The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, November 02, 1886, Image 3

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SUPPLEMENT TO BANNER-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA., NOVEMBER 2 iSb6 GODf GIVE t'S JIBS. A time like this de- MED1CAL. “God, give us men' msnds Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and hands; Men whom the lust of lucre dees not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy. Men who possess opinions and a jvill; Men who have honor, men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking; Tall men, sun-crowned, who lire above the fog . In public duty and private thinking; For while the rabble, with their thumb- worn creeds. Their large i>rofessions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! freedom weeps. Wrong rules the laud and waiting justice sleeps.” Hr. J. G. Holland. Sun strain or nlA vtUAi that wtak hack sail nearly pmtrst« yen. ^tfALTON COUNTY -protracted Meeting-Death From Fever- Gone to the state Fair at Macon. Moshok, Oct 25.—[Special. The pro tracted luftiting at the Baptist Cliurcli# which hn^At’cn in progress for three closed, with a most won- ’Ihu im. implication of Christian faith, gomery, and resulted'in the ?W.Mpnt- of about twenty souls to Christ, T>>4, Montgomery is certainly an able divine: zealous in his work, untiring in his ef forts. He is truly a noble servant of God. Never in the history of Christianity has out little’town been under such a spiritual change. Even the most hardened sinners of the town yielded to the weeping and praying hearts of our Christian people. I)r. Montgomery has left for his home in Greensboro, Georgia, but his works live after him, and will be long felt in our midst. Ernest, the eldest son of Mr. Jo^n Malsby, after lingering several days with the fever, died last night, pur comnm- - ™TereIveTfain?nMn , TTSr i niss! — be resigned to the inevitable fate of their son, with the assurance that their loss is heaven’s gain. Messrs. John Adams and Warren Treadwell, two of Walton’s most sub- substancial farmers, left this morni ng to attend the State fair at Macon. Several of our citizens will attend. , The little negro who had his arm mashed oil* in the machinery at Carroll's # brick yard several days ago, whose re covery was so much doubted, is getting r bug finely, and the physicians say he will recover. the ° BEST70H1E ? Strengthen, the Miwcle% — Steadies the Serves, Enriches the Bloed. Give. New Vi«or. h*TOknown inmjaoj«tt»’pr»ctio0. I h*Tefo<inci» JE«£ SUSTuSTt Ml inmrovn iMuilj." Pllter* entirely nstered m. to hnnKh. BUOWN^EkJl'kLCO- BALTUIOllEtlUk HORSES & MULES! THE SECOND ANNUAL OF THE PARTIES In wr nt of Horses or Mule* f or cither Service, Display or Speed, Will Uni always at n>y Sale “tabic., (in TJoores Street. Athens, Geoigln, a lant" 5,”^ ■ ui>crior animal* to select fr'.m. My ftock i* c*rv f“!ly chosen from .he . n,to fw»of the mo« relUblc r.a eels br.te-1 breed.™ of Kentucky, »r d they re guaranteed as represented. I hove on ii-ud tee very flue rairi »s also both hoRfty and red- !e horses. Wl'lhsgUd toh-ive you call and sec aera atme atah'es. octSwGm. W S HOLMAN. SOSO FOB CAFALQGltetf. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tickets only $5. Shares In Propi DAN1ELSV1LLE NOT; S iiie Hews From Our Lively Neighbor. Daniklhville, Oct. 25.—[Special] Prechyterian church met here Saturday to decide as to the calling of a pastor for next year. This church hns been with out a preacher fora year. 11 male adult members we re present, and made up $2*0. 2<>,a guarantee of $300 for the pastor, and called J. 11. Convere, of Bristol, Tenn., for twoSabbahsin each month and Saturdays beofre. This shows an awakening of deep interest in the affairs of this denom ination, and the action is hailed with gladness l»y all. Some substantial church members have heretofore been won by other denominations, because no pastor was in charge of this church. Col. John J. Strickland took his bed last Tnesday and has beenquitd ill since. He is hut little, if any better now. Mr. It. 11. Kinnebrew, who leftDan- ielsville sometime ago for Texas, on bis 2nd trip to that State, has, after more than a year’s trial, returned to Georgia and will locate, we are informed, in Dan- ielsville again. Georgia is one of the grandest lands under the sun, and Madison one of best couties in Georgia. Texas can’t bold some of’em. Danielsville has not enough dwellings to supply the demand, and some good families will be lost to us next year for lack of houses to rent. Berry T. Mosley, who was admittt*d to the bar at Lexington court Tues* ay, is now regularly into the practice of law with his uncle here. Tom wi.l make a good one. WALTON COUNTY. Insurance Agent-Church Organized— 5l«:e colts jus st Tavern. Jvo Tavern, (let. 2ti.—[Spi-cial.] Mr. 1. I,. House was married to Miss Mollio Jones, nt tlu* residence of the hride s mother, Mrs. M. Jones, on Thursday, Oct 11. Col 1’. F. Hawkins, of Southern fame, spent several flays here soliciting insur ance policies, and seemed to he meeting with success from the list of names re corded. Several cases before the Mayor this week. One negro anil one white man got in the lockup, hringing into the treas ury of the town 12 dollars. The llaptist church, recently organ ized here, called ltev. E. S. darns, of Monroe, to its pastorate. He has accept ed, and will begin on his duties at once. (•’possum hunters report good luck in bagging these “poor man’s porkers.” Mule colts bring good prices here. Several have been sold at from $40 to it is no uncommon thing to see them around here, and it may be the means of keeping many dollars at home which heretofore have gone westward to buy them with. W. Files are frequently preceded by sense of weight in the back. loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he 1ms some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At, symptoms of indigestion ate present, flatulency, uneasiness of the Btomacn, etc. A moisture like pcrspiiu- tlon, producing a a very di-agreeiiblf itching, alter getting warm,as acommot. attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Files yield at once to the application cl Hr. Bosarko’s File ReinoOy, ubich net* dlreetly npon the parts affected, ahsorlr ing the Tuniorb, allaying the interne- inching and «fleeting a permanent cure. Price 60cent. Address The Dr. Hosoauko Medicine Co., Fiqna, O. Sold byR.S. Lyndon and Kus'i & Arnold. »*4ji M-East Georgia Fair Jbsoci Will be held on their elegant new grounds at PROF. GH&S. LUDWIG VOH SEWER Polts60» of MedDSm-ftihe Ho\al l'nivtr*lt> Kr.iKht of the Rr.y,il Ju Triat. Order oi th© Iron i’.ivn; Knig t C r.Hiumirrol ib»* Royal 'rdtrof Isabel. Knight of t e Royal PruwUu 'rderof the Red'lagTe: Chevalier of the Legion of Hoom, etc,, etc., ay*’ 'Liebig Co ’• C '>ca Beef Tonic should not bo c.mou lied wiib Uu hnnl* yf imO*;- cure-"ila. it is in sense of thg^wora a p«fcm - s jen*4 only pharmaceutical ptcVict, !>ut remedy ol ih© high commeuduLojm ,i hns re ceived in all parts of th* worlflAtt contains of Reel. Coca. Quinine,Iron jMK'ii!i3Sva which are dissolved in pure genuine Spanish Itu pvri&l Crown Sherry.*’ luv'iluAbi© to ail who are Run D »wn, Nervous Dyspeptic, Billious, Malarious or afflicted with weak kidneys Bawareof Imitation*. Her JLijiisty’s Favorite Cosmetic Glycerine Used by her Royal Hi*boc&s the Priaoea_ „ W*Urs snd the cooilily. For the Skin, Complex ion, KruoUoas, Champing, Roughness. 11.03. 05 drug. is 1 .*. LI* Hl<) CO.'S Genuine 8yrnp of Bartsparii'a is guaranteed as the best Sarsaparilla in the market. Louisiana State Lottery Co. ’ dirfiercby certify that we su- Vi arrangements for all the. drawing** of the />uisiaiingiate lottery companvj. aiul in a-ison m-thagt> and cotvrol the r Dra'i: f«gs theuigfcives, and that the same are nmductod with honestv, fairness and in ijHMi faith toward all partie?, and we au- Company to use this certlfi- ate, wnu ^ic. fi i m i! es ° our signatures at ached, »n"H^ Vfertieemenls# „ ECZEMA very Species of Itch- id Burning Diseases And Ever ingan Cured by C-utieura. E czema, or sa»t uh*cm, »i.h \\* rp>tiz ! >i iichl g and bur liutf, instantly warm i/aia witn t uti< ur.i Soap,» plicntion of Cufh ur?, khi* grc.uskin Curt- T his rci p«tr«3 , with tAoor threo d« sea AfCuti- cur* Kesolvt-ut, the Now 15loo l PuriLer, to koei the bljod cool, the pvrvpiral’Oi! pu e and uuirti tiling, the bo***.s m*» Uvtr k d kidneys atti .t>, will spec illy < urc K -zeraa. Tetter, Klni- worm. Psoriasis, lichen, Tiumus, S'v»l: Heud Oai.druff. and every nvcit* ot Itching. Scalj and * i tht- >*< ZEMX I crntefull* acknowl-di;© a cure < f Eczema, or Salt Uhei tu. on bead, liter, race, arms «Ld legs ' ‘ year-; uot ah!e to walk except on able to i . dr- d' of ri me - hope It sa; p».-r han-la a:t*l kue- ... ....... tnjsr lflorcijfbt'ear*; tried hu dies; doctors procout ctd u y ca mauently cured by th • Cutu u *. K*emedies. WILL M* DONALD. 2145 Dcaibun Mrett Chicago. Ill. ECZEMA. Some five months ago 1 ha i the pleasure to in form > ou of my improvement iu the use of the Cntlcura K medics in my r**e oi s :vere C ro ic Eca-ma 1-rytnemaloe*n1 to-day cheer.'u v your renieaiea, h»'?ir>B *r©Jno others. FKRNAN E BNCP A It ?» >. 3-.-06 Feu;*h Avenue, St Liui'.Mo. >■- f * « ECZEMA. I have suffered troni e»lt Rht u u for over eight jeara, at time* s > Lad ihat I could » ot atteuu to my hutiue«9 for weeks -t a tim 0 - Tan* boxes of ( ut cura ami four bottles iicsolvint have en- tirel> cured ot this dreadf’d dis* ase. MR. J UN rillEL, Wi-tcsoarre, Pa. d bv *he - u, Mass. ATHENS, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday November, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th,& lOflflJ A Full and Comprehensive Premium List lias bee nissued, All leritorlous Articles will be Awarded Premiums. No Fc^foVSfitlifia- fTXZt li^ACIN G EACH DAY— " DSOME PURSES OFFERED. Abundant space for display mi8Sioners We the ndersi^ned banks jd bankers .vill pay all Prizes drawn in the Louis- State Lotteries which may be presented at our counters. JUDSLEJBV. Pros. Louisian** National Bank J »V K1LUKETII, Pies. Ntato National Dank J BALD WIN,Pres. New Orleans National Bank Incorporated in 1868 lor 25 rears by th© Legist a are for Educational and Charitable p'urpo&es- tritha capita! of $1.000,000—to which a leoerv- fund ot over fciLO.fjo naa since beon added, by an ovenvLoluiing popular vote its tranchhx made i part of the present State Constitutior •nptetl l>ecember 2d A. D., «S79. f.’ie Only rettery ever Voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. Jt never xcaU* or poetpones. lie Craail single Number Drawings I .the place monthly nnd the Extmsrdi nary Drawings rrgnlarly Kvc-y three ■livatbB iaalend of semi-annually ns kcrrlofare. A S^LLNDID OFPORTONITY TO WIN A FOtTUNE TENTH tiRAND DUAWINO, « LASS K. IN TH i: ACADEil Y OF M JJoIC, NEW ORLEANS TUESDAY OCl'OBEit 12, 18SB- ID.'th Monthly Drawing CAPI l'AL PRIZE $75,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH Fractions In Fltfsh In Propotion* LIST OF PRIZES. t I CAPITAL PRIZE OF $7o,000 ... |7J,0<X and grounds wcl 1 jiolicad. of b'njrics Frc do PRIZES OF 160 0 ... do MOO do 1000 500-. ‘.'Oo- 10,000 12,000 I 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 ] 30,000 I The management make an earnest appeal to the people of NORTH-EAST GEORGIA To encourage a worthy enterprise by their presence, and by making entries far pre miums, For further particulars address, W. D. GrRIFFETH, Secretary, Athens, Ga. 100 M do 50 __ „ 1000 do 25 ..rere,. .... 2o,’66o APROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 1 proxixnatioo Prixea of «75«J..... C.6.75C 0 do do 500... 4J500 9 do do S50 .. 2,..Vi 1%7 Prize*, smomiUng to 265,r>00 A, plication for rates to clubs should be made only to the office ol th* compsay in New Orleans. For further information write c.learlv giving, lull adores. PO>TAL NOTE - *, express, monc- New York exchange in ordinary letter “ v (at our expense) address. M A DAUPHIN New Orleans, La. or H A Dauphin Washington, D C. Potter Dru< and • hemica’ (Jo., Bo se»d for ** How to Cu e Skin D scases. 1 D17 A f 1TJFY the Comilesioa and 8km by DLaU using the Cut»cur* ap. 5 I CAN’T BREATHE. I Cbe«t Pihi, NumbaPrs. Soroucav, HackingCotvb, As.hma,» It U'Isvaud li.tRmni'Ol »>trt iie\©d in oi*»* minute ) _ >r the Cnticu a Anti-Pal i P *ster. ^Nothing Jikii l*. t <lru*<i*t*, 2:c. • P Urr Drug and Chetn'e .! Co , NEW OH LEANS NATIONAL BANK, KewOklxan?, L*. SMITHS /^URE BUIovsimkc: Heednche Ir.Fonrhours iG) 0m dost rcdivei i* n.tfkjJa. They car* and prevent Chibs > four Gicmach s Bad Brea*:- r.’ear tho, fc; athe Nerves, and oiv^ Uf* #*• VfJO' * A f^ Sj5te*a. Ihne: ON K "BliAff. Try the*-. t..-j ^nd you sHi never be withea* them. Price.2S r .i ' Said hi Druggists and Medicine Ooaiers gv-.c* .i’y. Sent oa receipt c» price la duihiis, pomp* H, to any address, J.F.SUTtTtf A CO., *9!?2f2Ctird p 3 ani Sr.»o Frcos., ST. LOUIS. Mft S7<?0toS2500& t-xix’rstf. con be made working for us. /»o*uta preferred who can f undAh (VAr own horses w/1 give their wboie Dnw to the bnainesa. Siarv mcments may be pnmtabiy employed «!«*». Afcvr vacancies In towns and ciiU a. B. F 1OHNSUN A COu IfflS Jfr*~ “L lUchmoad. Va. DICKEY’S m GIGKEY & &NQERSQN, „ Use Seven Springs Mass.] tJRISfOL, ILfi IIATIIDCIf A REUABIF RFMELY CONSTIPATIOH, ttSSST Tarr&nVa Effcre scent FELTSBR APERIENT. It is c- rtain in Its effects It la gentle mit* ar-tioo 11 -• palatable to the taste, e, I an be relief upon to curg, and it cur*-* by assist!, g not by outraging, nature. Lo not tike violent purge* tlvc* Tourselve*. or allow , mm , . your children to take lb em, Sick-Headach8 I a iT7S , .^u a 5ci t ^p« 1 r e ATo n n t which haa tor more than _ • ___ _ forty rear* n public favorite I||PEPSJt5si T an, ‘™'* ewr TO ADVERTISEHSr FREE. T<> those who wnat their advertising to pa we can offer notieCter medium for thorough and ef fective work than the varion* sections of Uat Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL -A.r oct21-d&wlm GEO. P. ROWELL A CO . wspiner Advertising Bureau, 10 8pruce street, Ndw York Tea* and Coffjos. A host of useful articles to 'elect from as premiums. 8e> for Illustrated Price and Premium List. Spoc *. •JtTev; to every tenth person that answer* tins a., niae- *neut, we will send free one pound o» —lolc Tes. Address, NAT’L. TEA & COFFEE CO-, Boston, Mass. oct2SdAw3m. I IT ANTKD^-A live energetic man, to represent W us. $75 per moDlh, and expenses. Goo^s star-le; everv one bu vs: outfit and narUculars free ST A I* HARD SILVKRWABE CO., Boat n. oct23dAw3m. ★ -X A FRIEND IN NEED no RWPFT f B - r INFALLIBLE LINIMENT- P ' pirea from the receipt of Dr. Stephen Sweet of CeanecUcut, the great natural Bone. Setter, rias been used for more than 50 veara, and Is lha best known remedy for Rheumatism Neuralgia. Braises, Cats, Burns. Wounds, sndau Injuries Unsold by all Dranflsti-. ia’tt'ttwljr Don’t Buy Trash Thrown together and calle-o Tinware, but g** 4 MADDREY & JONES’ BRASS STAMP TINWARE. Every piece warranted. Bfk your merchan for Maddroy A Jure*' Tinware, and take u their. dlt w6m Not only shortens the time of labor and lesseus tbo t aln. tint it greatly diminishes the danger to lifeof l oth Mother a d child and le i ves the n other in a condition more favornblo to speedr recovery, a •'dies* lit- bl-i to flo dmg, convulsion ■, nnd other nlarmin? symptoms. Its efficacy ; n this respect entitle^ It to be callled Thc Mcxn- r. s FniBND, and to rank as one of the life Having remedies of the nineteenth century. We «-annot publish certificates concern ing this remedy without wouudlrg the deltaacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds on file Send for our book “To M teen, mailed free Brad field Regulator Oo.. Atlanta Ga. msy concern, AU persons interested sre hereby notified that, if ao good and legal cause be shown to the o-ntrary I will trrant an order on the first day of Novexxber ncxLcstiblishlng* usw teeond class public road In said county, marked out by Rond Commissioners appointed or that pnrpose, corntm nclng near the residence af R. C, Greer on the road leading frem Athens *o Lexington and running w here the settlement road now runs in >* aouthern dire'Hon. and il rough fho land# of B. C. Greer, V. K Maynr, B . McGtnty. J, H. J. Smith. P. L Davis, W. Dcao. J. H. Carlton, T C. Glenn, J. L. Hanson, ■ A. B. Davis, and intersecting th» road lead- from Athena to Big Creek Church, where the emenfc road intersects said Athens and Big k road. Given under my hand at office this Feptembcr.l8?6. AS1M. JACKSON. Ordinary cpt2Swa0d. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Childs, Nickerson & Co. E, iron, Steel, Nails, Gins, Pistols, Cutlery, Mill Findings, Agricultural Implements, Circular Saws, Barbed Wire Fencing, Show cases,-etc. Sole Agents For FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, Watt'f Plows, Dexter Corn Sheller and Feed Cutters, Champion Reapers and Mowers, Lippincott Axes. Collett Light Draft Nlagolia Gin, feeders and Dupont’s Sporting and. Blasting Powders. Iron Front Store, cor. Broad and Thomas sts. Athens. THE0. MARKWALTER’S STEAM M ARBLE&GR ANITE WORKS BROAD STREET, Near tower Market, AUGUSTA, GA. MARBLE WORK, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED, AT LOW PRICES Georgia A South Carolina Granite Monument* made a Specialty. A large selection or Kaible >n4 Orutlo Work alway, on kind, ready for Irttarin, and deltrery Parties desiring monuments or work apply to Andrew Ross at the Athens cemetery. HAMPTON & WEBB, UAH0FACTUBER8 OF ALL KINDS OF CANDY HADE OUT OF POEtS SUGAR STICK CANDY A SPECIALTY. C0C0ANUT, PEANUT, BARS, TAFFY Prices guaranteed as low at any other market. Send Tor Samples. ir!2-dAwly HiHPTON A WEBB, Lumpklo Street, Alton*, Qa,