The Banner-Watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1882-1886, December 25, 1883, Image 4

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BANNER-WATCHMAN/ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CITY AND COUNTY T. L. GANTT, Editor & Pnop’it. SUBSCRIPTION 'RATES : Pally Banner-Watchman ■•*•*• Weekly Banner-Watchman. Sunday Banner-Watchmun . $5 00 -- 1 50 - 1 00 Invariably In atlvance.lJay Gou id. | Vanderbilt nor Oaneral Grant can t get a paper on credit. Will positively drop every name from !eur book* not paid in advance on Nov. lst,.1SS3. The Result. The result of the election for Al derman in the first ward yesterday resulted as follows: Mealor, 161; Edge, 33. The Price of Perfidy. It is stated here on what seems to he good authority that Speer’s fee for going to South Car olina was f jo,ooo. . A Sad Doha. We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. S. M. Hunter, winch sad event took place at her residence in this city, on Sunday night last. Mr. Tom Almand and Miss Het- tie Lester were married yesterday at the residence of the bride’s fath er, Mi. T. N. Lester. The happy couple left for the home of tho groom. Grain Sowing. Toon I’owcll says he has a negro in Ins employ who can sow grain before a hundred plows, and do his work well, too. Toon says if any one dou'-ts his statement that lie w ill put up $500 and test the matter. Dropped Dead. A negro convict at the Clarke countv pauper farm.' known as "Snitfler,” dropped dead while at work in the field yesterday morn ing of heart disease. Sick of Texas. Mr. Wes. Almand, of Elbert county, tells us that two of his friends moved, about two years ago, to the Lone Star state. Roth have returned disgusted with the west. They say that when a man makes a ten-strike he heralds his success to the world; hut nothing is ever heard of the thousands who fail. THE BAD BOV. Tbs Boy Adopts a Poor Woman and Bsr Baby, and Makes Them Happy—Tries to Holp a Calf and Got* Kicked In tho Up. ‘•There, now, I have got you,’’ said the grocerynmu to the bad lx>y, as lie came in with liis lip cut, and looked in the glass to see if ft wa-growing togeth er. “Now ytin. Bit down hero while 1 call a policeman.' 1 saw yet: goiiigtiown an alley this morning .with a tin pail and a bundle, and 1 believe you are otic or those lire lings, iduf' that you had a pail of kerosene uficj. esome kimUitlg, ami Unit you have set.' a tire witli a slow. ,match that will OtVuk out pretty soao,'.' “O* I am onto yoif,” and the groctj^- |bun looked sassy. vie “Well, 1 have kindled a fire,'N‘Sdid Ure bad boy, as he rublnsl some vasicine 011 his I ill, “and when it breaks out and becomes warm, instead of calling out the lire department, it will cult forth prayers from a poor, iienrt-btoken wo man, and make the smiles of-joy light up her face, and don't you forget !t.” “Where did you set that tire, ” asked the grocery-man, as he began to relent. “1 ell me about UiUjuveudiary perform- . I (■'. you know that girl that run away from our ward last year, and uiar-. Tied that dude who thoughlehe was rich? .fe deserted her, Unit slieeame baek here* about a month ago, hut she was not well enough to get work in, and she has had a hard lime. 1 used to go to school with her, ami the other day I met heron a baek street, and she asked me for two shillings to buy some bread and milk, ami 1 gave it to" bur, and then I followed her 10 her home. She lives in a room over a meat market, and all the furniture she ha- get wouldn't fill a play House for your little baby girl. I guess ball the time all tile meat she has is the smell she gpls from the meat down stairs, bui wiieii they are Irving lard in tin: butcher shop * the smell Is r*a! strengthening. Well, sir, when I went 11 the she was feeding a lcetleJiit ol a babe sortie bread and milk, and cry- mgan.llangliiligalia! once. Uy snail, a broke me all up. She had pawned evert thing siie had for something for the baby to cat, and she was in pretty bad shape. The baby cat anil laughed, and weld lo sleep, and then sheVold me all her .roubles, bow the dude had gone back on her. and botv she had worked making shiris at ten rents apiece, to support herself and • baby. 1 was darn glad Ilia! baby did not look like the . u lc. Will, sir, that poor, pale girl, ci . lug there 111 that old bare room, was too much for Hennery, and I Went out and called uiirgaiigot boys logo!l|er, us boys that 1 told you had been sawing wood ior walders. I told them about this gii 1, and being the boss of the gang 1 gave them lifteen minutes to raise two lollnrs-apiece, and la'foi^ ,'tlie time was Bono Rico. Jim Thurmond, the great Jackson county horse racer, was in the city yesterday, and telegraphed to John Wood, in Washington, Ga., that he would run against the Goolsby mare a quarter for $500 a side, at Greer’s lane, on the JJtli of Decem ber. Jim thinks he has got a horse that is very fast. A Railroad Boom. We learn that Uncle Hilly Row ers, the great railroad magnate of l-'ranklin cox-.iy, will shortly visit Athens with a view of organizing a company to build a railroad from this city to Carnesvillc. All that Uncle Rillv wants is 25 cents in cash, a couple of old cross-ties and a Ross coffee pot to start up a rail road. We will extend him the freedom of our city when he visits Athens. THE WEEK OF PRAYER. Programmo of tba Braastfloaf AlUnace. The weik of prayer will be held this season from the 7th to the tath of January. Thel’rograqimc has been anrarige bv the Evangelical Alliance as follows: Monday, Jan. 7.—Praise and Thanksgiving at 3:30 p. me—For God’S’ special Providence; Chnst s' \ 'marked favor and the Holy Spirits ■ gracious work. • J Tuesday, Jan. S.—Hutnilation and Confession—For personal failings; social vices, as. intemperance; for the secular spirit-in the church: for prevailing scepticism and religious indiflcrance. Wednesday,'Jaa. 9.—(Prayer ‘“fit* Families and'InstructionS.of Youth.' For parental fidelty and household training; -for pious watch-care in schools and colleges; for spiritual influence in Christian associations of Vouth, and for early conversions in Sunday schools. Thursday, Jun. to—Prayer lor the Church of Christ. For a pray erful and laborious ministry; for con secration and cooperation in mem bers; for early devotion in educated youths, and for the divine blessing in worldly. Friday, Jan. 11.—P"yer for Na tions. For legislators, that statutes may be conformed to Divine law; for luler?, that may conscientiously administer government; for peace and conciliation between nations, and for popular integrity in the du- tiesfof citizens. i-saturday. Tan. 13.—Prayer for II?>me and Foreign Missions. . 1:01 missionaries, that'-they be ^sustained in trials and prove efficient in labors; for heathens, Mohamme dans and Israelites, that they may be won to Christ. DEATH BLOW TO >.. 1 • ‘■n - S2TCAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000-** Tteketi only $5. Share* in Proportion. , ■ Tl r « — ’ . “We do Is dollars ?i|,lixv, anil bcioigr >ijk» time was up tlifv ail e.iiuv .low i| witii tin- in>ney. Then i divided it up and told one boy to go siuit gi't two dollars worth oficoai, and anoihor one, lie was a vo anvil tv.- on hisi-iiitand tea and sugar, ahft’T'Vas lightning <>n baby clothes and milk, and she Imndie you saw me carry down llie ali<-y was tfanuel clothes our lialiy lias kieked herself out of. and it want no--"<>.l ior i:ieeiidiaiy tires, ami the k -n-lit: you thought i hail was milk, regular old row milk, and none of vour milk wagon stutr. Well, you'd a dide to e- u- fellows get things up stairs, an! -uprise that poor little woman. My chu.ti built a lire, and you ought to have seen on-dress that baby. - I u-Ptl to be Iliad w lien ma niiule me put clothes on tile babv, at home, when she wanted to do i.pher hair, bill n.,w I an. glad of it. Villi---1 ran get in niv Work on little, cold. l,abb I am an old nur tired little mot! on the lloor an.I afraid site winie below, so I tool got tin- warm :l e I surje i.-ed at an l e tro ■ r jii -l to ellilllg In it in the matnmii it till I thought s but mothers kn ling, don't tbe\ Hood shape, :i1,d blanket -.m : lb. I-. b 'tile Iron Oro Near Alhonx. We learn that on the mill tract of the late Jonathan Hampton, about seven miles above Athens, is a bed f very fine iron ore. There is plenty of power near at hand to it was on this place that the rich mica mine was discovered last week The price of inica has lately gone up and there is a great demand for l'resh mines. This sec tion is rich in it. snooting Affray. Last Sunday evening Mr. J. E. Spinks, of this county, was shot in the left hand bj Mr. Cicero Watson, the bullet tin n penetrating bis coat, j- st over th • heart, and fell in the lining. Rut "o.- it first striking \lr. S links' hand the shot would have ncn fatal. Watson had a commit- i n nt trial and was yesterday out v th a bailiff-Hinting bondsmen. It st ms that Spinks bad ordered Watson from his place, which re sulted in bad feeling. A Ohosl. Last week the negroes reported seeing a ghost at the grave of Gen. Early, who is buried on the convict farm in Greene county. Some white gentlemen went out toinves- ;igatc the r:alter, and they discov ered that tin scare was occasioned by some fellow placing a candle in k horse-head, which presented a frightful appearance. Mr. T. W. Lowell, on whose place the dust of this great man rests, says he intends to have the grave nicely enclosed, as it is sadly neglected., happl- 1 Wish she would something in-i-1 ; asoh-ni make then' tliir.k i Niirsevill-. The t sat right down • Us hors take bon-, ami' I was 1 iiu- bun tier simp - babv, wh- n I had son it. and it 1-i.ik- so warm, a- though ■tied to it. and 1 put ip, an-l sue hugged toui-1 bust, it sure; just how tight to -Vi- tlxed lu-r up in i ,.f us borrowed a i -at lmme and I 1 gue-s she i« the ■l in thi- tow ii, but i roy so. 11 breaks • my vest when 1 see a I feel a- though my gall gout. Well, us boys has •al Ii to lie that woman’s do you sj«-ll that? Ally ing to he har perteetor, inter, until *He get?,able ini her divine, ambtlfat g to have ali she van lay d die baby is going to Is: |1- as any bally in tbi HOMICIDE IN’ UXCnJ-NL Mr. Gyorgc Cunningham, in an affray with a desperate negro oil Mrs. Lyon's place in Lincoln, shot and killed him. It is stated that the negro made a lick at Kim with i.n axe, cutting through his hat rim, and Mr. Cunningham shot him in sell defense. The Coroner’s verdict was justifiable homicide. Nervousness, u-tvoO*. debility, neu ralgia, nervous shock,. St. V'Uus e, plfustraiiou, an 1 all diseases vf N-.-ive GtnernliveOrgans,.ute nd permanently arid radically cured' 1 tiv Alien's Drain Food, llie great lsdaideal p-medy. SI pkg., tifor $.T.—At druggists. E. C. Long & Co. DRUGGISTS, Athens, Georgia, Have on hand a BIG STOCK Dings, Paints? • Oils, .j * : i V;unislics. c ’t .Window • Glassc Parties needing anything in our lipc, will {dense call or v-ridfc for prices. tiev;ttMvl>\ •V r• 1 DEATH OF TOOMBS BODOES, ESQ. Just as we were goinj; to press a telegram reached us announcing the death of Toombs Hodges, Esq., a rising and well-known young law yer o! Hartwell, (ia., son ot ex-Sen- ator F. 1). Hodges. The deceased, about two years ago, married Mrs. Lammic Duncan, niece to the edi tor of this paper. He was a noble- hearted gentleman, respected by all, and no young lawyer in Georgia had a brighter future. Wc had no inti mation of his . sickness, and the dispatch announcing his death found us unprepared for so sad an announcement. Toombs Hodges leaves a young wife and one child and a large circle of friends to mourn his los*. Our heart :go«s out to them in the deepest sympa thy in their bereavement.- wav, wc me oi* host,, ;liis lo %|T*ik :lnd woman is jroi her'j.tws to, : dressed just : tow n, as long a- nia’s h.rhv c lotiiesdioUl oui. I tell you, a babv with fou».bad boys laving lor i:. to vateli that itdOn ; seller, isn’t in danger of iree/ing, and after this if you s.*e me going down'the alley at night, li*ade«i with anything, from a nursing Imttle to a barrel of Hour, don’t you give u.e away. And *f you hear of any hahiis that'- lost theii • ud, and don’t know where the n< xt uu.ilis coining Inun, you must inioriu us hoys, and w e will Jill the baby so full at eut teed that it can’t vip. >ay, how would some of them dried apples Ho for our ba by V” “O, grt out,” said the grocery man, “you ought t<» Know that dried apples would q lit a baby wide open. Whatev er you do, don’t ever give a baby dried apples. Now, here are some nice prunes, that would he splendid lor a lus by. They area little wormy, hut primes' open the pores and develop the Voice. Have a couple of pounds?** • \ “Naw , 1 don’t want any pruned, "rhds isn’t a prune baby. Ma’s baby i* It prune hahy, I gue-s, cause its poivs aK» open all th* time, and i* has go? the Iw st developed voice in this town. Hut this hahy with a dude lather !s going to live on something better than hoarding house -.Dice. >ay, don’t you think thereoughC to he a law to kill dudes when they are’ out of season’?” “I Dales ought to he prfrtectfal the same as any other g..m«,” said the grocery- man.* “They are harmless except Sfiheti in August, when they ought tA henftu- ^le<i. Put w liat ails your lip? 1 ’ ’ “A call kicked it. I doijT think a calf has got .iii\ more Muisethan a dude. The imnuine s- ieiy 4n:m -tol.l <"9,f"i j ZearsMtSEB. keep watch and w in n 1 saw atiy of WMoTLrtT , w fellows that bring calves tdtown'mjn w agon abiiMiig i !,e e.dvi s, to make tliem slop it, or have ihem arrested. Yester day I saw a * alf ail tied up by the legs Ilia wagon, bellowing, and I sneaked up behind and rut the rope around it* legs, to relit \> i’s pain. How do toil snppo>e the calf thaidjeil fc$«*? • Kicked me ill the lin w *tli both hWtds, and the drivt r cIrimiI • n»o uvn Idoeits «.wifli a hhieksnake whip. Tuctc Ijas gyVto he better 1111m‘istaitdidg’. hdtW’inhi tnUes and us humane seeiety fe?h w s. or I sieili rts’gn. Wait till I go ami carry these red socks to the l-ahy and I w ill play you a game ..f .Imi. ime-,** and the ba«h iiriit eat whi-tling, “I’m Deniiv MetJonigle’s D.iuglit«t Mary A up,*’ and he groeeryunm cut oil* a piece ofTBtiecse t(/K<iiid the hahy. Tynn ANCE AGENT^ h Xiiieiif., Ga. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, $60,000,000. Prompt Attention toti” iness. lieitsonahle mte^ iru ;ii anteed. BREAD PREPARATION. 1—It 1. PURS. *—It will not low* STRENGTH. ' 3— It’s ECONOMICAL* * 4— it ccatalDi th«s NUTRITIOUS PHOS PHATES Ni&xiKD ly tl>* 5— !t requlfr* lo«»^bort«nlnp, and la BETTER than ail other bakinf powder*. 0— RVCOMMENDED by *TT. PHI SICIAXS and cnKMISTU. .* Th« Hartford A’.nuraac a«d Cook took amt fiat. H. M. ANTHONY, Agent, 100 &*£• Street. Sew Tork 4r lil.e coBtljiu ^I use of mercury arid p«itaah for c (rmtaentof and l»iac*«*e»«.’tliey •v» retire, .'Uni nc.irijr i.iWuj niiij tire or U>| ally in flit* u« nccal Ucahli. v r * A WELL-KNOWN D,RU001S1^. My dni-rstor** was the first to sell SwitVai ’ * — hi quart bottles Mich eeti n great luand^geea who had tiled alf*orta thou put up V d hr il* use. and . eatuienl. liUV.i- fall wheu taken p vir known U I Veil a large ty yt ii. a* d for all dl-eos..a that are depenuent ou ’ lood |M»I»on orakiu loiuior. carts 1‘1 MIT. US AKT) III A >TC1IES OK TlU SMS, nd uinke* the oiifiph-xitm lair ami n*av. A* for taint, there ia no such won! a* fail, l^cuie* U:al have long 1 *" tate Lottery any. w.4. herobp MrtUV that we «u| inw«0M.ufc: elltbe Mo “ J Dual Dnwinporthe Lefebiai Mi&».znsszjk na State Lottery Coos- 1*1 Will; that gene rail*' follow called cores. T. 1^ M ASSES HP RG, M rcorinl i , (i; DRY TETTER. ’ typ aniietod with Dry Tetter of the : was treated liy many or the k <jUA»litie* of mercury, p-t • - • - • * the let ch, instead of curing crippied me up witli mineral and imalisiU. The letter continued lo grow wor>e. mauril made me'crazv. In this condition I induced t“ take Swifl > Speeific. the re w.«s .s u-to.>:»iuzig “ It waa Kratilyiiu. In » month* th- letter wf« entirely wall, the nn-r- al i*oiM»ning all out **f tar system and 1 wh» a well man—and «tue only to &wi!t*s Siacitlc. AU like MKltrvr should lake it. JAMES DI NNING,Louisville, Ky. WHAT A PHYSICIAN SAYS- V, Kins*. MONEOK. Co., t r.K.. June. ‘it. *8^ e a-brigiit little daughter who willin' two dd Fcx« luoutu. .-he ha- bcOM uviirly ever stnou her Birth wlUi«*Iin ditn axe. winch l t\t>\ VlUcno*e4l chicken p**?. hut later it t*. It* •vine sort of n-i'wn; at any rate It rexisted all iitedii!. oitreatment*. ' pr-i ;.r. *l ouc boniv *.f .-wift’» .-; ecif« aud gave $ier ill Juulsf-H:* three time* n daj-aiul lu / iMpB W#L£^iiE TRAC J ;v',AND | Retail merchants are benei fitfccl by it. Pam compelled to remove tny 'stock of Goods, Boots, Stipes, &c., by the *f ppSTDA V of J-i> T UA RY in'to my stove on,Wall and Broad Streets, and- in older to. liayc a sinall stbek to re- mbve l will sell goods froiu now until Christmas, REGARDLESS OF COST. * Merdatnts-eanntit afford tp .miriOhi/ chance tl(at 1 n<pi‘ 'ottmang. I Wtil Mifofe YP,u^trices much imriiR 'Alfe TRICE? Northern or Southern mar kets.. You Can not loose anything l.y obtaining my price list. Come to me or write for it and I will give or'send it to you. ‘ Respectfully, «MAX JOSEPH, and. 11 Broad’ Street, A Aliens, Georgia. pany, afidi& fieraoumaaaf* and control the Draw- Inpi themkotyea, and that the same are conducted with honesty, CUrorw. and In good faith toward *"— . and we author - “ ~ - lea la. with fac ia iu advertisei 'A authorise the Company . fch fac-eimlle* of our sljnature# attached, in iU advertisenjenta.” LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. N OTICE.LAU persona having 'demand* against Mra C.’W. MeWhortcr, late of aeld county, deccfand, are hereby notified, to present tbhfttne to me for payment within tne time and III the manner prescribed by l*w, and thoee Indebted to setd.d ece>uc‘d are requested to make Immedi ate payment. ' '• *' MISS it A BY £. Me WHOBTEll, noVi-d2tw«t - \.. G ’* LOtiu I A’ CLAitK E COUNTY.-VvheBet tie Sapp applies for letters of adralttiBtraUon ou tlje estute of Edward Sapp, late of said county, deceased These are thenmre to cite htid ad- ui(»ni.ih alt concerned to sltotar cause at die regu lar term «.f the.t.-ourt of Ordinary of uHMeitjr. lobe held on the Hr»t Monday in February next, why said lett m should Hot be granted. Given nn^»r W y hand at olllce, Iht* thejM^day of Dec., . 'ell wS*d A. I*. HENLEY’, <?. C. O. ure ior rlth a ci uni of « Bfan Oomnalssienera. Incorporated ip 18GS for *J5 rears bv the Legisla ture for Educational aud Charitable purpose*— " Uk “ capital of $l/00, which a reserve »ver $55‘),0t>» haa since been stddtil. overwhelming popular vote Ua franchise was’inadcapartfif the prm-ut State Constitution adopted December 2d, ▲. !>., 187 j. Tkr only tottery ever region antf mif(freed by the people oj any State. V 1 It merer ecalet or j»ntpoue*. Ins Grand Single Number Orswings lake place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. K I R S T <i K A N D DBA WING, CLASS A, AT NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, January 18, l8B4--lG4th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $78,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Five uollurs Each Fractions, In Firths in Proportion. list or rair.KH. it lo p.-r in Au&TMfo^u* three tiuu * n daj’. and in T^hort «ekib : ^A-l^hc-aaliafarUonAOphd tklUhe wax entirely .v. 21. 1 am so well pTeascJ wTHi Its •treAi* j.n h»*r that I xliall not «n‘ •r-ctice. I» it 1 »Ji aimubu ihiMrcu aud take itiay ’ Our tregtim on Mood Vee lu ajSxi ..t.t*. .j.’.l- THLSWI to tuy utuci w. e. HRiVgTe, m i. iuUIis! KTSPIXIFIC®. ItiXLvrirT i, Atlanta, Ga.. Woman * UEBEE3T \ rsigrQt 13 WsakNervousMen mc'-ev.ful 1> a!i^J MARSTWI FUMED' DR. J. MIDFIELD'S •^pCuuouebiteody most happily mhod of the t* ja. axiefon*. Ita r^edy for \Yo MAM fur ONE SPBCLVL gA*S of her di r?rc: •4d prop UsaaMd-ecniitliir.* of ike womb, confrcf tip: Mcnutreo! Sanction :ro|tmen i aud irregularities tjA ' \ to ngu! All ot WoxaLn'a MONTHLY SICKNESS. Its proprlcU/r cltiizi* for it no oth<xracdical preperty; cx. i to doubt tha fact UuU.thia-mctliclnvj dot s po*l- tivc!y po; .1-as gu^kcentroRin ;?:«'! regulating; tower* ia eis;.!y ££M|feBredit tho voluntary t.v.iuonyof thna.ra^9 of tiring witnesses v.ho arc to-day exult/ l^irrttick’rtAortiicL to. . -pEATiriaay? tzxslz « -of tncdkal ecicficc and ten of" 4 43 Weapforiu E PUBLIC take | lv:/uc in .innoanciiiK to tny tri.-mis an/the l-u'-dic, 1 hav o|H.-iK-il a /noli-sale Liquor liousi-, at t-o-m-r ot i'u-xl ami Wall streets, ami will keep /nstajjtlv in stock a lull lint ’'tof Wliisl/'. Bnunlies, Wines, Ac., the Ifr^est /“'k evfer openeil in tUo city, *i {join tn/'-st 'listtlUfries in the country r -asii audits large <|iiatitities me to oiler these floods at iat defy competition. 1 will be f see niy old iriends afi-l new ones p!aet,'»uid assupe tl^ni that my to l'Wttte,theiu arokreater than itt-lHrts^pUy, v JOHIC-vU ir. It road and -Wall Kts.' A S.—Ttm Popular Peerfal ways on liaml. nov*H-w3m. )HEN, heus Ga. m ■aid* f *. of SUFFERING WOMA! It Is the etudiul pr. w .ip^onof a katued whose oocial’.y v.*» WOMAN’, came Crnishle and b. ^?riln fol 1.access inlUc fcatuimt n.ri care of # alu COJ plaiBta. T!IS JtnSCLVTOa 'St itw ^kSDrar nEUCDV kr.t.wn, and n.-V.y a. -- c: WOMAN’S BES1 -HD, Because it ctiutcria a da*. 'dL ran Renter.’« cf which c. ‘.her C2utc i cotaUlu*'i, al4^:.daoi *.7Jc(Sck wbiriJ prcaiaturcljr c..T h^x c: OhlWu a luu’.tituuo of 2iri/ k Cfy to Its chLrr.'.ing cCl -clr ■ .ww * WOMAMI Uhctoy ur precious root' It will relic. i $ ua of la-iuh f'^ c liar ta yoar rcxl Bely up# health. la:r>'incss and • J ’ - . _ IV.ce- sire, t * izo > $ 1J0 - i ty3.ddbyidlDn **• only by AD FIELD, r *r Ctnst, Atlsata, Q*. LADIES! I ISeutl u» vour addrens aud wc will mail )uu KKEh uFCA.flKiK ‘ >«unph* x att.LIk*t rlptlve IHustrations nt KUB8L£^brS FASHIONABLE SPEC1AT1ES T 4au’c**, Kuching*, Itraid*. Luibroidtric* u hvr STA-kiLt l‘F> AlUTt bES. Addres* • :f r THE KURSHEEDT M’F’G C0-, *t- • New Y«*rk City. •Mention pipe ft/I 11NEY TO LEND IN CITY OR COUNTRY, Ilf to Mims uotluM tlioi $500, at S p«r sent, luler- tr-R u),ou persona] or other, wcurity, for three yeifs ill] up« nrds. Also laree sums, on mort- yr** 9» 4'WW eeft. Apply-to T. WOOD, Jll Ksil 133th stieet. Hew ^ork City. The sou/ern mutual. [ance CO, [thens, Ga y^>M#L. G. HARIU?, Pnr.sinWtfi ViMM 8 THOMAS. SKespTAkV. hi it* ot l.riiir ItidetKl. |H»*troBcD mr fault . WWO RUTILE* FMKL LK TKKAT1SK on thl* C • tu>d P. O. htUr»M. m Pearl Ht, V< DVKHTiSK <* w<w*t kind and t .Dysgapsia, Snans^ Larnfritis, 1 iiortnoss ' Breath, ifsAUlt i’ll:m/.V, Director* : Stkvksm TiiftM**, J.S. IIamiltom, ALIHN t». liKVlUVO. John w. :>u.ii'-tLsp.N,|. J. H. Hu osdPnriSeri; V S N itt^TTV ,, ORTING UNIVERSAL INJEC in the _ perfect atoUiod and* para 1 ruiuuNKNT cum:* of , jrau»lfer ns,.*. - A Hoc! i ... ,RllNeilX lilitdrter, Kruptli — MlflHnc «»rtho dalund* Tbrnut.^tuiio FiititiM, pennauanUy cured b«u» thdjjip*Uni for lifo. AJIC T&t>ltiiu,Iinpotmey,Seminal “fg Drc* al II’eaki%m* t Failing y .. mw Weak Kyrtj Stunted* Development, Jtnjtedl- mrntsto Marri ’ * * land XUlid ty Lightning. That lightning killed his soil is the belief of a farmer in Newton, 111. 11c writes: “This summer, when corn was too feet high, the light ning struck it, killing a patch about taospuare feet in extent. It seem ed to have killed the ground, as. neither weed nor spear of grass has grown on on it since. The ground looks dead, and 1 believe it is. Oc casionally ihese spots are met with al) over the prairies. The people account for them as builalo tramps, where buffaloes congregated in fi v time, and trumped until they killed the soil, but from the above occur rence 1 accou.-.t for them as having been struck by lightning.” IX) MARK HEA’S LAY IN WINTER. As soon as convenient in the morning give the hens a xvarm breakfast of boiled potatoes,, cab bage leaves, etc., mixed with , a little bran and waste bread, A 1 noon throw about) half a feed of grain among straw where the fowls can scratch for it. In the evening give a full feed of grain. Keep turnip ora cabbage head where the fowls can peck it. Burnt bones or lime should always be where the thisan«rt&S5&ti&fSSf!'"?;, Do is good and warm, as well ashafye*. shed where they can get out of the rain without being compelled to gr to the roost, and your hens will In; |n winter. SM lTIt-COUB. Rarely has Georgia society wit-, nested so biiRmnt ahj^rent as the liViriiagc ot Miss RinKfrtUobb, ol Athens, and Mr.-.lloke Smith, ot Atlanta, which occurred last even- ill the Presbyterian church. Ot the bride, our pen falters - as we at tempt ty portray her beauties of person and.-mind. When wc say that the youngest daughter of Gen,- T. 11. R. Cobb—a lady in .every way worthy of her father’s name— then every one who reads tlns^xvill know that we ha,ve cxhaustei|t‘the language of praise. Of the gndyro, the highest encomimi* that coulaHre bestowed upon any man ; lias bei^n given him in the language of Gcih Toombs, “lie is a tit jiusband for Toot Cobb’s daughter.” ’ r * Thu wedding was attended by a large number ol the friends and rel ative* of the bride and groohfc and many gallant -gimtlcmen and fifthly ladies .•Hi.-tw ciiilg Jf> GeorgiaVJpis- : crt&I toric names of Jackson, Lumpk and Cohbi graced the occasion. f '.1 11 T— - FRANKLIN COUNTY. The Carnesvillc Register is on a boom. With the talented young lawyer Gus King in the lotal d, partment, it is no wonder that It doing well -'. ; J. B. Parks, Esq., of Carnesv is a fine lawyer, and is good practice- „ . Tom Neal, oiCaflP matt successfuK 'hunter Georgia ^Hekillsany 1 canvass bacITOw«ks and p every day. ^ If lung • restof . 3358^’’ :hane:i(;c the World- to. pri thing equal to it for all Th Lung Diseases. w4$U)0Pe r Bottle,, j t-A-fAA RJi'A N KI N MArr.M^tcAWTA»« ’0 FARMERS .^Vaad- Luit ohchardists^. 1—100 bosbela of food apple* per hurirel^ Silvered at yimr naurcti ««, which th® fubtutriWr 1 icatfont solicited 1tou &JCEB8 AMD GCKEBhTlr- STORE MEN ot AUkhUL. t *t»to lowest kbiubul dellrvreil in bsn. to ueareil 1,'oT-frills them to my foitMV.-oorner noil ^Streeu, AHmu, G**rgl»,a'yuriNo- <W.L. BRUCE, Atlanta, Ga. F. O. Box, 163. - , . v .' . Boiler feeding, (j* led handle , Will lilt h/it \vktett*ri«- e Hctlofi' gtHifrmteed uitdi-rall t Diiditi^im. No itlj’iMi.-icnt for varylnu tU*t»<.“s*u*e. WlUilfl rt. Send f. . It* U>.*>!I»AIUi r Gno'k’Su, s«#utii ( 1 *' 1 $' { ** > iu Fouu< F r , tUkjL ■ < of Wu£i feb^nlAwlY Ajrrn , -i'riupt"-, Write for JAM EH G*. BAI 71C Broad 5jt., o| novG-wSui. |ori devrr!*Hive circular, . auru fa, Ga. •ilnr and Fir icn: _ . * ; aud Mill work piomptly. ) tossy*,Sexual lircuy,Mciit* and Physical H'rak/Uss, Failing Jttm%or\ tnnttxlfrevc' riatje, etc*., from excess** or any * f and prirately Cured, rd and Old men. and all nd expcrtrnee v «an*alt on cy*t * nothing, and may W’h«a iocom enieut . mr-dtcine»c»n beoont expreaa fir* from okter- evident tho* a physician who — - t,. on tojAliof disease* nt* t*Un* tfrent aklU, and n)g&c?Jinii throughout th® \ Muntttxtfiiowhig tIn*, frqfltnjntly recommend difflcnlt case* to tho HldeiLMMiuiltsti by whom every ' Known wood nAMly Js aud. *3~Dr. Hate’s ■ As® and KxiMH^nca in a vs hi* opinion of an- pronto Impnrlunce. 4^Jho*e who call on<« buttheDoetnr.fJonraltati— * confidential. Cl ” relief els.-wher®. C ***** treated. Cal fi to *1 Hnndara. 3XXT FuXK. A.I^r 155* drals ilnj;Goods, BrUKuets. 3- Mul.s an«l Crumb Border*.. G JOID.IA. CLARKE COUNTY-rWhere**/ Janie* P. Davi* applit** to me fan^eUerr of adminUtration on the eatote of AiiKcI^e Davi*, Iat* of sold countv, deeea.“e«1. These «re4here- fore to rite iunt admouP'h all conremetTiu khow cause at the regular »oni. of theCourtofOrdluaiy of said ofmnty, to he h»]'I on the fir*t Mond*.. in Feburary next, why *a:d letters should not be fr.iuted. Given unde: my hand atotllcc,' »Iti* 12th day Of Decetnl*er. 1S83. 80<L dlSw3< AHA M. JACKSON. Oidinary. . - - -Where**, Jane npliea for letter* oi mlmlabtration on t Jap.ktson »*of>!. Into of »aid • ouuty, de- Taylor the estate ceased. These are therefore to ?iteunu adnK- 'jah all concerned to show cause at tho rejetdar tent* of the Coart of Ordinary of said county to . bn held on the first Monday in Jan*—— *•'" said letter* Rhonld not l»c granted mv hand at oUioe tins the Ut d« y next why { G* .en under December A. P. HENLEY, C. C.O. 1 CAPITAL PK1ZB. .1 do do 1 «lo do , 2 FRIZES OK ffi.000 5 do 2, tlUO 10 do l.uao IOUO do 2.V. ♦, r i APPBOXIMATION fKlZJ 0 Approaimatien Prizes offT'-t .175,000 10,wm: 10.000 10.000 Kettle applies to :ue for letter* ol aduiinUtra- non ou the estate of Margaret Kettle, ?ate of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all concerned to show cause at tlie ngular term of tho court of ordinary °f said county, to he t» dd ou tne first Monday in Jr nutty. lk*a. why said letters shock) not be granted, tiiveti und r iny baud atofllce, thl* 20th day November, tv»3. u>vf7-w30(i. AHA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. G eorgia Dreyvry vi 11 CLARKE C( i U NT Y. — W her ea v B. Jackson, Administrator with :!ie J'ickarm, deceased, ap- ■ hnrge plies to in« fora lion. These an aU concerned it dinai’7 of said Monday in February 'next, nHocM not Ik* <rnnted. i*iv« OlEi t; this the 1st dr.r of October. iS©3 octTin.’hn.AH/ M. J M K.HON, Ordinary ■aid Ad min h . cite uml adu.onisu cause at the Court of Or- '. t » be held on the ft*>t hv said discharge 1 umler my hand a :a. llakke county.—win — -8. \tlo <fo ... 1867 Prizes, amounting to S2v).5U Application (hr rate* to Hubs ihoiddO) onl^ to tho office of the Coiaiinuy iu NewOrlom kor furtlier information arito clearlv, givini hill adilrv^s. Make P. O. Money Order* pay able au«l address Uegistcfaxl Liters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, Now Orleans. La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinan letb-r* bv Mail o Express (all sum* of$’»a:.d upwards by Expre* at our expense; to M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, La., HERE I AM! I doivt keep a silver COFFEE Pot to boil mv COFFEE in; but when it comes to the old-time 'COFFEE Kettle, with plenty of sweetening, I have THE COFFEE That will make you feel good. You cun liuiKc it Strong enough to float tin iron wedge, and is THE THING The people want. S. C. DOBBS. ’.ratio and alio Me *h all i Tin of tho C > be helii on tin if *:ti«I letter, uder my hand at otlh a th r D8t, A. P. HENLEY *30.1. ni to show cause at in of. of ordinary of k«v li;*t Momlay itt l-'ebrunr should not be .'runted bl dav 1 C, 6. count v. Georgia, during the lev'nl h 011 the !lr*t Tueedny in Jauitarv, 1kv| one house und lot in tho city 0 f Atln-uft.on ltiver street, iopiing lot* of Hood. lim lloiotar., A.Shaw.'and others, eotttalnlng one half acre, more or lee*, heiug place occ:up»e«l by Thomas Held. Hx»!d to satisfy a fi ti from Clarke Superior t ourt of Noah .•oilmen against Thouum Kehl. Huh) fi fa now \» ued ami''Ontrolled by W. I). O’Farrell. Tbi* ec. Dt. 1 .*»’!. JOHN IV. U’KfK, dccl-wtds. HheritT of Clarke Co.. Ga, COUNTY. said county, on the l*t Tuesday in JuuiiMrv , wj bin the ltirnl h«n.r* of sale, the followinV prop erty to wit: one hall und vided forty-six ncres'.f land, us the property ot Eddie Colly, tuim Rose Creek, Coldham’* road, and bound east by Hull; on south b.< Miller; on west by Mil ler. and ou t.orth uy Pullnot. Tertnscnih. 3t| of Doc., 1*<W. J T ANDERWIN, devl l-w4t, GnardtHii of Eddie Colly i hVINWKATOlt’s H G.K —Pursuant Of all Kinds and Desert BALDWIN & Theii’ Goods are First-Class and Pr the Lowest. NEVER MIND SHORT CROPS, 'ut rulin' to the Clayton street.Sti goods at I lulb SHORT CROP PRice< ■ii! be nty « ; the legal lion .lcrest of Aim E. Kborhurt,« nltd bull interest of •ICCe rd. i lyin/atul ladug in the city nntv, conlitiidmc thirty-six (»•) 1 : bei-'u the place whereon tlieui y rrdJel. i o l*e sohl a* the i< . •• ease 1 fur the bcuidit or 1 Imir heir or heirs . P. EKBUHART, nl'd'ii ell K . of Ann E. Eberli dccea C lark: shkp.iff sale—wuibe sold t*e- tween the legal hour* ..t sale before the court house d .or of Ciurkc eouhty. tieorgi.i, ou the first Tuesday in Fehr mry, ls'l, the f d! »wiug pnip *r» ty to-*-t: fine house m l lot U-iin: in the eily of At! t s c ,;.ntv ..f Clark.- and state ..IG'.-r: .. mid »tiuudi--d a- todow-: Ou tl.e sonlh JOHN \V. WEIK M CLARKE AND OCONEE ^ferchants and others of these two am! nuightHiriiif' i-oiiutics, are invlteil to call on us ami examine onr stock of CHRISTMAS & HOLIDAY Goods, embracing Gift Books, Books of all kinds, Autograph and Photograph Albums, Cups and Saucers, Vases and Toilet Sets. Our StiM'k of Toys Ir very complete and will bo •old cheap. Call early and avoid the rush J. W. & E. W. BURKE, ATHENS, GEORGIA. ap ,24. ’yw. Martin Institute, JEFFERSON, JACKSON CO., GA. CHARTERED 18I8-EKD0 WED 1059- ^ Exercise* begin Wednesday, jjivuarv '.'th. IS t. d!> w. f EGAl. SALE OF LAND.—In purauan- L deer.. flarke Superior f’.iurt, ier»d. rei| No- VI tuber *.’7.1. l ss -. I wdiselllieforf the curt house d.Nir uff ’larke eotintv, in Athens, tfeorgin, dur- h'i «*».. legal hour* ef rale, on the t)*»t Tuewlav In January next. tw.. tracts of land In Clarke coun ty* Georgia, m.«! lying partly iu the city of Ath ens, to-writ: one tract containing fight.***!! acre*, one and twenty **-ven pob*. more or lc**; known a* the “old Fair Ground Tract ” And oi)| tract containing throo hundred and fifty-f. rt of <»rdiuary of < j -trke day in juuunry next. . the one undivi.R.; ,decc*<cd Abo lev Mitchell .use nml lo*. fAthene in MADDREY & JONES rave R'Up’t tl..s ven soli-i facts r ait 1 .1 sve our d price*. 1 the far Tract.” And *aid *nle nisde to perfect title P y purchase money, and to effect settlement with eik.u-of II S. Hughe*, deceased, who held same under bond* for titles from me and pur chase money unpaid. Terms of sal'*-onodhird cash; one-third atone an*l two yt-arz each, at h pi*r cent, interest, p^r annum. Interest parable annually until principal is paid ultond for title* to bo given purchaser Map of la d is sub-dlvhl- r sale, to be found at office of L. A H. Cobb. attorneys > who ail persons are referred for niug sale. A. •*. HEARING. MADDREY & JONES, No. 53 Clayton St., 2 doors below posture, Athens, FREE » beautifully ornament to CHASE & SANBORN’S Sandard Java! TAKINCI T1IR l.E.l-1 A Ml <(1NSI1IKUK1> TI1K Best Coffee This spare is reserved for CAS. A. SCUDDEifa] Jeweler, who is now North buying his fall stock goods. WORLD! ly is delighted to get a drink of PI'UK packed uitgrouud iiihernt-U- au». Keeps its stfenalh «nv Kuuraiil' week* Full Term. 14 weeua. E8r« h pupil ol every J » uuw »«y«*»•«»f.U buy it. grade in the Literary Denarimltit pay* only fiwe universal satistaetton. Try a p.,annum r ; ,,«„rt,o,. ku.^n.imn u | Combination Jtiva ! CvFFK, caliy »CLled tin' length of time. Every ... . uud the finest Gotten gnm n. Over " ‘ * ‘ f>ur other Colic ofour ratetl I pro mouth, incidental ext>eu . pupil. Tue Public School Fund *i*>vc tuition lor pupil* legally entitled !<• Every pupil charged from time* of entr* end of term, except for sickuea* of hituse tracwtl longer than two \vc*ek*. The Cou Study is thoiough and practical. Special att- tiou given to ik»ok-Keeping and the rule* «»f co: luere-ial life, rttudeula can prepare 10Fany cl in the Univorsitie*: or the pructiral business of life; or, on completing the cnur»eol study in ihe Institute, will l»e Hwartlctl diploma*. A*-Utant>- ure honor graduate*, will* * in te*yft ing. J’oard from fe to fl< per month. For 1 i/ u lars, Ac., apply to t * \V S. McCARTf\ Principal- ‘ Or, J. E RANlKJLPtl, secretary ITu^te.r* A LECTURE TO YOUiTS MEN ON THE LOSS OF ■> -v ■ v- *r.-r -rr? FRI LESE A fWvoriu* prrwcrlpitoo vt *zua5\ noted and woeaegll fgecfoltato in tho U. 3. in plain ■mdudccvciota>/ift%a>rmfl« ta ** n| V >i w OiUnN on. WARD a CO.. UuilHH. Ma,-' A Lecture oil the NatureC Treatment and Radi cal cure of SeniiiiabWcnkiw»*,or Spcriuatorfhoa, induced by Self-Ai.usa* InvMuntary Emi^iou.>, Iiu potency, Nervous Debllitf* Amt'im'petlimcntv lo Marriage generally; U tisuinpii.-ti, i'udl'it*; Mental and Physieol' Incapacity. a eg— HyTtOBEUT J. CULVERWKLL, M. !»., authof ■£ •he “Green Book ” «kc r The worM-rmiowaftd author, in thl* ml 111 irabio Leciun., clearly prvd-es from his own experience that the awtul cojjfo- pihuee* of Self-Abuse may & effectually Ve* inuved without dangeroiiH *uffcicnl eperatidw.’ tM»iK'ie*,1n.Htrtimont*, rings n« ” ’ out a modeofaureat on ♦filch every sufferer, by* , nodfiattcr wlmt bis (A*- •**-; .. This lecture* qsand* aud thousands, rfj I envelope, townymddrca* er two postage stamps, A TIIK CULVER WEUd New York,^N. T" inc t- Atlanta, Ox. Sc ml for Prices and Circular*, Always Buy, Sell and 'Drink the best. /45F*Kvcry family ahonhl have n cau of on- Standanl Java. Ask your Grocer for it. Pack. • in 1, 2,:», 4, U. .0. and 5U lb. can*. Respectfully, CHASE & SANBORN, Importers and toasters. Hamilton Street*. Bpston, ATI-LENS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORK. IttOX AWL BP. CASTtMia. MILL REAItlXU, MININ1I AM) MILL MACtllNEUY. SA'W MILLS, SMITHING, REPAIRING, PAT’N WORM STEAM EX-:iXJ>», I’htC! LAK 0.1 W MILLS, <• -AS ML I ... ROKHK hJWIIS THUKSHEBS, iulff Hitt,! «l..| LKVKUIVlIuS FAX MILLS. I1AUK MILLS. 1KOS KEVOIMi, AND ALSO AGENTS EOR THE MOST APPROVED PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES on Skid, an-I <n whorl,. Comt'lnrd THRKHKF.HS amt ffKi’.. BATOBP TfirttlXL "ATE. WHEELS, MILL STOXK8, VICTOR Tllroe Rolk-r CanV Mill*. LOOK LiwiI '» » Ad-irt-Hs, THOS. BAILEY, -Agent & Sup:. i AthenS, Ga in. VIND1NC reUNl.irEIl AT MAXl'EAC T HER ft H'.ILE- THEO.MARKW GUI, — STEAM MARBLE AND GRANITE WOLkS HIT i -BROAD ST., NEAR LOWER; MARK FT, AUGUSTA, G A. MARBLE 'WORK., Domestic and imported. ■f. AT LOW I'S.K-ES- GEORtJIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA MONUMENT* live mu*ttiey*urptUi wa* eutiroly w a box spavin of uud in three - week* ^Utne the ‘ Thomand* of women over the land tcatL fy to the wonderful effect* Of this great rem edy: it will not only * burton labor and leMea the intensity of tiain and tufferiru; beyond cxprr>*I.»n. but better than fflLtr thereby Croat ly dimiuiehc* the dangi'r to life of both f mother and • child. .Tlii* gnat boon to*uf- i fUring woman i* fibttmif*' Liniment, or - Mothers Friend, I'rr. arcd and aold hy^. { .iJunmtD, Atlanta. Ga Sohl by all * Drugriat*. Price $1.50 bottle. Seat by Expraw’on receipt of prion. i a bo •f .11 . jssa . gone and tha, inaro to haw en p*ever, teonsld pOVin Ctfre woyih to 500 mssmmmsmnm Reward ■afcgssgaP •“““adea* caused »* . standing _Uff- wa* all ./ well and can trot a* .ho bottle of Kendall'* » *150,000 a* the animal wi wa* ou throe leg* and coulr* - on them Mid now *ho is th _ in the*e pa*Uand.with the remlueui.oty,..., Ue alter curing the mare I have nearly cored sfeSSSS-"- timet «wl thtroro nori Uitem)* out hr th* root* end without tny yatn. In ahori I think ft latbo boat '-Uuluieultbat lalif u»c. * hav« Kami ah’* Traatlao on tho lion,, and him. Dfcouu and I would not take any money for It in could i eel another. Hoplon toU groatitiooam, I rouii Yours rt-ipocirully, , Jt- C. Marti.' in’. Cure: KendaiVs IVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD TO . any one who will get up a better Lini _ nent, 1hr Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Burn* |^its.)!f.urjuinta, Sprain*. Brul*e«,JSUngs ol |‘'oi*<*uou* Insects. Toothache, etc* Tht * y will be returned to any one not satis -7 one bottle of the Turkish ** *eny, Windkallt, Sort Atehea. Ftotul j-— j iicraii l alter i :. EtiKJoiutj, Koratc*l DAU. A CO.. CABPBfk.% n and K1 o 11 mc1*u nil siting €Jood*»» argcMt Stock noutk of IBnliimoro. i, BtuwU, 3-fiMy And Ii •o tfug-. JInt* and ftomub 4 W akadni. Wall (taper*, L*ce * dartain*, fJornicc* nrCd’ ffJocoit A; Ctanlon fflnltiug*, l>p ? lory f ffagravlBi*, Cbfriao*, Pick Vaanir*. Write for Snmplr* and —^ RilLIBAUOriihXtV, f ^i'OVbTA, G.1 two re .-~*-y- ded* Iu every town to sell our populffr Rook*. OFFKtt INDUt-EMENTS. .^Applicants will agtf, exuerieuce (ifany), and reference •ENDirCflANCEX"” ' work, amt wakt to MAKE ilo.N alter to K. JOHN met, Rtchniom', Va. pwte PHRBYS & SMITH - BOOT& SHOE 1. • % Manufacturers, SHOPl# REAR J- H. HUGGINS' STORE Athens, Georgia. Fine Hewed Vbrh a Spedhjr. Brogans at WhQlcfude ayd Retail. ^ *cpt.U8iu. M /VDE A SPeCXAL-TY. _ 'lectio 1 ‘ *’■' r '*‘ " • — ■ >-r~. octi eShfT J. l *Pi , ..vpo' ti ' i; ' “ f JtvnouE and tlKAXtTEjtVjyS^alttajiOB hand, r*« tjr IS”** 1 B. J. Kckdau. 4 the last t‘ ment kt curbs und various klbffi 1 of strains to my entire L satisfaction and in et«r)n instance where I have that •» a liniment t bolmve It- haa no equal, and iku* baltaTint, I.ctaeertully recommend It to any .im who may *> medtdM ol :* SlartLUY, thl* kind. |ro£i'.ot-ir5, L. S' J Xendatf dr - ’'SOL'D. BY ALL DRUGGISTS. blictaavrAwly Lexington _ - Superior Courm of the BEFORE 1 Appilancet are sent 0* 30 I T3 RUM ONLY, YOUNQ i SSSS’l ‘ coA.t. raiaax f Hkai.tti,\ iu>m«ni(Nakikx>aOc»mtmo. 7fartrr«iUi'»t diseuwry of the .Vinctc*«tli CYnturr ' 8c:Ktat orw forllluAtrsl^i 1'amphltifrvo. Ail.irsM ^VOLTAIC gill so.. ¥**»HAU. MICH. HORSES ESTABLISHED 1866. , nickersonTwynn & CO, Wholesale and retail hardware Dealers It) Iron; If alls, Haws, Agriculturil I mi the'relebratcd r W W»J«; Wi Vpwder. Blasting Fu Hfteutiuii of the Kart, .liradbs, Crown Hoc*. Meriaud IIown, Bnilder* Hardware, Mlilfrindifirv. «le; *11 . cmqnt*. Watt Cidllcd uud taut Plows, alLO#>htk*«»u » V°?'Jm’ii» . ct*d\(’iitier* uud Corn Sbslltm. every tdk< warranted. ‘Idvr-•* ^ ‘ ~ ' 5 “n»t romMuatl-* I*’ . Imp*att* Kfiic Wri - ^ ler ami ^nt>l.«r UeUl«<- fa ANDMULES, W.S. HOLMAN Will keep on hand tL'a •eason a Bite lot of broke nml*uubr»ke horse* and uoles, which I ertUjnU as low as aiWd*. Kxaiuiue my Hut !*efore buying. I have Jm* received! a carload direct from the best and mo*L popular stuck- raisers of Kentucky that I am sidling low. All stock warranted as represented, btable on Clay toft St;, Athens, Ga, septS5w3m, 1 • Miles Johnson, STEAM DYEING AND CLEANIN( ESTABLISHMENT. I'jnwlth other buatucu. ] nndffentlemcn of Athek*. novll-lx. Clocks, Watches. SILVERWAlrf,GUNS.4 PISTOLS ren epecLl *lt*t|llou oudwotk wernuted- W. Talmadgfl MIrJIm SIBLEY a CO. Roch«!«r,SJ.*< Ell*- i-