Newspaper Page Text
Ejection *f City ©«ccri« "
Slattern of lnterc»«
ud Other
Jan. 2,1889, to <> clocR. »• m - >
The last meet inn or tlie 01*. °""®
was held this morning. 1>r ‘‘ s ^ n '’
or Mayor Hodgson and a full *><*
^oTmotion or Alderman Griffith the
reading of the minutes was di?pen»< W1 •
W. B. Burnett, Esq., appeared before
Council, in behalf ot Messrs Gann, Mur
ray i Co, and stated that lus clients had
paid for nine or ten dray licenses the first
of the year, but had run a few more drays
at times during the year that were not li
censed ; they claimed thm other parties
Imd run drays without a license, and while
they were willing ar.d ready to pay the
license cm extra drays run by them, they
asked that all he release d, or all be made
to p iy.
Alderman Griffith moved that all per
sons that have tun a dray or drays during
the past year for hire or gain, without pay.
iug the regular license therefor, be pro
ceeded against ac the ordinances direct,
unless they slialI come forward ai.d pay
the license within ten days from this date.
Seaborn H. Dunson, whose bn> d was
forfeited at last meeting, not appearing ar
this meeting to answer charges against
him, the Chief of Police was instructed to
take necessary legal steps Tor the collection
of '.he bond.
Ttie question of paying tax fi fa, for
taxi s on reck quarry at Litbonin, was re
fared to the City Attorney.
The Street Committee submitted their
monthly report, g.ving a detailed state
ment of work and cost of same on the
streets during the past month.
The fallowing report was also submitted
Atiikns, Ga., Jammiy 2.18S9.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council-.
We herewith submit to y >ur honorable
body a statement made at the request of
Chairman of the Street Committee, by the
Street Conmiisdoner, of the expenses for
the year. We also hand you no estimate
of cost for paving certain streets in bus]
ness portion of the city. We hope that
the Conned will he able to l-.y some p«r
ton of this pavin* during the coining
year. We have endeavored to op rate the
Street force as economically as possible.
David 0. Bakkow, Jr. Cl’u.
\V. U. Gjukkkth,
1. V. A1 lit KAY.
Athens, Ga., December 20,1888.
Frof. D. O, Barrow, Oh airmail Street Com
mitlee, City Counci:
Dk.vk Silt;—I baud you herewith a copy
of the report asked for tu your note ot 7lh
1st, cost of damage suits of pre
viou< administrations (asset
tied in courts or compromised) $2,459 35
iid.costnf grad i.e 385 00
ltd, opening and extending sts. 118 00
4<h, salary of commissl>>uer and
cost of supervision of labor
$900 00. $427 25
6th, Patcning, drainage, road
dressing, Ac.
(b) Crossings—new end repairs
C li, Bridging—new and repiirs
7th, Broad street p o ing
8' ii. Miscellaneous
sine die.
Dr. J. A. Hunnicutt tbs
ufter which he
' old Council adjourned,
W. A. Qillcland, Clerk.
THE YEAR 1888.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the
City of Atheas.
Gentlemen—I respectfully submit the fol
lowing report, showing the amount of revenue
to the city and the disbursement of the same
by the city authorities daring the present year.
Also a statement showing the outstanding
debt, amount of^taxable property, and other
matters connected with the finances of the
Am’t of tux assessed on property
ty, at 115-100 61,8*424
Amt cf Street Intrusion tax
Amt of street tax ' 2.788 00
Jan’y. I.
To cash on hand til 124 85
To cash rec'd for dog
tags f
To cash rec'd from
To cash rec’d for sue-
tioo license
To cash rec’d for street
peddlers license ....
To cash rec’d lor itin
erant traders license.
To cash rec'd from
Town Hall
To cash rec’d from
miscellaneous sources
To cash rec’d from
To cash rec’d for mags-
sine fees
To cash rec’d for mar
ket tees
To cash rec’d for show
To cash rec’d for billiard
and pool tables licscse
To cash rec’d for dray
To cash rec’d from
By cash pd. oo act. of
paupers ....
By cash pd oa act. of
By cash pd. on act of
water rent
By cash pd. on act. of
fire department....
By cash pd. on gas and
oil act.
By cash pd. on miscel
laneous act
By cash pd. on *ccL of
public property ....
By cash pd. officers’ sal
By cash pd on police.
By cash on hand. ...
18 00
84 00
50 00
20 00
25 00
802 00
101 SO
1 885 65
528 60
860 25
61 00
1S5 00
887 75
SO 108 95
526 87
S84 00
40 00
2 700 87
4 884 18
1 838 01
448 01
8 850 00
5 817 S7
15 705 85
$85 046 21 #85 0*0 21
Jun.l—To cash on hand, ( 870 35
Cash rec'd from
By cash paid in
Cash paid for
Cush unhand....
5,085 19
$ 8,280 00
#6,361 54 #6,851 54
Jan.l—To cash on hand, $ 738 84
Cash rec’d from
taxes 1,926 74
By cash paid in
terest... • #1,870 00
Cash paid Board
of Education .. 65 00
Cash on hand.... 728 98
1,327 35
3,141 40
114 00
*175 00
1,200 00
423 00
Total $9,543 00
The head No. 8 consists cf East Athens
park, keeping up of city wells, springs,
&c; scavenger wink, lushing and clean
ing of sewers, Ac., &<•.
RippcCtiull) submitted,
Jcijn D. Moss,
St reei Comm issioner.
The Committee <.n Health reported 'hat
as there was au ordinance regulating the
use of urinals, they de> mtd it best 10 re
fer the petitions of J- S. King & Co
Hodgson Bros.,and Tubualge Bros, ask
ing Council to allow them 0 use urioals
already connected with tlulr places of
business, back to Council, wifr the recoin
meudation that the petition hr- gi anted—
subject to revocatio nby Council. Rrport
received and petitions granted.
The monthly and annual repor* of the
Trea-urcr Mid Chief of Police read,
received, and annual reports ordered
spread on the minutes.
Mr. M. Cooper Pope suhmittedihillof
$200 00 for taking the census of tli’ city,
as per agreement with Council, auc stated'
that the Directory would be out in tLboi i
time, when copies would be deliver^ to
the city officials. The bill was odcre.t
paid when contract is fully comp!eU|,
The following bills were ordered paid
when properly approved.
Dr. W. 8. Lowry,$18.15; I)r. W. W.
Power, $18,00; II. N. Prutiier, $15.00
$15,00; J. 8. King & Co.. $1012; Taln»ai c
Bros., $1,6.27 and $23 00; W. Me Dowel*
Son, $2.15; Edge, Dorsey & Co., $3
Banxeu-Watchman, 75.00; E. L. Do.teii
$6 .40; Caroline Thoma9, $5.55; Porter «
W ison, $2.00; J. llornblait, $4.00; Gam,
Murroy & Co., $50.50; Banner-Watchman
$1 50; Child", Nickerson & Co., 2 38; T
Fleming & Son, $12 82; Klein & Martin.
$2.35; Athens Gus Light Co., $27050; "ing.... T..... 66 00
Athens City Water-Works-Co. $795.00-' 'Interest due to 1st Jan’y.
Athens Gas Light Co. $3.45, $4 00,80 cu, Kfo^pen '' ’ wiier 1
65 eta, $4.25, $290, o5 CIS., and 85 cts. rents, Ac..„vST«v... 5 <>00 00
#2,665 58 #2,665 58
Jan.l—To cash on hand, # 688 69
Cash rec’d from
taxes... 1,042 05
By cash paid in
terest.. #1,050 00
Cash on hand.... 630 74
#1,680 74 #1,660 74
Jan.l—To cash on hand, # 811 97
Cash rec’d from
taxes 11,854 66
By casli pd. over
to Board of Ed
ucation #12,116 48
Cash unhand... 00
#12,116 68 #12,116 63
Account with funds for Public School
Buildings. .
Jan.l—To cash 00 hand #26 II
Castarec'd from R. Nickerson,
Treas, rebate and seats 22 05
Cash rec’d from Board of Edu
cation 410 59
By cash paid McGinty A Hun-
nicurtf. 458 75 #458 75
Account with Funds for Street.
Jan.l—To cash on hand, #164 76
84 97
22 05
14 25
10 65
Cash received for dynamite.
Cash rec'd for wood and other
miscellaneous items.......
Cash received for male void .
Cash rec'd from J.D. Moss fur
hire of mule
Cash rec’d from Judge A. 8.
Erwin for time of hand
Cosh rec’d from J. H. Backer
for freight on atone 121 06
Cash rec’d from taxes ......10,422 99
Uy cash paid for hauling
Cash pd fur-b’rd of prison©*.
Cash pd for miscellaneous ex
Cash pd for blacksmith work
Cash paid fur repairs
Cash pd store accounts, steel,
nails, etc
Cash paid for lumber, brick,
lime, etc
Cash paid salary Street Corn-
Cash ptid for keep of males,.
Cash paid damage suits
Cash pd for paving stone and
Cash pd freight on same....*
Cash pd st. bands and *L boss
Cash on hand....
Total Assessment of Tax. ..#54,605 24
in taxable property over
last year.......... #246,020 00
Increase in taxable property since
1878. ..... #1,626,378 (10
The Amount of Tax Assessed for the Difler-
ent Departments of the City Govern
ment, as follows:
For general purposes. 47—100..$21,118.51
For railroad bonds (interest on
principal), 14—100 6.311.47
For college bonds (interest on
principal), 41—100 2,028.69
For school bonds (interest on
principal), 2J- 100 1,127.05
For public ■ schools expenses,
28—100 12622 95
For streets, 19—109 8.565 57
For Streets, all the street lax.. 2,73600
For general expenses, (at. intru
sion tax).... 25-00
Total .$54,605.24
Fireman’s hall $ 1,50000
Pioneer ball..
Two magazines
Mules, carts, street tools, rock
crusher, engine, Ac
Iron safes and office furniture..
150 gas lamp posts, globes, oil
lamps, &c
Public school buildings, furni
ture, &c. 22,000.00
Demands due 9,976.00
Cash on band to credit of all ac
counts 18,370.84
Total assets $63,096 84
The b-inded and
currency debt in
in 187.. was.... $128 038 00
Bonded debt added
since... 21,000.00
Total $149 038.00
Amt of bonded and
currency debt.Jan.
2, 1889 ... 85,560.00
$ 63.472.00
Amt of above debt
paid, up to date..
Respectfully submitted,
W A. Gilleland, Treas.
THB YEAR 1838.
Toths Honorable Mator and Council or
the City of Athens.
Grntlehbn:—l respectfully 'submit the fol
lowing report, showing the number of arrests,
amounts of fines, and other matters connected
with the Police Department for the present
year. Also, a statement of amount collected
from market tees,' number of carcasses in
spected, etc.
Number of arrests 244
Number ot cases docketed 244
Number of white males 58
Number of colored males .....138
Number of colored females 43
Number found guilty or plead guilty 213
Number discharged 31
of the city of Ailfi-ns that S ction 147 of
Ordinances which fixes Drsy licenses be
amended ns follows by inserting after the
word "Gain” in the third line of said sec
tion the following words. “Or who shall
charge for Drayage or hauling.”
Dray licenses were then fixed the same
as last year; viz:
One horse dray, $5 00; t wo horse diny
15 00; four horse tiray 20 00; Omnibus
20 00;
Alderman Gr.ffl ;th then moved that all
other licenses be fixed the same as last
year. Adopted.
j BCouncil then proceeded to the election
of officers. The following were elected by
For city attorney A. J. Cobb.
For Clerk of council W. A. Gilleland.
For Chief of Police D. Cran Oliver.
Alderman McDowell moved tli/it six
rcguldi policeman be elected. Adopted.
The following names were placed iu
L. D. Gordrum, -W- T. Moon, Henry
Hill, B. F, Cnlp,W. D. Kelly, J. S. McKie,
J. E. Bradberry Sr., and T. R. Chiidcrs.
The vote stood as follows.
L. D. Goodrum 8, W. T. Moon 8, Henry
Hill 8, B. F. Culp 8, W. D. Kelly 8, J. 8.
McKie 8.
The six named above were declared duly
The following names were placed in
nomination for Street Commissioner.
John D. Moss, R. Cliappe!. W. G.Carith-
ers, T. H. Dt-ariU ', E F. Anderson. The
ballots were as follows:
fixing the Lour at 4 o’clock p. m.
There being a tie vote on the question
the Mayor cast the deciding vole for 4
o’clock p. m.
Alderman McDowell was elected Mayor
pro tern, by acclamation.
On motion of Alderman Barrow the
street committee were instructed Jo
require the Covington & Macon Railroad
company to put a good bridge across the
cut In Cemetery street at once.
A communication from Tbos. M.
Compton was read asking Council to open
a street along the right of the (!. & M.
trestle t<> the Ud yard branch, thence, cross
under the trestle and run up the hill to the
left of the road. Laid on the table.
Ou moi ion of Alderman Griffeth the
rules were suspended and the following
Ordinance adopted.
L lst
John D. Muss, ...
3 3 2|4
R. Chappel
1 2 2|2
W. G. Caritbers, .
3 1 2.2
, 4
T. H. Dearing,....
IS. Atul rSDii...
l 2 2
Amount of fines collected and paid
over to Treasurer #1 273 00
Amount of fines, (prisoners turned
over to Street Commissioner 930 00
Amount ot tines r emitted 108 20
Amount of ttoes, esses appealed (not
decided) 821 50
Amount ot fines continued 138 25
Amouut of fines served out in prison 7 20
Total #2 727 15
Amount of tax fi las collected 2 878 27
Amount of Hound fees collected 84 00
Amount of 1887 fines collected 20 50
ARRESTS BT THB different policemen during
the year was as follows : -
3 £• S? -S §> -s 8
£ "3 5 *s 3.3 § a
O S J 6 S S h
Moon ....
.. 17 15 2
.. 84 81 8
.. 39 86 3
6 6 0
77 70-7
66 58 8
74 61 13
78 72 6
88 79 9
71 59 12
484 26
852 61
820 75
562 09
620 15
881 SO
arrests foe violation or ordinances.
45 SS
67 76
82 83
123 09
51 85
118 39
883 26
910 00
614 60
2,339 85
859 56
172 91
8,882 86
1,228 63
#10,86997 #10,809 97
Demands Due.
Due from taxes #9,876 00
Due from miscellaneous sources.***. 10000
Total .....#9,976 00
V -T- o .- Jm DEBT.
The debt of the city on the flrstday of Janu
ary, 1N^, was us follows:
8o Bonds issue of 1872 to %
railroad, due Jan, 1st,
1$88, taken up aud now
held by private parties #20,000 00
8c Bonds issue of 1373, to
railroad, due Jan. 1st,
1S93 28,000 00
8c Bonds, issue of 1373,to
college, due July 1st,
1S93.. '.... 24,500 00
5c Bonds, issueofl8S0 tor
Public School buildings
due July 1st, 1916 20,000 00
Town currency outstand
#87,500 00
The following resolution introduced by
Alderman McDowell was adopted by a
rising vote:
,-y R -solved, That the thanks of this coun
cil lie returned to the Mayor Hon. A. H
Hodgson for the impartial manner io
which lie Uh8 presided over the delibera
Hons of tbi- I ody during the past year, for
the courtesies be has extn dcd to each
member, and on his retirement from < file-,
that we join in our best wishes for bis
health aid prosperity m all undertaking*.
Mayor Hodgson then delivered a fchort
address thanking the Council for its go id
wishes, aud for the uniform courtesy an !
aid given him during his administration;
a'ft»,- tin- oflloeis of the van
oua depart menu ’of the city government
for the ifficient and faiiUtul pertormance
of their duties.
Mayor Hpdgsou then administered the
■ ue Pioneer Hook St Lad
der Co . 2 100 OO #8,839 CO
Total debt #94,839 00
* taxable property.
Properly of whites.
X’Jclcs and live >tock 77*7t6 00
*®aiture. Musical Instruments, Ac lt>4,215 00
" ,ev dry, Silver.wnre, Watches,
1-oks and Pictures ®7,752 00
Meifcnndise 409.67500
Moty debts, notes, open acc Is Ac 658,*523 CO
Hon; 170,095 00
Ba ».Static #85,416 00
Jf*A«6cWidn stoak ... 27,2-59 00
tiros R ece i| )ls D f Insurance, Tele-
K r /n, Telephone A Express Co. 361,286 00
5 -t . #4,309,447 00
«CL^ ute .°. f . C ^;.. .129.670 00
3 nll d Live Stock J'f’gJg
u" r >, Jewelry, Ac 12,948 w
®° e Aad Debts
#145,748 00
egite amount of property, #4,51)6,195 03
V - '
For violating section.
1058 Beeres, nt 50 cts 529 00
844 quarters ot beet, at 15 cents 51 60
209 Veal at 25 ceuta 52 45
O quarters of Veal at 10 cents 00
944 Sheep at lo ceuta 94 40
82G Hogs at 10 ceuts 32 Go
100 Kids at 10 cents 16 00
Respectfully subnrtted,
D. Cran Oliver, C. P.
: m.)
Council Chamber,
Athens, Ga., Jan. 8,1889,
12 o’clock
Immediately after the adjournment of the
old Council, His Honor Mayor Hunuicutt
administered the oath of office to the new
aldermen elect, viz: Wm. Dootson, J. N,
Booth, M. B. McGinty and J. A. Pituer.—
He then delivered a short address, after
which, he announced the new board prop
el ly organized aud ready for business, with
a full board present
The fixing of sala'r’es being the first busi
ness in order, they were taken up and
fixed as follows: Mayor, $800; City At
torney, $600; Clerk of Council, $1,500
Aldermen, $100 each; Chief of Police,
$1,000, and $100 extra for feed of horse to
be used in the discharge ot bis duties; reg
ular policemen, $600 each.
Alderman Griffeth moved that the duties
of the Street Commissioner be discharged
by a Superintendent of street hands, aud
that his salary be fixed at $600.
Alderman McDowell offered as & substi
tute that the salary of the Street Com
missioner bo fixed at $900, and that he be
required to superintend the street force
himself, or employ some one for thia work
at his owu expense. The substitute was
Salary of assessors of real estate were
fixed at $00 00 each
Salary of lamplighters, for first and
second sections, were fixed at $15 oil pi i
month each; third, and fourth sections, at
$12 00 per mouth each.
Billiaid, pool and bagatelle sables, $25 00
for each table; ten pin alley, $25 00; itin
erant traders, $#$00.per week, $75 00 per
in lice
month ; auction license, $50 00 per nnnum,
$5 00 per day.
The rules were suspended and follow,
ing amendment to Section 147 of the Pub
lished Ordinances introduced by alderman
Griffleth was adopted.
Be it ordained by tbo Mayor and council
The 8ih ballot being a tie the Mayor
voted iu the L0;h ballot. Alderman Doot
son claimed that there was a mistake iu
couuling out the last ballot as be bad cast
bis vote for R. Chappd, which was uot
Alderman Griffeth then moved that an
other ballot be bad. Adopted.
The last ballot stood as follows:
John D. Moss 5. R. Chappel 4. John
D. Moss was declared duly eli cicd.
Alderman McDowell placed iu nomina
tion the following nauvs for officers of
the Fire Department aud moved that they
be elected by acclamation. Adopted.
For Chief Engineer, Geo. W. Mason.
1st assistant, W. F. Dorsey, 2nd assistant
J. N. Butler, Secretary and Treasurer Fire-
Brigade, R. Nickerson.
Nominations for assessors of real estate,
three lo elect.
Cobb Lampkin, W. O. Orr. Albin P.
Dearing, R ibert Chappel, W. L. Wood.
Tue first ballot stood as follows:
Cobb Lumpkin 5, W. C. Orr 4, Albin
P. bearing 8, Robert Chappel 3, W. L.
Wood 4. Cobb* Lumpkin and Aibin P.
Dearing were declared elected on this bal
lot. W.C. OrrSndknllot 2,3rd ballot 3,
4tb ballot 1, Robert Chappel 2nd ballot 4,
3rd buliot 3, 4th ballot 4, \V. L. Wood 2nd
2,3rd ballot 2, 4th ballot 3.
Aidcrmau McDowell stated that as Mr.
Wood bad u position on the C. &M. road
and would probably not have time to at
tend to the duties of Assessor, be would
withdraw his name.
The fifth ballot was tlieu taken, and re
sulted as follows:
R. Chappel 5, W. C. Oir 3. R. Chappel
was declared elected.
The Chief of police was authorized and
empowered lo appoint luraplighteis.
Alderman McDowell moved that the
Clerk of Council be authorized to issue
billiard and pool table license to all persons
who now have them upon their compli
ance with the law. Adopted.
The bond of the Clerk of Council was
fixed at $15,000, and bond of Chief of Po
lice at $2,000
Alderman Griffeth moved that the ques
tion of contracting for city printing be
referred to committee oil priming to in
vestigate aud report back to Council.
On motion of Alderman Griffeth the
question of renliug c daboosc uqd pound
and contracting for keeping of city* mules
for the present year, was referred to Com
mittee on Public Properly, with power lo
Bids for foruishing the city wilh pauper
cofflus for the present year were submitted
by Edge, Dorsey & Co. aud J. B. Toom<-r
The bid of Edge, Dorsey it Co. being tbe
lowest was accepted.
Alderman McKinuon moved that J. Ik
Bayes be paid the same amount as last
year viz. ten dollars per month for services
rendered tbe city and police lorce as night
watchman. Adopted.
A communication from F. W. Cheney,
Agent of the Athens Manufacturing Co.,
was read, stating that tbe A. M. Co. had
opened the street from Oconee to Mitchell
street, as agreed upon by the Company and
Committee from Council. The A M. Co.
now ask that Councd-appoint a committee
with power to aCt, to inspect the street,
and authorize the A. M. Co. to close up the
street next to the river as per agreement.
Alderman Dootson moved that the mat
ter be referred to the Street Committee
with instructions to inspect the street and
if satisfactory lo ail parties concerned iu
the opening and closing of the streets
named, that the coffimitteo be authorized
to publish the closing of the street next to
the river in terms of the law. Adopted.
A petition was presented, signed. Dr. E
H. Hale Dr. J Gerdiue and W A Jester,
asking Conncil to grant free license to J
E Bradberry Jr. to do a general dray busi
ness in tbe city, on account of physical
inability tp work, L-iid on the table.
A communication from Prof E. C Bran
son was read, stating that the roofs of the
Public School Buildings were leaking aud
causing damage to the properly, referred
to Committee on Public property.
A communication from the mayor of the
city of Savannah asking tbe co- operation
of the city in securing an adequate appro
priation from the general government for
harbor, and river,at Savannah, was read,
and referred to Committee on petitions and
communications. j
Alderman McDowell moved that the
regular meetings of Council be held at 7
o’clock p. m.-im the first mondayln eucb
Alderman Griffeth moved to atnond by
By Alderman Griff.-th.
Sec. 1st. Be it ordained by tbe Mayor
and Council of the City of Athens. That
from and after the 1st day of February,
1889, ii shall be unlawful for any Railroad
company to run or allow to be run, aoy
l< comotive or train of cars across Broad,
Mitchell, North or Cemetery streets at a
greater rate of speed than eight miles per
Sec. 2nd. That when any railroad{track
crosses cither of the streets earned in the
first section of this Ordinance, it shall be
the duty of the company owning or
operating such railroad to cause every
locomotive or train to come, to a full stop
within fifty feet of such street before
crossing tbe same; provided, that this
section shall not apply lo crossings when
each train or locomotive is preceded by a
flagman walking not more than twenty
feet in front of such train or locomotive
while in motion, and provided further,
that this ordinance shall not apply to
crossings where the street ns used by the
public, crosses tiie railroad track on a
bridge nr under a trestle.
Sic. 3rd. That any railroad company,
or Superintendent, or Engineer or Con
ductor of any railroad company who is
convicted of violating any of tbe previs
ion# of this Oidinance shall be punished
as provided in Section 5G of the Code of
Ordinances of said City.
The mayor announced the following
standing commit o s.
Finance—Barrow, Griffleth, Mc
Dowell;: Streets—Griffietb, Barrow, Booth;
Public Property—Booth, Dootson, McKin
uon; Market—Dootson,Pitner, McKinnon.
Police—McGinty, Griffleth, McDowell;
Fire {Department—McKinnon McDowell,
Dootson; Ordinances—McDowell, Pitner,
Booth; Petitions A Communications—Pit
ner, McKinnon, Booth; Railroad—Griffietb,
McGinty, McDowell; Printing—Dootson,
McKinnon, McGinty; Lights—McDowell,
Booth, Pitner; Water Works—Barrow,
McGinty, Griffeth; Public Schools.—Me-
Ginty, Barrow, Pitner; Health—Barrow
Griffeth Dootson.
Council then adjourned.
W. A. Gilleland, Clerk.
“God Shave the Queen.”
A most curious statement is being
made about tho queen of Portugal.
Not ouly has Maria Pio. it is saia, a
clearly defined mustache on her upper
lip, but she is positively proud or it
It is furthermore stated, evidently by
u confirmed courtier, that this hirsute
adornment suits admirably the queen
of Portugal’s style of beauty. Who
shall say, then, that this royal ex
ample will not effect a revolution in
this particular direction} Hithertotho
answers on toilet matters iu the ladies’
journals have been largely devoted to
directions to fair correspondents how
they might get rid of the superfluous
growth of hair on their upper lips and
shins. But in future, possibly, toilet
iditors will be called on to recommend
the host mustache developer for ladies
whoso “style of beauty” the masculine
growth on tho upper lip is supposed to
suit.—London Figai
Fought with a Wildcat.
James Maddrah, of Ajisonia, Conn.,
heard u great racket in his saw mill
early one morning recently. He aroso
and went out, expecting to find a fox
chasing his chickens, wliich are kept
in a house adjoining the mill, but
fouud an immense wildcat. As be en
tered the cat sprang at him. He had
no weapon and did uot dare to turn to
flee. Ho grappled with the animal
and. being a very strong man. he
caught it by tho neck with one hand
aud clutched the fore paws of the
brute with the-other, and after a strug
gle choked it into insensibility. Then
he flung it to tho ground and beat its
brains out with a club. Mr. Maddrah’s
clothes were ripped open from his
shoulders down, liis neck was fright
fully lacerated, and his shoulders aud.
arms were torn by the sharp claws of
the infuriated and hungry animal.—
Philadelphia Times.
An Iotm Ftxldlcr’a Terrible Scare.
A peddler who put up for the night
at Maquoketa was so frightened at tho
threats and boisterous talk of some
men who wero stopping at tho same
house that he fled in his stocking feet,
hatless, coatless and clothed ouly iu
shirt and pants. For two nights and
two days lie remained in the’woods,
when he ventured to return. His feet
wero frozen and ho was almost dead
with cold and exhaustion. Tho man
who had frightened him so was Talber
Streets, who was on his way iiome
from Maquoketa under the influence
of liquor. The latter proceeded on his
way after the peddler left, and his
team running away ho was thrown
out and killed. Talber Streets was
about GO years of age.—Des Moines
Ills Ufa Saved bj a Dream.
Another queer dream that seems to
have proven a real, substantial warn
ing is told by a fireman on the Balti
more and Ohio road. Frank Baker
tried to get out of his run when his
freight was ready to leave Wheeling
by feigning sickness. Not being able
to get off ho bado his wife cooa-by,
telling her he had dreamed of a fatal
accident and that all would be killed.
When tho freight took a siding at
Valley Falls, Baker made an excuse
aud left liis engine. A moment later
an express crashed into tho freight
and tho engineer and brakeman in nis
place were killed.—Kansas City Times.
■ - Septimus Winner, tbe Philadelphia
song Writer, has mado $100,000 out of
“Listen to tho Mocking Bird,” which
is still in demand. :
Realistic Tat ot Taken from Real Life and
. Jottod Down H Hfitily,
Hopkins' pardon has not arrived. Hi.»
condition is much w orse. *
It is said that geld has been discover
ed in I ranklin county, Massachusetts.
There were few er business fail ires in
Cincinnati during thaw there have
been for five years past.
Fire destroyed a large six story brick
building at St. Louis. The loss is esti
mated at nearly $500,000.
During a hotel fire at St. I ouis, thret
women jumped from a third-iwjry win
dow. One of them was killed.
A national convention of colored Cath
olics continued at Washington lhur*
John Matthews, one of the condemned
Bald Knobbera, who escaped from jail
at Ozark, Mo., has been recaptured.
Two pupils of the institution for the
deaf. and dumb were drowned while
skating at Columbus. A - third barelv
The mayor of Chicago has asked the
courts for definite instructions as to the
extent of his power in dealing with an
It is proposed to have an extensive
park at Washington, the expense to be
borne jointly by congress and the Dis
trict of Columbia.
A large company of veterans, all of
whom had served under Gen. George H.
Thomas, called on his widow at Wash
The steamer Natchez struck a reel
near Lake Piovidence, La., and wai
badly damaged. No lives were lost, bul
the boat and cargo wiU prove a total
The new “Players’ Club” has been for-
rnnUy oj ened at New York. Edwin
Booth delivered the address, and gave
tlie title deeds of the property to his
fellow placers.
A collision between the steamers Sarah
and H C. Warmoth, near Pv at lington.
Miss., resulted in the sinking of the
Warmoth and the di.owning of Mrs. Sa
rah Gabriel, a passenger.
_ The Frederick Douglass Library asto
ciation, of Alexandria, Va., celebrated
the 26th anniversary of the emancipa
tion proclamation. A fatter from Presi
dent elect Harrison was read.
The factory of the Roarer wheel com*
pany, manufacturers of carriage and
wagon wheels, occupying Nos. 238 to
258 West Third Btreet, Cincinnati, took
fire and was damage 1 to the extent of
The Livingston cloth mills company,
at Bristol, Pa., made an assignment. ’ih«
mills are closed, and 300 people thrown
out of employment. Joshua Pearce, the
proprietor, says that business has been
steadily decreasing during the past
A special from Lynchburg. Va., sari
that a band similar m appearance to tM
white caps of Indiana attacked a fotmei
of Bedford county, who had been ac
cused of being intimate with a woman of
the neighborhood, dragged him from his
horse. Logged him and drove him from
tlie county under threat to kiU him if hi
did not leave.
Bradstreet's summary of failures in
the United States shows the following
comparisons: Failures in 1836, 10,531.
again,! 9,740 in 1837 and 10,568 in WiS.
Total actual assets in 1888, $61,999,911;
in 1887, $64,651,000; in 1886, $55,019,176.
General liabilities in 1888, $120,242,462;
in 1887, $130,605,000; in 1886, $113,048,-
291. Per cent of assets to liabilities in
J888, $52; in 1887, $40.12; in 1886, $49.
A11 the flouring mills in St. Louis, ex
cept one; < lorad under ran agreement
entered into by the millers' association
at its late convention at Milwaukee. The
exception fa the Anchor mill, which wili
also close down as soon as it fills two oi
three unimportant orders on hand. Un
der the agreement noted, 250 mills in the
fall wheat belt will either close down oi
run on half time January.
A dispatch from Washington, D. C.,
says: Tee Colored Catholic convention
completed permanent organization by
electing Daniel H. Rudd, of Ohio, presi
dent. with several vice-presidents; among
them John A. Spencer, of South Caroli
na. and James R. Davis, of Virginia,
and a number of secretaries. After sev
eral committees had been appointed, a
resolution of greeting and asking the
holy father’s blessing was ordeieJ to be
sent to the pope.
A dispatch of Wednesday concerning
the burning the Richardson drug com
pany’s establishment in St. Louis, says:
“Mr. Richardson, general manager
of the concern, gives tue value of the
stock on hand at aiout $675,060, and in
surance at $650,000 placed in H. W.
Blossom's agency. The buildings occu
pied were valued at $200,060. The origin
of the fire fa not known, but it was seen
on the ground floor of the Fourth street
front by Police Sergeant Wm. Young,
wuo sounded an alarm at once. H. W.
Blossom, who placed the bulk ol
insurance on the Richardson diug
company’s stock, wiU not give
out the figures until to-morrow.
He states it will be impossible to
prepare the statements sooner. The loss
on stock is now estimated at $750,009 and
on buildings $15u,U00. The insurance on
stock fa $65*1,000, and on buildings $100,-
1114 ^ 0, * r • uttviiri Oeccedi, S.r.
msrdcd. eoiralu«L-1 *«o£
rae i.uiieivra Cmi P u?i^^Vt*fa». uS“t
!-*io.vent interufpy 'Uarualli H n,i
public Statement. Ior ,h ‘Ch i Uak ’ J
Kczeroa Three r g
Cutlcurs Rem. die. .re '
on earth. Had the wotat {PA gfMtw
thw country. JIv mother hi 4
and ra fact died-fro.,, it, 1 h.o ® nly
would have savt d -n r life. Mvi CQ,l< nti
head wore covered for three veal? iol w
ing lelievtd cr cured until / u ^o' !>'”*>•
Resolvent. J. W APiSS; 1
Eczema on liahy Cured
. My baby has been troubled with e’-iew.
h:s face, oeek bend, eats, and emir. * S'*
was one mass oi sc&l.*, and wo werinhwX'. ?•
his bauds to prevent his semtciv*n^. 1 hS*c
dollars on remtules without tflfeet' butZ£2K£
ing ono box Cuticura sod one cuke ofOno'^
ro*p the child is entirely cured. ieAn^},K Ur f
you enough for them. rw ,?S?S2*
U Mail street, »roaiVi!?K'y.
Eczema on Hands Cored
Two years and a hall i
out on my right '
blisters,attended b
ually *>pread until
my left hand. I tried manyf t mcdi^“wV ; ‘
find no euro un'il I obtainedlheCuticu?!^
edies, whicu effected .,p„dy and nermsn.?;
euro. JAM ESP.kLaRNEY 6111
»▼« nue. li'etrolt
f _ , 7 ,v " v ' u te DOBlOr., MKfl
f jr ‘How to (’urn tkin Diseases ” G4
rages, TOiltumationg.«,>d ir 0 teMl-ronlsis’ M
-With their, weary, dull, aching 1f».
less, uU-.L'noe equation, relitvod*i’n one
vmnute by the . uticurs Antt-l*ai®
i I he first tmi oulv pain sub-
[|< nw flsator, All ilru^.. i t . 2~>can . 1
jci™ h5r.
Promotes a luxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Restore Gray
Hmr tods Youthful Color. 1
IFrey.'nts Pontimir and hulr faliliur
Achiiiglides ^widJBacks^Ht^. Kidney and
utusnne rams, nneumaitc, sciatic, Sharp and
Weake ing Pains, relieved in one minute by the
Cuticura Anti-Pain Piaster. Tliellirst; and o !y
Instantaneous pain-killing, strengthening plns-
ter. 25o : Aye tor »1. At druggists, or of Potter
Drug and Chemical Co, Boston.
DIMPLES, blaek-het.ds, red, rough, churned,
rllYt and oilvrkln nrev<nit"ft l.v Cu• icuxa Soap.
Orlgtii.t. tint, ontTMitm tr.4
reliable tall for l *ie. Never Fall. ,
,A.k for CUrtMter-, JnflUkf
A.k for Ou clutter; Sn s ,
iDmmoml Brand, lo red i_
'its t«lu« bore., le^wreub bine rib.
vw boo- At Drugetato. Accept
no other. All pills to —
tM»rd boic«, plot
montiianoralADIES whotanjuXmieu! 1 ' xlm.l-.per!' 5 ***’
Chichester Chemical Co.. Madison Sq.,Phlla.,Pa-
When the proprietors of a blood remedy tell yon
that iodide of potash b a poison simply because
their opponents use it, their assertions are made to
deceive, and your use of 100 bottles of inert stuff
their object. Iodide of potash is as essential to a
true blood remedy, as pure blood is essential to good
health. No remedy has proven
QUICK CURE ,tself 80 safe, sure and ouicx
an eradicator of mercurial,
syphilitic, scrofulous, malarial or other poison; for
eign to health, that gets into bone and blood, when
all cl«e fails as B. B. B. Send to Blood Bakr. Co.,
Atlanta, Ga., for illustrated “Book of Wonders,”
tilled with convincing proof of QUICK CURES of
seemingly incurable cases. /
A. F. Britton, Jackson, Team, writes: “I con
tracted malaria in tbe swamps of Louisiana while
working for tbe telegraph company, and used every
kind ol medicine I could hear of without relief. I at
last amadid in breaking the fever
POISON but it cost me over #100.00, and then
my system was prostrated and satu
rated with poison and 1 became almost helpless, i
Snaily came here, my mouth so filled with sores
that I could scarcely eat, and my tongue raw and
ailed with little knots. Various remedies were re
sorted to without effect. X bought two bottles of B.
3. B. and it has cured and strengthened me. AU
sores of my mouth are healed and my tongue entire
ly clear of knots and soreness, and 1 feel like a new
R. R. Sautter, Athens, Ga, writes: “I have been
afflicted with Catarrh for many years, although all
sorts of medicines and several doctors did their best
to cure me. My blood was very impure, and noth
ing ever had any effect upon the
CATARRH disease until I used that great
Blood Remedy known as B. B.
B, a few bottles of which effected an entire cure. 1
recommend it to all vtho have Catarrh. I refer to
any merchant or banker of Athens, Ga, and will
reply to any inquiries."
Benj. Morris, Atlanta, Ga, writes: “I had no
appetite, my kidneys felt
Sore Tonsils sore, my throat was ulcerat
ed and my breast a mass of
running sores. Seven bottles Of B. B. B; entirely
cured me.” 07)
AScicntlffcand Standard PopularKi
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline,Nervous
and Physical Debility, I
, Imparities of tbe Blood,
^Untold Miseries
Resulting from Folly# Vice, Ignorance, Excc^se® or
Oveitaxation, Euervatinsr ana unfitting the victim
Uveitaxation, jfiuervattne ana winning
for Work, Business, the Murricd or Social isation.
Avofd^kifful'p^dcra. P^ ^
, concuaiua tu e mmu ”‘-rr—
tritive Prospectus Free, if yon apply now. We
distinguished author, ’ criSL
from tho National Medical AMoclatlorL
for th* PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, eonfl-
defltMRby mall or in person, st the sffice ot
No. 4BuIflnch SL, Boston.
orders for booko or Jetton, for advice should be
directed as above.
_t is ,11 bll
icing our iMChtawA
1 food, who. U*. pcopl, cu i—
them, w, will Mod free to M
■ world, with .It th* Mtuhacata.
i will »1k ,«wl free .cowj>Ut»
• of our eoottr ud ntubt, lit
In ntum wo uk UMt you
Wt WO wi »f» *■■■ Wh>
otyoor borne, ud after a
f. rti, rnnd machine i,
*nmoytlnoldfocB*a.wijh <hj
liis; lit
ill satiFifscii^n in th*
cure of Oonorrhces end
l < i leeL 1 prescribe « and
iecl safe in recommsud-
Ing It to all sufferers.
4. J. STOTCB, H-Dw
Decatur, lit
PRICE, 81.00-
poM by ^ uggtst-
to adveetisebsT
effective work than the various sections oi ou.
Select Local List. * CO,
The Paper
p r In t e d
Pioneer P a P er