The Banner-Watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1882-1886, September 05, 1882, Image 2

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BANNER-WATCHMAN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CITY ANDCOUNTY hubsouption, »i» pick yicaji in advance. LAEQE5T CUCBUTOI II KUTBUT BEOEflU. YANCEY. CRANFORD * OANTT PROP'RS. T. L. GA^TT, Editor. THE ATLANTA EVENING HERALD. This little bantam, that started out ,« . . .. v. w . Mr. Speijr lias the entire radical par ty to carry through tills time, which is most to big a load. We want to see a strong democratic working club formed in every neigh- lorhnod in the ninth district. From every county in the moun tains comes the most glorious news. Candler will meet us at the Air-Line with 3,000 majority. We are glad to see that the present campaign in our district is conducted without any personalities, and we hope it will so continue. Col. Candler’s reply to Mr. Speer was one of the most stinging we have ever read. We heard It highly com plimented ou every hsud. We must not be too sanguine, but from the psesent outlook Col. Candler will sweep the district by a majority nf between 2,000 and 3,000. A gentleman who lias just returned from a trip through the mountains tells us that about nine-tenths of the meu be met were for Candler. Mr. Speer speaks of a still-hunt. If reports be true, that gentleman has done a good deal of uliU hunting him self through the mountain counties. Boot Duke lias Speer's 4,000 now cut down to a “handsome majority." This is a trig concession from our independ ent friend, that is quite encouraging. Mr. Speer is badly hacked, and he can’t help showing it He knows that his race is run, and he can’t longer buttle under a democratic and a radi cal banner. Mr. Speer is still making his patent rigid sjH-eeh around the district. He delivered the same old wail at Clarkesville, word for word, that he got oil'll! Athens audGainesville. Wonder THE CAMPAIGN IN THE NINTH- where all that wood-pulp paper came from that is being gratuit ously circulated in this district, in the interest of Mr. Speer? It smells rather strongly of Mi^risiii and mo nopoly. We honestly believe that the democ racy will next fall redeem the ninth district by between two and three thousand majority. Our information is derived (rom the best and most reli able sources. Twenty-live cents will secure for you the weekly Banner-Watchman through the campaign. Let every democrat send us a few names. We intend to make it mi-hot for Speer and radicalism. We have from reliable authority that after Mr. Speer's speech in Clarkes ville, in a caucus with hi»friends, he wanted to know why it was that he had received such a cold receptiou in liuhershuiii county. Speer’s friends say that lie will change tile voters of Madison county when they hear him. This is an insult to tlie intelligence of the good people of that county that will certainly be rebuked at tile ballot-box The democracy of Madisofl county are organizing to c«rry otTthat earn paign banner. McKIhannou says it must lloat from the court-house at Danlelsvllle. The “Free State” prom ises Candler 600 majority. Two or three colored men in Athens say tliui they can lead all of their men to the polls by the nose, These riug- sters receive all the offices, honors und emoluments, while the average voter lias to iiveou promises. A Speer man says "Our Kmory” is most too condescendingly familiar, lie called our Informant by his given name at the first introduction, which was an acknowledgment that Speer looked upon him as an infeilor. A Speer man was in towu the other day I toasting that be Intends to vote every negro on Hon. James M. Smith’s place for his candidate. The democra cy of Muilisou will see that they are not imposed upon by voters from Oglelho]>e. Col. Bose Duke, Speer’s right bower from Jackson, was in the city yester day. Bose says that Col. Candler is an altic and pure man, against whom nothing can be said. So you see how our standard-bearer is held even by t lie opjMisition. One of Col. Candler’s old soldiers from Madison county came in to see us. tlie oilier day, and he shed tears while speaking of Uis love and admi ration for liis gallant little command er. He says Col. Candler is the best and bravest and truest man that ever lived. about three months ngoaa a strong! organised democratic payer, has ccfii - -\v- taloly equalled the best greusj clown in Its ground and lofty tumbling. Every week it makes a flip, a flap and a flirt land* of a haw plat* form. An old granger remarked to ua the oteprdey that he “thought the oonsoUudbdi 1 little t critter always changed Ita politics to suit th.' last subscriber." Ita tone to-day is no in dex of what it will lie to-morrow. At present it is fearfully mixed up—sup porting Gartrcll, Colquitt, Felton, 8peer, and smiling upon both radical tickets. Well, mo long as the Herald confined Itself to outside issues we sat a silent and amused spectator at its political antics; but since the little robat has flirted itself into the ninth district, and is meddling s great deal aboutour affairs, we think it Unite to call a halt, or at least explain to the good people the kind of Journalistic monstrosity that Is yelpiug for Speer in their ears. We are hopeftil, how ever, that before this reaches the pub lic the Herald will take another flap and get straight. • Mr. Speer doubtless bought the good will of the ambitious little rooster when be sent it an advance copy of his challenge to Col. Candler. True', this was in very bad taste on the part of Emory, but you see it acted like a charm and gained him an organ at the state capltoL It is isn’t a Very big' organ, though—comparable more to a Jewsbarp—but stlD, you see, every lit tle is a help. This Is the first psragraph’ln which the little bantam flies to the defense of its hist new sabsviber: The Athena Banner-Watchman abu ses Mr. Hpeer for accepting republican support, but does not scruple to an nounce that it la being aided in ita warfare upon him by republicans Now our readers well know that wc are not ubusing Mr. Speer, unless you call the expose of a public servant’s official acts abuse. Where the Herald got its last statement about our being aided by republicans is more than we can see. Perhaps the pop-gun got some of its own private letters jum bled up with .its copy of the Bauner- Wetobuiau. The charge is so ridicu Ions und groundless, that it is not worth a reply. Here is another shriek of anguish from tliis new convert to ripeer: A crusade of savage personal abuse lias been inaugurated against Emory Speer i u the ninth district. No act of his seems to have tlie approval of the minority organs in that section and 6|>cei lias challenged Candler to meet him in public debate. We do not suppose thnt Col. Candler will ac cept, as Speer’s discussions are noth ing but personalities and billingsgate. But if lie crosses Candler’s path “Our Kmory” is mighty apt to hear from him. We yesterday received a glowing letter from Gwinnett. At a public gutliering in n district in that county a test vote was taken, that showed 94 for Candler and 4 for Speer. After wurds the four dissenters came over and made it solid for the Plow-Boy of Pigeon Itoost. Mr. Speer cannot dodge the effects of those Christy letters by having gar bled extracts from them printed and give u to the public, os he iuteuds do ing. He inis got to go the whole hog or none. We defy him to remove that itijunetir.ii, a ' let us publish the gen uine documents. In the state road lease, Judge Willis decides tint the bond is unsuffleient and the securities free. The case will go,to trial on its merits in the supreme court of Fulton county at the next term. This is nothing but* shrewd dodge to get rid of a useless piece of property, after it had been crippled by a rival line. Mr. Speer is traitorous alike to frfend and toe. While he has lavish ed office and honor upon his lenders among the colored element, he has totally Iguoted Avery piomiae he haa made the humble voter. He la doubt less of the opinion that this race can be i lead to the polls by the none, by "Jiy Dear Mat." - ' We hear tj»a* Mr. Speer is getting out'e pamphlet of what purport* to be th*',Christy letters, and will setter them broadcast over the district. This dodge won’t amount to much so So&. as he keepa that injunction hang- fig pver this office. The people de mand the true document*, that can only -be -bad from the original copies in this office. * W * P T Us ouaMeus^ We publish below extracts from iet- tdb wvsve received in the past few days from different — ”♦* of the ninth district. They are au.t.entio, and any on flic in our office: Clarkesville, Ga4 Sept. 1,1881—Mrj Speer’s speech here (ell flat, and lost him many vote*. He failed to gather more than three man,around him at a time on the' s^efe, and teoeived some very hard lioks from his former supporters. In fact Habersham gave him the “cold shoulder," and he left sick nigh onto death with his chances here. Please don’t put Habersham down again on the Speer side of your sMtot drflt la an Insuit to the InMlli- genceofour people. '-; -- 1 »*u.u ■ iA»*»Wn, Gwinnett J.couptj*-,' 29, 498$.—Enclosed flpd list qt cam paign subscribers. Gwinnett will give 700 majority tot Candler. Fifty voters have changed from, him in the Ben, -$mith district ; hia old. strong hold) and still they’ mime. 'Ail classes ate disgusted wlthjSj»eer v \ ,. K ," Roy Eton, Ga., Ang. 31.—Candler is ort'k trig boom Hi Franklin couhty, but tnany of our citizens are yet reserved because‘they want to see and hear more of little Alien. I think it right for our standard-bearer ‘to give us a hearing at no diMkat day. We will re ceive him with open Anna-mad insure a majority of 850. -It is the rarest tiling to meet a Speete man. - -" ! • n ‘ 1 'l .fU i Isfissi.; 1- e ■ Watkinsville, Oconee Co., Ga—Pot us down a* solid toe Candletv I haw just returned front- a trip over the county, aud feel safe in predicting O majority of from 500 to 7u0 voters.. 1 found five Speef men in my whole trip. That injunc%»o lias slaughtered him.i , Rabun Gap, Ga., Aug. 28.—'The nom ination of Allen Candler is hailed with enthusiasm here, and if the peo ple would only read and inform them selves properly his chances of success would be greatly enhanced. Speer is losing ground, but we must work. fiT^CI BOOTS AND 'SHOES, . * ■ .-Uk.; ; o CQ |HU* 'sni i - -«»*q »a to "1 *£ i f ilv-iFpo^f tie 4* SADDLES & HARNESS. T eacuT eYvi mio: 3moh .nmr-’iA-ia a . w his most insignificant doings are mag nified into enormities of treachery and corrupt ion. People outside of the district have waited patiently for some proof of all the iniquities charged against Speer, but have been disap pointed. Mr. Speer has evidently posted the Herald as to his campaign cry of per secution. As all of tlie readers of our paper know, we have abstained from all personalties in this campaign. 'This mode of warfare cornea from Mr. Speer and liis henchman at Gainesville From the stump that gentleman lias indulged in the most nonsensical and filthy flings at private gentlemen while his Yankee renegade sends forth a sheet each week reeking with slime and filth. It is true that no act f Mr. Speer’s meets with the approval of either the democratic press or peo ple, simply for the reason that his official career is an abortionary at tempt to battle in the radical rauks under the banner of democracy. If Mr. Speer will only lift his injunction against this office “people outside the district” need not be kept waiting any longer for proof of every charge that we have made against him. That the evidence has not long since been forthcoming Mr. Speer has but him self to blame. He promised to remove that injunction as soon as be got be fore the people, but instead of that will contest the publication of him po litical letters to the bitter end in the court*, and we learn has employed counsel to that end. In speaking of the Christy letters the Atlanta Whirligig says: Mr. Speer wUl uot be asked by the fair-minded people of Georgia to un fold his private, and political corres pondence to their inspection. Now the little Fluttenn.Ul has evi dently been posted by Mr. Speer, as that is the same argument his friends are using in this district. In the first place, we do not wish or propose to publish a single one of “Our Emo ry’s" private letters. What we want to give to the public is his political correspondence witli the leaders of certain colored ring in this district, in regard to matters in which his con stituency are vitally interested. Mr. Speer certainly cannot object to our publishing these letters, for did he not, during the last campaign, get posses sion of curtain strictly private letters belonging to Col. Beil, and in the face of n protest from that gentleman, repeatedly rend them from the stump? Mr. Bell at that time was a private citizen, while with Mr. Speer he is but the agent of the people, who have a right to demand an account of his of ficial acts. There is no danger of Mr. Christy changing one jot or tittle of these missives, and Mr. Speer will not so charge to his face after they are published. But we have already wasted too much space on this little Atlanta med dler, and propose hereafter to let it re volve itself to death. We will save our ammunition for bigger game. A paper that changes its politics to suit the whims of it* last new subscriber will prove just about *a harmless in a campaign as a pop-gun loaded with wet paper. Two hundred thousand copies of Mr. Stephens’ Atlanta speech will be printed and circulated around the state. If Is highly spoken of by gen tlemen who heard him. There ia no false ring in his appeal for democratic unity. ' * The Gainesville Fillh-Slinger does not deny that Mr. Speer writes the, editorials for that sheet. This mode of self-laudation is an old dodge on thg part of “Our Emory" that he wore to a frazzle while couUmnog the Southern Watchman. t .-. ,. L Mr. Speer has but on* outspoken or gan in the district, and that one, Is en gineered by an IpipoftoJ Yankee edl- every paper, in chempinning bis ,*Mk ili it mu* IteGftlAMTUl* threaten* Be If — due pnMtohrtm Christy letter*. Ths Be hi eon is cross ed, and we shall these missives to the pohlie at any oost Mr. Hpeer should base thought *f the eonaer sequences writes he wss penning I'”-? I. vi . 'I ... Mr. Speer, in his speeches, reads a letter, purporting to be from Gov. Colquitt, endorsing Pledger lor the. Athens post-offlee. JVe am authoriz ed by the Governor to denounce the same as false. Ho has never endorsed Pledger tor'any position Srhaterer. MrTspeer will new pleaeeexplain. Cleveland, White Co., Aug. 27.—Put down little White as solid for Candler and democracy. You can’t find i Speer man with a magnifying glass But in all seriousness, you may couut on White with a certainty for 300 ma jority, and probably more. I learn that Jndge Logan E. Bleckley says the mountain counties will give Candler 2,500 majority—and he knows how to feet the public pulse. He is putting in some good licks for the nominee. Gainesville, Ga., Sept. 1.—From present appearances Hall will give Candler 1,200 majority. If ail the people iu the district knew this gen tleman as we do his majority would be unprecedented. News from every mountaiu county is indeed encourag ing. Keep down your big Speer ma jorities below and count on us to'meet you at tlie Air-Line with 3,500. The Colonel has now so arranged his busi ness as to take the stump.. , Madison, Morgan oOunty, Aug’. 28.' Think we can carry this county for Candler. Count on us to cut down Speer’s majority to two figures, any way. • i ' ’ - • r ■ Dauielsville, Ga., SepL 1.—We . are anxiously looking for Col. Candler to make us a speech Wednesday. Onr people want to meet him. I learn that Speer will orate here Monday. He won't find two dozen white sup porters In the county. Jefferson, Ga., Aug. 30.—“Our Emo ry’’ i- left with a hopeless minority here, and “there are few so poor as to do him reverence." Jackson w<ll roll up between 400 and 700 majority for Candler. v . Blairsville, Union county, Aug. 26. —I have Just returned from a trip through several adjacent oou&ties, ana find Candler’s nomination well re- .oeived. I have noa doubts of Mr. Speer carrying a single mountain county. It is reported thatDuggai will certainly run as a republican can didate (tor congress, bat he WUl get no encouragement from democrat. The name and record of Allen Candler is enough to carry victory. Judge Twiggs, of Auguste, bos for mally announced himself as an inde pendent candidate for congress in the eighth district. In one neighborhood in this county there are seven men who voted for Speer in tlie last election, but six of the seven are known to be Candler men now, and tho other is uncertain This is a fair estimate of the county, we think.—DanicUriUe yeoman. We learn that Mr. Speer is working for the support of the Greenbackers iu the district. We do not see bow member of that party can consistently support him, as it is a well known fact that Mr. Speer is affiliating with the stalwart republican administra tion, and this party is a bitter oppo nent to au inflated currency. An old granger from McNutt re marked the other'day that be couldn't vote again for Emory; that when he hired a hand aud found him working for some neighbor that he didn’t like, to the neglect of his own business, he always discharged him as soon as possible. He don’t relish Mr. Speer’s affiliation with thhradicals. Mr. Speer, in his speeches, always touches upon some trivial charge, that he makes the burden of his argument, to the total neglect of the more serious and important arraignments against him. He has never as yet touched upon that injunction, as we have beard of, and his letters of sweet prom ise to hi* republican friends, i Kir. Emory Speer once referred to Howard Williams, one of the mana ging editors of the Atlanta Herald, as “the Xdoor-keeper of the tramp's gal lery in Washingtonetc. Howard Is now tengaged in polishing Up "Our Emory's" dirty boots, fsuch Christian forgiveness U enough to bring tews firdm the eye# of a rotten Irish potato. Col. Candler wUl be the only repte- sentative the laboring classes Mil have In the next oongrew, for this reason alone the masaaa should aaw talc him. This body la largely of w, **L two °* lwr :V** I P**I. , wad capitalists, whohavano sympa- fenee. The last nee he had neari* toy with a, e poorar people aft* W e- district , You have aow a» oppostft- . nity to electa member from josrawB ranks to Congress/ and a asan, too, Vbo will reflect honor upon his class ftndfelswMfttry. ar i m Vw t ■Col. CAKOMW'S P»OQ*A5CMI?.- Owing toiprerjovs *8g»frHWMto 0»I- Allen ». Candterqaftftotyfe^ MsdjaOft county wc ...“‘xr ■ tho citizens of ■ iHoflll i—hao fhwwfr BBjSBK I vented Col. Candler’s earlier preeesco on the stomp. ui-ri u«i. illVOOIIHr lit Ml{ !»<Ht FANCY GOODS CARPETS AND CURTAINS > mu .iffifrtifreri. *•«*>? i .oMMMv.'tvimhufr.foUvt* eiMfl Vi feJ» *1 w.'» frwm >Z-- t«a Atoif .C 1 rM.u, liiiw voM iux-oni ,-nni'■ Xme space jeserved • i-<*-4br BberhartJ&Pfrin- HaY- p.nibwpiy> Look-out! .iba_2iUmL- adX.—U-ib.Ataj . liwMiiisii »ii«lw,ev«.-iz '»>' j ■ •’ s qu ■••Wiimi Jtunt ill s t|t gaiii-jlsfiln •ililw bii->’ • ; LWoh bus .(U .da* ll»5> »•(•! "*10 IC-. cz»v »;ij -wiwi In I ijaiiuxiii liiiw rnshzvv won : asiou'f iioiAo-i inis uw t.> - bas vwutut Miii 1o sizsriq <»dt in I" I U\«w lie.IN S -rt-'Twl hiii-ij-1 n, wi On-.*.I .i V. .,*(• j sunl .iivzDl ) gniwnqT | •llido olutt lifttii.S i-4 qu wbl->fl mil xub nquil *l»ii .null ; -4i Vitrq bn j -aic - > feu[ us.l ill .ii*T« I • ii^ «T -] «-,•! ») niy Kni u l* ; .411 'tlaisn-.. ri isd; .iiii -4 in t)/» vfi!il .-ii. st inwix tV lwl>w ul a Agents Wanted. •< QOA ACTIVE, SOBEK COUNTS to tnnl *ad OUU *ell territory for my AUTOMATIC WAii- ON BRAKE. An opportunltylbr five or alx ener» geek meu la escb »ua<- to obtain lucrati ve employ- meat. Each agent will be furnished a brake and outAiaknreaanuablopfke. A’ pood »urety bond will be required. For further information add rear ■i.'iTtfdl - • H.'E. JACItSoK, •Wtf r . , ( Uipb Hborif.,Ration oountf. tia, <>> i Athens, Ga„ Aug, 9,1882. n Wi are using one of tbe-liieksou Au tomatic Wagon Brakes. Our dray si^- perinteiident says it works like u charm, and we take pleasure in rec ommending it; dr.-t A Hu.nteu. to wagons by D.C. Hurley. W holesale and Retai^. UMUi, UliU V mmeuding i .^^“iADAWAY, I • ,TO K. ft, ALLEN',) . Wlien rou »ro in . AUnjus don't full to r-ill Ht the corner of Jack: on and Clayton street: and examlna my larjo at-x-k •( <■ HARNESS, ! ' Saddles, whips, tram any quarter In prltw. Maubinu-mnclo HarnepM at low pricoe. if you want thcin. My 'extablijih'mmt 1m the In the city to buyl*M<l W lUPs 1 1IAKNKS8 amlFAD- DLES otall kinds and at every price. KEPAI WORK promptly dodo by Unt-class workmen T ■ ■ 1 - • ■!,! .... 1, 4-H i,,- MOBK )HOUSK. ■ X-.ab a.•.***! > iluay) TheteusicHoilseOf TbeSouth! Prieesand Goods Guaranteed^- MARKET' REPORT* OFFICE OF BAN.N En.WAtcnk^ Sep. 3, l**? COTTON MARKET. -Low Middling . Good Ordinary Ordinary Stains . Wi in? ♦>«<%/ ;: ^tiiesmost cedi^brat- RETAIL PRICES. ro-dav'. Qnokniaiw. / Grain, Provision, Etc. PLOi-a xsuo**iR. FLOCK—Fancy Choice Family Extra »-a. Superfine Bolted Meal Bolted UriU .. . . ...4 Bran 1 c CORN-'White, *ackn Mixed Bulk 2(^3 cents less OATS—Red Kust Proof fiO Mixed Oat* W5 75 Rice Flour, Bulk .'..i j... Pearl tirito 3>,^ i Stock Meal WI 85 HAY—Wenteru . I l 40 Eastern . .1 SVrt ..V... Northern Choice J SU(B MEAT. ritontcE. au. . , BACON—Smoked C. K. Mdcs ... . Bunked .Mn-uidcr* H. D S MEAT—C. R. Sides PWr X,* Loni; Clear Sides IV.-t ■ * Shoulders .9. .. 11 Bellies . J ....* HAMS—Canvassed .. rncHiivavsetl TOBACCO—Common to Medium. Sinoklue Fancy fnevrinip..a... BAGGING—Eastern Jute TIBS—Arrow Piercetl Stewart and others ... HIDES—Dry Flint. ...J. 1 POTATOra^-Yrlsh, per SaiTeiI’V.’.'i vK Sweet, per buithel UO APPLES—Choice, per barrel 6 00, Common, per barrel... S BO- ONIONS—per barrel 2 00 ORANGE* BUTTER—Goshen Gilt EdgCw jcKI Go4h1 Country 20 . LARD—Tierce* lt*,5 Tubs and Kegs 2H toes io » UAL' K KKEL—>,, Xu. 1 5 00 - 3 50 25 1 S.l. 3 50 LU K1L-, Xu. 1 ED MAKERS. E. .'■ili « u ,nr 'LARGE CASH CONTRACTS ENABLE? .' 1G. 0. ROBINSON & CO. ’’!• JWiH .M-tDSAlfK I - , . 20 10^30 Per Cent. v £ 1 TO KVKRX, L’URCUARSK k Lowest Pncrs & Easiest Terms EmCfferred MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, M SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, ' •*« : .*<> BEdT ITALIAN STKlfiGS, And everything )a-rtaiuing to Fir»t*elaiw Musi** “YWftu .'feel ..ii ,0.1 Ki. ERY-NOTE , •>4r! i HTf4iji.i a : *' *» -^ •' KV'.+fcOU '^7-1 t *11177 it n Yd it .die' ,. Hull ! . i'.fjBroad street, Aumh?ta. Ga. HERRING SALT— Small lot5 .. 8UOAKS—tirnnulntod .. Stamiard A Crushed White Extra < Extra C YMlmv C MOLASSES—Black Strap..,..,*... BT.UM.r DRY GOODS. Checkft, per yd.. Stripes.. / J. i*’ ( eitDllKJI b kticbjlzlveo disk the honrlfor pareliusin* loo*' cojttuu *t thf Ww »*M to to* tweeun.ueiu tlie mohilnd ui:d three m the atternooo, uhToII .cotton ponbutd during one day will nut be Usoa iu.tkclorv until the uext dar. Thi»i» to give on porti » h*iug cotton «IO0 Uin» loiim-Wl/|pt UAiT'doltou If jiri-mmled W ,h.^>r^.^^ bosuri 1 -’Ax«nt'Ath&t»‘5t»Oiir>eturin2 Co. • Jon. 18> UBS. i.l ■ i . «lU»ly. Congresoional Vote in Uw ,NtuU>.ftiO- ., . tnet. 1880. Hall '.. Jackson, Ison Mbtoin;. Oconee. I.......... Clarke Banks Forsyth....,.j,. Fannin uw -.'.,44ft .-,-...*.59(1'a W5 ^ . 347 298 GUmer .. A-jowfr 11 >„ WH,'. Gwinneto..i237 , , 852 u. jV JMa-un’tMN .. -l.,. . .j.J.u*74 42Q-: to lflBi • Habersham............914 mj ; Spovrie majority....4064.,j Clarkesville corjresppn^en^ li* kuM to **y yesterday ti*er,4 WM# W orowU trf independent itohear Mr. Spepr. Jl}p. conft-houzp gras well flijed with jjrganijieq deffio- fteto. hJli orator' /repifc/# snnpurageiqeiit. 8 When : hs o^y evowed lh%t he was responsible f 0 f Mat Davis' appointment many of' friends left the room in disgust, ?■* 'around 'Kassassin. S.T.rml Slight Skpinlshea. Dealtes with F.tupy London, Se’pteniber, l.—Only uliglit skirmishes have taken place at tiie front during the past few days. Tlie news received at Port Saidconttnaa the report tbs* Afabi Pasha is wiUuirawing his trobpe&Ttel’ei-Kebir, leaving at Kair- el-Owar only those necessary to hold the posUkm, A dispatch from Kassassiu yesterday to the Daily Telegraph says dike daring a reconnolsance by tbecav- ! airy yesterday a fresh entrenched camp was discovered ten miles from here. Transports- from Alexandria with the highland brigade - on board have arrivM ><<bare -and proceeded down thd canal, j In' -a dispatch dat- d«sd Ismailia, Sept. 1st, Gem J Wolselcy says: Nearly c* at th* front is aAdei lilies abhrttose Who are not in jCf lit iente are sheltered bv reed* of Indian 275- »i com which is plentiful at Kassassiai I hope ^secure the Wt* wme Bedouins Shortly with cameb. Forty seamen C the-i roue lad Minoioui,and a com- AftheflftyriiiTd regiment quietly approached the enemy’s position Ram- Icigh frit evening, and succeeded in blowing up with gun totton is house on MM cans* which khs long been a point of vaatagd’to thettneesy's-sharpshooters. The operation das not interrupted by 4be'‘NMbHb ‘ I Mabmound FehmV, A'nwTnshg's chief tebgineer and mili- yjw'wMjewnrty paptured . ... .——^le^umdrla by«h« |im .. _ toaUbfo ffie'troqp ship Fjfphaptes, and huriReSf ibe U^fdlve flifi gwsratfteeing ♦Kit be would not be put to 1 *1— ( b with' out'thi’ifconseijt of of the British After 'oinc yuEt ftgij eyoW.f 4*$* mover ments. be Ws* ooniteoted #ad«r a strong was imprisoned, EDUCATIONAL. 14 SEMINARY NO LADIES- LLE, HALL CO., ,42. Full rorp« of Teachers il Art. X*»t »urnasxe*l for *. Heholarahip. Board Fall lerm. tW; tiiitTon. *'<'•: rmi.ic, SIA •’rcneheiv assstti. is ,r aug.l-lmo. T, » -t. 4tl In Science. Musle health, economy enf- of aidddereued.' mr < ufflM°ea 0* totofeibe .first Mwdri in Octo ber rteiSvaylbialeavesSoiUd no£bejrranle<!. n /n 1 Ordinary. TheBtest Mknu&cturcd! 1 New dttfTEleffant Styles! Important Improvements! Beautiful Combinations, SELECTED FROM TWELVE OF WoM *?| -S”' a h-j WESLEYANFEMALE INSTITUTE STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opens September 20tU. MS}., One of tho FlWtt iSSS? a toa-Sfnir t T ^« Washing. KnsU* |S<"«»t-toMn, French, Oja nun, Iuatrumental Mimic. Ac., for HcncwMWO Vl . nP from scot, to June. For ( aUlogttft r k ?. wm, a, *#m%£s£Sk COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS T SURGEONS, -.if- Baltimore, Md. rnmrp»»rt Cllnfeei edTenthires Ske-derived me City Hospital M -.tcruite »n<t MarylMd. ^HO^OP.Zig&gSfr afldrcss FriuCipal. Amhctaw va. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA F. h: MELL, D. D. TiL. !>., Chancellor. T hr mnd session ok the departments at Athena GeorgiA vi*: 1 ■ : Franklin College. State College of Agrb culture ami Mechanic Arts , ami Law School . , , ,, Will open Wednesday, 4lh of October next. FuUcoun*esof lustruotion wi Litemture. Selena* KoKlneerinit. Agrieiilti.r* and Iaw. TJalUon Free lu Kraukltn und e awColleRe^ForeeJtJr loffucs and Information ndditw the Lhanoellot, or L. H.CharbOnuicr, bc^rvuiry, AtUciiiS, G*. Aug.4.W4t. ‘ ‘ ^ LUCY COBB INSTITUTE Athens, Ga. TIIE EXERCISES OF T11K LUCY COBB IN Ktit..(e will be reunit'd Wednehtl/iy, SfpL UBh Ai»i»ly for catiiloKtie t«» MISS M . BUTIIERFOUD. rrincipal. IS&B of Obcdlab belomring |o evtale e. therefore, to cite to eboiv come at /VJEOHUIA, UliAitKB COUf.TY,—WHEKKAK, Ulnae M. Kenney, adminlurator of MyrtU SiSriaT^coL) deceased, appUe* to me for leave ail conoernetl to rhow oauae at my: oZlce on nr be fore- the Brat Monday in Oc tober next why raid leave ahouU not be granted. Given under my h^td atoBio. G eorgia, clarke county.—win b* mU t —— ■’-** before the eoort house door In Athena, > larke county, dnrinz the 1 tegal hours of tale on the Bra: Tu**Uy la October next one d*rk bmy honte mbout ten yean old eollod “Pito** knkd oujutbe 2 »rop- “• * satUfy * fi ia from the »u« _____ xmnty in fkwor ofSummey Dep’y Sheriff Clarke eouol) plalnUffs. a DMlNISTKATOR’S SALE —Pursuant to an A order of the Court .of Ordinary of Clarke cuauty. Win be aold before the court house door otMld county or. the first Tuesday in October uexLdurlnc the legal hours of sale, one lndtvtd- •d hell interest in aud and to oua house oud lot of lead lying h> (eld county, oud la the city ui Athens, containing one acre, mors or It**, front- Inn ou Brood street, adjoining J. C. Nichols auil SneS.belS tbciplicTVhcrSmsaid J. C Nleb- ola nowJlraay to be eohl as tne property of Mr*. iu nfrid houke and Lot beUmje to Mrs. Saran F. Msxweil, slid wUl be sold si the s*me time. Terms cum. 2d, 1M2. LEON l>. bJJCDGE, 4t-»4. Adui’r. pLARKE SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of h V/ uecree of the Superior Court of Clarke eoun- ty, rendered at the May term, lfMt, theroof. iu tne c«m of John i>ol ou the ilernUe 01 li. c. Bil* lupb verbux 1 Richard Hoe, cm»u*l ejector and Alike Jxrrell, tenxut Jo .p^tseawfou will be nuia before the court hou»e tiuor iu Clurke county. Gei,'’within the lag*! hours of Mie on Che first Tuesday in October, 18Hi, tue lollowiug property, t °AlI l thid trfict or parcel of l»od situate, lying and being In the city of Athens and sute aim county afocofrAid, lacing one: hundred auu tmr* tv-five feet mure or less ou Broad street; Uieitce i.ortb along the bnck line ot Mrs. Sdirah E. Hack* er’s lot, one hundred and eighty-seven leet, more or less to Itnchel Nluley’s lot; them e we»r twohnndred aud twenty-two feet, more or 'css, to Chase street: thence soutu along siud street thirty foot, more or less, to me northwest < oruer of lot oWimd by Sleplmus Thonuw ; thence ca>l alougfridoioc fence elghty-sevoh ieet. more or less, to tho northeast corner o! said lot; trence souili along said lot feuce oue hundred aud sev- enty-seven leet, moro or Ifess, to Broud street; tiie same being a part of tiie lot sold by Mrs. >u- rah K. Rucker to Mike JutreU. 1\> be sold on 'tie proiKirty ol Mike Jarrell pursuance ol the decree above mentioned. Thin aepteiuberSd. law. JOHN W. WlKlt, Sheriff. Prihter’s foe, $7*J0. University of Georgia! Athens G*., Aug. U, IS82. Tho Trustees of the Uni verity of Georgia ad journed their stated rnuual meeting to convene in Atlanta ou tne second Wednesday in November next,being theetghtli day th**rlu»t. at three o'clock In the afternoon, to elect a !*rofesm»r of Belles Lettres and Oratory, and to do any other bual- ne-ss needed. ...» Candidatos are re.| iesfed to <ife f’-eir ap[dfca- tions with Rev- F. li. Mell. D. L». LL. D., Ghafl- cellor, or with the Mibserilier. w „ , ... . The said meeting will be held nt the H. I. Kim- ballhouMe. mm. L. Miichki.l. Aug 22w8\v. Societal/ MISCKLLAMOOUS. The Agoniesof Billions Colic; the inrte- soribable piiugs ot chronic indigestion, the de bility und mental -mpor resulting frpm a cos tive habit, may ho M-rtAliilv avoided by regula ting tile system v ith tluu agreeable und refresh ing standard’preparation. T.VUr.ANT'h Tkltzkr AmnuKM. SOLP BY ALL DRUGGISTS. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority vested iu us by a power ot attorney trout the neir»-ui-law, mud !*• gal representatives, (they all being ol full age) ot John S. .Tackaou, late of aaid eouuty, dec’d. vVill be sold before the court house Uuor in Athena, Ciarae county, Ga., on ti.e first Tuesday In No- veuilier next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property divided into three tracts of laud ot John S. Jncknou, dee'd, lying iu said coun ty of Clarke, two of sa.d trad, ooutminiug five Oeoute river bottom lmad and the other five cteek bottoms. No. i, contming two hundred and furty->eveu acres more or less; fifty acres of bottom und iu High state of cvlUvadon, also fifty meres upland, fifty acres iu old field, aud one hundred and neveu acres iu original forest, hemviiy Umbered, mml known ms the James Kenney place. No. 2 contains one buuured meres more or !<»«, mnd about btteeu acres Ua bottoms and thirty acres upland iu fiigfi state of cuitivmiou, old field IJ meres mnd forty meres iu original forest, mud known as the William Jackson place. No. 3contains about two hundred meres more or less, 16meres bottom lmndand UJ meres upland m good state of cultivation, fiumcrea old ficiu and lo6 meres In orlgfnml foiest. mnd known ns t.n» John Jackson home plmce r to bm mold tor distribution among the heirs of.said dec’d. Terms Cash. D. C. FOWLER, J. J. JACKMJN, 5*Jt. Att’s in fact for heirs ot amid deceased. $10 t $20,000 In legitimate judicious speculation iu Grain, Provisions and Bt*u-k*- ou our i*erfeete«l plan, yields sure monthly mo tits to large and small investors. Address, for full particular*. R. E Kendall A Co.. UmVtt Merchants, 177 At 179 LnHmlle St., Uhicngo. ill. . DR. STRONG’S PILLS! The Old, Well-Tried, Wonderful, Health Renewing remedies. Strong * Pectoral Pills insure hearty ap petite. ro<h1 digestion, regularity of the bowels. A mure remedy for Cold* and Rheumatism. A precious boon to delicate females soothing mnd bracing the nervous system, and giving vigor and health in every fibre of the body. Strong** Snnntive Pitt* for the Liver. A speedy cure for Liver Complaint. Regulating the Bowels, Purifying the Blood, riemtisiug from Mmlmriml Taint. A perfect cure for Sick Head- cache, Constipation und Dyspepsia. Sold by leading druggists. For circulars mnd almanac's with full particu lars, addre.-s Box <m0, New York City. THE XEH Y ORK WEEKLY WORLD From now until January j, 1832, for 2S CENTS. COVKKINO THE FALL CoNffRESSOHAt CAMPATG.iH. 8EMI-WKEKLY WORLL, for same time 60c. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Athens, Ga. YOUNG I*. G. HARRIS. PHKsrnr.NT. STEVENS THOMAS, Skchktary. Resident Directors : L.G. Harris. Stlvknh Tiiomar, John II. Newton, Elizuu L. Nkwtsn, Fkrihnasp Phini/v, Ai.rin P. Dkarino, CdL: RorintT Thomas. Joiiy W. Nkhoi.son, L. H. CllARUUNMEK. J. H. HONKICUTT. BUSINESS CAKDS. The Bast is the Cheapest! therefore if you want OOD AND CHEAP 1 AND 2-HORSE WAGONS Or at Ol!!!!!*. Xlrk'-rsonl'ivVnn A (Vs. The Benson favorra I‘*'Uy- My recent contract for FIFTA is completed uutl exhausted, and a new contract is on hand for ONE HUNDRED more. Dou’t get scared—I am here for you eva- r> kune. I am now better prebared to do good .having secured the service* of udtawiwjM»£. , ‘T" , ‘ yeur : " lo " a p r* c ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING. ^ done In the bent nmimer mid »t short nolire—al] r Interest lo eal| on me. P. BENSON,, r fehMy Sprlnt.q.. iie«><;.iin,3iRe(ive^ lore Uic c-urtlioiue door In smU county first Tuesday in October next during the legal hour* ui kale, oue tract of iaud lying iu amid county, containing oat hundred mnd forty mere* Adjoining W. K. Tuck, John W. Jilcholaon ami otherm. being the place \vhere«»t|?Thema* Cou*- aons, decernaed. reftiued at the time ot hU death. To be mold mm tho property of aaid Thou ms Coua- aoun*. deceased, tor the tienetit of hia distribu tors. Terms cash. August 16th, 1HS2. ttug*2-*kl WILBURN J. TUCK, Admr. rVEORtilA, CLARKE COUNTY, Whereas, Mr*. UT Varda ik Reese applies to me for letter.* of administration dr bout* non on the estate in aaid eouuty aud state, of Charles ti. Reese, late of the state of Califorula, deceased. These are, there fore, to cite and admonish all ooncerned to sh .w cause atmyothce ou or before the tlr*t Monday in October next why said letters should uot lx; granted. Given under my hand at office this 18th Au- gusj, UW2. ASA M. JACKSON, 'Ordinary. /VSORGLA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Wheream M. U A. Davis, administrator of Mrs. Mllly a. Da vis, deceased, applies to me for a discharge from said administration. Theme are therefore to cite and adfnonfsfr all concerned, to show cause at injr office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why *fid discharge should not be granted. Given uuder my hand at office, his 9th August, 1882. ABA M. JACKSON, JmJt Ordinary. PEOROIA, CLABKECOUNTY. v4 Whereas, 8. At. Herritigtou, administrator ot uie estate of Isaac Wilkcrson, deceased, petitions to terms of the lav* to be discharged from said administration. TLese are therefore to cite and admanUh all concemad to show cause at my office ou or before the first Monday in October next, why said disci targe should not be granted „ Giveu unuer my h«uia at office, this 27th day ol Jun«, 1882. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. muaw-j27. i . . .. tv to have the Election Precinct heretofore estab lished at Braaberry’a Shop, in the 241st District removed to the place cf holding JusUce CourU in said district; and U ap- pwing to me that aaid peUtion ought to be grant- PrtlOvper.. II is ordered That from and after the 1st day ot July "«xt aatd Election Pvefeinct be and la hereby re moved to and established at the preeent place of hoiding Justice Courts in said District; and it u ffirther ordered that a «ipy of this order be pub- Rahtd once a week for four weeks in the weekly Bann,r.\vmtchuiui iiiKeedlD, amid first dsy of July next. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. A true copy from the minutes. „ , asa M. Jackson, Ordinary. 0-6-lm. G EOKU1A, CLARKE COUNTY.—WbereaTlo seph C. Sikes, uuardlau of Alonzo Perry, orphan of William Perry deceased, applies ui me fur letters of dismlsslun from said Ouardlan- Hh!p. These are therefor* to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause at my oltlce on or liefore the Brat Monday in October next, why said letter* should not « granted. Given umter my haed at uBioe, Oils the 1th day of Aiieust *«*• ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary au^, s. «t. of tue law fora Oiacharee from »at!f adminisira- tlun. Theae are therefore to ette anfl admonish all concerned to ahow cause at my olhee ou or first Monday iu f>cct;inb<^* itiext why said discharge should uot be grouted. Given, under my hand at office thlfi*4th day of August. ABA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Aug9—oncem-ow. jr NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that at the regular term of the court of Ordinary of Clarke county, to be °S fLefirst Monday in October, proximo. 1881, application will be inaue by writteu peti tion to the Ordinary for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Edward it. Ware, tie- cetwed, late of said eouuty, sitaate in the county R * c, ? mont ** " t,u « of Gwrgia, for the benefit of the heirs aud crydiUma of said deceaaed, and for leuvp to sell the same in said county of Rich mond. i THO MAB O. BA lilt KIT. . . _ . Exeoukmof Edward Ware, dee d. Auytt-iw.^ijrintar^/se*. L.ibel for Divorce. CANDY 06 CAPERS^ BUI tor divorce iu Clarke JOHN CAPKKS. \ l flUperlorCourt Bhi c ^ url bjr the return of the S522fl2“’®'•defendentcannot t*'found in asfe^is«g«!ss. sssagasassss »I‘tocjyj. *. HeWrruKl.c. ..LOltOIA, Clarkk Couni y—1 certify that the H a trim «xtract from the minutes of Clarke huperior c ourt. May term. 1882. 7 W JoHNLHL’00!!C*S.C. ^a.Ai^Sei^OctlQ^h. ISETiX aAMrBSE!! , pie wSt ?h *iyi^m-T h r mrtelf. WM. H. TAYLO^M D ^ B1 LLFORl^HSTRUtf I0N7TTC n, MNOtars JKstort Mtetolk OMOsto!; st?»^.' »•;«. i* -« u-> to 1 th«. osert, the! Mine ot tnMirtli* : -O 3 i & 9 o. B w, f-Z PQaiw | £ eaflQfol f>rm.r policy_h.*&£ul tademur, plead orreto the *p rcsen t' lwHcy'hold* V a paoy and au*f us ®.7BaMtoa.«hss7aS Ka'sisaiaBastiifiii®! SSTSsai thereof that they al ~ bcibrevcr i>urrt*d. BassBffiissgii' ^^KUssaesS ‘ viSSbk. — w—?! '- n ••k'aii u •u.9^. 8 ^ C !Hr C l