The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 07, 1928, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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PAGE TEN LEXINGTON NEWS | Social and Personal { LEXINGTON, Ga. — Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Deaver were visitors to Athens Monday. Mrs. W. K. Howard was shop ping in Athens Tuesday. Nirs. Maria Edberg is ill at the General Hospital Athens. Mrs. E. C. Maxwell was shop ping in Athens Wednesday. Mrs. E. D. Thompson was shop ping in Athens Wednesday. M:ss Louise Bullock of Mariet ta, spent Thanksgiving with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Farr, of E berton, spent Thanksgiving with 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, rlu, Dengue, Biliovs Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known. COULD HOT RELISH A MEAL Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegstabie Compound Gave Her Strength King City, Mo.—*Tor seven months before my baby was horn I took Lydia E. Pink : e ham’s Vegetable o S Compound and AR TN was .able to do ; Ky § my own work and % g & §to eat heartily oo g | where before 1 WS was always M : sickly and could o \agg - # not relish a meal. . v 23 | Congratulations q°\~ gim Rl to the Vegetable G e ] Compound, as it e emmeennmed i 3 the best tomic T ever took. I have given birth to geven children before this, losing all of them, not being able for some reason to carry them to their full times. I hope this letter will help others to use this tomic.”—Mßgs. A. L. CrevEnGer, Box 3564, King City, Missouri. ' Nothing Surpasses Pleasant-tasting SCOTT'S EMULSION & Por Those Who Need o, the Health- giv £'» ing Benefits of EL Cod-liver Oil Vitamins Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N.J. 28-28 —SPECIAL NOTICE— —AS INFORMATION Seaboard Airline Train No. 29, due to leave 5:30 P.M. E.T, on Friday, December 7th will be held at Athens until 6:45 P. M. E. T. FOR THIS DATE ONLY! 82.88 ATLANTA $2.88 AND RETURN SALESMAN SAM-- WELL GU22 WERE AGREED ) GREAT! TH CONTeST ) [(WHEW! “THAT ) WHAT MaKEeS YA TTHAT TH' TOWNSFOLK LIKE { BROUGHT IN HUNDReDS| | CERTAINL S 0 CONCERNED BUNDLE BUGGY AS OUR |OF NAMES,BUT You || RELIEVES MY OVER MY BLIMP'S NAME- BUT WHAT ( PICKED THE VERY MIND ! OPINION, ALL OF 167 05T INTERESTED [N, 1S ) BEST ONE OF '€M L & SUDDENT? HOW DO YOU LKE IT? \WALL! e T ; | e \ N \_Afi 7, " Y / / s 4 4 g ~ D Asrozy T\ ORI Mhese Sihe / /i// 7 By O -:::I;;g{ Q@ \ME ere Ay COR . / % g VES [ i . LMo e Gren s 7 { A S 0 e| =T s f - Q\ tjg /1 AL XY _,'t....___ d == . \s'f"‘h; flo t /}fly Yo/ % A P »’a,fl%:y.., > ‘-‘f;w;o DT (e W /0N e b Mepc€. Es zf’n'y‘ poe? w 7 [ o Y %)/ < &Y sfl“é'g{l. [S-“VN W % - o % NQA YO WS LR s P\ b 4N 1L e e [$ =z N ' - . A 2 | it -' v T \\ ) L‘, W\ "’f"sw ‘??”‘s7«,**s‘ \\§\ &) ’ffi N 1 ‘o‘. fl;" o .J N /",/ 3 —a ~‘ 4% = »' '{2l ”,/ “ "— o ‘< ///::': ’h e = F<J, N AT -.///,/A; oLI ' g '-" i CAUSE TH' NAME \WHAT ? Wiy, Youße ! BUT SEVENTEEN cgs;zgs‘ Cuggoo'. %qgm:( %%%g(_'ae suscc\i%.srgo M . AMops B I BUNDLE BuseY ! } \_’\_,\_7 b :’/% "; s i /D, " e o 0 [ Hos Y \ ‘l,(' T 3 :'; { % pile’ %\TQ‘S A # m\\ W\ 4V RE R i€ e\ |1 97"‘*'(2“ (e % vO\ e "I:‘% . : §le _ “\(5 4 ~Q,?;?‘:‘o,‘? :‘l .. g 72 \k\‘\«,\\ " \ ?\% i Ny SV A = AN 2 2\ N\ oIY Ve NI4/ AL “d Vi 44 ' FERATR A _-1( e—y r—— 3 o /// /7 / g t//i - -(] ) ,A",j »\\ \\\ pov‘,“\ A s ] /7 o TIYA i ~l S 0 A\ G ‘;\] '° %K N {/‘ .ot / ///? T | R 1 e /)r’\)_.\\ \ \\C‘)‘?‘ * ',".‘j/f\ Lk &\ o e ///f ;é/,’ N\ ' IR T ! _i~’. \‘ . —::\;\\ \b \\\ RN -A\ | eeoe AT \ o £22 e (MR IR o N\ I /)l e N N 2L\ o 8 .30 (re) \TTNF/ B 2 | =72 — =%y i(% W L - ( ) Wiz i)} 156 < e ~ Nison e dtived ™ ) L et o B ZR= PPN (Vi Wad .c’".s.oo‘ - N . »,, 5 | : v.(\». — & 5N A\ O 7 ” / ¥ LSOO Sey S LS R e RN T g;____::l_'@_. N ’,“?";-?’.“'\‘%?:e'—f sily' € 1928, BY NEA SEAVICE. (NC. REG. U. 8. PAT. OFF. \‘\"\\'\“\\'\‘\"'\'mv ‘Mrs. Minnie Crawford. Myl William Reynolds was la visitor to Athens Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh Callaway spent sev eral days this week ‘in Atlanta. Mrs. George -Cunningham and children are visiting relatives in Ashburn. Mr. Joel Cloud of the Univer sity of Georgia, spent the vaca tion at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Maxwell were visitors to Athens Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Booth, of Athens, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Wil Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Booth of Ath ens spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Will Booth. Col. .and Mrs. E. P. Shull mo tored to Athens Thursday to the bail game, Mrs. E. D. Thompson is spend ing the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs. R. F. Brooks and sons, Crawford and Clifford, spent the week-end in Royston. Mrs. G. A. Barron entertained Mrs. Howard, Mr s.H. McWhorter, andi Mrs. H. W. Amason, at one table of bridge Taursday. Mrs. Earle Reynolds has been a sufferer from the flu for the past week. Mrs. W. H. Maxwe.l was a visi to Athens Friday. Mrs. W. H. Howard was shop pinz in Athens Friday. Mrs. Hamilton MeWhorter was shepping in Athens Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bush were vis'tors to Athens Friday. Mr. W. F. Daniel was attending to business in Athens Friday. Rev. J. M. Guest and family moved th's week to Union Point, where he will preach for the next Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Deaver and ‘hildren accompanied by Mrs, Joe Apnling ave spendinz the Than'ks ~iving holidays Mrs. Deav . pvelatives at Young Harris. My, and Mrs. W. E. James were /isitors Lo Athens Saturday. Alr. C. M. Honter was a visitor to Athens Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullard and children of Machen, snent Thankseiving with Editor and Vivs. W. A. Shacke ford. Mr, C. R. Crawford was a visi tor to Athens Tueslay. Mrs. H, H. Vaugh and lV%tle dauchter of Birmingham, are vis i*'ne homefolks, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nicholson, Number of Utilities Merged in Georgia ATLANTA, Ga—Merger of a number of Centra! Georgia utility companies wth the Georgia Pow er Company hecame e fect've De-ember Ist, fol'owing issuance of a charier for the merged cim pany by the Secretary of State. Companies involved in the merger with the Georgia Power Company are the Central Georgia Power Company, Macon Ra'lway and Light Company, Central Georg'a rransmission Company and tlew Georgia Public Service Corpora tion. _Anpouncement was made by P. S, Arkwright, president of the (ieorg'a Power Company, immedi wte'y on completion of the consoli dat'on thst B. R. Chestney, a na tive of Macon and for twenty years asscciated with the Macon The Name Is Popular ! utility companies, has been ap pointed manager of the Macon Di ' vision. For the past several months Mr. Chestneyp}?;s been ac ing manager of the companies fol lowing the resignation of L. A. ‘Magraw, vice president and gen eral manager, to accept a s.milar ' position with tke South. Carolina Power Company at Charleston. | By means of the consolidation, utilities supplying electric light and power to the following cities and towns are brought into the same organzation with the Geor gia ~Power Company: Macon, Barnesvilie, Forsyth, Griffin, ' Jackson, Jones:oro, Monticellc and Thomaston. Street railway ‘service is al¢o supplied in Macon, | Gas service is supnlied to Macon bv a subsidiary companx, the Ma’-‘ con Gas Company, which will con taaue 1o operate under dits own name. : : 1 ~ Control of the group of Macon utilities was obtaiaced by thc. Georgia Power Company throug‘:v{ the aecquisition of a controlling | stock interest at the the ccn-l stituent Georgia Povt:r Company was formed more than a year agfll ¢nd they have since been coperated as sulsidiavies. The Georgia Pow er Company, which now rerves an prox'mately 185 cities and towns in Georgia, is a member of the Southeastern Power and Light Company froup of utilities onerat ing in Gefrgig, Alabama, Missis «ippi and South Cirolina. In anouncing the consolidation Mr. Arkwright stated, “The new arrangement is one which should prove mutually advantageous to Atlanta, Macon and the Central Georgia section. It will make pessible improvements and exten sions of electr.c service in the Ma ten territory whie could not e attempted before, iuct as the con colidation «f the uecrgia Power Company with tne Southeastern Power and Light Company, by previding necessary mnew cabital has made 't possible for us to car ry on an aceressive program of extending clectric service to many new towns of Georgia which pre viouly kai no service at all and| of improving the service in many ; cthar communities. ' “Macon will mot suffer by the now arrangement. Its sphere of} influence in the field of electric service will be grester rather than§ smaller, and the fact that the | local management will continuo‘ under the supervision of Mr. Chestney and the others of his| staff i¢ a guarantee of the con- | tinuation of the same quality of service and consideration of cus-‘ tomers. The policies and practices followed 'y the Georgia Power Company in the other communi- | ties it serves will be observed in’ the new territory, and we hope that Macon and the other com- | munities will always finds us true to our slogan, “A Citizen Wherc-} ever We Serve”. That the Macon territory has | already benefited from the affili ation with the Georgia Power Company and that the consolida tion will mark the beginning of a rew era in the industrial and ag ricultural development of the sec-! tion was the opinion expressed byl Mr, Chestney. Stating *hat thc! Macon Companies under the old ) arrangement were financially un ahla to make necessarv improve ments and extensions, Mr. Chest ney ponced to th= new cars and | other improvements in the Macon street railway system and the ex tengions of electric service in the secuon as evidence of the policies of the mnew company. “Macon | takes another step forward to day,” he <aid. l THAT'LL BE PAY DAY “Jack is so serious-minded. Al ways tells me I ought to be put ting something away for a ramy day.” “Well, aren't you saving his let ters ?”—London Opinion. ‘ A NEW NUMBER THOSE: Do you know the gorilla song? THUEM: Wass iss?, ! THOSE: Gorilla my dreams, love you.—-Judge. —BY SMALL { NO LUNCHEON CLUBS — DAVID CITY Neb.—(#)—David City has no luncheon ciubs. It has a commercial club, however, that shows a yearly profit on its agtivities. “We just tell luncheon clabs we don’t .wint ‘em,” says Hugh Hzhn, club secretary. / Sears,Roebuck and Co. Tires Mounted FR EE Batteries Instailed . SHOP EARLY! [ Gift Suscestions 1 ; , *|} LIIt dSuggesii m | 4 | | ons ifor t | Give a 0 o € liome i . ‘ & A H db 3AI . : Guaranteed Gift | -Grade” Aluminum Ware | Wh' (1 ; R e e | y not let us help you complete your Y t TEA + % Christmas list? We know it is diffi-§ aterless | K'ETTLES ‘sauce Pan sets | cu!t toseleci o present which will be both |} COOKAERS Q d 1.39 : | suitable and attractive to the recipient. | ; Fuil 4-quart canacity con 3 Sizes & ¥| Letus help you buy for sister, brother, | //E“b ; | kettle. Stamped from Yfiz il e}| mother and fa'ther. Here you may find ' Q,QJ.";@&"V $ _95 | sheet aluminam. Ebony hpan- SEPL L , huncilreds of glfts’from which to choose | ,’fi-l/'l | dles. Welded spouts. o ¢ \‘Ufi‘ / ‘ ---and at prices that make them domi- ‘ A | D ! nant values! : o ‘Q\Q?' ' ROASTERS a 7 ‘ f L_/] Made of,extral $3 95 :O Si Y \laj ) <% 5 ° 7y = s > A SMALL DEPOSIT ON |} ®l——F "Weause ooy rand 3 - quar GO “ | seamless | pure| Srong. sturdy et roaster‘s aucep ans. B Y l CHRISTITAS TOYS { aluminum. Uses any kind it gtlgood quality, aluminum, .Completgsest ‘ ?‘; k| Will hold them until delivery is desired. |§ hoat: e eat o S S'“”‘i"“hm heayy y | ; Selzet now while ocur stocks are complete | ' = —‘—_“-—————t————r—m.fl& gauge, panned aluminum ware. | —affording great savings on each item. f ; ) : i : * ;{’ % . ey LN Sw the Mé{l 6&1 il Tous that o -~ " - M, ° 7 v : 2 //fi{%" 5 B : - e 8 Wos Wy - o SRRV SRR 48 P M TN 3 i s Sl e V 7 RO R B W LN <R T 5 8 o i e Ly e BN At ge N\ BERE |G\T F| s i RI R STeA\ NS L Wed IBN| e\ e P TEE | T oANSB\ G| B L 4e| oM f 4; it ) /‘“9\?’ Shigt e B|DNSe\ ST B LA b (o AT R MNoS EE s s LTS TR O RSOIR |ey ety Lol o) o SPEEDY WHEEL TOYS Lol m TOYE / ‘”7;&, N Yo TN ° ¥ s ~g“*& SR Al B a]l Bea oSo d ll’” o & iBN ring Sidewalk Bikes e B Gohe) 7'*’4},;;' SVX i /i : s E e\‘ a N- SR 3 ] \ D BN A y Fun for Tots! & ¥ . 3 ind ey «\t e \//f ~ » Y % ‘mm "*M" oAP AT YN | @r‘afi @3@ TO ? A | AR Ve KRS $16.397°520.98 Ao A : S el W) : Y ow/ A= ‘;%A%" ‘ ‘;* S ’g%sf“’“;/ e Roal : /:;,;’l Neee '—‘“-/»‘L 7 YOS RN SR SO it T ey ) Real “two wheelers’” to keen the tots safelyv off i} N o (YRR o ’,:\}..".:11:1‘ B'4 o /‘&Efi.‘:)fl il ea € S ) keen the tots safely off the [:“" A \’;«?fi :? %”,‘r §EW; x;,:\\ streets, Ball bearing. New Departure Coaster \w};{fi‘ S M 3 = D — R W _,.ui’/‘// R \., ¥ brake. Girls’ models at proportionately low prices. "fi el /g;'?’, :,/./’ TR P ke Q 7 AY o £ R ,g; Uik Rl < | Tl &8 { (Z @ i oT i : WE e L { wige i ot JJ,”, ¥ :fiy: ! > waxa\; | ’,I/,‘.\i\“-f’ | l\.\ ~ \\ l @~ | N e N | S, I W [ PN s T 7\ WL NP - N ! 'M’." o 1 : (‘\.‘! ',’ ! £ O B ’ sromt Cadillacs MODEL | Shiny parits that won't tarnish,i c¢las sy windshield, motometer, | headlights and other “big car” sea- | tures to thrill the young driver. | Pedals made adjustable for easy | driving. l Y & | | ® | ~ l ) G d Gifts for the Motorist T T O r e | i @, Guaranteed Gifts ior ] { | A AW\ ‘ o | OO\ ST " Peerless e\ Batteries e ) Balloons and Cords Guaranteed Two Years! iz B eLW : | ran e { Ro “fi Ll A There is no tire can equal the ALLSTATE at this | Ti ' ’F) Fahex Rt i E ; S 2 - : ;-’/fifix:'- ' . ; g 1 ‘iés‘%:?i i’ price. Only the best tires equal it in quality. e 5,:/ b $ . PR RET L TRRA, G . | e | BRESeet : fi i {’Q;:, ‘fi And a New, Bigger Guarante | i irWl a 7 {1 B, Zat =,\.‘.‘" & e { | f ~J’u‘ ” ' il 5| 15,000 Miles | LD ' l}l\ i I ?'r‘si.. Against Defects in Material or W'Q_rjm‘cnshtp i i 1,“.. il ca o .I“ :\ = . DALLOONS Tires Tubes | CORDS ’[‘,rr?;sr Tq?]bf,‘?p | j : - rono.t;“ and "{E‘.‘.- ' 203408 ... § 645 3Leb |St Boe. O i":u; $1.23 - Sturdy case, waterp 1 : C o \) SR MR AR R BE | oidproof, Heavy, rugged tes I %‘.:3“ ‘ Wxd73 | § 965 eUI3 | gad T g 9.48 $1.05 designed to resist vibration and, ‘ R & 99 Mxees . MLM 4 P MmO SIOOS 115 s | %6’4 i 30x5.00 ... .\’lu.;.'].', \:fig , g_;\: Mo o :}”’; $1.85 T 20x525 ... $11.95 $1.98 |t L SlLes 5193 | % 30x5.77 D - $2. SRR sai Sason. Eaat Ui 98 SILS floß | :‘523:"2 L bids g SOO For You{l ""'of"“;,“’“l 3 ety 31x5.00 .. $1135 $lB5 | sagays L $15.05 $2.29 ‘ o = h o 11x5 95 S 5 $2.0 Jxdls .. .... SI6K 2 e chase a Peer T bxaon | Sliso 898 |i o 0 visss ses |o= Onth LS 33x6.00 ... $16.75 $259 | s L g SNe e T U o ooßtovoyet ves RS ORN R 4 § 3 & ERE Bai B % ¥?%Gel Ep et GVa ml e 1Y e q‘ % \ 7 » % , “ AN ra it ¢ ~ o .‘ ; 7h % B ‘,', g § 3 Ais |l X ' N fgy —— —A Y : A SIE Y 3 . NAL AN CAUY | L e e e g T Ay 1B e — \:m"-:“!: TeT oA e T eSsit33 SN ie i sot - -2 Ha THE BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS, GEORGIA., ACCUSTOMED TO IT - PLAYGOER . (while watching eerie crime piay): You don’t seem to m.nd the shieks and groans. HIS FRIEND: Not a bit, You see I live next door to a'dentist. —Passing Show. - Wi © el qf Dolls of Personality . Never before have there been dolls t of such perfection. Bring the littie ‘ girls! They will thrill with delight at these amazing dollies. ' it AR - S a i “Flossie Flirt” i TO - $1.98 "0 $4.98 | Charming, animated dolls with beautiful, curly hair and adorable lacy frocks. Unbreakable heads, | with flgxible rubber limbs, R oBN il ' Baby Dolls ; TO $ L 6.89 i Dolls that are almost alive—that | ery and gurgle and go to sleep, Big | ones—little ones, with soft, chubby l bodies, beautifully dressed. ‘ 5 PARlS.—Everythieg is getting “officiencized” here. In order to | save time, bus steps have been { lowered 12 inchs. ' Imagine the | steps vou had to take to get intoi ! one of these buses. g Retail Store Corner Clayton and Lumpkin Streets EFFICIENCY 8 Sturdy---Dependable $3.35 What youngster doesn’t thrill to his first ride, gaily pedaling away for himself—You’ll enjoy choosing from our wenderful selections. | I == it As it g\ ' - e ass in ~‘ et I\ e (e .. Motor-Bikes b: \ ) 21 L N 4 AN ya g e Nl \ AER ‘;\ O EN R | ALY N i \si W y 3‘\\{\ \\/ }%\_ s 054 i ASGANY RTINS i ag A 4;.],6 I§ !‘ ‘WK 1/ <,/\‘ LA g)) 5 FRN WA A N "“ N, A ]IL e N : : § NG TN X This quality bike usually sells for e W\ /k i ,’.\‘ g around $37 elsewhere, The quality siid Also Sold iOn \ “'L"“’\‘\ "\\fj;'.l completeness es equipmeont is gll that - p S \l M \V4J one could desire—vith New Depast as vment L NV . o A Tap - /) ure coaster brake. HOT HATS! BERLIN.—If ycu've that urgel to be “high hat,* watch out! Re cently temperatures inside of hats were tested. A high “silk topper” showed 103 degrees, while a black‘ derby tested only 98. i FLiDAY, DECEMBI ™ 7 71928 MODEL TOONERVILLE LONDON, — A model railway track in Littleton Park, near Shepperton, has a cireular track of ha!f a mile. The cupine on the track will pull a train of nire ear:- with 20 passengers, at 25 milegs an hour. STORE HOURS Ba.m to 6 p. m. Saturday Until 9. + De Luxe - ECOOTERS | $3.15 | Speedy—easy running—and built | like a battleship. This beauty sels |as high as $6.00 elsewhere. Rub -4 ber tires, brake on rear wheel.