Newspaper Page Text
ANNO wall '88.
Chronological Record of an
Eventful Twelvemonth.
These Direful Tilings.
will* Criminal Mat-
turn A.l.t< d- TuUo 1 1* Much of llio Space
m the Set Iteconl of *!>o Vear’a
Event*- Penoiai Mutter* and Politics
Occupy Mwt "f t> ,c *»est—It’s a Good
Old World t<> l ive In Notliwithstamllng
If* Somewhat llluek Record.
Hero is a record of the leading events
of the year 1«>S.
It has been a right lively year—to
some people.
Two emperors have died in Uermany,
there has I>eeii a presidential election in
the United States, cabinet crises in
France and Spain, great lloods in China,
Mexico und a number of other countries,
im-iuding nearly every one upon the
American continent; great storms have
swept '.lie earth's surface; there havo
been earthquakes; disasters almost with
out number have to bo recorded, crime
has stalked abroad in all lands, there was
u little Hurry between Canada and the
United States over the fisheries nues-
tion, but no great harm was done; Eng
land Las laid some skirmishes in the
east: Stanley, the African explorer, is—*
where? there is u littlo row in the West
Indies; but why go on? If you examine
the set record found hereto attached
? ou will find the date of nearly every
nqiortent event duly set down with care
und, it is hojK>d, with a reasonable de
gree of accuracy, together with somo not
so important but curious, diverting or
! Tin- fiS-Inch lens of Lick telescope successfully
12 United States house of representatives passed
bill empowering the presilient to appoint a
commissioner of llsli aud fisheries.
IS United Slates house of representatives passed
IllUKley'a resolution calling for inquiry Into
alleged discrimliiatlou In Welland canal toll*.
19 I.ucy l!iirl>er put on trial nt Buffalo for voting
at a (tenoral election. Shu was convicted
later nnd imprisoned for ono day.
SO. A workman in a Pittsburg, Pa., Iron mill was
pulled through the rolls.
22 Detotvaro rejioned free from debt and with a
surplus of Sfill.OOJ.
ft Adalbert college (Cleveland, O.) tnistees dc-
c-lared agniust co-education.
SI The California supremo euurt ft (Tinned the (In
cision lu f.m tiharon divorce suit to the effect
that Sarah Althea JZil was the wife of Senator u.
4. The governor of San Domingo granted a con
cession t > American railroad contractors,
fe United Slates seuato |H}st)x>i.ed considerat:oa
of tlu British extradition treaty.
JS Commissioners of immigration abolished the
bureau of labor at Castle Garden, New York.
Frederick Mayor, Austrian vice consul in New
York, committed auiclJo.
17. T'vo American war shi;*s ordered to Tanglera,
Morocco, because uf a row botweeu tho United
States consul nnd the sultan,
to. Investigation of tho sugar trust begun la Now
York city
21 Thu president of the United States transmitted
tho fisheries treaty to ibo senate, aecompa-
niisl by a message uud protocol,
fir? CaaoS ugaiusl seized Ashing vessels David J.
Adam* nnd Elia U. Doherty discontinued by
order of tho Dominion privy counscL
>. Mills tart.T bill presented to tho United States
house of representatives.
International railway connecting tho Mexlrnn
Central and Southern Pacidj opened for bus!-
Rolli-i M. Squire oud Morris I). Flynn acquitted
in the court of oyer nud terminer. New York.
8 Albert Dodge, Insane, of Fergus Falls, Mina.,
locked bis wife and a neighbor up with him-
eeif for twuury-four hours und talked religion.
He tvas armed with a shot gun, a revolver and
knife und Anally killed himself with tho re
0 Mayor Hewitt, of New York, declined to review
tho |*aiado of Dish Eocities ou St. Patrick's
10 Mayor Hewitt forbade the raising of an Irish
• Hag over tlu Now York city la.Uoa St. l*ut-
rlck's day.
21 Remains t* Joso Pace taken to steamer Ponsa-
cotoaud slipped to Venezuela from Now Y’ork
under military escort.
K. Gou Abrat:. Merritt committed sulc;Io in New
York hotel.
1. Secretary Rivard wroto to Minister Pendleton
expressing raupproval of tho Unit.**! State*
or Germany suction regarding Samoa.
4. Morocco declined tonccedo to the demands of
/ tho United ot.tca with reference to persons
! under consular protection 'imprisoned at
11 Recorder Smyth refused to submit to tho grand
Jury In New Yirlt a criminal charge of the
i Kansas Pacific b,o:’holdersagainst Jay Oottld
District Attorucj fellows, of New York, had
previously refuse!.
12 Close or right day*' deadlock over direct tax
bill hi United flat-a house of representatives.
*1. Death of Dexter, f..: not is trotting horse.
U Corner stone of th* new Catholic university
laid r.t Brooks Butlon, near Washington, by
Cardinal Gibbons.
*8 Eighteen mombcrsoltha Ancient and Honour
able Artillery compic.y, of London, arrived in
New York and west to Niagara Falls. They
were welcomed by a company of Avo from
Ancient and Honorable artillery, cf Dostum
A grand blowout of so* ral days' duration fol
18. The Methodist conferenta decided In favor of
a creation of an order of deaconesses for
charitable work.
|0 William Gore, of New Jets^y, who was bitten
by a rattlesnake. h.'.viag been kept scienti
fically drunk for two wpei*, recovered.
21 Trial of Rev. George Wooc-ow for preaching
i evolution bogua in theSochcrn assembly of
the ITesbyterian church, UlUmorc. Tho do-
t-toion was against him.
(9- Tho Genera) assembly cf tin Southern Presby
terian church resolved to bke no steps toward
c-ganio uniox
ACS*. , .
2 Steamship Etruria beat tharoeord of trans
atlantic passage, by run of sit days, ono hour,
fifty-Ave minutes, from Quaencowu to Eaudy
«. Governor nill. of New York &ata, signed Irlll
substituting electricity for oanvagas amean*
ofesecuting criminals. “
T. Engineers completed tho survey. f or Nicara
gua canal route.
& M. T. Harrison Garrett, of DalUa* ro , drowned
* in Putapseo river. His steam Gleam
was run down by the steamer Joj )x
Successful test of IJeut. Zalinski, dynamite
gun at Fort Hamlltoa, N. Y.
It National conference Irish Nationi Leamio of
America passed resolutions reafflrtLg afical-
onco to the central body in Ireland^
«. William R, Flack lost his life In attempting to
naviguto Niagara's whirlpool. * ^
4. Cincinnati opened her bi-centennlal eelohrn-
tiou. Mrs. James K. Polk started th, 7n ^( n .
cry by means of electricity. She wu. nt jj er
bouse at Nashville. Tenn.
ML A watchman on a schooner set the -hiesgo
river on lire, doing great damage tothdoofai
tL Bills tariff bill passed by tho United
house of representatives.
ML Wire communication opened be two, **..
United States and Curacoa.
fit A California stage driver seated hlmse: on -
keg of dynamite and applied a match.
i next day. ncrlu
ML Governor Uia appointed Gen. Roger A. i_ or
special counsel to conduct suits agaioTThe
8. Matthew Byrnes jumped off the Broc-im
bridge. ; w*
8. Navy frauds reported at Brooklyn navy
ft Yellow fever well under way at Jacksooi^
10. Leary's Mg log raft arrived In New Yorkf—
Nova Scotia.
14. Woman suffrage declared unconstitutloa,
Washington u-rritory
» Potato bugs ore so numerous In Dai,,
count, I'm. that the, .l^raUroJlto 110
^^° 3rille Pwtranlined because of yellow
“ BaERs' "■
a u„..t . ssTOcnnEH. .
KaSfn betWeon flea and I" jtes on fhe
8 lOOlndiaaarepori.-dkiUed.
8 Sarah Althea Hill, or Sharon divorce ca*,e
^ ur **>ru*) days for contempt of
fourt In San Francisco. Judge Terry, her
ms and, aent up fo- Fix tr.ont hs for drawing
a dirk in a court room.
UnutHi States house or representatives nasst-d
s n-iaUation bill.
ft buicide Ic New York at the nofTmin nouso of j
oo ' Neebohm. | s*m!on dramatist. I
84 ® ar '“tlnn nnd caupinatis.11 r. jwrted among
llie Indians of the Athauxska and Peace river ! ^
regious hi Manitoba hn!
8 United States senate tariff bill reported,
ft United States wnr ship llaltiuioru succesfully
launched at Philadelphia.
•& Supreme court or Utah gave final judgment
dissolving tlio Monncn church coi*|Xirauoa
and escheating tlio property
IX Gen Thelemfique, defeattn! candidate for
president of Ilcytl. killed while storming toe
Palais Natlonalu at Portau ITInce.
The gunboat Petrel successfully launched at
A largo delegation of Sioux chiefs arrived at
Y.'ashington to talk over the proposed cession
of part of their reservation.
14. Baseball championship awarded the New York
17. Seventy families reported starving In a Dakota
87. Steamer Ilaytlan Republic seized by a Haytlan
1. Many men wounded and schooners dismantled
during a fight on Chesapeake bay between
dredgers and oyster police.
ft Stcvo Ilrodiu jumped olf the Poughkeepsie
18. A bereaved ».*Jow. Mario Bcrtbune, crazed by
tho Pittsburg, Kan., mine disaster, set tire to
her hut nnd burned herself and four children
to death.
18 CapU T. IL Logan, commanding the U. R.
troops ct Fort Hancock, on tho llio Grande,
taken Into custody by Mexieaus for bunting
cu Mexican lorritory.
27. Low York state court of appeals decided that
Cornell university cannot receive tho $1,-
.V*.i,0,«j willed to it by Sirs. Jennie ilcGraw
Ftsko, as it already possesses os tnueh as the
law allows This Is the celebrated Flake will
casu, and api*.-al was taken to tho Unitod
States courts
W T!;e schooner William Jones, of Boston, which
had been seized by Haytt, was released, nail
an iuuemulty of paid.
I. IJttlewood won six day walking match, bean
lug tho world record.
8. The raraguay-Roiivian question assumed seri
ous proportions.
4. Tho natives of Alaska sent out an appeal, say
ing that the women nro outraged and tho ineu
virtually enslaved l-y tho Alaska company.
8 Many evictions ou the Des Moines river lands
hi low A
II. A Maryland polico Echooner, during a desper
ate fight with oyster pirates, scuttled two
schooners, after sweeping their decks with a
Gatling gun. Considerable loss of life.
12. Tho United .States steamers Gelena and Yantio
sailed from the Brooklyn navy yard for Ilavti
to demand too release of tho -steamer Uaytian
10. M. Floque.t elected president of French cham
ber of deputies.
22. I.onL-o Michel shot by a crank ct Havre,
4. Auetro-GermaJi treaty of 1S70 published, caus
ing much excitement.
8. I.or.1 laud&dnwnu appointed governor general
of In.lix Ix>rJ Stanley, the present gc-veruor.
appointed to Canada
9. Operation of tracheotomy performed upon the
crown princo of Germany.
13. Tho English reported to have seized a rich
part of Venezuela.
IS. Memorial window lu St. Margaret's church.
Loudon, to Johu lliitou, gift of George \V.
Childs, unveiled.
I. Daniel Wilson, sou-in-law of President Gravy,
of France, convicted of swindling in connec
tion \vith the tale of dlteorulious.
17. Gen. DouUtngcr relieved of bis command by
tho French government because of visits
made to 1’uri* without leave.
Prince Oscar of Sweden and 311s* Monck mar
ried at Bournemouth.
29. M. Wilsou won his case on appeal In connection
with tho' French decoration fraud*.
to. M. Tirard, premier of France, resigned.
5. New French cabinet ofllcially announced. 31.
Kloquet, prime minister. *
18 American Excliange in Europe failed.
fid. Much comincut In Ihigland and Ireland over
tho pope's docrco against the plan of cam
8 William O'Brien sentenced In London to tbreo
months for violating the crimes act.
14. Tho Brazilian senate parsed tho bill abolishing
slavery which was passed by the chamber of
deputies the previous week.
17. Irish Catholic mer-bers of tho English parlia
ment lssuo a manifesto declining to recognize
tho right of tho Holy Seo to Inteifero with tho
Dish people In the management cf their politi
cal affairs.
8 The jury In tho CDotmell-Tlmes libel suit re
turned a verdict In favor of The Times.
0. Tho electors chosen Juno 23 formally elpcted
Gen. Porflrlo Diaz president of Mexico.
18 la tho French chamber of deputies, Gen. Bou
langer told the premier tlmt he lied, and left
lx.Toro bo could bo censured.
18 Boulanger and Floquet fought • duel. Bou
langer, wounded In tho neck.
18 Coufit von Moltko retired ns chief of the rtnlt
of Gyrmocy, and was succeeded by tho Count
von Waldcrseo.
18 Revolution roixirted In naytl. President Salo
mon left the Island.
1. Diary of tho Into Emperor Frederick of Ger
many published.
II. News received of the murderof Msj. Barttelot,
leader cf the Stanley relief expedition.
28 Publication of further extract* from Emperor
Frederick's diary forbidden by the German
27. Sam cans rebelled against King Tamassee, de
feated hi* army and declared Matalfa king.
18 Dr. Mackenzie's book ordered seized by the
Oerniau (tovornment.
28 Great excitement in Wurtemburg over the
clicged control of the king by his American
favorites. Woodcock and Hendry.
Si. Jlarriogo of King Milan and Queen Natalie
dissolved In a pastoral of the Servian metro
S3. Accident to the czar'* train. The czar and his
family narrowly escaped death.
• MOVmtOER..
18 Prado, tho murderer of Marie Agaeton, con
victed and seutencod to death in I’aria
27. Arrest of Dr. Tumblety, an American, In Lon
don, suspected of being the Whitechapel mur
18 A new Spanish cabluet formed.
18 Thu German reiqh*tag passed tho resolution
for tho suppression of the East African slave
M. 1 Clemenceou, the French statesman. Injured
lu a duel with hi. MaureL
Humors from Cairo that Eton
Pasha are prisoner's of the
Earthquakes and Fires, Railroad Acci
dent* arc! Boiler Explosions—Tho Dead
from Casualties lu , 1S88 Number Mil
18 Thirteen killed at Haverhill bridge over the
MenTuac. on the Boston and Maine railroad,
iolent blizzarj reported from Dakota
ouiteea men burned to death at a boarding
house fire, nt Tower. Minn-
24. Thirty-five tuluers killed by explosion In a col
liery. at Wellington, It. C.
27. All railroad travel suspended between New
York aaJ Boston by a snow blockade.
Terrible storms reported tipou tho Atlantic
1 Fire In Buffalo. Loss, «1,300.POO.
British bark Abascom wrecked near mouth of
the Columbia river, W. T.; 22drowned.
18 Colliery explosion near Kaiserslautern, Bava
ria: 40 killed.
19. Tornado at Mt. Vernon, Ills.: 21 killed, 19 mor
tally wounded, 100 injured: MOO houses de
stroyed and 1,500 people reudered homeless.
21 Between twenty and thirty |*eoplo killed by
tho explosion of a boiler of a river steamer.
United Stales of Columbia.
28 Report that 4.000 tn-n were engulfed while
filling a I.reach in tho Yellow river embank
ment in China confirmed.
27 Explosion and slnkicgof u ferryboat at Vallejo,
OaL Forty lives lost.
2ft Avalanche* destroy several Alpine village* la
8 The famous hospice In St. Bernard burled by
an avalanche. No lives lost,
ft News received of earthquake In the province of
Yun Ken, China. Ono hundred uud fifteen
thousand people kill d and 1,800,0X1 rendered
K). Twenty t ight lives lost by the sinking of tho
British steamship City of Corinth.
11,12, 18 Famous blizzarl along the Atlantic
coast Business paralyzed: many people
frozen to death; numerous railroad accidents
and sea disasters. Ice bridge formed between
New York and Brooklyu, East river.
17. Tuo south bound West Indian mall train on
the Savannah. Florida uud Western railroad
broke through the trestle after orcxtUng creek
near Blackshirt 1 , Go.; nineteen persons killed;
thirty-four hurt: narrow escape* of George
Gould und wifo.
29. Twelve inches ot snow fell In northern
Texas Theatre burned ut Oporto, Portugal;
119 people consumed
21. Tornado in East Tennessee. Many floods.
22. Blizzard reported in the northwest.
27. Terrible floods in Germany and Hungary—100
villages submerged-many lives lost—40,000
rendered homeless. Heavy floods in Ala- \
baina. |
28 Sixty miners killed by an explosion at Rich
Hill. Mo. ’ !
L Eighteen people burned to'death and slxty-flve
injured at Celayu, Mexico, by the burning of
the stand for spectators at a bull fight.
& News received of wreck of bark Princess off
Caminba, Portugal. Twenty throe drowned.
B. Twelve persons killed In an accident on the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway at
New Hampton. In.
8 Tornado destroyed several houses In Sioux
City, la.
14. Great damage douc by Ice gorges in the north
18 Report from Calcutta of tornado at Daeea,
killiug more than 100 persons and wounding
more thnn 1,000.
19. Explosion of colliery In Worklngham, Eng
land, killed twenty-two jiersous.
29. Floods in Wisconsin and Id tho southwest.
Loss of life and destruction of property re
the French steamer Iberia, twenty milts* from
Sundy Hook.
Disastrous tornado nt WatervlDe. Pa
98 The Btortn of the 34th. 23th and 2Cth caused
loss uf nearly $1,000.on the Atlantic coast
12 A whole family found burned to death In
Cookvllle. Mo Indications of murder
11. Albevk’s woolen inauufaetofy ut Neumunster.
Prussia, burned to tlso ground; fifteen per
sons killed and tea fatally injured.
18 A market building destroyed in Boston by a
mysterious explosion.
12 Edwards. Bragg confirmed as United States
minister to Mexico
18 Due M Dickinson confirmed postmaster gen
eral of llie United States
L. Q C Lunar cuufirmed as ait-'ociau* justice of
tho supremo court of the United Steles.
17. 11 C. Walthall re-elected United Stales senator
from Mississippi
Wesley Merritt confirmed as brigadier general
of the U uited States army.
25 United States Senator Wilson, of Iowa, re
18 nenry George withdrew from the Anti-Poverty
18 Charles ii. Carey m:u!d solicitor of the United
States treasury
8 Gen. Badeau brought his suit against the
Grant family Settled late in the year
U DU DeEar excitement at Its height In New
8 Rhode Island election. Carried by the Repub
8 G-ju. George Crook made major general and
Col. J. R Brooks made brigadier general
17. Louisiana election. Curried by the Democrats.
23. Episcopal Bishop Courtuey consecrated at
BUUop.laussen consecrated at Belleville, I1U.
SO. Melville VV Fuller nominated chief Justice
United States supreme court,
18 R. B. Roosevelt confirmed as United States
minister to the Netherlands.
Union Labor convention nominated Alison J.
Streolor, of liliuois, for president and Charles
E. Cunningham, of Arkansas, for vice prod
17 Union Labor convention nominated Rol*crt £1
Cowdrey, of Illinois, for president, uud W 11.
L Wakefield, of Kansas, for vice president.
28 II L Gibson elected United StaU's ueoator
from I-ouisiaua.
Tho Grisly Kncaty of. Slaiikind Has Spared
Neither Palace nor Hovel, and Here Are
Set l»oitn.the Names of Sotao of His
llitglite.vt Murks.
2 At Baltimore. Oea. Lsnae R Trimble, nged 85.
At Philadelphia. Joel Parker, ex Governor of
Now Jersey aged Si
7 At North Stoniugton. Conn.. Eunice dottrel', a
Pei pint Indian, aged 105
9. At San Francisco. Gen Washington Seawell.
aged S3
14 At Boston. Oen. Adla B Underwood, aged 61.
18 At Washington, George Walker, ex Uuited
consul general nt Paris, aged 63
21. At San Francisco. Walter M Gibson, ex pro
mler of the Sandwich Islands, aged 05.
At Jlentor, Eliza Ballou Garfield, mother of
President Garfield, aged 88.
28. At Washington, Rear Admiral Clark H Wells,
nged 83
80. At Cambridge. Blass., Professor Asa Gray,
aged 77.
2 At Rome, Italy, Mrs. Mary Howltt, aged 54.
18 At Santa Fe, N. M., Archbishop BaptUte
1-amy, nged 74.
18 At Toledo, O., D. R. Iz*cke (Petroleum V
Nosby), aged BL
17 At New York, A. S. Barnes, aged 71
21. At Providence, George II. Corliss, aged 70.
£4. At Washington, W. W. Corcoran, aged 9a
4. At Boston, Amos Bronson Alcott, aged 68
8 Mrs. Proctor, widow of Barry Cornwall,
aged 88.
6. At Boston. Louisa Slay Alcott, aged 88
7. At Charleston, U Q. Memmtagcr. secretary of
the Confederate treasury, aged 68
8 At Charleston, W. Va., Gen. D H. Strother
(Porte Crayon), aged 78
• 9. At Berlin, Frederick William Ludwig von
Hohcnzollera (William I). emperor of Gcr
many aud king of Prussia, aged 91.
12 At New York. Ileury llergh, nged 65.
1C At Paris. Senator Lazare Uippolyte Caruot.
aged 67
18 Horace Fairbanks, ex-governor of Vermont,
aged 88
Equal Rights national convention la Des Jlolnes, 28 At Washington. Morrison R Waite, chief jus-
8 An entire family consisting of seven persons
burned to death near Burlington, Neb.
& Cloud burst near Maize, Kan., and caused a
flood, during which a bouse was swept into
the Arkansas river and four persons of one
family drowned.
Explosion of a carload of dynamite near Locust
Gap, Pa., killed eight persons and injured
twenty more; seventeen houses wrecked aud
burned. Damage, S75.000.
11. Destructive tornado at Freeport, Ills.
f8 High water at Alexandria, Mo., along the Red
River valley; many plantations, flooded;
several lives lost.
28 Destructive storms from ocean to ocean, much
property damaged aud several fives lost.
Pennsylvania alone reports a lues of more
than a tnilliou dollars.
pM Fmfo
The Excellent Qualities
Of tho delightful liquid fruit remedy
Syrup of Figs, commend to *11 who suf
fer from Habitual Constipation, Indiges
tion, Piles, etc. Being iirliquid form and
pleasing to the taste, harmless in its na
ture, strengthening as well ss cleansing
in its properties, it is easily taken by old
and young*and is truly beneficial ^n its ef-
fects, and therefore, the favorite family
remedy, especially with the ladies and
children, who require a gentle, yet effec
tive laxative. For sale by Wade &
Sledge, Athens. Ga.
Bobby (proud of hia progress in
Latin) —‘ Pop, what’s the Latin for
people?” Father—“I don’t know.”
Bobby - (loudly)—“Populi” ' Father
(fiercely)—“What do you mean,
you young scamp? Lie, do I? By t* 10
piper, lad. I’ve half a notion to ba_te
you.”—Binghamton (N T . Y.) Re
4. Eighteen persons killed and forty-one Injured
in a railway accident near Tampico, Mexico.
Eleven persons burned in a fire in the Undine
hotel, Rockford, Tex.
18 Dubois, l’a., suffered tho loss of S00 houses by
fire; 4,009 people rendered homeless.
19. Eighty men escaped from a burning German
steamer, to be drowned by tho capsizing of a
large boat.
SO. Accounts of the gales on tho coast of Iceland
in May show that 400 French fishermen were
28 Disastrous floods In Mexico, in ono city 500
houses destroyed, and in another 1,000 bodies
tL Holbrooke, A. T., almost entirely destroyed by
Steam launch upset on Newark, N. J., bay, by
pleasure seekers aboard it, and six drowned.
8 Tornado passed over Illinois and Iowa; great
d image. Severe storms also reported from
New Brunswick, N. J.
Two hundred and twenty-four persons killed
la a fire in tho Dcbecr* mine, at Kimberly,
Griquoland. West South Africa.
Reports from Pittsburg and Wheeling, place
tho recent loss by floods along the Ohio and
Monougahela rivers os high os f3,000,000.
12 Two hundred houses hunted at Alpena, Mich.;
1,293 persons reudered homeless.
Eight hundred men entombed in a mine In South
18 Scvccteen persons drowned by the wreck of tho
British ship Star of Greece, near Adelaide,
18 Over 503 persons killed by an eruption In the
I'ondai-sau volcanic region, Japan.
20. Fourteen lives lost by a West Virginia cloud
burst. , ■'
H. Fourteen raftsmen, while drunk and trying to
run tho Malta wan river rapids, Can,adz, were
JL Incendiary fires at Port an Prince, Hayti.
Eight hundred and fifty building* destroyed
and loss of $2,000,000.
L Evansville, Ind., visited by a destructive fire.
Suffolk, Va, almost entirejy destroyed by fire.
2 Two lives lost In a fire on tho Bowery, New
18. Railroad aacldent at Shohola. N. Y., on the
Erie; 35 people hurt, 1 killed; several of Gel>
hnrd's and Mrs. Langtry's horses killed.
ML Business portion of French Cayenne burned.
Loss, $3,000,093.
Collision of steamships Gelser and Tblngvalla,
off tho coast of Newfoundland. The Gelser
sank' in less than eight minutes. More than
100 Uvea lost.
21. Eleven people killed by storm In Maryland;
severe storm In Louisiana; $500,000 damage to
coal craft alone.
22 Collision between steamer City of Chester and
the Oceanic, Just inside the Golden Gate, San
Francisco. Thirty-four lives lost.
28 Fourteen persona killed by boiler explosion nt
Neench, Neb.
la., nouiiculeJ Lira Lock weed for president.
SO. E D. White elected United States senator
front Louisiana.
31 Prohibitum national convention nominated
Clinton B Fisk for presideul aud Johu A.
Brooks for vice president.
5. Oregon c'l'ction. Carried by tho Republicans.
8 Democratic national convention nominated
Grovur Cleveland for president of tho United
States and Allen G Thurman, of Ohio, for
vice president.
18 William B. Francklyn aud S. B. Tuck made
United States commisaiouers to tho Puris ex
18 Mine. Ills DeSor sent to tho penitentiary In
New Y'ork.
28 Republican national convention nominated
Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, for president,
and Levi I*. Morton, of New Y'ork, for vice
9. Col. Thomas L. Casey appointed chief of tho
engineers of tho United Buttes army, with tho
rank of brigadier general.
18 National convention of American party at
Washington nominated James L. Curtis for
2-L Ex-President Salomon, of naytl, arrived In
New York en route to Paris iu exile. .
28. Robert Garrett reported completely demented.
31. Charles Ii. Lilehinatt resigned the general
secretaryship of the Knights of Labor.
10. Republicans carried tho Maine election.
28. J. IL Oberly nominated Indian commissioner.
28 Daniel Hand, of Connecticut, gave $1,000,000
for the education of colored people In the old
slave states.
80. Lord Backville given his passport.
C Presidential and congressional elections
throughout the United States; Benjamin Har
rison and Levi I*. Morton elected president and
vice president.
15. Joseph Chamberlain, M. P., and Miss Endlcott
married iu Washington.
17. Perry Belmont appointed minister to Spain.
39. A. II. Colquitt, Democrat, re-elected United
States senator from Georgia.
28 General Master Workman Powtlerly, of the
Knights of Labor, re-elected.
7. L V. Williamson, of Philadelphia, mokes the
first transfer to trustees of the $12,000,000 fio
proposes to give for educational institutions.
Strikes and Labor Troubles;
8 Forty collieries on tho Reading Railroad sys
tem are idle.
14. Eviction cf twenty-two families of striking
cigar makers In New York.
25. Chief Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Izicome-
tivo Engineers, ordered tho engineers and fire
men ot tuo Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
railroad to strike.
29. Riots among 0., B. and Q. switchmen at Chi
II Brewers men struck In Chicago.
11. Strike of bakers at Chicago.
18 Browers’ lockout began in Now York, Brook
lyn, Newark, Jersey City, Paterson aud Staten
Island. Five thousand mou out of employ
29. Andrew Carneglo opened his great steel works
at Pittsburg with uon-uuion men.
18 All window glass factories in Pittsburg and the
est shut dotta.
80. Conference between the Iron manufacturers
and the Amalgamated association resulted in
tho closing of tho mills, 38,090 men being
thrown out of employment.
8 Division Chief Bauereisen of the Brotherhood
tice of the Uuitcd States, aged 72.
24. At Wiesbaden. John T Hoffman, ex-governor
of New York, ogl'd CO
At New York. Commodore Robert B. Hitchcock,
aged 81.
28 At New York. Joseph W Drexel. aged 55.
28 At tinvauunh, ex-Lieutenant Governor Dors
helmer, of New York, nged 52
27. Near Claytnont, Del.. Felix O. C. Darley, artist,
aged 62
Scyyld Burghash, sultan of Zanzibar, aged 88
2 At Philadelphia. Benjamin IL Brewster, ex
attorney geueral United Suites, aged 7L
B. At Now York. Jacob Sharp, aged 71. -
7. At Brooklyn, Gen. Quincy Adams GUlmore,
aged Cl
14. At Valencia, Spain, Archbishop Joseph S.
Alemany, nged 74.
18 At Liverpool, Eng., Matthew Arnold, aged 03.
17. At Brooklyn, Ephraim George Squire, nged 08
18 At New York, Dr. Cornelius Agitew. aged 68
At New York. ex-United States Senator Roscoe
Conkling, aged €0.
19. At Baltimore, Md., A. S. Abell, founder of The
Baltimore Sun, nged 61.
20. At New Y'ork, William B. Dinsmore . president
of Adams Express company, aged 77.
21. At Boston, Brig. Gen. William Dwight, aged 56.
At Ottawa, Thomas White, Canadian minister
of the interior aged 58
22 At New Brunswick, N. J., Rear Admiral
Charles Stewart Boggs, aged 77.
28 At New York, Mrs. Clements S. Lozier, IL D.,
aged 74.
so. At Rome, II. We- Dcasy, vice rector of the
American college.
2 At Fond flu Lac, Wis., Bishop John Henry
Hobart Brown, aged 56.
8 At Amherst, Mass., Lawrence Perseus Hlckok,
aged 89.
7. Near CrlfBthsvllle, W. Va., Thomas Eggleston,
aged 111 He smoked for ninety years.
8 At l.ondon. Professor Leone Levi, aged 08
11. At St. Paul, Minn., Commodore Kittson, aged
12 At Toronto, John Joseph Lynch, archbishop of
Toronto, aged 72
6. At New Y'ork, Thomas M. McElrath, first pub
lisher of The New York Tribune, aged 61.
T. At Paris, Marshal Edmond lu liueuf, aged 79.
8 At Jamaica plains. Moss., Uov. Dr. Janies
Freeman Clarke, nged 73.
10. At Full River, Moss., Stephen Gleason,
aged 108
Right Hon. Edward Robert Klng-Hannan, un
der secretary for Ireland, aged 50 year*.
12 At Somerset, O., Mrs. John Sheridan, mother
of Gun. Sheridan, nged 67.
14. Near Newburyport, Mass., Mary N. Prescott,
aged 48.
j 18 At Berlin, Frederick IH, emperor of Germany
1 and king of Prussia, aged 58.
£8 At Y'ork, England, llov. UeorgoTrevor, aged 79.
At Loudon, England, Dr. Charles H. Zukertort,
citCM player, nged 45.
£9. At Long Island City, L. I., Francis Henry Tur-
pio Beliew. artist, nged 01.
At San Francisco, Gen. Washington L. Elliott,
aged 07.
9. At Tullamoro Jail, Ireland, John Mandevllle,
61. P.
11. At Brooklyn, Gen. Jesse C. Smith, aged 68
12 At Contentment Island, Darien, Conn., Vincent
Colyer, artist, nged 83. '—
At Rochester, N. Y\, niram Sibley, aged 61.
15. In Africa, Sir Johannes ilenrlcus Brand, presi
dent of tiiu Orange Free State, aged G4.
19. At Cornwall-on-thc-Hudsoa, Rev. Edward
Payson Roe, aged 51. *
20. At Cincinnati, O.. Gen. Thomas L Y’oung,
nged 88
28 At Ijtko Dunmorc, near Brandon, VL, Court
Until Palmer, aged 43.
28 At I-euvvuwurth. Kan.. cx-Gov. Thomas Car
ney, aged Cft
of Locomotive Engineers and three other* ar- -At Sllddletown, N. Y„ Bartley Campbell, play-
rested, charged with being Implicated In a
plot to wreck property of tho C., U. and Q.
18 Chairman Hoge and Murphy of tho “Q” engi
neer’s and firemen's grievance committee and
Secretary Kelley and McGilvery arrested in
connection with tho alleged dynamite con
18 Unconditional surrender of tho iron manufact
urer* to tho Amalgamated association.
18 Largo rolling mills at Chicago shut down.
Fifteen hundred men thrown out of employ
28 Fifteen hundred hands thrown out of work by
shutting down of mills in Delaware county. Pa.
Railroad employes on four Indiana lines went
out ou strike.
7. Street car strike on in Chicago.
ft Rioting between the Chicago street car strik
ers and the police.
12 Thomas WardeU, wealthy coal operator at
Bevior, Mo., lulled by striking miners.
£2 General strike of switchmen at Indianapolis.
8 T. B. Barry organized a labor organization. In
dependent of the Knights of Labor.
8 The trial of the alleged “Q” dynamiters begun
at Geneva, IU.
TO. Fresh trouble at Bevler, Mo., necessitated the
calling out of the troops.
4 Damaging cyclone in Cuba; enormous prop
erty loss sustained and considerable loss of
8 Eighteen persons killed and forty Injured by
a railroad accident near Dijon, France;
12 Great loss of life reported by Mexican floods.
18 Volcanic eruption on the Philippine Islands
One hundred killed.
Tho Italian steamer Sud America, from Monte
video, sunk whilo entering PortLuz, Sandwich!
Islands. Forty drowned.
;8 Disastrous floods in Georgia.
2 Severe storms at the great lakes. Many lives
8. Serious floods aid storms reported front China
cad Japan.
ft Heavy snow storms Is Canada. Maine, Now
Hampshire and Vermont Floods in Canada
naJ Maine.
18 -Two sections or an excursion train on the Le
high Volley rood came together at Mud Bun,
Pa.; 78lives lost
18 Disastrous prairie fires reported In Dakota.
27 A itombsholL picked up ou the battle field of
Gettysburg Id 1683. exploded and killed a'
young man at Bolling Springs- Pa-
4 Mine explosion at Cook's Run. l’a Sixteen
lives lust
ft One hundred miners entombed by a mine ex
plosion near Pittsburg- Kan.
Thirty-seven men killed by a Ore In a lantern
and gauge work* in Rochester, N. Y-
JL QpU&CQ between UpCgaaniar U«bria_and
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise.—A purer medicine does not exist
and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and
other affections caused by impure blood.
—Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all Malarial
fevers.—For cure of Headache, Con
stipation and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed,
or money refunded.—Price 25 cents and
$i.C0 per bottle at Jno. Crawford & Co's
wright, agtxl 48
81. At Legrnngc, Ky, Dr. Robert Morris, poet
laureate of Masonry, aged 72
8 At Nonqultt, Mass., Philip Henry Sheridan,
general of the army of the United States,
aged 57.
11. At Amcsbury, Miss., Richard & Spofford,
aged 58
12 At Sharon, Conn., Lawrence IL Jerome,
aged 69.
14 At Monterey, Cal., Charles Crocker, aged 68
28 At Rochester, N. Y„ Seth Green, aged TL
28 At Caithness, Scotland, Sir John Rose, Can
adian statesman, aged 88
8 At Norwich, CL, George L- Perkins, aged 108
8 At Stamford, Conn., John Lester Wallack,
aged 68
12 At New York, Professor Richard Proctor,
nged 5L
21. At Madrid. Ex-Marsha! Bazaine, of France;
18 At Chicago, Long John Wentworth, aged 72
lft At Paris, ex-PresIdent Salomon, of Hayti,
aged 82
28 At Newton, Mass., R. M. Pulslfer.
2L At New York, LI Yu Doo. Chinaman, and gen
eral of BlaCk Flogs.
22 At Philadelphia, Vicar-General Maurice A.
Walsh, aged 58
28 At New York, Mrs. Ellen Ewing Sherman,
aged 84
of the uuiuiut* liave coins id the United dlules.
fet.suart: \
8 White Cajw flogged an J lift a man in dying
coudition In Indiana
7 Ex-Mayor Means, of Cincinnati, president of
tho Mvtropoliuvi National bauk, arrested for
misappropriation. Bank closed.-
8 Henry Kcmt cashier Continental hotel, Phila-
delphia. defaulter In SoOX-M.
Amos J Snell. Chicago millionaire-, murdered
by burger. (This is tlio celebrated Taucott
case.) ' —
33. Masked robljers ivect through a Southern Piv
rifle train, near Tucson, A. T. Reported
heavy loss
39. Express train robbery o:t the St Louis, Arkan
sas and Texas railroad, ct Kingstond, Arkan-
L tt Alton.
8 Discovery of graveyard Insurauco scheme.
Charleston. K. U
4 Erast us J Jones, ex-treasurer of Daupliin
county, l’a., defaulter in $51,000.
30. State Treasurer Tale, of Kentucky, reported
defaulter in $-£0,090.
27. State National bauk of Raleigh, N. C., closed
its doors. Charles E. Close, president, and
Samuel (X White, cashier, defaulters iu $>3,000.
8 First Whitechapel murder reported.
11. Trial of Dave Walker, Bald Knubber chief. In
progress in Ozark, Miss. He iva* convicted,
and with other Bold Kuobbers seuteuced to
* hang Dec. 38
11 Happy Bob Van Brunt, formerly Salvation
Army leader, hanged at Wursaw, N. Y, for
the murder of Will Roy.
3ft Passenger train on tho Inter-Occanlc railway
In Mexico robbed by highwaymen.
say. ^
L Assistant Cashier' Do Baun, of tho Park Na
tional bank. New York, defaulter iu $98000.
9. Tho supremo court of Illinois confirmed the
sentence of the Chicago boodlers, and they
were aent to Joliet penitentiary
12 Masked robbers board a train on the Sonora
railroad, at Aguazarea, A. T., and then robbed
tho fireman, killed tho expressman and fataiiy
hurt the conductor. Ono passenger fatally
1. Mrs. Rawson, whose divorce suit against her
husband was tho talk of Chicago, shot Jluj.
Whitney, her husband's attorney, in open
8 White Caps of Spencer county. Ind., com
manded lien-spajiers to publish their proclama
tion under penalty of chastisement.
8 M. L Uchteustehi, Wllmiugtou, Del., de
faulter hi $3.3,330
17. Eight masked robbeis went through a train
near Junction City. Jl. T., securing $1,400.
80. 1*. A. Huber, Adams Express ageul ut Sun-
bury. Pa., arresttsl for stcaiing r.u express
package containing $30,599, in transit trow
Philadelphia, iu August, 1SN6.
22 Porter aud Buck, American burglars, held In
i-ondon for extradition to Zurich, where they
are charged with eiealiug $350,000 worth of
38 Charles A. Pitcher, teller of Union bank of
Providence, R. 1., Is a fugitive and defaulter
in large amounts.
8 John R. Ynn I.oan, of tho Second National
bank of Jersey City, a defaulter $15,000
18 Tho stealings of M. L. Lichtenstein. defaulting
treasurer of Wiltnluglon, Del., loan associa
tions, aggregate $100,000.
18 More stories of opium smuggling on the ex
treme northwest and tho New Y’ork aud
frontier. Later many arrests were made aud
lu November Frank Gardner was convicted
and sentenced for being concerned t herein.
Three Bohemian Anarchists Ilronek, Cliapek
Chlcboutli arrested in Chicago for conspiracy
to murder Judges Gerry and Griuaell and
lusiwctor Iiontlcld, aud bunt down the city.
28 Wur between Iiatfleld and McCoy factions in
Piko county, Ky„ aud Logan county, W. Va,
broke out afresh.
27. Governor Hill commuted death Rentenco of
Chiara Clguarale to iuiprisouuient for life.
29. YVhite Ca;)s In Perry county, Ind, flog two
Mormon missionaries.
89. P. K. Dedurick, of Albany, robbed of $40,000
by an expert thief.
L B’.lnky Morgan hanged in Columbus, 0.
7. Bccond Whitechapel murder.
18 Hugh M- Brooks, altos Maxwell, hanged at SL
Ijouls for the murder of Preilcr.
14 Two men In Chicago arrested for systematic
moil robbery, having taken more titan $109,
000 from tho mails.
21. CapL N. Kinney, Bald Knobbcr chief, Missouri,
idiot and killed at. Ozark, by Bill Miles, onautl-
Bald Knobbcr.
27. Charles W. Waldron, of nillsdale, Mich, ab
sconded to Canada with soveral thousand dol
31. Third Whitechapel murder.
6. Attorney General Jlichener, of Indiana, re
ported a terri bio state of affairs owing to the
depyedaticcs of Whlto Caps In tho southern
. part of the state.
7. Fourth Whitechapel murder.
20. Seventeen outlaws shot dead in a battle with
vigilantes near Poladora, No Man's Izwd.
Throe vigilantes were killed and nino wounded.
2L Fifth Whitechapel murder.
24 Mrs. Lizzie Hoy, of Bandero county, Tex., shot
and killed “Tho Lono Highwayman."
28 James Brown, said to have been married thirty-
threo times, convicted of bigamy In Detroit
27. W. R. Kostci, ,'rusteo ot tho gratuity fund of
the New Y'ork IYoducb Scjl’ango declared a
defaulter In $188,000. ' '•
39. Sixth Whitechapel murder.
80. Seventh Whitechapel murder.
80. Cashier Chapin, of Fall River, reported a de
faulter In $106,000.
2 Eighth Whitechapel murder.
14 Antonio Flaceoinio murdered in New York.
This was tho noted Mafia murder.
18 II. S. Briggs, aafo manufacturer at Rochester,
N. Y, absconded; $H,000short in Ills accounts.
19. Paymaster J. IL McClure und stable boss nugh
Flannlgan, employed by Contractor McFad-
den, of Wilkesbnrre, Pa, robbed of $12000
and murdered.
Train robbers went through a train nt Pent,
lad, and stole many thousand dollars, watches
and Jewelry.
22 Thomns Axworthv. treasurer, of Cleveland,
disappeared, leaving a deficit of about $500,090.
4 Daring stage coach robbery near Sdnta Bar
bara. Cal.
17. Henry W. King, Jr, shot and killed at Omaha,
Neb, by Libbio Beichler, with whom he had
previously lived.
22 J. IL Bedell, New York forger, sentenced to
twenty-five years Imprisonment
28 Mr«. Whiteling, Philadelphia, poisoner, con
victed of murder in the first degree.
88 Treasurer Charles Q. Winchell, of Spink
county, D. T, disappeared, a defaulter for
2 Phil Daly, the Long Branch gambler, was shot
In a New York den. where he had been en
ticed by a woman's note, with a view to rob
bery. The wound was not a serious one.
8 Frank H. Bates, an employe of “Old Hutch,"
a defaulter in Chicago in $30,000.
Nine prominent citizens of Crawford county,
Ini, arrested In coauection with the White
Cap outrages.
0. A mob attacked the Jail 'at Birmingham. Ala,
In on attempt to lynch William llawt-s, the
murderer. Tho sheriff and Ills party fired on
them, killing ulun and wounding thirty.
Ninth Whitechapel murder.
10. Whitt- Cap outrages in Texas.
12 E. L Harper, who stole tho funis of tho Fi
delity bank of Cincinnati, a raving maniac.
White Cap outrages re;>ortt.*<l from Ohio.
Reported appearance of White Caps at James
town, N. Y’.
White Caps indicted In Indiana.
17. Beglaniug of trouble between whites and
btock-<in Mississippi
1838 Believes in Letting the Yonni?.
Folks Try a Hand.
AU Sorts and Confil„ ons of ^
Luck A Nobleman Kobbol—A N ow
German Latv-Tl.e New York
Chess Club — Note*.
New \ouk, Jan. 1.—fSpeci-ill—Th«
first stabbing affray of the new year here
occurred at ISM this morning,' and woe
followed by several other altercations on
the street, and leading to the firing of
pistols with fatal results. It has not been
a very joyful New Year tor the polite
and coroners, ponce
At 12:13 o'clock rhis morning Michael
J T ar ? old - was stabbVd in the
left breast, during an altercation with his
brother-in-law,and died soon afterwards
fiom the effects of the iujurv. Hi*
ro,°en h ri r ln ' la T ,, 0cCa b cd > b Ut was subse
quently arrested. ——
N f er - V > twenty-two years old,
was found unconscious in front of a
j i 111 ? OL1 Tenth avenue to-dav
and died while being removed to liis
home. At the police station it was dis
covered that there was a bullet wound
m his right shoulder blade, which had
caused jus death. How he obtained his
wound is a mystery.
At 8:30 o clock this afternoon, Pat ick
r iwgerald. 20 years old, came iu Prince
street fetation with his uukie and leg
fractured. He claimed he was struck
b i' a policeman with his club. Fitzger
ald was taken to a hospital. ’
Eourenc-mouth, the house of the Aus-
trian aiubasi-ador lu re, was broken into
j I-tst night by burglars aud everyth of
\alae carried aw.iy. The.e was a loss of
jewelry, plate and inonev,
Italian Trotting Sra*on.
Rome, Jan. ?.—Thu government has
offered $11,000 in priz.-s for trotting
races this year. The legislature has also
passed laws regulating horse-breeding,
an-1 directing that after to day private
owner will not to a.!owt*d to ke p stal
lions for service unless they have beoh
app;ovt-d by the dine or of agriculture.
Tilts tcstriction is int-'ided to prevent
the use of unsound sues. It has beat
furthtr decreed by the government that
for a period of eight years no less than
eight hundred s.allit ns shall be pin chased
by the government, for which the sum
of j$y5,0uM lias been appropriated.
A lUllroader’ii Transfer.
Cleveland. Jan. 1.—J. S. Haurohan,
for many years geueral manager of tho
Louisville & Nashville railroad, to-day
became assistant general manager of tho
Lake Shore road, vice Edward Ciallup,
deceased. Mr. Haurohan entered the
railway service in 1864, at Alexandria,
Va. He went through the war. and was
one of the men ‘hot at iu Baltimore be
fore Lincoln's inauguration. Lie has
Lec-n with the Louisville & Nashville
road since the war closed.
New Y'ear’s Notes.
Lansing, Mich. Jan. 1.- Gov. Luce
was inducted into oflico to-day, with
simple ceremony.
Hartford, Jan. 1.—The Connecticut
legislature convened to-day.
Sthausbourg, Jan. 1.—After to-day t
in accordance with the instructions of
the government, private documents writ- 1
ten in the French language bearing no
date or dated subsequent to July 1st,
ISIS. iuu:t be a compunied by an au
thorized German translation at the cost
of the parties concerned.
New York. Jan. 1.—The sixth Ameri
can Chess congress ' which began to-day,
js, for the first time, of an international
chaiaoter. Contesting for the prize of
$2,000, there are in addition to the Ame
ricans, representat ves of Russia, Aus
tria, England and France.
8 At New York, Dr. David Hcstetter.
14 At Brooklyn, Gen. W. IL Brownell, aged 42
82 At Philadelphia, Vicar General Walsh.
18 At Rochester, Pa. Gen. Thornes J. Power,
aged 61.
Tuesesday morning Judge Hutchins
administered the oath of office to R. B.
Russell, Esq., our new Solicitor-General
for the Western circuit. The Judge al
so granted a chait -r to the incorporators 1
of Princeton factory at tbs called 0® 8 * tr. investigation of*tbo central bank case, To-
sion. raato,f^«s^toaRJnBlLh<ai$>K-J|Sf«
L At Washington, D. C., Rear Admiral Edward
4 At Fort Hamilton, N. Y., Maj Gen. Roraeyn
U. Ayres, aged Cl
7. At BeliefonUi, l*a., Gen. William IL Blair,
nged 78
18 At New York, Rear Admiral Lc Rcy.
18 Colorow, Indian chier.
18 At New York. Gen. James C. Lane
* JXNUinY.
12 Hatfields and McCoy*, of Kentucky and West
Virginia, fought a pitched battle. They met
again Jan. lft
12 Court Clerk Irion, of Birmingham. Ala., de
faulted in $30,908
28 W T Reynold*, cashier Citizens* hank, Lime
stone, L T., was murdered by bank robbers,
one of whom was shot by the people, ono
vw hanged and the nwt turned over to the
Charles O'Brien, cashier, and Elmer E. Morse,
bookkeeper, of the Auburn, N. Y., First Na
tional bank, disappear. Defalcation, $208000.
The Author of The Philadelphia HorrOF
Discovered at Last,
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 1.—The mu
tilated remains of the murdered man
found in East Park on Wednesday last,
were yesterday indentiifed as those of
Antoine Schilling, agud twenty-four
At 7:30 odoek la.t evening the man
who committed the diabolical murder
was taken into custoiy. liis name is
Jacob Scbroop, aged about forty years.
Pchioop, like his v.ctim, is a Gorman.
He and Schilling weie partners in a
femall grocery store, No 1212 Caiwalader
street. , .
Bv midnight Schroop made a confes
sion to Chief Detective Wood, and ac
knowledged killing Schilling. The mo
tive for the deed was robbery. All that
Schroop realized by his dastardly crime
was $80. , ,
It was learned that the daughter or
Schroop has made a confession. She ac
knowledged having tried to kill Schill
ing by administering a dose of lauda
num. She gave an overdose of the drug,
which saved his life. It was afterward
determined to hang the young man, and
a rope was procured for the purpose.
The eiiTs father did not deem this a good
plan, so he killed him in the house, and
then chopped up the body. T1 '° P"
have the hatchet which was used m wuv
tHating the remains.
Bncklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fe
ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blsins Corns, and all Skin Eruptions-
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Prices
25 cents per box.
For sale by John Crawford & Co
Wholesale and Retail Druggist
A Skeleton IVund on the Bank* of the
Last Friday a skeleton was found on
the bank of the Ocotoqe river near Ter
rell’s Ferry. It is supposed to be the
remains of a negro who some time ago
stole a lot of goods from a party near
Salem, and who in endeavoring to es
cape with hia booty crossed the river
while it was up. The verdict of the
Coroner’s jury was accidental drowning.
Denies Killine * Marqnls.
New York, Jan. 1.—The Italian, Pie
tro di Narvo, who was arrested m Stem-
ford for the murder of the Marquis San-
duzzi, near Torella, Italy, was transfer-
« k a* »»• >*»<“
joor to hiie 3 lawyer. ■.
' A New Chinese Tel.-graph System. f
Warsaw, Jan. 1.—[Special. ]—TWo
French engines at rived here yesterday
Li make arrangements for the establish*
SSa new telegraph line between
Tina in aud hilUi.
New York Electric Execution*
New York, Jan l.-The law ^luh-
Jlling in thissteteand substituting
StriS os a means of execution gees
into effect today. The new lawappU^
after to-day- .. . j t no t expected
verbial m New/iorE, to death
that any crunwal w 1 be^p
M^ed to «Kd (hat portion oCj
^ to i ^w^h provides that these **
SSSJSSSJ^-^ th--