The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, August 06, 1888, Image 1
. * HAZY HIGHLANDS. BXTOTH FROM TOT OF THE SKY. A GRAND' SUCCESS. ATHENS. GEORGIA, TUE IDLE MILLIONS. DAT MORNING, AUGUST G, 18S9. The : of* the Athens party that (■ rtnigtit ago for a visit to the of North Carolina have re- Thoso who have returned are M m1 Mr*. C. D. Flannigin, Messrs. John Xcvit, Charles Scudder, Tom Ger- dineand Marlon Hull. A Bisxtit reporter met Mr. Charles Heudder yesterday anil asked liiiu for detaila of the trip to the Land of He was overflowing with en- adiniratiou for this delectii- r.m! at once piococded to give ~ . description of the trip. The party left. Athens a'fortnight ago in hicks, and drove to Harmony Glove.' The day following they drove kesvllle, and then to Tallulah they sjient a delightful admiring the beauty aud gran- Xature’a Sublimity. On Monday they set out for ig heights of the North ear ns, passing np through The roads were fearfully Hffiieavv jostling of the Wagon was a small mutter in compari son to the delightful and gratifying feast* to the eye enjoyed scanning the country for miles around from siuu- rtilfs of each lofty mountain. On the second day after leaving Tallulah Kails, tlie party safely arrived at the point of their destination, Highlands. How appropriate tlie name is! VVhat a feeling of awe at the dizzy elevation thrills one here, u feeling, however, none the less mingled with gratlflentlon and delight. Tlie root, chilling mountain air cornea floating to a weary brow like the whispering of a dying winter, and is pregnant with invigorating and' healing purity. A broad expanse of blue mountains en circled with the horizon, looks more of Heaven than earth, and the clouds in soft, white tissucy sheets float here and there in graceful confusion; for the el evation is above the clouds. Close , your eyes and In fancy picture to your self your ideal Arcadia; open,them again and you will be ashamed of your vision in admiration of the one about you. Tlio Athens party was a largo one, and oveevhotly stopped at Highlands, content 1 ,o no further in seureli of u more delectable land. Highlands Is a town of about two tlioiisund population. There are many ' hotels and boarding houses there for summer travelers, mid they are all filled tills season with vlsitois from tlie Northern eities, as well as from New Orleans nutl Southern eities. It is far away from any rallread, aud is a quiet, dreamy little village isolated from the wlilrJ of the busy world below it. It sleeps like a feather in tlie air, ’twixt Heaven and earth. “It was with painful reluctance," said 3Ir. heudder, “tbatonr party left. Many of them still remain, and will spend a month there fishing for trout and enjoying tlie bracing air ami health- giving environments of tliu spot. Among tlie number tlint remained are IMk and Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Asbnry Hodgson ami family, Miss Alice Bow man and Mr. Walter Bishop; They will return about tlio flrst of Septem ber.” j _ Many others are expected to leave Athens soon for Highlands, and it seems to he the most favored of all the resort*. TkS Athenians now in tlie Highlands are stopping withJMIss Dixie, who is en tertaining them right royally. It is more like home than a boarding house, and the patty Jnst returned say that it Is the place to stop when you go to High lands. Miss Dixie is a cordial and hos pitable hostess, and makes every one to • fed at home with her. BUN OYER. Chief Cron Oliver Receives Painful Bruises From the Wheels of a buggy. Tout night as Chief Oliver was eross- ?jig Clayton street ot the corner of E. I. Smith's shoe store, he was run over by Mr. Tom Thornton who was driving quite rapidly down tlie street in a bug gy aild received «ome severe bruises. Mr. Thornton had his head turned to one side and did not see Capt. Oliver crossing In front of him, or lie would have prevented the accident which en sued. C30t. Oliver was struck by tlie horse and knocked flat, and before lie could regain Ids footing wa* run over by the wheels of the buggy which passed over his arms and back, bruising and catting him quite painfully though not serious ly It Is hoped. Capt Oliver’s wounds' Were dressed and he was resting easy . at last account. The Crest Dismal Swamp, of Virginia,' U one enormous quagmire of decayed vegetation,a region of gloom .and deflation; but not mere so than the human system when blocked up bv deoayed animal matter, which poisons the Mood and brings gloom to an other wise bappv household. Dr. Pierce’s Purgative Pellets remov*all waste mat ter, and give Nature a chance to build up. • Out at Mr. Nlehol’s yes terday. _/ A large number of the young men of Athens visited tlio hospitable home of Capt, John Nichols to attend the bar becue given lh honor of Christy Nichols, who together with a party came down frouvAtlanta the barbecue. The dinner was In every way a success, and when the guests-had all been seated at the table and the sweet arama aris ing from the juicy and well cooked lambs had Ailed thflr nostrils sileneo was called for _ by the Captain, and Christ;? arose and made the speech of the occasion. He told them of his lengthy trips to the great North and how he was entertained at eneli stop ping place. His speech was "a decided hit, and If the many visitors liad not had such n bounteous supply before them they would have enjoyed 1’ better Mr. Christy Nicliols is a horn orator, and we look for him In some future day to quit the newspaper business and go on the stump, where he justly belongs. Other speakers were called mi, but the grand speech of Mr. ClfHsty Nichols so far eclipsed their efforts that they were called on hy tlie hungry crowd to stop. The barbecue was a decided success,and the jronng ladies and getitlCincu, who caino down from Atlanta greatly en joyed tlio occasion. Wlmt will Brown’s Iron Bitters cure? It will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, weakness, limbi, hi -lo-uniutisui and all similar iliscnsi\. Its wonderful curat ive power Is simply because it purifies tbe blood,thus beginnlngat tlie founda tion, and by building up tbe system drives out all disease, l’or the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject it is invalunble. It is tlio only preparation of iron that does not color tlio teeth or cause headache. COL. R. J. REDDING ELECTED. Tbe Directors of the Experiment Sta tion and Thlcr Meeting In Grif fin. Special to tbe banner. Grikkix. (In. August 3.—The board of directors of the experiment station m«*t last night ami elected Col. R. J. Redding, of Atlanta, director of the station, and Mr. Glwtnve Hpcth, of Hfchinoud county, liorticu 11u ralist Colonel Redding if well known in Georgia where he hna Th»oii living for fourteen years, during which time lie has been assistant commissioner of ug- rictiHure. He has been engaged all ki* life in ag ricultural pursuit*. He will take charge of tlie farm on the flrst of September. Judge HcudcrMM ha* not decided upon hi* successor, hilt state that it will lx* no easy matter to find a man to till the place a* acceptably aa the colonel had pone. No injurious efleets can follow the use of Ayer’s Ague Cure. It contains an unfailing antidote aud spcciflc for miasmatic poisons, together with re medial agents which purify and re-la- vigorate the system. Do not despair of curing your sick headache when you can so easily obtain Carter’s Little Liver Pills. They will eflcct a prompt and permanent cure. Their action is mild and natural. A MUTINY AT TUE JAIL. THE TAX WRUNG YBDM THE rEOI’LK ACCUMULATING HAP IDLY. Deiplt. Frantic Effort, of Loo tor Tan. . ner to Reduce the Immense Surplus-— 1 That Pension Oflloe Investigation. .Special to Iks Banner. Washington, August2.—If anything can awaken tho American taxpayers to a realizing tense of tlie wrong that they are enduring under the existing system of taxation, whlcVmay be defined as governmental robbery, It should be tlie cool, calm and unapologetlc manner ir which they are informed that their money la lying ijllo In the, national treasury, and that tlie accumulation is increasing, notwithstanding Corporal Tanner’s vigorous efforts to distribute tlie shekels among the soldiers and the alnlm agents. A few days ego the treas urer of tbe Uni ted, Mates receipted to llis predecessor for about 1700,000,000. It has required months for skilled ex perts to count tlie useless hoardings of tlie national government—hoardings, whic h,like the miser’s, are never dis turbed save when counted. The preliminary report of Comnlts- sioner Mason to Secretary Windoin presents tlie anything but gratifying ^assurance that tlio idlo surplus Is still growing. Thetotal collections of the Internal Revenue bureau Jcelng about $130,805,0:12,52 fur the fiscal year, and about six and a half million dollars be yond the collections of lifft year. WJien tlio average American citizen tax-payer and voter adds to these figures those furnished by tlio enforcement of the existing tariff, ho will understand how and wiry combined capital crowds Indi vidual enterprise to the wall; how im mense fortunes are being made by pro tected monopoli-ts, and how foolish tlie mass of voters —re, who, having the remedy in tlicir own hands, refuse to apply it. It must bo startling tq other people to sec tlfese two great uhanncls of luxation, tlie Internal Revenue and higli turitV, swelling and rushing down on the people, and yet also to see tlie victims of the destructive llood make little or no effort to escn|w. Idaho and Wyoming Will Apply for Admission Next Winter. Special to The Banner. Wa-hinotin', August 3.—Perry S. Heath, a correspondent of the United Press, who is a member of Representa tive Dorsey's congressional party, novi- on tho Pacific slope making a pleasure tour of the far West and Northwest, has visited all the tu..Rories of those sections. He writes from Olympia, Washington Territory, that it Is tho option of Congressmen Dorsey, Ne braska; Stewart, Vermont; Burrows, Michigan: and others of |be party, find a number of thesenatois lind represen tatives who have visited the territories tliislhimiier, that Wyoming and Iduho w ill he admitted to statehood at tlie ap proaching session of congress. Wyoming has elected dies delegates mid will call aeonstitutiomtl.conventlon In September. She will present a con stitution to congress with a full com plement of state, officers, as did South Dakota, uml ask for admission into tlie Union. Idaho lias almost completed a consti tution. Her convention met at Boise City, the capital, the 4th day of July, on the day the conventions convened in the Dakotas, Montana ami Washing ton uml will finish its work in n fen- days. She will then hold her election ■ of state officers on the 1st day of Octo ber. Found In tha Newspaper. . From the CJ-esco, loitiu "'.’lalKdvul- Wu •' have never, as oh r renders for nearly thirty years In this county an testify, written a 'putT of any pat ent medicine. Duly as well as inclina tion impel us to depart Irom tills studied silence, to suy to our renders and tlie public that, baling been completely prostrated with a violent and distressing cold, after three days fighting it with ordinary remedies and getting no relief from their use, wu obtained n bottle of Clarke’s Extract of l-’lax (I’nplllon) Cough Cure, obtaining nlmost instant relief and steady Improvement iindcr Its use.’’ Large bottle only $1.00 Ask for Clarke's Flax Soup. “Best on earth." 2f> cents. Both the above for sale hy all Druggists. INSTANTLY KILLED, Carpenters Struck by Lightning uml Hurled from the Top of * House. special to The lirinner. Atiaxta, August2.—A few peoplo wltnoir^pi it terrible tragedy on Gari- btildl /ttrecY, near the Kiut Tennessee shops, shortly before noon to-day/ Twq negro carpenters # were nailing rafters on a new frame house during a drizzling, ruiu. Suddenly there was a bright flash of 'lightning, and both men fell from tha top of the house to the ground, a dis tance of about thirty feet. Several iJcrsona who saw the men fall rain to the spot. Ruck Henderiou, one of the men,.was already dead. James Leonard, the other, was unconscious, and writhing and rolling about on the grouprl Moth men, were taken up and carried Into a shanty at 205 Irastrfcot. .. .A # „ 7r .„ 7 „ —— After consIdeAwfTUtJtJtTig antl" dw— ihidjjjmjiri*, jn HpliAnf .1 nmes’, 1dm and will make it a g Leonard was brought back to con- that whoever touched tho ark would bo* r ° uuqT ^ • Ing Leonard was brought 1 sciousness. The coroner has not held an inquest yet. Prisoners flefuie to be Locked In their Cell. Special to tli® Itennur. Atlanta, Ga., August 2.—Yesterday afternoon the county JJuil was the scene of u mutiny. The prisoners, led by A. E. McWhor ter, a United States prisoner, refused to be looked into their separate cells, aud the police department was called •n for assistance. Early in the afternoon McWhorter extracted a piece of steel from un old shoe and went to work to saw In two an iron bar in cell No,l. His task was not completed when the time came for the prisoners to be locked up in separate cells. When the Jailer went into the cage for this purpose, the prisoners, led by McWhorter, Flunk Washington, a ne gro armed with a stick, and Tom Green, auother negro, refused to enter the cells and some threats of violence were made. The station house was telephoned for 'wlpand Officers Hamilton, Sheridan i.ndjfiewcll responded promptly and the prisoners were forced to enter thei»* cells without further disturbance. Mc Whorter, the ringleader, is in jail for counterfeiting. The continued' use of mercury mixtures poisons the system, caus es the bones to decay, and brings on mercurial rheum atism. The use of 8. 8. 8. fofees im purities from tho blood given a good ap petite and digcetlon, am! builds up the whole human frame. Send to Swift Specific Company, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., for Treatise on Blood Diseases. LOOKING INTO IT. Tho State an.1 lt» W, & A. Railroad— Tho Senate’. Searching Hcso- lutlon*. Special to the fisnnsr. Atlanta, August 2.—Hon. John I. nail, Senator from the 2flth district, bin introduced aonie searching resolutions looking into tlie settlenient of aonie dis puted point-, regarding the Western and Atlantic railroad property. It pro- vldeafor a committee to make a thor ough, searching investigation. The senate has adopted the resolutions which in substance areas follows: Be it resolved hy tlie senate, the house concurring. First, That n joint committee of three from the senate and seven from the house lie ap|K>intcd hy the resjiectlve presiding olfieei-* of the two houses,who shall investigate mid report the facts touching the following subject: First, What are tlio .'triictures which the Western and Atlantic railroad com pany claim ft has tlie ffelit to remove from tlie leased premises; what is the value of such structures now, aud what will be the value of each at the end of the lease. Second, What is tlio difference in tlio value of the Western and Atlantic rail road now and when tho present lease commenced. Thin], What engines, cars and other personal property received by the Wes tern and Atlantic railroad company from the state, under the contract of lease, which can, at tlie end of tlie pres ent lease, lie returned to the state hy the present lease company "In as good condition as the tame was received. The resolution stipulates further in vestigations to be made In every detail about the betterments question. Dr. L. J. Sharp, one ol the rising young physicians of Northeast Georgia, is now in New York attending the |>o«t Sullivan atLoulivIlle. Special to the llaulirr., August 3.—John L. Sullivan, in charge of Depaty Sheriff Childs, of Hinds county, Mis*., arrived in tills city at5 o’clock this morning en route to .Jackson, Miss. He stopped over here until the noon train on the Louisville and Nashville, and was driv en about town hy Major Ed Iliighus, chief of tho fire department, who Ids bottle holder at thcSilllivnn-Kllrain mill. The Nuval Review Postponed. Special t.) The llann.r. - • London, August 3, a- The morning dawned with a steady downpour of rain, which showed no signs of abate ment as tlie hour for tlie naval review approached. By noon the rain was so heavy and tlie haze thick Unit the moored fleet was obscured from tho view of those on shore. It was an nounced that tlie review- had been post poned to Monday next, when the pro gram lor today will-lie carried out. A Letter that Was Never Written. Special In th. Banner, Nxw Yokk, August 3.—The World’s Washington correspondent says: "Apropos of the fuss that Mr. ,Sex ton, lord mayor of Dublin, Is making about tlie alleged tampering with mi al leged letter addressed to him by tlio president of the United States, it is said at both the White House and state de partment that President Harrison nev er addressed a letter to if r. .Sexton, mu) therefore the president’s seal could not have been defaced.” Jefferson Jottings. Special to tho Banner. JgppKitgox, August 2d.—This Is ’ tlio day of the.Vlliance picnic in our county The crops are all that can be expect ed. Tlie farmers have worked on a ciieap plan and they feel good. Yester day they had a picnie at Clarkshoro. Ten years ago Clarkshoro was tlie live point of Jackson county, now It has been settled tip by such mull as the Harrisons, Stricklands,Sykes, Wallaces and Fowlers and Lonenders, and today there is not a better section of tlie coun try. Miss Leila Ricliardsop will give an utcrtaiiiinent for the benefit of tlie tlie Martin Institute, and we expect the friends of Miss Richardson and the Mar- grndiiAte medieal'iehoob Dr. Bbarp'hos j Hn Institute from Athens to aid us in a brilliant future before him. getting up a good crowd. her, Is dead murder. Monday those are in jail are to have a hearing. Notroublo is anticipated. Things havo quieted down remarkably ainco the law authorities have takeuniat- tors resolutely in hand. ’" NXBUCIIAbNKZZA ON DECK. * j i|,805, which dlW t Tlie latest arrest and tho latest proton- ^ ^ , lrs J f| , 8 derlsacoal block negro, whose name has not boon ascertained, but who enjoy* and earns the distinction of being called Ne- bncliadnetza. Hn la from Kryan county. | no maintains that lie Is God, directed and exhorts,when ho lias a chance,in elo. quont gibberish to be understood only by a coast negro. He declared be subsisted on berbs.and during meeting, In tlie presence of bis auditors, got on liia all-fours and ate -grass. Tlio Jailer lets him into tho jail yard oc- casslonally to graze, widely he scums to enjoy, TUB CIIOWDIX JAir.. There are twolvo of tho riotous wor shippers in prison and elglitoon out on hall. Threo accessories to the woman Walker’s death aro in jail charged with murder. Most-of the culprits are charg ed with tho assault and intent to murder on Carter. King Solomon la resting quietly in jail - He makes do demonstrations now. The followers of the messiahs are fast deepening. Only a l s nnmit of them now got togctlior. Quocn Mary lias entirely losthor Influence. miZAKixu upTiuscAstr, Deputy Shorlff Dean and a posse of fourmen went out yesterday to dis perse the gathering. Thjs is tho fourth effort of Sheriff Smith, who Is a liravo and resolute sheriff, TJirco'tlmes ho lias destroyed tlie toinplo State Lottery < which amount - the Stato national, t Wright ! f. Moore is t neated colored man, Springs, Miss., and, pre'vfi moviil to Memphis was teaching seliocl In Mlzslislpj six years. His father, Jainet > Holly Springs,'was doorkeeper of I stato senate of Mli -issippi for nl-i eight year*. Moore sny* t State Lottery Company Is nuvoleiit corporation, width universal patronage from all and should be made perpetual Inis proven a great education! factor, and Is conducted;on tnar honorable basis.—Memphis ! - n Appeal, July 2d. LAYING THE FOUNDATI 1 The New Foundry Will Sooa be is A Bannxr man hi with Dr. Lyndon ye that he lias n good niimbc work on tlie foundation foundry and will push it to eo its fast as possible. 'ULo building will he very 1 nil or the iiinebiiiery of the h proved style. He expects to! running order with a lot <-t i li uhililsts in the country by the of next January. Dr. Lyndon has tlie short Imefyh day,and he says icr of hands at the new ftion ’.I t i v..: lass stricken mid die. Tho tomplo is a series of circular seats about nn oak. Tlioro is now no shelter for the rqllglou* picnickers. They aleop under no enuopy. A RAILROAD MORTGAGED. Tlie Georgia l’oelfle Railroad Issues $2,000,000 In Ronds. S|s-clsl In tlio Rnnnor. Atlanta, Aug., 3.—On yesterday a big mortgage was filed In the clerk's office of tlie supreme court. It was a deed of trust made hy the Georgia l’aciflu railroad company to tho Central Trust company of New York city for $2,000,000. Tlie Rii-limoiid anil Danville rullrond goes security fur the Georgia I’acltt'u- Tlie road owes $(110,01)1) for engiiios, rolling stock and equipment, and notes for them will fall due very- soon. In addition to this fact tlio road needs money to improve its/equipment and i-iuid lied, and hence the cause of the mortgage. Two thousand bonds of $1,000 each havo been issued. They are payable August 1st. lOOt, fifteen years from yes terday, and bear five per cent. Interest- Tiled i rectors of the Georgia Pacific resolved to issue the bonds some time ago, and the diroctora of the Richmond mid Danville system ratified the reso lution at a meeting held on May 4tli. Tlie road will lie considerably Im proved. DIED ON THE TRAIN Budilen Death of Mr. W. H. Daniel Yeatcrday Afternoon. Special to the llsnner; CosvKiis, Ga., August 3.—Hr, W. 11. McDaniel, who lives about two miles west of this place, died very suddenly yestorduy evening nbout five o’clock, He wss returning from Atlanta on the fast train at 3;40 and died on his way home. » He seemed os well as usual before he left town. The coroner held an inquest last night. The verdict of the jury was that Ilia deatli was caused by heart disease. A prominent gentleman of our city Informs us that, tlio way he br< kc him self from getting nmd was as sna.-i a* he found nnt that ho wa*really (ingry he would pull out a dollar mid give It to tbe one who nindo him-mail. He has not entirely cpred himself but is getting along finely. Yesterday ho went down t» his stables and found Hint/ the negro driver luid put up the mules and I,.id not given them anything to eat. This made him luff ami he commenced nhu*; illg’thn negro about it nnd Worked him self Into a terrible passion! A* soon as lie thought of himself lie pulled out a dollar uml gnrdSt to the negro! This cniisod him to cool off like lid bad a bucket of lee water poured on his bead. A Now Enierprleo. Fruit raising In the South lias be ' . .. L come ono of its principle industries,and in a few years tlio South will furnish the world with fruit. i The latest is tlie rnising of prunes and Chicago Market. Special to tha Banner. . Chicago, August 3.—Wheat opened, August, 78J H e.; .September, 70,1*0.; Corn, August, 38c.; September, 3dc. ;Oats, August, 21^@21j£o. {Septem ber 21,i$; pork, September, $10.70; October, $10.53J$: Lard, Septem ber, $G.23J$ {October,$8.23. {Short Bibs, Heptcmbcr,$5.4S. pecan nuts. M'o were shown yesterday by Alexander Kenney as flue prunes as can be raised III any counrty. He sent .-ir tlio trees to a nursery In Pennsylva nia, nnd the owners of the fmWfy ad vised him not to plant them as they were not suitable to this cljmate, but he tried them despite the advice, and this year his trees are full of as fine prunes as can be bought anywjiure. Pecans can be grown here as easily a* hickory nuts, nnd it is surprising that some of our farmers do not tiitti their attention to this instead' of raising cot ton. Goat Farming Pays. Mr. N. I). Arnold, of Oglethorpe, gave bis negroes a,big barbeeqe tiwlay, and kids, Iambs, Ac., were devoured in first class style. He lias a splendid crop, and gives a barbecue to celebrate tlio ocuasfyii. He raises a number of goats each year ex pressly for this purpose. A PAINFULAO A young lai-ty Has Her Foot Cru By a Cylinder Press In tlie Consti tution Job Office. .0 Special to The wanner. - • ' ' $ AThAxrA, August3.—A painful n:ci- dontln the Constitution job office about half-past twelve o’clock torday. Mine f.’allie Hue, who answered tho whistle calls le the Job room, placed her foot under Hoe hand-stop cylinder prtaa, which wnariinnlng, and It fins crushed between two pieces of tlie tnzchi;Jcrand two of lit r toea waa eat off. Dr. Nicolson dieoc I the foot and Vita Hoff was bikon to her home, N ■ .Woe FairstrCut. m