The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 05, 1928, Image 2

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PAGE TWO TUB BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS. GEORGIA. SUNDAY. AUGUST S. IM8. IS \ company*! northern Colorado, that aeven picketerx were killed in a riot dur ing the ntlitfrs' strike of last fall. After that episode, however, the Rocky Mountain >Fuel company an nounced a reorganization apd a change in its policies of operation. On? of the changes was the acqui- i sition of Lawson’s services. At the i •' I same time the firm announced „ that it would permit organization . of the coal truck drivers and DENVER, Colo. — (UP) — A (would dea' with the United Mine matt who at one time was Colon* Workers of America, distributing do’# most belliger-nt labor leader | only union-mined coal, has moved over to the ranks of . The policies of the company «m- capital. * : race numerous of the social and But John K. Lawwn. -who has hurnanitarian ideals set forth for l»en piomln* nt In everycamp**n,„ number of ycar , by m . j 0K . of the «t*tea coal ™ ner ' fortl }, phln? Roche, who ha» obialned &?£££» 33 «- -MW- he merely had found new channel through which he can advance his idekis for men of the mines. The new position, Lawson points out, signalizes a change in the industry itself rather than a right-about-face ir» /.is own en- tkafdn. “My ideas have not changed .n the least,” he said. “I am still for «« GETS WINDFALL UPON DEATH OF ERRANT SPOUSE She Caused Twenty Deaths Lawson went inrough the bloody strike of 1914, clashing with militia in the strike district, lie was tried, convicted and sen tenced to life imprisonment for the death of a deputy sheriff who was ki'led in a battle between of ficers and strikers at Ludlow. The conviction was appealed to the ate supreme court and Lawson .... {fin In the mines. I hope now i was freed, to help stabilize the industry to — «■ - who dmve them nama ideals. 1 y f W| narr<) „ encash lo a crowd are noi theorizing or experiment- ______ iniSlhiv Bave xneni thei- whole .... ... live* along thi" line and thev ire "* t r ‘ bh f<> hoM of Ibe '<m* j.j n K/vaiija thnv know th/*v neck, rolled over and over, ami S fiJht” y J VOICE: And fell mt of bed!- TAYLOKVILLE, ILL., —(UP)— or **xactly SI years Mm. Ida Hen- drlcka haw washed other people’s elothea ami done other hard work raise her four children and send them through- high school. Thfr:y-one years ago her hus band John llendrJc-ks, left bis wife and babies to go to Alsska (Urlng the boom days of the gold rush. He kised his family Rood by, stopped at a clothing store and bought a cap and was never seen again. Ills wife received one letter from Alaska, another from Wash ington— thut was all. After yearn had passed she came fo believe him dead and turned her atttentlon to raising their family. Today Mrs. Hendricks and her four children have $10,000. A crossing watchman, known only as Hendricks, died in Oklaho ma nity 'mat Junuary and $10,000 was found hidden in the alxx-by. eight shack along the railroad track, diligent' and persevering a'tor- learned^ that the watchman had spoken once of a brother in Tnylorvllle. III. He came here and found Mrs. Hendricks and her nmily after Interviewing 09 other SEQUELS YET| HOLLYWOOD’S FILM SHOP • la poor health for several year* * operate! a ranch a ear the altg of j but he ift back on the lot* now., the recent St Franc!* dam break. William tfeamond has changed from western to dramatic roles By George H. Beale I HOLLYWOOD. — (UP) — It Mia* Barrf*ca?e is u»lng the Mem* that they all “come back" in **»« dsesa/ng room ahe occuped Hollywood. a decade ago when the DeMiile The newest exponent of the w **‘ the Thomas H. Ince theory Is Bessie Barriscaic, not known <o many modern screen • ~ - — fans but a decade ago one of the, moat popular of the feminine stars. The rumor that Hart will at- . nnt . . ... _ tempt to make agatn his famous A olid stage actress, M as &.r- western pictures is revived spas. ■call returned to the mr»R7.nii., p when she rlgcall returned to the footlights modTcally here. “ ““ “**“ * ave lhe screem The former two gun man now By Herbert Little f ©or ITAIMT l.t ttRV6gr*\ : WIWfe V«0W -TH* MC.CKHH GOHMfx .Teu.HOW T&WKTOI ^ss^Ksaaif Pansy, a cow whose milk caused nearly a score of deaths and made many persons seriously ill in Lee, Mass., has won a temporary stay of execution. After the milk that produced throat infections had been traced to Pansy, she was .sentenced to death, but afterwards Reprieved to be studied by scientists. pany Liberty bonds. Contempt Appeal Up Then the Court of Appeals, In’ I October or November, is expected to hear arguments in the appeal of I Harry Sinclair, Henry Mason Day, William J. Burns and W. Sherman ‘Hums, from ' sentences imposed last spring after they were ad judged in contemm v court be. cause of thq'r secret surveillance of the Fail-Sinrlnfr conspiracy ■ tr'al jurors. Sinclair, multimlUion • aire oil man and lessee of Tea. \ pot Dome, was sentenced <:o six „ , . months In jaJl; Day, bis assistant, C , 0 .7 t f? p0n .‘! 0nt to four months; W. J. Bums. fa. WASHINGTON. (UP)— hour m0 us detective, to 15 dujrs, and his court developments In the famous , w sherm „ n> to pay -. tine. Teepot Dome series of criminal | ln J hl , Jury .,|, ad owlng cue, B'n- ceses resulting from the lease cUl | r ,, at , orney , afler perfecting Et"!! d »K , Sec .'?‘? ry ° f ,n ‘ e ^°! an appeal, hare devoted the — Albert Fall l.i 1922, are expected mer to reducing the tremendous to occur here thJi autumn. transqrlp|. (if tho 11-week trial It Is likely the; some of the . ,h orler narrative record. *ui be appealed to the U. Br!ef , tused on the shorter record S. Supreme eourt. and hey may d||() to be flled September not be finally ended, with Jail or and , he caJe probah i y wl| , 1)e Mt freedom lor the principals, for two doWn for early Uaar ; M . or three more years. , These cases r.-e being handled The District of Colombia court by U. S. Attorney Leo A. Rover, of appeals, meeting here Oct. 2, owen J. Roberts and Atlee Pom- after Its summer recess. Is ex- erenB , t h e special government pected to announce u decision on counsel appointed .by President Hsrry F. Sinclair’s appeal from a coolldge t G proserue the earlier thrce.month Jail sentenco Imposed ..a.*, arising d'rectly from the fa- for contempt of the senate <n con. mowl 18*1.24 Walsh Invosllgatlon nectlon with his refusal to answer have nearly completed their work, the aenate Teapot Dnme commit. Two charges, however, rempln to tee's questions In 1924. 11„. disposed of. and It Is likely they The District Supreme Court Is wm (H) 4‘s m taaed. although there scheduled to place Robert W. J j. some sentiment, especially. In Stewart, chairman of tho Standard the senate, for br'ng them to trial. Oil Company of Indiana, on tr.’al. Ns Convictions In Case Oct. S on a charge of perjury. In I Theae case* are bribery Intt'ct- connection with h!s testimony be- I ment , against Edward L. Doheny, fore the Senate Teapot Dome com. i e „ M 0 f the Elk Hills. Calif., te. mute# this year. In connection Mrye> an d Fall. In connecllon with Doheny’s transfer of 9100,000 to Fall shortly before Fall gave Do- hony the lease, and an Indictment charging Fall with conspiracy with Sinclair to defraud the govern ment of the Teapot Lome reserve. Tho bribery Indictment*, returned four years ago. have Dover been set for trial. The conspiracy In- dVlmer.t originally named both . Sinclair and Fall. Attar tbe mis. 1 trial a year ago became of Sin. clair's Jury-shadowing, Flail be. came III, and was granted a sev. crance. Sinclair went on Ir.'al alone and was acquCted. Doheny and Fall s'mllarly were acquitted In 1020 on a almilur conspiracy charge In connection with tbc Elk Hills lease. If these two eharges are drop ped. the government w'U have tail ed to obtain a single conviction ot any of the principal, In the oil leaieg, although Roberts and ipomerene obtained U. S. Supreme Court decisions tnvsl'datjng both leases and denouncing them sa Il legal and fraudulent seven years ago. A year later she retired from the stage) | Her recent appearance In the • play "Women Go On Forever’’ ap. patently renewed her desire for the spotlight of fame. At any rate the day after the play closed she sign ed for an Important rote i n "Show Folk*," a Pathe picture. Tho part the will pl*y In the p'eture oddly enough -Is that of an . old-time favorite returning to van. devllle. The name of Cecil B. DeMiile t gures heavily l n Bessie Barrl-! scale’s screen acVvlilea. Her fir,: i appearance was i n the title role of 1 “The Rose of the Rancho," which 1 De Mllle directed In 1913. * | "Show Folks" Is Hieing made at I the DeMIUe studio. Theodore Roberts, not retired, bo forced to stop-screen work be. I cause of Illness, ,'s another l n the comeback list. Roberts has been 8. Georg, Ulltnan hsa annqunced that Theda Bari, tile best known screen vamp of slid,'me seeks a return to films. Ullman says Mias Bars has "'need herself under con. tract to him. From the same source comas the statement that Ben Turpin will try to repeat. Ben juts beep keeping his eyes to hTmseTf for over a year. A large and complete line a/ appetizing hr.t weather food* to select from. We ran please the most exacting. HOLMAN HOTEI. gAttention Farmers! FARMER’S JOY BOLL WEEVIL POISON A CONCENTRATED ARSENIC PdlSON Single Bottles $ 1.50 Six Bottles $ 7.50 Dozen Bottles $12.50 EACH BOTTLE PROPERLY MIXED WITH WATER MAKES 40 GALLONS OF POISON. Also Peerless Two-Row Dust Guns in Stock. NORRIS HARDWARE COMPANY 131 East Clayton Street Jor Economical Transportation ^CHEYRO/LETi - ‘ §ro to Banner-Herald Want Ads Cover the Widest Market! Buying? Trading? Selling? Because The Banner-Herald covers such a wide and diversified market it gives your Want Ad a tremendous pulling power. Whether you want to buy, sell or trade “X type of product or service, Want Ads in this paper will do it for you, cheaply and effectively. RATES ARE VERY LOW The cost of inserting a Want Ad, depending on the size and the number of insertions, is very low. Make the Classified Page in this Paper your business Paget Athens Banner-Herald NEW YORJC.-4ff)—Containing a population ot more than 10 mil. Ilona, almoat one-tenth of tho In- habitant* ot the entire United Stwtea, the metropolitan dlatrtct of New York conaumea about HO car, of freah fruit* and vogetabtaa every 24 hour*. Thia meant, ttatlaUc':na *ay, that one-tenth of tho food re. qu'rement* of tho entire nation mult ba mat In thla congested district, which usually haa only a two-day aUpply on hand. Callfor. nla la tho largest slogla source of these fruits and vegetables, fn 1020 Naw York's receipt* ot 09 rarfat'es of perish*M* fruits and vegotahlaa totalled more than ,tl.00a carloads. SMALLEST NATION ASKS This Red “O.K.” Tag Protects You j Attached to the radiator of the beat recon- • ditioned used cars we offer for sale is a red i “O.K.” tag—placed there to protect thei purchaser’s investment. This tag is definite assurance that the car i to which it is attached has been gone over! thoroughly by expert mechanics—that! worn' units have been replaced by new! parts—and that the price quoted represents j the car’s actual value. We believe that no I better system has ever been devised for put-; ting used car buying on a sound basis) . - i Come in and look over our selecdon of; used cars “with an OK that counts’’. All j represent definite, known value—and all! may be purchased on the easy terms of the j General Motors Acceptance Corporation.., 1-1927 CHEVROLET COACH 1—1926 CHEVROLET COUPE This is last type 1926 Coupe. Motor recondition ed; good tires; new paint job. Price is right You Duco paint job; good tires. Price bn this car is right. With 0. K. That Cblihts. Good tires; good Duco'can select color of paint finish; upholstery good job for next three days. and clean. Motor runs like new. With 0. K. That Counts. With O. K. That Counts. 1—1926 TUDOR FORD SEDAN Motor good; new Duco’ paint job (DuPont); new' scat covers; good tires. With O. K. That Counts. 1—1927 OLDS COUPE New Goodyear tires; new Duco paint (DuPont). Motor in good condition. This is good clean job. Can make money oh this job. With O. K. That Counts 1—1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN This was sold after. Aug ust, 1926. Been driven most of the time in the city. Motor in perfect con dition; good tires; good finish; inside good arid clean. With O. K. That Counts. 1—1928 CHEVROLET COACH Seat covers; extra 1-1927 CHEVROLET COUPE Motor reconditioned; good 1-1927 CHEVROLET new DuPont’s Dnco fin- PANEL BODY, 1-2 TON ish. Bumpers; extra tobe TRUCK ' new Cnn i^r -i and cover; motormetre; In perfect condition; mo-' : “° u sbt at good tires. *— «»■ naw! ’> ooa s “ving. RETURN OF EMBEZZLER, W j th Q # Counts, VADUZ. Uchtaiutcln.—(API— Prince John 11, ruler of thii min.1 iature. kingdom, has demanded. TOURING t , K m .u^ u 'i?* n Ru5:.7. rn ?rr! This i iis new car; can be bone, charged with tho embeixle- bought right; ran Very Ut- 1—1928 CHEVROLET OURU tor worked over; newj Duco paint job; new tires.! With O. K. That Counts. With O. K. That Counts ' 1—1926 CHEVROLET TOURING Let us explain O. K. Tag car; trial; 30 days Red days M^d °of tW flmd! ni MnwhSSd”?; Iflfca hew car guarantee. (Motor reconditioned Also easy tei American, and Europeans for tho With O. K. That Counts, throughout; new DuPont! A. C. sufferers In Inst year’, dltfstroua earthquakes, 1 The largest aea-blnl la the ala.; trnas. which has- a wing-span of, labour 19'feat, | P1NS0N-BRUNS0N MOTOR COMPANY 168-170 West Washtington Street Athens, Ga.