The Banner-Watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1882-1886, March 02, 1886, Image 4
WEEKLY BANNER-WA^HWAN,. ^yESDAY, FEBRUARY 1886 BANNER-WATCHMAN OFFICIALS ORGAN OF City of Athsns sad Clarita, Oconee & Bank:. AN j^8CRI pl I0:'. *a: jail/, > >! . j.Uiy, $1; ’ T. L. GANTT. GEORGIA’S LATE OHIO VISITORS. We think our people are now pretty well convinced that they have Lcen badly ’Sold” in the ie- cent pilgrimages of those so-called GREAT LOTTOV STATES FIELD CONTEST. Mr. F. C. Morehead, President of the National Cotton Planters’Asso ciation, has recently been in At- El'I.TON COL"STY’S SHAME. that their honored guests were nothing more nor less than a very high order of tramps, whose sole ' s ex P PC,ef J *° be Capitol the programme of a “Great Cotton States Field Contest” that held in 1SS7, When the commissioners of Ful ton county made tha' whitewashing r port about how Bud Williams, the youthful convict, came to get his lect frozen, the Banner-Watch man stated at the time that it was entirely too gauzy, and we did not believe the bottom facts had been reached. Our insinuation is now endorsed by a public statement from Dr. Willis F. Westmoreland, one of the leading physicians not only in Atlanta, but the United States, wherein he gives facts that curdles the blood of a humane man, and will everlastingly brand Fulton county with barbarity, unless the gud y parties are sought out and severely punished. Why, if half of what Dr. Westmoreland says be true, (and we believe every word be utters), then there is no law in Georgia strong enough to mete out punishment richly deserved by such brutai officials. Dr. Westmoreland >avs it is folly to argue that the con vict Williams had two blankets and that a good lire was kept up all night in the stove, for from the hoirihlc condition of the hoy's feet he must have had insufficient cov ering, and tile lire in the stove al lowed to get very low. Williams is not out ol danger, and while he is better he is »:iil in a precarious con dition. Both his feet were frost bitten, and one toe atid the bottom ol his foot sloughed off. With one of the feet, not only was the foot tro/en, hut the ankle joint from the bone out was frozen ar.d dead. The leg had to he cut oil' away up the leg, between the ankle and the knee joint. Dr. W. says it is the severest case ol trost bite he has ever heard of in the South. Arl to add to this horrible outrage, tvs days alter this poor creature was so frighttu'K injured, he Was put n a wag. . ml dumped on; on In gt 1111111I o put to v\ o k. > . 1 the hone . Sis leg was eve . ■ and he could not stand up. The county commissioners, in their in vestigations, only examined parties connected with the prison, and, ol course, whose interest it was to cover up their ’racks as much as possible. They did not even sum mon Dr. Westmoreland, who at tended on the hoy, and whose tes timony, if that investigating com mittee wanted to learn the truth, was indispensable. It seems that the men rn charge of the convict camp and the commission ers had conspired together to dis guise facts, and blind the eyes of the public to a most disgraceful and brutal crime. To show that an evi dent attempt was made at “white washing,” Dr. Westmoreland states that out of forty convicts in the camp that night, three were ^frost bitten. and one has since had his toes to drop off and the other has such a bad case of chilblains that he cannot use his feet. This conclusively proves that the boy Williams sut- fei ed from a criminal neglect of duty on the part of the men who had charge of the camp. We cannot find language strong enough to condemn such heartless brutality as has hern practiced in the Fulton county convict camp, and Dr. West moreland has done a most righteous act in exposing the whole matter. While it is the intention of Georgia to punish crime, at the' same time we are a civilized, Christian people, not a race of brutes or barbarians, who delight to inflict the most fiendish torture on the helpless creatures, so completely in our power. It is the duty of the good people of Fulton courty to investi gate this horrible affair to the bot tom, and let the guilty parties he severely punished. The boy Wil liams was sent up for a vety light offense—stealing a few sticks ol wood—anil even then it is said the • evidence against him was not very clear. H. h a good ca-e for da i - ages agai Fulton com tv. a d w ere we •> a jury, and (he in 1 ., developed as Dr. Westmoreland affirms to he the case, we woald give him at least $ 10,000, and thus show the tax-payers that if they ap point inhuman men to supervise tlie convicts, that they will be made to pay dearly for their acts. The grand jury of Fulton county should now take the investigation of this matter in its own hands, and see that punishment and censure is meted out where deserved. If these commissioners are found guil ty of wiltully smoothing over facts, let that body come in for its full share of the blame. mission to our slate was not to buy , un ^ er * be al,s P lces °f tbe associa- 1 tiAn T» «■»'.!! .. * - A - 1 - lands and settle among ns, nut MEDICINAL. SCROFULA OF LUNGS RELIEVED 1-ini no v -n y«a<*« oil, anti hive sutfe red for the last fifteen years with a lung trouble. Several members01 the family ; tion. it wnl be truly a grand affair, on my mother’s side of the house had a free ride free “,.r„h -,nd tn if carried out according to the plans i dleJ w j‘ h «o»8un.ption, and the doctors el a tree ride, tree gtuo, amt to , . “ 1 were all agreed m their o]muou that I have a jolly good time at the ex pense of the veidantand gullible rebels. For days they were excurt- cd by the railroads over the state, without charge, for them cveiy latch-string hung on the outside, and (or once in their lives the one- horse farmer, the itinerant piinter, the cobbler and the village black smith found themselves the lions of the day. These people had no more idea of buy ing lands and set— [ roposed, fully $100,000 he given away as premiums. best hale $5,1100 for tLe best general crop $5,000 for tile best mode! ol a $2,500 1 gin house; $5,000 tor the best plan- j trr’s manual; $5,000 for the best (ling in Georgia than they have ot ! colton « in; * ,00 ° for ,he best n,od ' sprouting wings and flying, and \ el of 3 barn ' * 2 ' 000 lor ,he greatest many of them had cando'r enough,! > ,eld of 1,nt cotton ,rom one acre; $2,000 for the greatest yield of shell ed corn from one acre; the same for . , 1 »— opinion » wi 1 - bad consumption also. I bad all the distressing symptoms of that terrible f ] disease. I have spent thousands ol tlol- I ..e following is a statement of j | tt rs to arre?t the inarch of this disease; some of the prizes to be contested I lhaveeiupluyedalloftbeusualmethods, for, and the specific contests for I treatiuentofotherniemberTotmy falnfljn which they will he given: "$10,000 hot temporary relief was all that’l for a cotton picker; $5,000 for the ‘* , ' tain c d - * was unfit for any manual r , 1UI | l3 t, or n.f several years, lint chance l short staple cotton; came into possession of a pamphlet on f. D. Griffeth’s REALE OFFICE 113 REAL ESTATE COLUMN, OFFICE NO. 11- BROAD ST- Acres on McNutt’s creek, five miles from Athens.good _ _ five room dwelling, one log house, barn, stable, cribs, etc. A good two horse farm open, balance in origi nal forest. Terms 200 in cash, balance on long lime, or will exchange for city property. LEGAL NOTICES-CLAKKE COUNTY HOD, i n (Se are therefore to cito and admonish all concerned to show causa a* the multrinrm of the Court ot Ordinary ol said coS t? 5 52““; ' «rst MoudJtu jffy.UM Jhy .urS discharge should not be granted. Given uud«r c7l)tcemb<. n r ltS *' KU * lUre - -far is. SmSm A. P, HKNLEY, C, O. C. V* Mary a. Hughes, administratrix of H. S. deceased, applies in terms ef the law for a discharge from said administration. Jht se are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned t« show cause at the regular ter.n of the court o' Ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in June next, why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 10th day of February 18?6. febl6m3m. ASA M. JAOKSON, Ordinary. Jl’ST BEFORE DETAKl IKE, to say so. There were veiy few , genuine farmers in the party, the j wheat ’ r - ve ’ cow P eas ’ barle >’ S 2 - 000 excursion being mostly made up of 1 ^*L** le 8 reatest onp ac,e yieltl cl certain loafing class ol idlers and ! d,flerent kinds of hay; $1,000 each tramp tradesmen, found in every I ,or best 3Cre > iekl of P 0,a,0es ’ tur- neighborhood, who, having nothing ' n, ! ,s ’ ,obacco - sorghum, ramie jute; especial to engage them at home, j * 2 ’5°° tor best cotton seed oil mill and being ofl’eretl a tree ride and i for P lan,at,on; ,he same for . best (tee entertainment, very readily j co,,on P rtss and best steam engine joined the expedition. Of course \ lo ^ ,n; * 2 ’ 000 for homemade ler- there were some substantial men in | tlbzer S"' n S besJ results; $2,oco the party, hut to one and all it was f,,r bes,t commercial fertdizer, and a junketing tour, and the visitors had no designs whatever on the old j red hills of Georgia. It was a part j ol the programme to pretend to be interested in the country, and pa tiently listen to our land-owners expatiate on the wonderful fertility, the varied productions and manifold advantages of their possesions, which they finally oflered for sale at from $2.50 to $ to per acre, you offered these parties the pick of your fields at 25 cents per acre! they would no’ have bought, for i they had no earthly use for Georgia I lands, and had no intent or desire 1 to live here. At Greensboro one of hese Buckeyes came out picking his j teeth from a banquet of free hash ; a d remarked to a native, “I don’t ; see what keeps your people from j -tarving to death working tluseold | red hills. Our party were talking | about it last night. Why, one acre of land in Ohio is worth a county down here. I am a jeweler by- trade myself, but I would not live in this horrid country if I could make $10,000 a year—there is no society.” A great many just such remarks as this escaped the lips ol the injudicious members of the visitors, that exposed the true mis sion of their visit to Georgia. One was very anxious to see the places where "Sherman whipped you For awhile | many other premiums are to be of fered for farm decided on.” The object of this contest, as is very apparent, is to excite a rivalry among the farmers of the cotton states, and induce them to put for ward their best efforts for carrying off the prize or prizes for which they may contend. The liberality Blood and Skin Disease.” from the office ..f Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. A friends rveommended the nseofswilt's S|*wiiir claiming that, he himself had been orea’ly benfitted by its use in some lmnr troubles. 1 resolved’to try it. About lour yearsaeo I commenced to takeS S. S according to directions. I found it an invigorating tonic, and have used about fifty bottles. The results are most remarkable. My cough lias left me. my strength has returned, and I weigh sixty pounds more than I ever did in mv life. It lias been three years since I stopped the use ol the medicine, but I have had no return of the disease, and there are no pains or weakness felt in my lungs. 1 do the hardest kind of mechanical work, ami teal as well as I ever felt since 1 was a boy. These. I known, are won derful statements to make, but I am honest when I say that 1 owe my exist ence ami health to-day to Swift's Spec ific. It is the only medicine that brought me any permanent relief. I do not say the Swift’s Specific will do this in every case, hut n.ost positively affirm that it lias done this much for me, and 1* would be recreant to the duty I owe to suite- ring humanity if 1 failed to bear this chearfnl testimony to the merits of tiiis g specialties not yet | wonderful medicine. I am well know in I the city of Montgomery, and can refea to some of the best citizens in the citv T. .1. II01.T. Montgomery, Ala., June 25, I860. Swift’s Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., D-awer 3, Atlanta, Ga., or 157 W. 23u St., N. Y. i&Q3(la.wlra. Why had ' ol tbe P rern,ums offered make them 1 worth striving for, and the result. tramps brought to Athens, but we a r e cured now, and if one of them ever sets his foot into Clarke county, let him receive and entertain him- selt at the rate of $2 a day at some hotel. The truth is. when men come on business they are not her alded by a brass band and go in swa;ms.butquietly inspect the prop erty they want to purchase. We have a great many good Northern citizens among us, and we do not know of a single one who had to be baited with free rides and banquets before investing. Our prediction is that out of the two large excur sions of Ohio “farmers’^?) that late ly visited our state. Georgia won’t capture a single new citizen, unless it be some fellow who got “strap ped” and couldn’t return. Well, we were badly taken in this time, hut we think our people have been taught a good lesson- Never bait a man to sell him your farm. Even if he intended to buy such anxiety on vour part will drive him off. if the farmers of the South go into it with a zeal, must he to the incal culable benefit of Southern agricul ture. It is. in a word, a splendid tiea. and we hope the farmers of Georgia will promptly enter the lists, and give a good account of themselves. We will take occasion to allude to this subject again at va rious times as the plans tor the pro posed contest are developed. Our friendJMr. B. M. Blackburn, editor of the Madisonian, was nominated for postmaster at Madi son, Ga. This is a most admirable appointment, and we congratulate both Madison and Mr. Blackburn. We learn that the office pays $1,500 a year. The rush lor office is overwhelm ing, and is one of the woist outcrop pings of our politics. Dostmaster General N ilas is quoted as saying that there are about three thousand rebels so badly.” for awlnle we applicants lor twenty-five positions caught the fever and wanted these under his department. Robespierre once resigned a judgeship because he was too hu mane to impose the death sentence. A few years later the heads of the nobility could not fall fast enough to satisfy him. 76 Acres unimproved land in no-fence district, 2 miles _ from railroad depot at Jef ferson, Ga. Level and capable of be ing highly improved. A good chanes to settle near tile l»-*sr. public school n Morth Georgia. Will sell cheap. Acres on Jefferson road twelve miles from Ath ens, 6 miles from Jef- fersuu, J settlements, with all the nec essary outbuildings. One hundred and sixty acres open land, balance original forest, no-fence district. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. For further par- icnlars call on W. D. Griffeth. TRUCK Firm, just rut of city limits, con* raiuin*' 20 acres, all under good wire fence. Two frame dwellings. 10 acres • »t tin l.iml in go »«l condition for vegeta- Farm one fourth of a mile Irom city limns, 80 acres of land, with a modern cottage, 6 rooms, good stables And barns, pastures with ruuning water, 10 acres of * xira fine branch bottom on this place. Splendid opportunity fora live man to start a paying business. FOR SALE, HE Residence formerly owned by Judge E. L. .Newton, eight large rooms with closets, pantry etc., good servants houses and a never fail ing well. The lot contains about 7 acres and includes a good garden, orchard and ^rove. Phis is one of the best built louses in Atnens ami will be sold for less than eostef the improvements. SHERIFF SALK.~.wilI be «old before \j the Couit House door in Athens Clarke dnr . lu * th « .^8’ 1 hours of sale on the first Tuesday in March, i8ST., the follow- projwrty: The house and lot in the Cltv of Athens, Georgia, belonging to Mrs. America’Pit- tard. It will re sold in two lota—lot No. I. iront* in ■ seventy-five (75) tceton Lumpkin street amt ruuning back twj hundred and ten ("io> feet Hull Street aud fronting sixty-two (6.») feet Hull Street, bounded on E»;st by Lumpkin Street* on North bv lot No. 2, on West by Hull Street and South ov lane separating the lot from lotot Mrs. Dr. Bertliug.on this lot is one tenant house and stable in good condition. Ix>t No. 2froutaoue hundred and fifty (lftO) feet on Lumpkin Street and running back along line of Iauies White to Hull Street about two hundred and fifty two (’^52 LEGAL NOTICES—BANKS COUNTY EOHGIA. BANKS COUNTY-Will be sold on — the first Tuesday in March next, at the Court House in said county, within the legal hours of ' 1 property to-wit: one tract of land lying in county, adjoining lands of Thmuaa Burns Satn Martin, (colored) F. Martin, (colored) and others, containing one hundred acres, more or leas Said Mace is well improved, there beingfcrected upou it a good dwelling house bnildiugs, Said land levied good dwelling house aud necessary out- — * * as the property of fi.f.t issu of C. W.„Hood A Son against said Tobe MarUn. Also at the same time and place one tract of land lyinii in said '»nlispie uty» adjoining lauds of William Glllispie on the West, lands ot A. C. Pat terson on the North, lands o> Robt, Patterson on tue Fast and lands of J. 8. Means on the Mouth, containing thirty five acres, nioieor less, said land levied ou as the property of G. W Jackson* to satisfy three fl. fas. Is.-tied irom the Justice Court of flie 1206 District b.M , ol sale county; two in favor of A \V. Me ’onellfvs G. W* Jack- son and one in favor of A, W McConeli against G. V\ . Jackson and Peter Johnson, Arno at tbe same time and place, one tract ol land lying in said county adjoining lands ol W. M. Ash, Mrs. Turk and the dower of Mrs. H. T. Stephens and others; said land levied on as the property of J. C. .Stephens deceased to satisf a cost fi.'fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of If. T. Stephens for the use of the officers of Couit against L. F. Morris, ad ministrator of J. C. Stephens deceased; written notice given to tenant in possession as required by law. POSTPONED SALE, Also at the same time and place one tract of land lying in spld county on the road leading from Homer to Belton, known as the Bowden tract, adjoining iandt< of J. H. Gardiuer, Thos, N. ALL THE LATEST STYlt IN 8TRICTY FIRST CLASBIQOODB ! ^ Jast Received in Every Department, at the Sh 0e feet, thance South along Hull Street on*e hundred I forest. Levied on as the property of the estate .. and eigtv (1U8) feet to lot No. 1, thence East along W.M. Mize, late of said county deceased lof.atisfy lot No. 1 two hundred and teu (21u) leet to four fi. fas issued from the superior Court of said . - * county, two in lavorot I>ur. as Hendrix and acatust Knock A. Mize, as administrator of W. M Mize, deceased; one in favor of Nancy Ballew against Enoch A. Mize, " --*—*-*- * ’ deceased, and line Lumpkin Street; on this lut is the dwelling house and three tenant, houses all in good condition. L! ‘ ,J "‘the property of America Pittard. tosatiafy a ti - fa. from the Superior Court in favor of Ferdinand Pbinfzv against A Pittard. Property pointed "out by Plaintiff Attorney. Written notice given tenant in pos session. Deed made and filed tn office for purposo of making this levy: John w. wier, jan2630d. 8h<jri ff Clarke Ce. LEGAL NOriCtS—OCONEE COUNTY O CONEESUEKIFF'S hale Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Match next, at the court house door in said county, within the le. ul hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing property to-wit: All that tract oMand lying i Oconee county, lyingori the \ s ol Pt creek, adjoining lands of R T Durham’ place on the north, ‘Henry D ilardign west, J C .lohnson on tho east and by ,S iflokl Bar- uortlx Beginning at pine comer W 17 e. thenci NEW three* room cottage with rook room attached. Servauts room, stable, wood house and pood well. Lot contains half an acre, situated on Lumpkin Avenue, corner Brow nine Street. W onderful Success The Marvelous Cures And unprecedented success attcudlng tlie use and introduction o’ It is a very significant fact that, since the fire insurance companies have withdrawn trom New Hamp shire, fires in that state have de creased 6o per cent. The tariff bill, it is predicted, will pass the House in a modified form but will meet death in the senate. Which, laden ith sighs from oranze groves »to write of her teeth an l herfguu! iu ask me to write—but really I won’t; $ enough that she uses SOZODONT. On the Toilet Tables of the beau rnonde, that delightful health fa elixir. SOZODONT, isalways fouud. There ’• nothing comparable to it for rendering the teeth t|M>ticftx, and preventing their decay. Those who it exhale fragrance when they opeu their Pulaski county went “dry” by 350 majority. Ilawkinsville, the capital, voted dry by 190 majority. Kansas, South Carolina and West Virginia have the smallest ratio of saloons to population. ECZEMA And Every Specie* ok Itching amd Burning Diseases Cured by Cuticura. months. One of the superb St. Bernard dogs exhibited at the Fanciers’ Show is said to be worth ten thou sand dollars. He is an animal of wonderful strength and beauty, with eyeR that heam with intelli gence, and of rare gentleness and patience. The United States government has a very comfortable income of a little over $1,000,000 a day, or an average of nearly two cents from every man, woman and child in the country. p to the present time the amount collected for the Grant monument fund does not amount to one hun dred and twenty thousand dollars. There are said to be 7,000 idle Chinamen roaming the streets of San Francisco without shelter or food. Rev. Sam Jones is represented as saying that he would not insult God by praying for a politician. *_'!' The question of dividing. Texas into two or more states is again be ing agitated. b.: Not one of tbe sixty thousand Hebrews of New York keeps a li quor saloon. IfaiF* V»*cetable Sicilian Hairlienewer itnpart* r line tflo.vs ami lre-h**SH to tbe J* tir, anti is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen, and Scientists. L removes dandrnfle, makes the scalp white and oe tn, aud restore* gray hair to its vouthful color. tfOR COUCH3 ArJD CROUP U8fc •TAYLOxl’S r SEi MTJL2LE3I3XT. The mat gam. a* gathered fr.u a tree ef the came natn i growing along the small ijssois la the Be utter a f-tatee, eonlalaa a ethaaUtUg expectorant principle that looeea* the phlegm prodeetati the early mecetn« eeagh. and etlam- latae the child » throw off tb* false membrane In croup and •hooplac-eoegh. When eMablaed with tho tualisi aid- tiglaeee principle la the mullHn f.iar t ef the old Telde. pro* i^rli Mvubiw the ft nee t knot I-Coagh aai t ea Whooping -Ceegh aai Coaramptloa: and ao pi la table, any child ta p’.«*ased to ta’. * It. Ask rear druertst the It. Price, >8e. aadgl, WALTER A. TAYLOR,Atlanta, Ga. Uee DR. BX005R9’ HCCKL.RBKRRY CORDIAL tat inter? nad Ct'Mro Teething. Wetralthf 0 PIUM AND WHISKY HABITS CURED BY B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D, ATLANTA,GA- Rel able evidence* Riven mud reference to cur- pat cots ami phydiciaDa. Send for my book on ‘" **' * * ‘ mvps e fi *b IU and their o are. Free. SURGERY Drs. Hogan & Lyndon, DR. W. M. DURHAM SPECIALIST. UlMtaltr. Oln, s»K HeMhtrve «., W. B. BURNETT. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW ATHENS, OA, OEFICE OTBft VAX. JOSEPH'S. PruUiw Is r*4«nlUooM«, Salt Rheum, with ita tKonizing . . I burning, instantly relieved by a bath With t.’ulicurn Soap, un i a «im;le ap pliratlmi of Cuticura, the greit Skin Cure. Tb.i repeatetl deily. with two or three itoseit of Cu*t- euro Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier, to k» op ti e blood cool, the perspiration pure anti ur'rrf- UtioR, the i*owe.s opeu. tbe liver and kidnevs activ**, will speetlilv cure Kczumm, Tetter, biua- worm. Psoriasis. Lichen. Pruritus, Scald fiend, Dandruff, ttud every species of it< hing, Scaly and Pitnnly Humors of the ?»oalp atid Skin, when the best physicians aud all known romedies fail. Will McDonald, 2545 Dearbon St., Chicago, irrutefuily aeknowle<!gcs a cur® of Kcxetua, or Salt Rheum, on head, neck, face, iirma aud legs for seventeen y**ars; n t able to walk except *»n on® year; notable to help hards and kn»-es liimself for eight y® :rs ; tried huotlreds of reme dies; doctorspronotince«l his case hopeless ; p. nmneutly cured by Cutirura Kesolvetit (f>l"ood purifier) internally, and Cuticura aud Cuticura t?cap (the great akin cures) externally. Chiis. Houghton, E®q.,_Lawyer, 28 Ftite St., Boston, reports a o.veo'f Eczt oltscrvation for Ten yoars, which covered the pa tient’s l*ody anil limits, and to which all known methods of treaiu ent had been app-ie i without benefit, which was completely cured solely by clean and years, nt tit iu v \ US 111 Cuticura ly cuiedi les so bad that 1 could not attt > for weeks at h lime. Tiiree boxes of fl fonr bottles Resolvent have entire- of this drea iful disease.” inn® Prescribe Them.-I have t the highest prat.-e for tho results ob- rOuiicuru Remedies, of which I more than of a'l otl ers or the kiud. .MONRO BOND, M. I>. 2.W N. Broad SL, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all drue? 1st*. Price- LUticura 50 cts.* e»o!v«nt $1.1X1; Soap hi'- eta. Prepared by the - Dn:g and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass, Send for Pamphlet. I Hheumatic, Neuralgic. Scia- ic. Sutlden. .sharp and Nervous absolutely annihilated by the Anti-Pain Piaster, a perfect autidot.* to pain and inflammation. New, original, infallible. At druggists. Envious Souls Predicted defeat to the Banner with NO CURE! NO PAY! Inscribed Thereon. ‘king bee” op a monopoly ASPIRING COMPANY. Said that the people, after being cured, would detuaud their money oaek, and any firm adopting the role would tail. Hut pinning our faith to the Universal Honesty of mauhood and womanhood, with an abiding faith in our oft-proved remedy, we continued to flout our banner with ‘-No Cur® l No Pay !*’ thereon, wi:h unprecedented results. We authorize merchant* dea ler In “Guinn' Pioneei Blood Reiiewer'* to refund the money if it does oot cure all Blood aud hkm Disease®. Rheu matism, Blood Poison, tibuidnlar swellings, ticrofula, Marlaria, and Female Complaints. A PERFECT SPRING MEDICINE. Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free, MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, Macon, Ga W A'IK is—Young '»dl«» m ««y or country to work for u-* at thatr homes; fascinating •mploytncnt;no illnstrirogsto but; work can be sent by wall (Distance poobjection |6 to Ig per week. No convasslug particulars liras, or sample cf work mailed tor four eentajIn stampe B lease address Mope Maoufactaring Co ,Boston sis. F.O. Box4&. PEMBERTON’S FRENCH WINE COCA Have dazzled and delighted tlie minds of the medical profession, and most grateful testimonials of those who have been restored to health an<l happi ness. The jrreat number of testimonials coming from all sections of the country serves to emulate the WINK COCA to a plain equal to liulvrer’s most vivid im- acinarv. ELIXIR OF LIFE. Thousands who aredyinj; from some Chronic Nervous Disease can be restor ed to health by the use of a bottle of this wonderful Tonic and Inviporator, which is as pleasant almost to take as a glass of fin** old Sherry Wine. 25,000 bottles sold since first April, and over ten thousand cures, some cases considered incurable. Send for l>ook on tbe wonderful properties of the Coca and Wine Coca. ' Lamar, Kankin & La mar, Wholesale agents. For sale in Athens by Long A Co., and Dr. E. S. Lyndon, and'K. T. Brumbv & Co. J. S. Pemberton & Co, City Property, in Cobbliam—a four room cottage, with wo room kitchen situated in a desirable neighborhood, convenient to street car ; schools, ec The lot contains one acre. Will be sold cheap ami on easy terms. Room Cottage in Cobb ham, good well and gar den-one square from , couveniemt to Lucy Cobb 5 ROOM dwelling on Thomas street convenient to business. As an investment this place will pay 10 per cent, tin cost. 6 ROOM dwelling on Thomas street, live minutes walk from Broad street. Will sell on the install ment plan at $15.00 per month until paid. BRICK Store Room on South Street, he tween .Jackson ami Spring Streets. Both Stores rented to a good tenant. Will guarantee S per cent on the investment. LOUISIANA LOTTERY. CAPITAL PRIZE,*150,000 **Wedo hereby ertify that we aupervae the »rrau^**iuentf. for ail the Monthly and quarterly nual Drawing*‘ifthe Loubian* state Lottery Com pany. and in permu manage aiul control the"Draw ing* themselves, and that the name are con<1 noted with houcsty, fairness, and in good faith toward all rarties. and wo authorize the Compan* to use this certificate, with fac-similea of our vignatureft attached, in iu advertisement*.” Oommlsalonera We, tlie undersigned Ranks and Ban kers, will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana .State Lotteries which may be presented at our counter?. J. H. Oglesby, Pres. Louisiana National Bank. Samuel H. Kennedy. Pres. Suite National Batik A. Baldwin, Pres. New Orleans National Bank UXPRECEDES TKD ATTRACTION l Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated in 186A for 25 Tears by the Legisla- ire tor Educational and Charitable purpose*— lure with a capital of $1,000.000—1« which fund of over 9550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular voto its I ran eh la* made a part of the present Hut® Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1870. It* Grand Single Number Drawing* *er amle* or post- tftk® place monthly. It nctrr anit»r pones. Look at the following Distribution; 1!H);(«RAM> 3I0.VTIILY TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1880, Under the personal surpervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of L91 Gen. Jubal A. Early, of VJ CAPITAL PRIZE, ft* Notice—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves $5. Fifths $2. Tenths $1. Ll-ST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize f 1*^0.000 |150.0tK , 50,000— 50,000 . 20.000 20.000 a.ofio 20,000 , 20,0**0 . 25 00C . 50,000 . 40,000 . 6O.000 50,000 000 do 100... LOCO do 50 a pfroxdiAnon ruzsa 100 Approximation Prises of 1200. 100 do do 100 io'noo 100 do do 75 7,500 20,000 2,279 Prizes, amounting to 9522,500 Applics'.ion tor rats* to dubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Orleans For further information writo clearly, giving toll address. POSTAL NOTEK, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordinary let ter. Mirreaoy by iJxpresk (all sums of 95 and an wards atom «x]*onae) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orlaana, or M. A. Dauphin, Washington, D. G. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable and address Regis tered letters to JAMES McCULLOCH. ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTIVE ENGINEER. Will furnish plans and estimates for all eli df buildings aud structures and superintand the u erection of tame when derlred. Office in Opera House Up StaIbs, JahSidtf* TIIREE Room Cottage on Church Street, Corner of Reese, two room servants house, good well, one 0! land for sale. FOR RENT, ^ FIVE Room House* on Strong JL Street, between Thomas and Jack- m son Streets, house nearly new and <e to business at $1*2.50 uer month. SE\ EN Room House on Foundry Street, corner of Dougherty Street. Good well, garden, stables, etc., at $1*2.50 i>er mouth. TEN Room House on Hull Street, corner of Clayton, two room servants house, good well and garden at-$-l per mouth A gardei S Watei S Ko 8 TORE No. 12, Broatl Street, 22 by 120 with basement. Old establish ’d Furniture Store, w ith Gas and TORE No. 14 Broad Street, splen did stand for for Groceries or Drv Good?. Store 30 by 120 with good cellar 30 by 70. INVESTMENT—I will sell a 3 room Cottage for $«>50 in cash. This place I is now* rented to a good tenant for $84 per ear. janlGd&w. \V. I). Griffeth. P LANTATIONS—-I have for sale several desirable farms in Clarke, Madison, and Jackson Counties. Will sell on easy terms. janltid\*w. \V. D. Griffetk. O. I. c. OLD INDIAN CURE THE GEM OF BLOOD PU- • R1FIERS. Net ft curi'-rill, but an excellent tonic, ap|X‘t izur and blood purifier anil in the treatiuentof FEMALE TROUBLES, absolutely without an equal. Of this popular preparation the Tele graph .t Messenger, ol Macon says: “Most of our druggist handle the prep- arationcalled O. I. C. which simply means Old Indian Cure, and many of them are selling large quantities of it This medicine ha* a stronghold upon the confidence of our people, who regar d.i Us an honest reliable old remedy. It is manufactured by a company in Perry 6a.,'wlj<>o>vn the original Indian recipe. The rapidity with which the demand for ithas Increased,since its introduction in ourcommuuity, is simply wonderful anil can be truthfully accounted for upon but one ground, and that is tlie real merit of tlie article, for its advertising; here ha, been limited, as compared with many otlior preparations that have been left tar in Hie rear in tho race for popular favor. SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS: THE O. 1. C. COMPANY, Perry, Ga. This Gn at BIoo4 purifier.Tonic and Appotlger is For Bale in Athens, Ga., by Lone & Co mhl851r Ask your retailor for the Original S3 Shoe. „ _ ■ Beware of Imitations. None Genuine nulcas bearing this Si" mp. JAMES MEANS’ S3 SHOE. Made In Button, Congress and Lace. Brst Calf * Skin. Unexcelled in Dura bility, Comfort and Appear ance. A postal card sent to will brine you Informa- - how to get this Shoe la State or Territory. J. Means & Co., 41 Lincoln St* COHWttSft^ Thin shoe stands higher In the estimation Ot Weartn than any other in the world. Tbo» E nds who weerli will tell you tbe reason if joa k them. «• T., for, recipe which la WAR- KANTEDto font a, ELEGAMT BEARD ud RUSTACHE and also HAIR on BALD HEADS. I CURE FITS! uJJ'mi'iK.VuJ.'tfrj'? r 1 ,’ u —'" r • “■* return a rain. I mru « rarttcal mm. •* krUATOT *f FlLLJNO -* /*• * ,,0 4y. 1 warrant a; remedy to cars otkon Uee falUS to nTriw« for MiHvrMiimitnn. fientatoK* for * irtitiHint , rrasBsUtosf wjUfaUIMsnaMr. «tT0 SsSmSsmS Vo* f Bothtnc for• trial, and I wtUcwsvJto uw above SiaoaMs ky le of tba warat k«»U aa<t af long n and to* -n^roJ, •satToat laray WtU la Ua ofBrary, ‘■I **o«J TWO bOTTUM IUUU, toRo'kar wtU a VAlr hatatNMirtiL VabLU TBCATmt oa this SUaoaa.ta sayaaltaor. Otranto • aadr.aauqrBBB. pg.T A.ftUKauiwraaiHC 4 M.X. yum, thence alomr Fort corner, the nee 8 K 2.24 to oak titump, thence S 27?4 K 10 to Btuke, thouce S 22 K *».3 to Black naw, tnenee S 5<j \v. H,7- to begin ning pine corner, couiainiug 37 R-4 Hero*, mnro (»r less, levied on aud to be sol<l to t Issued from the county court Oeo Jacob K McKee, Fxr. of L M Leguine, <i*fy i Reuben T Durham, aud ft tion transferred »>y McKee to J \V Reaves, tor the purpose ot indemnifying him, he navln-' paid the amount. Property pointed out bv R r Dur- Uam, the defoudau , ami written notice waived by tenant in possession. This l B E. OVERBY, Fhcrifl. Oliver, a minor child "of Aut said county deceased: (whose lather is also dead; notice is hereby given that her application will be heard at my office on the first Mom.. ... April next. Given under my ba’id and official signature, this 27th day of January 18vi B. E. THRASHER. Urdin Joseph C. idcken, Adu Mathew G. Dicken deoeased. Iu. law applied to me for letters of dismission from said administration, ami I will pos ujam the said application on the first Monday in May PvsO. iy baud and seal, this the 21st *duy *888 _Un26din. B. E. THRaSHER. Ordinary. QCONEE SHERIFF’S SALE—Wi'liMbe sold bf est bidder for cash, the following described pmp- erty to'w.t: One tract or pgreel ot 'and Iving in said county of Oconee, and in the 225th district. G. M., bounded on the N E by lanes of Walker brooks, and lymgon thewegt side of the roadlead ing from Kil* y’s millsto the mouth «<f BigCreek, ami 011 the South by J E l'ribble, on the West by John W. Nicholson, on the N W by W F M Veal, containing 22 *» rcres, more or less. Sr id land evied on as the property of George W. Veal, de- * the Rock Mourn] place. losatofv twofi. fas issued . - - - of Oconee County at the January quarterly session h-fi.J M, Hodgson as Agent, versus James M Veal as the Executor of Gco'ge W. Vea. deceased, and M. D. Veal. Pro perty pointed out by J M Vea!, Executor ot O, W. Veal deceased, i^vy made by R. F. Miller, ceased, and know Levied on and to be from the County C< for advertisement Bailiff and turned o’ _ . and sale, January 3Uth 1S-6. B. lv. OVKRBY Sheriff. febtmi. Gsl»om, J. C. Johnson and E. D. Fulton. 'Terms cash febJ.30d. 1^ W. DOWN*, Executor. M.H.Malon&Co. PLUMBER Gas and Steam Fitters, Dealers in Sanitary Goods. Wrought. Cast and Sewer pipe, fcuirine Fittings of all descriptions. Steam Linages, Valves, Pipe Filling*, Hydraulic- Rains, etc. tepidly Clavton st. Athens, Ga. J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,(XKI,000 Office cor. Thomas and Clavton st* octl oot Select List of Sv, Spruce N. YV Rowell & Co., 10 It Will Pay You is administrator ol W. M. in favor 01 Nancy Bal- of Francis Ballew, against Enoch v, Executr f Mize as administrator of W. M. Mize deceased 1-egal notice given to F. B Mize, tena.-t in j»os session Also at the same time and place .ercst in a tract of land 1 itig in Bank: half in- the waters of Silver, bound ed by «an diot^ J° M. Wilson, Krl Motes, Col, FjF. A.'Kitch, A. L. Griffin and others, containing thrte hundred snd more or loff, thtre«»n. the defendant l>. li. Messer now resides. Levied upon as the properly ot D. H. Messer to satisiy a ti. fa. issued from the Justice t’ourt c-f they.2th District. G. M. ot said county in tuvor of Taylor Brothers and igalnst L. C. Brewer and D. H. made and returned to me by J. D. S. B. Carte Messer Hyder, If vou propose going West or Xorth- W est, to write to me, I repiesent the Short Line. F. D. BUSH, D. P. A., Atlanta,Ga nov6<16m. ★ jf * A FRIEND IN REED DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. Prepared from the receipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the great natural Bone Setter. Has been um*J for more than 50 years, and is the (test-known remedy for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains, Rruises, Cuts. Burns, wounds atid *11 external injuries. »*_ .’MUd by all Drug- giftts—try it. jan2id»fcwiy. ^rdially recoiu nienc ysurCft as the bc.-u remedy known tour for Gonorrhoea and Gleet Wo have sold consider able, and in every case lit has given satisfaction. Alcott tC Disk. Hudson, N. Y Sold By E. S. LYNDON. PAPE R ! The paper PIONEER M’F’G CO. OF PAPER CLARKE CO. GA THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Athens, Ga YOUNG L. G. HARRI8, President 8TEVEN8 THOMAS. Secrets by. Resident Directors : Young L. G. Harris, Ftkvkns Thomas, ohm H. Newton, J. 8. Hamilton, Ferdinand Phinizy, MabcbllusStanlky. Dr. E. 8. Lyndon, John W. Nicholson. L. n. Charb nnikr, J.*h Hunnicutt 7185 PENNYROYAL PILLS “CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH. Tbe Original and Only Genuine. 8a* ani *tway« Retlafita. Rcvar* of wortklrM Imlutlon*. WSS&SZX kfiStfb. ^’SLSntgri K (ataatx) to ui for particulars fa Utter by return raalL NAME "WlfiStSGtiStSS&i oct27dAwly. . , . . SMITHS lule, : t the —. l hari iupSrioi je aud place, one bay hoise li or eiEUt years old, aud one buggy s. Levied oa as the property ol K. ; to satit-fy a li. fa. issued irom the •urtoi aai.i county in favor of T. M. ^aist said R, L. Hooper. This January E. D. OWEN, Sheriff. T 1). Bush and Albert P, HenVy. have applied .ne for permanent letters of Administration on tUe estate of nauiel T, Bush, late of said county deceased^ these are therefore to cite aud »d I. to *h#w cause at my office in March next, why such e granted. Given under in nature, this hi i .lav „{ Jan T. F. HILL. Ordinary. on tlie first Mono letters should uot hand ami official ; jan263Cd. Pnnterr fee 22.19. OT1CK TO DEBTORS AND < REDITOR-j.- having demands against th< 1 N. Prickett. late of Banks count; MOT1CE r< estr.te of Job deceased, are hereb. . . demands to the undersigned according and ail persons indebted to said estate Q’jh^to make immolate paymeut. February G. W. PRICKETT. and d. s. McWhorter. feb9..'{fid. Admr't. 01 John N. Prickett, dec’d Broad Street, Athens, No Such Stock of Oa. BOOTS&SHOH Ever seen in Athens Before,All the Latest $tvl Ladies’and Misses’ Shoes BALDWIN & FLEMml THE CEELBRATED GULLET MAGNOLlJ COTTON GIN: CONDENER PF( VT pi FOUGIA, BANKS COUNTY. •Whereas, ap- e for tne setting f>ntl.s Huppo by law, M-« th** est-to of Daniel I county, deceased, th** twelve ni household furniture to which IdaD. Hush, widow of said dec , children, Lizzie and Pearl arc le their report to me, which aud In- entitled, have report is now of file in therefore to cite and admotii-diall concerned to show cause at my office on the 25th day of Feb ruary next, wny said sunjtort and household furniture as apprnisetl and set apart, should not be granted to said widow aud Children. Given under my hand at office, this 23d day of January T. F. HILL, Ordinary, Printers fee 23.84.’ 1 due may conceru, John It. Chambers has ... form applisd to the undersigned for permanent letters of Administration on the estate of s. C Smith, late of said county deceased, and I will piss upon said application ou the first Monday in March. 1886 Given under my hand and official signs tebttod. T. F. HILL, Ordinal ap- of the esta eased. „ r , ^..,.1 vhieh by law Mr. Armiiula »d household fur itepheu C. Smith, lat< the twelve months support nitureto which by law 5... ... witlow of said deceased and her five minor chil dren. Elizabeth, John, l.uella. Rosa, and Ih.b-jt B. Smith, are entitled. Have u«de their re|>ort to which report i are therefore to cite and ad to show cause utmy office on the 10th dav of March next, why said support and household et apart should furniture asapnrm granted to said widow and 'children Give; under toy hand at my office this lat dav of Feb. T. F. HII.L, Ordinary. within the legal hours of sale, the following pro2 i.. ...... tnict of land lym^ erty to-wit: the estate of Joshua « wen deceased. Alfred Richey, A. M. B. rders, .srwton Telford and others. Known as the Elijah Owen old place. Sold as the property of Joe! Hntrherson deceased, late of >1 adiseti County. Sold for the purpose o« distribution amongst the heirs. Terms cash. This 25th Jacuury 1886. fco2IOd. J. D. SHANNON. Executor. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS- Himontous Bridge. 01 o’clock. M.. th*; cunt and building a latti* acro-*s sititl ri to the tollowiug spe< Middle Oconee Kiv< i t f »r furnishing material bridge with three stone r, rtt said placa, according iver, and md fort ock work of a bridge at .it ’-n each iiR’-ik ot the iddie of lakitig two s| 1 fort>-feet each, eutii hundred and eighty feet, ? ■; the dis- t*e one hundred t*es o' one hun- length of latice :e ot abuteinent t top, 8 Size of • diamond shaped FEEDERS, FOR SALE BY CHILDS NICKERSON M SOLE AGENTS, Athens, Georgia. The highest awards given to these Gins at tlie Orleans Exposition. NOT AT HODGSONS’ SHl But at the Stand occupied by me for the pa.t three jrtari O11 Sbring street, near J. H. Heaves’ Liven stable•] Reaves & Nicholson’s warehouse. The public are respecfully invited to call and examinen BUGGIES PHAETON AND WAGONS Xow on Hand pefore purchasing eUewhere. Repair,ng of ah i| specialty. For reference see all my customers and my .toil,- P. BENSON. B HODGSON SHOPS] IBUGG1ES CAR RIAGI WAGONS! doing the wort to increase or dec re an©, per >. AbutmcuLs ami piers to be built of good k, ami all lr. d iu best leuicut *Vmg icf and laid tinent. tiallancc iu larke side to ong anti 27 feet high at abut s end, wall to be S feet thick ami laid where it joins abutment: ballance in mortar; filling in 1 .elween th© wing ills ou the Ocone* side to beinaoe with rock d *iirt, and to be continued forts feet from end ing wailor eighty feet long in all, 22 feet wide at top. average AND TARN ESS ! HARNESS! Latest style and improvements. ManutactuteJ anti repaired stock always on hand. All work guaiantced and pi ices reduce-!, and see us KLEIN SMART Rst.rei,-e-Win }S >X BROS. boitoin depth of 1 w wing w.tils ou the Clarke fide to be lUHde wV'h rock ami dirt ai continued :5j feet from emi of wing wall or kixty fet t long in all. to Ik* \ -- *eet wide at bottom and 17 feel at top, average • depth of filling in Iff feet Latti. e 14 feet 4 Inches high tront bottom edge of lower cord to upper edge of top cord, bracing in lattice tocrosasix times. DiraenrioiiH of lumber for lattice eordi— cords to be 2V, by \2 and 2* feet long, both bottom and top. intermediate cords :!>£ bv 10 and 28 feet long, lattice to be 2J* by 10. lb feet long, all to l*e framed and pinned together with two inch white oak pins. Beams—floor beams to be 4 by 14,16 f«-.-nong nulrhiHi to lit ovsr t-or ls. All beam, to be placed seven teei apart from center to lock across tbe top of THEO. MARKWALTER STEAM MARBLE&GR ANITE WORK Lattice braces 1 beam so as to tie all snugly. w ell braced with substantial'!ttcral bracing. BROAD STREET, Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GA. MARBLE WORK. DOMESTIC ANDIIMPORTED, AT LOW P Georg.a tt South Carolina Granite Monuments mailc a Speoislty A large selection of Matble anil Granllo Work altritys on hand, ready for lettering anti ie- Parties desiring monuments or work apply to A drew K At the Athens cemetery. DENTIF decWtUwly. j^,,, .j ni litW Jl>a Bracing all lateral l.rac ng 3 by 5 inches secure ly fastened 10 floor beams by spik- s at eacli end hleopers-floor Lexers u> be*4 by 6 inches,28 f. et long, there must be five lines etiually divided under the floor, running the entire length of too bridges Fio<»ring— flooring to be 2 by 12,13>, feet long, seeurel> fastened down with spikes to floor sleeper* and a strip at each end spiked to tnter- iate cords. Tie beams to be placed up<»t C. A. SCUDDER ten l'eet six inches apart from center to . to be braced as floor beams win two later 1 braces 3 by 5, well spiked at each end; Clocks, JEWELER. ABOVE tie beams to be 5 lend over sides one ipai r.tfters IS feet long Root’ to e loot to end of rafters, one s each tie beam: spu UNIVERSITY BAN between beams to be lillea with four rafters 2 by 3. at one end ana 2 by six at the other. »nc same to rest upon cords at lower end in spaces equally devided and fastened at top end to bridge board. All rafters to be securely nailed on so as to pre blowing off; root to be lathed for shlncnng with 1 by 3: the same to be covered with guoti heart «*awed shingles. End of root to ex'end one loot over end of lattice aud to be finished in a manner. Hides to be covered with % by 12 b e covered with % by ;i inch ....1. ».n..j each cord All plus of Examine Before Buying. WATCHES REPAIRED inch plank, joints strips, all to bo securely udilcd and to a nin'ine in center of lattice lattice to be made of be-t white oak, two iDchca in diameter, holding their size entire length, 1 tho building of bridge to he of lumber used best heart pine. The contractor to give bond in doublo the amount ol his bid with two good and solvent lustily be — ...0 g< ritles. who shall be required ........ signing such bonds, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and to indemnify < larke and Oconee Counties for any d image oc casioned by failure to perform said contract bv the first day of Novcmbor I8i6. and to keep sHid bridge and pillars in good condition for seven from the con pletion thereof. The work to be paid for when completed and accepted by commissioners. This 5t! asa m. Jackson, Ordinary of Clarke County, Ga. H. b. HARMtSREE. Commissioners Oconee County. Horses & Mules 1 hav« on hand now, and will keei constantly daring the season, a LARGE STOCK OF HORSES AND MULES. or all kinds, to suit all classes. of cos tomers. W. S. HOLMAN, ATHENS GA. A AC.M0SS, 1” ol ^wraey-at-La^v-,, ; ? ,1J 1 ri. ft i. • K0RTING UNIVERSAL INJECTOR Are the Best Boiler Feeders made, Only one Lry.L, others have 3 to 5. Works cold or warm waif. *“ Well or Tank. Over 60,000 in use. Send for cireui. GEO. R. LOMBARD &C0-, AUGUSTA, GA Foundry, Machine, and Boiler Works. Gen- ♦*£** • Fla., So. Ca. f tnd Ala. As an evidence of the 9 r our the Kortimr. we have been Selling them o years* 0 for Oct., 1883amounted to $9,00. We will r *; lur «’ # »r<F if after 30 days trial they are not satisfactory, pared to give bottom prices on Boiler Filling! 01 41 m , The Certain Catarrh Cure is ^ POSITIVELY UNEQUALLED. P»W iif inti rely harmless. Ktquires no Inatrum ^ where others fail to cive rtlief. Price, * E bottles %5, at all Druggists. Tcfflmonials'^i, 3 C. Cu.| ATHENS, GEORGIA m