARD A BARGAIN. At a joint meetings: of the avi ation committees of Rotary, ®- *anis and the Lion,, held Thurs day afernoon at the Chamber of Commerce, it waa decided to sponsor a local air meet to be put “n' by the ‘Disabled American Veterana of the World War in connection with their National Ben Eppe, Wwj is actively In- wnpeed in WvUtitm K t'tvaJ made chairman of the consolidated committee. It. P, Williams, of the H. P. Williams Agency; Geo, l- Beeland, Central of Georgia Hailway, and M. B. Wingfield, of the Wingfield Cask Grocery, rep resented tho KIWaSe. C. V. Ray, Of the U-Drive-It Company, rep resented the TJdna: H. F. Patat. of the Southern Manufacturing Company; D. D. Sanders, secre tary of the Chamber of Com merce, represented the Rotary dub. This Service Fond program of the Disabled American Veteran, hat the cooperation of the state ••nd local American Legion and 'he aviation meet, coming at the 'ante time as the legion conven- tion, should bring many people from the surrounding counties and giy, Athens state-wide pub- llcil y for the local flying field. CYCLE RUMBLES BARRED Washington: — capital cops •re no longer riding around on motor cycles equipped with "rum- mo seats," or side cars. The solo ruling was made because au- thorltiee agreed that police osed the Side car* for other purposes ™n patrol duly. Van Raalte Undies—On Sale! 98c Sheer Dress Linen White i£id all soft colors. 86 inches wide. Fast color. Delicate pastel shades. 36 inches wide. Fast color. Regular 45c. $1.49 Wash Silk Crepe Fine quality, guaranteed fast, all Silk Crepe de Chine, here in 12 fine colors. , , . ■ Qo/q Si/k Gartnenk;_Z"~~ Less Ten Per Cent! Beginning Monday—for one week only—a discount sale of all Van Raalte fine .quality glove silk underwear—Knickers, Vests, Teds, Step-ins, Gowns, Combinations—All sizes. Michael’s Washable Flat Crepe $1.49 '%jm\ H mn PH * M Jr ■'J r IT Ii I —t i * , .4