The Banner-Watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1882-1886, June 13, 1882, Image 4

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BANNER-WATCHMAN. TUESDAY JUNE 13 1862. XDWtN R. KINNEBRKW, Travei.inci A«gsT SUBSCRIPTION: PER YEAR CLUBS OF TEN . CLUBS OF TWENTY INVARIABLY IS ADVANCE. SI SO 1 28 1 OO '‘HOG AND HOMINY." A Vlatt to tho Bolf Supporting and Modal Form . of Mr. A. 8. Dorsey. ▼ery few mistakes were made during theeveniug. It waseertninlynn inter esting occasion, and these courts are calculated to be of great service to the students. There was n large vein of humor running through the debates, that generally turned on the Sophs. Upon adjournment, after returning thanks to the visitors present, a spe cial resolution was passed congratula ting tho Bophs. upon their good behav ior on tills occasion. PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. Tuesday evening, through the kind ness of our genial friend Ab Dorsey, wo visited his splendid plantation,' about six miles distant from Athens, down the Lexington road. Sitting behind liis.last trotter distance was annihilated, and we soon readied our destination. Every thing on his place* betokens skilful man agement and a successful, progressive farmer. Tho fences arc all in splendid condition, “mule high anil pig light.'’ ilia Mda pro an clean aa a garden, bill sale ditched and free from washes. I.ike all the crops in lids auction Mr. Dorsey’s cotton ia backward, but tlie warm days are faat bunging It out and it will favor ably compare with tlie best crop in this county. One Held is partimilsrly fine, and full of squares. Ilia upland corn is unsurpassed. One strip of nearly^ hun dred acres la almost black with rich ness, and with (air seasons must average fifteen or tweuty bushels per acre. This corn is all fertilized with home-made manure, and conclusively proves that our farmers can raise as fine corn on their uplands as ia tho bottoms, if they prepare their land properly. Between each hill ia planted j*aa, which ure now luxuriaut. His wheat and oat crop com paiea with.his other cereals. They are, simply nuperb and tlie harvest is now progressing. Mr. Dorsey’s overseer in formed him that he had cutalready fully 1,200 bushels of oats. As soon as these crops are hauled off, the land is sown broadcast ill peas, and after the firat nip ping frost tlie vines turned under for manure. Thus each year finds tlie fields improving instead of degenerating. Mr. Dorsey runs a self-supporting farm. He carried us tlirongh Ills large barns, even now filled to tlie rafters witli a loot year’s crop of hay and fodder. lie lias throe large cril>» of ear coni, and one of them it won’t be necessary for him to open this year, as lie is feeding liis stock on oats. Ho says it is a mista ken idea about plow-stock requiring so much corn anil fodder, and referred to tlie fine condition of his horses nud mules to substantiate tlie assert ion. Mr. D. also gives some attention to stock raising. Jle has n drove of a- line Berkshire nud l’uland China lings us can be found iu tho state, a Hock of improv ed sheep, nnd a large drove of goats. These latter, lie says, will give no Irinili- blc about jumping if limy are raised un der a good fence, and never permitted to pasture on a Hold, lie hus also three beauUful fish-ponds, one of them now stocked with carp. Ills tenant houses are ull neat frame buildings, with every convenience and good gardens attached, built in a row like a village. lie says he 1ms no dilfi- culty about hiring nil the hands he wants, lor a darkey loves a good home as much as tlie white man. His farm along the road is enclosed with a neat plank fence, for a long distance. This gciillemuu hus several acres in tlie most improved peach ami other fruit trees, but tills year they are not liearing as the bail cleaned the trees of tlie grow ing crop. It is certainly well worth the visit to examine this model farm. THE QUESTION SETTLED JKWJSLKY. THE LADIES AND THE PUBLIC GENERAILY Are respectfully invited to ell .ube store of A. S. MANDEVILLE, of the universal success of *$i ^ ^^^ are > The Secret 1 on*- V. hoKllled Cook Robin f Who nominated Stephens? “I," sfttd Marcellos, “WUh my Post-Appeal het'owa, i blowcd him out.” Who'll dig his grave? . ..'gi • “1 “ quoth Gu, Bacon. , ., .. “If I ain't mistaken, I'll dig his grave." ■*, ?J, , , . Who'll write his epitaph ? “I,“ spake our Emory, “Killed liy bad memory,” I'll write o er bis gruve." :,; And who'll mourn Ills loss? . “I.'' sighed old >'ch.. “For lie promised mu to melt The democratic paity into mine." Ingoraoll'a Creed. 1. Happiness is the only good. 2. Tlie way to be happy is to make others happy. Other things being equal, that man is happiest who is the nearest just—who ia truthful, merciful ami intelligent—in other words, the one whef lives in accordance witli the condi tions of life. ' ' ' i; ' fi. Tiiejiime to l* happy is now, and the place to be hap|ly Is here. 4. Reason is the lumpof the mind— tlie only torch nf progress; and, instead of blowing that out and depending tijioii darkness anil dogma, it is far bet' ter to increase that sacred light. 5. Every man should be the intellec tual pnqirletor of himself and intellec tually hospitable—ami upon every brain ■eason should lie enthroned as king. ti. That every man must bear tlie con sequences, at least,of Ids actions; that if he puls Ids hands in the lire, his hands must smart and not the hands of another. In oilier wonls, that each man must eat tlie fruit of the trie lie plants. A Double Advance. Brown’s Iron Bitters is sim ply this: It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, And medicinal principles, and does j ust what is claimed for; it—no more and no less. I M ’ ,*~.v; off (it - “dl By thorough and rapid , assimilation with the blood, j .if: reaches evety part pf the .!»• system, healing, purifying >> and' strengthening. Com)- -ml m'encnjg’ at the foundation ’ <'...'.it&ililos up and restores lost health—in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. ll t*il? h«lilf -t'b ■ I , .Ilil Vl . . 7;-Dearborn Ave. # Chicago, No-. 7. l have been a treat suTcrcr from , averywcalcstomach,hea'tburn t and flysprana in Its wont form.' Sdjiy 1 wverything 1 sire cave me distress, • . end 1 coaid cat but little, l luve tried everythmgrecoraraended, have taken the prescriptions of a dozen * • 1 physicians, but cot no relief until I took Brown’s Iron Bitters. I fed • none of the old troubles, and am a ' stew man. I am getting much stronger, and fed first-rate. I ata a railroad engineer, and noVr nuke my trips regularly. 1 can not say too much in praise of your wonder ful medicine. 1 . D. C. Mack. , Bitova’s. Iron Bitters does not contain whiskey pf alcohol; and will' ‘not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will ctlre dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Brown’s Iron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark on wrapper. In tlie ante lielluin days a New York state grocer raised the price of a certain grade of tea from “three shillings’’ to45 cents, and an old far mer wiio cauie in with a barrel of cl tier vinegar to sell, could hardly cred' it his senses when told that his favo- r s te brand of teu hud ndvanecd several cents per pound. “What on airtli is tlie reason for tins sudden raise?” lie inquired. “Scarcity of lea diesis,” was the brio! answer. ‘•\V«'l!, do von want my vinegar?” “Mow much ?’’ “Eight cents a gallon.” “I only paid you seven last.” “Yes, but eider lias riz, ^ou see,” “Wind lias brought cider up?”ask ed the astonished grocer. ‘'Scarcity of Ining-liole plugs," was the quiet hut serious reply. They looked at each other without winking, and llieu tea dropped back tolls and eider to 7 cents. ‘PARLIAMENTARY TACTICS." A Strange Story. Two sisters were engaged to be simul taneously married at Lafayette, Indiana. Their ullium'cd husbands came to town on tlie morning of t lie day set for their double wedding, and called at tlie house. The mother went to awaken tlie girl*, and found the room empty, tlieir ward robes gone, and a letter saying that they had run away to avoid matrimony. Two weeks later they were fotiud in St. Louis, siek from continual drunkenness, and one bruised by a light with a boon companion. Their exploit is singular, as they had been gently reared, and the bridegrooms from whom they fled were of their own choosing. SILVER AXI) PLATER WARE, W atehes, Clocks GUNS, PISTOLS, ETC. CALL ON THE OLD RELIABLE. W. A. TALMADG octU-tf | COLLEGE A VEX HE. ATHENS, OA, BE HAPPY ill hi 1 j i f -*rt im m t&iSwarBtefisJirspass" 1 ' ivucii Charms, etc.. ever brought t«> Athi-n*; and what could youaelccl im 0 •X'Mtti mid ifuigttr remem bered than tt tine sold Pen 11 ml <’tt>e far l»u!y c»r gentleman a* a prwnt! There la • tithe for eV ervthiug under the »un. lA-t «is nuw luvoa 34 fcRRY t. HR1STM AS and a HA VYY NEW YEAK W'.i'tS' 1 CHILDS. NICKERSON, WYNN & CO., 1 /.ill. I..' VlnL'CDltAV A I'A *. scoeF.ssorts to oHtr.ns, nickekson a co.y, Keep atL.vs in stock the most crenpTele lino at HARDWAREW Northeast Georgta Our store ' ISItKADOCARTERS TOR PLOWS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, EAR AXR ROLLER IRON, NAILS, ALL MANNER OF TOOLS, BARBED WIRE, MACHINERY, THE BEST1 AND 2 HORSE WAGONS Mill Findings, ’Itaggj,* A\\h Wagon Material, Harness, Machine Oil, Pocket.and Table Cutlery, And in fivtJcvery manner dr'aJtlclo found hi a first-class Hardivnrc Store. W« defy competition In prices, itivc hs hut utriul and yonr trade is secured. inht-tf id. .’ »l)t<tiif* BUGGLES, WAGONS -t .n-.-.l vne[ 0 si IT A ^.:,:■ REPAIRING REDlicElVw’feE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF AL Most useful Blrteksmithirig, . Best and Strongest Wood Work, Most Elegant Trimming, and the *' hi »*--•. 1 " |,! Most arttstically finished Paintting. Done on all vehiejea manufactured by,p. HURLEY. Every frioee at workm TEED jn^CMfi rt'pre*i>iit*MU > •• I 1 I , , j ; NO BOTCH WORK; NO SHO DDY WORK V/ifOR 4<t !«»»• a& flexible find In aoeerrinnee with the stringency of the tl nea.f nit > tm»T .1 If . < - * * in *ilI D. C. HURLEY, OCONEE STUKK1, ATIIKN 7! CHINA HHI/lki * 1, er- chaatB of ATHENS, GA. SKIFF,THE JEWELLER, ATHENS M ISC’ LLLANEO U 8. YOU WANT THE BEST. YOU GET IT 'When You Buy DON'T BUY ANY OTHER UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED IT. The Lending Scientists of to-day a ree that most diseases ure caused hr dUnrder- KfclnryF «*r Liver. If, therefore, tlie Kidneys and Liver ure kept in Perfect order, tH-ruy't health will be the ft sult. This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered ereat aiftniy without beiUK able to find relief, lue di^oovery <»f Warner’s Sufv Kidney and Liver Cure murks a new era in the treat- tneftt of these troubles. Made fnon a simple tropical leaf rare value, it contains just the elements,necessary to nourish 11 n.I invigorate both of these great organs. an<l safely restore Brand Is the beat and most reliable ROM and keen them in order. It Is a POSITIVE Remedy for all the disease* that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver —Headaches—Jaupdice — Dizziness — Gravel- Fever, Ajpjc—Muht rial JKevcr, and all diitieulllet The Tor-Fune and la the beat and moat reliable ROASTED COFFEE ou thu. market—it combiner atrengUi with delteary of flavor—It 1* a prime article. icary of flavor—It ia a prime article, and la alaan ro rated to pcrfeoiieu—4t la not ta. or lamperrl aith in of the 1 It la an excelk-ul and a dy for female* Token of a Race Insult. Ou Thursday afternoon, upon invi tation, wo attended tho Moot Parlia ment of the State University, conven ed in Demontlrenian hall. We had long cherished a desire to witness one of these interesting exercises, but somehow a cruel fate always Interven ed and matched our wishes bald- headed, Just at a time they were about being fulfilled. Upon our grand entrer we found the room already filled with the creme de la emu of our citizens, one of whom we were sow which. In fact .the chairs were so unanimously filled that we for an Instant seriously contemplated inviting ennelf to a seat in the middle of the floor, when Mr. Pope “a grave and reverend senior,” relinquished to us his chair and perched himself upon thetopofau inverted beaver belonging to a Soph. When we had time to col lect our equanimity, our eyes roamed around the room, and this Is the pan- oinma spread before our vision: In a distant oorner were seated the youug ladies from the Institute, and tlieir smiles of approval was the goal hoped to be reached by this honorable body; opposite them sat the hoard of exam iners; the students were scat- ' tered throughout the hall. In the Chair reigned Col. Pi H. Bell, the worthy President; whileCapt. Harry PliinUy occupied the post of Inside Guard at tlie door. Tlie flrst sound that caught our cur upon entrance was, “the gentleman is out of order;” but it took half an hour to convince the gentleman front Troupe that such was the case. It seems that they were dissertingaud discussing the constitu tion of tlie body, and the maimer in which it was hacked at, abridged, amended, substituted and finally pass ed would have done credit to the re mains of a dog law bill after being tackled by the Georgia legislature. As au Illustration we will give tlie first clause In their constitution, liefore and after taking: “The name of this society shall lie tlie Moot Parliament, aud io lie eoni- ]MJsed of students of the University of Georgia, who liuvu listened to the lec tures of Dr. Mell on Parliamentary Practice.” • Tlie section was finally physicked to read ubout as follows, according to our mental stenography: “Th*J cognomen of Hit conglom erated mess of wisdom must be chris tened the Reiecbstagof the State Uni versity, and any free born white male eltlaen of Georgia, of sonnfi mind, who has ever listened to one of Wiley Bush’s lectures on the virtues of his burn medicine, is entitled to member ship; Prodded, he is not a Soph.” President ,BeII presided with grace and dignity, and seemed to have this accomplishment athia finger’s end. Sometimes we' would think he had enough amendments, substitutes, . i paints otor^ar, question# ofprivilege, 'ale;, ate., heaped within to-ala eMl> Boston, May X0.—As a colored post of tlie Grand Arinv of tlie Republic readied tlie Revere House to-day, Its band and drum corps ceased playing, and did not resume until after the hotel had been passed. It was at the Revere House that Gen. Robert Smalls, the guest of the Shaw Guards, colored, failed to obtain the room which had boon engaged for him. , Ins of the Womb. A, a Bloo*l lbniflerlt tsimequaleil. for it cures the organs that note thu blood. Ttat, Keuicdy, which has done such wonders, is put im ill the LARGEST SIZED HOTTER of •ny medicine iiihiii the market, and is sold by Druggists and all dealers at $1.23 iter h, title. For Ilia boles, enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DI ABETES Cl'RE. It it a ri isn't VE Remedy. H. H. WARNERACO., Rochester, N. Y feb.tlsm. PROFESSIONAL CARDS.* SAMUEL C. BENEDICT, Physician and 'Surgeon. OFFICE AT BRUMBY’S DRl’U STUKE, ATHENS, GA Offer* Ms aery ices to the citizen* of the city and vicinity. JM^Rcxldence at Mn. Glover’s, next to Episcopal church. leM- Cm E. K. LUMPKIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ATJUiSS, (iA. DR. ROBERT I. HAMPTON* DENTIST, OFFICE coll. CLAYTON AND I.UUPKIN SIS. llKYirt Ahrns. Gn. J. W. ECHOLS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lexington, - - Georgia. DRUGGISTS’ CARDS. JACOBS’" PHARMACY! glazed, colored, or tampered urith in any t GOOD COFFEE /« a necessity. Don’t buy a poor article. A. H. STUMP & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, Importers and Coffee Roast- ;ro, 66 South-st., BALT1 MODE. fcb£t-Cm For Sale by E. H. & W. F. Dorsey. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored- ny little girl of fit*. She wm also deaf az dumk but It rural her. She can now taU and le ar i wok os any body. Pxraa Rosa, sprtngwaier. WU. ■AMABITAk NEKVl\r. Has b*rn the means of curinx my wife of rbrnmatlsmt > . j. J . B. Flktgilbk, Fort Collins. Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Mad? a sure curc.of a case of fits for my son. " E. B. Ralls. Hiattbvine. Kan. SAMARITAN XERVIMi Cured me of vertigo, nenriilgia and sick headache. Mbs. W*. HaxaoK. Aurora, IB SAMA1UTAX .\ntVI\K Was the means of curinu my wife »>f spasms. Rev, J. A. Edib. lb arcr Pa* SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me t»f asthma, after apendlnjr over «3 OfO with 6M*l»Sump«! “I.B. SEELEY,WASRAHTED." SasA SoACoxtra. hi SaA it Trusses, Supporters, Bandages, UrlnalK. Bntm etc- 4tut recrtTod a luge end varied atnek. suUxtilc for Infant,, Youth* and Adult*. Buying til large lot* from the maau-, facliirera we reralvc a dlieount, which we dl vide with our iwtron*. klade tn every dnlra- hie patera: fitting perfectly .to form of body; light, cool, cleanly, free from all aoar, ruaty, inaflngi ' ng or padding un,dea*antneu. W, adjuit all Truuea when deiired and anaraetaeimma. targe uasortment! Low Brim! Remembei name and avoid all catch-penny humbug*. octMy , , cum to fill a wksh-tub, hut ha would - always manage to unravel the skein of wisdom and pounoe upon the ortgt- f.- nalquaattonwIth<hoaaiD*t:ptau*lble ease. * •' i • FoTa short time Capt Harry Pliini- •y filled theohwir of state, find proved himself well worthy the Charge, j He seemed to have Parliamentary “usage on the tip of hie tongue, and pre sided orerthe body with great credit to hlmeeif nnd his learned instructor Dr. Mell. [ The youug men eeomed well up In — “ ^->,nnd tl)la intricate branrtt of study, WHE gi»BTMI UN- (i imu ruruLA All cock’s Porous Plasters? Because they have prove«1 them- neuralgia, atuf any local pains. Applied to the stnall of the back they are ’ infallible in Back-Ache, Nervous Debility, and all t Kidney troubles; to the pit of the sti Utay are a sure cure for Dys and Liver Complaint. ... j, ALLCOCK’S POROUS PLASTERS are painless, fragrant, and qnick to cure. Beware of im itations that blister and bum. Get ALLCOCK’S, the only Genuine Porons Plaster. t>.l*cr*Wti»nL 6. U UoBSf.N,. New Albuuy. lud. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of "i/llSfJCXN1B WfRZBX. 7V> Went Van Bun n St. Chlc&ieo. IB SAMARITAN NERVINE iTnrM onr child of fits after riven up to die by our ftuiiiiy phyalt-liin. tt harlmr over iu* tn 2t hours. Hknbt Kxu. VarrlUa. . Warren Co.. Tens. SAMARITAN NERVINE Can'd me of scnifutm after suffeiinx for dirtit year*. i Albkkt Simpson. Peoria. 111. . SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared my ton of fit*, after spending *i«f> wfth other doctor*. J. W. Thoonton. Uolborn, Mlu. SAMARITAN NERVINE J nTed me permanently of epdepttd fit* of a stubborn character. Rot. Wm. kUaTUi.Mnclianlcstown.3ld. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored my *on of fit*, after having had I. SaO In elfhtees \4uatha. Maa. E. Fobs a. W«*t Potadam. I. y. ’ , . SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared me of cpKenty of nine year*’ afandine. rrax sibvux , afiMfiowi* NERVINE aUURRAS RBRVIKR of oathma; alao acrof ala of many yean Isaac Jkwxlu Corincton, Ky. ™ SAMARITAN X, Oiwl mn of ftajhre been well for over four yean Ciauii Cum*. OioklaDoturlass Co..3ilan. NERVINE SJfJKRfiU’tara. c^T wn *B5aasr«ai 0 ta 1 ' SARURTU iMMitaSriaiMri. B. <!■*■»■. North Hope. Pm gABLABITjjf BY ALL DRTJGK3-ISTS .iKwki7i;v. New Jeweller. CHAS. A. SCUDDER, Watchmaker, and Jeweller. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY And Silverware. l£ngriiving and Cold Plating Specialties. MbV*S DRUG STOW - . Jh I It ’jan26-3m ENORMOUS WHEAT CROPS Will he made this year, and now is tli<- time to get a First-Muss SEPARATOR AND ENG IN El We have on hand a Car Toad or two of the (HERE IS A BAUM IM GIAEAD For all Nerve and Brain affection* are invaluable. They are prompt, safe and effectual. The best known rcinetly in the world for nervous- in nil htAfroa; Weakening of the memory * * ** vous 1' Hope*, ■sacs in maturer yean. Seminal Weakness, and General losa_of^pow> Invigorating er in Generative Organa. suffering from Nervous Irritability. Nervous Heodorbe, Nervous Shock a%ia We ums short to waste away in a dull tor pid manner, when a f 1.SQ will ben efit you, and six boxes will cure and reatorr you to health aud hap- !pin«Mis for 17.60. Auk your druggUt for them. Take no other. Or send direct to (he manufaettirers, who Iwill send them by mail, sealed, on | receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Company. 658 Broadway, New York. KcudS cent stomp for {circular. mari-ly. 'A ll:lf-> FOK MONUMENTS, TOMBST6NES, GRANITE WORK. C.ll on A. R. ROBKRTSOX. A then*, G»_, who will gin- ft* low price* unit *« good work ft* «ny c.tftbliHhuunt ou the American eoutiuent. 3-Sttf. M U LES W.S. HOLMAN Will keep rtn hand this sea son a fine lot of broke and nubroke hor se* and mule* which I will, sell as low us the market afford*. Kx- mine my lot before bqy- fwr. I bovci Just recetwd aeurdtud di rect from the lx'iil arid most hat T am •win street. Athens. popular stock-nriscTs of Kentucky d'J low. Sale tftablc olt < biyt.»u L tio. !ur. hjvr fl P . WEIS*, i*l L-hn*. r:. MJ/hua Itila't.i I , , THE OLD REII ABLE li Iftilt FHs|*rt a ■■■ hr aorinvi tilt Boot AShon Mahufeetuitir. I have removed* my Beet and .6hAe Htep over the room lorraeriy.occupied by me, on College Afenue, aboveU. Bot!e r s f where I am bette* pre pared than ever, for any work In tny line. My work ia first-claw end warranted. ... BOOTS «od SHOES REPAIRED os abort notice. Will balf-«ul« from M cent* te 81.1t, acconlliig to quality. 'Price* to ftutt tbft kiog mg, ctutaaen for their tm«. Thank iH 4 ' 0U SI N E S S y NIVFP 5 : >Tt i. tu’ii Jlr*. , Commission MerchanU, No. 04, Itaj- Htrhet, him SAVASeTAS, GA cnaa.stubbs, loutiuBm, A«gn*t a* 1ML a. ft. win, • UUaV '.^CELEBRATED AULTMAN&TAYLOR And oUier Machines ready for inimmwllato delivery. Gull and hoc them or - write for Circulars. ORR & HUNTER, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Up-stairs corner Clayton <k Thomas streets. I/F»k out for the SWrved Rooster Flag. WHOLESALE GROCERIES. '3;f: }G0.; ... ... . .. .« II „> .• j. ■ 1 ■: 1 ill • l,l . > ..V. WHOLESALE GROCERS Until U«V arti ti|,•rjj'i.idjl.V , ktilaii-1 tlieir 'irciielf.imvle.1go.! ^ * “ oin*r rtit ’'?£“:;NEW AMERICAN AreuiiiiJiiqileiljlnr s<ini^llei(v fiii,r dhi-ahllitv. LYNCH & FLANIGAN, China; Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Housefur- - ' hishing Goods. Deupre Blocks Athens, Georgia. .MACHINERY, DANIEL PRATT O THE'BEST IN USE. AND CONDENSER Guaranteed to Give Perfect Delivered at Your Nearest Depot. - AGENTS: - HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR tlAXDSOMft ‘.VKtV STORE AT THE INTERSECTION OF •it tjiIT _jl t.-.iit/ J,,1 .H -t wjt:u i ,i,i it! Broad, Thomas and Oconee streets tin V/ flit, •tl in ...( !> G nt: . IXmc ij t«>ii tIA )x-t- K'< It -i —Fill- it) 1U**■ U ’tne. -. t.»T w REI'A It I.t mi AN'; ii V K !t: TO St'WLY TIIZ; if ‘f rr , c...C. . YOUR ORDERS.REsriSt^Fi’LLY'.S->U | ('rtr.q"^ i ENTIRE . ] Has the best facilities and finest workmen in the city for tU» prompt discharge of in.,. . t pU wofkei»lfo*teaitohun._ v .. <1(> y u HORSE SHOEING AND PLANTATION WORK dune in ft *ap*rior manuftr at ao<ter«tc prie«- I tnaku a »i>octittj of : |<Kl‘AIKtN«i. GUNS. PISTOLS & EDGE TOOLS of all da trlp^lep ooUgfacttcm In al\ work’xvHl-h f-rind ertnfcc. When in need of cUnebeaurejM^WIt^i » vlnO .him vr » »Jj *E blagksmith,‘-^»5. vims? ** ,j ( , t i(i j -li illiut t ii ’! .(uR.l a: -j it; i l.- « «i; .-.j_ - ' 1 iutf5* J ». 1.1.-11 : . t > . 1K.-53.1 - I WM I v-M .’-tiiiiufis •* f ul in*-''! /icTm IRON WORKS lY-JtSDI'D •'*11 until »: it.-.. ? im! i «>l tihtithWiNn I |f:, OTP m- secffeedeh ft»D, coxi>exseh„...„ „.: 3,';. or' Rb^ ;i;#er ( i” SHAFTING, PULLIES, HANGERS, HRUfl l-Ulltt.’D. s^fl at Saw^kllis, 1 and Milt Gearing of Every Description. ; ' ’'''I I i .»»: • it/. •<:.!' ‘A 1 li!'t’>: >.i, wrnsaip <& bro- : I -.I! II-!! I !';)> , ll',l*T> i/T Hill v: T. FLEMING & SONS, HARDW ARE-MEQCH ANTS Athens, - Georgia. 5-:l0-3iu. Write for Prices and Particulars. Ju. ■ Ml-Jf - :ATHENS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. IRON ASL BRASS CAWfUiUS. Mil.I. GEAHINC1, MINING AND Mil.I. MACHINEUY, SAW MILLS, SMITHING, REPAIRING, PAT’N WORK, STEAM ENGINES. CHtCULvit SAW Mltl.s, c.\NE,MII.Ijt. ROLLERS. (f..r wowl frainu*.) HOUSE TOWERS, nrSESflEltS, COLT POWER and LEVER COTTON PRESSES. F.VN MILLS. RAKE Mil.LS, ■ v , , IRON FENCING. Ac. . AND ALSO AGENTS EOR THE MOST APPROVED STEAM ENGINES on Skill* arid on whwl*. Cdmhlmid TUKKSitKRS nnd SEPARATORS. TURBINE WATER WHEELS, MILL SToNEdi (VHiIt’B.Threu Roller Ouic Mills, COOK -, Fvaporntors, Ac. Address, R. NICKERSON, Agent, Athens, Ga. THOS. BAILEY,*Superintendent. a ... MILL FINDING FUIt^rsi/ED AT MA>'l'i|'AP..t:4tF,R«,tRipEfi., oMly. S'KKT'i. LE MERCHANTS! SEND US YOUR BUSI NESS CARD FOR trade LIST. •. UNBSETH A S0N8, i PHILADELPHIA. l:fl •(f) li iiciin ■ |f *^ftontloli'Ar superb Witgon* iu do*.era in ..a».L *>\t If ^lilc'.l.tVftfli fnofc tkut wBisre prepared to nt sliort, r.oteu n lien • »dfTi^thele^L,;'tjeinj tor .stwciol jjriV;ljst»«ju{(iireuliipi._ At* u, . c. & g: '#la)n ! ;T7Mie?7vqw “ :■* STATION ARY. ENGINES. W Send for IHaiitnaoJ Cfttaiojus. f m ■ am m TON GIN!