Newspaper Page Text
City of Athena and Clarite,,Oconee * Banka.
annual subscription: bates:
0»iif, $i; . ..Smutty, $1; ....Weekly, SI
The Savannah News says: Geor
gia appears to be having about the
largest boom in railroad building
mid railroad projecting that it has
has had in a good many years. It
is gratifying to be able to state that
these are not all paper booms and
that a good propovton of them is
likely to develop into real railroads.
The Macon and Covington road
which ha« been under construction
tor several weeks will in all proba
bility he completed within the next
two vears. It will open up one of
tne p ettiest and nest agricultural
sections of Georgia, and when its
Northern and Southern connections
aic perfected, will, no doubt, be one
of the best and most prosperous
toads in the state. It cannot be
,„anv yeais before it will have out
lets north bv way of Athens, to
I'lo,,da bv wav of Perry and Yal-
d .sta or Quitman, and also t<J Sa
Tiieie seems to be no reason to
j, ul lt that the Savannah, Dublin
and Western road will be speedily
built to Macen and Americus in the
near future. This will he a most
important line not only to Savan
n.iii. hut to Macon and all sputhern
and southwest Georgia. The sec-
l ons :l,i- road will develop are unu
>u,dlv rich in timber and are also of
g;eat interest from an agricultural
point of view. It must surely add
much hr the trade of this city
The Georgia Midland from Co-
lumhus northeastward will, doubt
less be buiit at an early day, and it
will go far towards perfecting the
railroad system of Georgia. Be
sides the above there are two or
thice other important lines and
quite a number of local lines pro
The most encouraging feature
about these railroad booms is that
tiie people in nearly all parts of the
state are not only enthusiastice on
the subject of building new rords,
but they are subscribing money lib-
erallv. Besides, outside capitalists
seem to be anxious to invest in the
securities of some of these new
Georgia loads. Verily, the present
railroad boom appears to be far
more extensive and important than
that which occurred under the im
petus of state aid and developer
Kimball during the reconstruction
The New Sun says as between
the democrats and the President:
"There can be no doubt but that the
democrats in Washington and else
where me generally disappoin'ed
in Mr. Cleveland. lie does not
prove to be the kind of President
that they expected; and, while we
think their complaints of him are
even lingiv unjust, because their
expectations were baseless'* and
without support in reason or reality,
it i- impossible to dispute the facts
as they are
■“'Hathlet^was recently performed
in London to a house full of deaf
mutes, pantomime and the conven
tional signs by hands and 1 fingers
being the mediums employed.
It requires the annual slaughter
of 100,000 elephants to keep the
world supplied with ivory., Eng
land alone uses up the product of
30 000 elephants, or . 1,200,000
At Greenesboro among those
who worked tor the cause ot prohi
bition, were a number ot regular
drinkers. Some of them were quite
prominent in the contest, and the
whisky men have formed a boycott
against them.
Mr. Ruskin in a recent letter de
clares that the scientific education
of to-day teaches that “honor is fol
ly, ambition a virtue, charity a vice,
poverty a crime, and rascality the
means of all wealth and {he sum ot
all wisdom.”
The Washington Star says: “The
acting secretary of the Treasury re
ceived a two-dollar conscience con
tribution in an envelope postmark
ed Washington.” As the republi
can clerk is not to be disturbed, he
returns the money he stole to go
home on.
lit :!
r £ET ©
MTT TLm !E513>ff.
_ _ it gum. as gaUwr.
growing along th* small I
•oatalaa a •Bmulst’.nf expectorant
(lit phlacrn nrodreiag the rally iwerci:
tales the child t throw ..ff U.o fhV* tat
SkoopUl trslL tori'#1
taslnona rrtnelpls In th« mullein pianl
Mtil* Ttaoal.t'inoan Kvitxnv
Uotxiiw the tnest ln"*n rein dr
TOjilnt-Coogh and ('saunfUcD;
tho Pern them States,
r’.uelpV that loosaod
emhraiM in croup ani
ith thf^eallng trail-
r th* old Irtds. f rw>
* fwan Qis aw»
>r Conch*. Crssp,
I w palatable, any
Winning an Exciting Baca T>y arranging
for the Other Driver’s Death.
' HI. Loni. Globa Democrat.
Sam Crook, a turtinan, died at
Chicago several days ago. His
death brings to mind one of the
mo»t deplorable turf tragedies ot
the country—the killing of Wm.
IMcKeever the driver of the trot
ting horse Gen. Butler on the race
track ot the Chicago driving park
association, on Saturday, Sept. 22,
1SS5. Sam drove Butler in tile
first heat, but suspecting something
wrong, refused to go on in the race.
Gen. Butler was matched against
Cooit-y for a purse of $2,000. Wil ,
ham Riley, the driver of Cooley,
refused to enter upon another heat,
alleging foul play on the part ot
McKeever, who then took Butler in
hand. After wrangling Riley was
persuaded to re-enter the ring. By
this time the sun had set and the
rival horses and their drivers could
Tickets only 56. snares In Proportion.
GwthenJrfres. duo »?
•lib homily, »nd in *oo<l jaltnto"*™
&11 Pit tip* and wo author!**- the Company to u»e
tht. -crtifil .to, with I'sc-similfs of our clgusture,
attached. in lu advertisemonts.
MiEjM>a»kt,A oimcn^ii. ru haidhr be distinguished. It was
««C.S.Ssi._WM_.gB_A/TATLOR,impossible for eiUier the. judges or
IHurbcr*. Djarariry :j>C CLU
I Twthlt*. ror'Afelf
An American lady has had a nov
el “rose dress” mad made in Paris.
The skirt is composed of 800 roses
of different hues, and rosebuds fro.m
the bodice, while a veil of tulle,
spotted with crystal drops,is throwrr
over the dress to imitate morning
The silver men of Montana have
presented Senator Beck, of Ken
tucky, with a solid silver brick in
recognition of his fight for silver.
The Kentucky senator will not
werr this particular brick in his
Mr. Blaine’s Iriends are declining
ing for him the republican presi
dential nomination for 18SS. This
game is not new. Of course the
design is simply to feel the puclic
pulse. The press is expected to
speak now, and thus the ball will
be set rolling.
The Madisonian says: Meas tred
by dollars and cents, wc have Jone
more for the cause of prohibition
in Morgan, than all fHends of tem
perance in the county. This thought,
perhaps, has not occurred to those
who are now criticising our course.
Talk is cheap,' but it takes money
to test a man’s soul.
Already the prospective candi
dates for the legislature have com
menced to shake the arm and hand
of the sons of toil, and tell them
that they have been solicited by
many voters to make the coming
race. They also try to make them
believe that they are going to do
some big things if elected.
An exchange' says; "It is a game
of wits between England and Ire
land now. Either England will
deceive Ireland bv granting it the
semblance of -free AoriV while with
holding the substance, or Irish
lie is not. a political i shrewdness and audacity will com
leader. He has 110 power whatever
in directing tile course of his party.
He has no idea of organizing, in
spiring. extending, defending and
building up the democracy; and,'Bet
far as he is concerned, he will never
accept or undertake the (unction
w hich the vast majority of the dem
ocrats believed he was accepting
when' be received their nomination
to the Presidency. It is no longer
possible even for the most sanguine
and trusting democrat to entertain
any illusion on the subject. Mr.
Cleveland as President is perfectly
honest, firm, upright, truthtul man,
but narrow, self-confident, careless
and uncomprehending as to the
ideas and hopes of the democracy,
and entirely unable to conceive of
those large measures and inspiring
issues which great statesmen and
great political leaders will always
Paper, Blank Books,
Pens, Pencils and'Inks,'
Commercial Printing a Specialty.
TION on tho market for Pile*. A SI l< K ( I It I.
for flrhits t'ilr*. Hre* nrvrr luilvd to give.
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcer*. AW.-.*,
V total*. Tetter. Suit Rheum. Butter's Itch. Ktog-
vormtCPinipW. Sores and B-.iV. l’rlcr 7.0 rln.
SATURK’S OWN RE.MKBY. «*airo*» *11
W. iimds. Cot*. Bruise*. Sprains. Erj sipel.-w. Boil*,
flarlinncla*. Bone Felon*. Ulcers. Jsnr.'.*. Srtr>‘ Ky«*s,
Sore Thrr»at,Buniona.C«'m*. Neuralgia. Hheu»ui»t.sin.
Orchitis. Gout. Rheumatic Gout. Cold*. Coughs.
Bronchitis. Milk Le«. Snake and D“*: Bite*. Sting*
r.f Insect*. Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation and
Indai.ur.ntion from whatever cause. Prlre '£h «-m.
hGKKIUEM'S cub*pounded wun the pur*»t
Tobacco Flour, and is apecially recommended for
Croup.Weed «>r Cake of the lirere-t. aud tor that claw
of irritant or inilatmnatnry maladies Ach-a and
Pain* where, from t.«t delieate a state of the system,
tho patient ia uii’bieto »*-ar the at rntymr application
of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches
and Pains, it is invaluable. Price Id rt*.
Ask your druggist for these reined it*. or write to the
DURHAM. N. C.. U. S. A.
the spectators to follow them around
the track, and the crowd waited
with intense interest. Soon a shout,
was heard and Butler, at a break
neck pace, came under the wire,
but tire driver’s seat was empty.
Where’s McKeever?” “What’s
the matter?” came from llie multi
tude. A moment passed and Cool
ey came in with Riley holding well
in hand. The spectators crowiled
around the stand, demanding ex
planations, when it was announced
by the Judge that McKeever was
left for dead on the backstretch.
The wildest excitement then en
sued, ar)d at one time it was teared
a liot would take place, but this was
prevented by the large police force
on the ground.
“Butler is coming; clear the
The crowd patted, Butler speed-
on. The multitude closed up and
shouts of “McKeever is murdered!”
“Arrest Bill Riley!” came from all I
throats. A party went in search o! |
McKeever and found him insensi
ble, lying on the track on.the back-
stretch. On the left side ot the
head, just above Ine cheek bone, the
skull w as broken and a portion of
the brain was protruding from the
wound. He died the next day. The
manner in which tire latal wound
was given is supposed to be as lol-
,: A board taken from the fence
was held over the track and Mc
Keever came against the end, his
horse running at the time. Several
arrests were made, among them
Riley, the driver ot Cooley, but no
one was ever convicted of the crime.
It is alleged that there are at least
four persons now kving Who could
call the man who he'd up the board
before the dashing horse.
We, the undersigned Banks and Ban
ker* will jr.iv all Prizes drawn in The
Louisiana State Lotteries which may be
presented at our counters. v
J. H. Oglesby,
Pres. Louisiana National Bant.
J. W. Kilbretb,
Pres. State National Bank
A. Baldwin,
Pres. New Orleans National Bank
wamnyw r a
iLarstlaJ* «■ a*«a**«'Jt .* .4* MV
loons* U.oas: Htl
«« »n v»
7/ M a '"sin.
Pianos and Organs,
Banjos, Guitars, Etc.
Rea Trent, Broai Street, Alliens.
which reserve
fund of over 9550,000’h«s since been added.
Bran overwhelming popular rote it* iraochi»e
was made a part of the present State Couititution
adopted December 2d, A. D. t 1879.
The onlr Lottery ever voted on anti endorsed
by the people of any State, It never scales <
It3 Grand Single Number Drawing
take place monthly, and the Exiraordinary
Drawings regularly "every three months instead
of Semi-Annually as heretofore, beginning
A Splendid Opportunity to win a Fortune.
Fifth Grauti Drawing, Class E. in the Academy
of Music. New Orleaus.
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1880, r -192d
Monthly Drawing.
100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frac
tious in tilths in proportion.
I Capital Prixe
Stick Candy a Specialty, Cocaanut, Peanut, Bars & taffy
Prices guaranteed i
i tow a* any other markets. Send orders for samples.
HAMPTON A WEBB, Lumpkin St„ Athens,Qa.
do do
do do
■2 PRIZES OF $600-» .
5 do do 2UbO...
1C do dt. 1U0O ..
We sell the best goods for the least money i u
be offered in the city. Come and see the stvu]
prices before buying.
Tiio Ci-rl.iiu Cntarrli Gure is
POSITIVELY i'N EmLWLI.KD. Purely' Vezetable.
Entirely liai uilcs-. K'(juir' s no Instrument. Jt ci res
where ethers fail in give feliV-f. Price, $1 p- r bottle; (>
bottles $•), atall Urugstists. Testimonials free.
3 C. CO., ProprietoiS,
19'17 Prize*, amounting to
ApphcaOon lor rate* to
only lo llie office of the Com
For further information
f’Zto 500
lull* should l>e made
•any in (few Orleaus
write clearly, giving
ill address. POSTAL NOTES. Express Money
Orders, or Now York Exchange in ordinary let
ter. Currency by r.*r»r€*s ;all sums of 85 and up
wards atour *exi>ense addressed
Now Orleans,
or M. A. Dauphin,
Washington, D. 0.
Make P. 0. Money Orders
payable and address Regis
tered letters to
bine to wrest from England much
more than England -is willing to
grant.” Just so. It would not be
at all surprising It the British lion
should be knocked out by th^ Irish
bull. -
At a recent meeting in St. Louis
the Rev. Janies II. Brooks spoke on
“Bible Temperance.” He said that
wine was mentioned 250 times in
the old testament, and in every in
stance drunkenness was condemned,
but never moderate drinking. He
did not think it .wrong to use wine
in moderate quantities; but the ex
cessive use of it was harmful just as
it was sinful to eat too much.
The Rev. Brooks is probably not
a ware-of the fact that there « no half
1 way ground in drinking. He doe®
he is full
his best to get more in him after he
is lull.
A correspondent Sftys Grand
Master Workman Powderly lives in
a little cottage, which, furniture and
all, is riot worth over $500, and that
his salary is only $1,500, instead of
$5,000 as reported. If the Powdcr-
ly boom continues he may have to
move into the White House within
the next dozen years. He has al
ready been suggested for the Presi
dency as well as for congress, and
it is said that he is not without
honorable ambition. If he lives
and stands the te'ssts to which he
will doubtless be put in the near fu
ture, he may become a much more
prominent figure in the country than
he is now.
Moat of th« diseases which afflict mankind are origin
ally canted by a disordered condit ion of the LIVER*
For all complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity at
the Liver. Biliousness. Nervous Dyspepsia. Ihdjr-*-
tion. Irregularity of the Bowels. Constipation.Flatu
lency. Eructations and Burning of the Stomach
{sometimes called Heartburn). Miasma. Malaria,
Bloody Flax. Chills and Fever. Breakbone Fever,
Exhaustiou before or after Fever*, Chronic Diar
rhoea. Loss of Appetite. Headache, Foul Breath,
Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down
la Invaluable. It is not a panacea for all dimwees,
but Aiinj- all diseases«ithe LIVER,
Will yurcc. STOMACH and BOWELS* ,
It changes tho complexion fr*>m a waxy, yellow
tinge. tA a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes>
low, gloomy spirits. It ia oop of tbs BEST AL
Fee sale by all Druggists. Priced.OO perbottla.
C. P. STADtCER, Proprietor,
>40 SO. FRONT ST.,' Philadelphia, Pa.
E lea sure to give yon this report of
tile grandchild bjryour Cuticura
It affords
the cure of our little grandchild ht you
Remedies. When six months old his left hand
began to swell and had every aupearauee of a
large Non. We poulticed it, l nt all to no purpose.
A bout live months after It became a runmn sore
Soon other sores formed. He theu had two of
them on each hand, and as his blood became more
and more impure it took less time lor them to
break oiit. A fore came on the chin, beneath, the
under Up. which wap very offensive. HU.head
waa one solid, scab, discharging a gfeat deal. This
was his condition at tweuty-two-months old K
when 1 undertook the care of him. hit mottio*
having died when he was h little more than a year
old, of consumption vscrofula of ctarte.t lie
could walk a little, but could not get up if he fell
down mad coal. 1 last move when in bed. having
dousooi hit hands. 1 immediately qommirn «*d
lug tli? Cuticu
jlv, and whin hS had 'taken one Bolt
of the Cuucure S-»o1tcdi, his hepd was complet
ely ufed, and he w;ii improved In every way.W<
? '■* c
.Forty Y ears a Si;ffkkk,r From
Tor Forty Years I have victim to
Catarrh—three-fourths of the Um<s k puff. rer
from Excruciating Fains Aeronr ^fy'Forehead •
ami My Nostrils. The discharge* were so <nffcu-
sivd that 1 hesitate to mention it, except for the
goo«! it may do some other sufferrer. I have spent
a young fortune from my earnings during my
firty yean of suffering to obtain relief from the
or*, t have tried patent medfeiaea—every
I could learn of—;rr»m the. four t-ocmer** of the
earth, with no rtuief. And at Inst (8've^rksf age)
have met with a remedy that has cured me en
tirely-made me a new man. i weighed 128
pounds and now weI^hi4‘L 1 used thirteen bot
tles oi the medicine, aud the only regret I have
is that being in the humble walks oi life 1 may
>t have influence to prevail on all catarrh suf-
ren* to use what ha* cured me
Guinn'^ Pioneer 8lood Rencwer,
flEXisV CttEVES.
Ka. 967 MWfcn 8t„ Mai-on, G»,
Mr. Henry Cheves, th*ri writer of the above
formerly of Crawford county, now of Macon,
Georgia merits the confidence of all interested in
W, A. HUFF, Kx-Mayorof Macon.
Guinn’s Pioneer BldokMienewer,
ire* all Blood and Skin D\pui»es, Reuma*ism,
8coluia, Did Sorts. A perfect Spripg Medicine.
Jfnotlnyoar market it wil- be mrwarded on
recespt bf priced rfmtul bottles SI.00, large $1,75.
Essay on Biond and Skin Diseast * mailed free.
MACON M p: DICIN' & COMPANY", Macon. 0a.
fe.‘T. BHUMBY 4 Oh., Aprilt, fotS. E. tt*.
The Wife of a Cabinet Officer Who Has a
Mania for Puppies.
From a Washington I.ettor.
During the past winter there has
been considerable gossip in Wash
ington concerning the penchant ot
a cabinet ministers wife for petting
young dogs. This ladv-is a lumina
ry in society, and her gift ot repartee
is a mitter that has often received
the cementation of brilliant men and
women. But she has a mania for
fondling two infantile products of
the brute creation that has not only
surprized but shocked the circle in
which she moves. In the rear room
of her house she has a sortof canine
nursery, where at least a dozen pup
pies are provided for. fed upon the
delicacies of the market, and nursed
with all the solicitude which moth
ers usually manifest towards their
owb otfspriMg.-In her ftower-gai den
the lady is often seen With two of
these pets—loneMnvder each arm—
cuddling them to her bosom, \\ bile
a waiting maid attends to the others.
They are poodles, pugs, black-and-
tan, spitz puppies and woolev mini
atures of alt degrees. All are array
ed in flaming garments of red and
gold, and varigated bows of riboon
behind their tails or necks. • Now
and there the ladv visits neighbors
in the vicinity,and or. these occasions
she invariably catries a favorite pet
in her. arms ot leads him by a pink
cord. People have gossiped much
about thfe strange infatuation of the
lady and is is said, her husband has
protested ri*»ainst the habit but in
vain. She goes -about carressing
little dogs aud snapping her fingers
at her husband. •' ' ‘ s,
1886.—Will tie will ou the 1st Tuesday in Msv,
18S6 before the court House <i<>or between the
legal hour? of sale, to* the highest bidder, one
house and lot. being and lying within the cor
porate limns of the city on Barber M . and
bounded on the stjulh by James Kiug; on the
east by Steve Hubbard; north Abb Timer, and
on the west by Barber street. Levied on as the
property of it. 11 Latupkiu,trust?
tax ll fas, iss
city ot Atneiv
made and returned to me March 24th, I
>,at the same time aud pine
Manufacturers of Yellow Pine Lumber of Kverv Inscription
Frameinjr, * Feilinjr, Wenthorboar<li;ur, Flooring, Shingles, Staves, Laths, Fence
■* Pickets. Vegetable an«l Fruit Crates, etc. etc.
Steam Saw anil Plaining ills in Emmanuel County,
Coiinc<*Unl with ‘Midville l#y Pri
eland Teh phone I.ii
• WHOLESALE and retail
i frdtb the clerk’s office of lh<
the 1st day of July, 18>6. . Levy
slot of
lipon it. being
Is of .1 thi-ns, and b -und-
f Jouit Crawford; west
toulh by John Craw-
rropertfof Richard
fas, issued from the
ity of Athens for taxes of
land containing 4 of hti here, mor* or less, with
an uufiuisiied ho r
withiu tin
ed outhe
by Rob Gale*-; nort]
ford Levied
Brawner to aati fy
Clerk’s office of the
IMM and l»s5. U
March. lb«r».
ne and place, will be sold
Friuce Avenue ard bound
. state of I. Ai. K* t.n?v. on
by Mrs. K?-Jhcq? s, and on the North bv
I'rinco Avenue, Went oy W. S. Hohran. Levied
ou as the projxjrty of Louisa B* al to satisfy a li.
fa. issued iroua the oJcrksoffice of the i'tvol
Athens. July 15th. isAj. l^vy mado aud return
ed Mtvrch 24th, 18S<i. ^*-
▲Iso, at th? same time and plac** one house
and lot in the city Jim.fs. containing 1 , ac.e,
more or less, and Itouuded on (he east by I’ritui-
tivi-Baptist Church iot, outhetvvst by Billups
is tied hobs? Hpc
» eorttoraie'^imil
e<u»t by. land* of
‘ n $\lS
i aud lot uv
T by IJte
All ordei*^ re**eivt
ork to please our i
proni|»t and careful utt-
We guarantee satisfaction and
Clayton Street, Athens, Georgia.
Athens, Georgia.
The highest awards given to these Gins at the
Orleans Exposition.
> To tie* :
Hon charte
ite iaw*«,f *
lout Table !
petitionof th« .’ltbet;
»f Slid
i-o per-
i S4I.K
1 sold, on
legal hour* of vat
tier u-t cR'h, tb*. foil*
to-wit Hall that
* Reads.
-U ill t
i»xt. at th.
ail county, with-
highest and best
lowing described proper-
■T 6r parcel of land lying
e, on the ftknill Shcxls'aud
id t
Thirty Thousand Doilars.i
bearing such annual int*»i
tunes, jjayable at such pit
t. maturing ut
ivt, and the^ itit
-ed t
•)to particularly dear-ribed in a
Mtiafv a tax fi fa l»-
»he city oi Athens, Jwly
tnd reiuruetl Manib 241 h
• of.hind
Notwithstanding the sweeping
destruction of cattle during the war,
says the Nashville American, there
are. ten highly bred animals t6-day
in the south where was one in 1S60.
■The stock men of Tennessee, Ken
tucky, Virginia and other southern
states, where uatutal grasses would'
flourish, entered with a zeal and en
ergy into this business, which has
wrought gteat resilts. The south
has now over tight hundred millions
of dollars invested in milch cows,
oxen and other cattle, sheep, hogs,
horses anfl mules. Fully one-fourth
of all the live stock in the United
States is owned ia the south.
The Augusta Chronicle says:
Georgia has .the biggest suit.of rail-
toad boom. Besides the big road*
t projected trom Chattanooga and
Augusta and from Atlanta to the
sea, there are the Macon and Cod
ington road, the 5avaqo*h, Dublin
and Americus, and. the Georgia
Midland, from Columbus to Griffin.
1 The booth (nay be all thit' is in
it. It takes money to build rajl-
v ’ .'roads. ‘ ' ‘. * , , ■
) J J. Ito « * : -• - - ■ » » *
The'Virginia ‘‘newspapers ar^
to ^Y'crrun 'with, cojpangiuiiifjjttipni^ for
. . f «nt}.«gainst prohibitions and. they:
■ns find it almost impossible to give
e>' “Vox' Populg"' “Old Subscriber,I*]'!
Vu^?i ton i t !>^ de, Li y d
moth* yy»y, A seems as if several Vim
-•id ginia papers are occupying rather
■ dangerous position* on afitmshackle ;
b one of these five deep ones just before he**J-
Inpr, which would finally grow loose and wer«
taking a dozen and a half boltiei he was com pin,
tety cured, and is now, at thea^a of six year*, a-
*trong and braltliy rbild. The scars dn hi? bands
must always remain; .his hands are stroiix,
though we once feared he would n? able to
use them* All that physicians did for him did
him no goon. All who saw the chiWkbefore^using
above facia
use them.
»R1G$. :
May 9' 1885 612 E. Clay 8t., Bloomington, JIL /
The ebbd was ready in a worse cCndltiop than
he appeared to his ;>raudmother, whe, being with
him evfry day became aocQstomhd to ttt^ disease
the Cuiicura Ilemtdlfs and see^thf
consider it o wonderful core.- If the
are of aay use Jo you are al
v If the abo
OSp. Al* •XtjUtaUv oala ntiuiiut r.±o
cars .Resolvent, tbo S.V Dlood f’orlfler,
fteyar.d by iho Potter Drug .ul BhemlaU Co.,*
sexi> rnr. “bow to ctibe skis TittrSAsrs,”
Hack Ach£, W earn bus. Ute
rine Pains, foronesk and LAmenetti
speedily cured by that new, origiQal,
elegant knd Infallible antidote to pain
and liifLunmatioA. ihe Cuticura Antit
Pain Plaster.drungisu’, 25c.
orth oy
i, east by
were very encouraged, and continued the use, A*kyohrrefoUcrfor theOri«lnitlg5Slieo*
of the Remedies for a year sod a hnW. On# *•
after another healed, a bony matter forming in Hone Genuine upleasbewriustkiaSt -dhp*
Made iu Button, Congress and Lice. Best Calf
•* — • Skin. UtK'Xcelfed In Durt*-
bilftp, Comfort ami Appear-
— n. -*A postal car<l sent lo
*111 bring you inform*-
“ •—— — getthl* Shoe In
This shoe stands higher . In the estimation at
’’JTMirSrw than any other In the world. Thou
sand* who wear it will tell you the rsasoalX jrod
PAu8WSET’6' •-
Prepared from the recelpe of tlr. Stephen
Sweet, of Connecticut, the treat natural Boi
Better. Has been used lor more than 50 year
and txthd bust dtnowii remedy for Rheum slim
Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Burns, wontk
aud all external injuries, u*. bold by all Drill
gists—try it. IjwpJ *
jPlOM^ D
'. ’"habits gorp .
fflpSF "■
.■SMS-read- thrertnire
„Jirtw ATLSiNTA, 6A. ok,-. jm«v*-Y*ia
is 1 jiti ■ ni
io41 N
t i yan fi l
l, b iAttorn®
^ w .,.Ok5Jl j lO
U ,*MW*fW nit *«w >bi«v txn
fce* ■ Hto*iUL < Urih>‘?
..Tto lay cert 1 4a eot rntfen tnrrilr te atop then far *•
Usm Md three b«*a th*n» rat urn acrem. I Bran a radical rare.
•* nw. eriLKTsT or PALLIUO
KCXKZSS • Ufre-Unr siedy. | vrrerrXal mj vaSMdr«e cate
ttewemaaeaa. Srecaeee strirsSara trellreg U co rfsttn lac
Ulu oVKZK u> iiur.inucu i.ill
OlVK AWAY 1,000 Self-OparmUEg Wuli-
I ing Macblou If you W.11L on. ,Unil, ns
Lyons nse: P. O. sndeipri-.. office nt once.
.NotlnnsA Ca., 11 Ileyat.. <■ Y,
L AIUES WANTED -To work fern, bt their
own borne*. 7 to $10 per week c.n bo easily
, *t,:. as csnrsssln,; fssciastiug and
I steady crayloyment. rartlcojara add
•ample of the work sent for stomp. Aildretw
HUMItil’F'0<>O..P I>. apamil.Boston, Moss. 1
A Bloody Battle Fought in tbe Montains of
Harlem County.
Louisville, April 12.—A Courier-
journal sptcial tells of a bloody bat
tle (ought in the monntain wilds of
Harlan county, Ky..on March 26th.
John Day and three MiniarJ broth
ers the two Nagsir Iwolhers tvert
on their way to a logrolling When
they werreipet-bv Isa; c Day Jacob
and Sol Burkhart and Silas Bogg.
They were all artped yvitli rifles and
skeltering themseivos behind trees
and begim firing. It lasted half an
hour, when both patties retired, Sol
Buckhart was killed and his brother
seriously woppded and Silas jBogg
was sflotin the head but notfatally.
The parties surrendered and are
now in jail. The trouble grew out
of the attest of Isaac Day, charged
with stealing, jfis brother, went on
his bond but ^urrtndeifed jhim and
the fight.resuJuefl. « j
Asking ts Be Excused. -;tr
1 Chicago 'Xcwa. '
The stffijoine'd letter, 'written by
Preside^' Cleveland,' sIHriws that
his heart is not made' of adamant.
The recipient, a resident of Cam-
Uridge'CltyrindianlL though only-
in her eighteeri'ffi year, on the 2d of
February jasf gave birth tre triplets.
Racing J previously one child, all
four tit s'vrifim art’noW living. The
President wtf dsk’efl to name them,
and this ishis reply: 1 ’ *’
Exefcutive Mansion,'March 29,
1SS6,: Mrs., Minnie Scott, Dear
Mad;ip;.\our letter , port laying a
condition which greatly excites my
ympathy, is received. Lbave many
sucri,<and flntlit utterly impossible
to cr 'fiply with th« requests for aid
ihdy‘Contain’’in a grfcst many
casec^ , ..,
Xtubw wpll convinced of your
truthfulness and good faith that I
am JoAstrainsid-to send you a small
surtf,hripe wjl^atM toyour
comfort arid tlil't df tba^’t^ing trip-
lets. I am sp little accustomed to
matters of that kind that I must ask
to b* excused from the attempt to
;-»*rty of Henry DuvU to
from thejrlerks nffipe oi
15(11,1^^5- Levy uixde
Also at t>e same time and place on
lying in ea-t Ainens, \otmtainine l 4 ,
«>r leas atitl hounUed <>k tbe south by street, on
t>s-ph Carltou, wehLby Anita
l*mt l-e&ter. I-ev ! e<l Ott n v the
!» Wilkintj. to satisfy two ij
ssued from the clerks office of the city of Athens
Levy made and re-
A’.so at the same time and place one house and
lot in the cit of Athena, containing 1-4 a< re,
more or leas, and bounded an the east t>y Iteh
Jo u es, we»t by Hock ripriug Avenue, north by
Taylor street, and South by Ldward Mills.
Levied on as I he property of Cornelia Smith to
satisfy a tax ti fa Issued trout the clerks office of
the city of Athens, 16th December Levy
made ana returned March 21th, 1886.
Also, at the same time and place one bohse and
lot in east AthetuLKContaiAinK t-S acre, more or
less and bounded^n the north bw.W. X. J-uca,
on tbe east by JoJUi Herring, on the so mb t Av.
A. Jf.newiuril on the w>st hv Mrs. Taluiad^e.
Levied on as the property of San uel Binges to
satlsiy a tux ti ia, issued trom the clerks office of
the city o Athebs duly 16th lS8t. Levy made
aud returned March24ih 1SS6.
Also, ut tite same time and place one lot of
land in the city of Athens, containing one acre,
more or less, any bounded ou the north bv Han
cock Avenue, south by Martha Holbrook, east
by M artha 11 oibrook aud other*. Levied on as
the property of t> a II iteussf*. to satisfy a tax
ti la isEtied from the clerk* office of the Vi tv
Athens, July I lit I8s6 l-evy made and
ed March 2oth is*-j.
Also, at tne same time and place
V t in the Athens containing 1-4 acre, more one**
and b<>J on tne east by Kock spring Av. tme,
West Ity i’atniA-i J-cstt-r, south by Broad Street,
rth by Fat Lo«t»r. Levie<l on tis the properly
iiaaii rr
Sd. That
l>e de< tned’ bcsi by said t
(1 co-epcrafin^'be empowered to
inv->t the moucy analog from the sale-of said
bomls. ktol other inonev betoMting to it, In such
n>a!'v ami persona Ay, and in ih^c.ccUou of such
buildings as maj be deemed best bv said co opera
tion lo carry out it*charter purposes, and to have
an«l use said property, the r.-rt*. issues, profits
and®se them*f fot the promotion'of the objkcta
specified in th«* charter, in such manner as may
l*e deemed best by said co opbratiou, and your
petitioner will ever pray, eU%
Petitioners Attorney.
\ true extract from the minutes of Clarke
Superior Court: witness iny hand and official
-'.gnaturc th.s March 17th, 188*;.
im.rchJ-:,4t. JOHN 1. HUGGINS, Clerk.
y M- "UwToyof Ciors-e county.
Srtff'old Barwick, on the 7th day of Marc
l*oa ft»r thre.' hundred and fifty-six
fourth acre*, (3.V* 1-4^ more or b ss. and in a deed
made by A. 14. Jaeksou to riallold Bar wick on the
8th day «.f March, ]Sft3 for two hundred acre*.
t'JbO). -'•aid 11acts of Land adjoiuin* lands ol J-.
M. I.esjuiu, 'leueased, home t.l A ee, Hardigrw. J.
C, Johnson, ti. K. GrillVtil, W. A. Wood la, Au-
: the two tracts containing five
tty-**x aud one fourth acres
.ess; iaici place is well improved,
Ct. d npriti it a g.-tfK 1 dwelling
fsaaty outbttildiugs; some very
is. and original forest Umber,
levied on and to I»e *old a* the pro-
f rfaflold Barwick, to satisfy an execution
‘ — tbe 6ui»«‘rior Court of said county in
htitt ir»*tl
t'W • 1
issued Ire
I trig'
OUN IT—Whereas, Tol
Executor of Jxrivis l-ester, late
of said county doceased applies tome in terms
of the law for a discharge from tmd Executor
ship. These are there ore to cite anti a jmonish
alt concerned to show cause at the regularftermof
the Ctturriof Ordinary to be heitl in and for .'aid
county on the first,Monday in July next, why
saiti diseharm* shonM not he granted. Given
under my band at office this 24th day of March,
martOwHtn. ASA M. JACKS X. Ordinary.
JUNTY.— Whe.
ntrix o
s ef the
show cause at the
Ordinary of said <
Monday iu June t
not bv granted. <
turn- 1 this 10th day of Fcbr
house and
A. tiiunpto ,
gtilar term of the t
tuty, to be held on t
t. u hy said discharge
i.i lirbt
ella He .rd t-j satisfy
t the clerks office of tne city of Athens, iaili
1885. Levy made aud returned March A
Also at th© same time aud place one lot oi land,
lying withiu the city of Athens, containing 12
meres, more or leas, find l»onnde<l as foilovs; «.u
the ta-t by lands ot -S. U. Mitt hell, agent, on the
north by Simon Marks nudJ.W. Niehobon, on
the w• st r»j J vV. Nicuo-.-ou, an tho south by tho
Fair Grounds. Levied on ns the property of >.
I’. Mitchell, ugetit, to .satisfyi-tax U f«s issued
from t e e’erk* office of the city of Atltens.
'iitedout by defendant. Levy made
: th.*
and r
ular te
.charge should not
hand and official
December, lHfco.
»y in May, in.N. why s;i. !i
signature. Tlns28th day
, 1’, UKNLEY, C, C. C. ‘
M t SAtMLXMH erajnhsrn,
local and traveling, to Mil our goods.
. . Will pay good ttlary ond 'Sll expenses.
re pared tkan ever to
men, and aa many new
We havr **“
■■■Meat equipped t
, Iho mo.t sail
■Roitc na atT
^,^P U W|
a °A . .
land yiug
A the.
ward Mills, east by Alford PelU, north Ity Taylor
"treet. containing acre, more «»r loss, art,I
levied ou as the property ot Elsa Mnith. colpred,
to satisfy a lax b la issued from the cierk of the
city of Athens. levied mode and leturnel
-March *2Mli i*86.
Also at the same time anti place one house find
lot iu the cay of Athens, containing sere, more
or less, and bounded seuth hy Simou Marks,
west hy Waller Hector,jior.h by Dan Hrydte,east
by C amilla Stye, and ot ers. Levied on as the
property of Ben Craw lord .to satisfy a tax fi fm
issued from the elerksmfticeof the city of Athens
1st Decernt>er 1NJ4. Lew made aQd roturnLiI
March k’tith ls8»J. . j i
Also, at the same time and place, one house
and lot in the city of Allrens, cofit a in ing 1-Saere,
more or less, ana bounded, oast by Henry Bore-
livld, west by. i.oom Bird, south by Harwell Self,*
Jr., and north t»y W. F. Hood. Ioiviod on as tlui
piooerty of Jim llonstou. to satisfy a tax Hi fa
issued ft out the clerks office of the city of Athens,
July I5th. Ibttd. Levy made and rcturuud March
27th, load. . ,, ,
■ prlle.^l P. CBAMtH.IVEnie.V
University Of 1 Georgia.
i the
larat head of bra
with SIIYi rby’s
thence ai i:g tic
. Vfi
>r Ufciurk© couuty. bt-woeu the logit]
sale the following pV..pjfty |..-w it: a
tact ot land lying m.d -Nsing iu -aid
uded .is toUovvs; beginning at a pop-
nm* to
*•1 At CO
Kiclits farm, th'
poplar, said land itvie-j on a-
M 1» I. 1’itt:
H H Uuion
yea** 1885. Levy made by J 11 >ud
ami property tu*ih ted
this Aprial 2, Ib86 ’ 1
/jjfo lijslA*G CLAKKE MOVpit X hi*
\Jb George It. llutine applies to
administration on the estate
llplmc, Uto of sa;A county dote»*.\C'
therefore to clte'mnd admouish all'
hpw pause mi,.the rcgul
T'rOpertv of
io saii'tv a tax n fa i*su**i by
btate atiu Couatv Taxes for the
iddeth. vousUKt*
1M D L Pittman,-
I ccnreri
ffid. tb
cause At,.the regular,i#rnj,of Ae Court of
OrdmftYv of said county, to »»e held in and for
•aidnjounty opt the firtw Monday in June next,
why such letters should not b© granted, tilv^tl
[under my hsnd und official sigAdHite tt ofiifce,
this 5th nay f>£ April ,
affril m.M - a: ’ 1* ,% H BNItT, CL ~ ~
>.' - • t 1 NOTICE k
A T,I. persons li:ivlni“»li‘TnnnilsYgaiiiRt
the estateof John Winter, late ot
Ogleth^Fpu Oouuty, ileeease't, are here
by notified to reader in their demands
to t>. H.'Winter, in cure of It. K. Jfit-li-
olson & Co-, Athens, Oa., necordmfc to
law and all persons indebted to saiti Me:
And Agrienltnre-in the University of eemu;
Georj/iu will be tilled in July 18SG.
si.otj. ^vrGitv sioo
. .' -i.l in- ''
And res'deneo on . the Experimental
Farm. All apidioations must be sent to
EA.MAIt COBB, Secretary
febl8w&s3m. , Athens, fia.
aseiLary- raipiiiefi to make imniedmte
paymohfat the’sMreof John Winteh
Co., Wtnterville, Ga., where Mr. T. A.
Harris is authorized, to. make settle
ments. Wintervilie, (ia., >larch.-12 t SO.
McKee Executor oi L. M.
!eoea«e>l. Against the said JSaff tld Por-
wu*k, written nuttc** given tenant in possession as
required by law; property pointed out in irort-
g.tge li. i.i. »ml fully cescnlied. Also at the same
time.mi.d place all that tract or parcel of land
lying iu said county of Oconee, on the Powell
Mill K" one mile and one hall from the
•t ol Watkinsvitle. adjoining land* of Hardi-
. 1-. M. I-eguiii. deceased, Saffold Barwick anc
rs. known as the Thomas place, and more
i< uiarly described in a deed made by G. C. to the said Mrs. P. .4 Barwick, on the
day of December 1880, containing seventy*
•tcresof land, more or less, (75). 8aid land
p i on as the property of Mr*. P. a. Barwick,
tii.-fy »n exec ution issued from the Superior
n of said county in favor of JaCob R, Mcltee,
tutor oi 1.. M. Leguin, against (he said Mrs.
I- B irwick; property pointed out and describ*
in tbe face of th** mortgage ti. fa. Written
ce given to Mrs. i\ a. Barwick as required by
, this 27th dav of March. lv*6.
ie\v G. Die Ken deceased, has in due form of
applietlto me for letters of dismission from
said Administration, and I will piss upon the said
Desire lo cull attention to their lartre asM.rtinent il
We clairi there is no better for
monev. Trv it.
Is justly popular.
Also some of our Favorite Brands lor winch q
are Sole agents. Give ns a aall and be Convinced.
n the first Monday iu May lv«*.
y bjfnd and seal, this the 2lst day ol I
B. K. TIIRaSHER, OrJinary,
>AN JttERlFF SALES.—Will baauld on the
t Tue*day in May next, at the court hrittae
i said < ouiuy. within the lognl hour* ol
ale to the highest bidder fo^ cash, the following 1
ropertVIft-wit: all that trv»t of land situated.
b-'Ug andbemg in tgc county oi Jbinke, and
State RfArWaid. ^ seventy fiVe *cr v *8,
i i jic oedess, on :io*watcrs of Webbs Creekr, ad-
j..iniugT4nfi*rif William Murry. J. M. Cochran,
WUlii.a • audell, and otburvand known as tbe
old I’atlett place; said land levied on aw the pro-
t>crty nfi’reWOian Brewer to sati*fv a mortgage fi
:.i i.'sugzl *r«»ni the Y'ljperiyr Court ot said county
iu f.i\or of E.i*. tsimpsoti. against wald Frcemeui
lliowcr. Property poiuiodontiuojud ti fa.
E. D. OWEN, Sheriff.
Also, at *flme time ami place one ?tore hou«e
aim lot in the town of Homer, noiv bccupied by
W B. Mason, containing one ninth of an acre,
more-rir leiw. lying oA tuatn street und frontiug«*u
the punlit -‘.LiiMf, adjoiniug lot whereoa.L.'F.
Morri* now thi Ips.W. B Maib'n tenant tn posse**,
siou, as the. property of A. J. West. Levirid on
bv m< rtgage ]i fa ij» ftivm of John Mize, adminla*
tiatorol C. Mix©,‘againkt* A. J. West and J. .1,
fciona^^quirgdi.yWvrv/ t • L
Also, at tnewaiue time and place one tract of
buid^yinj: ifrD.ZAtR Dtflttict. Of If. Kard ceuuiy.
containing two hundred and s. yenty-fiya,acres,
more frde*s,'Aiiioiniug-land* of John English, on
the north i*y W. T. Troutcu’a piaeg. on tuqaofitb
by lYHlfa^i PmaS. on the cftsPvyj. J. And^hton,
ou.thf wwst hy foel*o , i kupwnau the Jonathan '
Mrifgan place, Daniel l’narr teuant in possession^
said pl«pc ia well improved. Lgviad on hi ihe
prot»erty of J. IP. Gorden and G, S. <*ordeu. to
’•ati^iy eight li ffia isafted frritn ikV tn*»tice* Court
of thH 2H4tI\ DiairU't. G M- in favor of. J A Gun
nels. P G SheppaMfHxoCTrtorA an«lNfary E Shep-
* ” ‘ * * pd.
... -^eppard, t
ihade. tiled :!ff» i -had recorded in the
lurk of t>v *iJlpc‘rior Court oi. sabt
.. _ cW towildfta
V rcquiicA. by law. Fgaperty potuted.our
plaintiff* attorney' Levy ‘made ami rettirurd
me By J Es»tepheug,>L(A, ii|iaAprU ]»t, 1886.
rphl6,Y c '* * -
E. D OWEN, Sheriff.
G < UORGU, HAtnU COUXTY.-»To aU whom If
r may concern, JaA. (V. WoVd, •
Jpshuu ‘
applied ...
adiafiuatfalien, and I.will paae njiantrie,mid ap
plication on file first Monday inJuty, 18S6. Wit-
uhsimy haiKWj^Thffidlal “* y **
5th, 1886, i u
y concern, JaA.'fX WoVd, Administrator, of
i Wiwd, deceased, hM indue (pnniof foW
1 tome for letter* ol dismission from Raid
iav in July, Di86. Wit-
l a%iifare, this April
T. tf*. nUL, Ordinary.
gitif h*mc8 to the three little girls.
I .11 -- 't, !»-■
. f-'xtH •»( treivfl"*.; T77T > -i
siljal oi - reSWMrtcaBU'Memory.
^YHitwomiia. inHIie CKflcago Post
Office at th» hotd:.«f tbe Depart-
rrient to Correct Mfcffirected Let
. lers, of which aoOrf»oo,hav«h-been
Ifonti the .Dead Letter Offiqe
uring lve^.res-encyy k** * wonder-
'iilitt-apd;” 1 'thfe .chances are that,
l-wrthbutjiRm^ her 'eves trbnj her
6wri'Wriirk, i She Will say; “Should be
-Loui*Yrttreit*-!>'6r '•’Milwaukee,”
Cincinnati,” or perhaps “Spring
Mstaatjb or “UmaJli- Sfeo has: the
*f|hOibu&ine*« people of the'
fstsxssrsi Y/imbmm
THE GEkMAN c Alto AMEklCAH j : .
;gIS81WSA FUKUI)K1ST’HAwi;,l) * ,1
.jpiopwetGfl-. J 1
M HaalBt al
pH CO la sUrepo, postplid. fo' anjadlrtM,.""
VsaulaetBrers and Sot, Prop,.. ST. UVIS, MQr
r TH«»t pur*«:i. baa iieun aatanolTe-
ly advertised aiul sold hy lady can*
k.v:.ssers th& paat ten iycarfi 'which.
i L , piLKStO THE iK'
Tills Dispensary and In firmary has.; , —ouihn forth* .a can Mon build Up a penuan-
all the ailVftUtagcg unvl liioiliic^ fodiul ent and -profitable huvlneas- They aro not sold hr-
in such institmioiis ill Eurnuu Evtrv ! *nvro' , erits, And • -ww give cxoltwirt tertitory»
A-•*re I t ,U re 1 • V • * ACauAftkltaS? ttiislz Uieritby givUtg the agent entire control uf theae
Ylephrttttvnt ia perfect ttlthin ltst kf. i superior cortov/ln the territory asdgoed her. Wo
Ulerinu Hwba8«»F diveubtis tat hAf# a,largo uumhfriol ^f.pto * r « making A 1
Wadden W4JNIV* vof Mfy.ukljyj pijes
e»iA-ikllyprbGli"tV< .....
-»atl qoii^j i!ri|melol »tuinita>its Jur.i K 110 "
ladies Who may desire to reiuttiivi* tbo i k L] JH, IJ J. -A (J,--,; i w (o
city tor uealuuyu. _^U.reiuedles and _ —. r\ TXXXTNfT a -ar '.o.
appIiancaSKMUpctOlMI correspondent* I 1 }►?• St ||' "r'jMKWAivl
atrtetlvjcoretideretial.i Writatiillbistory., Mf rr' *ffi)VnJrr sVr'b
of yoon else,-andi dtraet'to> myaelri at. j ’ Uk '“
Manufactured amt repartt|
Latest style and improvtme:
Good stock always on ham!
work guaranteed and pliers'
duced. Ca” and see us.
• $eferen<)fi—HODGSON BK08.
.2 ' U -V *•’
Bnt at the stand occupied by me for the pant U ,
uiOn Spring Street; new J. It. Reaves’ Livery Stable and Reaves* Nicholson's WarHw^ |
* if- fxMJ1 Thei>ubj,iQ.arere«p«ctfully invited to call and examine my
,-BuQ9,ies, plaiaetons and Wag ° r *|
Y.tUmhi net.I' .nt.-,'4MM s „ .. , ' for reft
****»'** ^ Benson-
».l •jJ-b'. >'.f \ r. a- 1*. . *' P. PC-fr
l'l» ■
l:.'X';&team * . i/d
BjKQ^ STREET, Near I-o»‘crJIarlt»st,; A UGUbTA.GA.
1 nGabrgia & South Oilrolinre Granite NIpuumeuts made a Specialt.'^ ^
• A tafye lateetloa ef Marble atid Granito^Work^waya on hpuj, raaJj ter l«u« rl “ ! - 1 ”
Parties''’aes^ing' rnohrittiSnU ! mr work : apply to A* *
"At-the? **■=««*• ’ j 4, e : -
'I tj ■ " ’■
wt Jtiut. SaintJ,
tUaiDispesWajr.f 'i' >. -'t *’ tt! .
WOTIGE.^-^: I mg”;;,;
h|OT4f fMt O
MaPf Erafelfiii^fl -
law, and thoseLUJ^cotfed B
• imatChltiwUW*. bual 1 AdtninistnUdi
oqa yaj uiuii •-r. ' 111 »|
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rUiw f #ulq itoJ'tmsi^taiU -SMI,
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.non«eap «,etatEx«imiiftBefore Buying. ' ' "-* 1 ' •