The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, August 10, 1886, Image 2

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BELLIGERENT TEXAS. Texts is a plucky state, and baa publicly proclaimed that she baa permitted Mexico to knock the last chip from her head. So a few weeks since when editor Cutting was arrested and incarcerated in a Mexican prison, all the b'ood of the Lane Star State mounted to her head, and spitting on her hands, she informed Uncle Sam that if he did not at once release Cutting, and box the insolent earr. of the whole Greaser nation, that she would at tend to the matter in person and tn- stanter at that. Secretary Bayard taw that the Texans meant business, and he sent Mexico a most saucy message. We can easily predict ' the outcome of this little| fiacas Mexico will yield all demanded of her, humbly apologize for what she has done, and release the offend ing editor, who will at once hire himself to a dime museum and make more money in a week than he would in a year with his paper. Then, in less than six months, ahe will begin to tantalize Texas again, and keep it up until brought to taw by the general government. It doe« |„ok rather cowardly, for great big rich nation tike the Uni ted States to bully a little republic like Mexico, whose soldiers are still arnie I with old flinl-and-steel mu* kets and cannon dating back to tlu sixteenth century, and worn siwoil. V in the boie from putting down re hellions. We tl ink the bes plan would be for Uncle Sam to hod Texas’ bonnet, while the young jad shucked her apron, tolled up her dress sleeves and sailed in to h« r old mistress with all the vim of virago. Then if we find thst Texas was getting the worst of tl e row, it will be easy to step in ano pull Mexico off, box her ears, and W ‘he aggregate appropriation made by the rt gnlar appropriation bills passed at thia session of con gress (excluding tie fortifications bi l) is $365,000,000, Wiiich is $45., ocu,000 in exce-s of ihe appropria tions made by ihe Mils passed .ast session. The result ol the recent elec ijfi in Alabama shows that the repub lic in party in the South is still 1 n the alert, not withstanding that it m iy adopt tne policy of playing , ossum. Owing to splits in demo- c atic ra iks they were vnabl. d, b) •ing with independents, to carry several counties. The radical snake in the South is simply scotched, not klilCJ. papers sayj ___ ce, as well 1 Daniel M. Clymer, ex-mayor of many people 1 Ri ading, Fa., »cnu» us a postal card, 1 drinking liquor in order to prove which he requests us to publish for *{*** prohibition^. does not prohibit the good of mankind, recommend- Kr r K« b ^r” n ,h e W funera7are ing a diet on raw onions topiomote sleep, and alto to tie a bruised one around the neck on going to bed, that you may inhale the full force of its odor. We don’t suppose that ex-Mayor Clymer it trying to g*t up a corner on onions, so we com ply with his request. He rather writes as an inoffensive ctank, who wants to make a cheap reputation out of this harmless vegetable. But did Mr.'Clymer stop to consider that the same remedy which lulls the wife t» sleep will open all the valve* of profanity in the husband? Perhaps the poor fellow for year* has endured a pair of cold feet rub bing up and down his spine during the winter with a patience that woald do credit to Job; but when ynu bring a third party, in the shape uf a bruised onion, into that nup- ial couch, you will have to read he riot act in the family. Why, you had as so in prescribe that or.e keep a polecat under his bcJ, anil hire some fe.iow to stir it up peri odically wi h a sharp stick! We si ways looked upon the pole cat ai.d the onion as tl.c missing •inks 1 u.ween vegetable and aui- ■n il tile, and ore stands just about .is high in our estimation as ll.e o i.c . But il Clymer wants to ge the full odoi of tl c oniou, cultivate. .. ns utmost ex eul, let him bunt up some f ilow who is loaded up to ...e gu..r.ts with mean corn whisay taw onions, and hold a pnva e interview with him lor about fifteen .iiiiiutc. Alter that the very sigtn ji un onion patch will throw him .nto'spasms. No, Fucnd Clymer your onion icmcdy will never— well, hardly ever, be adopted in Master V\ orb man Powderly hai written a letter to a friei d in 'Vilkesharre, in > which he states that under no circumstances will be allow h i name to ha used as a can didate for congress in the Tweltth district of Pennsylvania. He says he is tired of seeing his name u-ed in connection with politics. He is •atisfied \'i h his present work, and ..would 1101 be in congress among a lot of politicians.” Both for his ptr-onal coinfurt and good of the o. can zation wh'c’t Mr. Powderly so creditably lepresents, hisconclu slo t is doubtless a wise oue. THE BEST TONIC 3 rfteadleo tSs Nerses. <kaaa&«sgm ■ ;lill^S@eISS£S? thus put an end to the row. .... ...... . , r /•„„ I any well icgulaicd family, unless do not expect, however, any fun I J ** . \ . .. „ , 1 , .. .1 I the head ot it is engaged in ll.e out of this quarrel, as it will end I , * . . . . , a 1 guano business, and wants a chang. ust as all the others have done. A I s ’ . t ' „ . . . ...kis.k . of odor. Ol two evils we alway fellow who wants to establish a I , , , reputation as a warrior will risk choose the least, and sleeplessness nothing in enrolling hi. name to «/« prefer.nle to having a raw help the Texans out. He will neve. 1 a * " bej-tcllow. We are be called out of the beaten paths 1 f liis peaceful pursuits. A gentleman at Reading, who lately ieturni.-il fiutna visit to Wash ington, spe iks of many curious hings he saw in the patent office. Twe of them, he says, are psrticu- laily worthy of note. The first is a small hollow cone uf gold, shaped like a capsule, at the bottom of hicli is a slide, from which pro ject- something in the nature ot a s' -hook, at the top is. an eye, to hich is lastciivtl a silken coni. It lenUed a-a trap lor tapeworms. The linok is ba:ted with something to tempt the appetite of the worm mil the capsule swallowed. As oon as his wo> mship bites, the slid< doses and fastens him, the appa ratus is drawn up by the fishei he oiher end. and there you are. i.imUlt UtM.Nl*. SENSATION—RELIGION. Sain Jones, rays the Atlanta Capi nal, must have a sensation on hand, even if he has to slander his own state to get it While in Maryville, Mo., recent ly, he gave its inhabitants some de- tot partial enough to jewelry to wear such lockets or charm bags as hat swung around our neck. IHE FINANCIAL VIEW OF 1IE MATTER. It has frequently been inserted in these columns that no increase the present rate of taxation would be necessary in case the city should issue as much as $25,000 in new licious taffy. He said, “yours is the I bonds fvr the purpose of securing grandest, proudest and highest stale | he location of the Technological in America; rich in the soil and resources, and the best country ir the world.” Then he speaks of their keeping it steeped in liquor, and continuing, said: “Now, if you lived down on the bare hills of Georgia where •• 1 can’t make more than three or fou- bushels of corn to the acre, School in Athens. The report of the Finance Committee of Council demonstrates the fact in the lollow ing terms: “On examining the financial condition tlie city, he committee has been im- ressed with the belief that most proha bly as much as $25,0(10 of bonds at! per cent could he issued without the ne 1 nd where we can’t | ccssity for increasing the present rate of make more thin -wo bushels of I taxation,viz: i.lOpercent. This is pos- , ,, , I sible because of the fact that a number of wheat to the : ere, 1 couid under I u le city's outstanding bonds, bearing stand how you WOU 1 need a little I per cent, interes*, fall due within a few Iinuor to keen un ’ I J' 0 *™, and will he retired, leaving room ^ PI*. .. I for substitution of the new bonds at f Upon auch sensational religious I r cent, without the necessity for addi taffy as this -loes he feed his hear-1 tional taxation. The present bonded ... I debt is as follows: . •.. . In. E. R. R. bonds, 8% $25,000, due When you stop to think, you I j»„. ist, 1888. Will remember that he has told fully | N. E. R. It. bonds, 8%, $23,000, due a hundred other places that they were "the grandest, highest spots onea,th.” It makes a community feel good to be talked to that way, but when he draws such unfair comparison to hi; own native state,, - : ■ , • 1 ... . , ... I percent, resulting in a saving of m whose cities he has repeatedly £ r , nnu ’ m in inte % rt account, which, of said that their’s was “the grandest, I itself, would pay interest upon $20,000 proudest, highest spots oa earth,” I ° f bonds at 5 per cent. Judging from f. ...... . . I the past average increase of taxable pro- then It IS time to call a halt. I „„ r ,^ cr annum, it is probable that the Jan. 1st, 1803. College bonds, 8%, $24,500, July 1st, | 1898. Public school bonds, 5%, $20,000, due I Jan. 1st, 1017. Of the bonds falling due Jan. 1st, 1888, $5,0(10 will be paid at maturity, and the remaining $20,000 funded at • thermore, there is a great I perty in- I future uturc annual increase will amply pro vide for the additional amount needed case $25,000 were issued.” But even assuming under the most extravagant estimate possible, that it became necessaiy to levy an additional tax to provide for the new* bonds, let us see what the in crease in taxation would be. The , . „ . I assessed valuation in properly is, in The slandera on the unequalled I . ,. .., .. . ..„ round numbers, $4,150,000. lime fertile “bare old red hills of Geor- 1 consistency in his saying that he would not blame those people il they lived on the sterile hills ol Georgia and were to drink liquor. Quite different remarks he made here when he talked so fanatically ••r vehemently on the liquor ques tion. “W ^iug -a fatal one. |Cl |ib=l lilji while Master Jbhndie Davis, 1 whu J i|.-|g==f 1^1 is about sixteen yexis otage, and' the oldes. sou of Mi. Joel C. Djvif, a well respected larnur of Morgan,‘ was returning home lit was shot by the accid.-iitaf dischaiga ot a thirty, two calibre revolver. The . pi>tul was in his ii 6 ht hand coat pcckc. When it fired the ball . | assco through his coat and pa»ts: pocket, handkerchief and pocset-bquk, en tering his thigh about hall way be tween the hip and knee, raugn g downward. He says ne was hom ing the pistol in Ins pocket, twa above, but was going at a very rap a id ga.t when it tired; it is. tbougod the hammer -struck him,. and.. tne piso. being -» rattier .ricky. one any way, hence the cause ol the lire-,, H-- says his coat caught tire and btjiU the fire out, changed ihe pistol 40 the left hand pocaet and couiiuued his gait foi abaut one hundred yards belo -- he knpw that he was shut and would not have known it then if it htd not been fur the blooJ tricKhDg down his leg. When he airiscd flume he never informed ins paieu.s that he was shut, ami stem to w iik as usual on .Monday; and w. rseJ until Thursday even- nj. He thought he wu not m rt very badly lor nis wound did not troable him t si era* the fir t .1 the wound’s nurt ng him was on T.iursday cveni'-g aun cannot the reader imag nc nis feeling- wBen .is pare 1 t a-se ! him wnat »a ne mattei wrt.i linn, ami then he at once ii.ii t ar-lir.ed c,e, .t 1U1 . i»r men t icy i- rgaxe inui. He west to Social Cncle au Vr duy m rning :or Dis.oilib-and Spence to examine the wound. T..e. , mb-u . ght inc.ics l. r ihe ba 1 In.t ,*a .-e 1 it in some »a> and it -ta e : •11 tnerc ui.til Mnnouy, when Lir . Gibhs ami bpence exami. c 1 n.t vuaiui. again and found that t ie a 1 had y g 11c a tout five inch es; they then c .t t out and he i- nm . .tproviug very la l. He is ot *a pist >1 toter’ but tia ie.l f r t is oi.c on Sat .r ay night hefoic tne accident occurred. A FRIEND IN NEED DR. SWEET’S 4 Infallible liniment. t nit-n from Ihu rsceiFt of Dr. Stephen Sweet .il yv‘nne'iu 11, » kT --' natnrii Iious Better, •'a. been u--U o- mere than be Tears, and is tbs eiv for 1' —eum at I ,ni. Ki-ir*altfle. ■-*- r.nri* " -‘ r.’.-, sad dl i.y all. rimi'lati— Leadar. Mr. Eugene Heard, we lea n, has bought a lot in Elbeiton and wil likely improve it. Woody Matthews tells of a win man whose nioulh »a> so big that he only used one-half of it. M ss Lizzie Pharr, of Washing ton. a*lio has been vi-iiiho ih« M >ses Fortson, wajreal -ick during --»» of • the time she was in our midst. One of Elbert’s largest land own ers and most extensive planters is Dr. A. S Olivet, ot Efbertnn, wh informs us that on bottom l«r*! where he usually makes 1,000 to 1,500 bushels of corn annua'iv, hr will not get toobu-helsin 1SS6, anti he consequence is .lie will have to ..... i.-a —. loads t>f corn for his buv two car place. WALTON CO!'NTY. [Xewr.J On the ist ot Sephmber, the High School will re-open, undo charge of Prof. A. J. Burruss. It may be assumed now with al most cectainty»thut the railroad will come to Social circle, or by way oi H'gb Shoal*, to Aliens. Mr. W. J. Clegg, one of Social Circles most enterprising young men, was happily married to Mis- Lucy Pennington, one of Morgan’, most excellent and charming young ladies. Four illicit distiileryhunters went out just over the line of Waion and not lar ftom the line of N ewton in -earch of a still, and it see n s iheii search was not in vain, for they captured to still and on Mr. Mar lin, loitmriy cfHhbershain county. Mr. Blaine wih open the Maine campaign at Po:'.atid on the 10th >n»t. _ FltAS K...1X COL NTY. llejhter. _ , The stock lav election in Fiinls- ville district, on last Wednesday, resulted in 135 for lence and 26 for sto k iaw. At the stock law election in Red Ho low district last Wednesday, the votes decided in favor ot tence by a majority of eight votes. There will bea convention'ofgin- gia,” are bad enough without add ing inconsistency to them. Sensational religion is not very cep-rooted or valuable. one hundredths of one per cent, tax upon this amount would yield a revenue ot $1,245, a sum amply suf ficient to provide for interest (at 5 per cent.) and principal of $20,000 East Tennessee. puts forward fiv I of bonds. The council would be or six candidates for the office of I perfectly safe in^issuing $25,000, governor. looking to the natural ^increase in Four states held prohibition con- valuat,on of P ro P er '- v to furn,sh ,he ventions and put full tickets in the | * < * t *' r,ona * proporlionale N amount re field last week. There are now in Mexico con nected with missions of five denom inations 10,000 people who have renounced Romanism. quired for the additional-$ oi bonds. The present rate of taxa- I tion is per cent.; an increase 01 13-tooths would make it 1.13 per cent. In other words,the man wh<> now pays $1 tax, would, if the in crease were necessary, be required Four- hundred converted Jews arc clergymen in ihe church ol I to pay $1.02}, two an I three quar England, three of whom have risen I ter cents additional. Of course the to the rank of Bishop. Martha Washington’s portrait will adorn the new one dollar cer- ' tificatcs and that uf Gen. Hancock the certifi t - of two itnilars. $2 poll tax would not be affected at I all. The white Ux payers now pay | about $44,330 tax. This would b. incicased to $45 538.70. Tne colo-ed tax payers now pay The Pennsylvania liquor dealers j $1,320. This would be increased to can’t do their cause any good by I $1,356.30. Ifadditioral taxation were churches with dynamite. Every necessary the amount that would be church blown up is good for 10,0001 paid by the entire coloied popula- votes forjprohibition. tion would amount to only $36.30, own schools. So, even under the worst possible circumstances.* it is evident that the burden npcq all classes of the community will br The marriage of Representative a " d . eV ' n *** Allain’. daughter (colored) in Lou I c,! ’'* *° ** a PP">P” atedthe " isiana last week is attracting nation al notice on account of the magnifi cence ot the wedding. A dispatch from London says I i n fi n ;tessia«lly light. Bev. H. W. Beecher’s lectures are Was there ever a more obvious f» ling flat over there, and he it I scheme for voting to put money in charged with exacting an adtnia- 0 ur pocket* instead of to take it sion fee when he pretches. | ....... 1 In some parts ot Pc-nn-ylvsnis . t M r“’PP' y0Un * ®«n Claims ^ w ‘ aler i( ^ ; mpure lh „ fhe to have been to heaven and return- pe. p i e h , ye to bqil U in order to . ’ e ... . ,^ >et . ter ^* ve at *y ed I destroy disease germs, and microbe here. Mississippi young men rare- soop i# , dai , beverage. HlS ly get two chances like that 1 If (anybody it going to furnish ... J , .Dr. Felton with an independent upstch from Dallas, Texas, | campaign fund, it la high time the stales that the young men of that checks were being sent in. It will a..d other Texas cities are quietly 100 n be too late to have any fun out enrolling themselves for military | of , he business. H M ~ . jfy. Everybody’s voice is for war. The^djutant general of the state it daily in receipt ot applica-L lions lor permission to raise volun- bU ' ab * ent ra,nd,:dness . went *° leer companies. The dispatch says New Vork for » *hort visit, this that the Cutting and Ras-res cases meraoran<luu > ,ound in tb * are but samples of hundreds of oth- ro ° m ' “ Thin R* “> a >°ng: One - ereimilar outrages committed upon I P* ir *ocks, one shirt, two colars, fexans. 1 0,<e P a,f cuffa i one wife.” It is toid in Washington that when a certain senator,- noted foi ners of Franklin county held Carnesville on Saturday, Augu»i I4*h, iiS6, lor the purpo-e o- adopting a better method ol col lecnng bagging and ties, and ulhei busine«s 01 importance. Mr. James Rice lives in Gumlog district, and is one of the olde-t citizens in the county. He was born al Pendleton, S.C., July 271b 1792, and was 94 years Old the 27th ot last month- He moved to Geor- gia in 1S05, ana manied Nancy Sto vall in 1S23. The publ c schools of Fiankiii aie now in full blast, and mnnbei upward of 10 •. Our jail now has seven inmate-. Prince Mmall, colored, bring the CARD . . . McNutt, u»a., Aug. 7.—Editor BaunCi-Watchman: 1 see from ttie last Lsuc ot the Weekly •V atcuma 1 ti at C. Li. Damei 1 as oa ked again ami seems to t e Lars ing u, a. dilleietit tr c uow, an- t. at 1 l.a.e acknowledged the charge bruug..t against u.e, a 10 t. a. _.ut e ter s alii a-.t states oeti- tc \ iu-t wl-at Hamilton a.s lie (Hamilton) did, and of which 1 (Daniel) accused him. Now, .11 jour rea ers will compare note they w ntsee t at he (Dane.) tre- to change his la e anu tmreby soi- ea and moduy t-us uise charge Jut r.e star > t ie pro-ecut.r, ju. go and jury. .1 sba 1 appea. irom 1, ecisioii. He iyirt. er -,aj s he as nothing more t, say thr^ug the pre.s, but again cha. enge, u. 11 meet him ano come t, a personal unocr.-taading. He should nave -ought a truttncl under-tanding be fore uubhshmg as true, that wnich he knew net ling about. It he has ny personal matters With me he knows where tj find me. I am not :i pugilist. When 1 write Chare jp 1 will not state a- fact, that i di not know to I c true, but when 1 • rite *T.,m rumor I will state t a rumor, a id when I know tne tacts 1 will state them as (acts. It seems that Charley thinks because In ■A McNutt's corre-poudei.t, he ha the right to publish true any false charge pleases, against one that he h.i een trying to slander for yesi with being accountable lot the same, out I think that he will find that 1. is very much mistaken, and, as tot Clotfeltci’s affidavit, 1 am abut, dantiy able to prove that it is Islse. 1 I’ne people up this way generally know the venom and animosity har bored against me by Dai id am Clotfelter. The foul ch. rge and affidavit was acted on by Mt. aJioi church, of which I have the bon of being a very humble membei and declared by her unanimous vote that she did.not believe the iep.ii nor the affidavit. Now, why is that this man Daniel it, and ha been, so anxious to miaiepie-cn me. I ask pardon lor taking up so much of your valuable space will tins uiicallcil-101 affair, but there ar< times when patience ceases to be virtue. Alt lurther coinmuhickt-ot is reserved for some luturc t ine. Respectfully, Duke Hamilton Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. HOSPITALS, CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS. INFIRMARIES. CUBES CONSUMPTION, HEMORRHAGES Amt alt Wasting JHseases t DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. * ' L,' TUK ONLY PURE STIMULANT For the Sick, Invalids. CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Women. roe isle tiy DrsataU, OrocensndDeslei*. Price. One Dollar per BotC inawi*«*ik«s»l , 5!2!Sl£ —HirkHVlBT T—*■ UkM.rtiaiiH.kMfllt ta ^raemrajtfrw^taatrj p^Tckut™ ssSSLt«. Bonn Iks Dufy Malt Whltkey Co.. Balttawa.IU. MMMVAr to»PV-ato,aini mnissTsrm- wU,mmMkf priaHptVl rmm err key. JTb^v •almmkl* /•* hiignti", D wtarv/remoU WuttUt DU^tm. H *••.*« yrrpmr*4 asstMiriwya. BUM nare/e.r eilaHyta «af Jiaen, eriU tkt U. MMArf H •»> JfOfcal Dvorfwtaat. Price 25 cent- per 4.-.X For «aie by Save money and Doctor hills. Ri lievc our Mothers, Wives uml Sisters by a imeltr |iurChH.saof Dr. Br.sanko'a (Joutfli and Lung Syrup, the bo»t known ri medy R>r Coughs. Cold*, Croup j.nd Rroiiehlal aflectioiiB ltelieves Children of Croup in night; npiy -save von hunilro ls o dollars. Prieo SO ci-ium and $1,001 Stmpfefree. Sold by Drrt. Lyndon,and Rush & Arnold. Tliere Is nothing in th* tine of mafic or mystery anout that wonderful and •mpuiat medicine. Pari-ej’s Ton c. 'It Is simply the best and most scientific Fonibii.ahon possible of the essential .•principles of those** vegetable cnr.tives whidi act poweriuily ami directly oil the ftnmach, liver, kidneys ami blv'd. But there neither i-, nor will be, env ^Iiccet-lnl imit Ition^.-f it. Il is all the time coriDgiliose Mho had despaired of CVI54CJ ing well. Fpr yourself, your Jwlie a"'" CniTdren. Many a erson is starving with a full Table before th m. App tite gone! Am bition gone! Life a burden!! What is the blatter? The Uvcr has ceased to do its proper work. .The life channels are elogged. Poisonous liuids are thrown back into the Wood, which should.lie thrown out. S.\Ii’i v ! 1'S III1.E P.i.ANS will surely stimulate ihe liver to do its jyo U well, aii'Mieadachu, spHowness and bad breath will flee away Price, 25 cents per bottle. All druggists. ... , A 3AD * ££ Thousands of men and women all over our country are silently mtserab", while the outside world think you have no cause to grieve. ilut,'ah! \Vh pronounce no aiiatliemns againt arty • other remedy, but we as ert single bottle of II. Hi II. will do more in the care of any casi of -blood $00411 than twelve botties o any other. Our book is free audit tells 1 thu tale. Address. ■'BI.0()1» BALM ra, Atlanta, Oa. . . What Can Be Done. By trying Hg'iiu an keeping up courage many tilings seemingly i.npo—ibie may be attained. Hiinrlrens nf.b p.-' ss ca-e« of Kidney and Liver Cotup 1 t have tieeu cured be Electric Bi l is. a-.ter everything else luid le-en■ -ried in vain. So. dnm’t taluk therein no cure foryuii, but try Klee:ric Bitters. There is no medicine so safe, so pu c. and so perfect i a Bloml Purifier; Electric B lp-rs wil I OureD'Spepsia Diabetes and all Disease j of the Kidneys, fnv.ilinbje iniitlectbn ] Of stomach atol Liver, and Overcome all Urinarv Difficulties. Large Btitles | only 50 eta. at A.-It. Long. Cheer Up! Help is at Hand. ♦•I'm afraid bshail have to be taken to a hospital or to the poorlimme. I’ve been sick so long that my hnsband, good and pa’ient a's he is, enn’t s'and tire worry and expensn much longer.” No, you won’t dear wife and mother. See what Parker’s Tonic will do for yi u. Plenty ol women as bully off as you are, have been resent-1 almost from the grave by it. It will build you up, curing all ailment-of the stomach, liver anil k dnevs, ami is simple, pleasant ami a re. * of the Mexican Authorities—The Cut!Inc *f Cauia Sertoha Trouble. Lai:hdo, Aug. 7.—A detachment ot 400 Mexican tro .ps arrived in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico,vlast n ; ght. They aie principally, iniantiy and aitillery.-au.d . brought two cannon w ;th'*bcaj. i-.u ..... They have placed dire cannon *c as to command. Fort. McIntosh, on the Texas side of, the Rio Grande, and Mexican olficers have been no ticed taking ob-e. vations from the position aii day. Considerable 'indignation is ex pressed by ihe Americans at the arrival of these troops, and this ac tum on , the part ot the Mexicans dots ppt auger lor a peaceful solu tion 01 the pieseut diihculty-. LIVlil.V Kti.MO, S IN ATLANTA. Atlanta. Ga., -Aug. 7.—Live y rumor-are ail at lure to-nig .t reference to tile war with Mexico. Ihe press dispatches, announce the massing of Mexican forcer 011 ihe lexas frontier, ai.d rumor ha i j l! f u Gav. McDaniel, in common : will: the g(jvv.rnois of a'l the states, ' has been wned by the Crcrre jiiy ot V\ ar t > know how many organized troops fieri--kre in Ge rg.a ready t > enlist fer M xieo in case war is Ue- C .1 cel. C z o. it i- th it Govern- r .♦lcDaiicl c-as wild to Alia .ta ti is evening, ir.m; Wajiou County, but he •:e lies the rc. eipt o any te.egra.o Irani t! e Secretary of Wsr, aou says he w as 1 a led 011 u different matter. Mexico is the t.pi. !.]ol conver.-ation to night anti a nuni- | her ol young ielows re.lar. tneir iriess t. go. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE The Cream of Tartar used in DR PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the purest in the world. The crystals are from the finest •rapes, imported direct from the vineyards of France. Washington, D. O., April 23,1‘885. I ham analyzed the Cream of Tartar used in Hr. Price't Bafony Powder, and find it of th# highest degree of purity, PETER COLLIER. Chief Chemist for tha United Stalls Department of Agriculture. The following, Heads of the Great Universities and Public Food Analysts, find Dr. Price’s the purest and strongest. Free from Ammonia, free from Lime, free from Alum, and recommend its use in every family. Persona doubting tho truthfulness of this can write any of tho Chemists named: :!L Analytical Chemist, St. Louis Mo. Prof.eiiAKLKS E. ! .'.'ICIIT. Analytical Chemist, Wheeling, W. Va. prof. JAMES F. 1IA I'.i'l It K. State Assayer, Boston, Mass. - Dr. ELIAS IL BAI: I'Ll-. V, B. S., Chemist to the Dep’tof Health, Brooklyn. \*. Y. prof. CURTIS 0.1! Hl'AUD, M. Sc., Starling Medical College, Columbus, Oliiu. Prof. it. DELEON Y \ 1N E, AnaljAical Cliemist, Cliicago, I1L Prof. R. S. <1. EATON. Late Chemist Healtli Department, Chicago, I1L Prof. JOHN M. ORDWAY, Mass. InstiUite of Teclmology, Boston. 1’nif. It. A. WELTIlAli'S, A. M.. M. D. t University of Buffalo, N Y prof. A. H. SABIN' StateC‘ v * ProL JOHN : SMITH'S 3IUE BEAN s-fURE Blllensneu: Slrk Headache In Four hours. (G) One dost relieves Heuragla. they cure and w prevent China e Fever. Sour Stomach e Bad Sraath. Cleae tha Skia, Tona the Henet. aod she Ulae» Vigor to the ejetem. Doa«; Oh? try them once and yon urtO never bo wlthoirt them. Price. 28 centa par battle. Sold bv Orugglata and Medicine Dealers gentratty. Serf on racelpt cl price In stamaa. paatpald. to any addrata, J. F. SMITH ft CO., v--u»a-tu*«ra and Sale Praaa.. ST. LOUIS. Btt Says an Eminent Phyrlcian, •'Have used for twenty years the prep aration known a Bradrtvl.i’s Female Regulator. It is tho Jre.-.t cr".ibinnlion | known for lema'.e disea-e*. For parti culars write Tile Br:nllipl I Regulator Co., A'lants, Otr. Excitement in Texas Great excitement lias been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex. by tlie remar kable recovery of Mr..I. K. Corley, who was So helpless he could not turn in lied, or raise his head: everybody said he was dying o* Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle, and a box of Dr. King’s New Life I'lls: by he time he had taken two lioxes of Pills and two bottles oftlie Discovery, he was well and had gained in tlesli thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Long ft Co. his bonesTrotruded THROUGH THE FLESH A prominent-Alabama physician said: ,*A patient who was almost dying from the effects of Tertiary Syphillis and who had been treated by sevr'-a noted physi cians without benefit, used a dozen bot tles of B. B. B. and was entirely cured. He had ulcers on his arms, and the bones heolruiLa! through the flesh and skin a trp elbow, anil death seemed inevitable."t Tired and*m« ,Women llow many woiut-ijlUerwaier-i whom three wolds are triuCT* ‘'Till y fee. aiiguid and tne'i, lmr<Hy able to bear heir weight on their feet, the bloom ail gone from tlieir clienka,, ifrjylabfe and cross without iiieaniti'g to be'p'fitrves al upset,-worried witb'tlieuhMdrRu; frette over little things, a burden to them pelves, ami yet with no aciite disease W!ia a pity it is. But a few buttles o Parker's Tonic will-drive all this away and roiiavc the Iroablesj- • cu!iar to t!ie sex ' " CUITiNO SENTENCED TO ONE VEAR El. I’aso, Tex., Aug. 7 Cutting has been sentenced 10 one yeat’- itnpriaonuient at hard labor, and pay a fine ol $600. CUTTING TO BE HURRIED OFF. ,St. Louis, Aug 7.—TlieEl Faso, Texas, cor.cspondeut of t.’ie Globe- Deinuciut telegraphs to-uiglit that I ihe Sentence was jjto/<ouuccd on j Cutting tins evening, it lie cannot | pay tlic fine he will have to serve I one bundled days longer. Medina, who caused all ihe I trouble, In- L-ave to ^u: Culling in I a civil suit lot damages. The ryues- ! non of censuring .American Ci.nsu j Bngham and asking lor ins remo val is referred to tile Sup:emc Cuuit ol Ciiihuuhua. Cutting will probably be hurried ctl to prison at Chihyahua to-night. MR. JACKSON RESIGNS. CyTYof Mexico, Aug. 7.—It is announced here on good authority 1 bat United States Minister Jack has lerig.-ijd,. but that Secretary Hay aid his not yet accepted his resignation. It is sa'd that Minister Jackson’s re.agnation has no connection will, ih.- recent border troubles, as it was s'nt in June last. Mnsterjaik- sou has had the confidence ano respect of the Mexican government and the (American residents ol Mexico. Profs. ProLQEOUt ProL PEtSh^OLLIER, Chief Chemist for the United States Department of Agri culture. Waxhhig'on, D. C. Profs. HF.YS- 1 ' Dr. Prof. EDGAR EVKitliART, Prof.Chemistry, University of Texas Austin,Tc ProC E. W. 1I1LGAKD. ProL Cliviaistry, University California. Berkeley. Cal 1836 ..Ill DGsT FROM BANKS. DANIF.LSVILI.E DOINGS. BKI.IOKirM REVIVAL—Milk. * HCOTT D»S- OEHonNI.Y V I.—AT MAIIIHON KPKIXIIH— NMOML, ETC. a Danielsville, Aug. 6.—It i» announ-e, tiiat- tt,e HaDtis pr>.trade i nice ii-g will clu-e here to-<l«y. Suite Sunday: the following nan ctl pcisons havRjoin ed that cliurch: Misses Mollie Me ilow. Maggie Scott- xnd< Evic William*, and Messrs. Too mb- Meadow and Tom Thompson. Key. Dr. Uuchanan is to begin 1 protracted meeting here' to-night< in the Presbyterian church. Threc liifC c‘>-ldien have dii • near here this Week 1 .' ***’** 1 M s. toapt. \V. W. Scott ia Vefy li, an I not expected to recover, ’r*. W. D. Gholston is also ve y m. •. • * ■ Mri Ge -. ‘ K' Kvarts’Vlilili Mhlk washu'ie l'at Dahie’.mriHe Sunday Judge and Mrs . Young Id. G. jfiiti- aft at tfie Mil liioh ■Spring*, me of the fines, * a eriiig plactev in Gcorg%V to spend the summer.- Ma-ier Emory McElhannon’i hsd his leg vc y badly cut, accidentally hv a knite m the Kknll* of his Utile brother, Virgil, while playing on he gra-s. Emory. now god* on .crutclic*. . Mr. D. R. MoselcF, of Nicholsou leaves ihia morning for Shrevepori 1 .a., to -ec hii daughter, Mrs. W O. We'ch, who is lying ppln. of death.' - - -C >to rn. t Three dots’ meeting begins to-, day at the Primitive Baptist.chutcl. at Ly^tra. The ordinance of* foot- wsshirg will be atieudpd to .oi Sunday. „ itiind cyclops of the gang of crimi- halr. . ' " '. Sheriff J.C. McConnell left Wed tiesday morning for Milledgevide. to conduct Mr. Gabies, an unfortu nate lunatic, to the asylum: ; Franklin has three candidates fot legislative honors: W R. Little. Jas. A. Harrison an^M. A. ndams. with more to follow, it is thought DLECTALAVE. -ti-.-i As amouth awash stands pre-eminent. No other such preparation equals it in teaiity of color, in effectiveness in heal- .ngthe mucous membrane of the mouth <nd throat, in thoroughness in cleansing or in antiseptic quaiitles.Give it a trial. It* .ise becomes agreeable and resolves itoelf nto a neoessity. If you have a sore inouth >r sore gums Qelectalave will heal them If "ou wish to, save your teeth Delec- alave will aid you and impair its fragra- ice to your breath. There can be nb doubt of it’* value to you whenits use is indorsed •y sucii eminent men as Rev. Andrew A. -inscomb, D. D.; A.*Vf. Calhoun, ti. U. he eminent Oculist; the late Dr John M. iohnson, and twenty of., the leading •b sicians and Dfntists of Atlanta. ■' + ... •ryurvi'M JPile*. - IMe* art --equemiy preceded bv a .■ns, of weir it in tha back, loins and •wei parto the abdomdufesrusirig the •ild 1 .0 suppose he has some affection *f -lie kid,,evs aw neighboring, organs. ,1 to, as. ermntoau of indigestion are ,'resci.t riatulency, oneisiiless of 'be 't*»iu <h, etc. A moisture like perspira- ’-Um, producing a a very disagreeable- tclii.,,, alter netting warm, as a common Bluid, Bleeding and Itchhig ‘1 lest mi<t at dice to tha application ot Or B—arko’s PifeBemady, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorb ■g ihe 1 union,, allaying the intense china, and effecting a permanent care Free 50 cent. Address The Dr. Bosoan k deri eine Co., *Wqua, O. Sold by . ydom Mai gia**v« Arnold. u*i , ^ prey. «W-litvovSaic wet euma eomoa c«, cuieie <w« h. ue* *1* "■ ■ ♦*«*• ,!>**>i SiD iliiw i* b rtoCj't- bstiiuf tad*art t».f$’ * -«*• *» •,*-» ; i -,»tq ot ,t!»i>q •'* Vi -to-a. >»v»lNtW .il P »w -5«o< er#f sbui. ia s* Female ■ Izrcuton trow Clarke Sope- lor cm | JUU.NJI . | tmwJwdlsayydea, I Regulator;!' < Sent (er our ta*, 'Uwnigg to VVorain,' mallri' :irC f - BnUltiiU Begsla Mh AltuU. Ga. Mnirtkli ilf acra, re 1 H J.lMVld, | tl *n wiu, b» tl, Abaun AQu In. 8 R. Ky* eh*rt; the 8.>u hbya nrert*nr. n ih» Wen r»y N* K R. R. ( uhcieon the deles* eiii now rtf idee. Ler;e 1 ou m prut eriy o 1.4. IIAmt>ton tomtlefy n ft. fm i-au «l fr- tn th« superior Conn of Banks County fn fovor of th* a uks County ^o-oPtiratlve A«s«i>tl n|*r the i*o of Kesver, Nickerson & Co., entiiut »uH B. f. Hamph n. Notice given to dwfendnnt Hi term* ,t the lew. Tbl'htkoi July, 18M6. ft A P. 0 W£N, Sheriff B.C, axwmBssXrShmi, SSsssasw. -w at tne reaaltor term of I timr, of "told county tone hole lay in stpt* nlemext wkj ,uchd — Athkns", Ga., June 1218S4. i:nti.kmi:n: . t ... iutuvii lurepiv to your inquiry, I may state itudidly that L think Hereford’s Bread “reparation the best and safest on the n&rket. Yours truly, JOHN GERD1NE, M. D. Univkks, ofGkoguia. rtiulicai Laboratory. Olfitv of, State Clienist, Athens, Ga June 27. 18S4.—1 hare been familiar fo a number ol years with the genera eb a un ter olProf. Horsfont’s phosphativ preparations. Kloent examinations made, by me of the “ Acid Fliospliate" ami *’Bread Preparation,’ shovytbem- to be exactly wlmt is claimed for them in tlieci.culars accompanying the pack ages. The “Acid Phosphate” is a con centrated solution in water of Acid Phosphate of Lime. The “ Bread Fre paration " is a mixture ot \cid Phos phate of Lime, carbonae of soda and pour. Whenmixed with Water, carbonic acid gas is liberated and a double phos phate of lime and soda is formed aud remains in the bread when baked. In ordinary cream ot tartar baking powders the substance left in the * bread afte “‘raising’' is rochelle salts—a double artrute of soda and potash. The phos phates are useful mineral substances in animal nutrition and growth, the tar rates an* not. in my opinion, tho thosphatio. Po v-Vr is. .therefora pro ( the 'trior, so far as healthful ness is’Cot'orn"d. H G. W1 i I f v. SllOa Tree. The Brunswick Herald says 1 ^ The idea that ydtlow pine is played out ifi bootn Georg'a is* absurd. No where ebe in all the world cut larger trees teohtaine 1 than around Brunswick.- Jame, Holmes, of this city, has a contract, with the ILjton Timber and Lumber Company at Doboy, to furnish the largest hewn timber in the 'world. No tree is to be less tiian 70 feet long and 16 ihchds squhre at the smaii end.‘ Thiese he obtiiiri* in abund- ahee Off Woolly Island, the p.opei- ty of John Ward.- of this c-'v, and for each he pays $5 for a piece. His base of opeis uxns lyjamaica.m this county, pad ,it takq^ twea.y-fopr y.qke.ol oxen to haul cacn 1 ree, and then only tnree trees are hauled to Jamaica in two weeks. Each tree, when hewn and hauled-to the point of shipping brings Holmes one hun dred an'd'ttm dollar*. ■ i ref •* »T» J ; -v . s' - .! weaver Identified. Ati.anta, Aug. 8.—The VVeav- er-Pierce or Perct-Weaver ca^e hat aif lasf conte to a head. This 'morning W. Oi Ripley, of,Indian apolis, readied Adnata, As he stepped from-tbotrain in the depot, he. mA J< Pierce, of Indi- anapoli*,. yyhom he at once, recog- pized. . t ", , The salutations \ve'e‘*Hel!o, Pm,? and ■‘•Hello, Bilf.””Thfc men *da‘ t|»i ed hands a fid’ hid 'a' 'shorl’tb'nvefta: fion about old times hhd What has tranij)‘ r * d J Ripley *ay*lhat he has known Weaver for twenty years. -Mrs.’ Weaves didinot come, and at hewcquestKipleyjcaroe to At lanta to identify Weaner, if he was the right ftnfor'WdsfVter, it is said, will go to’Chattanoogo, where he will engage in business. As “Weaver has 1 eeh“tder.t»ed beyond a que-tion of a doubt, the Texas woman.will.soon commence suit for the killing of her husband. The Weaver faetion has given tip the fight, as it has been shoivn that Weaver is alive and was not in the accident. AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLQOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT FF gE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. ► yfeoMMAAirwiftotfSoi Horsford’s Bread Preparation THE BEST BAKING POW.BER IN THE WORLD! la made by Prof. Hnr.storl’s prooess.’trie pn’y p'occss tha' p-wiiicvs a tiki*' [Kjwder of any nutritive value, Ralttiat Bee Hives--An Old Citizen Dead-- Keligian and Politics. Homer, Ga.. Aug. 5.—One night last week thieves earned away two of U:.cle John Hill’s bee gum\; kill ed the bees and carried away the honey. This is the third time the old gentleman’* premises have been ■ aided upon rvit'iiu le.s than a ye-u. ’Josiah—ur/ay, 01.e of the olocst citizens in the county, died on the ist mst. He was much respected by alt who knew him. In the Ordinary’s court last Mon day, the will of Willoughby Bul ling’ deceased, a as probated in Sol emn form. The jury o m imsioners are a work revising the jury boxes this week. di religious revival is ir. progress at the Methodist church this week. Rev Eli Smith, the pastor, is in at tendance, and consioerable interest is being manifested. Uncle Tom Gr llin is on the '«a:- path ior the legislature. A TOTGIl VARS. But One Wlitch Will Do to Read Neverthe less. Birmingham, Ala., Aug6.—Five years ago there lived in Houston, Texas, a young German girl whose name has Saffrohe FI either. Sht was popular in htr sei. She v as endowed with intellect, and her vis itors were the rising young Ger mans ot the city. She was intro duced to a young man of pleasant address, who presented his card, hearing the name of Frince Tneo dore Ftl'eier, Germany. His allahle manners caught htr, and her young lit a: t was won .by him. He lav ish ed money and presents on her, and after leaving her promised to return and marry lief. Time passed and the family ot the yodhg lady moved to Cullman, Ala., where they now reside. The young lady has never Heard oi the prince since, and has addressed a communicat.on to tne Be. iin.police aufhorit'cs t > find h*m. She has many j are cats which ae at ins disposal. The “boss” book agent of the Soutli is Mr- ’A 7 . T. Hopkins of Eastern N^C., wiio is working Lr the publishing house of B. F. Jnoii- son & Co ot Richmond, Va. Mr Ilopkin’s profits are irequent.y footed up to over, $200 a week, aud is thoroughly under the impression that the books published by B. F. Johnson & Co, sell faster than any thing eli t on the face ot tne earth. The at’iiudc of Secretary Bayard in regard to the Cutting case is so untxpectedly firm that we suspect the mugwump papers have been in dulging in sonic stiff editorials. If the eastern pr ss is fqr war, thrti war it will be it Cutting is not re leased. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbit Powder n*ver varies. A marvel ot purit> •trengtb *nd wholusomene**. Mo.-o ‘economic 1 than the ordinary kind*, and cannot b# »ol: in co<o(>ctlt)on with the muliitude of low test rho i weight, alum or phosphate powdem. Sold only in runs. HOY AL UAKiNG l'OWDKK CO, >Yall st. N. Y. augsdA ylw It supp,i« ystem. nutritious stren^i j»l» isphttes require i by tH i f'l.ortcnu*^ tun invothfrp^vlj 11 is reuommemlftl l>y cini'ient physicians. It contains no cream tartar, alum, or any -uia’leration wiiatev<*r. Put up in bottles. Every bottle warrant 11. For sale by all de tiers. Cook Book Fre-*. Rumfo«1 Chemical Work*. PrwH»w*» B- E Stationery. The prettiest and cheapest line of wedding and note paper in the city. Stock fresh and new. Schools fur nished with stationery at lowest rates. All orders from the surround - ing country will receive prompt at tention. A large line of blank books, inks, pens, and pencils, pan be found at all times at our store, Red Front, Broad Street. CRANFORD & DAVIS, Book and Job Printers. THREEUglLLS j. N. SMITH & C0. MILLERS AND DEALERS IN Steam and later Ground Grain, Hav and Ferd. ALL FIRST-CLASS StoreteepmuDwteiip itforSalG TO PARENTS. Jbay bakliw pemdere are very pernicious to health, ana while every one regards hie own, he should also hare ft care toe tha tender ones—tha little children. ^w»i«iucr ^ ' \ SEA FOAM qualities of baking: — It containa .no ..SCIENTIFIC. Foam commend It. Housekeepers who have used it JnzS°^5!i? r ’fT. Coo ®» whose best efforts have foiled with other powders, are jubilant over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, saves For sale by aU ffrstciaas grxSp^iT OANTZ, JONES Ji CO., 1TG Ouane St.. N. IT $30 REWAFDf Mark H. cbvalh <ni ^Iwpirere toi“ ,,, In utau uu the lith hsjoi Ju‘F. ■ * „,.a wpereuvuito are .till unZiiojB. "<V“ Lriw<' to that be it drowoed lu ihe owl *e, a-d dralrona of ttie 'eceveryel I, reward of WO to any one L 1 .",‘u ’ lKre our hand, the remafeto oi a M Msrk «• that he flirt. trecHkaitt** Athens, Ga., An;., 5. l^ HUE! EIRE! FIRE Kjite- Tne tatu»v * gaUhrr for c.tiea gis* »» *>£ “ lovp by flre.^ Hial«in»ttr.nre. » ^ VafiisslasMus KirKissI ******* Send tor Ircalara aau lull pdi ticui-f* y.'&H&LAtru. Belto^. GIN SAW FILING MAO' 1 '?,, The TAYlOR (UK BA w FI IKK I. oe« , beat made. *nj body o.o ile olu ***! Requires do practice (to-s lu *u r * **. , E , , I... and ten times l«stenhMii>F“ ^ err vaehloo wsneatoil. **• *** J BHHUIs VSW. g J. N. mUTIIKRLANP. BeljgL. iron workings, do not Ml to ^il ' stgue , who has for «!«• aj* and Heilrr. and *** iaV nmchlmorj, both Wj prices that simply defy Iff** your wants .idpWlH *JE£*9 ** waut u» soil Knsiuc. holler or Mac*"" ' kind, descrioe ii sad address J H ain ,t y« l U>4W0, —.—£ S700to Jssrsoosjeii tie working for us. APjWP furnish their i ?! >