The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 31, 1928, Image 6

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MONDAY.* PtcniBEH S! rma «Aiwn-mMui, A , nH«i»,oBoimiA. THE COOLIDGES ON HOLIDAY ISLE Ba ," di !!’ £££. 1. HIES ALI NOTICES Cause Of Mexican wK&Jilftah, Mr*. Willie Bniioy, ther was aware of th# strange' Funenll service* /tit Mr.j Sh^ffoi tout font, .omdinatlon. * .. .' • Charles Alvin BryAnt, ased 35„ ■Me. A. E. Wood, Mr. R. T. plane* were first whc It his home in Ogle- ■Wood. Mr, W. M. Wood and ured in Mexico ti> avoid Bafldite. thorpt county Sunday morning at Ml . S. L. Wood. The funeral .tegular passenger and mail air g-oo* o'clock, were held Monday) Wwaitodcy, ' 1/e.ember i.~, at tervlcel evolved as a reeiLt of toe ' Blon ,tog at 11:00 oilockat the {34:38 p. m„ from the grave in jp-eat aviation interest aroused r^I; church in Wilkes county. I ®tiuurs'cemetery. . Rev. Mr. thVofurbout Mexico by Lindbergh's. i!r Bryant had been ill f*r twoj Sherwood of the Methodist non*stop flight.***— n, ' v: —* * * church officiated. Bernstein to ’Mexico City. Brother!* IiMneral Home. I Millions of - SRJpfcri■' * -'.pi.yroUf'have i:RYA.NT.--BJed .at hie home in from Oglcthorpo . county yesterday out the oil co* morning. Pwembcr 80th* at 2:30 ’iitupe; of the oil field coun ty and had spent his life led by air there. lie was a member of the I through- Methodist church, and leaves le discom- many friends who will mourn his. 111 . ■. —» ,1..,, V. ,H» „( unuringed, passing. i a. in., Mr. Charlie Alvin Bry- and impotent, ah!e on)y to stand I Mr. Bryant f* survived by his ant. in !,,< 33th year, lie is on the ground and stare helpless-.widow, Mrs. Addle Bryant; two survived by Ji.s wife, Mrs. Ad- iy ut the raoney-taden messengers daughters, Agnes and Frances, '"o Brv-ntr Sid two d-irtV-it. beyond their grasp, Tag p*yroli|Bry#nt: .two sisters. Mrs. Stewart• Miss Agnes Bryant and Miss icrricc -continues. * ., | Sisk and Miss Willie Mac Bry- trinci i t.ryan.i two sisters. Meanwhile, Lindbergh flew, to*anti and two brothers, Messrs. I “ Stc.iw.rd Sisk, M'*S Willio Mex^o. Iho country went wild O’Neal and F. (1. Brjnnt. Bern- Ma. ft mi; two brothers, Mr. about aviation. " George L. Rihl.f.tcto Brothers Funeral Home was: O'Xoai llrvaut and Mr. F. G. an f American originally fromiin ehafge of arrtngements. [ Brynnt. To fl.tvralwas today, Washington, D. C., who had start-) * - - 3 ^f‘ L n AGED OGLETHORPE b^ergh C0UNT y MAN J S TEGEMAN. ~ Mic. ‘nfaTui'gm^. w« LAID TO RESfig,:* Kamps .Mogcman died ,at thg! The 'Mexican aviation company , x,. . „ T ,1 ii'.rnc 01 her wg, Mr, Hurmn (,„* 1 in.ral service* for Mr. Jamrt l. .Siegcinnn. :820 South Lump- crates dally service*' between M- Wood, aged 70, who died at* hm street, Monday morning,! Mexico' City and Tampico ana tri- W* home in Oglethorpe county,. Pecemhi'i 1948, after, two v.eokly eervfo between Vera ”*** Athene, after an JOaou pt, enks hlness, in her 67th year.'rtui and Merida. * It hopes to »i* day*. »*«,1»W Momtoy after- Sho 1; survived by five - toils, start another regular be- »W «t 2:30 o clock at the graves. ( ..mi Hon an J Stegemnn of tween Tempico and Brpwqeville. Rev. Sherwood, pastor of the th.s cuy: Hr. u dson’Stegetnan fhd-'Mexican governrient oner-Mathodist church, conducting. -In* ff'StX < fin i-.'.-a, Michigan; Mr: i ates another air service between ferment fallowed in the . Tiller Paul .Stcgeman of . Midland. 1 Mexico City anil Iaredo. . , cemetery, Bernstein Brother* Fu- Miehignn: Mi. (iebtanT.Stettetl “If there had not been Ameri-ih« r * 1 Horn*.to charge.- 1! I'in.-l'iir-h, Pa.; Mr. can oil companies in the Mr. Wood i* survived by his Manley si t.innn, ef.'JMtrolt,!Jidda, and if Lindbergh had not widow,-Mr*. Maude Wood; five M{N|); on? eistsr, Mrs. Robert flown to Mexico, commercial avia- daughters, Mr*. R. E. Bridges, MrLi"Ilian oi llctroit,*Mich.fnnf tiun .development would not have Mrs. S. -E. Goosbv. Mrs. Rovcn ^ m upwonlo enil III.,*.. bretheTC, Mr. Ben came here' so quickly,!’ Mr.Rlhl ""Camon. Mrs, Willie Bailey and |* uiKkned. of Zeeland, Michigan;, says. Mrs, *T, L. Sherro; end four sons, sf the principal Mr Ai ii Katops of Zedland,’ The first commercial ptui*’to Messrs. W. ,E. ( R. T„ W» Me**#*# umJSH Jlfchlgcn, and Mr, John Kamps. Mexican service mado the flret add S. L. Wood. 'nnd Savannah, i Line Beach,* Ca’lf. Tin* re- Mexico City-Tampico flight In Mr. Wend was born in Ogle- the records. Af munis v.c-i lorried to Zeeland, Jnnuury, 1922, and then began ibon~ count" and hod gn»nt hi*> cities, like Windc Mirhigsn, .11 .'-*• afternoon v'u ,,,~U iT.ghte in the nil fields. Ilf* there. He was a member of ments of $149, the Mum ii. i!*.i.iy at . 2:48 During the'"boom” to the TSmpi- the'Methodist church and was listed foe a o'clock Tl.i 1111 * * i ,i! II be o> fields in li>22 bad .1943 'ton ways taken a "■">« . '"•-ro-'-io *fj0 from Poitn Woiiiu s. . 'ii iv.oii. January payToll trips a week wore made church .work and the affairs of hi*,Turner in 1926. 2nd I '-I from tic So*ond Re- from Tampico,! carrying 8ll.,1.0 —' -ee-wt,,. u. le»”»s n host of. Former Kepi formed rhurrh nt / eland, Mich- pesos a Week. About three pay- friends who .will bo deeply grieved Committeeman B Wgn M’4:*) o'clock. Dr R'rh- ro |), » W eek are carried by air- to.learn of his death. , if ~,, n "’I' rne< *' ■ rii V .!iul.',i*i , 'i'i * W'iII nfflolain i m tlae . c . • 1 ■ . — A. - — I rif S/iill Tlf*t* THAI MARKET NEWS JOHN F. CLARK & CO. n. G. COOPER, Manager 208 Shackelford Building Phone 1748 ch In Wilkei- jumpieo f-elds, deci ^ " termept to the .ur, given aviation L, y.. BetgUein rude opportune the launching of u —" ' ■■ -pawenger iind yty His judgment, was justi- cb’.irch c Brrthers 1 * ‘-^* rv -* *- • NEW YORK COTTON “jj” , ” ; . Open,High Low Close P. C, lent and Mrs. Coolldge arc pictured at ^ n * *•>* wl " h “ : of Georgia, where tlfcy were to spend ^Sr„ 3 r ~/h\l Sun ^ Coffin, shown at the right. Tho chief May..20.2! 20.20 20.16 20.18 ..... sons. « h ' n > wh ™ th «y left the ehillyj XEW ORLEANS COTTON I’alrem I Open Hhrb Low CIoro P. C. Stejrom: — 1 Jan. 19.5D 19.52 19.55 LV. Wit this ria, consequently the very best Meh..19.63 19.C4 19.55 19.57 Mfchtea lor home-cooKed meals will be served May.. 19.01 19.64 19.5*1 19.56 Athena; In the Grill. * .WcLnch Iiat - . • ' . 1 « CHICAGO MARKET ^e™* W orge A beauty parlor will also be Onen Closo P C >. p«r located In the Henrietta and con- WHEAT-1 ^ ;ton. ducted by Miaa Alma Bailey. This lllU ill H. service is exacted to be very Mar ^ h *' * ; * UG% [ [ ion; popular. May 118% m% .emu | The apartmenU in tho Henri- r /[ 0RN - , I in jetta ere all equipped with the lest-, jjarch*.T !’ 87% 88% . ... . •u9.'lest devices. Tile kitchens will no jj a yo% 90% P er | doubt prove a delight to the occu- OATS— i punts because of tho labor and I Dec 48% 48% I time-saving appJances. The in- March .. .. 47% 47% l oinerator service, with which each jjay 48% 48 Ikitcmn is equipped, w.ll prove a| ■ — / |, ion big time-saver. AH that is nec- ROBE SAVES MOTORIST e^sary is to drop the garbage in | ATI-A NT T f! CITY. — A robe the chute and It is disposed of by wra pp^ Indian-fashion aroun« the jap.tor. Each kitchen Is jjjg body, was ull that savej JhcoI — equipped with electrical refrigera- Rosenberg from being mlstaker tive turn. The top of the refrigeiator for t h e 0 rig nal Adam when h ate. is used for a drain board and a p ***«-«d r -«olire fitn» J on h«rc re pro-j wooden pull-board ik handy for ccn tly. He reported that fiv* late j making bread. Steel enameled n gnwav men hud r: .bed him o art-! cabinets are installed In the *r>2 p** all his c’o f hing on thr ^r- kitchen, dong with four-burner Oceanville road. Fortunately fo: ars’ gan atoves. The kitchens are s6 Eoreilerg. the robbers had over ete- arranged that meals may be cook- jooked the robe. (Continusd Prom Pago On#> The Mpuretanla recently ed the At:Antic from Cbei to New York fn 5 days, .:tJ and 17 estatj a j?ew world’s record* r - - Guaranteed fo >EALEDJNTIN (rsntinucd ^rom Pago One) (Jolly Time ' POP CORN -BY SMALL OUR BOARDING HOUSE- ■BY AHERN After, for- tterrwo* -n oive.OMU.Le,', S4*400 To OLO MAN UlRlORKe. I itS <v c/Ase of | HftFTA - BUT ITS <qONHP> BS. HARO TA Part with »t- tooNof an* he's cowin' in ta TAKe "tHe. blimp— honest; guix , \ feel, terri blc. _ VOU <9ENTS ARE. PREPARED US eoOO-BVETo THe BUMP-/ f E&AP,~I CALlV \ YiLlP MV-foP-riA-f AaWpcace , *** Aaip : l Hav/b A suspiaoAl -fdA-r j sHe Hip it -fo 4 PREVEMf ME 1 Trom eoiAie our 1& tToiaI (Al J it-THE meuI Veary 2Y YEsTiv/mes n If /io 7 I HAV/C ] EVteRS'-' f -fWlAl6 REAP^ ; -fo pa-f -n-!s ;{ OV/EA\ l VOLl (llAV/e PLEATV OF, CIS APS, I ■BoUQriT VolS -ThJO BoliES FOR CHRISTMAS l } I'll siY ii? wrrH Vou, amv [ we'll celebrate ) THE MEVU S'EARl with SOME Yea, > MUFFIflS A&>.* I marmalape j. Well, i FeEu^Ui WORSE^THAN *f< AS WNAL PAV- MfiMT om yhc DUMP, OectocoTDFcr AROUND ALL NIGHT, VH1B THE. PIONCY, IN ORDCR. TO KC6P f*ROK OOOOK Pell QUTOpTHt. BUVtP AND VANISHCD aolves itself into u womai But in “State Street Sadi talking picture at the Pala playing, the situation .h ? ingv reversed. “State Street Sadie” is terv drama of the undei “Find the man” in tho P with a woman aiiing in th Ccnrad Kagel. Mvma L 'William Rutm 11 head the , cast of this Warner Bibs, thriller- Myrna l.'-v emu Crux-Mcrida' Yucatan tri-wcekly FUNERAL RUES MONDAY FOR LITTLE GIRL 'AKLL.t'u.Be fb bit \OH.niixNKS! we v)eL<-,OrUTZ,(.eiLNiM < THe.'Wep.Hl botthcn CP.H MPKC. P> FEW tAORt OEUVERiCS-l JCONSIOCRftTa - -fou tori USB. AT FORTVE me ST, op TDofvf- | WON T TAKC. IT TILL Tomorrow - > OLD DUMP TILL, in TH' /ITS P. fcOMER - MORMlMCr WPS KlHDfk /VIHAT R PUHI'- Decewr OF HUT •/WfW TP. S1MLTTH' FNTWM- yi M6.W T6P1R- Funeral service! ■ for ; little Bet-1 first &-3U HEul r ,\ WEARS Jjl) EWE Home V : ’L,| du: ing a Wears -BY MARTIN Happy New Year BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES- cat i OOHMO-SWE VIM, BER£ JOB' K M1HUTC BSO VJAO° oPV ’ wm Few Champions Shoved Off Thrones In 1928 (CatiUnuad From Paga One) The Old idard Remedy for ills and Malaria drove's isteiess M Tonic and this war but n further devel- obnient of lncrctting world wide interest, in all fomie of athletics. Football and ba.cbaU saw no- 1 attendanu roeorda set, 88263 reraoni jacking the .Yankee Sta- dlura to,too tho Yankees turn beck the >Athletic.* at the cllrrax of the 1 *4irt’;rican League pennant h«d.’V f. v * v’ . . Bwaylsl| and {•(onom'.xtM ip- 1* ■»• i»:i> iluif an exr«^ <•" Over tm n In th»- popuhu lion «.f a fountry imbittt*rs thf {•trugg’e for eiLteflce by lower'’ng wages and ir.croa^jng cotnpeU*