The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, June 04, 1889, Image 7

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THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA, JUNE 4, 1889. by’? ua " y ’ ts board of SPSS'S: i «"-»• i rf ,hc i, >'«*"• „ Gw,rKe S'»*'«■ »•, c - »y*5> jjnif. 1 |*hh E.'R- Hodgson, K. B. V.J. (0 , ’.. j A. Hunmeutt, B - K - ijG ,) * . f "null were absent. ■jvi'' r 0o i,b called the rneet- Pro^'^ A - -•oonkr* tion of routine bus- ' f! '/' iioii'l entered into the elec- lf ' S '/?.*iH*rs for the ensueing jcai, p "^,'iteil as follows: hieh K . c. Branson, prin- ' , <; Bond. . . ^Minnie Bacon, assistant pvinci- “ii.. Kl«ric Carr, principal at Oco- ^ftnnie^Binton, principal of ,’ ree t school. ... Oconee street school— ' ]e * f roager, Kcnnard, and Brum- [iSfCs ’• M( .j, N street school—Misses Noble, A ’ H ml Hodgson. S- n „on street school—Misses L. " M r \ cot.b. K. Thurmond, C. fci'on/j- " oodfin, 9. Newton,and ^"following names comprise the SC* Annie Patman, Roberta F. "r,l Eala Bird, F. Collins, L. lhoru— „ Mrs. Barr. xi Baxter street school (col,) A. O. limbs,principal; A. I- Tucker, assis ts principal, -—; ’- Teaeliers—A. J. Cary, A. L. Co- M. Irison, M. F. Young, and L. made the same as ODDS AND ENDS. A Pineville, Ga., man has a duck which he claims was hatched from a hen’s egg. * The estimated expenditure by Am a. ^ Euro P e this summer is $40,000,000. life is no life without the blessing of n friendly and an edifying convex sation.—L’Estrange. Si " c ® of 70 France has spent 7,710,000,000 francs besides the ’•ordinary estimates.” A popular St. Louis girl recently re ceived during a temporary illness 5,000 roses aud forty-eight pounds of candy. In a list of ‘.he twelve Great women of the world there appears but one name of an American, that of Marga ret Fuller. Willow chairs and baskets can be Cleaned by washing with salt water and a brush, and drying thoroughly before using. There were never so many farm hands coming from the north of Ire land to this country as at present Nearly all of them have fnends or relatives in the west A Port Allegheny, Pa., man who was tilted out of a sleeping car berth by a jolt of the train, exclaimed in an unconscious way. “Don’t^-don’t—I’ll get up and start the fire.” Private credit is wealth, public hon or is security: the feather that adorns the royal bird supports its flight; strip him of his plumage, and you fix him to the earth.—Junius. From the large-central compressed air station in Paris special air conduits to suh-statii hm\$ EXTRACTS —States Government Endorsed by the beads of the Great TnivereMefl wd Pttblle Food Analyete, mthe Strangest Purest sndmoat H*3thfoL D?Prlc«’sCm notcunUIn Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Ex tracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., do not eo«ta»u Poisonous Oils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING: POWDER CO.. New Vortt. Chicago. 61. Louis. »*.1 .Solid Gold Wotch.1 Soidi\,rJ8iOO. imtilUtelr.l Btit $.A w«t. h In Itac World. I 1’rrlKt t.nrrkfeptr. W»r-J rrutfJ. Heavy .-solid UoU Hutuinfr Cave, ilolb ladift 1 aud t'nu'uzc*.wiibw«rk* abd caavt of equal value. One reraoa In each lo- caltiy fan aveun, eae free, loe-ihw with our larpe and »«!- uable line of XIoueckold Sample*. Theae fauiple., aa W.n aa the watch, we eeod Free, »sd after y..u have kept oaike and shown them to theae :brae year own property. Tho.e llvrm in yoar hotne tor 3 rr.ontha who uu; hare called, they b who write at owe tan bo and Sample*. Wcjo; *11 exert.*, freieht, nr. Sliustm aSs Co.. Itox 813a Portland, 1 iVateh Addrtt* PIANOS ORGANS me claries were m/report of the Superintendent &e ,• the schools In ii most flourishing [million, and by next year the board I find it necessary to put up another biMiniI i' 1 t'obbhani. (Mr. Flanigen, as secretary of the Vanl.wM voted a salary of $100 a ring contiuu- xd Ladder Hale, ) a, Ga., May 20,4889.) Ire you bilious and dyspeptic? I HR'S your 11 er sluggish seeui? j your slumber often broken, ii a hideous, nightmare dream? friend, be wise; The Pleasant Pellets, Male by ■ r I’i- rec procure. IUd they'll bring you - ack the sunshine, 0( good hea Hi, you may be sure. Card of Thanks. Hook an JIametta [At the regular meeting of Marietta nk and Ladder Company, No. 1, of arietta, the following resolutions |ere unanimously adopted. Resolved, ist, That the most sineere heartfelt thanks of this Company | ami are tendered to Pioneer H. and No. 1, and Pioneer Keel Co., No. (urnl the officers of the Fire Depart- |mt, and to the citizens of Athens, for unusual kindness, attention and lurtedes shown us, on the occasion of [r recent visit to the Athens Tourna- ent, and that we will ever remember kr visit with grateful hearts and keen Wccintion. [Kesolvcd •>, AVe desire also that our jicerc thanks be, and are hereby ten- Iml, to (.apt. C. G. Talmadge, who M continuously and untiringly look- |g after our comfort and pleasure, and at we are deeply indebted to him for [mlierless courtesies. Resolved 3rd, That these resolutions |spread upon our minutes and copy panic be furnished Pioneer II. and L. No. 1 and Pioneer Reel Co., No. 5 | Athens. L. W. Wiggins, Foreman, ih Simpson. Secretary. Hood’s Sarsaparilla isra purely veget- |c preparation, being free from in- fious ingredients. It is peculiar in f curative power. the alleged shortage. the i trrest Is Thought of—A Case for Civil Courts. IVt'c.rsTA, May. 27.—The difference I'veen Kx-Viee President James U. [vkson and the Marietta and North mrgiarailroad is financial and if not Itled by eompromise will simply go in- I the civil courts. No arrest Is thought land no settlement between Jackson [Eager has been yet effected, and mat- I 8 remai, i in statu quo until J. B.Cum- l n »> Eager’s lawyer, returns from K York. are to l>e laid to substations, each of which will be. equipped with com pressed air engines, ariv ous qurreut dyuumps. The largest railway statiou in the world is the terminus station of the JPeninsular railway at Bombay, India, "at which an army of workmen were at work for ten years at miserable wages. It cost $19,000,000 all the same, however. Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy; and he that ris- eth late must trot ml day, and scarce overtake his business at night; while Laziness travels so slowly that Pov erty soon overtakes him.—B. Frank lin. Some tricky youngsters in Belfast, Me., put one of their number in the bottom of a bag, covered him with old iron, rags, etc., dragged the whole into a shop, had .the bag weigh ed aud were just settling with the man of the shop when the hidden boy sneezed and spoiled the trade. An important suit has been decided by the supreme court of Michigan; It was a suit against a life insurance company and originated at Adrian, The insured took his owu life by cut ting his throat, but was at the time deranged. The verdict in the lower court was against the insurance com pany and this verdict was sustained by the supreme court. In France it is proposed to have a law prohibiting the employment of boys and girls at night. Petitions for the passage of such a law ore being signed all over the country. ‘ This is opposed by many of the working class es, who complain that it would dimin ish the family income so that some of them could not support their children. At one of the cross roads -in Brazil, an idol carved from the wood of orange tree was placed for the Indians to worship. On one occasion it was noticed that an old red man omitted to perform this act of obeisance. On be ing commanded to kneel he stubborn ly replied: “No; I knew him when lie was an orange track" Mr. J. William Fosdick, a young ar tist of New York, has taken up sketch ing with red hot pokers, and some of his pictures are masterly. The lateT. Ball Hughes, of Boston, was a profi cient in this art forty years ago, and several of his productions are held to day in high repute. We assemble parliaments and coun cils to have the benefit of their col lected wisdom; but we necessarily have, at the same time, the inconven iences of their collected passions, pre judices and private interests. By the help of these, artful men overpower their wisdom, and dupe its posses sors ; and if we may judge by the acts, arrets and edicts, all tne world over, for regulating commerce, an assembly of great men are the greatest fools upon earth.—B. Franklin. The Largest Stock of Carriages, Spring and Farm Wagons in the South. Standard Wagon Company, H. L. ATWATER, Manager. 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 nod 47 4V. Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. Write for Prices., Fanufac urers of Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts, Spring and Farm Wagons. Goods to tlie Trade NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS- at Gome and See Us. General Agents for McLear & Kendall Fine Landans, Victorias, Rockaways, T. Carts, etc. Manufacturers’ Prices. P. O BOX 354' $25,000 Worth of Pianos and Organs Must be Closed Out by August I. New,Nearly New,and Prime Second-hand TAKEN IN EXCHANGE • and made new in onr repair factory. MUST SELL! Can’t hold them. Noi-oom. Cath Plica l JSacy Ten* I Write for Bargain Sheet. LU0DEN& BATES SAVANNAH,CA. NO iWOHEEYEjGLASSES MITCHELL’S lYE-SAL¥E A Certain, Safo, and Effective Bemedr for SORE, WEAK, a INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedness, & Nestor* ing tto Sight of the Old. ^ Cures Tear Drops, Granulations, Stys Tumors, Red Eyes, Hatted Eye Lashes, AID PRODCCHQ (JUICE RE LIE? ID) rOUUSEIT CUBS, Aisp, equally efficacious when nwl i 0AX,tra may be need to advantage. Bold br OH PrnsgUts at gs Cents. other sreo-l Die. u, J. TUCKER, Chronic ’Successfully alt Diseases. Chronic F. m ale Diseases. l.euconh/i-.i. Painful and Irregular M*ustra tion, J-npp rusion or Excessive ci srs, Prolap sus, Inflainniati«ti and U!c< ration of the w mb, w eak Back Nervous and leepless Nights, Shortness of Breath, Vertigo; Palpitation of the Heart, Sick and Nervous lit a <ache are perfect ly cured. Diseases of itlen. A large experience In treating diseases pecu liar to im-nlius enabled L*r. Tucker loperte ta system of fit at ment wkk-u never fulls to rlfec s cure, flios who arc sufferiug: with organic weakness in the lack, melancholy, impaired memory aud a general Slagging of a 1 tlm vital powers are speedily cured. * U letters are an wered in plain nivelopes. Treating Patients by Correspon dence. Nan- patients can he better treated that wav than by meeting the physician dbect Patten s should always give root]patten, history o', case and all symptoms, inclosing stamp for reply. ddress, w. j. Tucker, v. d.. 6-bw i> Marietta St., Atlanta. Ga. tS^'Mentlon this paper. Harness, Every Style and Variety; Whips and Lap Robes. 30 ooo Square Feet of Flooring covered • with Vehicles. Near Constitution and oppc sltc Maddox, Rucker & Co., a |Wo wish a few K| men to sell onr IRIle and retail trade. Wc are the largest Ip manufacturers In onr line. Enclose two- postal cards. Money advanced© Q (1(1 for wages, Advertising, ctc.UVlUU Co ”^ PER PAV| MOORE’S Business University, Contractors and Binders. — Manufacturers of and Dealers in— STANDARD GUANOS, Brick, Laths, Shingles,White Lead, Mixed Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Builders’ Hardware, Lime, Plaster Paris, and Cement. Scroll Work a Specialty. Atlanta, Ga., for a Thorough. Prsct i- c 11 hi neat ion. Hchoolrjof Ousuiok., Short Hand, and l’enm:«nsh:|>.. Tui tion reasonable. Ticio Short. micc<:*< _un ran teed. Business men supplied! witb ebmpetent assistants at short notice. W&~Stnd /or Circular». ft ftnr <1 -»i.r nni be ha* tim W L. Dong as Shoes without name and price I'ampcd oath •3 botbuuk, put hixa Uuwu tw ti iraud -ALSO* SASH. DOOR AND BLINDS. Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills at Northeastern depot. All orders promptly filled and estimates made. Office South street, near Jackson. P'oiuen are beginning to abandon pets, and it looks as though that p ie, like the bustle, must go. All r t,le country ladies’are substitu- j l,le forded waists, which are said r “Mltliyand vastly more comfort- r'' Bhyscians say the change is a r l 0ne > the artists are enthusi- pc 0Ver it. A charming dress for "«nv.m who discards her whale- l/i, ar . mour ,s the “Tallein” gown. I a in soft folds and conforms to ■'Biaint effects which are so much n' 1 *ii house toilets. An Able Lecture. , ge ^ • L- Hutching delivered yes- < la y afternoon, at 4 o’clock, in the mltling, an able and instructive ", r “ to the law class, on Equity, ecture was archaeological,didactic, ustive of the subject, technical; >uta graceful and pleasing man- ’ o , interspersed with wit and hu- and appropriate anecdotes. distinguished jurist was entirely , rom self-assertion; and was as ■f'j as a maiden with her first lover; r ‘}y ma n might he vain, surely » he; as he is the second of "ho have worn with s - v ft ml grace, the dignity judicial Er Schofield’s Iron Works. ■ Manufacturers of and Dealers in STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Presses, Iron and Brass Castings of any Pattern. A specialty of Shaftings, Pulleys, and Mill Gearing, Iron Pipes, Pipe Fittings, Brass Valves, Lubricators, Packing, Jet Pumps, and full line of Machin ists’ Supplies. Manufacturer’s agent for The* CCT,EitRATEn Hancock Inspumtoi OUR FACILITIES FOR BOILER BUILDING ARE UNEXCELLED. J. S. Schofield. Sc Son. MACON, GEOBOIA. New Source of Electricity. What may prove to be a most val uable discovery has been made by Professor Braun, of Tubingen. Jflith- erto it has been found impossible to transform mechanical work direct into electricity. Professor Braun has found that nickel wire developed the strongest currents by winding it mtoa spiral and connecting its ends with a delicate measuring apparatus (galvan- ometer). The pointer of the galvano- ig currents are created, the cur- flowing during the elongation of spiral in a direction opposite to had been strop rent the which the wire had been run through the draw plate, anticipations of the profes sor be fulfilled, the currents would spiral that in wl in its passage Should the ai I iiis To Whom It May Concern. 1 8 • ®* Ve n °tire to all parties b? ,fe ’ Mr8 ' houamia A. Yar- 4. “ts my consent and is lierebv * free dealer. W. H. Yarborough. tw A New Article of Food. At a recent meeting of the Paris Academy of Medicine, Dr. Dujardine- Beaumetz exhibited a new alimentary substance, which he named Fojnen- tine. It is obtained from wheat by the aid of special millstones, and is the embryo of the wheat reduced to' flour. It contains three times more nutri tious substance than meat and a large proportion of sugar. It Is thought it may advantageously replace powdered meat as a concentrated food. It ma; be employed for making soups, ant even for making biscuits.—Chieagt Tribuiae» THEO. MARKWALTER’S STEAM Marble and Granite Works. BROAD STREET, Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GA. Marble Work, Domestic and Imported, at Low Prices Georgia & South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty. A largo selection of Marblo end Granite Work always on hand, ready ter lettering and deliver Parties Desiring Monuments or Work Apply to AH DR# ROSS At Athens Cemetery. subject to SPA WORMS.bTa. SPASMS are most likely troubled with When children pick their nose, grind thdr teeth, are restless, unnatural in their appetite, they are quite likely troubled with Worms, prompt meas ures should be taken and IS. A.C’ahnestoclc’a Vermifuge be given them according to direc tions it has saved many a child from death and may-preserve yqur sweet child from an early grave MMHHliwiMlBWWOTIMlBIWIBilHIHiHWHMIBWinllWWW L. DOUGLAS SHOE GENTLEMEN. $3 SHOE FOR LADIES. 65.00 Gl&il INK O’SHOE. 64.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. POLICE AND FARMERS’SHOE. 1.50 EXTRA VALUE CAT/F SHOE. SHOES. FOR SALE BY W. C. & E. N. SNEAD, fl^WFNlc; <7 A Georgia Railroad Company. KTOUE MOUNTAIN ROUTE CfftcmGeneral UAkagkr. Aumista. Ga., April :2 l‘f9 Com- •ans-ua Tucsda* 231 instxrt. »br foll« » Ing schedules will be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian time: KMrx- LINE. Nc 7, WEST DAILY. 7:45i I be ii.iiii L*re Ansusta L’veWaah'gtn 1C;10 a. m L’veWash’gtn 7:20 a. m Ave Athens 11:40 a, m L’ve Athena 8.SO a m Ar’vo Win'v’e 8 45 a m “ Lexington- 9:06 a.m “ Antioch-.9:22 a.s> “ Maxeys 9:29 a. m •* WoodYille. 9:4S a.m A’TeWaeh*gtn 7:20 p.m •* Un. PL.... 9:15 L’ve Wssh’Ktn 4:20p.m Arr’ve Atlanta l.(«i" u Ar , v*Anaa , i» *.16n m Leave Atlauu 2.45 r m Arr’ve Athens 7 CO p.u Leave All>6ns S fO p rs Arr’e Winte’e 4 05 j m “ Lexingt’n.. 4-.26t n> *• Antfcct... 4:42 p.m ** Mexeya ... 4:49 t m •t Wocdvilie. 5.06 p xl Un.Pt 5:15p » SO 1. WEST DAILY. Leave Augusta.. 10:45am No I East gaily Lv. Atlanta... 8.00 a. n, “ Waahi’g’n .11:20 a.m “ Athene.... 8:35 aon “Winterr’o 9:22 a-m “Lex’gt’n.. 10:18 a.m 10:55 a,m 11:42 am Ar ye Athens, pan AWe U’nPt.. 11:56 a.m “ Atlanta. 6:45 p.m “ Maxeys .. 11:42 ••WoodvIUe U:561 “ Un. P’t.... 2:15 pwB “ WoodvIUe 2:36 t.n “ Maxeys... 3:08 p.a “ Antioch... 3:22 p.n “Lexington 4:03 p.n “ Winter* ve. 4:61 p.» 6:15 p.B Wash’gfn. 2^0 p.m Augusta. .. 8:36 p.n HQ. 8, WEST DALT. L’veAueusta 11:00 p m A’re Macon 7:50 a.m A’ve Atlanta. 6:80 a.1n- MO. 4.EAST DAII.Y. J? eAtlanta.. ll-15?.rr “ Macon.. 8 0i p xr Are Aurncta. 6 4S « v Trans Ncs. 27 and 28 aUl atop a' and receive passengers to and from th< following stations only: Gro retown, Karlen Hearing Thompson, Norwood, Barnett Craw fordviue, Union Point, Greensboro, Madisoi Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyerr LIthonfa. Stone Mountain and Decatur. Train No. 64 on Athens Branch gives pesssev gers for No 23 on main Use, 15 minutes Un supper at Harlem. Trains to and from Athena connect with trains 1 and 2. j. W. Green, E. R. Dorset, General manager. Gen’l Pass. Agent Joe W. White. Trav. Pass. Agent. It Leads I Others Follow THE LIGHT-RUNNING a DOMESTIC. 3 the “DOMESTIC” before purchasing; ex- nrnihc its Simple, vet splendid mechanism, ob serve its wonaerftuly simple set of attachments and notice the wide range of work, from the simplest and most practice kind executed, to the finest embroidery, as no other machine can do It. Agents wanted in unoccuplediterritory,. Address, Domestic Sewing Machine Company, RICHMOND, VA. »ug28-6m Ladies Po Your Own Dying at Home With PEERLESS DYES. They wfll dye everything. They are sold every where. Price 10 cents a package—* colors. They have no equal for strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages, or fo- Fastness <5 < olor, or non-Fading qualities. They do not crock or tut. For sale by G.w. Bush a to. wade & Sledge, E S. Lyndon, TO ADVERTISERS. A list Of lOOOne' .ND8F FREE. AND SECTIONS wspapers divided into STATE8 J will be r— - ■ sent on application— To those who want their advertising to pav, we can offer no better medium fer thorough and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWEL B & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 2)1-d%v 1m 10 Spruce Street N.v Woven Wire Fencing aWire Rope Selvage '800 TO S2 PER ROD? All cimv and widths. Gaieat. match. ScldbyusordedmS Otthla Hue of crooil*. FKKIGIfT PAIR. Information free. THE sSujMULLIIN WOVEN WIRE FEW CECIL. NoiTlIS A120 ,V. MnrlxcLSt., CMcago, XU- OBygmnimiHxianert •“ TolatndaMMrMH Md tkiMcUiag wol-f- »ill. teK> <U»«anlT, g. g; .$101 OurmaaitbcSco 7«Uf Oook Hat- Bjlcx fiMt 53s. The Print*** Outfit U niiwk »01J.OutStwo. P.OJttmi* WOULD: .Piso’s Rextesv foe Catabxuz gives immediate relief.. Catarrhal virus is soon expelled from the sys tem, and the diseased action of the mucous membrane is replaced by healthy secretions. The dose Is smolL One package contains • sufficient quantity for a long treatment. A Cold in the Head la relieved !rv an application of riso's remedy for Catarrh. The comfort to be got from it In this way is worth many time* its cost Easy and pleasant to use. Price, SO cents. Sold by druggists or sent by mr.ll. E. T. HAZKLxar? Warren, Pa. The BUYEUS’ GUIDE id issued March ard Bopi., . each year. It is an ehey- j clopodia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries cf tho * necessities of life. W# can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary aud unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, .fish, hunt, work, go to church, _ or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure cut what is required to do all theae things COMFORTABLY. aud you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS’ GUIDE, which wiii be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. IU. DETECTIVES men to act under ive, the official Wanted in every county. Shi instructions in our secret serv necessary. The International Detective, the official paper of theBnreau.contains exact likenesses of c rim? Inals wanted, and for whoso capture largo rewards are offered. Send 2c. stamp for particulars. Address, firaimn Detective BureauCo.44Ar«ide,Cincinnati,0. WE PAY ASEHTS •SMSST AND ALL KXPENbfiS. To travel or loot wor«; state which preferred, also salary wanted SLOaN ftC, Manufacturers, 294George street Cincinnati. O. ia-4 FOR MEW ONLY! A PJKITfyF Per LOST c.-TAILING MANHOOD.- M rliOl IIVC General and NERVOUS DEBIMTSt f!TTT? Y! Weakness of Body and Mind: Effects «-* AvAl of Errors or Excess** in Old or Youn» Haliu.t, Sobto XI lXlfOOD fu!!» Keviorwl. Ucvr to Eslsiye aa3 Blrengtlieo WKAK.CSDnmDMD OK'JAXS k PAKTa of BODY. Abjoiui.lT a»!*!!!„* IIOSK IUEAinE5T-P.»»BU tn a dsy. Hen trsliiy from 41 £<»;«•«. li.-ritoHn, and Foreign Ccnnlrlefc touejn wrftotk.-J.. Book, full osr.’jnstlon, miA \.n>*U ERIE MfAlCAL CS.. BUrfALO.II. L ———— —s- — Eczema, Itchy, Scaly Skin Diseases. The simple application of “Swavne’s tir"T ment,’ without any tnterual medicine, willcure any case of Tetter. Salt lilieum, Ringworm, piles, Itch Sjres, 1’iinpl s Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, uo matter itow obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effffcctive, and costs but rit ■ m