The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, July 31, 1888, Image 1

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WEEKLY HANNfcR.-WaTcHMaN; JULY* 24,.888 Tlu> now twenty dollar silver c. rtifi cates have boon put into circulation. Levi P. Morton will spend 9150,000 on bis new house near Uhiochcck. OUR HEALTH S'env of our exchanges continue ONLY A SCARE- Macbeth and Co. of l'ittsburg, who insist that there is a great deal of I have the largest chimney glass house sickness in Athens, and insinuate that j in the United States and probably in . . there are local causes of disease in our the world, have about decided to Larry (o rome has been improving j cl , v They should'put themselves to move their plant to Belgium. They since his removal to Saybrook. I (],J s ]joht trouble of finding out the . believe they can make chimney glass- catcher will f ;u ' ,s in the case, and report there from. According to the report of the Committee on Health, as taken from that of the sexton at tin* Cemetery, there were only L’7 interments in our far. cemetery up to the Mill of duly of this year, as against 47 the corres ponding period of last year. An aver age of fourdeatlis a month with a pop- lib. t on of KbDOO is a remarkably low *vc Loaisiana State hotter' Co. 1 bum, i he famous \ al go into business in 1 i'll if; do. Since the first of January nearly d,o.'11 Hi Italians have landed at Castle Garden. The King of Sweden confines his tonics of eoiiversatton to music and dyspepsia. Mr. Steve ("lay. of Cold of ;,s Speaker ol the llolls sentatives. of as good quality in Belgium, bring them here, and pay the 43 per I . cent import duty all for less money yyO'* than they can manufacture them here „ . . it is dinicult to decide w liether j pn lcfi n-.ontlUy, auet the Grand quarterly j THE KING , is spoke, • of Kepre- i:..i. lsl.ll ■ V. lliii, lie 11 gersoll al d soul ,1. Watt. (el 11 i t: *J 1., this is a bona fide determination to j Diawwrs regularly every twee mouths j move on the part of Maeheth and Co. | March .W September and feccmh.r). a dodge for free advertisment or yet; . r» „ oonn nn»r campaign buncomb. Whatever may | Capital Fri’/C, $300,000. be the truth in the case, the enemies of i ‘‘We do t.rr bv citify that we flll ‘' Tvl f\ r t M/~'V T3D T/"' 1 CCI lealh uite. In addition to the ulmvc I tariff reform will use such reports to p-rvise the arra‘. ■tueots fir all the . J[\HJ iAl'Ll X JL\1LLjO prevent unj- reduction in the tariff, W‘‘ly sad Quai t.Tl.v Drawing-of the . but it is ffr be boped that democratic \ Draw" ! TnSO^Illi Fltt TeStet reformers will not lm iiiffuenrofl l»y any 1 jpy.< *a, ami tmit !l*e .-vine art* ' such ycarc. The acaro will he much | tun. Juried with horicatx, fair:;*and in GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY. STOItK MOUNTAIN ROUTE MAvaoku. • AacusU. Ga., May 12th. 1SS8. tn^rn^'s^d^tm^™.“Vn h ,hu^3 carried thestate hya^undity^fCS^. i run by »0th meritlian tun*. FASi L.1WL. No.37, west DAILY. I t « L re Augusta 7:45 a m A’veWaah'gtn 14;40 a. m L’veWasli’gtu 7:20 a. ui IAtlanta 2.4c p. m A ve Atneus 12:35 p, m L’re Athena 7:sS a in Ar*Y« W tnVe h 04 a in “ LexiuKton- B:33 •* A ntinoh X'. C S ILIS i*i t if v i «.ft» r> hi.s |'.ij cr l«»r ,,l .So lar c.»iiclu>i\ v facts, our physicians | that tlo*y never had fewer cases at ; bis season of the year, l.or knew the j »i.. ™ ..e ..........» ..... . ,r v -.< tm-m-mv. s. amt to n toe war are | Sold in Hide market for the pa-t IS ■city as free from anything like an | »«cii scare, lhe scare will he much j conduced with Uor.< t»»\, finrtst ^ and id ^ It stautU unrivaled to day in epidemic. M i.'->tatemeiits which I K r< * ; der than the aftereffects. If, as J ^odfaitfi toward an p:trtie.«, hi.«1 we an- ] finish, o: excellent cooking qualities have born ]>ul>lished are in this instance, a business is enjoy- j *end dunJdliry, wnile other 4 *so-called” ilculated to d*» injtirv to our j a bonus of 45 per cent, and still has »■: real injj ^liril the si»Mi will piihlisiii the i t tier injur <• Ml.', have us-| ••an’t he i»ihm»us impres-1 better t« justice of tatistics. We nument. Tbov are tru>l th a! ing an mono » ns tin* simp! c«>ndueted profitably it were have it removed. clu A WISE SUGGEST I ON* icrling of the Alumni So he N- Whit a.;l. I natc. i ll. < Vl.piiU.s j : have ado ell pi on \\ a 1 hilt 1 * • • \N , I had The the .•^ that 1 lari £ CASH SYSTEM the butchers in Atlanta d the cash system, and are 1 with its working. This "Vc, ami should he follow ers and retail dealers every- ( seh ••! t lie labor of 1 L- i !h . li* II ete. won!.! thus be I •;rcat a l\ antaj'i*. e.uir* •. dealers will he relieved of i •a sluadd »uy wlrvt it I lie teuij tat i• >:t to ! r\ ipvat. and ofteli ci s, liicii an ad< pt stem would make •quires some nerve • tlie i:.itiatixe in si ce la!, eli. t In* henelh marked. It is (lie I dai.d ' At a me during commencement 1*. W. Alel- ; driin. of Savannah, one of the “tauncli- | est friends of tlit* I’niversity, siij^^est- j ed the organization of Alumni Socie- j ties throughout the state, wherever j tie re was ciiou|»li material, with the • object of keeping up interest in the j »id Alma Mater and advancing her welfare. T his is a wise sujri^esti.*n nhich tin* Alumni should put into practical operation, lie went further ami .'aid that lie was j^oiiij; to recoin- j mend tliat after the estahlishuieid of these S«M*i»*ties, the (Tiaiice|].»r should he invited to visit them, when he ! could deliver an address at some pub- erepti..n, «;iveii under their auspi- and meet the people of thestate. his would be of immense advan- iversify, and ii is hoped will he taken, at the i’oard in October, to 11 conceived idea. mrixe the Con pr. ate, v/ith fac Mindes *»f our signatures .Mach* . 1 »n it? vlvertip* u.i n 1 *.'* minis*' i oners. \Ve r!i»: umb*-signed banks uji! banker* •'ii. pay all l*r«ze« urtiWn in die JA.ulsi* n a .Voile Lo't.uio- wiiioti mnv i.» pre sentod n: our eoncters. •i. M V7AL3S2.K1, ?r-s. LnuWlina ^Ht. Hk.. 'iUivRn LA>’«*.uX, l*iw. Jilnte A. HALlAt 1 x.l’r.i*. Xew Or «-ai*n NnlleiiHl Uank "*A?.L &Ol1U t UiUOi* NiiUOaii* Asuk. ta-do tile I’ll that inc:u%nrc> llleeliilg of till further this wi Kid. lcptitat i•'11 elec 1 Ur. I vt.-.l ■■I lVtn ■ it. i :. l.:> t. . death by <■ a givat failin'.- . V. who has .■I.', tfi.-al M-i.'ina , j a post In.‘It.'ll. I ill hat,- to I..- ft.'ll li stoi'r.l animals j Ai.otlu r (hitig'T ho j .. a morbid ’ Ilositat.' to i know "that | d W ill is.-.IO I'lllb til. ) stall's that \' ' oxamim.ttoi. ' ; bol l, as ho ha .i> I a)'p; r. iitly do: ' . uggots, is that p.'l"-o.:s | st :Io of li.ii.d would not tal ''"l.Jliiit tmirdor wlift, tloo ■ tl fate that could llappi , boadoath brought to the pain- i H' t.ry V111 granted •> - I whirl, t.ow in.-bid "f pi Nor. • tl.ei the ‘ hollies l tilled >m land grant t. j the folio j eommitt ! I’.'i.n-yl I Mania:. < 'apdiira Ikirnt'in. of ’lit L*ointnittee. has wing gentlemen a> i-e! William L. rania; Arthur i\ < d; Matt \V. liansoi : Calvin S. liric lki*.!» ur. of Virgin ;.-he>. of New Y New dr im> : A it km i : J ir>k i i r M. \ Tielj J.K coliltn i 11 ee Inc h ino.o it- T in* .'■•ulgpove estate in Noi tiiamp- totishir**, id.gland, is to he sold in August, and s-une American who uanfs an !diglislicountry Imuse ought to buy it. i: is the ancestral home of the Washington family, and the mullets and bars composing the arms ••f the family, which still adorn the gateway, arc the origin of tin* 2*tsirs and .'■Tripes in the American llag. the property. * hundred and twenty acres, to Lawrence Washing ton in 1515. His son Lawrence emi grated to Virginia and was George Washington's amertor. (Jntml .Month!} Drawing I th.* Acad*uiy o: M"N. w Or\ ai"'.Tu.Ml-y, Capital Prize, $300,000. Tim nf < > 1. i• : : ll.-nm.i. b; Milos I V-rk; -dll' tow.ilb ] Alii ..f nr- 1 si.-.. Now I State convention of tin* Georgia Tanners* Alliance will be In M in Macon on the -1st of August. Wr.u the great interest felt lime in agriculture, and tin* large number nf in this section. Athens selected as the place for ate convention. loo.ouu tovxo Address ragislereri L&ilirs to S'KU vIKi-KAN.- ; NATI'iNAL HANK. ling ti.o Mr. Imp;..-! ...Mil ,.l lm t hat il.lj't Iv nh in A ’-ii Tue-.i.r i fi'in S siioiild «...- be cl:. • tiered for till* yol ‘n this emu trv. > l.k of New w.rk is ; lf\ou know an\ ba\e t la* name. is a s 1 •»v tin* tim< formed Gen. d IVe.ide, phia boast* that she has a e clul* composed of men i for Uanison in IS 10. remarkable. ITiiladelphi.i lib-iiKMIiEil best •>ok flioves in flit* world have retired hetore its nnfn rior exo**!leuce. l'lie Iro-i Kmtf and otiier well known inaken of G«K>kiiig Stoves and Ranges cnusiauiiy on iiand at E. E. JONES NKW vTOVK,STOKE, Uorner Broad 2 Wall Sts.' Athens,Ga ,• birgo furrn »f proctica r'H.llng. guttering .u.q of tie and sheet iron work. ■ ar.'.'.-ted. E. E. JONES. GLASSES : FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY: With flu ments. If y your i yes p; hit e*t in piovi d instn t: cannot see distinctly ii, call at the Autiocn... 8:f5 turn *• Mftxeys.... 9:04*.in “ WcxHiville sure *.m Arr're Athens 7 *20 Louth \thens 3 00 Arr’e Wlut«'e 3 *22 ‘ Lexingt’u.. 3:ft3p tu Antioch... 4:16 p,m Muxi jk ... 4:35 p.m Woodvllle. 4:47 p ic > Uu Pt 5:00 p. a A’n WniU'gni 7:20 p. i* >o.l. w XflT daily. | No 1 E»»t daily. Leave August a. 10:45am Lv. Atlanta... b.oua, in . fiacon 7:10 a in “ Un. tX... 2:15 p.xr Wiu'hi’g’n . 11:20 I “ Woodville 2:8 i ;•.» Indiana** Vole. Indiana went democratic in *84, re- publican iu ‘SO and democratic In ‘76. In 1SS4 Cleveland and Hendricks Athens - 9:m> ajm “ Maieyi .. S:00 WinU'.v'o 9:2-1 a-m “ Antioch... S.SO p.n Lci'k'.'u . 10:06 a.ra “ Lexington t:01 p * Antioch.. 10:44 a,m “ Wj’.ter've. 1:41 t'.m Slaxeys .. 11:00 *.m Ar’.e At!ien«. x:05 p.m u'„« nm *• Wauh’ifL’n. 2:20 n.M Woodville 11:57 p.m A re U’n Ft.. 11:55 a.m 44 Atlanta. 6:45 p.m KO.o. WEST DALY. • Waah’Ki'a. 2:*20 p.m •* Macon.. 6:00 p m ** Augusta-. 3:36 p.a SO. 4.KAAT r»AILY. igucta 11:00 P IB I X/.c Atlanta.. Macon 7:60 a nil " Macon... A’t© Atlanta. 6:.»’e Augrain. . il.15p.X3 6:*0 p m 6 45 a .xr The vote was: Cleveland and Hend ricks, 244,91)0; Maine and Logan, 228,- 463; «293 for the greenback and 3028 for the prohibition candidates. In 18S0 Garfield and Arthur’s plu rality vote was 0642—the republican vote being232,lG4, the democratic 225,- 521 and the Greenback 12,986. The plurality of Tilden and Hend ricks in li76 was 5515, they polling 213,526 and Ilaycs and Wheeler 208,- The latest state election was that of 1886, when a lieutenan-governor and other state officers were chosen. Indi ana then went republican by a plural ity of 3323. The vote was as follow: Republican, 232,916; democratic, 229,- 593; prohibition, 8829; greenback, 3010. LATEST GOVERNMENT REPOa-r COMPARATIVE WORTH of *>*«*--««T. DR. PRICE'S Strongest and Purest JOHNSON’S (Alnm Powder). RAMSEY'S, when fresh. HAYWOOD’S (Alnm Powder). RIDER’S QUEEN (Atom Powder). BLAKE’S (Alnm Powder). CLYBURN’S (short wt. H os.) payne’s wamanassm^a DARNELL* CO’S (Alnm Powder.) Train nomCNir *27 will fctou **. ana rrceiT# pf ■engem to and from the following etai >nt only GrovA-town, Harlem, Deannjc, Thom^n nor Grove town, wood. Barnet Crawford wide. Union Point,Green • eaboro, Madiaon. Rutledge. Social Circle Corlngtor, Conyors, Lithouia, 8»one Mouu tala and Decatur. Train No. 26 a ill stop at and receive passengers to and from the following stations only: Grovetown, Darren: Deariug Thompson. Norwood, Harnett ( :a* nearing i ford vine. Rut? 6 ‘ Llthoafa. Stoue Mountain ami Decatu Train No. 54 on Atheus bmnch gives pasrsen gera for No 28 on main line, ISminntcs h r per at Iiarlem. •12. trains 27.26. 1 F-. R. DORSET, Gen. pv.rsenger Agt. j w fixKKN. Gcn*I *fft»»ag*-r jOE^W. WHITE.Gen’i Traveling l'ass. Richmond: and: Danville: Railroad Northeastern Division, CONDENSED S» HEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 24TH,-.688. Trains run by 75th Meridian time. BETWEEN ATHENS AND ATLANTA. Foser.berg Speotacls Co., Old Post-Office Building. ’ICx :un inatioii of tlie eye n< julySfb’twibn. No..d D ‘ I LV I> i»Yc Athens 7 40 n. m .ir'v.* A!!i,ni,t 12 noon 41 r.X.*oU U»Y IXkVf Atiftlstsi 5 im p. Ar’ve Athens lir 2S |i, , IJaily 112. BET WE E NATHE NIS A N D TH E EAST. No. 5^—Daily No-<7 t.x. .* u.. »i»> I*re AUiriis 7:441s. in.’ i 6:‘*ip n: Ar. W^h’vl.i.. 7o a. m j 7:4'. j* mi. r ,_NewYork .20pm ... ... | 62ua m Pullman Palace ltuiict >Iccping cars froui Lula to v\asliiii(,t«ni and New \urk* tr. ll,> l.tud It) 6H'llll)jim*. • gts iisfacti..n in tb« •c «>f <sonorrha*a and •cl. 1 prescribe Uatu! l saf «■ i 11 recoin mem. ing it to all sulTcrera, Decatur, III. rnicE. Si.oo. S*obl by T UL'glRV .ratios. A^t„ Alaenft. tra. BUTCHER’S FLY KILLER! Cf.RTAIN DEATH- •/ \\ it!i powde stu ifv lliuii iajt plaster. Flic md irmi as f«>r sqnlr- No lingering death k it. drink and .11.) divi . L o k r. 1 ■ L tl >iv 1 -1M 1.41 .ltlb .-otlbl be men who think tb.:t till ruuuii.o for is mi: 1 iskm:: s : •-iitl.'.l Mr. Iioint. .1 :l I-,."- I' ■ tel bis tl.— A World .its Mr. C! 1 mi iut.'i'vi .•ial f.'.m, l.or.d" 111 I . it v: t t. tbit.b ,1 C. r- | -M ess Cot- | Ml 1 at any | r»*. ;*i .l’.\ a bit aUv.iil an beat bim tin* jvr«*at«*>: . .n la.-t. a Irclin^ ni'-iv akin t«’ !• r Mr>. Clev. laml ami ln r |o*j.u- cl.tlld. W. but 1 bav Many «•! tin* friomls of the Gnivor- Mty an* anxious to have a Gill intro- • lm-1 «1 before the next legislature to r.-.lm e the number of Trustees of the l i.iver-Gy. This eau he * lone with out jtieja.lii e t*» aifcV by i»rovi<liu^ in the 1)411 that all vaeaneies, by ih'ath or resignation, shall not he tilled down to a number lo be deeitleil ii|ion. KILLED OUTRIGHT ic’y. s . .micklv they cannot get awny !\ !*rc . - nt leprimuction. secure serene . i. l o.; vt. Always ask for lHJTC HCU N. l-’*»r sale everywhere, ici" dcAwlin ion from ■ Kouutl ami wcil. . ase«i lu to 12 (< * i»som- — N. J. I2ivw, Atlanta. Via.'* 1 u*e«. iforpiune dally and was cured by you Id k -- . Mid nni still cured.—P. II. PKXDLrrox. •vluas. Ark.” **| ust*d laudanum for years. W and happy.—IU MECCA HoVbTEIt. Win- • I am entirely well and the proudea: ;i>:«*. c« nvci->nlioii e\ tim-IIv- • c refer to tl».» to 1 lllSI OX. H4 *l;io: B!8 MCNEY!! will, tiu* o': clal h\es « 1 ( LEVELAM) and TIH IIMAN ■time tnlirelv In larity, ami the 1’iesiileiit is v v Mlow. 't ai‘Solute j Deko to tin r.»ion from the govern! into with the Moiix l mi ■ bui ..I tin- :* ivserxati. ml a simvini.T of jiait ite.l Slates. It is to be lioj.eil be sj nretl by tlios keep the attemlaiH uj» to an average, coining stronopr « !he inert a>e in lhe that no effort will • in authority, to e at the l’uiver>ity Gourmet ition i> he ath year, owino to number of volieoes. (eli. A. Ii. Lawton, now miiiistoi* lo Austria, is beiny presenteil for the liiissian mission, just nimh* vacant by the resignation of Mr. La:hr<>|>. The ni»j>ohiinieiit of Mr. Lawton would he most ^»atifyin;4 to the people of Geor gia, and his bearing at the eoiirt of the G/ar would be alike creditable to his coimtrv and himself. n living. nn«1 t«*ll every one yonr whiskey a e cured me.—C. 1». Sample. Douglovs. Ark.* a free woman from lakudnnum and want every 3 ti» know it.—MKS. IXUT Hakxu, HockdalejTex." .... . 1LVB1TH 6E.NT FREE. uuok ON THE J AL'iCRT L. MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Athens, Ceorsla. M • dm id It. d tli.ii- g. n.'i'itl insjii'iivrmi'iit. I In- iiiv.'tsitv .".limtiii rank all instititMaiis tlie .-tali', and always rmiiiiian.l a rgc sliati- uf jdlroiitigi'. incut tin dril.bii y main, at ]>i .l.-uiab I'tit, f r. *« • wbi.-ky tiny | • I'.,v *• a f..r mill.- .. fills.' to lift'll l. tt. r !t, fmi)! , at ill.- Cb, It .iofs not s know 11 tbat tin- ]iointf.l by tlie <'o'.mniss cult 11 re. wit. 1. iii turn, is tin* Gov. n.or. ■ g.m ralK I mi-t is a11- j n r of Agri-I •point.-ii !*v I „„ , 1 * ■ ! i lie late R." | Clark, who lived Sliak. -pear.* and tlie translators of 1 muelt, oa\. t tlie liible eoiiteiited tiieii'.s.dves witli a ilc tioii. "I haven voeabulary of 7<»00 words; their de-1 | have always tal* hcend.mts less than three eei.turies | J have alwa^ alter us a larger number bejjinnin^ ' j n ] t ajH i \ h.ivo with the si«_u;d letter A. T lu* N. V. llei-ald )illhli>hes ! by '.he late jMli|»elor Kledeli, ! w Iiich it is .seen that he \\a.* I time of his death, planning no nt !». tv.eeii France Pud G | His course would probably have derided the peace of Kuiopi*, and led 1 ^ a j»re:it reduction iu her war produc in'' armaments i . liianv. The first nine counties reporting their property assessments this year show an increase of S l.'.H 1. The oulv decrease is in Laldwin. whose n uirn fell off * 15,0<>0. In the other eight enmities the increase is as fol lows: (’aindeii *S(ilMi. ( Mineh ?»71.1f»7, Eclmls S15.575, Jackson $17.51!*. Madison §.).MM), I’b’kens $(»0.-|lHk llocktlale $75,l(rfl, Wilkinson $15,- NSO. Janie ;i«» and iceman miplish- his rules of n in a hurry; •ntv nt ex‘*r- t o* be rheer- T Ip* London press are divided over the result of the duel oil ]multiuser'S futun. Half of them appear to think that it is hi> death blow, politically speaking, while the other half regard it as a great stroke uf inartvrdom. Hdwt.hj Cutigh. 1‘mnrMti*. Inilimti inl PARKER’S CINCIIR TONIO .J.tiy. it ti.ia v itv! man; tie ~> :•■•! ..: :ut i-tuc .<•«: -.'trirdr 1 t nil uffrvtiutx vC ll.«* l!ir.*-it ar 1 uh*1 j »til ta nmny i Oowiy Urali ig ISaj truclv LisJ <»f l arkcr sCuurrrTo scran • r l in !r h.*n!th ly i• :•» f'.r ull pn* n?XSK.£R’S HAIR BALSAM Prrrar4n.i !’na.ri:u>t prouth. Never Fail* fa Bettor* Gray its YcutUful Color. C’lrcst'f-AlT' !r^a»-iian.l lair ftUlirif* o*x*. at Dni-rtrl M n. HINDERCORNS. *n*» n:r««t an J 1^'t rtirr forO’rr^, Uunii>r.*, .tc. Ftopi all lyiJi*. IjinsMfiMfurt tu th*» fit. EXHaiJSTEO VITALITY all the ; that 1 ! The greatest sect ion is small tries. Such as t** skilled mechanics, he eiist* lucrs lof Dill' rill •t our city and | laduriug indus- ; ive elilploynieiit j vho in mm will • merchants and ' ..table The mo lami’s administrati* unto himself a wife t of Mr. ('!. ve- •vas the taking id Mleli a w ife. In another column will be found the call of (.‘apt C. G. Talmage, ehair- m.m of the democratic executive com mittee ol Clarke county f»»r a mass meeting to sele< t del egates to the gubernatorial congress- lonal and senatorial conventions. I !r:\ ) K^ow IFNCK OF i.tbiL the t'eal y. 1 -* OLilrinj ! . Ur rcr- of Yo 1 >. 12.* •oii.-uim i.f farm* tlie pciishnUc prospect < »iic whom the of Ii ‘iioiing. countrv w ill never t in is. 'i h< *l»t t‘! Soim* time ago Mr. Kdi friend in Kngland «»iu* of bis perfc**t- **d phi>n graphs, and his friend had the pleasure *»I hearing him talk, though he was i nsamL «»I miles away. Now the phonograph i- on its way hack to Mr. Edison, and it «oii- taius the tones of (.iladstoiie, a song !»\ Ikitti and a spt cell by 1 nil four. Ti’i’iiological School com missioners will have seats on the Hoard of Trustees of the University, after the school *>l in ((ctoher, and wull therefore vote for a Chancellor. Edison is said to he dock which can talk. It to have a human face. inveiitiii'j is likow is surprising months ago A pupil of the Lucy Cobh Institute in a composition on the deluge thus sublimely describes Noah’s Voyage. “It was the longest voyage ever taken' a voyage from one world to another.’’ The Hood was the wiping out of the nnte-deluvian world, and Noah's rest ing on Ararat the beginning of the new. 'Ten thousand delegates are expec ted to attend the National Educational Association which cmivcncs in San Francisco Wednesday. The conven tion will open with u grand reception at which Gov. Waterm in and Mayor Fond v 11 deliver« addresses of wel- c**me. Thu music will he furnished by a chorus of L00 voices, and an or chestra of 75 pieces. 'I he Columbus Emjuirc-r-Sitn issued a handsoim* trijde sheet edition Sun- 4»;vy. On the first page is a large cut of the Cliattahoochei* Valley Exposition, and throughout the huge edition are beautifully displayed advertisements of the leading industries of the Low ell of the ooiith. Thu issue is a great success, creditable dike to the proprietors, the printers and the en terprising business men of Colum bus. Mark is ijimted ;is saying that Gen. Grant was a great lnirnor-j ist, that passages of tine humor had to be cut out nt his history *is not in \ keeping with the matter of the work. I The School of Technology will open in Atlanta the .‘Jnl of OctoU 4 ** It will no doubt have a good atten dance, and will aid greatly in the ma terial development of Georgia. l>av;d Carroll, the inventor of the stump puller now in universal use among farmers, lias just died near Meadviile, Fa. Mr. Mills of Texas tl»e country. A few many thought him a very small man, hut In* has proven himself far other wise. A resolution for the repeal of the internal taxes on distilled spirits was lost iu the house, Monday, by a vote of lf7 yeas to 155 nays. klis Wii.n’l Afntiil nflliitlrr. While 1 hitler was governor of Mas sachusetts he w as retained us ronnse] fora young man whose wife had sued him for a divorce on the ground of cru elty. The wronged wife’s sister, a young wife of twenty, was the principal wit- . , , aih /uu. i ness for the prosecution, and General Mrs. Grant li«^nwivcd *411,000 I l; u ,].. r .-ttcccdcd it, robbing her etory ninw"; i ‘'. f i,s ** 1 *;*n* *■>'• .»• ritntingcniss examination. After many inti'i jir.'tations tl f witness said that as lu r share ill th. Grant’s ni.'inoirs, of whit-li sets have been sold. .... ... . , , . | the defendant had been seen to “shy ] otter lalmer is about to personal- . . ... . , „ , . . t 1 . r a bi.ok nt bis wife s In ad. lv assume tlie general nianagement of the hotel that la'ars his name. t'olonel Morrison says that Speaker Car'i-le w ill be re eleete.1 by the lar gest majority he lias ever received. The startii) over the e.uintry is a fine evidence of our general prosperity and growth. Congressman Clements is nlxnit as sured of the nomination in the sev- nth. In answer to an iirLirU. by Rev. S. 1*. Richardson, which appeared in thu it an some days ngo the Augusta Chronielo says: “K very body knows that young people will frolic, au.l that during commence ment festivities, in every part of this country, such gayeties are had. No school is so strict us West Point, hut the sound of this sort of revelry on the Hudson is proverbial. The nation nothing in'military excellence because the cadets are all fine dancers. ‘•Shy? Shy a book? What do you mean by that? Will you explain to the court w nat the word ‘shy’means?” The young Kiri leaned over the rail ing and asked ber sister’s counsel for a copy of "Gushing,s Manual'’ which up of iron furnaces all j lay on the desk before him. She hurl- ----- ** 1 * ed the volume at Gen, Rutter’s head with all the force shccould command, ft was a good shot, and had not the governor divined her purpose in time, it would, undoubtedly, have hit the mark. tliiuk the court now understands h nt'-aning id" the word ’shy,’ ” said the judge, '.'.ml the girl was allowed to finish her testimony without further interruption.—New Y'ork J’russ, Mrs. Rismarek is tall ami very gray, ami as fond of champagne us her hux- haud. Ren Harrison is thoroughly sick of shaking bands w ith his friends in a forlorn hope. Iti. estimated that the census of ’99 will give tlie U. S. si population of 65,900,000. Tko University of Virginia, probably tlie most thorough in the South, finds Pour Hindoos from Calcutta are a Castle Garden novelty. The early confirmation of Sir. Fuller as chief justice is assured. To |»nnre bowels aloes wot main tlicm regular but leaves llieoa lu worse rouillllon than before. Tbe liver la lhe Uio scat or trouble, anti . . “Both parties in Congress” are vot- itself surrounded by entertaimnenU ing to keep the tax on whisky, and. parties dsriag commencement, ami when they dance in Virginia tlay- Georgia’s molon and fruit crops are light is just us good as night time.” increasing in importance every year. •Ilrcetly on mate „ flow or bile, without whi els uro always constipate. _ | Sold Everywhere. increasing in importance every year, office,44Monay S(* New York, s as Auditor of the Southern li.wurnnco Company being prac- * I will devote my entire time *«ift*ssion, and will practice any uployed. T’^n’s nmwr Ton Catahru BETWlEN ATHENS AND LULA SouIIiImhiikI. Norlltlxiti.. 2 2;5 2.5 0j I 51 5 3; 19 1 STATIONS. i =r A V; I*M “ o*!k Xi'KKH)! l.ula 7 :w> H 55 1050 Ulisville *.) 1 III) .Mnyavilln A1C I*M *M I’M' S'l*J S' It2.VI!»rtuhoy (3rove* 5(0 51 (ii V»|Xicaol^du UHU.lUtMj A*UWf |6 00 7 4o *; j i l.v II'Mi am; I'M uii • mlv No, '2.1 !•, iooo nrj 12 JR \thens aM|I'M|I'M) * K Tnurs No,5(J and *3 i11 at it 22 *i!l runluiiy cxci 4fuiui run br 7:»th Mcntlmn tiun»— Ono hour ::t.*-ti-r th»r, noth Meii<lian time L.L. McCLESKEY. J Arf.L.TA V * OIL Dir. Fhsi*. Agt. <A*u. Puis'r. Agt E BERKLEY. Rup^riatfMulftiit. liivention TIA' revo!tif!out*f«l t n world hiring the lort hnlf century Not lf*n9t iioong the wor.tit rs ol lQvenuYt* pro^ruhh it* a iogiIicH *ud sydiein of *ork that overtbo country without R**jarAtiog tbe uorki*r« Irurn iheir botnet. Pay lilx r«l. any one ca* 4 «io th»* work; cith« r *t*x, young or old; no tpccial ability i ijujre<l. r«;»iia. nut tu xtar:**a tree*. Cut this out anti reiuru to un ami wt* will >*‘ud y*.u tree, auuietliipc ofai^at value and liiip'ir’ance to you. that will Mart you in hualncae, vbl- h will D» , iiig you ir. tuorc iuoiicv rivbt iwiv mat: anything ♦*l»e In thf world. Orami outfit tree. AndreauTKi’K A *’o., Au.uata, Main** ilwJl-iSAaly. RICHLY t.ouoraole < take th< m Th*.- preti'.s ployuicnt that wi’.l n t’leir homes am lergi* rmi ei:r»* for rou A LII ETI.nE. It is strange w*hy people vrho recognize certain inherited disorders, let them run on under the vain delusion that they can not be cured. Nine tenths of “incurable” diseases can be cured. Head how one who had blood poison from birth talks: It (nod Taint From Rirth. Booxvjlle, !ni>., January 25, 1887.— I shnll ever praise the day that you gen tlemen were horn, and shall bless the day that your medicine was known to me. I had blood poison from birth, and so much so that all tlie doctors of my town said I would be crippled for life. They said 1 would lose my lower htnbs. I could not stand in my class *o recite my lessons, and eleven bottles of your Balm cured me sound and well. You can use my name as you see lit. In my case, there were knots on my shinbones as large ns a hen's egg. Yours, Mikti.k M. Tanner. Suffered From Baltimore, February 5, 1887.—I had sullered with bleeding piles for two years and take pleasure in stating that I have been entirely cured by tbe use of one bottle of Botanic Blood Balui, (B. Ii. B.) T cheerfu ly make this statement for the benefit o! tbe public. (•HAS. IiKlNllAUliT, No. 2<»2d Fountain st., Baltimore, Md. ROYAL. EUREKA (Alum Powder) HERBERT & CO’S. CHIEF (Alum Powder.)..... BARNES’ (Alum Powder). GIFT POWDERS ... Contain Alum an Ammonia. SCHEME POWDERS Contain Alum and Ammonia. BULK POWDEIKSoidloow). Contains Alnm and Ammonia. RAMSEY’S when not freeh... REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMIST'S -- As to Parity and Wliolcsomencss of Dr. Price’s Cream Uaiin C p_ DR. PRICE’S CREAM ml?!**. uAitINC PoWnee is the only brand upon which the United States and Canadian Go" U *° have ever made a favorable report. « , .. .. , ' try »cti lncton,D. C. Bulletin—Supplement Ko.«, P»pi n-fe. report to ihe ll *o5jiSi." ,B,i “ V Itivzscx DlPAimiEirr, Ottswa.soat of Government, Cuiada, April Jrd, tees. ' Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powdei. does not contain Ammonia, Lime, Alum or any adulterant. U ' 5 * IL S. O. PAlX)X t Th D., Chemist Tot th« United S**a 4 «,i r. Chief Chemist fur th e United states Dep» <A Agr., .:* jr e ^.*‘*j ^ PRICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDERand DELICIOUS FLAVf dB EXTRACTS can be offered than that they are recommended f, - - ' family use by the.following Heads of the great Universities emT'I Food Analysts of the United States and Canada: Professors Doremus, Witthaus, and Bartley, of New York; Whi; ( Kcdeie, of Michigan; SchefEncr and Dettmer, of Missouri; Dwight, t .f \ . and Ordway, of Massachusetts; Howard, Boh lander, McKcown ami's Sabin, of Vermont; Austen and Wilbur, of New Jersey; Barker, of Wnnsvfv ^ Washington; Albrecht, of Louisiana; Everhart, of Texas; I Li • 1*ric*«l l in* 2ln< lnr«. Hawkinsvu i.k, Ga., Feb. 2fi 1887.— This is to certify that iny wife has been in bad lu altb for eight years. After try ing five doctors and six or seven differ ent patent medicines, six bottles of your B. B. B. has cured her. t James \\\ Lancaster. Sen to nil. fl for our Book of Wonders, free It treats of all blood disorders. BLuOi) BALM CO, Atlanta, Ga. I.Incoln ra\«ir«*<l Free Wool. They say the colored troops are pre paring to vote solidly for Cleveland and cheap necessaries. And why shouldn’t they? They are wage winners for the most part,and would be benelitted by un- tnxed stuffs. When good Abraham Lit.coin set tlie slaves fr«.e he put more “wool” on the free list than now grows on the hacks of ail the sheep this side of Shetland.—From the Philadelphia Re cord. fand'ie*. every indust:i< are uow milking «er*:ral I umlnd d.diara a nontb. It ia ea*y u»r hij uro t.» make $ and upward* per day, who is w ill! i.k t« w**r«.« Either vex, y<»uu< or old; capital not uve«*«d; woat/irt you Write to ua at oneo for fad particulare, w hich we uiail free. Address Stinson A Co., Portland. Maine. of ii)T« ution. Th-sc who Tire lu need of Profitable wor’ that oau be doue while li»iug at houie, .-Loum at once »• nd their hddrea*- HalU ti d: Co , Portland. Maine, and receive free full information how either »ex, of can earn from $5 u» per dav and upwards wherever they live. Youare aiaried free. Cap!- »)I not required. Some lUve nu’de <. lugle day at tfcts work. All succeed. dec20-dd:wl /. i sufticutit quantity for £ ATARRH A Cold in the Head U relieved bv ,t. tiplicuien of IMso’a remeily for .‘.tarrh. The <*oiniort to Im* got m it In this way is worth many i* its cost. Kaay and pleasant to use. Price, fiticento. bold bydruSt^Sta U«.MEfa£rS . I' trGo ; Slid i« u :rJ»v» - tVEH'f NIGHT I SCHaTCHED r.N J fl. fl!F ‘.ITI I IN WAS RAW. ii«*l»Y CfiVF.R- ALKS l.IKE SCoTH OK UoltlAl: Frunn rv the Ci;tici;ra I.'emedy. [ mu going 11; t! t L‘ It Wlie spotted t«11 you of the extrsn rdinary •Mil t i nci i:a I.IMEMI spell. rinei...k •ui tin- l -t of prd !a>k I ed oi.,i* > Insiy, •thing «•( it until si i l«M.k like spots of oil in layi rs, an < m- !i! si iatcliev.T.v niyM .ext the series, Im tuy ratcijcd «‘lk akaiu. In doetor** iii the emmiry. .and wl.irii i :t d wim ii« l.i:ij» 11 until l . s raw, ti.e.w tl lornn d nieaiiwi.ile. wen vain did I consiill all h< Iml w illioiit aiu. Alter w* in^ np all hopes of rc- co\. r>. I li:*:»p. ned to see an adtertwaoeut in them wsnjlvralNiiit yoiirUi n* na Kimkihks, and p :rrltas» d lliem from iu> ilruynlst. and oie HUin d almost immediate relief- 1 hep-in to i».»- thethat the scaly eruptions gradual!) iin<|>|M i| nlf and diAr.pi»eared on. hy one. and have i . eu fully «tired. 1 had Uu* disease tl’iiieen moutlis Indore 1 began tilkingthe Ol TIl l ilA KK.WKtm x, and in four or live sve<‘ks was entirely cured. My disease Was tex«ui;v ami inmriasis. I r« vom- Mieinietl ike i | tu l »:a kioiKUtrs to ali in my vicinity, iiia! 1 know of a gn at many who have taken Hit-in, and thank me fop the knowledge of tiieiu, esjN ciniiy nmthon wh<» have hal es with scaly eruptions un tu‘*ir heads and iNidn a. 1 catuiut express iu w«trds tlie fJtanks to you for wiiai ilie (Ttici uaoEmkpiem havu been to me. My I*- dy is as covered with scaled, and I was an awful sp.n-tacK: Ut U lmhl. Now luy skin ia as nice anti clear a* A l«hy'x - CEO. COTEY. Terrill, W|*. Sept .*21187“ be pi .-I is,4, Ken.7.1»vs7. Not a traoe whatsoever of Um disease from w liieli I suhered has shown iiself since my cure. ■ - •, Wecaun t d Justice t» the esteem in which ('UTiifVitA Uie Kfcot kin Out?, ami Or*i h i ua SnAi*.aiiex<pfisife klu IU*amifier. preiwut dn. m it, and O’TM HRA I:ks4»lvkm. Ilie new hood rnrm>*r. areliehlby tlie thuusamts u|k>ii Uioiis. amlstbnwHimluvcIweu made happy l>y the enn* of a^onir.ln^. iiuuiiliatiuy. ltehiiijc. oeaiy and pimply tlls»*»«ii *4 tiio skip., scalp, anti blot si, Willi kiss olliair. ,:.*f % >171 ererywher. Y‘riee. Corn (• ua, .’sh* .; s< *a i* 25c. j Kksoi.vk.vt. ci . ITcnsred l y the IN *ni u DU LO ANJiCUKMK'AL' O., UoStOuMxS«. |f4T“ fiend f«r “lluw to ure S in I»lseas. s,* i, pages, 50 iUiLstratious, and lgoiestuia duals. PTTMT**u«. -Leads red rough, eluippal * ■*■*"* oily S iu pi evented by I Tt<« It A Ho. A Mast Effective Combination. This tret! known Tonic and Nervine l^cnlnlng r Mit itlnnas sours for Debility, »«.*, an.! A KltYOCS rfl.-»rd«*rs It relieve all litiixn* ! nnd fcrxlltlon* of the sys tem ; F:rsr.gth«n<i the Iniftlrct, nnn bodily functions; o.Mid* i.*s* - irn oat Nerves : tMiullui^Uoa : re- ► in.pj.iml or Iwt Vltwlltv. »t*il brlnsa bnck yuuUifui rrncth m.d vigor. Ills plcmsmi to the ,<l n*eil rccularlv brae?* th* system again* the ifpr **lng Influence of XIulavla. I’rK *—$1.00 jH*r Itottlc of 24 ounces. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Dr. vonDonhoff. Formerly uf Louisville, Ky.. now* resident Office with Dr. GERDINE, will devote hbnself excliudv :*ly to Surgery ami Diacaars <*f ^«nen and the Treatment of Dis uses of Jlie Throat. Nose and Eyes, umyfiwiun WEAK,UNDEVELOPED PARTS ot .)„ UroMi'ut #e«l«4 fro*. 1 Sl]FF£RERS*eH£RVOUSKESSVA'o,v ; result ol overwwork.iudlacr«tlou.titc..iul.:c«.^ ul» W«»f A N U) SELL 716 r\ asxssooxu Ml STEAM WASHBU term* will bo g|v*c w orks on a new | rjiicltlal w-hlcU saves IntKir ru<| clothing eccrznoujiy. Sample on two tve*ka trial on fitt*raf*«rm£. $600 tfl $2,000 i.r»l ws».. > — b.tna*'-I**, ;. •« «•*)*«•'?> ■> -Vtoi* •- liest Pubis Soreness, eakness. 'Hacking rougR, Astlnr.a. Ihurisy ami iuibinmutinii relleml In one minute by the - utlcOra Antl-Pabi Piaster. Nothing HhiUfof^aklfUlUB. Regular&Perfect DIGESTION , mono nr tm 01 Selonjnrtat. Bold Of Torrent * Cb. H.T. Athens to Cincinnati AND RETURN. Twculv-Tlircc Dollars and Six teen Cents. L-aveAtirrs 7 5 a. nt.oOhMerl Ian time. Ar • inciunati csur. m . “ *• * 4 Through slee* er» At anta oC ieinrati Tie els wi i be s »ld on Tuesday’s and Tliurs- tell we COMMENCING JULY 3rd. Tickets limited to 15 days Scheduled time made He sou <ble h .ursof uepartureaud arrival by the Ceorgia Jok. W. Wiiitk. E. K. Dorsey. Traveling Pass. Agt Hen. Pass. Agt. ANNOUNCEMENTS. syrup ui tig* Is Nature's own true laxative. It is tlie most easily taken and most effec tive remedy known to Cleanse the System when Jiili.uts or Costive; to dis|xd Headache*, Colds, and Fevers, to Cure Habitual Constipation, Indi gestion, Fill's, ete. Manufactured only hy the California Fig Syrup Company; San Francisco, Cal. Fur sale by Wade & Sledge, Wholesale and Ketail Druggists, Athens, Ga. Miadloon County** Keturnx. Mmlison county returns 1,116 white and 4Ui colored polls. The total ntim ber of acres of land in the county is re turned at 107.1*80, of which 11H,845acres are- credited to whites, and 3,141 to ne- groos. The aggregate value of land is placed at $648,353, of which $626,453 belongs to whites, and to negroes. The aggregate of ali property in the county is placed at $1,075,237, of which $!,w4y,174 belongs to whites, and $26.- 063 to negroes. This is an increase of $5,8^0 over 1887. I r- spertf illy H-nieun v a* a can 11.1 vo lor re election to theolU;:« ol Ordinary of ('lark couD' ty ^ ASA M. J AIJK SON. T respectfully announce for re-election to the office of tax receiver of t lai ke county. DaYID K. SIMS. S. D. MITCHELL announces as a cuudidat for Clerk of tin* }sujM-rior Court of Clarke County at tlie election iu .lanuary ttwo, To the voters of Clarke County. I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Ih-nrcsentative from this County to the next tiem-ral Assembly. HEN It Y C. TUCK I herel.y announce tnyself as candidate for Clerk of superior Court, ami resperllly sollst the suffrage of tlie people at the eleetion fu January CHARLES 1>. VINcENT. To the Voter** of Clarke County, At the soMtation of mauy friends and iny own volition, I announce niyself as a candidate for Ordinary, I announce myself as a candidate fu and respectfully ask your support. 8. M. HERR Clerk of the Supertax Eleo’.i »n Jaruarv lHf‘) IV. R. PiiUHT. I hereby amiounce. myself for rele etion i rreasure of larko county. C, J. O’EARRELL I announce for re-election to the office of sheriff of Cl.-u*kc county. Elvetioit J anna rv Ikmi. JOHN’ W. WKIK I nereby announce for re-elect Ion to the office of Tux i ollcctor of t larke \ otiuiv. II. 11. LINTON. THE EXCELSIOR Single Lever Injector! IS THE ONE WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING for that lias hut ono lever and can be sold as cheap as the Hancock Inspirator. We C tiaran- tce it and will carry a full stock for prompt ship- meut It is strictly a first-class boiler feeder. G. R. Lombard & Co. Foundry, Machine, Bolter and C.ln Works and Uallruad, Mill, Engine and (Hu Supply House. Augusta, ■pril24wt(. Georgia, Tho^Paper ON WHICH THIS IS We 1 ■ WAS MADE BY THE SiOO to S300 worWncfdMja^ Agent^prS I IftTed who can furnish their own horses and give tL'eir whole ante to the business. Spare mo* |iu*n4ijhay be promta 1 ''- ^ r— ximw* i r w A NTY . Flvu DoUaij pays Tor a full course In either department-Ume unlimited H|»afct ^IcuuSilLkU-C™' , " fLV t ’*‘**- u * a w |nn. wapwnm, woyNT # EVANS, maiSwin. sthw.. a». LADIES! Bo Tonr Own Drains at Bom* with Peerless Dyes Money for Farmers! I am Prep , red to Nepotist, LOANS FOR FARMERS THE REMEDY Pinnppr Pa TIPI’ Jutwtwtl. ..... HENRY C. TOOK. Ik diu, Oualltlc*. They do not crock or no., * viMil “ * "** “ a Con i run I. The Democratic party renominated Mr. Cleveland because he had made a magnificent record for himself and de monstrated his superior fitness for the high office. It nominated Allan G Thurman because be is one of tbe great est of American statesmen and one of the grandest characters in American history. The Republican party nomi nated Ren Harrison partly because he is an lndiaman and partly because it could think of nothing else to do. It nominated Levi l\Morton because be is a man of great wealth and was rep resented to the convention as being a “very liberal man, v i.e., a man who would furnish boodle with which to procure votes.—Nashville Democrat. Wheeler, Long, Delafontaine, Baton and Mariner, of Illinois; Sm Wisconsin; Iicyes and Rice, Canada. A SIMPLE TEST Of the purity of baking powder is to mix in a tin cup two henp-*^ Towder with three tcasnoonfuls of cold water, place it over the f*re, s'Trr. ► allow it to boil thoroughly, or until the gas escapes freely; then smell; if ^ odor of Ammonia will be plainly perceived. The presence of Ammonia indicates that Alum is used, as nearly all the Alum or commerce com i: , \ r Baking Powder will not give the faintest Ammoniacal o*.or. B.ikm^ i’J^ orincipally of Starch, iMum, and terra alba, boil into a thick dirty paste. MAX JOSEPf The Gilt Edge Palace c * WILL nUN SPECIAL SALE DAYS ON MONDA Y. JULY 9Tr 1 TUESDAY JOT] WEDNESDAY 11 IR THURSDAY 12TH FRIDAY 13T SATURDAYT4TH The Gilt Edge Palace Stow. Will hold such crowds on these special sale nays as has revet '.sr in a Dry Goods store in Athens ticlore. And this is what will make the ctowd com.:, G• o.L v 1, ,.i value on these special our summer goods uni-t go ;u m •^.X) ladies while and cream rohts reduced (totn < o to itt ; : id silks mits reduced from 50c to 25c. Special attention w'.f>-r 25 pieces fine quality Persian Lawns, former price ^oc':: piece fine quality Victoria Lawns, former orice 40c. 1. » . the special sale days will he sold at 12 1-20. V’i.c entile a t n Ii :- 7 I-2C., you know they sell every whete at 15c Son-eiliu g •.>» line ot Calicoes that sells in the N or to at toe., dev are fin. - r:r. I put them to you at 5c; 18 dozen colored an.i hl .ck teal -nk I value at $1 25 to $1.50 reduced to 65c; 19 dozen siik ciockr.t 1 Hose at 20c. reai value 40c; 119 dozen elegant lane. Hose at : , value at I sc; The cm in Parasols will be something immense. The haLno $1-65 handmade Shoes at $1 40, ask your neighbor it 11..*\ .an : cated for less than 83.00; Chdds handsome Bronze Bin ton r-t.i" never were bought tor less than $2.00. Don’t wait until the middle of the day as it i> our aim ' upon everybody Come early, the store is open at 5:30 a. rr., TO CUSIOMLH Are all Urartu hUviued Because there are pains anti llutterings at the heart, sinking spells, intermitting pulse heats? Certainly not. A weak, nervous system, a poor digestion, inac tive liver, bo.vels, kidneys, and skin may he. and generally is the cause. Don’t take heart stimulants or sedatives, hut use Invigorine. It quiets the nerves, gives natural appetite, good digestion, regulates liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, purities the blood, tones ami strengthens the heart and circulation. Wade A Sledge Athens, Ga., and other druggists keep I)r. Woolley's lnvigorine. Price if 1. A son of Harrison Allen, of Monroe, plowed up an odd coin a day or two age.' ’"lie coin in circumference is between the sizes .if a half dollar and dollar, as co no 1 now out of silver. It is an t, of an inch in thickness and heavy enough to be gold though it looks to bo copper or brass. On one side can he made out the words, -Joannes I). G. 1‘ort et al. G. 1'. Uegon.” These circuinvont an image; below it figures 1812. On the other side a crown engraved. “Utilitali I'uhlirte,’ and 40 in figures at the bottom. This is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similarare imitation, .This exact Label isoncachPearl Top Chimney. I A dealer ma.y say and think he ha*s others as good, . . but HE HAS NOT. rill S F ° a , ,he Exact Label and Top. MiuEnnmn. Hart tunv n THE ENTIRE STOCK SHALL GO AT THEt ^ Gilt Edge Palace Store’ Respectfully, MAX JOSEPH, Broad - a e. SM~ Store closes at 6 p. m. McGinty & Hunnicut Contractors and Build® -Dealers and Manufacturers of BRICK- LATHES,SHINGLES WHITE LE- MIXED PAINTS. OILS Varnishes, Builder’s Hardware, Lime, Plaster Paris, and 1 ^ SCRROLL WORK A SPECIALTY. ALSO SASll AND BLINDS. Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills at Xorthoast depot. All ordeMll* filled and estimates made. Office South street, near Jackson. ATHENS F0UNDR SEO. 4 MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. -1 A N D nruougxKss, sjck iujahac-ik HK*BTBU«y, LITOi INDIGKWIOW DYSPEPSIA, coair JOINT, JAllMUCKi w CSENO TUE GENUINn Dit.C. McLANE’SBB ——-CELEBBATEDtw-— ■■LIVER PILLS! MACHINE WORKS ATHENS, - . . . . . GEORd f Manufactures Iron »“ d Castings, Mill and Gin , Shafting, Pulleys, Boxes, Cotton Presses, ^ Seed Crushers, Cane p, orators, Circular Saw nish Atlas Bngines, Water «ndafu' line of supping >.h.X . ]■■■■■ rco,’ FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. •a-Bevareel Commausna stade la St. Loou.-^