Banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 19, 1889, Image 2

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\ ! i ' ”4 mh o* Mint COOPER ton, P^pi^nmm, BISHOP POTTBR AGAIN. No adilrc**, within the memory of the firrsettt Rem*ration, ha* cafUed ho much comment, a* the noble centennial Her- tnon of Bishop Potter. It in instruc tive to observe the criticism* of t ie clergymen, and the politician*. Home tieiKI uwii4iiuwwieuj(0iiieir ignorance, by Maying, that they lpav«not rood it; intimate they do not intend to read it, and that it is probably not worth read ing. Such tucu may read beautiful moral essays, which wound no sensi- hiliticii, Ami do not reach the conscience, and cannot lead to reformation and nctlre Christian work* fa th* real end of preaehtng, or they nniy harangu< •twin! cause and effect, the Greek par ticles, objective andsubjective: but they will accomplish nothing. Divine Revelation was -wot given us for such purposes. Clergymen who do not fefid a good 3fetropo!itan Journal, and keep abreast of the current thought of the times, on all subjects, will never turn the multitude from evil. A great preacher lias said, !ii a sub stance; that many of his contempora ries are too polite to utter plain truths, or eveu to quote the Scripture properly. For Instance, says he, they observe, that the righteous shall go away into everlasting habitations; but the wicked, my brethren, will go to a place, which it would not tie polite to mention, in their presence! Burn up your iiiaiiuseript, says he, and travel on the I.oudou Omnibuses; read the. sad faces o( God's sorrowing ones; learn something of the sins and sufferings of the people; goto their homes; get near their hearts; their thoughts, their aims and their hojw-; and you will forget your metaphysics, and learn to apply the balm of Gilead to wounded hearts! Other clergymen when interviewed refused to express an opinion, which, in itself was disapproval. Many applauded and echoed the Hiahop’iif noble words, from their own pulpits. The time servers, and practical politl- elaiH, nil to a man disapproved. This was to be exacted; for to obey is to have clean bauds and a pure heart; to give up forever, nil indirectness and dishonesty; and to make restitution to men, and the government of nil that lias lieen dishonestly acquired; and hciicefortli to prefer to lie right, to be ing President. In the case of the men be fore the Bishop, the ap plication of the principles of bis ser mon, would probably have led to relin quishment of the government itself, into the bauds of the people, through whom it was obtained by ways that ate dark and tricks that are vain. Harrison has kicked away the ladder by which lie has risen to eminence. He has habitually spurned Dudley anil IJiiay. The excitement of the cam paign having subsided, he seems to lie heartily '.ashamed of himself. It would have Wen a s|>ectacle of the moral sublime such as the earth has scarcely ever witnessed, If pricked to the heart under the burning words of lit'* Bishop, he had stood up in the grand Cathedral, and relinquished the honors which were acquired by wickedness and fraud. We doubt not, that Harrison’s exalta tion is the greatest misfortune that ever befell him, and that Nemesis and the Furies will dog his steps and dis turb his dreams, for the remainder of life. It is hoped, that following the exam ple of the Bishop, the Press and the Pulpit too will call the attention of the |H>opie to their particular sins, and not to siu in general, not to grace in general, but to the evidence one gives of grace, by loving God and his utdghbor. It is righteousness that exalts a na tion. Nothing else can. We are fore doomed as a nation, if the corrption which now prevails, from the highest station to tile lowest, continues to lie sanctioned, condoned, and even up^ pla tided. ’•If there be a God above us, and that there Is, all nature cries aloud through all her works, He inusi delight in vir- ture, and that which he delights in,must be happy.” Mitt liooti tamed, stilt wMB to declare, that liis heart and thought w ere bent in one direction atone. 1 have told him at the table to-night, Arid ! feel im pelled by A sense of jtiltice to him to •ay It rnofre pttWifcly, that I learned to appteciate him. I will «*y in the presence of you, gentlemen, that in all the line of dhstlngubdied men who have filled that office, no man ever sat In that chair who, in the Judgment of a politi cal opponent (as I was), was ever ac tuated by more siagle-iniudeduess more exalted pttrjwoe to discharge duty to every citizen, every sect ion* and every Slate, than was Hutnerford B. Hayes. (Great applause].” PHARISAIC CANT. President Harrison’s very natural re fusal to drink a glass of wine, on a pub lic stand iu the street in the presence of a hundred thousand s|iectators, iijmhi the occasion of the Centennial parade in this city, has been seized upon by the Pharisees of Ids party, and by some really good but unsophisticated persons, a* “a grain! temperance lesson” ami a “brave rebuff to the rum power.” What utter r< t! If grim old Thomas Carlyle were alive in America to-day, «vcn his tremendous scorn of Cant would fail of expression, Is-,fore the ex amples afforded him in our politics and public life. If the zealots for reforming other people hud observed Hie chief table at the Centennial banquet, they would ‘ seen President Harrison drink his wine, like any other sensible gentlemen who has the courage of his custom* and does not drink behind the door and rant for teni|H>rance in public. It Is tills hypocrisy of the Pharisees, who raise corruption funds on week days, and go to church on Sundays; who “resolve” for high license in palatial club-houses where the wine-room is iintaxcd; who preach Prohibition for other (ample, to the popping of th**Ir own chainpagne bottles, and who stop the public's omnibuses on Sunday, though not their own carriages—it is this nauseating ami dishonest cant which bring- religion into reproach,and makes reform a byword.—New York- World. . f- •••• ’’ ' , • ' : ' ■ ' ... • - ’ : . V..;,, ----- - - ' _ Ji- - - . - . m MILVIBANNER.WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GEGfiQlA, ScNDAY, MaY 10, 1880. — — — ’ - ' ■■jimimin*nniraift CREAM Used by the United end Public Fowl Analysts, Hiking.Powder does notroateln * *,V • States Government Endorsed hy the heads of ths Great TTafrertUss ■ta, as ths Strongest Purest and most Healthful. J>r. Price's. Cream iron tain Ammonia, Lima or Ainm. Dr. Price's Dell done Flavoring Bx* Darts,"Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Bose, etc, do not eontain polaonous Oils or Chemicals PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Hex York. Chicago. 61. Lou’s. C- J. O’FARRELL. 9 MAURICE JANKOWER. Chancellor Boggs is tin* traction wherever lie g« iiian and a great cau»e mated.—Tribune of Rome center of nf- •*. A gieat are happily GORDON EULOGIZES HAYES. At a recent banquet in New York, given to the Governors, and other dis tinguished gueaU, just as Kx-Pretldent Hayes wis introduced to respond to a toast. Gov. Gordon arose and eulo gised Mr. Hayes in the following terms; it was my fortune to be in the United mates Heuate, when that memorable conteat between the distinguished New Yorker Mid the gentleman whose health we have Ja* Un&k waa being con ducted be fort the Congress of the^Tntted Htates. 1 was a very strong partisan of hi* opponent. I believed him to be fairly elected. 1 did not believe, when this distinguished gentleman was In augurated, that be could, under the circumstances, peculiar to that case, administer this government on the broad, iwaguanlypua plan. which *1 __ iMMdent of this great republic, laaw much of him, differing with him In many respect*, ^^^^^■NUSTANG LINIMENT ssaiiEswaBssr ’ stamsar •ate or Ohio, City oPToi.k no. Lucas Cornty, 8. S. Frank J. Cjiknjcy makes oath that is the senior partner of tile linn of F. J. Chkxky & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afor esaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE lllJXDKKD DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that can not boeured by the use of Hai.i.’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and suhsrrih- ed in my presence, this (itli day of De cember, A. D. ’HO . ^ f A. W. GLEASON. \ 8KAI..J * Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken menial ly and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial*, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Jpfl^Sold by Drug- gi^i, ;.k\ What a Time People formerly had, trying to swallow the old-fashioned pill with its fllin of magnesia vainly disguising its bitter ness ; and what a contrast to Ayer’s l’ills, that have been well called "med icated sugar-plums” —the only fear be ing that patients may lie tempted into taking too ninny at a dose. But the directions are plain and should be Strictly followed. J. T. Teller, M. P., of Clilttenango, N. Y., expresses exactly what hundreds have written at greater length. Ha says; •• Ayer’s Cathartic Pills are highly appreciated. They are perfect in form aud coating, aud their effects are all that the most careful physician could desire. They have supplanted all tho Pills formerly popular here, and I think It must be long before any other cau l>e luodo tliat will ut all compare with them. Those who buy your pills get full value for their money.” “Safe, pleasant, and certain in tliuir action,” is tho concise testimony of Pr. George E. Walker, of Martins ville, Virginia. •* Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prep arations. Th» public having once usad them, will have no others.” —Berry, Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. Ayer’s Pills, Prepared by Dr. J.C. A ycrlc Co., Lowell, Usee. Bold by all Dealers 1 JAMMER, Tie New Fiaite Store. Wc have an elegantly assorted stock of Parlor, Dining and Chamber Suits in all woods, styles, grades and coverings ; also odd pieces in endicss variety, all at ju ices never before heard of. Every lino of goods, through our immense Furni ture Establishment, is complete with the latest and best designs. Wc are sure to jrlcasc cveiy taste. 0TARRELL&JANKOWER 37, 39 and 41 Clayton Street. New Administration. FOR SALE. I j* Shares -Athens 8anogs bank'’ stock. er ROOM HOUSE and roomy lot anjas? mb O ^street, in gwd neighborhood, aud must bs 5 room nnusE and good garden t ' oiler* avenue 11.750 .1 SPLENDID UUJLD'NQ LOTS on L avenue, |70' and $800. n BOO 4 I OUHK oa Jackson street, good gar- l den and well for *1,a A 0 BOOM HOUSE and roomy lot on Btx er sL G OOD HOU»'E and p etljr lot, containing one acre out on Rock Spring avenue, b ust bs sold in the next s> days, and can be bo ght cheap. J-jESIRABLE BUILDING LOT on IIU1 vtreet 8PLKND1D BUILDING LOT on MUledgP avenue, containing 31-3 acres fcrn ACKK8 of level (surf, lying between the public mad. le ding V> Farraiugb a and "—“*i The r. and M. rallr.* • runs cor er of said trac'. Bald track of o one mile of the fouti House of fatkins>llle and will make a nice little farm »r any man aud cau be bought reasonable, by applying to \(/ater power, gin and grist (nr a bold \y stream wltb4 footfall; 25acres of land D the mill tract, »* acres ta high atate of culttva- tlnn, a nice new dwelling, containing 7 rooms, twrn r,r\d < .her out building*. os a public road, and only 4 miles from Athens, and can he nought for $t,uuo. J. T. ANDERSON. B E. A., No. 207 Broad street nigh Shoals through ‘ Is* TO PENT. Elevator mills at Northeastern depot. 2 3-room houses on Thomas street. ri'be larg- and pleasant r tldence. containing 1 it room* or more, with 2 servant houses and recently occupied, k own asTkeib.meSehoo. 6 hoom new houM and roomy lot ou Hr ad street close to iiulucss part of town. J.T *NDER80N, Beal Estate Agent NO. 207 BROAD STREET. Bank of the University. Depository of tho Stale of Georgia Capitol. %1«&.000. Deserve Fund «15.000 I. A. HUNNICUTT, rise dent. S. L. HRLK/bshfcr. JOSEPH GILLOm STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSmON-tfi70, THE MOST PEHFEOT OF PKNS : ud i Oasville: Bailrotd Northeastern Division, CONDENSED SUHEDUi.a IN EFFECT JUNE 24TH.1888. Trains nm by T5th M»-ii.nai»tlam. BETWEC** ATHENS AUii ATLANTA- _ . NO.M DAILY | 151 Kx da L«tsA*AW4S T4t^m| ...—™ ««P.» AFysAtUnia 12 noon | . t g-ib p, w . "•yerw^WTraiHA «n& wn mutt n... . f*u*J qx^ui.«ty Aiaeas ......f.— I f^p Ar. WiuhVton T0»a m.l 7s43p m. r, New York l gpni'... ... | t so aim Pullman Palace Buffet can from If tUTUI OB! UBT. ... by 7&tt> MetMian time-One kour faster than 90th Ifsridfan tims L. L. HcCLEH K XY. 4AS.L.TA tt.OIL Wt. Pwi. Ast oen. Pacs'r-Ag R BXKKLRY. Supcrlnterdant. Covington & Macon Railroad. I AcUBA>uliB CWTWted t° January as, NORTH BOUND. Lv Macon... Massey's Mill... Vaunuren.. . Roberts 7 0s i 7lo a i Tie a i Damns. Wayside Bound Oak. . HUIsImro. ... Gnus nr Id .. Minuets Munllccllo .. Mac lion, irarco ....... Godfrey Georgia Granite Works. CRAWFORD, GEORGIA. Building, Monumental, Street and House "Work, ami Stone in ilio llouj Specialty. Stone superior to any Sooth' of A beautiful specimen of the Granite from the Georgia Giauito Works can be seen at tho Banner-Watchman office. Any one wishing Monuments or any other kind of Stone Work, should address, Wm. Doyle, CRAWFORD GEORGIA. 1889. FOR SALE, Forty nice building lota on east side ut Barber 3B£j £'i?jk ,w aguTaja sr^ property. Aiptyto j. 8. Wn.i.irout>, FOR SALE The commodious •‘Wareboose," with several scree o* land at'ached, with a small rcaklen e and stable on tame. The properly lies on th- wQiJaw* »• FOR SALE. » acre# of level land on “old Augusta mad” four miles from the etty If not euld as a whole wfU be divided to saU port i “old An If not so ‘“^n-WBSSL Idt A (tor.H can be business, /pare mo- iVL uu - STEVENS' POTTERY, (Near MilleJgevillo, Qa.) VITRIFIED SAIiT-OT.AZE SEWER AND CULVERT PIPE. DRAIN TILE FOR DRYING LAND. FIRE CLAY PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR STOVE FLUES ANDCII1M KEY TOPS. GROUND FIRE CLAY. FIRE I5RICIC, ALL SHAPES. GRATE PRICK AND BORDERING FOR WALKS AND FOR HEARTHS. FLO WER POTS, URNS, STUMPS, ETC. QUALITY AND PRICE GUARANTEED. PROMPT ATTENTION, FAIR DEALING OUR MOTTO. Stevens Bros. & Co., STEVENS pomRY c fbfeiA. For gale by McGINTY & HUNNICUTT, Athens, Ga, A. E. GurriTn GRIFFITH &-MELL, INSURANCE AGENTS Represent best Companies and Insure desirable; pro. perty in Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms at Mitisfacih n ta ths >t OotiGft&a-a and levt. 1 i>rjeet1b« it mai I safe I’j rreoiumsiu. . all vuRbrtd 1. J. sfon’B. B.»s Oaeatvr, IIL PRICK. gl.Qg. inM h* “ iKgilt- Ladies Do Your Own Dying nt Home With PEERLESS DYES. They will dye everything. Thcyaresold every JlnjMlu r sale t hey do not crock t o. «. Kush *• o. H AUK & SLKIKlff, K 8. I.YNIKlR. DmggutSi Athens, Ga. FOR MEN ONLYi •positive sa&miMqft CUBB ni ImnwIxMiMili Old or Ywag •(•Ml, Sohta ■ AM 11 (HID Mir K-*t*rr4. M»* “4 Sj.-s-iC— w2is,rsi*rv*Loh(e uruavs » rARTS*f aoe;. ibwilulr «M%UW HORS TRKATRMT-l*.—Ot. ta m Uf. In ImUAtJMs 41 euiM, frrrHMta. m4 r-^«JrWM The Paper ON WHICH THIS IS P R I N T E D WAS MADE BY THE Pioneer Paper MANUFACTURING CO. ATHENS. - GEORGIA I.v Atlanta(i;Vr Lv Augima(Oa.r Mat I bom Farmington •. ■ Gould ... v utkliMville.. Whitehall .... r A thei s. Second Class. 7 0S p i 7+4 p l »20 p I 4 .’ 5 p m 5 42 p IU # an p m e ft P m •(Hlfrt-y Mhi’Iipn. Mxiiticcllo ...- Mlnnrta Gras*Hold ... Grays Morton Rob rt*. VanM ren haasry's Mill . l>»0 a in 1035 at ms p mlTasp ail 3 36 p i 6 45 p nil 1 00 P ml I oft P I 3b P oil 12 I • 47 pm I 2 . 4 0 p III 12 62 P 28 p m 438 p 4 62 p 6 00 p 515 p 5 23 p 111 2 OU p 01 Hpm 3 6 p in 3 4pm 3 pi 4 00 p li 4 Vi p i 4 34 p I 4 54 p * 6 24 p Ul . 5 3'. p Ul . 5 4 pm 600 plu . n-fckvasr PnpetntmUeaL Georgia Railroad Company. f rofi IC MOUNTAIN ROUTE. wan lucrl.ian tlaie: N< , WIITfl L’veW sah'gtn 10; 10 a. m L’veWMh'gtu 7:20 s. to A ve Athens 1140 a, m Ubeev 8 SO a m Win’v** 8 43 • b xlngton. 9 06 a.o> y.v2 s.1 WoodVTn# leave Atlanta 2.45 f m Arr'vv AilitUi 7 iu i •* la>av4 A then a 3 fft j B Ari'e Wints’e (lun . 5:22 S.IB * Msxeys ‘ YSoodvill*. 5 04 Uu. n 5:14 r. - WsfetiVia 7:20 pn • Uo. Pu ... 5:54 a.a L've W««ii\tu 4:20 f .m DAILY . WE PAY AGENTS W&HSr AND ALL KXPEN8K8. Tu travel orforloi wort; state which preferred, also salary want! 81.0 an * C »., Manufacturers. 2»4George street Inelnnatl. O.i“ * LIST OK COMPAXlffR. Homo of New York Phirnlx of Hartford Liver]tool and liOndon anJ Giol>o .... Insurance Company of North America North DtUUU and Mercantile Germania of New York Hartford ofConnccticut Georgia Home Atlanta Homo Savannah Fire and Marino New York Life Insurance Company ... CAPITAL. $3,000,000 2,000,000 £2,000,000 iu U. S. 3,000,000 , £2,000,000 tu U. S. T .000,000 1,250,000 3(10,060 200,000 200,000 (Mutual) ASSET* $8,061,067 5.0GL247 6,003,812 8.C9G,956 3,472,614 2,806,718 6,780.060 726,760 284,831 232,666 03,480,186 OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY, TO ADVERTISERS. 4 list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATUS AN!) SECTIONS wfifbe sent on appllcaUon- To tiu^e who want their adveftlstng to pay, we wja offer no better medium fer thorough and GKO. P. BOWKLS. A CO., Newspaper Advertising bureau, lm 10 Boruce Street N. T. E.R. SCHNEIDER, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. ESTABLISHED 1846, Tohn Fine Old Dublin Whi.key. D. McCallum & Co’» Fine Old Scotch \Vhi»key. London Dock Jamaica Rum. Fine Old St Croix Rum. Otard, Dupuy & Co’a Cognac Brandy. James Ilenncuy & Co’a Cognac Brandy. Planat & Co’a Cognac B r andy. Veuve Clicqugt Champagne—dry and rich. Due de Montebello Champagne—Carle Blanche. Geo. Goulet Champagne—extra dry. G II. Mumm &Co'a Champagne—extra dry and Verzenay. Moet & Chxndon Champagne—white aeaL Utbana Winea. California Grape Brandy, A Large Selected Stock of Ola Madeira!, Sheri las, Porta, Ctareti, and Rbfcc Winea f alto Pomeatic W inea of Sa perior Quality. California Clareti. Hoeki, Angelica, etc. Virgiaia- Seedling, North Carolina Scupperoong, Catawba, etc. 601 and 802 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga* C. BODE'S Has always m hand FRESH BREAD CAKE CONFECTIONARIES AIM tom* ratty to famish tb*pnbU* with Icb Cream by Plata or Galloi. Leave Augusta. .I0.< ” WashI’g'a. 11:2ft “ Ath«i«.... 5:161 “ '* Winterv • 9:22 ■ “Lex’gt’u.. 10:16 a. w "Antioch.. 10:55 a^n “ Maxeys .. 11:42 s.m '' Woodvlllft 11:66 p.taa A’ve U’n Ft.. 11:55 s.m " Atlanta. 5:45 p.m Setg*at ietly Lv.AUantd t.OOs. "• " Un. P*L... 2:15 pji " Woodville 3**5 i.m •• Maxeys... a ; «« p.m "Antioch... t:«2 p.ta "Lexington 440 pH " Winter* ve. 4:5! p.a trrt Athens.. 6:15 p.m " Wsth'gVn. 2M pA* " Aaymta... »:U p.m L*veAugasU 1I:0« u m A’rc Mscoa 7:50 a ■ A're Atlanta. 4:» TrftU-s Ntx WO. 4.SST l*iILT. Ar*e biiBih ft 45 < SLft 2ft »IU "P . «t »nd receive pueengere le an* from tho following etatJone only: Grevetowa, Henem pesrtnt Thnmpeon, Norwood, Barnett Craw < s.*». «ssr Lithoalft. Stone IfosnUlnxnd Decatnr. Train No. 54 on Athene Orsneh ctvea cut tea gers for No 23 on mala line, U nuantat f- n topper at Harlem. Traini to and from Athens renneet with train* t and 0. J. iv. aaaaa, E. It Do»kt, OeiKRl -mnatrr Otn'l I'ui. Arcot Jo« W. WHIT. Tr»Y. fau. -crut. ■ it Aianiiniiii n. uiitr Mini tweirie. ■ •o* MAl.f ll; U U abiolutel, jitwlill ajBftlU IffiAKWSS^SIffleiSSgSSSE kitKM tnancco. uoiu t .«t.c; n ci«mta Made to Order.alsoSherbets Bo sh, 0B9 vlsblna Cnanlbc PARTIES ORPIO-NIOft ^-WauM to «U UOn toi » wll. D. M. KENNEY, TM “Old MlaMw- to MB la Ike WUlMotiact tor btUMInci et ah Unda. an Sash, Doors and Blinds, MwiUtm. n-rtaarwiae; wa. a« Cheap as the Cheapest. Professional and Boshraxs Cards.. Gao. c. Tbomas. Jwo. J* Etbicklaep. THOMAS & STRICKLAND, ATTORNEYS. Annex*. Q] ~ k l j. smith; ATTOBBRY AND COUN8XLLOK AT LAW DANIELSVILLK, GEORGIA. In'saiftd taco i SKrSu Mctftl aukepromrt nm ■ prlrrs and cst* KKI.L t o.. ILLE.-TKNN