Newspaper Page Text
Taken as a whole, trade was not'
Much interest is being manifested
The term “bloody shirt” has been
injected into British politics by Wil- ( „ „ waJ( nm „
liam O’Brien, who used it against the unusually quiet throughout thecountry just now in the origin of the exproa-
Governinent s cry of crime in Ireland j Mt wot .k Xt was fully equal to the 1 sion “ “a dark horse.”
as a justification for coercion. usual midsummer average. The fail-1 An eminent authority saya that “the
! ures in this country an.i Canada ag-
j term is liorrowed :rom the language of
A special from Sew York to the
Charleston Xews, referring to the
placing of the new Georgia bonds,
Ip lecCdrHtetf Attraction !
i4 Governor Gordon says that lie re-
rURKIt 1»Y THE Clim'UltA liEMKOY.
I am going to toll you of the extraordinary
Over a diilmn Diitrlbntrd
,, , » w..ii„..„ i.. „ gregated 213, ail increase of 1.1 over ' the turf. There is a custom among ccived sealed hid* for this loan aggre-1 change your Ccxn ixi iu.mkiuk* iiei-iinucil
Genent ... • lin fotnl «>f tlm .K« 1_ I «■■>•:■>>* mnn <\f iralltllWT a llANA Itl >A» f notion nanslo H -rl.o «o,oo... n >r. About the 1st <il pril last I nutkssl -is
campaign life of Goneral Harrison, the total of the preceding week.
The life of Ben Harrison, by the au-! Cotton prices advanced J of a cent
thor of “Ben Hur” ought to'be worth ; “ “ r ' « ,,U “ f speculative manipulation
. witi tin? reduct’on of unavailable
reading. | stocks, and the
racing men of training a horse in su-1 gating nearly five times the amount JJJj pimpk-i Uke'rumus^it^n *
.nv... 6 «.v„ »s - •"•-7 - 7 - , «vs V - 7— reu piinpics like ioiiiiuk out all over my body, j ,coib<t»i«1 i.ihf h!Ul*.iuicinii«norwm
cret, or ‘keeping him dark, in iuio- | of bonds to Im*. issued, and the varia- butihuught nothing of it until some time later c * Ull<1J *„a m, i:<«bu , «u»
matic English, so that his powers may ' tion between the bids was very small.' I wL'h. ', '"mv-i Tv.
he unknown to the betting world until thus proving the widespread excel- W J , “ ’ It. Crard Single Humber OnwJWtt*
Louisiana State Lottery Co.
p.mlvd I y the I u MIC 111 IMS for Edu-
gcueral market is
■ — ■—- — ! strong for deliveries this side of Seji-
Tlie “Quick and the Dead” is a new teinbcr, but the later futures are
drink that has lieen introduced into , weighted by the continued favorable
she Capitol at Washington for the j promise of the now crop, and barely
ihlo'tation of versatile senators and maintain their previous level of value,
representatives. It is composed of The wool trade continues dull, and
brandy and aplloinaris.
There are possibilities of a Chinese
version of “Hamlet.” The President
of the Imperial Academy of l’ekin
has undertaken an imperial command
to translate Shakespeare’s works into
Wasn't it in July that our esteemed
friend General Greely, of the U. S.
signal service, promised that we should
have the litres- hottest days of the
rear The country will he more at
its ease when these three days shall
have lieen numbers'll with the past.
Chisago Methodists propose to or-
'."iliim* a crusade against saloons “so
•.son as the summer N over.” 1 hiring
'III- hsatill term, it is uiislerstiHid, the
liuinsi'lli'r ami Beelzebub w ill hi* per-
OSIlls'll lo gi t in their line work as
usual without interference.
St. Louis is fust hemming a formiil-
sMe rival to Chicago in the matter of
•elisatioiis. Her latest is the elope
ment of Henry W. Moors-, managing
• .litor of the western niljiuis-t of l'u-
.itzer’s World, the Vost-])ispntch, with
vlrs. Norton, wife of the well known the-
I ris al manager of that city. Moors'is a
oiairil'd man. w ith ayoiingson. Mrs
.Norton, his senior by many years
■s avrs lisdiini! ber a large family.
The Fourth of sluly illumination,
I the mi in in 11 of Mount Hood, in
11 legs in, was seen for lilt) miles and
i in* flame lnirui*il for ”1 minutes. As
the iiseeiiiliiig party suffered terribly
i loin cold and were caught in a heavy
-now storm, H is tube sincerely hoped
i hat their patriotic ardor may sustain
i hem iii the ronvietion that a 2^ min-
*iIs* illumination is ail ample reward
. -r a toilsome 24-liour journey .sky-
the movement of new clips to sea-
lioard centres is still very backward
in comparison with that of former
years, owing to the absence of a suffi
cient margin for expenses and profit
between Western and Eastern prices.
Cotton goods arc moving fairly on ac-
tlie very day of the race. Hens-e, | ] ( .
jockeys frequently say that tlie ‘dark
horse’ ’ 'ill win tlie race. The open
ing chapters of George Lawrence's
“Wiganne” turn on this practice.
From jockeydom to the world of
politics is not far to go, and the Ma
con Times travels the distance at an
entrancing gait, by giving the follow
ing us a more specific origin of the
term. Says the Times:
Once upon a time there lived in
Tennessee an old chap named Sain
Flynn, who traded in horses and gen-
count of orders, hut the new demand j erally contrived to own a sjieedy nag
is light. Prices of most Eastern
makes are sternly, hut some weakness
is noted in certain Southern produc
tions, the stocks of which have ri'cent
ly accumulated in the hands oi sell
ing agents.
The grain markets have I sen
strengthened by speculation, which
has been eni'oiiraged by reports of a
deficiency in the yield of the French
wheat crop, wet weather in the United
Kingdom, light arrivals at domestic
grain centres ami further decrease in
the L'nitesl States visible supply.
Compared with prices current a week
ago the markets show advances of - to
-i cents per bushel for wheat, anil of
1A to 1} cents jser bushel for corn.
1 he covering of “shorts” by English
operators has helped to advance prices.
The expectation of large arrivals off
the I'oast of Great Britain had in
duced cor.siilerablc short selling* by
English firms in American markets;
these cargoes having Wen received
anil shippi'd to continental |sorts, the
foreign contracts in this country were
left unprotected, ami a number of
them have Iseeii brought ill this ws-ek.
to the aslvantage of the home market.
Current business for export has con
tinued dull, and the sales of new
wheat for August clearance from At
lantis* ports have thus fur Wen much
smaller than they were at the corre-
spoiiiling perioil last year. Export
dcmuiiil for corn, however, has contin
ues! fairly active. There has been an
improved demand for provision, anil
this, in connection with smaller pas-k
ing operations in Western centres,
has slightly stiffened values; hut the
changes fur the week were unimpor
of <
H I 'ssosi i • a ism. men Ills III At til* JHIitra, IT 111 g i •si VII *• * —D ——
i? also fonmtl incauwhile. were wrulciuil «>H again. la 1 pUca nonlfcly, ara tbe Ciual Quarterly
liit*li tli« yam tibl i consult all ho doctors latl.e rot.niry. »2>r*wiut« rttularly every three montna
11 IO II IIIV nit u,| ii.nt -id liter sdvh... iu> -.11 l.s.m.s ..f s .. I * aw*- » _. «
>rgia h
savs that tin* next Imi
State lias neeasion to - - „
tainly not need to hear over 4 ;
cent interest, and that at that rate i '"imeiltoie reUet. .1 Isiraii to
— --ithout ai«l. Alter gUinj: up all hopes of re
issue will cer-. e<» v »*ry. 1 ImpiMneU to see an advertisement in
% -tie 2 ;.*f»i&ei wi.d*.twb Uif.
. ... ... ,i _ r«i i 1 tire that the sealy eruptions gradually dropped!
they Will readily sell at par. 11)6 ■ off ami disappe-aied Olio Ity oue. ami itave m*eu |
|,v t|i n Mnrii-tl lif 4 . Tiwne. tullyeuri'd. 1 had the disease thirteeu moiitls t
purcll.iso tlie uMutiui l-ilo llisiir-j ^.re nM . RailUk in K UieCi rit iu.vU*HdKi»iKs. '
auce Company is au exeellent eiulorso- ! and in four or live weeks was euureiy cumi.
inent of the State’s eredit, and priw- | nieinfed
• V.. c
iTr/sC. Jg300,000.
rei > .er.ify that
«d a great many
tically anilities the venomous attacks . '“Jnity. and 1 km
,. /. . . * , I taken them, ;ui<l *
which have persistently been made on i them, especially ...
(ie^rtri. lmnds bv llenrv (Miovs anil ' s^aly eruptions on their heads and (todies. I
uecrgia itonas n\ mnr) i^ieus ana ( Calillllt t . x '. ire ss in words the tiunks t.. >..u for
Ins associates, who are sick and spite- what the Cn irnu KkmediesIiuv *«k‘ahtooie.
_ - fltl‘. At i* lyylv Ilf <i -j ....I ur.ol with iti-.liM I ....
ful hccausc they own the bulk ot a
A tariff kcIiciiic is on foot iu Great
ib Main which is decidedly interesting,
li has for its object the c.-lnhlisltmcnt
I free trade between all the colonies
l i lie ■■imperial federation'’and the
i.lori'ement of a rigid and high pro-
'■•••tive pifliev against all other coun-
:ri' s. Whether it will ever he carried
■ail or not, there's no knowing; hut a
inlT union Is tween England,Canada,
'iidia, Australia, and the other ]xir-
- ions of the vast empire, would lie a
ai.jiity organization.
Morton, Bliss Or., the firm whose
bead is tho Uepiihliran nominee for
. if-president, lias a suit against the
•lute of North Carolina. The
■ m.unit eluimed is $9,(MMl,IHHI, which
- asked to make good piirehascs of
•■•vis lioiids that were issued by the
n pet bag government of North Car
ina, The payment of the Morton
. I.iiai would make the State liable for
■ oait S115,(KK),(KM) more on the same
i«»iie of Wmls. It is thought that
.dr. Morton will help his ticket in the
. i.l North S'at ■.
’.Sevivalist Sam Jones has evidently
!.u .l ined tlie church militant for the
. nr. h pugilistic. He is just now
i. ring up Minneapolis, and will not
I w the unregenerate to talk on the
.!; seats. If they did, he declared
ii.■ tiler night, there would W war
■ and he would kuoek patches
i -kin off them the size of his hand,
ie i.misted that lie meant vvliat he
• I. and if they didn’t have enough
\ could meet him outside.
. limes are again causing wide-
>.l destruction to property in the
The most terrible feature of
- isitants is that they cannot W
.1, and that science knows com
ely nothing of their origin,
tier or not the planting of trees
i pO’duce conditions less favorn-
■ i hem is a matter of conjecture;
is notable that—in tlie West at
■ I not in the South—they are less
i . ot where forest ohst ruet ions
a rjtosed.
«" important religious Cnnven
• re at present Isiiug held ill
* 11,i,I—the l’an-l’rest.y terian Coun-
I the l'an-Aiiglieaii Conference.
«o great gatherings, represent.
• ii iv phase of l’reshyteriaiiisin
l-'.piscopaliaiiism, whether it re-
■■ I he authority of the State or
•i from all secular control, are
n to [exert an influence
Iii*|5 plans for wider spiritual
i a. ial work.
' lal uiimhvr of jietitloiis tiled
lie French Bivorce Law from
•• lNStiexe Is •_•(),(MX). Of the
- nil.. INSt; asked for divorce
• I iin|ili-. twenty-four had la*en
■ ty years. The largest num-
ii igrccing couples had Wen
• I t r.on five to ten years. One
■i .mil nine couples wanted to
... I before the Isineymooii had
l.iojdi eases violence was
.••on of the application.
The price of sugar is going up daily-
in obedience to the orders of the man
agers of the great Northern Sugar.
Trust; and the iude|iciideiit refiners
like shrewd business men are kceje
ing step with the advance.
It used to W considered a paying
margin for the production of refined
sugars when the difference Wtween
the cost of ‘.M>“ test centrifugal and
the market price of granulated sugar
amounted to § of a cent per |>ound.
The difference lietwcen the quotations
today is 1 j cents per pound. How much
money the refiners made on the old
basis of caleiilatinn was one of the se
crets of the trade, hat it needs no tech
nical knowledge to determine that, if
they hail a satisfactory margin at § of
a cent per pound aliove the cost of
centrifugal, they are coming extor
tionate profits under existing condi
The only way in which the con
sumer can meet this extortion is to
economise in the use of sugar.
Sweetening is a simple matter of taste,
and those persons who cannot get cake
should cultivate a liking for bread.
Fight fire with fire that the conflagra
tion may the sooner lie over.
A remedy will eventually lie found
to prevent this eternal gouging and
skinning of the American people by
greedy tradesmen and avaricious man
ufacturers whoso only thought is to
pile up dollars, and who regard the
great mass of consumers simply as a
goose to be picked. The profits of
legitimate business should he secured
by all possible safeguards; but public
robbery, such as that in which the
Sugar Trust has been enabled by com
bination to indulge, should he pre
vented, even though in the process of
extirpation a few fortunes wrung by
inoiio|Hily from tlie musses might he
swept away.
or two, which he used for racing pur-
]mses, whenever he could pick up a
‘soft match’ during his travels. The
best of his flyers was a coal-black
stallion named Dusky Pete, who was
almost a thoroughbred, and able to go
in the best of company. Flynn was
accustomed to saddle Pete when ap
proaching a town and ride him into it
to give impression that the animal
was merely ‘a likely hogs,’ and not a
flyer. < hie day lie came to a town
where a country race-meeting was be
ing held, and he entered Pete among
the contestants. The people of the
town; not knowing anything of his
antecedents, and, nut. being over im
pressed by his appearance, hacked two
or three local favorites heavily against
him. • Flynn moved quietly among
the crowd, and took all the be Is offered
against his nag. Just as the‘flyers’
were lieiug saddled for the race old
Judge McMiiiainee, who was the turf
oracle of that part of the State, ar
rived on the course and was made one
of the judges. As he took his place
in the stand he was told how the Is't-
ting ran, and of the folly of the owner
of the strange entry in harking his
‘plug’ so heavily. Kunning his eye
over the track, the Judge instantly
recognised Pete, and he said : ‘Gentle
men, there’s a dark horse in this race
that will make some of you smell h—
liefore supper.’ The Judge was right.
Pete, the ‘dark horse,’ lay bark until
the three-quarter pole was reached,
when lie went to the front with a rush
and won the purse and Flynn’s bets
with the greatest ease.”
The philological New York Sun,
however, gives the authorship of the
expression to Disraeli, who in one of
his novels says:
“The favorite was nowhere, the tell
to ones Were out of sight and the dark
horse swept under the string to victo-
r y-”
\ou are now at lilierty to believe in
one, all, or none of these alleged
origins of tlie expression.
spurious issue, which the State has re
pudiated. Pending this sale, while
the advertisement requesting bids
lilts been appearing in the Georgia
papers, an advertisement, presumably
inserted by the Clew's party, has been
running in several of the New York
papers, offering Georgia 7 p-r cent
bonds at 70 cents ou the dollar. In the
face of this sarcastic effort to impair
Georgia's credit, she has sold her new
4 j per cent bonds at a handsome pre
mium, while the Clew’s variety, al
though offered at 110 percent discount,
have not yet gone off like hot cakes.
Henry Clews may learn after awhile
that the honor of Georgia is far aliove.
the reach of his attacks and that her
credit is too thoroughly established
to In- affected even in New Vork.
where Mr. Clews is continuous in his
efforts to besmirch it. "
nice anil clear as a lialiy':
Terrill, UU.
Sept .21 is;;.
Kell. ; a trace nlial-mcrer of
seaie from whicli 1 suffvrcil lias shewn i
lice my cure.
et -I justice In the esteem In whivli
tlie fir,-at skin Cure, nisi CVTII I ns
iipiisite kin Ki-autltlcr. preparislfrimi
for at! II
Drawing of the
The Spring «»*«• ln Tokio.
Tlie spring races have occupied tlie at-
tention of the capital's upper an.l lower
circles for the past three .lav*. am *
Kportsand fttfhioa ruoJel* paraded
the lawn before the grain! *tand as they
might at any race course m western
countries. Tool tickets made and lost (
dollars for the investor*, ami jockeys -
were accused of all tho tricks they can ,
ever play. Ilorse racing was a favorite j
sport of the daimios in ancient days, and
the modern Ja|Minei« takes most readily
to the foreign methods of starling, tim
ing. handicapping and pool telling. Tho |
Uyeno race course is. one <>f tho most
beautiful tracks in the way of its land-
scai»e setting, the course describing a
great oval in ft hollow between two hilly
ridges, and tlie uiiiidle mku*c being occu
pied by a lotus ]xuk1. The young leaves
ROYAL (Absolutely Pan)..
GRANT’S (Alum Powder)*. I
RUM FORD’S, when Ml.. MS———
; ol • •» *»v Drawing oixne pieu tiy a iuius. ».*\.*
iimUtiMV Statu lottery company, and iu | arc just thrusting up t heir l.nit riiaUow
er-on manage and control thi Draw- blue green saueerj. but in August tlie
in s Up Deelves, and that the same aie j jioial shows acres and acres of enormous
i .n.ililcwd ivlih honeetv, tairuess anil iu i—•)■■■ uln*- nr white blos-
Icoi-ti laith inward all parties, aud »e »u-
■ In .rise tlie Company to use this certitl-
.'.Ue, w it Ii J„«. Similes ot our signatures
mtsi-lli'i. in its nilvertiseni. Ills.”
v //•
\V«* th** mu!**;sigiiefl banks bankers
* i,i », i ri »*’* drawn in the bnii‘i*
ti.H ? :?• • rie> wbitrli IMMV be |• «*•'
a? our 0*01 intern,
K A. \? ALMrfl.Kl, hTs. JjiuuMnna N»L I3.
lEitRa LaNAL x, l*n% Mnie \»ttonal l«uik.
.. IflitVfX.lTe .D‘ \V Hr .*»*•« NnIIim.nI !'•:»«J.
;akL KOItM, Ptv*. Oi.1oa NaMonul
(ri'iuul Monthly luawing
leaves, starred with pink or wlkte blos
soms. A few weeks ago the cherry
trees lining the truck were masses
of pink (doom, and if the races could
have been held then it would have lieen
a most a.**; hotIc festival. Uy the enthu
siasm manifested by s«*nic of the ticket
holders, ii is passable tint neither stately
lohis nor tho fairy like cheiw blossoms
could draw inucJi attention while the
scrubby little China and Ilokkr.ido ponies
were (lying round the courM* with dimin
utive J;fj>aneae jockeys clinging to their
A feature of one day’s entertainment
was the riding of six Jujuiuesc lathi's,
and natives an«f foreigrnrs w« n* r«|ually
interested iu the s|HH*:ac!e. T«#ki*» is not
belli ml other modern cities ia a rage for
rifling scl«ool*. and in atliiilitHi to the
liutnU-r *•[ army « leers and i:d :» who
ii the fciraigu s.yle diroad. every
d or v.*c11-U»-«:m eiiineti
HANFORD’S, wlwa fresh...
CHARM CAlam Powder)*...
AMAZON (Ahxm Powder) *.
PIONEER (SsnPrsndsco)...
SNOW FLAKE (GrolTs) ...
PEARL (Andrtws A Co.)
MUvMkM, (CcatalM Alma.)
BULK (Powder sold loose)....
BUMFOBD’S, when not fresh
ik.* It Weak
is Soreness. WVaknc.'
gli. Asthma. Pleurisy ami
I relieve,! ill one mililile
Anti-rain Plaster. Nothing
Capital Prize, $300,000.
• hi elt.
.1 the
fludge Thurman will make a cam
paign speech in Brooklyn next Sej>-
A genius in New Vork City sug
gests tliat a high license fee should be
imposed u|kjii parrots. This is un
doubtedly a deep laid scheme to stop
the chatter and gabble of politicians
on the stump.
It would he easy to heat the Sugar
Trust if every man, woman and child
iu the country could be induced to
dispense with sugar for a month.
They might be in better health for
it, too.
Above the signature of “Citizen/*
a correspondent has addressed a very
pertinent card the Ban xki:-\Vat«*ii-
ma x*, one whicli can scarcely fail to
aroiist* great interest.
•‘Citizen*’ wants t«» know something
about the religious ami moral alums-
pheie of the convict camps in Geor
gia—whether the unfortunates there
are adequately supplied with hihles,
and whether any other religious in
fluence, permanent not merely ocea-
sional, is brought to bear upon them.
While we regret our inability to re
ply to our correspondent iu detail,
giving all necessary facts, there are
reasons for believing that some little
religious influence is brought to hear
upon the inmates of the convict camps,
though we are unable to say whether
this intlueiiee is eonstaut or merely
occasional. We, however, sincerely
trust the former to he the ease. The
hi hie, accompanied by the unremitting
efforts for good on the part of Chris
tian men and women. Ills succeeded
again and again in bring convicts to
see the error of their dark ways, and
in leading them to retrieve that place
in society which their sin has lost to
Some of our readers may Ik* able to
give “Citizen’*—who, by the way, is
one of the nmst zealous Christian gen
tlemen in Athens—the information he
seeks. He asks the question with no
desire to stir up mischief, but only
from the purest and most honorable
of motives. We shall he glad to pub
lish something that may throw ligh
upon the subject, ami the help of mi
friends to this end will he highly ap
preciated by a large number of good
people, who, like “Citizen,” have at
heart only the real interest of unfortu
nate humanity.
l Pi r/.K OK
1 A I'Cll V S A i»V hlJTJKKM KXTS.
I Hi iZn
i 1*1:17.
J |»| i
f HiUXk*
P zr.s
i 1 R Z •
iv. k's Patent Improve i ‘ ushioiicU hnr l>n»m
i iaa KcriA ui^Toiti-: thk: iik:.\icin<
wlietlier Ueafnes** Is c r«'«l byei.UK fevers «.r n
]urie** to Hie natural ilrunis. Aiwa- * in|»o»iii«.i
Lilt inv isil.le io others and coniL.rUl.le to wen
• lisle, conversation, even wIiIh|mts ♦ card «li
tinetlv e refer to those nsnm U
to K. 1IISCOX. S4 ) IlioadWiiy. cor.
Al l* v X M riov |*p 17. s
I Park, ai.d a ! uttthcr of J.r
beb'iig to tie clasvso*. 'll
fonigti riiitig dresrs. an*!
the Amazonian l:;d*i
tailor would groan
tlierr fguroe. that me
waist. Imvo no Iii;?* i.r.d
ijsg slamlder?. 7be > i\
Ixittr.ced in llu.* sad.;! •: r. ;
race course tbf <uhei* ::;u
in i..e •. and th.*
unique. The Isttos. ur i
tlnir bands ti^etln r
Amazons stcn. ed wUl
vitli tlie o lieial live
tijrllmi w v K k.v»kl. alim life I Mrs. i li-vt-
land. i.\i|tilsiti' !Ue«l iMirtraits Votrr‘» <’art
riit^i* H-'\, Kri'i* Traill* 1'uliry. . rumpl'-li-
oaaia-'iiLiatwur- njK.r liniiieiisi- xim* » Ku
Iwsl w ik. liesl ti-rin-i. amily i|iilrkauil
S '4J til ^ I Ml j|
■mtli Outfit a
items it • iiia
Mr. Clevclaml i.u the choice of the
ladies of the country—no it is now
announced—and Mrs. Cleveland has
ever been the choice of the men.
Honors are therefore easy, and the
matter is definitely settled.
The x>roscription of ex-Congressman
s til
Brady was the condition on which
Malmne anil Biddleberger have settled
their quarrel. There is thus a tem-
porary truce iu one of the Uepuldican
factions that annoy the g<«)d people of
Virginia with their disputes.
The 1 ndiaua vote is now a factor in
the Presidential outlook. A retro-
sjiect of that State’s |iolitical proclivi
ties may not be uninteresting.
Indiana went Democratic in ’84,
Republican in ’80 and Democratic
in ’7(5.
In 1884 Cleveland and Hendricks
carried the State by a plurality of
15,527. The vote was:—Cleveland and
Hendricks, 244,990; Blaine and Lo
gan, 288,4(53; 8,293 for the Greenback
and 3,028 for the prohibition candi
In 1880 Garfield and Arthur’s plu
rality vote was (5,(542—the Republican
vote lieiug 232,164, the Democratic
225,532 and tho Greenback 12,986.
The plurality of Tilden and Hen
dricks in 1876 was 5,515, they polling
212,52(5 votes, and llayes and Wheeler
The latest State election was that
of 1886. when a Lieutenant Governor
and other State officers were chosen.
Indiana then went Republican hy a
plurality of 3,333. The vote was as
follows:—Republican, 333,916; Dem
ocratic, 339,563: prohibition, 8.839;
greenback, 3,01(5.
Tliis year Indiana will go Demo-
rat ic. Mark that!
Political manipulators in Indiana
are being must carefully watched.
Badly as some of the people of the
old lfoosier State may need money,
they ,say that none of Morton’s
forty thousands have charms for
For the past week our exchanges
have keen teeming with Fourth of
J uly casualties. ’Tis a pity that the
average celehra’iit of the nation’s birth
day is unable to draw tlie line be
tween decent patriotism and indecent
General Ben Harrison is likely to
enjoy a ^monopoly of the cold-water
and prohibition sentiment for the Re
publican ticket. Candidate Morton,
it appears from his reception of the
committee which notified him of Ins
good fortune, is not built that way.
-I. .In
from Candidate Morton’s
, luce reply In the committee
■ i ■rim'd him nf his iiotiiiua-
i* i- nut likely tu personally nut
I x figure in the cnii)|Kiign.
"•ilher of the ixiudidutcs has
l" strike the desired keynote
i . piratiou. But wait until
i iu line shall begin later on to
nii gs up! Then, may lie, it
n.afe any difference what the of the grand old high-tax
iiisi \ party may have said or
• I i" say upon questions pertain-
!■ ii candidacy.
• .- lntinn which was introduced
!u British House of Commons
i . i tlie pay incut of salaries to
I - rs lias been deteat. it by a vote
i • I., l.'.'i. It is hardly necessary to
. . n :In- resolution was introduced
op!...I- ed hy LilM-rals. No Tory
V. . iei lie guilty of doing any-
t word or d-ed to disjiel the
i. g licit ni that a memhurof Par-
j . i receives no pay for hia servi-
. iVrish the ii.ought! If he
.i.t ns-rive pay, Magua Charta
Ought be endangered !
Governor Gordon has recently lieen
advertising for bids fur $1,900,000 of
4 per cents, the first series to expire in
18'.I8 and from that on at tho rate of
$100,000 a year, until 1916, wlmn the
last will fail due. With these new
I Minds it was desired to retire matur
ing Immls hearing a higher rate of in
From the large number of bids
received it is pretty evident tliat
Gcorgiu securities are iu high de
mand. The New York Mutual Life
Insurance Company put in the best
bid—104$ for the whole issue—and
the hid of this company was accepted.
Herein did the New Vork Mutual
show great discretion, for there are no
better securities anywhere than Geor
gia bonds.
Let us see. Three years ago, at a
time when Georgia credit, as now,
stood very high, three anil a half
millious of her four per cents went at
five-sixteenths above par. This grati
fying sigu of the State’s credit is more
gratifyiug still by reason of the in
crease of nearly four per cent, in her
credit in the brief period in question.
No wonder that Georgia securities
are in demand 1
s a suggestive remark of Gen-
. ..i.iu, while at tho Delaware
•in-, that if he could only
.•V .lavs rest and be let alone,
I Ia- all right. Many a tired
■•I whom every care and at-
I. • lieen lavished, and wboee
>i throb and pulse-beat have
. .1 aud studied, has expe-
. ^ii.ilar feeling. There are
i ut i re’s pharmticopieia the
■ In. h even the greatest of
. .. hi ,»ts do tiov always suffi-
Tho mugwumps' continue solid for
Cleveland. For them the grandaou of
his grand-father has no attractions.
Georgia in striding forward. Her
shipments of water-melons are al
ready larger this year than ever be
Every time an iron furnace shuts
_ svn for repairs a tariff organ some
where flops its ears and brays that
tariff agitation js responsible for the
The Democratic Executive Commit
tee of this Congressional District lias
shown considerable wisdom in select
ing Athens as tlie place for holding
the Convention. The date fixed—Au
gust 15—is morever a convenient one,
and it is accordingly urged that the
Dem.M-racy of the District turn out in
full force ujxin that day.
l’uck depicts Harrison, this week,
with his grand-father'i record, his
grand-father’s prestige, his grand
father’s hat; hut somehow or another
strangely omits from his cartoon the
grand-fatlier's dock. But perhaps
the old man Harrison was in the habit
of taking his time of day by tlie
Polydore de Keyser, Lord Mayor of
London, seems to be a must remarka
ble man. His eccentricities are al
most startling. Nut loll" ago lie
spected the boys of the British naval
training-ship Warspitc. During his
address he told the boys that his wife
would take great pleasure in giving
each one of them a shilling, which he
hoped “they would keep throughout
their future lives as a souvenir of tin-
Cnnjrh. Rmiu-httift. Antbcuu I'MiirmUon t Uu
for all affection* of Uie anu lu: p-. ai. l tliwascs
arMuff front impart* lil.«o«l iui<! c>tuuMN>'i. -V- freblo
an.l tick, *trugV"B»r a*.’-uti>t rti-ru.- •, tui.l I'ouif (Iriftinff
trrav#. will la many rrw*» n-oou rl ieir health by
tcly a*e <*f Darker’* (iinirer Toiih*. *a ? delay ia dan*
. Take It in time. It l« in* alu- W: for all pains
w mzrfj
hr • / / luviii y> Hiii.otxi,:
i I 1,1f C / wu» and I1.yf.ct
£ T ~~*J PtcmutL’n
kmow msitf
urt: of the
ynctfci l>fv-
iy ms’.. Acn'rtL Hi
tilt! --U.TM1 .
len t U. .1 nw
u iL d « n Afwicid
n*oI Ytrith,
untold mt*er-
vtv. It*, prw
<lt. only fl.uu.
e io ail y.iunu'
.'li.' Hold' and
• y rlt«* Nat ton-
of (I -« i«1mI by K 0‘
3 M<; I* lx s anountlnir to
hS* ♦*'
i.o t Y u
•t 4iytuituio
Dff-lf boa-
$\ U 5 on
::«m* jlnjuivs
l l.oro is a
»u*:;r Shilia
>:u.rsi‘ ladies
i*v u. :tr tho
! m*U r. i'll in
st French
•u:ii!iu*s of
at the
the «!:«*•! sloj>*
Amak.on^ who
::nl t!.*» Tyeno
i»'n#*» i?:nuntcd
nioHfiliii;: was
;rntdiis. ('las)H*d
i» a *. the
i !>o;l» feet, and
As to Parity and Wholesomcness of the Royal OaJctngp 01r( j^
“I have tested a package of Royal Baking Powder, which I purcW
jn market, end And it composed of pure end wholesome Ingredients, in? * 'M
of tartar powder of » high degree of merit, and does not contain efth,,‘u 11 ®
chosuhates, or other lnjurioua subetaocee. E. G. Lo.,‘ tiV’a o
phosphates, or other lnjurioua subetancea. E. G. *
“ Itll a acienilflc (act that the RoyU Biking Powder Is abaolntcly per,.
^ . “H. A. Mott.P^d,
“I have examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, pnrchssed hr
the market. I And It entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other lnllS®k
stance. Harfai Mobtox, Ph.D., president of Stevens InsUtute ot Te
“ I have analyzod a package of Royal Baking Powder.
It la oompowd are puro and wholesome. “ ”
akingPowder. The matertaW^L
8. Dana Haras, Bute Ae^:^
The Rovsl Bskincr Powder reoelved the highest award over all eonrw*u^
ina ^Vorld’s Exposition, 1873; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1
the Vienna nurtu i e.a|juoiiiuu, «* mo oniwumai, x uuiiUCipQUL lSTfl. *
American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throupbout the country * W ^
No other article of human food has ever received such hiph, emph*ti/‘ tov i
versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, aDd k^,^
Ileal th all over the world. i
the betto slo.v ly r;ii:
ifi the air until lliej
thosatWIe. T!i»* f
be:toe. :Jd1 t!a* u:a:i
IMiund dumb liell
Hi them hin.iplit up
tvarliDtl the level of
: t v*i.s* !v the
who holds the 100*
• |sl:i; > \» i:h rannon
laeills liartlly equal* tlnm.—Tollo Cor.
Note—The above Diagram Illustrates the comparative worth of various Bdv.
Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by p TO f.
A pound ccn of each povJer was taken, the total leavening power or toS^T'
each can calculated, tho result being os indicated. This practical test forvonk?
Prof. Sehedler onlv nroves what every observant consumer of th^ p—« -. v
Schedler only proves what every observant consumer of the Roy*l foZ
Powder knows by practical experience, that, while it costs a few cents per poj
more than ordinary kinds, it is far more economical, and, besides, affords the iStT
tage of better work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will conriact
Air-minded person of these facts. **
* While the diagram shows some of the alum powders to be of a higher
of strength than other i>owder* ranked below them, it is not to be Uken u S!
ing that they liavc any value. All alum powders, no matter how high their
vn to be avoided as dangerous.
?o*. r! No/es. K'i res'
M^u r *'r lers, c
(luarr |.*f»r *u
use *1 lr« •« h1 to
hi A
Nevr Orlsaris, 1
A A Pannhln
Vr va:.lngton. D 0.
iddress registered Letters to
Nsw Oklbaum, Lx.
•uU £*xly, uclmrp<* ot the Inn
sgunrsiU* *i t(H« »luie fjtirut s.4 so 1 iitLeciiy.
that c i«uee> aie «M equ-Ai, nart lh*» do «»••«
can (>j»slbly uiviue what uuuibcr will draw a
KKMFMltKIt lhat thepavmontof oil Prm
is MJ.iFiAM'KK BY H’t.ra * ATIONAL
RANKS o: »w *»rle*n*. sn«l the T:«*keli» are
»lgn*«l by th i*r«Mhi«U •* I an lii'titu Ion, whoa*
:nart**rud rb*Lu are rec.^inxcu in the ht^aesi
p 4Urti; U.erefor** h^war** o. *uv lr>‘» ‘'Io* * o-
rionnoBiK'irmaa. we<lA u i-4*>v
. H-tstoiu
to repr
UkId t! • cl’.y
| oi A, a • 1 v oi uty. n»4tof refer^ir* r,
^ur j I. A l trow «l ILL S . ) LI-*UT H >
<*4»r'l«iu«lt S'.. Yor< t ils'.
No bunting with powder and pm as for squir
rels. only to stu- ify them no limreriicr deatli
»the stiekiuit plaster. Flies seek it, drink and
hmiumelv. hi iiulrkly tlivy caning u"-t a wav 1‘si
lt fri-i-ly. 1‘ri'vrnt n-prinlui-tiiai. m-vure st-mm
IH-ai-i- an-1 qui'-t. Always ask fur IHtTCIl Klt'n.
K»r salt* everywln-re.
Tint treiiii'iuluus lilaat wliicli tlie
great Tliumlcrur, tliv Loiuloii Timen,
has ilirerti il against Mr. l'arni'll, lias
only ovuki'J from tin* great agitator a
careless ‘,SIhmi Fly” liy way of ansui-r.
l’arnell, it will lie uliserveil. is ureter-
naturally wise anil sagacious.
Advice to the Aged.
* — brines iurivinlt les. «ueh u«t alnw-
vela, weak kidney* and bind*
torpid liver.
Irish *h
Tutt's Pills
nave a ■pecirie effect on these organs,
stiBnlstlSf the bowels, fivintsstar-
si discharges without straining or
(ffplBEi ami
to the kidneys, biudder and liver*
They are adapted to eld or yeong.
Piw>’» Rkmitv rrtn (’atarhit
*tvw immediate relief, lidarrtul
virus b mm hi expellcl fVoni the sys-
Tbe doM* la kiiii
€S)llt«ilM a HUfttl'i.
lon« ireatnu-uL
11. <>n«‘ pucksge
A Ookl in th? II end Is relieved hjr
i uppliotLioti «>r I’is
ilatrrh. Hh- eotuf . . . „„
from it In ihb w«y u worth many
times Itsrwt.
Easy und pleusant to use.
rrk»,!Wi*i)is. iSold bydru^lsta
Tlio Is'tting men arc waxing confi
dent. In New York City tlie other
day, John J. Mohoney, a retired book
maker, bet $30,000 to $10,000 with
Frank T. Huiiton, of the Hoffman
club, that Cleveland would be re
The hot weigher logins to make
the Senators and Representatives in
Congress cast longing eyes home
wards. But tlie Mills bill thwarts
their every desire for rest and recrea
Dr. Seth Pancoast, of Philadelphia,
has fitted up an expedition to go on a
huut for the treasure in gold, silver
and precious stones which went down
in the British war-ship, the Oe Brack,
in 1798, off the Delaware eoast. Par
better liad the guileless doctor devoted
his wealth to some other object more
to be of benefit both to himself and
hia onghbor.
Kaiser Wilhelm II, in seeking to
establish friendly relations with Rus
sia, ia only carrying out has grand
father’s scheme of isolating Franc
from the rest of Europe and then de
manding Oat bar great armies be dia
banded. The maintenance of an im
mense army ia . impoverishing the
German nation; ana if the fight for
peace most come t it would *
Removed by
Bold by Tarrant ft Co., N.Y.,
end Druggists everywhere.
... MONTH can made
IU working for us. Agpntit pre
ferred who con fnrnisli thpir own lioiwNaiid idve
tr to tlie 1m iuesit. Sparc mo
ments fnay be profitably employed also. few
Special Saturday Evening Excursion.
Athens to Clirksville .
Athens to Tallulah Falls
ft 95
I These tickets will be sold only for trains lea v
ng Athens Saturday afternoon; good to return
2 u, noon the follow
d r. x.
The exercises of this school will be
resumed Sept. 5lb, 1888.
£( S'-.IA l it
Time Triedland Fire Jested.
oil! ii- tliif* in.i'ket f«»r flu* pa t If*
rv. It stand** nnrivt 'itl !•» dav in
HllisJi, of cxtcllri.t t tH'kii v qbalitit F
ami durability, wlulnoilo r •‘►t.-ihil o ’
bool C*h-K Slt.St*. Ill 'Io* wolt‘1 haw
r—l:rv«* i> * \r linnet*,
r.o* I on Kinir atnl •din r a. h known
ill ik«:« "I (!o«»kiii*' Sio.o m li - i ltali^r* 1
Histftnl! Y On fillti«! 'Ll
ab.lily, lib. i
^ um . .
^ trial ;»r. liberal
>8001» $'?A‘Q0
' ' •'*' - i rir uHrs «
■/ai.4.Si.lL-r: »n«*>cas4 .JAv.ST.ICIIS. .ft
labor h
<>n 'wo wrest
Interest Ins Trijilrta In Aluhuma.
The case «»f the triplets is not
nu>i*e interesting than one wvn by the
writer near Pine Apple. Y.'iicox eountv,
Al:i. t somewhat K*hs than a Yx'ur ago.
IViliaps a c’vscription of them would be
of .-sonfe inu-rest. 1 went to see them
last Att^nrt (1887), accoiiqianied by Dr.
W. 3t. Clfa: mar., pliytician to their
mother. I’rom h*»n and the p:^oul» to-
pelhe:' iTlearniv! the f. Uowiug fact* con
cerning the ease: The mother is the off-
tqtring of genuine ne^rets and a white
cnAii, which makes her a mulatto. Tlie
father ii t!a* son of a inuhitto on one side
and a:i l:«i!i:m on the other, thus fur-
nM.'nj- to out* issue tho blood of three
die*.; ic: mc ”4. In one of these triplets
c:*e se.n all the cartiidial characteristic
frat*tr:*s of the North American l:.dian;
iu an<.:’.:er are st*en tlie distil.^ui Jiing
marks i4iat indicate t!>*• uetrro race, while
in the third t. e admirable feature* of tlie
Onucasian predominate.
Their mother, at the lime of their
birth, was 48 years old. I do not re
member the exact n^e of the father, but
he is ::n old man: his hair is very j;ray,
nearly while. The children’art* ww
nearly 3 years old. They are nil well
toraiiil, iiHil were in exctdlent health
when I found them. In commentin'* on
Chem ti;e moNier said: **1 tell you it’s a
big usk t«» nurse three Uthie* at one
tkne. M But Loth fuirents seem to be
vety proud of them.—J. W. Gravdcn in
Detroit Free l’ress.
The Gilt Edge Palace
Ictncr Broad & Wall Sis. t AUens.Ea
I in d »v a*re f- ret
orltliHlt *ojjdo fo' lin/. I
II ki ds i f t:it and sin
k<• ted.
i»f pmc:i* a
Miriiof <iit
ii. n work.
Atlanta, G». So pain or detention front bustnr
••You ou rod me round und well. , need 10 to IS O'*,
MurpUluo dull)N. J. Lewis, .tUnta.Gr.” Iomh
.11 Urt Morphine dally and was cured by you 1J
month* turn, and nut *tfll cured.—I*. H. Pendleton.
M. U-Otmirk*.. Ark.” ”1 used Lnudenum for yeem.
Am now well a> d happy.—ICkmccca Botsteu. Win*
etcud. N. Oi” ** I mu entirely well and the proudet:
man I trine, and tell every oue your whisk *jr nntt-
d.Ae cured me. -0. I>. Sample. Douxlass, Ark.* 1
am u free woman from Iaudnnum and wont every
one to know It.-Oita. IaMT Hakeil Hockdnlp, Tex.**
j Hll VUv,
i I
With the lat v .»t in l i* i> <1 iiftu
incuts. If you cannot see Jistinctly or
your eyes pain, call at the
foserberg Speotede Co..
Old Post-Office Building.
of the eye n
Cjp* Esami nat iou
Dr. vonDonhoff.
Office with Dr. GERDINE,
will devote himself exrtuslvel f to Snrpery and
Diseases of Cornell and the Treatment of l)is-
ases of fie Throat. Nose and £yes uiayswCm
REWARDED are those who reeu
this and thou act; &Ley will find
uonorable etnplojieent that will let
thru Ircm their bomas and
iooMn The profits are larfe and sure for
svtry Industrious peisaa. m»ny have msdeaaU
Write to os at once lor frill part Mail ms, which we
will frM. AddnM ftiuoa X Go., Ponu.iJ.
c-.enie countrj without up.railo< tna worker,
irom tbelr hOMei. u/ ob* car do
thi wuik; .lUu-r ks, jouux ur sUi ao- .POCMI
•b illy tvqnir*!. Ciplbl net anMnfuo air
•ur-tdlrw. Cutthlioat tad ntoruuu. .ml
we Will wad JOB tn», MMtUew efcnA vtiiw
and lapuntnea arw IkatwUI'**. voatu
bulten, which will brinx ya» in more Money
,rltbt »w.t that anjtbUJaMa la lb. world.
Pinuid outfit tree. AddiauTacx&Ca. anemia,
h . . dacM-dAwlv-
fiui lux tbo
Hut mba
.halt, can to rj.
Um waodonal
iaa Mi-tliud
' ruiod -
must come
i forest of
aHould come JiftHBj ., .
of the two Emperors maybe arreli
! to startling events |n Europe.
Tha firm of BertUng A Shuhsrt Isl
this dsy diasolvefl. All outstsnding
debts of the firm most be paid to L.
Bertling. Bertling A ShuhsrL
Thanking customers for their put
patronsge, I can be found st the- stand
• L. Bertling.
d3t-wlt, - ,
r sr.A. ttui'fft.r'i V
C vSaS^oiSrtonce tuelr sddres.
eU&Oo , Portland. Mae, ami receive
DMrM nssE»»«»«*.-frer-
a| sialsfactlon In the
•••rv of Ut aorrbu-a and
I prescribe liam!
fv*%l jk-fr in ret-iDiniDi
luc u to all KtifFerers.
leaf. STOJKft. B.D.,
Dscstur, UL
PR^CR. 91.00.
Sold b- Dmrriit
This is the Top of theGRNunfE
Pearl Too Lamp Chimney.
All others, Fimllarure imitation.
.This exact Label
Top Chimney.
A Jealerrniyr'ay
arrt think be has
ollurs as goo-J,
Intiai open the Bxnct T .abcl and Top.
Fas Sue E««ywh;ie. Ksiccs.r by
GEO.* MACBETH & CD., Pittsburgh. Fa.
Dk. B. S. hvKnojr, Agl.. Atlicna. (is.
The Paper
Lrm'.gh mj work to-<l*y? I frel miserable, head-
ichy, tired, pain in uy back, my food won’t digest,
uy whole body soctos out of order. Wo answer
Lai it D no wouder you are in such abtoken down
.oiuIi!iua,aud you will keep cutting worse nnlces
iou can cure your I.l YEK. This important organ
utof order aud you must ctire it by promptly
P R T N r E D
uiug those never
Dr. C. McLane’sCelebrated Liver Pills.
they will restore yon and give vigor and health to
>u«»r whole system, making yon strong and welL
>nly 2A cents a box, and ttwy may save your life,
yeur druggist for the genuine
Dr. O. MoXsAira’S
FLEMING BROs!,’Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ur Look out fur CouKTrjtrxrre mode In St Louis.
■’ si: IY 0RY"P0USH 'teetB?
Pioneer Paper
L A 01 E S !
So Your CWu Drains st Borne with
Pee i*l ess
They will dye every t! ing. They
eheze. Pr ce |i»c. • Mokoee. 44
have no equal lot Mtw noth. Brishtnese, Amrut.'l
In Packages or ft» Fmcesi «f Color, or non-
fkdlng QusUUts, *1 hey do not crock or smui.
Fw sale by
G. U R(*8ff & CO
end K. n. LYNDON.
DrtuuUta, Athena f%
Hu xu mocks,
Of I be Body inlamad »b<iViMiUwaaL Pull iwtlUni
tots seal sealed fvso. V
The Gilt Edge Palace Store.
h:ia me bffc *-i
Will hold such crowds on ihese srecial
ia a Dry Goods store in Atiu-n'- I cioie.
And this is what will make the eiowd come. Guo U w 4! lav
value on these special days,as our summer g mil-, mu-t to »i ar-y is
•500 ladies white anil cream robes reduced tioin $3 • o to !?i 5 ;
silks mils reduced trom 50c lo 25c. Special a’tei.tion will le si'fl
25 pieces fine quality lVisian Lawns, fi.rmtr puce 5' c run :;
piecee line quality Yio’ona Lawn«, f irmev price 40c. now :oc. 1
the special sale days will he sold at 12 i-2<\ Tne i-uuie fi.t ol Bit
7 l-2c., you know they sell every wheic .1! 5; Sou rtlin “ yr«
fine of Calicoes that sells in ihe Nort 1 al 10c.. thev are linen fini'hnlw
I put tiiem to you at 5C; iS dozen colored and bl .ck red -i k !imp>
value at 81.25 to $1.5- reduced to 05c; 19 dozen -ok clocked lia'unzp.
Hose at 20c. real value 40c; 119 dozen elegant l.iricy Hose atjii
value at 15c;
The ent in Parasols will he something immense. The hairnet^
$1.65 handmade Shoes at 8i 40, avk your neighbor il they can t*- 11
cated for less than; Chiltls handsome Bronze Bn'*in Shi.c>»t;-
never were bought ior less than 82.00.
Han’t wait until the middle of the day as it is our aim t
upon everybody.
Conic early, the store is open at 5:30 a. in., TO CUSTOMER*!*
a. in.
Gilt Edge Palace Store
Store closes at 6 p. m.
McGinty & Hunnicut
A Most Effective Combination.
This wvll known Tonic and Karvln«*lsnlnlac
grsat rtmtoiiouss a cars for Bshlllly,
uia, and NKIIYOIT.4 ftlsMftvs. It rrllrvM all
liUlcralfl find (Irlillltatnl cnodltlnus of tb* sys
Contractors and Builder
-Dealers and Manufacturers of-
tnn:strsasibMMtbstiit*Usct, rnd bodilyfttnctknw:
builds up w«wn oat Narv** i ukls ilitftntluH t i>«
stotvs lmpniml nr last Vitality, and brlnr* bad
youthful strvnsth and vigor. It is plraaaut U ttu
tosto. nod u«sd riwuUrly kraras Hw .sfatriu again*
ttMdeprvssing luflueaos of Malaria.
Price—$1.00 i>«r Tkstlla of ft4 nnn
Atbssi, Otorsls.
SUFFERERS tK*.K t RV OUSNESS'itiu."» ol M«.ntt i.illMI,oUMl..U:.. U-fIM .
My duties ms Auditor ol the Southern
Mutual Intiininc, Company being prac
tically over, I will devoto my entire time
to my profession, mad will practice eny-
wher. employed.
M | «4. JllU17-ll&W|in
.'••'■ ■ ■ ■. .... •; ’ -id
• i ‘‘ 11..1 i.,;., . - . ' - H ''
Marble and Granite Works.
- BROAD STltEET, Near Lower Mai ket, AUGUSTA, G A.
, Qomstic and Imported, at law Prices.
; io«i!
Georg.a A South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty.
“ “ , “v u “ n Of u.ibl, au4 Qnalto Work always on hand, ready lorlottarlng and delivery
MonumeRts or Work to ANDREW ROSS
id Ce**J
Varnishes, Builder’s Hardware, Lime, Plaster Paris, and
sash d 001
Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills at North wst depot. All ^
filled and estimates made. Office 8ou..i street, uwar -IacK.
■w" . GE0E3 1
Km Hi,
j-'Jr . * i
Mannfacture* Iro« i(
Castings^Mill»d 0»
Shafting, Pulley*, H P.
Boxes, Cotton P^b,
Seed Crdshers, ean«
orators, CSrc^Ijf
ed^ut a MB *» &*“•
„a or
i „peu*
you ®»y