The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 31, 1928, Image 1

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THE WEATHER Cloudy and Colder Tonlcht v | \ and Tomorrow. THE BANNER: Daily and Sunday—IS Ccnta • Weak. letsbUshed ISM. ./. a Dally aad Saaday-ll twata a Waak. ATHENS COTTOV PREVIOUS CLOSE VOL., 96,. NO. 304 Aaaodataf Preaa Service. United Praia Dispatches. ATHENS, GA„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1928. A. B. C. Paper. Single Capita 2 Ceuta. t Cants Saaday. ODDS GO TO 10 TO 7 AGAINST Honored Scientists iMES J. DAVIS. Secretary of Labor, Copyright, 1028. ie ”lSH5N(iT()N.—The present era of full produc in'! good business, ^here is no question but that spirit ot co-operation and understanding is growing nap between the two principal e(e- flctrt of industry—managers and workers—which r«t—mispressed itself on our business life, is in a! R ^»'ie;isiu' , trTt'sponsible for the conditions we choityl America today. *if3r n ti° n ftml goodwill are* pand.nj? * throughout the ^jffibpe of American basinets his cond’ticp is responsible, opinion, for the happy sit- v/nich prevails. e or two < of lich havf^esi by the probl niajor n seri- of BOLIVIA APPROVES L WITH wen in one or twj jistries which f.y affected r-devclopment — are, ns some jn it, under-consunuition — I ie observed the new <ft#tude to ld* the future. I have particu- y\i*cference to the bituminous fl mining and textile industries WASHINGTON.—UP)— Bolivi. 1 both of which earnest efforts an approval “with Slight modifi- bo ng mode to correct their cations" ct the proposed protocol > improve exlatlng condi- f or of its diapute with Throughout American bus- Paraguay wat announced Monday /cos substantial have been by the Bolivian legation, yiowu and with the purchasing! Paraguay haa already replitd .lower of the wage earners grow- to the protocol aent het objecting ing more tignlficont each year, to only minor parts of it. , hove a right to forecast for|' Tha protocol calls for an inter national pi IEJ OFF IKEIR THRONES III 1921 track and $eld forces of the Unit, ed States threu-h our margin c viwtery was decreased considers- ply frtm that of prvlcus OJmpk* Tames. * The football reason- at 1928 awaits the arrival of 1929 and the game at Pasadena between Geor gia Tech and Cal.xornia before 'the final verdict can be rendered .—the-east and middle west hav ing already mate,—; what satis* I faction they could irom the vie* lory of their all-stars over those i if the Pacific Coast an Saturday. Johnny Farrell and Leo Dicgel j replaced Tommy Armour * and Walter Hagen in the van of pro- (NEA Now York Bureau.) fcsaiohal golfers in the United ■For distinguished achievement States. but “The Haig" can look in the geologic 'sciences," Prof. * C K with ho little j^atrficatlor NEW YORK. — (UP) — Another year of sport reaches its end Monday with few-changes of impor-j tance in the roster of champions to mark its pass ing. f America’s two most popular amateurs—Helen Wills and Bobby Jones—strengthened their hold upon the pinnacles in their respective fields of en-, deavor. Babe Ruth personifies tho spirit cf » aso.all to milliens, looks back upon 1928 as one of hfs greatest yean. The ninth Olympiad wit- nested another victory for the (NEA Philadelphia Bureau.) Merely buying liquor isn’t breaking any luv.% held Federal Judge W. H. Kirkpatrick, pic tured here, in a court dcc.sion handed down in Philadelphia. But TORNADO Superiority O f Western Teams Tends To Raise Odds On California I To Beat Ga. Tech PASADENA, Calif.— (UP) —The University of California apparently will enter the annual Touma- ment of Roses on New Year’s Dny a decided fav orite over Georgia Tech in the betting. , 1 Betting spots all over southern p California are placing 10 to 7 odds L I that the Golden Uear will nose £ out the Tornado. The odds are ,based for the major part on the theoretical belief that western football surpassed that of all other sections this season. J. Other elements entered into the I matter but in general he gam- OFCOITR1BIITOBS ter than that of nine victories with no defeats or ties. Tho inclusion of western sup- - , Prof. T. Scott HoMand of the’eriority was founded on the Stan- ... buyer even ordert it* xiniv tW ||ty of Georgia Depart-!ford, Oregon Aggies and Southern transportation, then he a liable | ment of Modern Languages, has California victories respectively .to prosecution under the United returned from Atlanta where he over the Army. NV.v York Univcr- | States consp.Taey statutes, Jthe attended a ,meeting of represen- sity and Notre Dam*. California | judge stated. Proh.bition officials tatives of eighteen schools and tied Stanford and Southern Cali- we corned the ruling, and planned college* who met Saturday for the fomia and wa additional prosecutions. !vcji postmasters in thif section of the state ar4 listed with those who] k ' artf said to have made] | regular distributions to v the next > ear" even greater pro- national panel o7Xj«SSeTw: ! Waldcmar Undgren, aboie, of the tohi- vietorv in feMUTOgl j regmar ).DtnDUUOnSlO \grcss in the industrial and busi-. to to named by Bol.vl.n and Par:, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- ch.ran ™,hl u , l^ COr ? m Republican] tnesa fields. , agiuy and me other five <y th* nology,_and J. J. Sederholm, be- , „/ hoarlniinrlerK. nrrnrtiinir . 1 conference. 1 It would go Into the low, director of thi :h of conciliation and recent herder clashes and would survey of , Finland, ,.brought. into: Jiarmor. bo gven' a year-to: tying abnut awardsd. thAiFeiir.osa. is olation the nation’s cm- conciliation or to report on.the.They wc»\ ITmong ana nona w* title foyers and employees. This, ,in facts and fix responsibility. scientiats attending the Now York 1 ®] ,1 X-„ c “fdnp lon to 0 titlc !urn. Is reflected in a greater pn>'| /.- j convention of the American Al- ,hc nl *’ i;tivc impetus with . pleating • Iri^d' by'the’retlrement^of headquarters, according “ Tjte heavyweight to , a , news story on’ ftjdatv ITH LEAGUE college* who met Saturday for the fomia and was conceded, w ithout (purpose of forming a South At- playing tho Aggio eleven, to have lantic Modern Language Associa- an edge over that team. Other tion. {point* said to favor the Bears in i' The meeting was the culm'.na- 1 eluded a purported super.or de- tion ot a movement that ha* been feiu^ better puntmg and, most ot on foot for several years to form all. weight. an association of Modern Lan- CaH'-rnia's men will average 5 ffuaire Teachers In the south to roundj per man over the Tornado, encourage scholarly research anJ All of which falied to carry any promote the teaching of modern conviction with Tech players or language. j backers. Tornado follower* point- Thc.morning,aewion.was dcvot-_ cd to a generally *tronger offen- cd to organization and business.'Vvo and' the individual work of •Prof. W. S. Barney, of North Thomason, Mizell and Pur.d. And Carolina College . for Women, to said Tech’s fight and speed Would ^it'hose initiative * and energy** is overcome the weight diaadvan- heneflts to"c&r"<nd s GOTHAM ROUNDUP end the public as wail, and I thist "r„ “ „ 1 that these virtues hajfe become Jfj CRJME WAR xoeistion for the Advancoment of Bill Tildcn’a suspension, - like PROCEEDING 1 permanently establish!. I would not nay our economic condition is- perfect. We atlli have acme serious problems to rolve. W-th tho rapid mcchaniz- at'im of industry, our chief duty is NEW YORK.—(fR—'After an- to keep all our worker* ro<ru'arly °‘h*r weekend -ound.up in Ocm- employed at a wage sufficient to miaaicnCT. Whaien’a anti-crime maintain the American standard 300 »u»P«ta were in of living. We mnst also do our a a " Monday. .. b'st to see that old workers are' slx men wanted for homicides, protected in their right of cm- “JS ploy ment. It has been conclusive-» JJJv■ h« n ijii r ”S e K ly tvn rnnnnt hnvo a, ^ b P P° U f« ** thtr »»«»*.m- STUDENTS RETURN THIS WEEK; CITY ' SCHOOLS OPEN Tunney’s retirement, overshadow ed devclopmenta of a strictly Fih.l u-nrknnt, win tic ’ tnken .largeiv due the credit for the or- tago. rmrst'on c*niratnm, was i-icctcii jircsidi-nt, AH hsnd.-, seemed agreed- that nPght bc- “<« Frof. IlolUnd, • secretary and California offered the best line I Monday f afternoon In pi o for the Tight Tuesday xtuic but there is rca-1 systematic scale, whereby post- oth fighters are in excellent ‘ 'if winning “klw*. Others face lari Their Christmas vacation end- the world series, the tense mo- prosperity unl* cen j r| pocket picking and lesser ed. student* in the various educa-'^fot at Amsterdam * eforc little all our workers are charge#. tional institutions here, including El Ouafi troUed through the Mar. employed at wages sufficient to, on and other the City Schools, wiii return toiathan Gate the great drive of made par lie records revealing Jnvble them to buy the products ( hangouts 0 f undesirar:Ies and sus- their studies this weeic | OHfotn^’s erew down the placid system ot patronage which prom- v The following extract from the jHBgL ”ELllS treasure. “An executive'commit- and Tech the best back field, and News Despatch tells of the cen- jj**" itee consorting of the* president that Califomia would do most of tributions choice a* the next heavyweight * ,,,,1 ,,o?.■nnwanfiT its imtimd eainintr throueh iU Republican patronage condi- champion, and Jack lacngue. of f^ ^ foo P r ata tcg,-fonfard passing attack and by North Carolina, South sending Lom, Kisan and Barr over ^Florida, was then tackle and end while the Tech of- EtaTsrin’u“ta5r a ^d tC .u^ IS ten<l!!*ft StriWImr {Ltota’S. sSSSf-CnSSt' P^f-^c'.TTlouff S’^^tetf’caTifomTa’s Iim-°a5ri amateur tennis player* In 1929. quarters and supplied funds for Strjbling thinks ho can continue , nafunin p rn f .» p , tv, n t Vj.- tii ( . () i,i n field attempts of H. comparison with some of it. paying “«l«ri.a” to the late Hen- h'a march toward* tha heavy- ®f awgto, P«f-JR- C. Deal of t*' opnt mm attempt, i.reilccrs-crl, the closing year ry Lincoln Johnson, negro nation- weight title by diapoainr of Lea- N°rth ,Carolina, and Prof. E. V. - . ,' , . r - •chad raid sportingthrlTa. Haro «1 commlttemnan. and other offl- gue, ho tenc-da, tGt% ruggri * ho5 ™ 1, \ , Tlt^ ami each wai and thcra, at comparatively rare 'em cf the atate organlzat.on. Texan la a worthy foe. • . . , . toteln Zriitio! intervals were those breathleas Thoie facta were unfolded here “This League is tho toughest lh »ft*moon session iin In- »»«■ - ( ■ inditi n. moment* which furnished the life, totlay' by Senator Smith W. boy we have met on this trip," Pa teraittagMd varied programwas mark ot sport. The dramatic fin-1 Brookhart, republican, of Iowa, in Rtribling, father of the Georgian, 5''’ rn ;. 1 V!? n w i r l, tca “ “i - , ,, r0 ‘’ Ish of the National Open golf a,special report on the rCnatcriai declared. “He can hit and ia John N. Ware of Shorter College, rhamp.cnahio at Olympic Fields, 1 inveatl-aUcn into patronage act.- toUfT h as Hughey Walker.'- Tho »« P r “f- 1 *; •*"“!? of „ the i the smashing performances of vities in southern states. largest crowd that'ever watched a University of South Carolina, Babe Faith in the final game of | Senator Brookhart, chairman of fighter go Uirough his paces hero Thif was followed by a round ta- >-l the special invent.gating commit- turned out Sunday to watch the blc'discussion led by. Prof. Houlf lo. tea which held bearings in Allan- Georgia 7 ot Emory University. --; ta during the congressional recess ^ It was dacldod to hold the next ! pcctc were begun by detectives i before sundown Saturday and ;>f industry ) For, after nil, the workers are tho n-tion’s largest huyara and' ccntinued all night and through ' sound bus'nass principles dictate s i arg0 par t t f Sunday, the necessity of kecp'ng them In a poitioii where they can buy. Dr. W. C. Burkhart Is • Bp"k After Aft«ndiny Meeting In Richmond Dr. VY. C. Burkhaiter, bactcri ologlat of the division of voter! nary medicine surgeons of the State CMSie of Agriculture, turned Sunday 'morning from Richmond, 1 ya., where he attoud- , e-| the 30th' annual meeting of the ' Society of American Bacteriolo- gilts, which was 27-at'th. vft held Decemlier FOR NEXT ELECTION IB “TOUGH GUYS” 1 CHICAGO IRE The Georgia State Teachers waters of the Sioten. these were College will re-open its doors for some cf tho big momenta. CHICAGO.—UP)— Two “tough gays” of the Peer racket. William “Gunner” McPadJen and Hugh “Stubby” McGovern, were shot to death early Monday at the Gran ada Cafe, 68th atreet and Cottage Grovo Avenue. Nearly 200 patron, dove under tables or dasned forward at the sound of six shot* fired in rapid succession. McGovern waa described by po- ii-o as a former oasocUlc of Al Scarfacc" Cnjnone and reputed foe of Ralph Sheldon in boor op- erationa ■ on the South Side. TOO REALISTIC the new Term on Thursday and the City Schools will resume ac tivities Wednesday. The University of Georgin will also open this week, resuming work Thursday. Lucy C.b ■ Institute will epen Thursday also. The students were allowed to leave for heme for the Christmas holidays earlier than last year on account of tho influensa epidemic. NEGRO ARRESTED FOR SLASHING ANOTHER SUNDAY Mallard Jones, a negro man about 30 years of age was cut in several places yesterday by Flem ing Reed, another negro, who wa* arretted and is In the city jail. Jones is at the General hospital in a dangerous condition. Two other . emergency cases were received by the General hospital Sunday, both negroes. Raymond Hill suffered amputa tion of a toe on account of in. juries and W»Uie Lumpkin was received by the hospital i offering from abrasions. The French g'm'lnue to rule the tennis-courts of the world, and bi* fair to do so in 1929. The United States pclo four de feared the challenscrd from Ar gentine as convlnc'y as they rout ed the British a year ago. Glenna Collett came hack to the peak of women’s golf. In most srorts. the’ exnecte F happened. Only in the matter of attcndj»"-e wa* tb-i ve* r unusual, (Turn To Page Six) iscs to-have a far-reaching effect r.loquli ords consisted for the *4ost part of copies of a card index syttem used in republican state head- ouarters in Georgia' and check stubs of evpenditures by that of fice, showing the amount of mon ey to be ’’contributed'* by the va rious postmasters -and now this was spent. ’’Contributions” by postmaster ami other holders of patronage offices in the state under the rc- (Turn To Page Six) Post Office Closes TaesdaypMoraing Mails Go Oat The Pohtoffice will , - Mt . ,1^1..! LONDON. — Musical comedy Citizens Who have paid their| changed to drama at HU taxes for 1927 arc qualified to Majesty’s Theater recently. In vote in the special election Janu- the li&t scene at “Song cf the ar v 12, for the purpose of electing Sea” the ’’painter” rtruck the a tax receiver for Clarke county “British Ambassador” *o forcibly to succeed the late Mr. J. H. that the latter fainted. It war -Dorsey, the board of registrant found that the blow had landed j ^ M dee ded Monday. I at the point between the solnc Tuesday, as ^ <alway« «lo« a on Niew The decision of the board was and the skull. However, the “am-' ^ ecr 8 . windoam w.ll be retched after receipt of a ruling basiador.” played oy Denis Hoey. t JPT.j ?* >m lw to the u,uaI from Attorney General Napier, re- was able to resume uls part in fie hoJfdav hours, auefited by Chairman Arthur S.jncxt performance. Oldham, who was instructed by the 1>oard to communicate with] VILLAGE OF BAD TEETH the attorney general closed The morn’ng round of the city carriers will be made, but no rural carriers, w*11 it© out. "L--— t .ly, -i-^.l LONDQN. — Teeth of rch-v>! , Th *.2 !lrt , of Vo * n t, children in at least ona Derby. ! * on .-iJ h I r !fa , 5f thi Juitnr the * hlr ® , vill »< re «• nearly 100 per which American cleans Irom Itt on the basis ot the ruling « teo t | Bperfect> A member of steel mills its oil mUls. its mini- [ attorney general , th tht afucation committee offered fold industres, was poured into w n P nS! ; * h,Hn,f 10 ' h ' u with p« r - -PhlanthrophyV eofer. in 1828 I Mr. Oldham, Mrs. W. R. Bed fcct teeth. Ony one parsed the with a renerrrity which surpassed good and We C- Greer. |examination. _ I that of last year. BULLDOG QUINTET READY FOR OPEN! E RERE TUESDAY NIGHT AGAINST S0U1 CAROLINA GAMECOCKS, TO PLAY AGAIN WEDNESDAY NI6HT in Spartanburg. S. C„ on tile Friday and Saturday follow ing next Thanksgiving. The meet- lags wet. largely attended and all went away greatly encouraged and highly enthusiastic over the suc cess of the first meeting.' The ABEJOEL NEARS Athens’ newest apartment home. WASHINGTON. — iff) - A pledge made by • New York mU- lionaire to aid science in fighting pneumon.a after hi, wife's death from the discusc four years ago has resulted in thp devclopmenta I of n scrum that is expected to cut rhnrply into the death toll from the malady. Dr. George W- McCoy of the United States Public Health Ser vice. who aided in the develop ment of the serum said that L. N. Littauer millionaire glove maker of Gloversville,, jNow -York, re solved t>» do all be cculd to bety conquer pneumonia after • wife's death and that mom _ gave aided materially in tho dc- I vclopment of tho serum. ) His new serum is based on a scrum formerly in use but is said organization will doubtless grow the Henrietta, bu It b v Abe JojJ and with its growth other states on Lumpkin street in the MS will be invited tv Join. .ledge Park community, is nearing completion and is open for in spection. Renting will begin Jan uary 10, undercharge of B. P. Joel, agent. The Henrietta Is built similar to those in the largest cities and has all those conveniences wh'ch •’ofttributo to comfort In the This is the third large upartment hinio built by Mr. Jool in the last few' years, all in tha Mi Hedge Park community, and is another testimony to Mr. Joel's fr.ith in tho future of Athens. I Coming here fifty-five years ago, Mr. Joel ha* long contributed to the development of the city, not m£nf£^o? rt the v'^of only by * ddil, * f to iu industrial member of tly of %nd commerc i H i growth, but its I ENDED: TRAGICALLY AT GRADE GROSSING social betterment. H young treasure hunt Saturday night, . _ pneumonia after hi* lay near death in a hospital here *"* “ death and that money hS Monday as the result of a «uas- i *.” nd Ing crash which resulted in the “ th0 death of - .five membera of the, i “‘J tu,io “‘- The Red and Black cage warriors were to go] t0 to much mo « poUBt ~ .through the final workout Monday afternoon pre paratory to the first of a two-game aeries with the South Carolina Gamecocks at Woodruff Hall Tues day night. The concluding battle of the m-'" : rics will be played Wednesday letter-men, are back. And in ad- night. Both games will begin at dition to these. Coach Stegomae' HOLD-UP PAIR GET 51.811 IN ATLANTA II at pre*- Hoard of interested in tha city's educational Sinco Mr. Joel built his first , large apartment, the Milledge Ail mcmT.ers of the party were Hark Apartment, that section of waa' aad darghters ot prominent the city ha* crown Mcadily and Kenosha business men. Hut auto war struck by a railroad train at h eroding, four being killed in stantly and the fifth dying Sun- students were nil home from college aadprep schools for the holidays. There two antes were ground into bits by a North, western train. The dead are Ferr’, Alford IT, son of Waiter K. Alford, vice president of tha Nash Meters Company; Lowell Smith 16. son .of Erwtu L. Smith, sales manager ATLANTA—OP)—Hbld-un men «( the Nash Motors Comnsnv; int oded two business hotAo.'l Alice Judd, daughter of Clarke within a stone throw of each!Judd vfee president and general 8 j'f’ Vtice ot admisaion haJ Anderaon, Davidson and Reed- Will l>e 75 cents. I , ' . j . The game Tuesday night will er *°°^ mateii*i at guaru, be the opening one of the season Sanford at center, and Bcnsqp, for the Georgia quintet. The two- Hill, Courts and Cook at for- game series with the Unleenity wards. Joe Martin has been plny- of Chattanooga before the Chriat- ing some at the center position in mas holidays was called off due some of the scrimmage* and it * rim flu epidemic. , may be that he will start at thi*j mhir' ln dowitewn Atlanta Mon- jmeBater^'’^the American* Bros, Although the Red and Black place Tuesday night. | dav and made away 81311- I Company, and Mary Slater. 16, team Is minus the regular for-l Woodruff flail is being cleaned) The United Provisions Com. daughter of Municipal Judge wards and tho regular center of so as to-make everything. 0. K.'pany at 14 North Broad Street, Johr Slater . last year, prospects for a good for the spectators Tuesday and was-the first victim and lost SI-1 Btehard Hasting. 17, son of Dr. team are not so bad. Captain Wednesday.-lights. And if it Is,711. A few minutes later the'j. F,Hastings died Sunday with- G’enn Lautz-nheiscr and Joe cold, the big furnace will furnish,Notional Shirt Stops. Inc., at 88lout regaining constiousnesi Martin, guards; Henry Pnlmer plenty of beat for the comfort of MaristU stree, traj rebbod of I, Gilbert Hamann, 17, U and Jimmie Harris, forwards, all those Inside, , if 100. property values have been con- tfidcnibly enhanciwl. lie declarou that he knows of no city in tha country where hr would rather nvest his money, 1 and in whose future he has mote faith. The Henrietta Apartment U ona of the most attractive bu'Idinic* in Athens. It is a three story brirk building w!th fifteen apartments. One nnartment Is located on the first floor, with entrance from the lobby which is beinq at'roc- tively modleled^loiur Italian lines. Each apartment has a porch ai:d each is well lixlitcd. The electri cal fixtures nrc very. attrnctLve and conveniently located. On the qrrouml floor of the Hen rietta an L. W. nocre.-s store \ri.fl bo located to,serve the patron* of that section in addition to tha Milledge Bark Grocery store, and the Milled^© I’ark: I’havmi The Henrietta will also have i 1 i Tu «t X* Fagq 9ixj