The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 13, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.:UE§DAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1923. ghe o g?qi,?. : ¥ ’o ) ‘ Office Phone 1201 Residence Phone 537 MRS. ALICE ADAMS WHAT CONSTITUTES i SUCCESS? 8 doing your job the best you can, . d beine just. to your fellow. nan, . 8 fipvring how, and learning Wy, d looking forward and think + ing h'gh, d dream’'ng ‘little, and doing much, 8 keenine always in closest touch ith what is finest in word and deed, 8 beine clean ard play'ng fair, 8 lanoh'ne light'y at Dame Despa’r. 8 sho~'~~ garrow and work and mirth, ‘¢ d malina hetter this good old earth, & ' gerving and, s'riving thro’ stra‘n and stress, 8 done your mnoblest—that’'s success. —Anonymous. LoRE TERINR NFECORATION ASSES TO.H2VEF GENERAL EETING WEDNESDAY The classes in interior decora n. which are beine sponsored the Woman’s Clnb, will enan ednesday af'ernoon, Novemher . with a general menting of the embers at 3:20. The mestino Il he he'd in the class room of &) pfimw-qfl"f'nHfr)"',‘,v-nnl'gn! build. & on the TUniversity camnng At this time the members of e classes may pav their en nee fees and cornsnlt Mrs. Her. . the instructor, concerning e phases of the work “hev most sre. Class work will beg'n on hursday. : Me to the enthusiasm of the ies of Athens and nearhv wns an additienal section, which 1 meet in the mornings, w'll obably be schednled to meet e demand. There are also a places ava‘lable *n the night ction for those who might de 'e c'asses at this time, £ Anyone ‘nterested in the work invited ton attend the general et'ng of the members on Wed sday afternoon or to reg’ster th any one of the fo'lowing mmittee: Mrs. L, M. She'fer, g Tione Smith, Mrs. T. F. een, Mrs. R. J. Turner, Mrs. ifng * Moss, Miss Marion Tal des, Mrs, W. H. Benson, Mrs. mar Rucker, Mrs. R. L. Mec horter, and Mrs, W. B. Bea am. | et RS. PETER CLINE JFFINGTON CGIVEN TWO AREWELL PARTIES Mrs, Peter CYne Buffingion of intington, W. Va., who has been e feted guest ‘of her sister, rs. Sall’e Harrig Carter, enter ined her devoied friends at a TR / S % i //////,/X / -Si : . i:; ';J:;rfs?f”‘. % /// R 0 e / / / N 3y / e e = \»\ . » For one reason @ Z } ther . IQP ANDOLIRCTY o « » & e 1 . s Si ; or all of them e R ; il 7 {o} 7V eB! .« . youw'll like Gy . Iy P 4 y M‘Rmt and ?asd‘,'%' c NGB \s™/ — o ‘ / Snowdrift 7 SS== 7N 7. : / Many people say the nicest thing about Snowdrift is that it / makes such delicious things to eat. f /L X HAe N i .2i / R e But a great many others say they like it particularly ) SR because it is easy to use—so crcamy and quick to blend. ; 3 / AR Unless you've used Snowdrift you don’t realize how 3 7 1 ,‘ much difference it makes to have your shortening all creamed q,-; / Ryt A for you. It actually takes minutes off the time you need for }E ELH e istirring up cake. \-é% oo § ; Snowdrift’s whipped-creamy fluffiness makes cake une \,\—; \\\ ?xsuully light and fine-textured, too. And you'll love its snow- Y= R . AR '?'hltc, clean, fresh look when you open the handy, air-tight § ./\ E e ’ . gan. That’s another reason women like to use it in all their \ }\\ 5 : : ; : \ ?akmg and frying. a 3 i - W\ ] ek 2 Marble Cake is an old-fashioned reci is fi o / / i ik o cipe that is fun to 03 o Lsgm};c with Snowdrift. ) \5 5 ; MARBLE CAKE \\»« ” y \v-\ 6 Tablespoons Snowdrift + 1 Teaspoon Desived Extract s 8 Teaspoon Salt «Yo Teaspoon Mace «2Y Teaspoons Baking Powder v/ e ¥ Yo Teaspoon Cinnamon « 3 Eggs « Vo Teaspoon Cloves . ::“‘-"""':‘lfw{,f’«/—“:f; L L e : 1% Cups Flour « Vo Cup Milk -+ 3 Cup Sugar _—— f § et r—————__ Ktir the Snowdrift and gradually work half of the mixture and add spices to it et e e T fin the pugar, the eggs well beaten, and "Then put the plain and the spiced batcer 4 "/,.:';( *;'z ithe extract. Sift together all dry in- into the greased cake pan in alternacin e gredicats, except the spices, add them tablespoonfuls and bake in moder’a‘:‘ "“m-”-—-"':‘:/";j’::—/ff :‘i”"':' »‘: siterrately with the milk to the firse oven (350 degrees F.) for forty-five “—__’,—-—-—-————-”j:::_,, 8 :f':' ] mixture, and beat well. Take out one- minuces. .h | o eil ettt M e b lovely farewell party this after noon at the home of Mrs. Carter, u bridge featuring the delightful oc casion. - Mrs. Buff'ngton entertains again this even'ng another group of g friends at tea, followed by bridge also. s 2 rew visitors have been more " charminigly entertained than the » gracious hostess who has been ® the inspiraton of so many beau ¢ t'ful social affairs during her visit here and it was a very happy 1 thought to say good-bye by as sembling her close friends for . these bright parties. ‘ 3‘ Mrs. Buifington is delightfully 1 ; ' FELT SLEEPY, BUT UNABLE TO SLEEP, ' Arkavsas Man Tells How He i Takes Black-Draught for Bloat. y ed, Aching Feq'ing, and Dis g! tress After Eating ' ! West Helena, Ark—Recently, | Mr. W. S. Johnson, of 125 South Thrd Street, th's city, described his long use of Thedford's Black ~ Dranght, saying: “T'am sixty-five years old, For - years and years, possibly forty vears, I have used Black-Draught as a laxative. It was about the only medicine I ever took, when a youneg man, for b’liousness and constipation. “In after years, as I grew older, I had to take i* when I would get constipated, When I feel bloated get to aching, feel stupid and sleepy - without | being able ‘to'| sleep, I go to taking Black- Draught, and after a few doses I feel much better, I rest better, and the aching is all gone. | “I take Black-Draught for in digestion, pains in the chest after mea's, After I feel this trouble coming on, I take a light dose of Black-Draught before I eat, and | then what I eat doesn’t hurt me. | I certainly am a firm believer in | Black-Draught.” l Only the purest, selected medi c¢'nal herbs and roots are used in the manufacture of Black- | Draught. It is finely powdered, | which enables the juices of the | stomach to extract its medicinal properties in an easy, natural' way. In use for -over years. | Snld everywhere: 25 doses 2B cen'is, . bAN[ R == ' BLACK DRAUGHT ahon, Indigestion. Biliousness | —(Advertisement) l remembered as the beautiful Pau -I'ne Harris, who was quite a helle in the college set, and her occasional visits back home are always marked by many lovely soc'al atentions and & most cor dial welcome. Mrs. Buffingion leaves Wed nesday for a visit to frends in Birmingham before returning to her home in Huntington. i —m— STUDY FOR THE BIBLE CLASSES, FIRST J‘ METHODIST CHURCH | Acts, tenth chapter. «Th's chap. ter, though not in strictly dra matic form, is dramatic in that it has c’early difierentiated charac ters that act and speak; vivid scenes; an unfold:ng story; and a | thrilling climax, | We shall realize this If we | study it by the following plan: ; First, read the chapter aloud | from beginning to end without' stopping, reading slowly and get tin’g the meaning as you 80| along. ‘ Secondly, try to ‘ell the story | aloud, in outline at least, without | looking into the book. If not able to do this, read it again, or until you know the story wefl.‘ Name each character in order. Now separate the chapter ‘nto six parts according to '‘he move ment of the story, The Revised Version of the New Testament makes these s'x’aivision for you. Now—a most siriking thing ‘n its effect — read only what is spoken -by the different speakers, omitting all . the intervening words. Number 'hese spoken parts. There are fourteen spoken pats; of one sentence or more. If you have tme to do so, please write out these spoken parts and bring %o the class with the name of each speaker. —— TRI HI CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY 4 O’CLOCK The first meeting ot the Tri Hi Girl Reserve llub in their new ¢lub room will take place Wednes day afternoon at four o’ciock. The pu:licity —comnuttee, headed by Mary Jo- Foster, will be in charge of this meeting, and they are plan ning for those presenct to work on the arrangement and decora t.on of the room. Plans will also e made for the Thanksgiving meeting, so a full attendance is urged. 'The smsll house in the rear of the Y. W. C. A. home is being vsed by the Ever Ready and ‘ll Hi Clubs for their rooms, and they are arranging them accord:ng to iheir own needs and taste. The committee in charge of the Tri Hi meeting tomorrow urge that any members who have articles that they are willing to give toward furnishing the roem bring them 2t that time. Lo . DR. AND MRS. RICHARDS TO ENTERTAIN CHOIR THIS EVENING Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Richards will entertain very happily the choir oi Emmanuel church this evening at a very lovel- buffet supper at the Rectory on Priite ave. The usual charming hospitaiity of Dr. and Mrs. Richards will be graciously extended. ’ L Mr. Allen Hill Talmadge of New York arrives Friday to spend a few days with his mother Mrs. Allen Talmadge. | THR BANNEN-HERALD, ATHENS, GEORGIA - MILES A DAY I . . After Taking Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound Providence, R. .—“Tt is two years ago sinee I first took Lydia E. Pink ——— - ham’s Vegetable Lo et . § Compoundfor my ABorectt. fnerves and other Yo x,::f’:,(‘. bad feclines and gaer i@y | it Las been help ’;:'_,'l"*""‘a.:f-i_;;f-g ine me all this OF . . WP ftime so that I o S am able to do all IR my work now Gioagwiwe & sand walk about @ geted five miles a day ;} ¢ .;;V‘ | bw:r!-\!r‘.\l I am B e iiesend still taking your ' SR medicine and feel like a voung woman although I am about 45 years okl now. I feel well and happy and if anyone wishes to write to me about yeur medicines I will be glad to answer.”—2lrs. J. Tacrramoxtr, 11 Pequot Street, ProviZdenco, R. 1. CIRCLE 1 FIRST CRRISTIAN CHURCH TO SERVE OYSTIER DINNER Cirele 1 of the First Christian church will serve a deliziovs Oy ster Dinner from 12 1o 3 on Satur day November tne 17th in the va cant gtore mext to the Chadles Stern clothing store on Clayton street. The menu will e Oyster Fry and stew, s w pickles and coffee, L ATHENS ART \SSOCIATION TOO MEET IN MEMOKRIAL HALL WEDNESDAY P. M. The Athens Art association will meet Wednesday evening in Me morial Hall at R c’clock. An ex hibit by Mrs. Mildred B. Miller of Philadelphia wili be shown. Mrs. Miller holds the Me Smith prize for her artistic work. An inter esting precgram has ceen arranged. All members urged tv be present. iiio. saeeo 2wmadge and Miss Frances Talmadge will motor to Milledgeville Wednesday morning for the marriage of Miss Sarah Allen to Mr. Jerre Moore on Wed | nesaay evening which will be a! lovely social event. On their re turn they will be accompanied home by Miss Marion Talmadge and Miss Martha Wiils Holliday who have been the guests of Miss Allen for several days remaining over for the wedding. | - Mrs. Roberta L. Morton of Hen-! dersonville is dividing her visic with Mrs. James White Sr. and is ' receiving the usual eccrdial wel come by her many friends. ‘ _E—- | Mrs. W. W. Brown of Bowman | spent Monday in the city. ‘ i —@— _ Mrs. Luther Geolsby ©f Carlton was among the vicitors here Mon- Gay. sl The Reverenl and Mrs. T. B.! Johnson and little daughter of Jef ' ferson weré visitcrs here Monday. ¢ Mr. Johnson ma:le a splendid talk at the First Piesbyterian church befcre the Wcaan’s auxiliary in observance of :iome Mission Day. e | Mrs. R. L. Nowell and Mrs.’ Hiram Nowell of Monroe were vis itors here Moniay. — e ,L Mrs. Howard Abney and Mrs. Ed Rhodes spent the week-end in Greenwood, S. . the guests of Mrs. Robert M»ort[%n. Dorothy Watson is being de'ightfuliy entertained in Green ville, S. C. as the guest of Mrs. Robert Morton. > Mrs. C. C. Wills of Greensboro was among the out of town visi tors here Mond%y‘ Mrs. R. C. Caxu.pbell has return ed from a visit EEO Augusta. - Mrs. Peter Cline Buffington of Huntington, West Va. who has been the feted guest of her sister | Mrs. Sallie Harris Carter leaves Wednesday for Rirmingham for a visit before ret".gnmg home. Miss Lake Johnson of Lexing ton, Ky. spent the week-end with | Mrs. W. A. Canvs. B Surf.riding, a native pastime of the Hawaiian Islands, is be com'ng increasingly popular in England. \‘ MRS. ADDINGTON’S [ SRy PERMANENT WAVE SHOPPE B @ / SPECIAL THIS WEEK-—lO% DISCOUNT ON ", ALL WORK—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Nestle Lanoil—ss.oo Eugene—s7.oo : Nestle Circuline—s6.oo —Also our Persian Oil Wave for those who care. Waves over unsuccessful waves, dyed, bleached and white hair without discoloring it. Deep, loose natural waves, not injurlous to hair. Special Price Balance of November—§9, . —QUR SPECIAL PRICE LIST— TR TEI oo ie e wa sBB Electliic Scalp .. .. 75¢ and ur SRAMPOO .. «+ <o oo oo oo Boc ' Facial (. .. .. .. .. .. $lO Mavcel .. v i v vy B Hand DYy .. <o os s v EO? MUk Pack R D Watar Wave .. .. . «. Ble oo Pock .. i o iBN Tonic Scalp Massage .. .. boc Acme Treatment (face).. $1.5 All Hair Cuts .. .. +... BOc Astrinrent Face Pack .. 3Lb¢ Yeonin RiAkG .. . v ve i 888« TR ‘P‘z{cial Pack (exclu- Golden Glintk .. i . i ¢, OUE e .. .. o BB Eyebrow Arch .. .. .. .. 50c Strong Face Bleach .. ~ SI.7F MEniotng .. . s o 4 4o e Har Bleseh .. .. .. .. a7V Sonnd Oul L.y o e TBe.. Benng Pack .. .. $2.75 and ur Hot Oil Scalp Treatment .. 75¢ Inecto Dye .. .. $3.00 and up EXPERT OPERATORS— -BE BURE IT'® MRS. ADDINGTON’S PERMANENT WAVI SHOPPE —BEAUTY PARLOR IN CONNECTION— Phone 1326 —lO3 College Avenue Gov. Smith To Spend Vacation In Mississippi (Continued Irom page one) e i things up. We are going where the temperature is 75 in the shade.” He sa‘d he did not think he wow.d s.op at Warm Springs, Georgia, to see Franklin D, Roosevelt. : “] am trying to get away from politics. I had a lot of it for four months.” None of the members of hig family will accompany him. ‘ ON GULF COAST NEW ORLEANS, La—(AP)-- Governor ‘AI Sm"h will reach (he Gulf Coast Friday or Satur&ay for a vacation at the : Edgewater Gulf Hotel, midway between Gulfport and Biloxi. The governor is expected 7o be accompanied by Senator Pat Har r'son of Mississipp’, who i3z a close friend of the governor. The length of the party’s stdy has not been determined. A little lemon juice squeeze: into the water in which they ar cooked will make potatoes whit. and impart a delicate flavor. RN o LPR SR NS R 5"""-Ll?ffi'fiilffi?.lfi{:i.‘ffiféfffj TR NSRRI, SRR B R B R sy Rk Iy R e R SRR L B .- SO o : iRO RS Py R SR SR L Rso eet eesl ol e DL N S R KRS 2 (SRR s:zr!::*Ezfzi-;*fi‘:izi:ii:s'érizisitl G R .BAo MRS B Nt B TN GRSt R ORI e L SR s‘?"-:2‘415732‘ PR KBRS s R R DR o - 2 "3_‘s-{:‘ R S R 00 i o = i e BRI R e R —_—J o = YU .m{\' Georgia Mother Proves Claim Ch'ldren don’t ordinarily take to medicines but here’s one tha! all of them love., Perhaps i shouldn’t be called a medicine a all. It’s more like a rich, concen. trated food. It's pure, wholesome sweet to the taste and sweet 1 vour child’'s little stomach. I builds up and strengthens weal puny, underweight ch’ldren makes them eat hearlily, bring the roses back to their cheeks makes them playful, energetic full of life. And no bilious, head achy, const'pated, feverish, fret ful baby or child ever failed t¢ respond to the gentle Influence of California Fig Syrup on thei: little bowe's, It starts lazy bow. els quick, cleans them out thor oughly, tones and streng.hen them so they continue to ac normally of their own accord. Mill‘ons of mothers know abqu California F'g Syrup from experi ence. A Georgia mother, Mrs. £ M. McKern, 228 Moréland Ave S. E, Atlanta, says: “Californi: Fig Syrup is certainly all that” c'aimed for it. I have prover that with my little Dorothy. Sh suffered from constipation an biliousness, Her bowels seemes to be weak. 1 started her on F' Syrup when she was a few month old and it regulated her quick. have used it with her ever since for colds and every lilte sc pack and her wonderful condit’or tells better than words how i helps.” Don’'t be imposed on. See the the Fig Syrup you buy bears th name “California” so you'll g the genuine, famous for 50 years —(Advertisement PATRICK § f O ) A now! : i e Tonight or Never See man ear g o i e s i BB ey g SO # : ey o PALACE TONIGHT ONLY mm‘ mm* i TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) R s 4&" £ 3 o (, ?23\ o Nl T e IN &’ —( A" “lakelMe Home & With NEIL HAMILTON } | | Something new for Bebe Daniels! A back-stage drama of love. \ The great comedy star battles from the chorus to stardom. | Semething different in the love-throb line. She doesn’t go home i until morning! A Marshall Neilan production. | TONLIGCGR T & fi‘ 3 ~TIM McCOY o=2 IN W SN The Lawof ¥/ The Range sil\" i : ! \fifl ARI With JOAN CRAWFORD L W G TIM McCOY is here now in a wow of a Western. Brother against brother, in love and battle! A new, exciting angle! THE DRAMATIC SOUND SENSATION TN Y IR, L S et G et ol Y . ~ WS s N i. 7.%, 12 : LS TN, (i oW mmes g se R R .e N 'ik ;W“‘"‘%’*‘?% oy i P 77 ISOMBGPR RS ¢ R T Glole) SN : 1 = ’tq W {Graney. Agai i IS . t LR . g TR e — "'f-‘/ o ¢ 3 : iy 'b: ~. ‘v-’m“::_ *?‘q R L N 4 Monday and | uesdaday ¢ %l PAGE THREE