The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 27, 1928, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1928. Buny Your Bargains Across the CLASSIFIED COUNTER WANT AD RATES 2 Cents a Weord Minimum charge of 40 cents. SI.OO for three insertione Seven times for the price of five in seriions. All discontinuances MUST be made in person at the Banner- Herald Office or by letter. Telephone discontinuances are not valid. 75 Want Ad 75 PHONE BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS GET RESULTS. WANTED l WANTED — Experienced man wants position in retail or! wholesale Athens store. Can ! g've best references. Well ac. quainted with Oglethorpe coun ty trade. Address: Clerk, care Banner-Herald. n29p i ANTED—By 'young man, 22 {ears of age, position with re—' iable concern with future; 9th grade of schooling; can furnish references. Address YN care ‘“Banner-Herald.” n29p FOR SALB I FOR SALE--Two beautiful white kittens. rhone I3vo. FOR SALE—“A and B” Battery Eliminator for Battery Radio | cost S6O; for sale, S2O. Cal 681. l FOR SALE—C. O. D. Cabbage and White Bermuda Onior Plants. Millions ready, 500 60c $1 per thousand; quick shipmenty Stokes Plant Co., Fitzgerald Ga. AP FOR SALE—Fine Chrysanthe-! ~ mums, 50c to $2.00 per dozen.' Mrs. J. S. Hale, Route 1, Farm ington, Ga. n27p ' FOR SALE—One small heater,!| cheap for cash. Call 281-W. , | o n?Bc FOR RENT—My home, 297 Hull Street, part'y furnished; as res idence only, SSO 00; as hoarding house, S6O MO, Fur‘her ‘nferma- | tion, see Captain Nicholas. Col.! James E. Ware,. Chaltanooga. n3oc Save time, money and patience. Take your Thanksgiving Dinner with us. Only SIOO. | Holman Hotel Coffee Shoppe. » ! Railroad Schedules | fB e o | SEABOARD | iflivd and Departure of Trains e Athens, Ga. - ' To and From South and West ARRIVE DEPART Atlanta- ! 10:26 pm Birmingham 8:53 am| 1:27 am Atlanta 5:29 am | 10:30 am Atlanta 5:30 pml Atlanta- ! 2:15 pm B’ham-Mem. 2:45 pm| To and From North and East | ARRIVE DEPART| New York-Wash. | 5:29 am Rich.-Norfolk 10:25 pm| New York Wash. ! 8:63 Richmond 1:27 aa New York Wash. | 2:45 pm Rich.-Norfolk 2:16 pm, GAINESVILLE MIDLANT® RY. Bchedules Effective Jan. 2, 1927 s—No. 2 leaves Ataens for Gain-| esville, 8:10 a. m. 3—No. 12 leaves Athens for Gain esville, 11:156 a. m. x—No. 11 arrives Athene from Gainegville, 10:32 a. . «—No. 1 arrives Athens [rom Gainesville, 5:60 p. m. s—Daily. «—Daily except Sunday. Schedules Nos. 1 and 2 covered »y Motor Car No. 400. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA - TRAINS Depart for Macon 8:00 & m, i and 4:45 p. m. | Arrive from Macon 11:45 a m.. and 9:10 p. m, GEO. BEELAND, C. A., Phone 640 W. 0. BOLTON, Agt., Fhone 1661 GEORGIA RAILROAD SCEEDULES ARRIVE DEPARI 7:30 am 8:30 am 12:16 pm 1:50 pm 8:30 pm—x 1—4:456 pm 8:16 pmx— —9:00 pr r—Dailv axcent Sundav SOUTHERN RATLWAY Lula-North-South DEPART ARRIVE 6:56 am 10+45 am 4:20 pm 8:35 pm Geo. B. Miller, Com’l Agent Telenhone R 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT—Apartments furnish ed or unfurnished; also stor room with fixtures; desirabl location; Phone 193, Mrs. Geo Collins, 980 South Lumpkin. n3op FOR RENT — Newly finished steam heated bungalow house, sieeping porch; 1870-S. Lumpkin street; in excellent condition. Lipscomb-Erwin Co., Phoné 345, -n27c ' FOR RENT—Three room apart ment, furnished or unfurnished; phone 1168; 697 Milledge Ave-| _ nue, Lo n27p ' FOR RENT — Nicely furn’shed apartment. on Milledge Ave.; Phone 1728 or 1852. n27c FOR RENT—Five-room furnished or unfurnished apartment, sep arate entrance and meters; sac-i ing park; with garage space; call Mrs. Jarrell, Phone 1813. .‘ n27p FOR RENT — Five-room apart ment, a'so 2 connect'ng rooms. both well located and suitable for light housekeeping; price reasonable. Cobb Lampkin; Phone 266. n27p FOR RENT—Very attractive, 3- . room furmshed apartment; alil conven‘ences, includ’ng garage. . On Milledge Avenue. Phone . 1570, n27c¢ CHEAP APPLE TREES At my nursery on M'tchell Bridge Road, Shackelford Place. 5000 trees. Come at once. P. E. Rhodes. n27p LOST AND FOUND L O ST — One pair of childs glasses downtown on November 16th. Please return to the Ban ner-Herald or call Mrs. Kennedy at 1800. m2Yp LOST—Bird dog, male pointer; liver and white, snake bite on front leg. Name: J. D. Hunter, Sen.oa, Ga., on collar. Finder return to Biil Parks, K. A. Chapter House. Reward. n2Bp LOST—Tertoise rim g'asses, be tween Lucy Cobb and 160 King Avenue. F:nder return to Miss Emily Ba'ley, 160 King Avenue, Fhone 533. n27c FOUND — Saturday on Sanford Field, gen:leman’s watch. Own er can see me and ‘dentify same, paying for this ad, Wal ter Collev, 160 Mitchell Street, Agh_ens, Ga. ;1290 Take your Thanksgiving Dinner with us. More for your monéy than you ever ¢ot befare. A royal feast for SI.OO. You can't beat it. Holman Hotel Cofiee Shoppe. TilE VETERINAKY UiVISION Georgia State College of Agriculture Will Respund to Calls for VETERINARY SBRVICE Moderate charges wili be made. Phone 767-J. Athens, Ga. dmd —NURSERY STOCK— All Kinds Shrubbery and Cedars for Planting —Phone 460 z MISS NETTIE JONES GOOD USED CARS 30 Days Guarantee. C. GRADY HENSON Oakland - Pontiac Dealer Phone 741. \ E. 1. SMITH INSURANCE i AGENCY J E. 1. Smith, Jr., Manager —GENERAL INS.RANCE-- Day Phone 279 Nieht Phone 14569-W ‘ SPECIAL HAT SALE —Values to slo— — Velours and Satins il Lot of 25 Felts at —3l— — SHOP (Miss Susie Wells) 186 Clayton St. GIVE BOOKS FORXMAS Hundreds of New ‘Books--Select Them Now - The McGregor Company Two Undefeated Elevens | To Mecet in Annual Bat tle on Sanford Field at 3:15 Thursday. f (Continuead ivom page one) '" have no reason to be over-cenfi deni—they realze this, and they w'll probably have the beti'er chance ol winning by being doped to lose. ' To accomplish what the Red 'and White has done is someth'ng a football team seldom does; that is, win every game played ‘n two ‘seasons. Credt <oes noi go to any one scurce for the feat. There 'is the ability aad spirit of the }lw'ayers. the support of the stu dent body,"and fans, and !ast but not least, a lot of the praise must ' be given to Coach W. W. Brown, ' who has taught them the funda 'mentals of ‘he game, and who has ‘nstilled the clean and aggres ' sive spr't -into the members of ’ his team. 3 ‘ As no other game is being play ed in this section of the sta e, a large delegaton of out of town fans are expected to swell the large number cf local fans who wi.l be on hand for the game. With the aid of ine weather rec ord for the grewing season sup piemented by tests in an incubator it has been nossible for experts for the past five years to cstimate how well the cranberry crop will keep when placed n storage, : | e — i Ced liver oil is vich n vitamin: A and D. e eR R e NOTICE 1 This is to notify all persons concerned that after ten days, or oti November 29, 1928, we will make application to thLe Mayor and Council of the city of Ath ns, Ga., for a permit to erect and operate a filing station for the storage and sale of gasoline, oils, greases, etc., on the Southeast side of Thomas street, at the in tersection of Washington street, and fronting 56% feet on Thomas ' street, on property belonging to 'said applicant. This November 1), 1928. | ATHENS TIRE SERVIC, n26c. Bv 'J. H. Poss. WE HAVE THE Only Complete Stock —OF— : BRUNSWICK i . ~RECORDS | IN THE CITY —We also have all of Al Jol son’s records from both “The Jazz Singer” and “The Singing Fool,” in stock. Made only on Brunswick by Jolson. Durden Music House 459 E. Clayton Street 1—1927 Chevrolet Coupe. | {—1928 Sedan. 2—1928 Chevrolet Coupes. 1—1928 Roadster. 2—1927 Chevrolet Cabriolets 3—1927 Chevrolet Coaches. 1—1926 Chevrolet Coach. 1—1926 Chevrolet Touring. {—1924 Chevrclet Touring. - '—1926 Chevrolet Ton . Trucks. 1—1926 Chevrolet Light Deliv ery Truck. 1—1927 Ford Truck. 1—1926 Ford Coupe. 2—1927 Ford Coupes. 1—1925 Ford Touring. 2—1925 Ford Tudors. 1—1925 Essex Coach. 1—1923 Buick Touring. 1—1926 Dedge Coupe. PHONE 461 FOR DEMONSTRATION And One of the Following Men vill be glad to cal: Sam W. Pinson, Gen. Mgr. W. E. Hopkns, Sales Mgr., and Assistant Mgr. L. L. Moss, J. C. Weeks. A. W. Callaway, J. R. Hopkins, T. 1. Webb, J. A. Caopeland, g B 1L PINSON-BRUNSON MOTOR CO. . CHEVROLET DEALERS 168-70 Washington Street THE BANNSR-@SRALD, ATHAENS, GRORGIR. Big Crowd Waits in Cold To Cheer Democratic Leader at Station Mon day. (Onptinngg) Jonig laNs fme rah for Al Smith,” “Al Smith in 1932 and the like seemesd *to startle members of the governor’s party, who evidently had not ex pected ary demonstration here. But the big crowd was d sap po nied by the announcement 'hat the governor had retired after a THE DOZIER COMPANY Spring Street —BUILDING MATERIAL— LUMBER .FARM IMPLEMENTS —-NOTICE— FOR COLD WEATHER Radiators Repaired, Curtains Repaired, Windshields Cut andf'i‘lt in While You Wait. LOEF & COMPANY “The House of a Million Auto Parts” THOMAS ST. : 5 We Are Now Prepared to Give A e FLYING LESSONS ;(/ifi e, 11L By Competent Instructor v St~ PAY AS YOU LEAEN COMPLETE SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS INCLUDING FLIGHTS, STUNTS, ACROBATICS—Night session: for Classts in Mechanics, Rigging Planes and Navigation—al necessary to obtain license as pilot, ARMEL FLYING SCHOOL—Phone 587—Athen —BARGAIRS IN USED CARS— —We have a few Good Used Cars that can be bought at Bargain Prices. 1—1925 Studebaker Sedan 1—1926 Ford Sedan 1—1928 Chevrolet Touring. 11926 Hupmobile' Sedan: 1—1925 Hupmobile Touring. —TERMS BY G. M. A. C.— SMITH & PARKER’S GARAGE —OLDSMOBILE DEALERS— -148 W. Clayton Street Phone 9162 ¢ Firestone Tires | - Llrésione 11ires ¢ s ——Are the Best that can be built. Mr. é Firestone Sees to that. g v < —-Clark always sells them cheaper. ¢ > Clark sees to that. g ) ’ ) THEY ALL WONDER HOW IT’S DONE! | - —Genuine Firestones; No Seconds; No : * Blemishes; Guaranteed for Life! ( ) ( - H. A CLARK jW & ( % Proprietor : 4 At CRAWFORID'S TIRE SERVICE 5 Washington Street f rather strenuous day. However, John J. Raskob, cha’r man o the democratic national committee, came out on the rear platform of the car and greeted the ecrowd in behalf of Governcr Amith. *Will'am S. Kenney, c.ose personal friend of Governor Smth, waiwl to the crowd through the window, as d.d cther no abes in the party. Raskob seemed p eased at the enthusiasm of the crowd and his ready smie broadened at the ‘n sistent shouts of “We’'re for Al in 1932 and he shooks hands with many cf Governor's Sm th's well w.shers. He also seemed very much/ pleased when a University studen! shouted the information that Athens and Clarke . county and the Un versity of Georgia and the state of Georgia was still democrat ¢ and a.ways would be. The sluden’ attempted to lead ' the crcwd in organized cheering . but made litt.e headway as each | berson there seemed to have ap | pointed himse f an ind vidual cheer leader with h's own ideas of l cheering. | The train stopped for possibly seven or eight # nutes and a con.inuous shouting was sent up for the entire time. 7The b ting cod and the cutting wind seemed to have 1 ttle effeci on tre en thus asm of the crowd. Many ladies were in the crowd and Mr. Raskob was kep! busy shaking hands and answering quest ons, which he did cheerfully and real.y seemed to enjoy the | ——— ‘ Why worry over your Thanks giving Dinner when you can get a royal feast for SI.OO. ! Helman Hotel Cofree Shoppe. ) I ! | ANNOUNCEMENTS | & g l ] | FOR ALDERMAN ‘ , First Ward | { herecby announce myself o candidate for re-election as Al derman from the First Ward City of Athens, Georgia, subje:t to the rules of the Democratic primary. H. L. SEAGFR.AVES. FOR ALDERMAN Setond Ward I hereby anncurce myself a candidate for re-election as Al | derman from the Second Ward, | City of Athens, Georgia, subje~t |to the ruies of the Democratic | prmary. ] A. E. DAVISON. FOR ALDERMAN Third Ward 1 hereby announce myself a -andidate for re-election as Al derinan from the Third War? ' Uity of Athens, Georgia, subject to the rules of the Lemucralic | primary. | J. H. RUCKER. } FOR ALDERMAN ] Fourth Ward ' 1 hereby annoufée myself a | candidate for re-el‘ction s Al dexman frem the Fourth Ward, City of Athens, Georgia, subject 'to the rules of the Democratic primary. { J. ¥. CRYMESB. FOR ALDERMAN i Fifth Ward { hercby announce myself @2 candidate for re-election as Al derman from the Fifth Ward, City of Athens, Georgia, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. | A. M. CENTER. FOR COUNTY TREASURER 1 hereby announce as a cand date for the office of Treasure of Clarke county for the fuil ter beginning January 1, 1929, whic is the term for which the lat Mr. E. 1. Smith, Sr., was nomi nated. : I will greatly appreciate th: support of the voters of this coun ty, at a special election to be hel: on December 1, 1928, E. I. SMITH, JR. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce my candl dacy for Treasurer of Clarke County, and w'll apprec‘ate your influence and vote on election day. GEO. S. CRANE, FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Clarke county for the full term beginning January 1, 1929, and will appreciate the support of the voters of this county. HAROLD T. TUCK. FOR CONSTABLE I hereby annonnce myself a candidate for re.eiection to the of’ice of Constahla for the 216tb Dig'rict, G. M., of Clarke County, Georgia, subject to the election to be held December 1, 1928, H. D. HUFF. FOR CONSTABLE I hereby announce myself a cand date for Constable for the 216th District, G. M., Clarke County, Georgia, and will apapre ciate of the voters of the district, Wlection to 'be held December 1, 1928, C. J. KENNEY. reception accorded bis ehleftan. The biggest shout of all went up as the train began to slide s.ow'y through the crowd and as it picked up speed, Raskob wav ed and waved and shouted back to the crowd, smilng all the whle. As the last' cars of the long trlan sped by the gathering the crowd yelled, almost as cne man, “Hurrah for Al Smith” and then began to disperse in a noisy sputtering of co'd automobile en g nes trying to get warmed up. LEGAL HOLIDAY —Thursday (Thanksgiving) November 29, 1928, being a Legal Holiday, the Athens Clearing House Banks will not transact busi ness that day. The Citizens & Southern National Bank. The National Banlk of Athens. : GREATLY REDUCED FARES —TO— ATLANTA For Thanksgiving Day Football Gamem«m TECH vs. AUBURN .. For Rates and 11v1formation Apply. Ticket Agét Seahoard Air Line Hwy. M ' | HAVE YOU HAD YOUR FisH TODAY?] \ J A\ e v il XA ’;’z‘i"““". i JQ?:\V;'\\F;}F?W" ? MY, i IR T : 8 '}afi.%’l:é.f- s L ‘f;;f‘?"\s ( ) § e —For Good Health you should eat Fish ‘at least twice a week. | —Fine Lot of Red Snappers; small sizeé | Try one for Thanksgiving. They are fine baked and stuffed with Oysters. - —Plenty of these Celebrated Norfolk Oysters; they can’t be beat. Solid pack and received Fresh every Day. — Fresh Fish Roe, Home Coc'red Shrig Spanish Mackerel, Speckled Trout, ai Large Roe Mullet. i &3 ~Will be closed all day Thanksgiving:—— —-Special Prices on Ten Pounds or miftg! ATHENS FISH & OYSTER CO.«y 573 East Broad Street PAGE SEVEN i Red PBR Fort Valley Baw pends after Wit ais. —— T S e __ (Continued irom page one.) Fourth National Dank here, one of the largest financial ‘nstity tions in central Georga, was at tributed Tuesday by ofolicials of the bank to “baseless rumors, evi den'ly orig nating with the__g.iol lapse last week of negot ations to seil it to a group of Atlanta men.” France imports _considerd.le quantities of leather ea h year, =y nougn it ic one of the first most important leather-producing coun tries of the -world and equrhed more leather in 1927 than did any other country. i\