The Banner-Watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1882-1886, April 06, 1882, Image 2

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•V \ & N BANNER-WATCHMAN. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CITY ANDCOUNTY THURSDAY. APRIL, 6, 1882. SUBSCRIPTION, (1M PER YEAR IN ADVANCE LiRBET dttnunoi n iortheut UEORGIA. YANOEY. CRANFORD A GANTT PROP’RS. T. L. GANTT, Editor. MR. CULP’S LETTER. $500 REWARD!! UVE HTNDRKD DOLLARS REWARD TO _ any one wlio will get up • hatter Liniment for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Baras. Cuts. Stilt Soints, Sprains. Bruises, Stings of Poisonous Inseeta. Toothache, etr. The money will be returned to any one oot satisfied after using me bottle of ihe Turkish Liniment For Sweeney, Wind-galls, Sore Back, Stilt joints. Scratches. Fistula and In all ease* where Lin- imenta are used on horses, It If nntnrpsssed. Every bottle is stopped with an India rubber stwper. to prevent loss of strength. For sale by druggists generally. Prepared bv DE E. 8. LYNDON, Athens. Ua. Price We with great pleasure publish the letter from Mr. Peter Cclp, wherein he defends Mr. Speer and attempts to show that he has done more for the country than any Congressman from our district since 1838. Now, we know Mr. Cl’LP to be honest in his convictions, and with the kindest intentions we will attempt to show him that he has allow ed himself to be blinded hy his admira tion for our dashing young Congress man and swallowed all the vein boasts made by his friends without stopping to investigate. In the first place the writer claims that Mr. Speer has established more |,ost routes (and some offices) in the dis trict than any other man in the same time. If our friend will read the pro ceedings of Congress about the time our Congressman got these new routes for our people he will find that a bill had been passed increasing the appropria tions for postal service, and throughout the country It was largely increased. All that Mr. SrEER had to do was to “ask and receive.” and any other man could have done the same. He naturally turn ed this streak of luck to his own glnr>-, and most of the ]ieople were ignorant enough to swallow the claim without in vestigation. We at one time gave Mr. Si’KKit praise for tiiis same thing—but soon discovered that lie was simply claiming a credit due solely to a sudden and generous Impulse of the govern ment. We do not know to what offices Mr. CTLP refers, unless it lie the Atlan ta custom house, into which Mr. Speer plated his especial pet and friend, Mat Davis, colored. Mr. Cl’LP further says, “he hrs done ail he could to have the revenue laws moderated." And what lias “all lie could” amounted to? Simply a few fiowery and spread-eagle orations in the hall of Congress, when he sat down and thought no more of the subject. He has not caused one man less to la- nrrested, or had repealed a single obnoxious stat ute. On the other hand, if we are rigid ly informed, Mr. Speer hus done the il licit distillers of our mountains a grave and irreparable wrong. In his election eering tours he promised If he was re turned to Congress to have nil the reve nue laws repealed, hinted that they might fearlessly continue their illegal tratio, and stated that if arrested he would stand between them all trouble. As a consequence, those confiding moun taineers, feeling that the strong arm of Mr. Speer stood between them mid the government, confidently continued their illegal trafle, and as a consequence ma ny of them were nrrested, robbed of all they had, thrown Into prison and either returned home bankrupt or were sent to the penitentiary, there to cogitate, in solitary confinement, their misplaced confidence in a politician. Mr. Speer evidently forgot ail about his promises when he was victorious, and turned a deaf ear to the appeals of his innocent and confiding victims, when they lie- seeehed him to extend them the protec tion he hod promised. He heeded not the appeals of h's misguided' mountain friends, amid the gayety of the Capital, and if he ever raised a finger in their be half we are not aware of the fact. This is the charge now being brought against Mr. Speer in the uppc’r counties, and it will lose to him this former stronghold. Now, can Mr. Cllp see any “moderation of the revenue laws” in sueh conduct? We think our honest old friend will confess that he cannot. And ngain, does Mr. Cflp stop to think that tools under Gen. Lonostrekt—and the very men that our Congressman is now coalescing with—arc committing the most wilful and outrageous murders in our own midst? Only a few days ago they shot down an old decrepid man, (Mr. Hix) irf cold-blood, in Gwinnett county, and these scoundrels have taken refuge be hind Mr. Speer’s f.iends and will doubt less escape punishment. Our Congress man is hand and glove with the present revenue authorities, whose crimes and persecutions ate as black as they are outrageous. And thirdly, “Mr. Speer has distrib uted morj seed, public documents, etc.' Well, perhaps he Inis to Mr. Ci'Lr and a few of hb special friends—but does these fortunate few know that their gain in this respect is loss to those who voted against “Our Kinory?” Every Congress man has a certain pro rn.'o ol s^eds and books given him for distribution, and Mr. Speer In this respect lias no advan tage over any othei —the difference be ing, gho gets them. Fourthly. “Our rights, honor and in t a rests have been safer in his hands,’ etc. We have undoubtedly reaped i great deal of honor (?) from Mr. Speer’s reign, If yon call every Important ottiee In the district being filled by a colored man “honor." We have a colored post master, (and Mr. Speer cannot deny that he endorsed a colored mau for that high ' and responsible office); we have a col ored mall agent on the North-Eastern Kailroad, (and Mr. Speer’s influence with the administration doubtless secur ed Heard the nppoiutuicnt); Clarke county had a colored census enumera tor (ami can Mr. Speer deny that he recommended his appointment?) Mr. Speer also secured Mat Davis' appoint ment at the Atlanta custom- ouse. in fact, It seems that our Congrest ma!' rec ognises the fact that hi-<-«rea Selection and allegiance to the nine il element and right handsomely has he repaid them in offices over white men for their support, ’.’an Mr. CfLP see any great "right, .Minor and interest that this rec ord seam*?’ Of Dr. Feltou’s rcueiu statement to the effect that a convict at the Dade coal mines had escaped v-ith a mule; that the convict Cox, who was sent there for kil. ling Alston, took a mule and pursued the convict, and was gone two or three days, and captured him and the mule and -brought them back, the superintendent of the mine says it la true except that Cox was not gone three days; did not A a mule; did not catch the mule that tnooocvdetescaped with;did not catch the convict; that no convict escaped and Cox has not been ou: of bounds. The excellent doctor arena to have some what mixed bis at thoritlea. Unde Peter is after Larry Gantt about his father in-law. We wish they would explain what it all means. —Jnciton Herald. This squib was a mystery to us, as our father-in-law Is a quiet, pious old gentleman who lives near Augusta, and is an innocent of the wiles of such pap-suckers as the editor Southron as an unborn child. The old man don’t even know that we are engaged in 4j Bucha dirty business as throwing words at Mr. Speer’* cfllgy in Gaines ville. For the nkln-UJ-LNN’fi SULPHUR Soap. LEGAL NOTICES. MARKET REPORT. VttlUUI lUjAtK-IVATt llXIAN, April 5. 1882 COTTON MalKET. Tone: Market quiet. Omni Middling Middling Low Middling........ Good Ordinary . Ordinary Stain#! UX H* 11 10>i 9 PARTITION COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND. Valuable City Lots.. O N tb* first Tuesday la May next (1S82) before the Court House door of Clarke County, in Athens, (leoiyl*, at public outcry to the highest and best Wilder, durrlng the usual and local hours of Sheriff** sole, as prescribed by Uv, we the underslxntd, Jno. 8. Williford, R. li Hoes and F. W. Lucas, Commissioners (appointed by order of the Superior Court of Clarke County. Georgia, at the November Term, 1SHI, of said Court, upon petition for partition by the heirs at low of W. H. H. White, snd In pursuance of said order for the purpose of partition among the heirs ist Uv of sold W. H. H. White, deceased,! will in the «ty o. . to-wit: An of raided for ma ny yehrs prior to his death, less about one acre heretofore sold uuder ord-r of the told Superior Court, snd the portion hereby sold fronting on Hancock Street and adjoix tag Undo of M. B. Mc- Glnty snd containing the dwelling house snd other Improvements snd about one acre’s area of landless half adjacent street*. Terms Cash and purchaser* to pay for title pa- y sra. • so. 8. Williford, ) R L. Moss, > Partition F. W. Lee as. > Commissioners. 3-35-dlLw3'd. sell the following property situate in Athens,«larks County, Georgia, to-i the lot whereoo W. H. H. White raid' RETAIL PRICES. Grain, Provision, Etc. _ flXMta AND GRAIN. FLOUR—Fancy ...9 Choice Family v ISg 1 . 40 . 12*<! to* Notice. pi . „ , Mrs. W. P. Talmadge for the purchase of the land for the East Athens Cemetery, for which we earnestly ask our friends and citizens to help us out. For the occasion we will have tickets for sale at 25c on* fi. We will have six very handsome presents to be given away that night. The winning party shall have the prises as numbers are drawn from the box whether they be at the hall or not. Each and every per son holding tickets will be required to send their coupon* to the hall that nig in for the occasion are now on exhibition in A. 8. Mandeville’s window. We shall spend no paius to have everything grand. We hope that every lady and gentleman will help us us the atTuir. mill we will assure the eitizens that they will be pleased to go ont and view the Fast Athens Cemetery. Win. Tiller, principal ticket seller, will be on the street every day, Ws. Tiller, and Greek Bullock. d&wit Managers. ” FOR SALE. Valuable House and Lot on Pulaski Street. T will offer for the next thirtv days my house and lot on Pulaski street for sale. The lot con tains about seven-eighths of an acre. The house is in splendid repair, as 1 have remodled the whole In the last three years. As conveniently arranged inside as any house in the city; con tains eight good rooms. On the lot is a tirstrate servants house, stable, and all necessary out buildings; good well and cistern. Garden all planted aud vegetables up. Any one desiring a good home, near all the churches and schools, and within ten minutes’ walk of the business K art of tow’ii, will do well to call at once. Price »w and terms easy. J. K. CRANK. 3-31-1 m Athens, Ga Bolted Meal l ioi Bolted Grits , ,...j of< Bran .1 » CORN—White, sacks iosi Mixed 9S _ . Bulk 203 cents less OATS—Red Rust Proof.. aft _ Mixed Oats 701 Rice Flour, Bulk 30 Pearl Grits Stock Meal «u HAY—Western l Eastern Northern Choice MEAT, PRODUCE, AC. BACON—Smoked C. R. Sides Smoked Shoulders __ „ D 8 MEAT—C. R. Sides Long Clear 8ides ... U)v<$ Shoulders 8 Bellies HAMS—Canvassed 11 140 15 Uucanvassed 15 0 TOBACCO—Common to Medium.. 37 0 47 Smokinc 47 0 62 Fancy Chewing 00 (3,1 25 BAGGING—Eastern Jute 90 10 TIES—Arrow 01 75 Pierced 1 50 <&... . Stew art and others 1 <10 01 75 HIDES—Dry Flint 10 0 Green 6fc0.... POTATOES—Irish, per barrel 4 75 0 5 00 Sweet, per bushel 75 (9 100 APPLES—Choice, per barrel 6 00 (ec ... Common, per barrel... 2 50 03 00 ONIONS—per barrel . ... 0400 ORANGES 2 25 03 00 Thirty-Sec ond, an’last ly, onr be loved hear ers, dar am one place in pert id ar whar yon can all vA [ yer trust, or rather, Cash Sown to de hast advan tage, an’ dat place am at B A L D W I M y cj> J Q, W JERSEY CATTLE. I offer for sale from my herd of Jersey rattle the following: One full-blooded heifer eight months old. not entitled to registry; one full- blooded heifer calf four mouths old,‘not entitled to registry; one registered bull ealf verv fine, and handsome, eight months old; one registered hull calf, extmjlnr. and of great promise and beauty, three w’e«*ks old: one three-fourths hull calf (the other one-fourth short horn Durham) four months old, very Urge and promising, apr’l frtf II. S. HUGHES. Athens. Ga. the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in May, 1882. the following property to-wit: One medium sise, rather a roan colored, mare, about seven years old; one one-norse wagon, iron axle, and comparatively new; one top bug gy, in good running order; and one tract of land in Clarke county, on the road leading from Ath ens to Cherokee comer, adjoining lands of Mrs. G. W. King, W 11. Dean, Mrs. Mayne and oth ers, and containing about ninety and a half acres more or less; being the place whereon ». A. Weatherly now resides. Also, One tract of land lying in Clarke county, on the road leading from the Dr. Hull place to the old Mathews place, adjoining the old Mathews tract and lands of — Weatherly and A. M. Scudder, lying on the water of Trail creek, and contain ing about one hundred and ten acres, more or less. All levied upon and to be sold as the prop erty of W, A. Weatherly to satisfy an execution in favoT of W. B. j. Hardeman. Written fnotice of the levy upon the land having been given to the tenants in possession. March 27th. 1882. JOHN W. WIEK, Sheriff. Printer’s fee 16.50. sfcKMw. Guardian’s Sale. Pursuant to an order of the Court ol Ordinary of Clorke county, will be sold before the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday ii< May next, during the legal hours of sale, the U llowing lot or parcel of land, situated, lying ai.d being in the city of Athens, in said county. »o-wit: **' of an acre, more or less, being pari of the original Wilkerson tract. To be sold as the property of Lucy C. ahd Ida T. Aiken, orlipans of If. M. Aiken, deceased. Terms cash. April 3,1S91. LEONARD SC HE VENAL. Guardian of Lucy, C. and Ida T. Aiken. apr6w4t THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Athens, Ga. YOUNG L. G. HARRIS. Presidkkt. STEVENS THOMAS, Secretary. Resident Directors : Young L. G. Harris. Stevens Thomas, John H. Newton, - Eli hr L. Newtwn, Ferdinand Puinizy, Aij»in p. Hearing. . Col. Robert Thomas, John W. Nicholson, L. H. Ciiakbonnier, J. H. Hunnicutt. octl4-tf _ Ham Henry Morton applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of John W. N. Stone, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause at my office on or be fore the first Monday in May next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 6th day of March, 1883. mchl6-30d ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. G EORGIA. CJARKBOOUNTY —Whereas, Rob ert 1.. HI 00m tic hi applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Robert K. Bloomfield, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail concerned to show cause at my office on or be fore the tirft Monday in May next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand at office this the 11th day of March, 1882. mch!6-30d ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. within the lagal hours of sale, on the find Tues day iu May next, one lot of land, in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, containing four acres, more or less, bounded on the east by Barber street, on the west, north and south by lauds of F W. Mitchell and children. Levied on as the property of 8. D. Mitchell, Trustee for wife and children, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued in favor of 11. H. Linton, tax collector Clarke county, Georgia, and other executions in my hand. Written notice given to tenants in pos session. JOHN W. WIEK, Sheriff. Printer’s fee 14.00. w4w. Elisabeth A. Talroadge. administratrix of the estate of William P Talmadge, deceased, applies in terms of the law lor a discharge from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause at my office, on or be fore the first Monday in July next, why said discharge should not be granted. Gtven under my hand at office this 17lh March, 1888. ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary. rach23-onceam3m. WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUN DED POPULARITY OF Allcools’s Porous Plasters? Because they have proved them selves the Best External Remedy ever invented. They will cure asthma, colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, aud any local pains. Applied to the small of the back they are infallible in Back-Ache, Nervous Debility, and all Kidney troubles; to the pit of the sjomach they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ALLCOCK’S POROUS PLASTERS are painless, fragrant, and quick to cure. Beware of im itations that blister and burn. Get ALLCOCK’S, the only Genuine Porous Plaster. s*»!™Siv Thomas R. Holden, Administrator of Obe- diah T. Echols, deceased, petitions in terms of the law, to be discharged from said adminis tration. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause at my Office on or be fore the first Monday in July next why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office this 21st day of March, 1882. A.SA M. JJ.CKbON, 3-23-3m. Ordinary. W ILL RESOLD BEFORE T1IKCOURTHOUSE door in the city ot Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in May, 1882, with in the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, to wit: all that tract of land and the improvements thereon, lying and being in the city of Athens, containing one acre more or less, bounded on south by Georgia Rail road; north west by Klbertun road; east by Mil lie and Harriet Hurt. Levied on as estate of Eli sa Thornton in favor of H. H. Linton. T. C. to satisfy tax li. fa. Levy made and returned to me by J. K. Kinney, L C. Written notice served on tenant now in possession. J. W. Weir, Sh’ff. Printer’s fee |3.60. 4w-m30. G EORGIA. CLARKE COUNTY,—Ordinary’s of flee, March 25th, 1882. Maria Horton, 01 said County, wife of Henry Horton, of said County (her husband ref usinglhas applied for Exemp tion of Personality and setting apart and valua tion of Homestead, aud 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. m. on the twenty-secoud day of April, 1882, at my office. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Printer’s fee fl.50. S-.UFYt. Clarke Sheriff Sales. legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu May next, to the highest bidder, the follow ink tract of land, situate and lying in the Western por tion of Athens, aud bounded uorth by John Hays, on the cast by street, south by street, and on the weet by Gardner Brown, containing about one acre, more or less. ALSO , One tract ofland and improvements thereon, ly ing in the city or Athens, Clarke County, Geor gia, on the east side of Oconee river, bounded on the north by William Floyd and James Ed wards, on the east by Wash Moore, on the south by Burton street and on the west by Thomas Bailey, and containing about one acre. The above two tract# levied on by virtue of an exe cution from Justice Court 216th District G. favor of A. L. Mitchell vs. Patrick Howard, and deed from said Mitchell to said Patrick llowarn made, filed and recorded in Clerk’s office Supe rior Court of Clarke County, for the purpose of this levy, on said first tract mentioned, and also byTirtueof tax fi. 8a. for 1881, for.State and county taxes vs Patrick Howard. Levied on by J. K. Kenney, L. C., and turned over tp me. Notice given to tenants in posses sion as required by law. March 27th, I8K2. JOHN W. WIEK, Sheriff. Printer’s fee $8.95. 3-3o-4w. EXECUTORS SALE. Valuable City -Lots. ftN the Firet Tnreday ia Slay next (IMS) before U the Court Uoum door ol . Clarke Canary. In Athene, Georgia, during theueual ana legal hour* efKxeentore efreecrlbed by lev. 1, the undenlgned.Cynir Fallow*, ae the Executed legally appointed of the l**t will and teeUment ol Mia. Mare Aon Fellows,■■MSaaWHH (ieorxi*. deceased (: I I on lne ns Executor of the provisions ol will sell at public oulery io the hi*hest and^H bidder, the following reel estate, .ltuxto la Alb-1 an*. Clerks County. Georgia, to-wit: Owe trian gular lot on Prime Avenue end on which I* the George P. Fellows shop sad a wooden aletoheese I containing one- »*xth of an acre, more or leee. Abu, all«the George P. Fallows tesideaee lot Ini Athens, Uerhe County. Georgis. whereon ho lived I tir mmnv yean and until hb death, and whereoo Ms widow and sole legatee Mary Ann Mavra re- SSTon^Mi^r h J5. d -f&fi:sssr.® anskTsas can be seen at taeofflee of JohB 8. Williford, I ?£} Sid lib «”»y”Aren L 1 Mrfwffijto&Ed ^^Exreodor of)fi».® W ecV ■ kw NEVER FAILS. . Thf „ nn, y known Specific Remedy for Epi leptic Fite. SAMARITAN NERVINE Carte Epileptic Flu. Speama. ConvuUlooe, St. all Xervona Diseases. Thla infallible remedy will positively eradicate avery specie* of Ner ve** Derangement, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly deatroy* the perms of diaeaae by nentral- lalng Ibe hereditary taint or potion in the lyatam, Md^rimroughl^eradicaiee the diaeaae, and np SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure* Female Weakness, General Debilty, Leu- CMThcea or Whtlea, Pal nidi Menstruation, Ulceration of the Uteraa. Internal Beat, Gravel, tiop or the Biadder, Irritability of the For Wakefulneaa at night, there ta St *»,?• awaataUapf'*” 1 * lT ** r * ,, ’“ m,ort s“ dn * n ‘'»'» SAMARITAN NERVINE far the wont ceil* that have ever Defallen auffet- tag humanity. Ihoeaandl die annuity from these noxiona drags. The drunkard drink* liquor notbecan* he likes it, hot for the plea* ure of drinking and treating hb frlradr ftllin thinking that le la on his read to Sta? tboOpiem Eater, be Ora uses the drag in quantities as a harmless anlldota. The so Influence of the drag takes strong hold mow vjctiao. ioading him on to Me own deetracth The hablta of Opium Eating and Liquor Drii_ log an precisely what eating Is to aUmeatlve- ness. as over-eating flrvt inflame* Ihe stomach, which radoablee Iu cravings until It paralyse* both the stomach and appetite Sonny drink at ltdeor or does of opium. Instead of eatbMng. oplyedde to IU Acres lire*, until it eonsninee Ih* vital fores and then Itself. Like the Glutton ous tape worm.Mules “Give, give, give!’’ bnt 827. ^^»TSvrf,?TSS la aU inch casao. It produces sleep, quiets the atoreabodyandntlnd 'toehcSthySiSlUMU **’ SAMARITAN NERVINE Care* Nervous Snpenria. Palpitation of the I u aotiSftSSSS Sfsg STSwW&H I'M are tbns afflicted, take Da. = " rraw Nxarrxx. It win lestoea -oar shattered nanree, arreat prematare decay, and Impart too* and anergy to the whole Byatera. SAMARITAN NERVINE SUSS SiLg: AfijLSkSSinadi aiab of cure from persons who have need I medicine, and also their r —* ** * JSSrtaelr ran ' r Doe, whohavetumith. r to p, ^5sy , toSs:^ d DR. 8. A. RICHMOND A CO., World’* Xpileptic Imtitrote, ST. JOSEPH, MO, TO THE FRONT! HAMPTON &CO AVt* liave jnst opened a large lot of FANCY - GROCERIES, MAGNOLIA HAMS, GRANDEUH FLOUR, PIONEER TOBACCO, TEA AND COFFEE, HAY, CORN, OATS, BACON AND LARD, SYRUP, MOLASSES, SHOES AND HATS, STAPLE DRY GOODS, FINE SELECTION OF FRENCH CANDIES. All goods delivered in the city promptly. Clayton street, Athens, Ga. mch9-tf. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS' AG’TS FOR STA TAYL0R°A S NlP r 4®!^’ ' ENGINES “STARVED ROOSTER” ODD A P A THDQ AND PEERLESS GDI AivA 1 UlvD SAW MILL- SCALE: CORN MILLS “LANE AND BRADLEY” AND ONEIDA “CHICAGO” “MORE CO. GRIT” COTTON GINS, CANE MILLS, ETC. Wc handle flr*t-clas* rood*. rcU at moderate prices and oh easy terms. Samples will be shown at our Ktormje rooms. Our large sale* iu the past aud the universal satisfaction given to purchasers indicates the kind of business we do. Will be pleased to show our goods and prices to all interested ORR & HUNTER, ATHENS, GEORGIA. MarohlG. i’p-stairs cornet Clayton A Thorn*< »treot«. Look out for the Starved Rooster Flag. Life, Energy, Ambition. E. H. & W. F. DORSEY HAVE OPENED IN A. S. DORSEY’S OLD STAND ON BROAD ST., AND WILL KEEP IN STOCK ALWAYS A COMPLETE LINE OF FAMILY GROCERIES AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS., ETC. We challenge the world on our best brand of FLOUR—“ LAWRENSBURG PATENT.” Try it and you will use none other. TRYPHOriA and FOR-FUNE ROASTED COFFEES—given up to be the best brands in the market. Also the best grades of Green Coffees, Teas, Ham, Grits, Riee and in fact all the necessary LUXURIES FOR THE TABLE. We propose tc sell as cheap as any house in'the city, and we feel confident if you will give us atrial we will give von satisfaction both in goods and prices. Highest market- price paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS. CHINA HALL JUST RECEIVED A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF Japanese and Faey Goods, WHICH ARE ALL THE RAGE AND VERY SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS & HOLIDAY GIFTS, Also, Full Lines of CLOCKS AND MIRRORS, besides our regular Stock of House Furnishing Goods. We make no idle boast when we say that our prices will average lower than those of any house in the bUte. LYNCH & FLANIGAN, Block, Deupre Athens, Georgia. o14-ty T. C. THRELKELD & CO., • Opposite Baldwin A Burnett'* Old Stand, Broad-at., Athens, Ga., ' Have now in store and will keep constantly on hand, a choice line of the belt and freaheat FAMILY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, ET . We keep the nicest and heat of everything, and the prettiest brand of KIA>CR in the city. Also, Of every kind, direct from the most reliable mannlactnret* and dealer*. OLD COENTBV CORN WHISKY m specialty. Give ns a trial when you want anything In our line, and we guarantee you low prices and the heat of goods. Ko boose in the city Can undeneUna. fcbOdf Next door to Maddrey’e tin store, a few steps east of the Post-Office, ■ Where the undersigned trill make, fine BOOTS tad SHOES to orderln the test style aud of the rest mat rial Ail REPAIRING done In the and . best mat rial — best man rorand at short notice, Ieblkv..n W. P. STARK, Athens, On. NOTICE! AU persons indebted to the Estate of W. H, Hull, deceased, are requested to make lrantedl. ate payment to the undersigned, Those having claims against said deceased are'requested to present them to me for payment without delay. J. XX. IlUIils, m ch9-tf Adm'r. of W. H. Hull, dec'd. P. WEIL, THR OLD RELIA BLE Boot &Shoe Minufiictur^r. I bive removed my Boot and Shoe Shop over the room formerly occupied by me, ou College Avenue, above C. Pode% where I am better pre pared than ever, for any work in my line. My work is first-clsss and warranted. BOOTS and SHOES REPAIRED on short notice. Will half-sole from 50 cen ta to $1.V5, according to quality. Prices to suit the Imis. Thanking my customers for their past patronage, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. foliMwtt P. WKlb. _ Rubber Stamps! MANUFACTURED BV E. W. DODGE, Prop’r, AUGUSTA STENCIL WORKS, lil EIGHTH ST„ AUGUSTA, GA. Send 'orCatalogue and prioca. Agents wanted. _Samplo name plate ior ( ) marking U’miiiA^ ^sajj-Zcumuso. * D '' 17 ' Price, 50 cts. complete with Inis sad Brush luoe7. WHOLEKALE GROCERIES. REAVES, NICHOLSON & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND PROVISION - DEALERS. HAVE REMOVED TO TIIEIR HANDSOME NEW STORE AT THE INTERSECTION OF Broad, Thomas and Oconee streets ATHENS, GA. THEY ARE NOW BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO SUPPLY THE WHOLESALE TRADE YOUR ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED AND ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MACHINERY. ATHENS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS IRON ANt BRASS CASTINUS. MILL GEARING, MINING AND MILL MACHINERY. SAW MILLS, SMITHING, REPAIRING, PAT’N WORK, SSSr w ^ i AND ALSO AGENTS EOR THE MOST APPROVED PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES Address. R NICKERSON, Agent, Athens, Ga. MILL FINDING FURNI8HED AT MANUFAC DRER8 PRICES. The Great Spsdfio ior Hsaialfla and Hoadashe. From Frsak L llsralsnn, State l.ibrnnun. Atlanta, Ga., January 14,1280 Mkssrs. Hutchison A B»o.: lhavetosfed your Neuralglne. l»oth on myself and on other*, and fo ind It to be all that is claimed—a specific for neuralgia and headache. I recommend it to a ■uttering public. Yours truly, Frank L. Haralson. Atlanta, Ga t Feb. 10,1870. Messrs. Hutchison A Bro.: 1 have used your “Xeuralgine” in »e\eral instances, and find it the best remedy for neuralgia and headache I Uave ever tried. It relieves the pain, leaves none ot those unpleasant effects due to narcotics or other anodynes. I shall always keep It in mv office and take much pleasure in recommending it to my pa tients. 8. G. Holland, D. D . 24 Whitehall, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4,1879. Messrs. Hutchison A Bro.: Having thoroughly ested your “Neuralgiue” In my case I cheerfully recommend it to aU who suffer with neuralgia and headache. Thoa. M. Wood, . of Ho ward, Wood A Co. For sale by all Druggist. norl5 Cleaning & Dyeing WORKS. A, A. Thomas, (Successor to J. H. RULES.) Office 816 Jackson (8th) Street, AUGUSTA, - GEORGIA. Gentlemens’ Coats. Pants and Vests cleaned, dyed, pressed and repaired, without shrinking, by experienced baxhelnntn. Lauics’ and Children’* Silk and Woolen Dresses, CloakB, Shawls, Ribbons, Sashes, e o., cleaned and dyed. Cnrtalns, Piano tnd Tabic Covers, cleaned and dyed iu fiutcy colors. Kid Gloves and Slippers cleaned. Work done in the best manner. Orders by mail or express attended to. Remember the number'. *16 Jackson (8th) street, AUGUSTA, GA. an3 Near the Beil Tower DR. J. P. HUNTLEY, IDZEDIEJ TIST 251.2 PEACHTREE .ST., ATLANTA, GA. TjIETH FILLED BY ELECTRICITY One to four teeth inserted (on a new plan) Without plate. 1 will i*ay *are from Athena to Atlanta, »houM parties come tor the purpose of having dental work done, provided the work amounts to $15 or. $20. Perfect satiatactiou guaranteed. GHAS.F. STUBBS & GO,i (Successors to Gro«er, Stuhha * Co.) COTTON FACTORS —AND— Commission Merchants No. 04 Bay Street, SAVA2T1TAH, CiA. CHA*. F. STUBBS, JOHN K. GARNETT, August 23, 1881. A. A. WINN, THOS. F. STUBBS Notice! Is hereby given that the hours for purchasing loose cotton at the Athens Factorv will be be* t, '« moroinjt and three in tb* ’ “.“i*' 1 eo “°» Parchasod during one d!£ "*!*“ io „ &ctor y u ”‘« the next If to give all tarti s loaing ootion i ° 0U0U if ‘ ,re “ meJ a . a?u L ’ BLOOMFIELD. Agent Athena Manafuetariug Co, dltwlj. Jan. 18, 1882. IN MONTGOMERY’S FARMERS’ DEPOT YOU WILL FIND: ■•he jrarearwrer. ttaHeTiw €Jr«r»D5.l. ■ THE BEOWN, CELEBRATED HALL AND CARVER COTTON GINS. The t'kicin Notw Palverixtr. TkvBerriaa Fire-PiMfSafa. kMieea Ac Takatpi Walking aafl Bi4i» Caltlvalar^^^^^^^^H The 4very Walkiwgee The Gregg Salk, Flaw J The Grrag Keapcr eeg ■ The Gregg Lava Blearer* * Talfetha krenal Cotton Seed Planter and Grain Seeder Attachment. * “’** ‘ Mickle Walking C'altirater. Kneerem Ac Talrett’. t a.aadaref Ke'.^Vaad Pl.werV Smf" * Teleen’a Siaeflanl Hewer. The hkeeiplsa Meaper andMavrer TbsTkM.aaaMMUiieeflBenlTiegBa.tewa TdB flt ha ■Ageew harrow*, plows, pulverises and coven grain 4 proper depth |Th^ffiMv*w^fclU*4Tttrei Flaw. The lightest dralt and. test turner; tried with a Dyno^ |M. The Bar Dixie aed a, recnee Flewe. nomrter at our State Fain. The Farqehai Caltea Steed Fleeter. Single and ■Friag-Teeth aalky liar raw aafl Callivater. cultivate your crops. Saw Mills, Great Milla, i lie and Double Foot Flowatocka. Remove the two centre teeth and Shingle Machines, Evapora- tors, Cotton Pnesses, Stump-Pullers, Etc. feblWm J. N. MONTGOMERY, &JS; Dobbs, BLACK8MITHING. BOOTS, 8HOE8 AND LEATHER. R. P. & J. G. EBERHART, ATHENS, GA. Boot and Shoe Dealers. . • a ,V Vi.p. • ,;t; ■ . :1 ', , .r, . Ji; , i . .. 7 ■, \\ Mannfsetnrera and Dealers in BOOTS, i Made HARNESS of aU kinds. Hide* and Styles. PRICES LOW AS THE L0WX8T M’KINNONl BLACKSMITH, Ha*the beet facilities end Attest workmen in the city for the yrompt discharge of . HORSE SHOEING "aRDM-AHTATION WORK dona in* superior manner at moderate prices. I make a specialty of REPAIRING GUNS, PISTOLS & EDGE TOOLS «rthttStatteBta?kliSS5S^U^!hL < tS?^nd C UlUS’* Wh,Ch 1 nDd,fUkt - aoedot ’ M’KlNNON, THE BLACKSMITH, novll-ly. ' - ' LIQUORS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. CARITHERS, BETTS & SMITH, LIQUOR u Keep alwaya on trand a large stock of the pnreet and MU at the lowert prices by the quart, gallon or t 1 — 1 Groceries and Farm Supplier. Don’t forget to CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GA.