The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, September 25, 1888, Image 1

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TI1E WEEKLY BANMIK-W AIOJMAN, SEPT] MBER lg t 888. SOUTHERN RAILROADS* In this week’s issue the Mnnufac- irers’ Record presents special stat- tics as to the development of the tilroad interests of the south during lie last eight years. In 1880 the south had 20,612 liles of railroad, costing with its quipments $099,800,000, while at he present time it has 39,000 miles, osting $1,430,000,000 a gain of 8,000 miles in track and $750,000,- 00 in the amount invested in the It :s said that Congress will con- inue in session until December. ynprecldei OlVtribnted. H a 5| . 'E Kg ill Hsbri Kibr:E>s, Dyspepsia. and all Languid or Debilitated Conditions of the System : Loss of Herts Poorer, from nhateecr can •» lawyers. Preachers and Writers; and Feebleness from Old Age. In Stages of Puberty and Change of TJfe. i-° 1 lates and auiets. ' PRICE $1.00 for Full Pint Bottle. Sold by Druggists. B. U. WOOLLEY a CO.. toarwfr? FOR SALE BY* WADE & SLEDGE DRUGGISTS, ATHENS, GEORGIA. " James G Blaine is doing excel lent work just now for the Democratic party. The Democrats of New York city »ve gone to betting two to one on Icvelnnd again. It will be five to ic before November 6th next. Incorporated brlheLccnUU-rclnlSCS orbe 'ationslaud Charimble purposes,.«» tn™ hise made a Art ol tbo present »i»>e lio.i, tn 1&79. fcy HU orcrwbelmioi popnUi vo Its Grand Slagle Humber Drawlnge te place monthly, and the Grand Quarter drawings regularly every three moat March, June September and December), Capital Prize, $300,000, “We d •> hereby certify that we s E. VAN W INKLE & Cb Savannah voted on Wednesday to Atlanta, norvise .he arrangements for all the vlonthly and Quarterly Drawings of the Louisiana State lottery company, and in >er>on manage and control the Draw ings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honest v, fairnesa and in rood faith toward all parties, and we au- _• a 1 /l. n m 1 r an tlric iT-ftl ii« Commissioners. ffe the andersigned banks a id bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in the Louisi ana State Lotteries which may be pro Injectors Jet Pump Piping Valves and kinds, including ever; cd about a Mil lor Gii april24wtf. Tlila *dl Irnmra Tonic end JJ>rrin«» i* cnining frre-ju ncurv* for Jifhllitr, »iii, ami NEHVOiiS .tftsorrterft. It relieve* all IuumuM and dchilltatvi) <Gt»rii;b-n* of the •>•*• torn; stwa^Vn# tho lulellcct, rn«* bodily functions; bnilds u]> worn out Nerves : aidxUifphtiini : re* mores impaired or Jo*t Vitality, and bring* hack youthful strength rmd vigor. It in jilfostut to thi tome, and u*ed regularly braces the system a^uiu* tlwdepre*Mitg iuHu<' of Malaria. rrI«*€»—$ 1.4)0 |*er ltntlte of 24 ounces. FOR 8AL15 BY ALT. DSUGGltfTS. Dr. vonDonhoff. rmeriy ol Louisville, Ky., now resident ice with Dr. GERDINE, devote himself exclusively to 8ureery and ases of Women and the Treatment of Illa- of the Throat, Nose and Eyes, inayswum All the above at Reduced Price*. Write to or call on u * ° Nos. 248 and 250 East Broad Street ATHE- SUlrs Over University Bank, And contiuue until March 1889 A full corps of lecturers and ample means of imparting instruction in all departments, render the course in the school unsurpassed. Tenth annual announcement and cata logue, containing particulars, is now ready, for which address ATHENS MUSIC ALBERT L. MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW „ Athens, Georsta. My duties as Auditor of the Southern Mutual Insurance Company being prac tically over, I will devote my entire time u my profession, and will practice any where employed. w6m. 57 Clayton St., Next Door to Post-Office, aris _ _ - - Geo^ WHICH THIS IS William S. Whaley, M. D OKIfKRAL Practitioner of Medicine & Obstetrics Office . onicr of Prince SI Milled*e Avenue. TzLEmox No C8. ATiirns.Ga ay'-li m 1? A on , 11,0 very best mcces of Plano*. Organs Vtollna, 01 Mualcai lustrum vote for axle at tl>e Tery Lowest Price For (WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of tbs Bodyenlargod .^jnd etren^ thsnsd^lPuU >Lnck or V|m 5 l’.ody or Mind, Utl Hern i.'joVS Or on thi direct to short no SUFFERERSw earlv BANNER - AY ATCHM AN BbTiKI.Hni viKI, j In the little village of Starkville, J\ n*IIV n || ii n i u * turr | IV Mississippi, there is in operation the j BULL oUffUul 4 It t t Ik LI : m0 st successful mechanical and in- j ■ j dustrial college in the world. Amidst | TnrDaiLYBAjisKn-WATi UMAX is deliver^ ’ tile countless failures of its kind it by j", j^mreemouiii stands pre-ominent for its success. i In tSL'iiy T mailed imatoBC in*o l»e. a weet^’ r .^ontu. for three month ®*|M**YO«'* YVkFKLY lUNNKB-WATCTI' sJRffiuiSMta «.“uy or nutted postage "tWuuvTnSfor News elicited from all spouusllu 1 ' sources FOR PRESIDENT: GROVER CLEVELAND, OP NKW YOltK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: ALLEN 0. THURMAN. OF OHIO, i on governor : JOHN It. GORDON, of DeKalb. to i; conorkss Srn iiutbict: li. H. CARLTON, of Clarke. FOU STATE SENATOR* JAS. R. LYLE, of Oconee. FOR REPRESENTATIVE: 11ENRY C. TUCK. GROWTH OF IRON INTERESTS. Tlie growth of the iron interests has hail a marked effect in stimulat ing railroad construction, and next year the sooth will make 1,800,000 tons of pig iron, against 397,381 tons in 1880. The traffic in coke, ore and iron, developed by this business will fur nish the southern railroads in 1889 over 12,000,000 tons of freight, which is equal in volume to the eutire wheat crop of the country, and seven times as great as the cotton crop. “Truth and falsehood walk side 11Y SIDE THROUGH OUR STREETS AND viek and virtue* meet and pass KY Ell V HOUR OP THE DAY. T1IE IiUT op Hi'; starving stands in the SHADOW OP THE PALACE OF THE WEALTHY, AND THE CARRIAGE OP Dives every day throws the dust PROM ITS OI.IT .’BRING WHEELS OVER THU TATTERED GARMENTS OP LAZA RUS.” jl Its presiding genius is General', Stephen D. Lee, a gallant Confederate j officer, an accomplished scholar, a , courtly gentleman; a Christian man. ; With fewer resources than most in- i stitutions of its kind commanded, \ ailroads. under his guidance it has achieved what no other lias yet accomplished —undoubted success. It would be difficult to find a more competent chancellor than this modest Missis- sippian. He has demonstrated his worth. His heart, soul and body are devoted to the cause of education, and the University and Georgia would be singularly fortunate if they could secure him as chancellor. The writer does not know but he could he secured. It is certainly worth the trouble of ascertaining. He is not an impossible man, as far as general infornlhtion extends. His present office is onerous, responsible, and his compensation is poor com pared with his service. The Chan cellorship of the University of Geor gia is a position of great honor and intiiicnce, and its salary is greater than that now received by General Lee. The great difficulty in the way per- | naps will te to read him from the I institution that his own hands have I btiilded, and which he loves with that affect.,,. that the parent accords to the child. As an old Alumnus, as a patriotic Georgian, as a friend to higher edu cation, the writer nominates General Stephens D. Lee, of Mississsippi, for Chancellor, and with all earnestness asks the board of Trustees to set on foot the proper inquiries looking to wards the possibility of his candidacy. An Alumnus. issue bonds to build a new ^ house. Only sixty-two votes v. cast against the proposition. Oni hundred thousand of bonds will 1. issued. The trade edition of the Morning News, issued the past week, was it wonderful showing of the growth of the Forest City in all line? of busi ness; during the past year. “A gn.veyare. ral« iiimiuincDb* an* To »ti»\ir !»ow brief in human life. How vain ball we lime. A iaait-y. nl lilled with memory, w hen* phantoms lightly irt-ml. 11;.I each one points with Angers raised To blue .kies ovirlieail". The New York State Republican ticket i* considered an easy one to bent. • Green county will bold a colt show this fall. A meeting was held Tues day to perfect arrangements. Mr. J.C. Harris gets over $<100, for bis stories; and is offered $3000, for a novel he is now at uork on. One of these days we shall have to make peace .wit Ii Canada, as the woman did with the persistent man. She married him. Dr. T. 11. Gibbs, of Morgan county has formally accepted the nominati for Senator from the 2Stli Senatorial J lisfrict of Georgia. Cill. K. M. Johnson is said to have $2,<HH) worth of Manuscript in the hands of Harpers, paid fur at the rate of $300 per story. There are 15 daily newspapers in New York City supporting Cleveland and Thurman, while there arc only three for 11arrison and Morton. That is a good indication. The yellow fever situation in Jack, sonville is not so gloomy as it lias been, though an increased number of cases are expected as soon as the weather becomes warmer. The bowels of our American earth are full of coal. "We .ought to trans fer a huge section of it to the holds of American steamships, and send tiicso steamers to all parts of the world. Free coal! Free ships! Samuel L. Clemens who under tlie nom-de-plume of Mark Twain is known and liked by everybody, will ;n a short while publish a new book. The title is not yet know but it is presumed that the humorous side of American politics will receive full at tention. The recent heavy rains have en' tailed it loss to our farmers directly and to the whole people indirectly. The cotton crop has lost fully 25 per cent., the end is not yet. We can only hope that the prob able increase in price will to a certain extent make good this loss. Mr. Turner Y. l’owderly is said to be a candidate for the position of com missioner of labor, the salary of which has been increased, necessitiating a new appointment. It is not likely that any change will be made. Col. Cartel 1>. Wright, the present com missioner, is a low tariff Republican and an expert from the beginning up. Nobody can take bis place. It is a historical fact that no man has ever been elected Preside nt of the United States, who made speeches in his own behalf during tlie cam paign, and there are many who trace the decline of Blaine's influence tour years ago to the day he made the first address on his tour through New York. I/el Harrison take warning. The hand writing is already on tlie walk At last we are to have a navy And thanks to the Democratic rule and Democratic advanced ideas that the country has been awakened to the iiiqairtanee of our coast defences, ar.d of a navy to protect our commerce. The seven new vessels are a fair start towards placing our maritime strength on a par with the other great nations of the world. The Farmers of the country can sea who are inclined to legislate in their interest by reading (bo Record. Last week while the Republicans of the Senate finance committee, who were preparing the Republican tariff bill were working to keep the baggiLg dutiqsr just where they are, the Dem- ocrats of the House committee on manufacturers were arranging for a special meeting, with ‘a view to rec- mmeudiug to the House action de signed to break up the trust. The report is again in circulation that Secretary Whitney will soon rc- k sign from the cabinet. Indeed, it is stated’ in some quartsrs that he will not return to his department from his present vacation except to write his annual report. It is is well to remem ber that reports of this sort have been circulated periodically ever since Mr. Cleveland formed his cabi net, and yet the cabinet has held to gether remarkably well. Of the seven members, only two have resigned. Mr. Manning resigned because his health broke down, and Mr. Lamar liecanse he was appointed associate justice of the supreme court. ' Why should the manufacturers be hotter cared for than the farmers? The cotton growers are not demand- * 'jng any protection, and yet they com pete with the cheapest labor iu the w0 Jdd. \Ye have the figures for 1885- C atTuuid. 'lo India, Egypt and Bra zil 2214,000 bides were produced, and 7,480,000 bales in the IJunited States. These figures are on thejv« <* 400 pounds to the bale. And, by way, this is the only sensible way mating a crop. Some standard weight HwWte<:‘Uli>he.l, and the pounds E fanners ge» , without any protl Id do belt WISE IN NEW YORK- The removal to New York of John 8. Wise, the most prominent anti-Ma- lione republican of the state of Yir- ginia, seems to gome extent, say3 the World, to have removed to this me tropolis, where it may providently be lost sight of, the once famous but not futile Wise-Mahon battle for political supremacy iu tlie Old Dominion. Nearly everybody who reads the daily papers and the comic weeklies know what Mahone looks like. He is gen erally represented as a bearded cross between a jKirrot and a dwarf. ••Johnny” Wise as lie is sailed at re publican headquarters, is a dumpy lit tle man with a bij* head, a square fore head and jaw, a keen blue eye and a smoothly-shaven face. He has never been sufficiently hirsute to lose a cer tain youthful look, although lie is now over 4(1. Hi; is the son of that dig nified, sterling and stalwart old demo crat, Henry A. AVise, whose shade must have a “conniption fit” frequent ly these days when it peers over the battlements of the democratic heaven and sees the first born and heir of the old war governor’s honors fraternizing with the “boys” of a party made up in Virginia of white men who have lost caste and colored men who have not been able to lose color! AFRICAN EXPEDITION- Another expedition is about to start for Africa, the object being to explore an immense section of terri tory on the east coast, granted by the sultan of Zanzibar to an English cor poration, and to develop the rich trade of the interior. The success which lias attended the efforts of Russia to open up Central Asia seems to have awakened the people of Eu rope to the fact that Africa offers in many ways a field for the exercise of modern pluck and energy; and, al though many obstructions arc likely to be met with, there is hope that the Dark Continent may soon be brought under tlie influence of civilization. AA’hcn it is considered that not until it c latter half of the nineteenth cen- | tury was the world aware how slight is the obstacle between civilization and the broad natural highway through the dark region of Africa, the wonder is that so much should already have been done to prepare the conti nent for the operations of commercial enterprise. Of the 70,000,000 feet of lumber included in the Conncticut River Lumber Company’s last drive of logs, which have recently passed over Bel lows Falls, 7,000,000 feet stoppad at Bellows Falls to become paper. Rust is playing havoc in the South, eru part of the State, with the cotton crop. It is now thoughr that the en tire crop will be ruined by tlie cater pillars. Those have appeared in j conntless numbers and great fears are uow entortaiued of the damage they will ilo. The youug men arc-coming to the front in politics in Massachusetts as well as elsewhere. Mr. AVm. E. Rus sel, who was nominated the other day by the democrats for govet nor of that State, is only 31 years old, but lie owes bis nomination to the fact that he has the wisdom of much older men. The country hasn’t suffered yet by bringing the young men for ward. HIL-L.ivi^_ ' Taliaferro Co., Ga. CUBES r- NATURAL Hl_- —AND— ELEOTRfFISp WATER By tho use of this celebrated .Nat ural Treatment the most astonishing cures have resulted in cases.of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEY DISEASES. LIVER TROUBLES INF0MNIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, IIS ASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN, PARALYSIS IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OVERTAXED MENTAL FACULTIES. Excessive IudBlgencc in Alco holic Stimulant, nud Gen eral Debility, Na Artificial Means Used Whatever, CRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Atlanta wants the earth and she generally gets her full share of it and often more. She is now Drying to get the Grand Army of the Republic to hold their next annual meeting there. A large delegation of promi nent Atlantians have left for Colum bus, Ohio, where the G. A. R. is now in session and they report that success lias almost crowned their efforts. It will be a good thing not only for the “Gate City” hut for the South a» it will bring several thousand deni zens of the Blizzard region to the South where they will be able to com pare their home state with the “Em pire State of tne South.” There is no danger of Georgia being “tried in the balance and found wanting.” We confidently predict that a number of new citizens will be secured by this means. Athens will try to come in for her share. ANOTHER CONE WRONG- “William T. Fixer, a colored em ployee of the pension office, has x-e- signed and fled from the city in dis grace. Fizer, who was a graduate of Howard University, was on duty in the office of the medical referee, where lie drew $1,600 a year. He was one of tlie most trusted employ ees of the office. He was of very’ light complexion, and was anxious to pass as a white man. Recently lie obtained an introduction into a white family to whom he represented him self as a Portugese. In a short time lie proposed mar riage to tlie daughter of the house. Her parents went to the pension office, where they were horrified to to learn that Fizer was a colored man with a wife and several children. Fizer succeeded in eluding the angry father, wrote his resignation and hur riedly left the city. „ THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER. Grover Cleveland’s letter formally acceating the nomination was given to the press Sunday. It is a remarkably clear, able and forcible document meeting every issue now Ill-fere the people fairly and squarely. In it he says. “I endorse the Democratic platform thus presented, with the de termination that if 1 am again called to the chief magistracy, there shall be a continuance of devoted endeavor to advance the interests of the entire country.” In this letter he shows leavly the necessity of Tariff Reform; advocates restriction of immigration and the protection of our workingmen. Trusts come in for their share of de served condemnation and '.are called rightly in “devices to wrong the people.”It is emphatically a Cleve land document—fearless and to the point. BOOTH AND BARRET- Edwin Booth and Lawrence Bar rett, under the direction of Arthur B. Chase, open their season September 10, in Kansas City. The company includes Charles Hanford, John A. Lane, William Stafford, Lawrence Hanley, Ben. G. Rogers, Owen Faw celt, Charles Collins, Fred Vroom C. Koehler, Beaumont Smith, XValter Thomas, William Hughes, Oliver Doud, Garrie Davidson, Steve Horn, George McCalla, Minna Gale, Ger trude Kellogg, Alice Acre and Eler- nor Tyndale. The organization will also include a double quintette of se lected vocalists that have been ene gaged for the serenades, dirges, etc., to be introduced in “Otliello,” “The This is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, rim Harare imitation. This exact Labe! isoneachPearl Top Chimney A dealer mi y: ay and think he has others as good, IIE HAS HOT. Insist upon ‘he Exact Label and Top. Fas 3.iu Evemvhirs. Kvar duly by BED. f MACBETH &C3.. Pittsbsr-ii. Pa REWARD. ONE THOUSAND ($1,000) Dollars. We the undersigned offer one thous and dollars, cash, if we cannot send yau the picture of the next 1'resi lent of the United Stales. If you desire to enter this contest buy a box of the genuine Du. C. McLaPK's Ci.i.Ki’.nA'iKi> Lived Pills from your druggist (price 2oc.) and mail us tlie outside wrapper and - cents in stamps with your address plain ly written, we will then mail you the picture and anelegant package of cards. Address Flkiiiko linos., augl4dwlm Pittsburg, Pa. R. M. WALMSLRY, Pres. Louisiana Sat. na. PIERRE LAKAUX, Pres. State .National Bonk. A. BALDWIN,Pres. Sew Orleans National Uanll OARL KOEN, Pres Union national Bank. Grand Monthly Drawing In the Academy of rc. VewOrleans,Tuesday, October o. i'>8. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Ticket* nt Tn - ntj Dollar* Earli. Halves SIO; <--tartera Tenths SB; Tvveuiieili* H- 1 PRIZE OF **11,010 is. ,...»rfi0 1 PRIZE OF 1111,000 n no, it! 1 PRIZE OK 50,000 Is—, 1 PRIZE OF 25,000 is.... 2 PRIZES OK 10,001 are... 6 PRIZES OF 5,000 are... There is scarcely a mail that does not bung some grateful acknowledgement of (be Wonderful Health Kestorir.g Vir es cf tlie place. Resort open the year round. First- class hotel accommodations at reasona ble rates. For testimonials and fates address B.F.BROWN, Manager, Hillman, Taliaferro Co„ Ga. riao’s Cure for Con sumption is also the best Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough ■without disoase of tho Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you ne glect this easy means of safety, the slight Cough ipay become a serious matter, and several bot tles will be required. id oo 25,0) 2H.UC0 26 000 >6,(00 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Frizes of f AX) *;>f.roxlm*liug to $3i 0,000 Frixe xre 100 Prxes of $ 00 approximating U> $100,000 Prize 190 Prixea of $3)0 approximating to 150,000 Prixe are TERMINAL PRIZES t 0"0 Prizes of $I0> decided by $300,COO Prlx’i nru 1,000 Prixt s of $IC0 decided by $’10,000 Piixo xre THE IRON KING 60,00-1 30000 20,000 100,000 100,000 3,'lSti Prizes amounting to $ I 0 6 »00 For Club Kates, or any further inioxwithm apply to the undersi.nod. Your handarSln. must be diitinc* and Signature plain. Mora rapid return mail delivery will be awmrcd uy your enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address -end Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or New York Exctmugo In ordinary letter Cur rency by Express fit our expense addr.iRS.’d .o hi A DAUPHIN New Orleans, la ir M A Dauphin Washington, I> U; iddress registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New O elk an 8, La. DTiliri lfi)VD That the presence of It Ti ill>Hi XL boncrals Beauregard tml Early, who are in charge of the drawings, is i guarantee cf absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances ate all equal, an J that no one can possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes .8 GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, end the Tickets are signed by the President ot an Institution, whose chartered rights are rccogniaed la the highest Courts; therefore, beware of anv ioi'tatloi s or B20I1THL0US 9Chiune*s. wedA: Ur’-d-W ; o H H O O TANKS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS and all kinds of ..FOUNDRY WORi Awarded Four Gold Medals at the Texas State Fair, one for the Lo’-t Gin, best Feeder be-t r> , display. ‘ ’ 1 Londi best display . _ Flrst Prize Gold Medal at International Cotton Exposition, for the best sample 1,,., ln anil the best constructed machine; 1 ’ hirst Prize at Tarboro, North Carolina State Fair. Also awarded first Premium at South Carolina State Fairs. !s «, ar.d a clean scory at the F*i r U» I011X 11.1.nXDoy Chester, S. C., Yovcmbrr 30ib„ 16S3--E. Van Winkle & Oo, Atlanta, Ga, Gents- Hade to-day. hirst Premium over Pratt, Winship and Brown, Yours truly,' WRITE US FOR PRICES. WE CAN SAVE Y0U1M0NEY BY PURCHASING DIRE'7 VAN WINKLE!&;CO./BOX'83,'ATLANTA,GA THE EXCELSIOR Merchant Ciesar.” of Venice” and “Juli ~ KOYAL RELATIONS. Few of the crowned heads of Eu rope have l.cen more fortunate than! King Christian of Denmark, fine of his daughters is Empress of Russia, and another is likely to he tlie future Queen of England, while one of his sons is King of Greece and another is the husband of tlie only daueliter and lieir of the King of Sweden. And now his grandson the Crown Prince of Greece, is to marry princess Sophie, sister of Emperor William. If dy-. uastic alliances could assure peace he-! tween nations, such widespread mar-! tial relationship would surely afford the necessary guarantee. DAUCIIY’S ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill} ItKVOI.VKIts. Semi stamp far priet U 1J list to Johnston & Son., rittsburi;. l'a Haw ron Cough, ftronrfcttlx, Autbma, liulitrrst.'on ! U*# PARKER’S CiNCER TONIC without delay, u luu carcdnumy tl the worst C-ure-s aiMt it tne I est remedy for ail alfrctiocs of the throet ami luuc% and uiv.amis tuUlnie front impure Lk**l am! exhalation. The fet-Ll-s uml rk-k.strujrirnnuiurainst dilate, and alowiy drifting to the grave, will la many case si tccovpi* ttu*ir health by the timely use of 1‘arkrr’s BimrerTonh*, Imttlelay ixdan* Tr*“ ** *■— .... .. . . •lid dhsordetn of MoiuacU and bowela. 6O0. at LirUiTyLta •A GOOD POINTER. •The taxation of luxuries,” said Air- Cleveland in his tariff message, “pre- cuts no features of hardship, but the necessaries of life used and consumed hy the people, the duty upon which adds to the cost of living in every home, should ho greatly cheapened.” These words express tho democratic position on the tariff exactly. Mr. Cleveland’s tariff message and Mr. Thurman’s Port Huron speech should be the principal documents sent out by the democratic campaign committee, for no speech that has been or will- be delivered can convey to tho people a clearer idea pf what the democrats in tend to do. THE DRAMATIC SEASON. It is very hard to understand why Athens should be considered a poor place for first-class attractions in this lino. She has one of the handsomest opera houses in the the state, is a city o{ over 10,000 population and the seat ol tho State University and the finest female schools in the south. The manager of tlia Opera House should see to it that Athens secures her share of the brighter lights in the Theatri cal world and wo know that onr citi zens will give them the support they deserve. IM PARKER’S HAIR BALSANl Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails lo Restoro Gray Hair It its Youthful Color. Prevents lhuiilrntf «i»*l h*ir falling INDIAN OUTBREAK. The rumors of impending trouble between trilies of Indians in tlie Northwest have been sufficiently alarming to cause troops to lie sent to the disturbed country. If the quar rel could be confined to opposing tribes it would not he significant, but siu-li an outbreak means danger to peaceful settlers. Fortunately tlie military force on the froutier lias learned of late how to make short work of these sanguinary uprisings. MtiXtit 'IVhnraphy, X*cu!l ;insr. Bunking. IVnaian ditp, Correapomlencc, Aritiuuofic. <£c« Yocnr :ien tmi women taught to oxrt. ^ i* Isviug.-vnd given a thorough ftrepirsdoj Lr hononbls pwl- i Host a. Ttrtsa reasonable. U'ims whort, ^^Instructicc theroegh. Business Lionsup^iiod < srilh cfnnpetsni Airdetants ou fchert notice. No cliarrofor afloat iuna furnished. A dura* j Single Lever Injector V McGinty& Hunnicutt NO FANCY PRICES' Time Tried and Fire Tested. Fold in this market for the pa-t 15 .earA It stands unrivaled to day in luish, ot excellent cooking qualities nd durability, while other “so-called” >est cook stoves iu tho world have etired before its superior excellence, ihe Iron King and other well known cakes of Cooking Stoves and Ranges lonstantly on hand at > E.E.. JONES NEW bTOVK STORE, Oorner Broad £ Wall Sis. Mhens.Ga l employ a large fi ree of practica vorknien to do rooting, guttering sno .li kinds of tin and sheet iron work. All work warranted. jnnlMlv. F-. E. JONES. tB5s?w.asrBrc til l»Mly. Beat SMCk KPF — ;*trsr. WarranUd. Iltsry olid OolJ Biatlsc Omul Elegant and ■aagaUMwC Both Udlaa'aad rwtsTtlH aqaaLv al aaoitiE PEHHOil taaaeb locality can aacara oot FREE, (low U UtlapocalbUY We auawar—wa want cm par* •on ic each locality, to Reap la ^ainaMaaSR wary naefta 1 ^*^RjatMOLlTaARR^ULC wa 11 aa tho watch.wa Band fraa^aad altar yoa kavakn* them In your homa tor » inuotha an J shown than tottoas who may Lave ralled.tbey beeois* your awn poparts M !a possible to make this great offer, sending tbs ROUD SOLD watch and CO«T ramplca frea. aa tfaaabowlnccf tbaaaaptaa In any locality, always raaalla In • lar»a trada lor aa; altar our aamplaabaro bam In a locality tor 4 anoath or two waaanally (at from |1000 to l&OOtt tn tradafrum tho oorrouadln* country. This, tho moat wtmdarful oOsr war kaowm,U mads la ordar that oar samples may bs ptaoad at ouao Where they can ha aaan, all over America. Wrlia at ones, and ■askassure of the chance. Baadcr It wUI ha hardly any troabl* ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE kkw’yokk This College enjoys the powers of a University and is conducted by t e Jesuit Fathers. It is situated in a very beautiful part of New York county between the Harlem U. & L. 1. Sound Every facility is given for the best classical, scientific and commercial education Board and Tuition per Year *300. Studies re-open September 5tii, 18^. St. John’s llatl, a Preparatory School for boys from 10 to 12. Is under tlie same direction. For further particulars apply to Key John Scully, S. J , Pres. aug30-dlui IS THE ONE WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING for that lias hut one lever and can be sold as j cheap as the Hancock Inspirator. We Guaran tee it and will carry a full stuck for prompt ship ment. It is strictly a first-class boiler feeder. U. R Lombard & Co., Contractors -Grove Sehool.- For Boys and Girls. The exercises of this school will be resumed on Monday, -September 3rd, 1888. JULIA P. MOSS, u'D-Ul Principal. Augusta, april24wtf. Georgia. Classic City Business College. T WENTY Five Dollars pays for a full course ln either department—time unlimited Short hand easily mastered in three months. For particulars address BLOUNT & EV* NS, maySwlm. Athens, Ga. T ill is located at SEA ANEE, TENN., upou the Cumberland Plateau, 2,000 feet above ti e sea level This school urder the special patronage of the bishops of the Protestant Episcopal i hurch, in the South and Southwest, ofTers the healthiest residence and the best advantages, both moral and educational, in its Grammar School and in its Collegiate and Theological Departments. For the special claims of tills University for patronage, apply for doeumeuts to the llev. TELFAIlt HODGSON, Vice-chan cellor, Sewanee, Tena. augi7d&wmi ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY, Conducted by the Sisters cf St. Joseph Washington, Wilkes County, Ga. IIL SUCCESS OF GRADUATES IN PASS- _ ING examinations lief ore school boa ds and securing positions as teachers testitlesto the >uglmess of the course of instruction, iscc, art, plain sewing and the culinary de partment receive special attention Telegraphy, typewriting >nd stenography taught to pupils who wish to perfect themselves in those brunches charges reasonable. The fall session will begin September 3. For further particulars send for catalogue. Address MOTUKll SUl’UlllOlt. augi4-dtin ANOTHER IMPROVEMENT The Bannku-Watchman lias made special arraagments to give the closing of the cotton markets of Liverpool, New York and Athens every evening. It will be correct and those living along the line of the North Eastern and Georgia Railroads can depend on it. Our paper will he delivered at the different stations along the Geor gia Road ou the fast train, which will be a great advantage to those in the cotton business as it will give them the news of the rise or fall much soon- en than if they had to wait for the mail. A CITY CLOCK. In this city there are no less than three seperate and distinct times, forming a source of great trouble and inconvenience not only to us hut to our visitors. A small appropriation from the city would buy a first class city clock which should be p’aced in a consnicious place, and thus make a standard time. Then let the railroad schedules he pub lished by that time. We know of no other city the size of Athens in the State without her city clock. along Of course their slender incomes were not greatly attenuated tribute tv the manufacturers, Irnrnrmm Hon. Fleming DaBignon has been nominated for the Senate from the Savannah district. Mr. DuBtgnon is a young mao, only thir- fast advancing to the ; His ratory convincing, and having many friends his rise is assured. Many predict ho n that lie will be tli ^ eorgia, next Governor of CITY AND COUNTY POLITICS- Tli ore is always a calm before a storm and we may expect the present feel ing of apathy to give place in a few weeks to one of the most heated con tests ever known to our people. There are many rnmors of various combinations aud new candidates but they can hard)y be traced to tbe origi nator or verified. SEPTEMBER CROPS. The crop report of Commissioner Henderson for the month of Septcm- ber apjiears ii^another column of this paper. It is an interesting document and contains important facts and figures. IOWA PROHIBITION. Iowa Judges tolerate no monkey ing with the State Prohibitory law; and one of them has gone so far as to to instruct Grand Juries to indict farmers who hare been accustomed to make cider for use in their own fam ilies- The appetite for sumptuary laws grows by what it feeds on. WE HOPE SO. The republicans will be in that mood, about November, most condu cive to appreciate the force of the language about the “melancholy days, the saddest of tho year,” etc., or words to that effect. “Georgia on wheels” is now in Ohio surprising an delighting the people with its splendid display. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” is dying coudition. BSSQOVSRY. Any look lenined in one rending. Wind vvntideriiigciircd- SpraLing without iiolf c. Wttolly nuliSic nrlifirlal syMrinS. IMmej t'oiidiiniu ti Ly Mtyrcuie Court. Cireat iuducemcnlw to correspond- csace classes. Prospectus, with cniuious of Dr. \Ym. A Hammond, thri worlu-futuctl specialist in Mind diseases. Daniel Greenteaf Thompson, the irreat Psychologist, aiul others, sent post free bv Prof A. l.OlbETlE, 237 Fifth ave New York EXHAUSTED VITALITY T HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, tL« greet Medical Work of the xgeon Mxnbood,XexT» out* ard Physical Bo- bility. Premature Do- Ifunui TUVCCIU cline, Errcrxof Yoith, UtlUVT I niOLLl land the untold miaer- tn conxeqneut thereon, 3IX) pace* 8 to., Its pro- tcriptioir 1 rail (Lacaaea. Cloth, rail tilt, onlv 11.00, ij mad, iw od. nittStraUve eamplo free to all yonne *nd nuodie-ned moo. Send now. The Gold ana /eweiied Medal awarded to the author be the Nation al llodical Aseodatioa. Addreas P.O. Box lSW.Boa- ton, MaM.,or Dr. W. U. PARKER, graduate of Uar- rard Medkal College, *s year*' practice ‘.n Boston, who may be eons-.ked conldentiaJly. Office, Na 4 Baiftncfe Sit. Bpedahy. Wmmmm ot Man. Cat ihUflRt. Yoa may never aee it a«als. JulvSlAwie*. the:science, or / UFE A Kmurniu No COyMWB “«■» tnulnew. “Yoa cured use aoundaad well. « used 18 to 13 Or* - . —_c«™abr yoa is ,on«i-r. n. pnnuTm, ^•Art" -l UMd Undtnnm for jean. *■ »o» WU and liappr.—Kbubcca Hoyster. Wki. «~d,N. C.” “Inn. entirely trail and Iks prendsM »P— IlYtaf. and t«ll srsry ona yoar wkl.kry anti d, Aa —red me.--C. I>. sami-i.e. Donplaia Ark.' P WANTED A No. 1, ten to fifteen horse power , engine, if it can be bought low. Apply to Box 105, Washington, Ga. . tf LADIES! Do Tour Ova Dyeing at Homo witb Peerless Dyes In Package* or for Ftstiv fading Qualities, Theydi For sale by b. Brightness, ness of Color, o not crock < crock or smut. G, W. BUSH A CO.. WADE * SLEDGE, and K. ti, LYNDON, Druggist#, Atbeu Oft •urrounillDS couutry. This, tbo fcuuwu,Is DSAdulo order that our m . where they c«a be sees, all over America, mek^eure of the chance. Reader It will U tor you to show the samplee to U»om uhe may ceU i aad jour reward will be most saUaDsctorj. A pwt. ou Which to write ua costs beM 1 cent aud after jouknow all,tfjow 4o Ml car* to go further, why aohann todonm^Bmtfrwi to LEB. We pay^ all_ * ' n nmozaaa. The BUYERS’ GUIDE 1, issued March and Kept., oacli year. It ii an' enoy- clopedla of u.eful infor. ■nation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can olotha yon and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, Bleep, eat, flab, hnnt, work, so to church, Or stay at home, and ln various eiaee. styles and quantities. Just flsure out what la required to do all the— things COMFORTABLY, and you can makoafalr estimate of the value of the BUT EBB' GUIDE,' which will be sent upon receipt of 10 eents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michlzan Avenue, Chicago, IU, Ga GLASSES T FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY With the latest improved instru merits. If you cannot see distinctly or your eyes pain, call at the Rosenberg Spectacle Co., AT THE Old Post-Office Building. (^Examination of - the eye charge. july5d*w3m. Tlxe P'apei P R ! WAS MADE BY THE Pioneer Pa MANUFACTURING CO., ATHENS, - GEORGIA Morelend Park Military Academy, Near Atlanta. Situation ami dally regime unsurpassed for health. Thorough military discipline with sys temate pliysleni training. The course include: a thorough English and classical education with practical tuition In French. Gent .an and Spanish. Session ttegins September 10th. Send r illustrated catalogue. augllKm CHAN. M. NEEL, Supt. Money for Farmers ! I am Prep ired to Negotiate LOANS FOR FARMERS At a Total Commission of 12 per cent, with in terest at 8 per cent, payable once a year, to-wit: on December 1st. junetwtt HENRY C. TUCK. W ANTED TRAVELING AND LOCAL SALESMEN FOR Agricultural and Machinery Specialties to sell to the trade. State age,references, amount expected fo «, salary andexpenses Address, Massey & Co., jly20-!)m r r Montezuma, Ga. MRS. A. E. CRAWFORD, Will form a class or classes, IN ATHENS FOR YOUNG LADIES On MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st. To those slic offers special advanta ges in Language, English and Art, Literature, History and Mathematics. An early application desired. tf F. L. UPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Prompt Attention Given to Collection ■^.OFFICE FRANKLIN BUILDING 'Vli mulSdlT. Most Dealers and Manufacturers of BRICK-LATHES,SHINGLES WHITE LEAD MIXED PAINTS. OILS Varnishes, Builder’s Hardware, Lime, Plaster Faris. and Ceieit SCHROI.L WORK A SPECIALTY. ALSO SASH LOOK AND BLINDS. Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills at Northeast depot. AU oniers'proaptlj filled and estimates made. Office South street, near J tekson. ATHENS FOU N Ml ; AND : MACHINE WORKS. ATHENS, ....... GEORGIA Manufactures Iron and Bra Castings, Mill and Gin MachinHj, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers ui ■ Boxes, Cotton Presses, Cottas Seed Crushers, Cane Mills, & 1 * - orators, Circular Saw Mills, 1* nisli Atlas Engines, Water Wleea olid a fu’ 1 ne of supplies; sseln - • • , racking ; .I ill ; bJ I ..J or write I® prices on what you may need Address, AND MACHINE WORKS, . Athens, Georgia Childs, Nickerson & Go. Dealers in General HARDWARE I H. C. TUCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Dupree Building* feb28dlv. K.L.J. SMITH, ATTOIIN&Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. Will practice ln Jackson, Banks, Madison, Franklin and adjacent counties, and also tn the Supreme and Federal coorta' of the state Will give special attention to collection* and make prompt re tarns- Office room No.l, ovei Dr.Hardman*• drag more. HENRY McALPIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW Formerly of Athens, Office r*" J 1 Southern Meal College, ATLANTA, GA. Next annual session cf this Institution Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders’ Hardware, Leai^i and Rubber Belting, Machinery, Oils, Etc. GENERAL AGENTS for I THE CELEBRATED F GULLETT Improved Light Draft j ton Gins, Feeders, xfowinJ ! Champion Heaping and no™ , Machines. I Hay lakes, Boss —i Scales, bfcels>« ^ , Mills, Evapors»» - - oriel* ;i