Banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1887-1889, November 27, 1887, Image 2
THE fcAttofift-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA., NOVEMBER, r} i8ty . rim.or the city or stums and COUNTIES OF CLARKE (ANO BANKS. “*VoYcKFROM THE MOUNTAINS. — The recent railroad meeting in l'rtnk- lin, N. C, was a gratifying evidence of the appreciation with which the moun tain people regard the proposed road from Athens to Knoxville. Tho senti ment in favor of a now road by tho pco- » the line is the best factor af ter all, in the construction of a road, ext to the favor with which tho enter- received is tho evident ability plo of Macon county, N. C. It fall of humbugs, and that remedy that disproves this charge la a Ood-aend to humanity. B. B. B. haa never failed, and that ought to count aomethlng tp him who wants to be cured of what B B B sets itself up to cure. Utterly Surprised I ■ Meridian, Miss, July 1887. For a nombor of years I have suffered untold agony from the effects of blood poison. I had mycase treated by several prominent physicians, but received but little, if any, relief. I rearetad to all sorts of patent medicines, spending a large mr****-' TO THE FARMERS I You trill Save Money and-get Better Goods by Buying your of the pe„p, of Macon county N. C J™ u-aod of Behan county, Georgia, to aid t, u,, excellent quality of B B B. I B, and I commenced taking Jt mtrely as • loot m myself —all ow- practically and promptly in its construc tion. These people are all allied to Athens hy past commercial relations Some of the best business that Atlions has ever commanded has been tho moun tain trade, and aomo of our staunchest men have come w> the city from that serimn of the country. But sinca then mountains hare grown and the coin merejal lines hare been changed. New! ! roads here turned the traffic the other way, and the apple wagona no longerl represontan isolated or primitiro people. Although notycl in actual communica tion with tho world by rail, aoreral am bitious cities are surveying railroads through the Cumberland,and tho country has taken on vigorous growth with ell the evideneee of a now civilisation. School houses with tho lstcst improvements, show that the peoplo ere alive to the best blessings of the new era, while handiome churches ami Wi ll tilled stores picture % morel and a thrifty population. Thla is true in Franklin and in Itabun; tho people are ripe for a railroad,and more than anxious that Athens should be the first city to pierce the mountains and reach the coal and grain fields of Knoxville^^^^^m Our local columns leave no doubt that the advantages of the Athens route were given by Hon. H. H. Carlton in the .meat convincing way. Heia well kaown in that section end commands, os few oth er man do,tbe confidence and idmfration of Urn people. His masterly work in be half of the Northeastern Railroad of I Georgia, in its infancy, Is remembered v hr the people of Northeast Georgia, and it is but a natural and logical sequence that his efforts should be directed now for tho extension through Rtbun Gap to Knoxville. Wo congratulate Dr. Carl- tonaud Hon. W. B. Thornes upon the recoptionof this railroad enterprise by the people of Northeast Georgia end Western North Caroline. It will be a tiright day for Athene when this toed is| built THE SCHOOL TRUSTEE. Tho now amendment to thu school law | of Athens provides that one member of the publio school board shall be elected by tho city at large in the seme manner, and at the seme time as the municipal officers. In iccordanco with that re quirement tbs qualified voters of Athene will vote for e school eommieeioner on Wednesday, December 7th, at the same time that they ballot for mayor and mem. hers of the oily council. This is e very important matter, tod we trust that our peoplo will guard tho board with jealous care. Now that our school system is in its infancy, it should command the best ability and ths utmost conservatism and strength in its management. It is mak inga record from which its value will lie teste,1, and upon which its success or failure wilt be Judged. Daring this crit ical time we would regret to see e polit ical issue drawn, or an unseemly scram ble of any kind prevail over this office. Our people, without regard to color, are vitally interested in the success of the public schools. They ere objects of pride and satisfaction to this commu nity and in this election la well succeeding contests, we truet cars and good judgment will prevail inthe eelec- lion of men to 1111 the piece of the trus tee at large, as well as succeeding va cancies which must be filled by popu lar vote. The decision of the city attor ney declaring the provisions of the amendment not to be retroactive will give the present status of this board the least possible disturbance and will intro duce tho newjorder of things quietly and gaadually. Whatever may be the opim ion of the policy of the change, this is the best way to introduce it. not commend it ton highly to those euf- feriog from blood poisTon. JO Grasow, Trainman M.AO.B. B. Attmr Twenty Yrar*. Baltimore, April 20, 1886.—For o?er 20 jroara I hare been troubled with ul cerated bowel* and bleeding piles, and grew re,ry weak and thin from constant loss of blood. 1 bare used tour bottle* of B. B. B. and hare gained 15 pounds in weight, and feel better in general health than I hare for ten years. 1 recommend jour B B B aa the beat medicine I bare over used, and owe tnj improvement to the uae of Botanic Blood Balm. Eugenus A Smith, 818 Exeter at. Dawson, Ga., Juno 30^ 1887.—Being i old man and suffering from general debilitj snd rheumatism of the Joints of the shoulders, 1 found difficult/ in at tending to m/ business, that of a lawyer, until I bought and used Art bottles of B B B, Botanic Blood Balm, of Mr T 0 Jones, of J K Irwin & Son, snd my gen eral health ia improved, and the rheu matism left me. I believe it to be a good medicine. J H Laino. All who desire full information about the cauae and cure of blood poisons, scrofula and scrofulous swellings, ulcers, sores, rheumatism, kidney complaints, catarrh, etc., can securo by mail, free, a copy of our 32-page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most won derful and startling proof ever before known. Address, Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. LUKION ELIXin. -OF BALDWIN & FLEMING. ATHENS, GEORGIA TOWN CLOCKS. Phil.dclphie is coming to time by hav ing the largest clock in America put Into the tower of its publie building. The dial will bo twenty five feet in diameter, end will be iDumineted by electricity. The minute hand wlU he twelve feet long end the hour hand nine feet. The aiae of the Roman figurta on the dial wiU be two feet in length. A atcam en gine will bo placed In the tower to wind [the clock up. it will take one year to place the clock, with all its macbini in th. tower, ready for running. Th. bell for tho clock will weigh 25,000 1 it is calculated will be dis- ■ it strikes out the hourr, (distant parts of the city. There I will be chime bells attached, that Iriag out the quarters, balrta and i hours. The bell will be S Mat heaviest on thu continent. The t ie ia the cathedral in Montreal, i 16,000 pounds. We don't t of these di- ,bat s-sut a six A pleasant lemon drink, that poai. vely cures ail Billiousiieaa, Constipa tion, Indigestion, ifeadauhe. Malaria, Kidney.Disease, Dizziness, Lossot Ap petite, Fevers, Chills, Blotches, Pirn- plus, Pain in the Chest or Back, Palpi tation of the Heart, and all other die- eases caused by a disordered liver, tomanh and kidneys, the first greet ease of ell fetal dl-casee., GO cents and I per bottle. Sol I by druggists. Pre pared by H. Mozley,M. D.,Atlanta, Ge. Lemon Hot Drops Cure nil Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia end all Throat end Lung diseases. Price 25 cents. Bold by druggists. Prepared by Dr. H. Mosley, Atlanta, be, Col. Allred Writes, I am In my aevtaty-lhlrd year, and lor forty-five years of that time I have been e greet sufferer from indlgration constipation end bllllonsnese. I have tried all the remedies advertised for three diseases and I got no permanent relief About one veer ago I new much worse, tbe disease assuming * more severe end dangerous form. I be came very week end lost flesh rapidly, until In November 1 commenced uslni • Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir. I gainei twelve pounds In three months, my strength and health, mv appetite end digestion were perfectly restored, nod I now feel aa young and vigorous aa I ever did In my life. - L. J. Allmd. Jasper, Us., March 5,1887. To Dr. H. Mosley. Atlanta. Go. A strong gsdoreeauat. BtlU they qorne aud all In the highest praise. Office Piedmont M'fg Co., Piedmont, S. C.—Mesa. Westmoreland Bros,: Nearly two years ago I' contracted malaria Into my system, end naff'red greatly from time to time (rota It In various forme In wbloh It develop* * Sometimes had severe chills end feva —indigestion followed It. aod I was ga orally out o' health. Inst spring I more then two months 1 wee greatly troubled with s disordered condition of tho bowels, which 1 believe wae tbe re aoltol tbe malaria etlli existing in my system. I visited two or throe mineral springs celebrated for the cure of mala rial dlsesVsa, without the slightest benefit. 1 was also treated so the differ ent symptoms developed by the most •kllllul physicians, but was not reliev'd. About two montbi ago, I concluded to ITT Cal Ulya Tunic, prepared by Wuet- orv vanaaja i«a , p moreland Bra*., flat bad littla corfidence of being materially benefited by it. 1 have Ism- fivw or six hollies of th* Tonic—frees th* begbialag I felt relief end con tinned to Improve, until now I feel quite aa wail ana taw perfect health asf ever ..Id In my life, and 1 believe I am perfectly well, H. P. HAMMETT, President. The effects ot m .Uria la the system It n herd thing to eradicate, bat wll promptly yield to tb* woaderful end sovereign reui-’y, Weetmoreltad’a Oallaaya Tonic. Try It, Try Dr. Duae’a Anti Bilious Wafers with Toaio II BTious. For sale by nil Druggist at (MX) a bottle* B. T. BRUMBY k CO. Wholesale Agents, Atheue, Ge. Many reeplt genus to Take Ced Liver Oil on account of ite unpleasant taste. Thu difficulty haa been over- eotns In Scout Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Uyponhosphltee. It being at palatable as milk, and the moat valuable remedy known for the treatmentof Con sumption. Scrofula and Bronchitic. Gen eral Debility. Wasting Diseases of Chil dren, Chronic Coughs aud Colds, baa caused physicians In all parte or tho world to uae It. Physicians report our little patients take It with ^lraeure. Try Scott's Emulsion, andboooheiheed. Dr. Thawte Ball, Holly Creak, Ga., says: "I am using Scott’s Emulsion In the case of a liUle child one year old, wasting away, and It lg Improving feet. Cramped riaaacully. Cramped financially ha* DO speedy relier, but cramped ia the bowels beo a relief in the use of Dr. BiggerF Haekle- borry Cordial, tbe great specific for all bowel troubles and children leithlag. CMlSrea Dying, At thla season of the year, when warm tvs followed by oool nights, end the tine of fruit and vegetables effecting e bear ol so many children GUNS! The Largest and Best Selected Stock of GUNS Ever seen in Athens, it will pay yon to see us before buying. T. FLEMING&SON. Southern Mutual Insurance Gjsioany Athens, Georgia. Resident Directors - Tone L. O. Haw* "tnoi Tnowaa Jon K. Hbwtoi, L. H cuizormae, PxaoixaxD Fsanrx, U Qtvam, HaieeLueSvansT. towseo fi. Lvwnor, Ktnres K Kuvss I. A- Btnoneurr. IWAST A 0 TO SELL THU which utm labor ud etoUUoc apormoualjr. Sample on two tossks* trial on Hbwoltscmaa BARBER SHOT. DAVIS & HARRIS. ■ext Door to University Bank. Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours. novOOdlr. DAVIS A HARRIS. EUGENEJBRYD1E. Levi Walker and Jas. H. Young, BARBER SHOP, Wall lt„ Albans, Ga. S E E CH AS. SCUDDERS EXHIBIT OF KERA M ICS COAL, COAL. MONTEVALLO, GLEN MARY, Coal creek. POPLAR CREEK, SODDY. Orders filled promptly, end meet com petition from any quarter. Telephone No. 45, or hand your order to W, C. Orr, at Hodgson’s store. ORR & HUNTER, ICE CREAM! If you wsat something nfc<csll on C. BODE, Ftar ho has always on hand fmh Bread, Cakes, Candies.Gonfecionerles. Also loo Cream of nil sorts «ach u Tutti* Fruit- is MspollUn, Chocolate, Vanilla, Lime*, Straw- bery and Haow Flaks Cream*; alao Roman Punch Orange and Pine Apple, and Lemon Bhuberti made to order at 0. BODK, • Neal door to tbe Poet Office. marchlSdti, -AN ELEGANT LINE OF- DRESS GOODS, SILKS & TRIMMINGS CARPETS, SHADES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. M. MIEIS i Cl SHOES- FOR EVERYBODY '•SHOES. CLOTHING, HATS AND ' UNDERWEAR. Our Slock ie Complete and Worthy of Impaction. Don’t Fail to See oar Display of FANCY GOODS At Drag Store Opposite Post Office, JOHN CRAWFORD & CO., DRUG S . A TB E N COTTON SEED PURCHASED IN ANV QUANTITY. “ HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID AT ALL TIMES. Cotton Seed Meal Allowed in Exchange if Profened. MOSS & THOMAS .COTTON FACTORS, 4TRS1, - - - • - ■ . • - dlOMl Cotton sold on commission, and liberal advance! made on consignment, •epto-i.vwjm. MOSS k THOMAS. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE — ■Mg For aalo by W. 0. * B. N. SNEAD Athena. Ga. Iune27d*wly. FOR ALE 1 very fowj, W|U)|TOBD g, u „ a pot. FOR SALE. o2sJt%"si. tffvussr'SSFZ ^ 101 /•’fTiLUVouD. A BARGAIN. fe&AASS fiUSVlB Farmers in Northeast Georgia arc at Work Planting SEED WHEAT , • it iacd by Mr. Ferdinand Phinlzy and lor 'ale at O’FARHELL & HODGSON’S, REAVES WAREHOUSE CO. UNEXCELLED FACILITIES FOR HANDLING CO T TON. Liberal Advances Made on Cotton in Warehouse. THIS HOUSE HANDLED 40,000 BALE8 UST YEAR. sep'23l*w3n A. R. ROBERTSON, Manufacturer and fmi»orUr of Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stool of finished Granite and Marble Moonuments ready for lettering la'gre'ock or near llthogrephio designs to select from. Also agent for fron n-'ing for Gr ve Lots. Call and get my prices. Ol.q-ryd&w A. It ROBERTSON, Athens. G«. PLUMBING. el*' HULL & HIPKINS, ATHENS, GA. ‘ GRIFFITH & MELL, INSURANCE AGENTS Represent best Companies and Insure Desirable Pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most lavorable terms. LIST OF COMPANIES. CAPITAL. ASSETS Home Of New York 4:1000.000 47.*02.711 Pbrenlx of Hartford,. 2.000.000 4 703 V2S Liverpool and bunion and Gl-ilx) £2 000 000 in U S. U.639 7.S0 North British and Mercantile £2 OOn.OOO in U.S. 3.37H.77-I Insurance On. of Norih America, 3I00WKI s 414.852 New York Underwriters 1.300 000 8 b6»;308 Germania of New York 1.000.000 2.50C774 Hartford of Conn 1.250.0<K) 5 055.741- Georgia Home 300 000 733.505 Atlanta Home (Pays Dividends lo Policy hol lers) 200.000 230.501 OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY,' nnd at W. D GRIFFETH'ii Rial Estate Office on College Avenue. fet.17.ltf. FOR SALE. "‘“’for S ALE. Bara Is a ekoBM to b«y A u«w 5 room hoMt oa College AYCDoa, '©od two room aervaMs htasv all newsoalogeodorder. Good netgblots ftnd A iply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, R, E« A* “just so: A Fine Firs iu Huh Grastf, FOR SALE ORBENT. I WI8H to toll, or rent, my entire farm I lo Bunks County, knownas the"Jack Freeman place.” Tbit farm contains 687M acres of good farming lends; 200 aorta fe in a good elate ot'— the remainder in old field plnea end Inal forest- On this farm ia a goal story dwelling bouse with ell necessary outbuilding* and also four tenant bouses. This firm 1» 6 miles East o' Harrooo' Grove audio miles Booth of Homer. 1 la convenlent to enureh, schools end millt, and la a reiy desirable place In every respect, I will rent this farm standing rent tor one year or longer, but would prefer to eell. • I will sell this place very cheap, lor rash, or on time with good security. For terms end full P * rtJC ° U '’- R.L.J.8» to Attorney tt Lew, Harmony Grove. Ge. Anewlei si r.ncy OwtLpmsIosC.sw,M.nlrare c.. i. 81.,[nr Bsxss, WSIsk Brsoas sod ItsUsn la see sad sursctlre Myles. The on Ths only plu* too 108112 BROTHERS CEUiRlTID PERFUMES, Th0|hN* Mtresoit toati^ e*o(i as the werkst. Hotasm MooUt W.oS- Cysteas LteUsost- ne> 'wadT LADIES! Tjic Jit « x»tt», via PEERLESS DYES TWf will 4jrt ereryiklDi Tort sold ffvffry whet*. Pries )OC- a pteLsm-so colon. Th»y hare o> equal for Mraogtb, Hriahtncaa, A moan I to POatafFS or tor Poatacaa of CoUr, or BOB-Cadiag ^-HjmoSor^,. ^r^a, —Mir. “ UNDERWEAR BAZAAR.” UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR i - - - - UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR I Now is the time to get your Underwear in Styles, Prices and Qualities, S. RAPHAEL & CO. ATHENS, GEORGIA. PfeaoBWffCMffnBlami rapidly aam>boUKiiagttaa4h<atta T»EATM£HT.-t3i Xcith, >3, Two g.q W. Ites. 11 HARRIS REMEDY CO^ f?ro Crracsn, BO&H if eT«BihBtr«*t,BT. Louth, ito. ‘of our Appliance. AoK for Termal SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIFHT. Will bo ffold OB Thanday, December Mb pros at tbe Depot of tb* N.B.B.B. ( Athens Os,, tb* following BBchUmca tratgbL tIs; COMBIONSB. AlTICLKS. w. L. Bykea, I Box Sundries, 8o«t hero Parmer, S Peed Caltata, . K. K Broaeb, 1 F re Fxtlngalxhcr, LSiVC* 8 '*- wnmt J. W. HABOIW, A xt. «. «.> H. Co PA I I BROTHERS. Dtcoraters and Dealers in Wall Padir. Athens, Georgia. tSlophoao 17-L 41 CUrton 8(1.0 BUYS AND SELLSl Orr & Hun ter W ILL buy an ! s II fuulcr during the season—any on* liaviu^ * good mule for oale or want* to buy should call odds. Also a lot cf second hand wagons ^sugffdtta^ OKB k HUNT**, R DISSOLUTION. firm of Toomer A Heseltun lies this day been dissolved by mutnsl con sent. Mr. J. B. Toomer who will con duct tbe Furniture end Sewing Mach ine business, assumes the liabllith-a of the old firm. All parties indebted’ id them wl|l make payment to him. Mr. D. P. Hazelton will open the Fianoand Organ business, that lalerest in the n d firm herring been transferred by Mr. Toomer lo Mr. Haselton. Each partner commends the other to tba public in their mrpetire |ince i f buslrfeas into which bntp eerry the good will or the old firm. They thank the public for past patronage end ask Its continuance, J. B. TOOMKR, „ D- P. HABKLTON, Athens, Oa. Nov. 5,1887 d4t. tP — n ... „ , u Al|»aU, Q». No pails oriieikntiatt l oa (WM nsw ffoand and ««|| i u - sw , Bf»s*a4rtr* 4 ““ ioi and kaaar^-lUHBCC L C.” _-’I m> •atirel, w *n