The Banner-Watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1882-1886, April 27, 1882, Image 4

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warn mm /• r r -> * f'iJ'Wv *.4.' .;2-~‘., * £'-* •— •• BANNER-WATCHMAN. THURSDAY APRIL, 27, 1882. FOWIN' R. KINNEBRKW. Trsyiuxo Aocst SUBSCRIPTION: run year .... SI BO 188 . 1 OO rLuna of m CLUBS OF TWENTY INVA RIABLYIX ADVA SCF. GHAS. F. STUBBS & GO., (Snrecatore to (floorer, Stuhha A Co.) COTTON FACTORS —AXD— Commission Merchants No. 041 Boy Street. SAVAIT2TAII, CA. CHAR. r. STUBBS, A. A. WIN X, John k. oarnett. thos. ». btim August 23. 1381. DR. J. P. HUNTLEY. IDE35TTXST I «l 14 PEACHTREE ST, ATLANTA, G A. TEETH FILLED BY ELECTRICITY One to four teeth inserted (on a new plan) without plate. 1 will par tare from Athens to Atlanta, should psrtlee come tor the purpose of haring dental work done, prorUod the work amount, to $1S or $30. Perfect rati* faction guaranteed. Notice! Ia hereby given that the honn for purchasing loose cotton at the Athene Factory will be be tween nineiu the morning and three in the stteraoon, and all cotton purchased daring one day will not be used in fiwlorv nntil the next day. This ia to give all pprtiee losing cotton due time to intercept their cotton if presented at the factory for sale. B. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent Athene Manufacturing Co. Jan. 18,1888. dltwly. JEWELRY. # , THE LADIES AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY Are respectfully Invited to call at the store of A.S. MADEVILLE, Where they will now find on exhibition anew - and superb line of the latest novelties in Jewelry & Silverware, Imported and American Watches, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Canes, Cutlery, etc., etc. ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING Done with eare and warranted to fire satis fac- . octl4-ly Tbs Great Specific for Neuralgia and Hsadaoba From Frank 1>. Haral«nn, State Librarian. Atlanta, Ga„ January 14,1880. Mksm:s. Hutchison A Kao.: Ihavatcttal your Neuralginr. Itoih on inyst ll and on others, and found it to tie nil that ia claimed—a specific for nruialgis and headache. I recommend it to a suffering public. Yours truly, Frank L. Haralson. Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 10,1879. Messrs. Hutchison A Bm.: 1 hare used your “Neuralgiue” in se\«ml instances, and find it the he»t remedy for neuralgia and headache 1 hare ever tried. It relievt-a the pain, leaves noneol those unpleasant effects due to narcotics or other aned>nes. 1 shall always keep it in my office and lake much pleasure in recommending it to my pa tients. 8. G. Holland, l>. D . 24 Whitehall, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4, 1879. Messrs. Hutchison A Fro : Having thoroughly esied your “Neuralgine" in my case 1 cheerfully recommend it to ail who sutler with neuralgia, ana hcaCache. For safe by all Druggist u sib Honnicutts The only reliable and safe remedy for JR IS. E XT A T X; S It taken according to directions it never fails. Cures eases «>f twenty or more years standing, and removes al impurities of the Flood and muscles. Thousands rejoice owr its marvelous cures. HUTCHISON A BKO. Gemral Agents, Sold by all Hruggiat. Atlanta, Ga. novjft Rubber Stamps! MANUFACTURED BY E. W. DODCS, Prop’r, - AUGUSTA STENCIL WORKS, 121 EIGHTH ST., AUGUSTA, GA. Send tor Catalogue and prices. Agents wanted. + +£*Sample name /-*Tanodwiti, \ plate tor ( J marking CLOTHING. ^ s **» —■ —****’ Price, 50 eta • oiuplete vrth Ink and Brush WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUN DED POPULARITY OF Allcock’s Porous Plasters? Because they have proved them- se'ves the Best External Remedy ever invented. They will cure asthma, colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and any local pains. Applied to the small of the back they are infallible in Back-Ache, Nervous Debility, and all Kidney troubles; to the pit of the stomach they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ALLCOCK’S POROUS PLASTERS are painless, fragrant, and quick to cure. Beware of im itations that blister am] hum. Get ALLCOCK’S, the only Genuine Porous Plaster. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ~ SAMUELC.BENEDiCT~ Physician and Surgeon OFFICE AT BRVUBTS DRUG STORF ATHENS, GA. OWfirs his service* tn the rltlr^nsnf th. .11. nd vicinity. Hr Resident »t Mri fltoreF? wxt to Eptacopalchiirch. • feb^Cm" HARDWARE. DR. J. H. CAMPBELL, DENTIST. ATHENS. GEORGIA Office end Residence: Insurance Building cM-ly ' E.K. LUMPKIN, '* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ATBEXS. GA. Office over Childs, Nickerson. Wynn Jt Co’s Wore. jelly ' CHILDS, NICKERSON, WYNN & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO CHILDS, NICKERSON A CO,),' Keep always in stock the moat complete line ot HARDWARE in Northeast Georgia. Onr store IS HEADQUARTERS FOR PLOWS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, BAR AND ROLLED IRON, NAILS, ALL MANNER OF TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, MACHINERY, THE BEST1 AND 2 HORSE WAGONS Mill Findings, Buggy and Wagon Material, Harness, Machine Oil, Pocket and Table Cutlery, And In foci every manner of article found in a first-class Hardware Store. We defy competition in iirtves. Give us but a trial and your trade is secured. mhS-tf OORS ^ASH |—frLlNDS T.FLEMING & SONS, Hardware Merchants, ATHENS, GERGIA. JanC 9m. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. • Persons uriahingto bny, sell or exchange Real Estate would do well to consult with the under signed. , J. 8. WILLIFORD. ocl4-tf Real Estate Agent. Athens. Ga. CoDidc Time. JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED H'dRF, 'Watches, Clocks GUNS, PISTOLS, ETC. CALL ON THE OLD RELIABLE. W. A. TALMADQE, ootn-tf COLLEGE AVENUE. ATHENS, GA. BUSINESS CARDS. The Best, is the Cheapest! THEREFORE IF YOU WANT GOOD AND CHEAP 1 AND 2-HORSE WAGONS 5- Call at my Shot*. Or at Childs, Nickerson. \\ ynn A Co’s. The Benson WAGON BE HAPPY H RISTMAS AT SKIFF’S, THE JEWELLER, all next week. Don’t fail to give him a call and look at the many articles he has received for PRESENTS. The best assort ment of tip-top Gold Pens and Cases. Pencil Charms, etc., ever brought to Athens; and what could you select more useful and longer remem bered than a fine gold Pen and Case for lady or gentleman as u present? There is a time forev erything under the sun. Ltd us now have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR SKIFF,THE JEWELLER, ATHENS nov4-ly. MISCELLANEOUS. § YOU WANT THE BEST. YOU GET IT, 'When You Buy SAMARITAN ^ CURES FITS. kw NEVER FAILS. >1 dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and hear aa well aa anybody. Pktsr Ko»s. Spring water. Wia. SAMARITAN NERVINE !la» been the means oi curing my wife of rhenmstltm. J. B. Flbtchkb, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of flta for my son. K. B. Ralls. HtauavlUc. Kta. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo. neur »lgia and sick headache. Mrs. Wm. Hknsov. Aurora, Iff SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of cut mg my wife of spasms. Rev, J. A. Emit. Reaver, ft* SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me or asthma after spending over S3 OOP with tuber doctors. s. R. Hoasox. Nftr Albany. lad. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured n\e of Wauuxx 740 Wcat Van Burras*. Chicago,* in. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured onr child of flu after given up to die by oar laiuiiy phytdclau. U having over i<M tn 24 hours. IUnbv Kxbs. Vervllla. Warren Co., Teas. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight year*. Albert Simpson. Peoria, IU. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared my too of fits, after spending S3. JOB with other doctors. J. W. Tborxtox. Clalbom, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE ured me permanent ly of epileptic fits of a stubborn character. Kav. Wm. MaaTtK.Mechanlcstown,Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored my son of fits, after having had 2.5U) la efghteei Mouths. Mas. E. Fobks. West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of cpUcnry of nine years* standing. Miss Orluxa Maiuuu, Granby. Newton Co., Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE ' SAMARITAN NERVINE Coredmeof broocblUt. uihmi mid general dchnitr. Outu Mtxxs. I ronton. Ohio. (AKARITM XERVIXE Du cared me of atthma; oleo arrotala of moor non treading. UuoJtnu. Covington, Xj. _ IAXAKITAX XEST1XE ^nedmeofteu. Borehroo well for oeerfoar jeon. Cauui K Cents. Otakrt. Dotutlua Co. . If ton. . OAHAR1TAX XERTIXE •am /iaa WEIL, t:ik old rf.liable Boot A,Shoe Manufacturer. 1 have removed my Boot and Shoe Shop over I he motu formerly occupied by me, on College Avenue, above C. Bodc r », where 1 am letter pre pared than ever, for any work in my line. My work is firat-claMi and warranted. BOOTS and SHOES REPAIRED on short notiee. Will half-octo from 50 cents to Si.25, according to quality. Price* to suit the lints. Thanking tuy customers for their past patronaee. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. febl4wti P. WfcIL. OR. BUTTS’ BMMl ■"real ~ it , ai d cnjoTS a nation- aie>ii— lirttrirm a<8i*UI,»jt48lM>«Mh«»Jto—4 DB.BCTT*. ia North Slhe T.^ST 4 Fs growing in favor rapidly. My recent contract | for FIFTY i* completed and exhausted, and a 1 new contract is on hand for ONE HUNDRED more. Don’t get scared—1 am here for you eve ry time. I am now better prepared to do good work than ever, having secured the services of ray Brother for the present year, who is a prac tical Wagon-Maker. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING. done in the best manner and at short notice—all work warranted to give satisfaction—charges reasonable. have a good SECOND-HAND PH.ETON, lately repaired, that I will sell cheap. Any one desiring a BARGAIN will find it to their interest to call on me. P. BENSON, feb3-ly Spring st.. near Gann &Rdjves, Athens T. G. HADAWAY, (SUCCFSSOR TO R. H. ALLEN,) When you are in Athens don’t fail to eall at the corner of Jackson ami Clayton streets and examine my large stt>ek of HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, AND HORSE-FURNISHING GOODS generally. My stoek is hand-made, and I defy competition from any quarter in prices. Machine-made Harness at low prices, if you want them. My establishment is the best place in the city to buy a good WHIP. 1 have HARNESS ami SAD DLES of all kinds and at every price. REPAIR WORK promptly done by first-class workmen. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. C. D. MeKIE, Agent for WHITE MACHINE; CINCINNATI AND COLUMBUS BUGGIES, MILBUKN ONE AND TWO HORSE WAGONS PEERLESS SEPARATORS, V COTTON , o5{a, N PBBB8E^ IP Saw Mills and Victor Scales. J Tv uriMM £W0ffice and Warehouse. . u. W UN IN, SALESMAN, CorTClayton A Thomai »ti. CARRIAGES, ~ BUGGIES^ WAGONS REPAIRING REDUCED IN PRICE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF AL Most useful Blacksmithing, Best and Stron.gest Wood Work, Most Elegant Trimming, and the Most arttstically finished Paintting. Done on all vehicles manufactured by D. C. HURLEY. Every piece of workmanship GUARAN TEED just as represented. NO BOTCH WORK, NO SHODDY WORK. Prices a* low as possible and in accerdance with the stringency of the times. NOTICE to PLANTERS! THE DOBBS AMMONIATED COTTON FERTILIZER. D.C. HURLEY, OCONEE STREET, ATHENT, GA. DON’T Bl’Y ANY OTHER UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED IT. The Tor-Fune Brand is the be st and most reliable ROASTED COFFEE on ihe market—it combines strength with delicacy of flavor—it is a prime article, and is always ro-asted to perfection—it is not glaztd, cu’orcu, or mwpertd with iu any way. GOOD COFFEE /« a nrcrMity. Don’t buy a poor article. A. H. STUMP & SONS, Wholesale Grocers. Importers and Coffee Rons ers, 5G South-st., BALTIMORE. iebXPom For 8ale by E. H. & W. F. Dorsey. ""HERE IS A BALM 1M GIAEAD rhey safe and effectual. The best known remedy in the world for uenrous- Dess in all stages; Weakening of the memory. Loss of Brain Power, Ner vous Debility, Lost Energy, Lost Hopes, Imprudence o? Youth, Ex cesses in maturer years. Seminal Weakness, and General loss of (tow er in Generative Organs. To those suffering from Nervous Irritability. Nervous Headache, Nervous Shock Nervous Prostration, Nervous Ex' haustion. relief is afforded In ma ny cases of female weakness they act like a charm. The Student, the Teacher, the Clerryiqan, the Edi tor, the Business man, can all be Invlgoratlng ^nefltted by their use. Life is too short to waste away in a dull tor pid manner, when a fl.W will ben efit you. and six boxes will cure and restore you to health and hap- rr.r Clarke’a ws AND SPERMATORRHOEA. vxln&blo Discovery and N*w Departure In M**d- Lpcteacs,aaeniir«ty Nswaod positively «Cretire — Speedy and permanent (Turf* of ficml- I and i * I n r --i : V I of the iHeesMTactlag by A’^aorpUoit.'and exerting I Me speciflo Influence on the Seminal veeidee. XUnc- I ulatory Ducts, Prostate GIr.r.d. and Urethra. The I oee of ihe Reaiedy le attended with no pain or lneoa- venieoce». and, does not Interfere with the ordinary pomiita of Ufei It Is quickly dissolved and soon ab> sorbed, producing an imaxedlateMot blog and restor- atlve effect upon the sexual and aarvona organize .tloaewrecked from aelf-ahuao and exceaeaa, stopping Itbe drain from the system, restoring the mind to health aad sound memory, removing the Dimness [Sight, Nervous Debility, Confusion of Ideas, gp ’ "" ' ’ .etc.,etc.,and thearpearanco Mjn^anying this dnese for 87.50. Ask your druggist or them. Take no other. Or send direct to the manufacturers, who will send them by mail, scaled, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, 658 Broadway. New York. Send 8 cent stamp for circular. marJ-ly. MARBLE! FOR MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, GRANITE WORK. Call on A. ROBERTSON. Athens, Ga.. who will give yis tow prices and as good work as any establishment on the American continent. 3-JJtf. HARRIS REMEDY CO. ETC. CffiKSISL Mtrkctud 8th St*. ST. LOUIS. Mo. Cored mj wit, of lATroToniaLT^iyorea, Ion. UHTAI niTHX nis.vais’fis^HicK KTTAiLNKmynfK , ”s; o svi'isrN , oAn MKAUTAN XERTIXE (■o&offlu. Hobuoot had • Rtfor Abo at SAMARITAN NERVINE t H TOR RUE by all druggists evidences of cares. Addsess PE. 0. A. RICHMOND A CO., Cared r foaryo For Sale. ilXZi "wn. ciiliir*. J. O. Adaib, Harmony LiOTe, 0*. —AND— MULES W.S. HOLMAN c ° 9 guSINESS [JNIVERSITY S C^D CATALOG UJ~- S A. H. DOREMUS, ATHENS, GEORGIA, CONTRACOR, Is now prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN ORAMENTAL plastering. Job Work a Specialty. KALS0MIN1NG DONE TO ORDER. FOR COMPOSTING. CHEMICALS Are mow ready for delivery to all wlm want u GOOD, RELIABLE FERTILI ZER. I am prepared to give SPECIAL CHEAP PRICES to those who buy in quantities; anil am selling to all cheaper than I did last year. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. S C. DOBBS. CHINA HALL. JfST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Japanese' and Fancy Goods, WHICH ARE ALL THE RAGE AND VERY SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS & HOLIDAY GIFTS, Also, Full Lines of CLOCKS AND MIRRORS, besides our regular Stock of House Furnishing Goods. Deupre LYNCH & FLANIGAN, Block, Athens, Georgia. 014-17 GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS! DRUGGISTS’ CARDS. JACOBS’ PHARMACY! dwnla. Stamped “ I, B. SEELEY,WARRANTED.” Sta-JA. Eo.3 Coneara. Ho.*. Ho.*. Ho. t. Trusses, Supporters, Bandages, Urinals, Braces, etc. Just received a large and varied stoek, suitable for Infants. Youths aid Adults. Buying in large lots from the manu facturers we receive a discount, which we di vide with our patrons. Made in every desira ble patent; fitting perfectly to form of body; light, cool, cleanly, free from all soar, rusty, chafing or padding unpleasantness. We adjust all Trusses when desired and qnamnUe same. Large assortment! Low prices! Remember name and avoid all catch-penny humbugs. oct9-ly NEW SEED GROWN BY R. Buist, Jr., For us. All are FRESH and every paper dated 1882! HE NO TEA. the best in the place. Burker llill Harness Oil. Warner’s Remedies. SL Jacobs’ Oil. and all popular Pat. Medicines, ht. Louis Lead, Llnseeu Oil. Mixed Paints. Full stock of Drugs und Fancy Good,*. We have a full stock of above and everything lii our line, and will G. H. U. Tho]VIusi<‘H ous eOf TheSouth ■ Pianos and ■ Organs The Best Manufactured! New and Elegant Styles! Important Improvements! Beautiful Combinations, SELECTED FROM TWELVE OF THE MOST CEDEBRAT- ED MAKERS. E. L _ 0. M. LARGE CASH CONTRACTS ENABLE G. O. ROBINSON & CO. TO SANK * 20 to 30 Per Cent TO EVERY' PCRCHA8 EH., lowest Prim & [asltst Terms Em Cfferred MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ' SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, BE3T ITALIAN STRINGS, Aad everything pertaining io Firetdas* Mosle Boom. KEY-iSTOTE SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. E.C.LONG&CO. Druggists, Athens, Ga. oc.21-ly. T. M. H. O. L. P. Q. S. Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, T. S. BOOTsSHOE ^HOP OX CLAYTON STREET, Nett door fojl^flnjr.^rfore, * few •tep* > Where the nnderetnied will make One BOOTS end SHOES io order in the beet style and of the beat materiel. All REPAIRING done tn the belt manner and at ehoitnotlce. febltSm W. T. STARK. Athene. Ga. BARBER SHOPS. Sapp & Brydie’s BRABER SHOP, OVER MAXDEVILLE’S JEWELRY STORE, This is one of the best Shops in the State, and have always on hand • FIVE SUPERIOR ARTISTS, Who are prepared to fix you up in style. Spe cial pains taken with those having the matri monial aft" “ * ’ ’ oc414-ly. PALACE BARBER SHOP * COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS. GA. (Under Commercial Hotel,) , The finest establishment in the city, with first-class artists. Prices moderate and entire satisfaction guaranteed. DAVIS A HARRIS, Proprietors. oct14-ly. MISCELLANEOUS. PAY UP! intend to have my mbnev. So you will save trouble by calling on me without delay. 1 mean business. Emphatically, A, S. DORSEY. f»h2.t **' Miles Johnson, STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT. I am better prepnred than nver todoall of Dyalns and Cleanlnf, In the moat rat and thorough manner. Devotlnf m; time eoli ffiML tlon with other norinrra. andcentlemenof Athena. norU-ly. Men to theMlea FRESH FRUIT ALL THE YEAR! been attained, until the raeeeeetid int SStdeuS?^^i£b 1 l . U Srit. bir W - h,fh ble* can be prepnred WITHOUT ' Thl* proceti contain, very tlmple and harm- leaapropertiea, healthy and lnexpenalTe. Fam ily rights for tale by me. or at E. 8. Lyndon' ■ ‘ —here the article! can be him. Y. A. Sl’MMEY, AUGUSTA, GA. We are now prepared to fill orders for any of our own brands of FERTILIZERS, or make them to **r»ler as may be desired. As our facilities have been greutiv enlarged the past season, we can furnish High Grade Fertilizers to the trade at prices which defy competition, when the grade of our goods is considered. Remember that a Fertilizer which contains only one per cent, more of Soluble Phos. Acid is worth 12.50 per ton more than another which contains just that much less. Uur central location enables us to deliver our Guanos to purchasers iu the interior much more promptly, lu better condition, anu at less cost than a Northern manufacturer, or oiie loca ted on the eoasu AMMONIATED GUANO. Our brands of Mastodon and Georgia Patapsco Guanos, and Lowe’s Formula, are so well known lu the South, 1 only refer to them to say that they are fully up to the staudurd of past seasons. ACID PHOSPHATE. The demaud for this article In the past has exceeded the capacity of our Works, We chal lenue eom)»etition in the practical results obtained from the use of it. We Lave a stoek on hand which we are prepared to sell at a very small prefit to dealers. By refereuee to the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the prescut season, it will be found that our analyses were as Uastodon Guano. The Fertilizers we are making this season are fully up to any ever before manufactured by us. Dealers would do well to communicate with us before laying in their supplies for the com ing season. KNTHUHHED 1H53.J WINSHIP’S IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF IMROVED WINSHIP COTTON GIN, SELF FEEDER! AND CONDENSER, Cotton Presses for Stjam, Hand, or Horse Power, SHAFTING, PULLIES, HANGERS, Saw Mills, and Mill Gearing of Every Description. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Correspondencejsolicited. Address WHTSHIF A BHO., ATLANTA.?} EORGIA WHITE & MILLER, COR. BROAD & HUNTER, STREETS., ATLANTA, GA GENERAL AGENTS FOB THE MITCHELL WAGON InNorth & South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama & Florid •. The A Mention of dealers ia called to the fact that we ara|prepared to ship at abort notice niese anperb wagons iu small lota or by the car load, bend tor special prioe lists aud circulars. Also dealers in C. & G. COOPER’S PLAIN PORTABLE TRACTION AND STATIONARY ENGINES, , • frbM Sand f<.r Illustrated Catalogue. jan.2G-3m. M. A. STOVALL, TREA8URF.R GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS. THE OLD ELI ABLE ATLANTIC 1 PHOSPHATE. SOLD WITHOUT DISCOUNT IN THIS MARKET FOR 12 YEARS. S. L. K & Co’s Ammoriiated DISSOLVED 'BONE ! ONE OF THE HIGHEST GRADE FERTILIZERS, mV WUCAl.VQTft AX’ *5T4TIf PTTPVKT ) These goods will be sold as low as any STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Con- suit us before buying. Yours truly; TAYLOR BROS., Cotton Buyers and Guano Dealers, RED SIGN. ‘ CLAYTON-ST.,"ATHENS, GA. ; COME AND SEE ME. GROCERIES'. Life, Energy, Ambition. E. H. 1 lAMRSEY HAVE OPENED IN A. S. DORSEY'S OLD STAND ON BROAD ST., AND WILL KEEP IN STOCK ALWAYS A COMPLETE LINE OT FAMILY GROCERIES AND STAPLEDRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS., ETC. We challenge (he world on out best'brand of fcliOUR—“ LAWRENSBURG PATENT.” Try it and you will me none othec. t. TRYRHOSA aad FOR-FUNE ROASTED COFFEES—given up to be the beat brands in the market . Also .the best grades of Green Coflees, Teas, Ham, GHts, Rice and in fact all the necessary LUXURIES FBR THE TABLE, We propose tc sell as cheap as any blouse in the city, and we feel confident if you will give us atrial we wiu give, you satisfaction both in goods and prices. Highest marketprtee paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS. JEWELRY. New Jeweller. CHAS. A. SCUDDER, Watehmaker and j eweller. DEALER JN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY And Silverware. Hngravlna and Gold Plating Specialtiea. MBY’S DRUG STOR Jtctt-Ss* AT T'HE^ BED STORE, Ho. 9 Broad Straat, A-Uoaas. Ga. If you want STOVES and TIN-WAKE Cheap. octll W. L. JARVIS, MANUFACTURER OF Every Vehicle made and aohi is built on honor, and of the best material and workrr.anahJF grenghont, andhasyvanyearn o. satisfaction to purchasers. Visitors und citizens iuundiit liadies’ FJiaetons! Boctors’ Fliaetous 2 FOUR PASSENGER BAROUCHES, Brewster Top aa| M*o top Buggies I THE CELEBKATED DEXTER and QUEEN TOP and OPEN BUGGIES, BUSIN ESS; WAGONS, EfT5. “ .. Are requested » examine all! other work ' :• In the Qty and at the Expoation Then call at tny Repository and Factory and be convinoed having thoroughly reliable and lnliy guaranteed 'vork, wh dealing liouaojn the United 8ut»*. REPOSITORY, 17 NORTH PRIOR. ST., Opposi e Moore A Marsh ^38 FACTORY, 44 LINE STREET, ATLANTA, Q deoS7’81 ' J " ’